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Republic of the Philippines


G.R. No. 95322 March 1, 1993
TAN, Accused-Appellant
!R"#, J.:
The bo$ %as &etaine& fo' onl$ about th'ee hou's an& %as 'elease& even befo'e his pa'ents 'eceive& the
'anso( note )ut it spa%ne& a p'ot'acte& t'ial spannin* all of + $ea's an& le& to the conviction of the t%o
chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
The victi( %as En'ico Paulo ,*'a, %ho %as + $ea's ol& at the ti(e of the inci&ent in -uestion The accuse&
%e'e Pablito Do(asian an& Sa(son Tan, the latte' then a 'esi&ent ph$sician in the hospital o%ne& b$
En'ico.s pa'ents The$ %e'e 'ep'esente& b$ sepa'ate la%$e's at the t'ial an& file& sepa'ate b'iefs in this
appealchan'oblesvi'tuala%lib'a'$ chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
The evi&ence of the p'osecution sho%e& that in the (o'nin* of Ma'ch //, /0+1, %hile En'ico %as %al2in*
%ith a class(ate alon* Ro-ue st'eet in the poblacion of Lope3, 4ue3on, he %as app'oache& b$ a (an %ho
'e-ueste& his assistance in *ettin* his fathe'.s si*natu'e on a (e&ical ce'tificate En'ico a*'ee& to help an&
'o&e %ith the (an in a t'ic$cle to !alantipa$an, %he'e he %aite& outsi&e %hile the (an %ent into a buil&in*
to *et the ce'tificate En'ico beca(e app'ehensive an& sta'te& to c'$ %hen, instea& of ta2in* hi( to the
hospital, the (an fla**e& a (inibus an& fo'ce& hi( insi&e, hol&in* hi( fi'(l$ all the %hile The (an tol& hi(
to stop c'$in* o' he %oul& not be 'etu'ne& to his fathe' 5hen the$ ali*hte& at 6u(aca, the$ too2 anothe'
t'ic$cle, this ti(e boun& fo' the (unicipal buil&in* f'o( %he'e the$ %al2e& to the (a'2et He'e the (an
tal2e& to a 7eepne$ &'ive' an& han&e& hi( an envelope a&&'esse& to D' En'i-ue ,*'a, the bo$.s fathe' The
t%o then boa'&e& a t'ic$cle hea&e& fo' San Vicente, %ith the (an still fi'(l$ hol&in* En'ico, %ho continue&
c'$in* This a'ouse& the suspicion of the &'ive', ,le8an&e' 6'ate, %ho as2e& the (an about his 'elationship
%ith the bo$ The (an sai& he an& the bo$ %e'e b'othe's, (a2in* 6'ate &oubl$ suspicious because of the
ph$sical &iffe'ences bet%een the t%o an& the %i&e *ap bet%een thei' a*es 6'ate i((e&iatel$ 'epo'te& the
(atte' to t%o ba'an*a$ tanods %hen his passen*e's ali*hte& f'o( the t'ic$cle 6'ate an& the tanods %ent
afte' the t%o an& sa% the (an &'a**in* the bo$ Noticin* that the$ %e'e bein* pu'sue&, the (an tol& En'ico
to 'un fast as thei' pu'sue's (i*ht behea& the( So(eho%, the (an (ana*e& to escape, leavin* En'ico
behin& En'ico %as on his %a$ ho(e in a passen*e' 7eep %hen he (et his pa'ents, %ho %e'e 'i&in* in the
hospital a(bulance an& al'ea&$ loo2in* fo' hi(
chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
,t about /9:; in the afte'noon of the sa(e &a$, afte' En'ico.s 'etu'n, ,*'a 'eceive& an envelope containin* a
'anso( note The note &e(an&e& P/ (illion fo' the 'elease of En'ico an& %a'ne& that othe'%ise the bo$
%oul& be 2ille& ,*'a thou*ht the han&%'itin* in the note %as fa(ilia' ,fte' co(pa'in* it %ith so(e 'eco'&s
in the hospital, he *ave the note to the police, %hich 'efe''e& it to the N)I fo' e8a(ination
chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
The test sho%e& that it ba& been %'itten b$ D' Sa(son Tan
