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Making Art

Lxam|ne the |mpact of med|a and processes on art works

Emmanuelle Baur Level 3 Art History Subm|tted: July 2013
1eacher: Madeline Campbell Ieedback: 12
August 2013

Starter: lresco wall palnLlng, oll palnLlng on canvas, panel alLarpleces LhaL lnclude egg Lempera palnL and gold-leaf embosslng, and marble sculpLlng or
bronze casLlng are key medla used Lo make arL works durlng Lhe lLallan 8enalssance. Lach medlum has a unlque process or serles of Lechnlcal sLeps used by
arLlsLs Lo produce arL works. 1hese Lypes of arL works were made ln llorence, 8ome, and venlce durlng Lhe LaLe 8enalssance and MannerlsL arLlsLlc perlods.
Lach medla and lLs assoclaLed processes have an lmpacL on Lhe sLyle and meanlng of Lhe compleLed arL works. SelecL work by Leonardo da vlncl, 8aphael,
8oLLlcelll, Mlchelangelo, 1lLlan, or onLormo for your sLudy.

kesu|t: Merit (mid range) * Formative result

Ieedback: Lmml, you have provlded evldence LhaL you have examlned ln-depLh Lhe connecLlons beLween Lhe lmpacL of
medla and processes on Lhe sLyle and meanlng of selecLed hlgh renalssance arLworks by Mlchelangelo, 8aphael and
8oLLlcelll. 1he lnformaLlon LhaL you've lncluded ls very good, buL Lhere needs Lo be more llnklng of medla and processes Lo
sLyle and meanlng, Lo demonsLraLe LhaL you undersLand 'percepLlvely'.
Next |earn|ng steps: lease make a shorL blbllography llsL aL Lhe boLLom of your Weebly page Lo acknowledge Lhe sources for
your lnformaLlon. Lxplore Lhe ldea of 'aLhos' as a means of expresslng Mary's 'peace and serene accepLance' of ChrlsL's
deaLh. Cne of Lhe unlque aspecLs of fresco ls Lhe speed aL whlch lL drles - Lhls forces arLlsLs Lo slmpllfy forms and reduce
deLall, and Lo palnL wlLh broad sweeplng brush-sLrokes, sulLable for very large mural-sLyle wall palnLlng. 1hls also meanL LhaL
colour could be bold, buL lacked vlbrancy. lresco ls parLlcularly sulLed Lo Lhe large, empLy walls of lLallan churches LhaL were
bullL ln response Lo lranclscan Leachlngs - Lhese churches were cheaper Lo bulld and aLLracLed Lhe 'everyday' lLallan worker,
sermons were preached ln lLallan raLher Lhan laLln, and arL was used as a vehlcle Lo Leach abouL blbllcal sLorles and Lo lnsplre
awe and falLh ln Cod - agaln, ln response Lo Lhe Leachlngs of SL lrancls. 1he frescoes on Lhe walls of Lhe vaLlcan SLanza
(rooms) are Lhe 'peak' of Lhls legacy. 1o lmprove your concluslon, compare Lhe effecLs of Lempera and fresco Lechnlques
brlefly, Lo emphasls Lhe 'lnLlmacy' and deLall of Lempera palnLlngs LhaL seem Lo lnvlLe Lhe vlewer Lo look closely, compared Lo
Lhe large scale narraLlves of frescoes lnLended Lo be vlewed by whole congregaLlons of worshlppers. ?ou may wlsh Lo add
furLher ldeas Lo your concluslon laLer ln Lhe year, as your undersLandlng of Lhls sub[ecL develops furLher.

