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I am doing well with anatomy, such as, osteology (the study of bones), I
understand the cells and their functions, and I know the different types of tissue
and there purpose for the human body.

I learned most of the swedish massage techniques, such as, effleuage,
petrissage, rocking/ shaking, stroking and vibrations. I am able to apply these
techniques into a treatment plan for relaxation massage.

I can ask for proper concent, where the client is able to make an informative
decision if they would like to continue with the treatment or not.


I need to enhance my knowledge of pathologies massage therapist will be
treating and/or know when a massage technique should not be applied due to
the clients disease, condition, or illness.

I need to enhance my knowledge of applying techniques on clients who have
certain pathologies.

I need understand and know how to apply a client assessment, in order, to
make a logical sense why a client may be feeling his/her discomefort and/or

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Nov. 19/09 )     ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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