On the othe' han&, En'ico %as sho%n a fol&e'
of pictu'es in the police station so be coul& i&entif$ the (an %ho ha& &etaine& hi(, an& he pointe& to the
pictu'e of Pablito Do(asian
Do(asian an& Tan %e'e subse-uentl$ cha'*e& %ith the c'i(e of 2i&nappin*
%ith se'ious ille*al &etention in the Re*ional T'ial !ou't of 4ue3on
chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
The &efense of both accuse& %as &enial an& alibi Do(asian clai(e& that at the ti(e of the inci&ent he %as
%atchin* a (ah7on* *a(e in a f'ien&.s house an& late' %ent to an optical clinic %ith his %ife fo' the
'ef'action of his e$e*lasses

D' Tan fo' his pa't sai& he %as in Manila
chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
,fte' t'ial <u&*e En'ico , Lan3anas foun& both accuse& *uilt$ as cha'*e& an& sentence& the( to suffe' the
penalt$ of reclusion perpetua an& all accesso'$ penalties The$ %e'e also 'e-ui'e& to pa$ P1==,===== to D'
an& M's En'i-ue ,*'a as actual an& (o'al &a(a*es an& atto'ne$.s feeschan'oblesvi'tuala%lib'a'$ chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
In the p'esent appeal, the accuse&>appellants 'eite'ate thei' &enial of an$ pa'ticipation in the inci&ent in
-uestion The$ belittle the c'e&ibilit$ of the p'osecution %itnesses an& sub(it that thei' o%n %itnesses a'e
(o'e believable Tan specificall$ challen*es the fin&in*s of the N)I an& offe's ane% the opposite fin&in*s of
the P!?INP sho%in* that he %as not the %'ite' of the 'anso( note He (aintains that in an$ case, the c'i(e
alle*e& is not 2i&nappin* %ith se'ious ille*al &etention as no &etention in an enclosu'e %as involve& If at all,
it shoul& be &eno(inate& an& punishe& onl$ as *'ave coe'cion Finall$, both Do(asian an& Tan insist that
the'e is no basis fo' the fin&in* of a conspi'ac$ bet%een the( to (a2e the( c'i(inall$ liable in e-ual
&e*'eechan'oblesvi'tuala%lib'a'$ chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
Fi'st, on the c'e&ibilit$ of the %itnesses This is assesse& in the fi'st instance b$ the t'ial 7u&*e, %hose fin&in*
in this 'e*a'& is 'eceive& %ith (uch 'espect b$ the appellate cou't because of his oppo'tunit$ to &i'ectl$
obse've the &e(eano' of the %itnesses on the stan&chan'oblesvi'tuala%lib'a'$ chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
In the case at ba', <u&*e Lan3anas 'elie& heavil$ on the testi(on$ of the victi( hi(self, %ho positivel$
i&entifie& Do(asian as the pe'son %ho &etaine& hi( fo' th'ee hou's The t'ial cou't obse've& that the bo$
%as @st'ai*ht>fo'%a'&, natu'al an& consistent@ in the na''ation of his &etention The bo$.s naivete (a&e hi(
even (o'e believable Ti'so Fe''e'as, En'ico.s class(ate an& also his a*e, pointe& to Do(asian %ith e-ual
ce'taint$, as the (an %ho app'oache& En'ico %hen the$ %e'e %al2in* to*ethe' that (o'nin* of Ma'ch //,
/0+1 6'ate, the t'ic$cle &'ive' %ho suspecte& En'ico.s co(panion an& late' chase& hi(, %as also positive in
i&entif$in* Do(asian ,ll these th'ee %itnesses &i& not 2no% Do(asian until that sa(e (o'nin* an& coul&
have no ill (otive in testif$in* a*ainst hi( )$ cont'ast, Eu*enia ,*ta$, %ho testifie& fo' the &efense, can
ha'&l$ be consi&e'e& a &isinte'este& %itness because she a&(itte& she ha& 2no%n Do(asian fo' A