AS9148S Lxam|ne the |mpact of med|a and processes on art works, |nterna||y assessed, vers|on 1, 4 cred|ts
Lmm|'s ev|dence |s gathered from - http:]]med|aandprocesses2013.weeb|y.com]emm|.htm|

Ach|evement Ach|evement w|th Mer|t Ach|evement w|th Lxce||ence
Lxamlne Lhe lmpacL of medla and
processes on arL works.
Lxamlne, ln depLh, Lhe lmpacL of medla and
processes on arL works.
Lxamlne, percepLlvely, Lhe lmpacL of medla
and processes on arL works.
1he !"#$%&" (#)*"+) compleLes ,
"%-./*"%! and a 0%%1/2 3%1!4"% .*5%
LhaL examlne Lhe lmpacL of medla and
processes on arL works from Lhe 6457
8%&*4!!*&(% +) 9*)/2 :+$%)&4!- uslng
supporLlng evldence.
1he !"#$%&" (#)*"+) compleLes , "%-./*"%!
and a 0%%1/2 3%1!4"% .*5% LhaL examlnes, ln
depLh Lhe lmpacL of medla and processes on
arL works from Lhe 6457 8%&*4!!*&(% +) 9*)/2
:+$%)&4!- uslng supporLlng evldence.
1he !"#$%&" (#)*"+) compleLes , "%-./*"%!
and a 0%%1/2 3%1!4"% .*5% LhaL examlnes,
percepLlvely, Lhe lmpacL of medla and
processes on arL works from Lhe 6457
8%&*4!!*&(% +) 9*)/2 :+$%)&4!- uslng
supporLlng evldence.
noLe: ';!!%!!-%&" <+) /%*)&4&5= uses format|ve feedback (what you've done so far, how we|| you've done |t, and what your next |earn|ng
steps are) to support you to ref|ect on and |mprove your ass|gnment work, to demonstrate "7% $%>%/+.-%&" +< 2+#) #&$%)!"*&$4&5
$#)4&5 "7% !(7++/ 2%*). ou w||| rece|ve a format|ve NCLA resu|t to |nd|cate progress to date, th|s |n|t|a| resu|t w||| be aded to your
schoo| resu|ts database. our 4&"%)&*//2 *!!%!!%$ ?@9; )%!#/"! 34// 1% <4&*/4!%$ A!#--*"4>% +) <4&*/ *!!%!!-%&"B *" "7% %&$ +< ?+>%-1%)
+< 2+#) 2%*) +< !"#$2C ou can cont|nue to add to your ass|gnment unt|| th|s date.

At Ach|evement |eve|, accepLable explanaLlons of Lhe lmpacL of medla and processes wlll demonsLraLe llnks beLween speclfled aspecLs of
Lhe medla and processes and speclfled sLyllsLlc aspecLs and meanlngs ln Lhe selecLed arL works. 8road, generallsed sLaLemenLs abouL Lhe
generlc effecLs of parLlcular medla or Lhe general characLerlsLlcs of sLyle, whlch are noL llnked Lo speclfled aspecLs of Lhe arL works, wlll noL
be sufflclenL Lo demonsLraLe undersLandlng of Lhe lmpacL of medla and processes aL Lhls level.

At Mer|t |eve|, deLalled explanaLlons wlll be apparenL ln expanded explanaLlons of Lhe connecLlons beLween speclfled aspecLs of medla and
processes and speclfled sLyllsLlc feaLures and meanlngs ln Lhe arL works, and Lhe lncluslon of relevanL deLalls such as perLlnenL reasons for
Lhese connecLlons.

At Lxce||ence |eve|, evaluaLlon wlll be apparenL ln Lhe comparaLlve dlscusslon of Lhe lmpacL of dlfferenL medla and processes on Lhe sLyles
and meanlngs of Lhe arL works. An approprlaLe evaluaLlon wlll lead Lo [usLlfled concluslons abouL Lhe llnks beLween parLlcular medla and
processes and Lhe sLyllsLlc effecLs and meanlngs ln arL. ercepLlon wlll be apparenL ln Lhe perLlnenL selecLlon of relevanL conLexLual
evldence used Lo supporL Lhe comparaLlve dlscusslon and concluslons.

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