$ea'schan'oblesvi'tuala%lib'a'$ chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
The &efense as2s %h$ Do(asian openl$ too2 En'ico to seve'al public places if the intention %as to 2i&nap
an& &etain hi( That is fo' Do(asian hi(self to ans%e' 5e &o no have to p'obe the 'easons fo' the
i''ational con&uct of an accuse& The (o'e i(po'tant -uestion, as %e see it, is %h$ Do(asian &etaine&
En'ico in the fi'st place afte' p'eten&in* he nee&e& the bo$.s help That is also fo' Do(asian to e8plain ,s
fo' En'ico.s alle*e& %illin*ness to *o %ith Do(asian, this %as (anifeste& onl$ at the be*innin*, %hen he
believe& the (an since'el$ nee&e& his assistance )ut he %as soon &isabuse& His initial confi&ence *ave %a$
to fea' %hen Do(asian, afte' ta2in* hi( so fa' a%a$ f'o( the hospital %he'e he %as *oin*, 'est'aine& an&
th'eatene& hi( if he &i& not stop c'$in*chan'oblesvi'tuala%lib'a'$ chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
Do(asian.s alibi cannot stan& a*ainst his positive i&entification b$ En'ico, 6'ate an& Fe''e'as, let alone the
cont'a&ictions (a&e b$ his co''obo'atin* %itness, D' I'ene ,'*osino, 'e*a'&in* the ti(e he %as in the
optical clinic an& the (anne' of his pa$(ent fo' the 'ef'action
Tan.s alibi is not convincin* eithe' The
ci'cu(stance that he (a$ have been in Manila at the ti(e of the inci&ent &oes not p'ove that he coul& not
have %'itten the 'anso( note e8cept at that ti(echan'oblesvi'tuala%lib'a'$ chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
!once'nin* the note, Rule /A1, Section 11, of the Rules of !ou't p'ovi&es as follo%s9
The han&%'itin* of a pe'son (a$ be p'ove& b$ an$ %itness %ho believes it to be the
han&%'itin* of such pe'son an& has seen the pe'son %'ite, o' has seen %'itin*
pu'po'tin* to be his upon %hich the %itness has acte& o' been cha'*e& an& has thus
ac-ui'e& 2no%le&*e of the han&%'itin* of such pe'son Evi&ence 'espectin* the
han&%'itin* (a$ also be *iven b$ a co(pa'ison, (a&e b$ the %itness o' the cou't
%ith %'itin*s a&(itte& o' t'eate& as *enuine b$ the pa't$ a*ainst %ho( the
evi&ence is offe'e& o' p'ove& to be *enuine to the satisfaction of the 7u&*e
T%o e8pe't %itnesses %e'e p'esente& in the case at ba', one f'o( the N)I,
%ho opine& that the 'anso(
note an& the stan&a'& &ocu(ents %e'e %'itten b$ one an& the sa(e pe'son, an& anothe' f'o( the
%ho e8p'esse& a cont'a'$ conclusion The t'ial cou't chose to believe the N)I e8pe't because his
e8a(ination an& anal$sis @%as (o'e co(p'ehensive than the one con&ucte& b$ the P!?INP han&%'itin*
e8pe't, %ho vi'tuall$ li(ite& his 'eliance on the pe'ceive& si(ila'ities an& &issi(ila'ities in the patte'n an&
st$le of the %'itin*, the'eb$ &is'e*a'&in* the basic p'inciple in han&%'itin* i&entification that it is not the
fo'( alone no' an$one featu'e but 'athe' a co(bination of all the -ualities that i&entif$@ chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
5e have hel& that the value of the opinion of a han&%'itin* e8pe't &epen&s not upon his (e'e state(ents of
%hethe' a %'itin* is *enuine o' false, but upon the assistance he (a$ affo'& in pointin* out &istin*uishin*
(a'2s, cha'acte'istics an& &isc'epancies in an& bet%een *enuine an& false speci(ens of %'itin* %hich %oul&
o'&ina'il$ escape notice o' &etection f'o( an unp'actice& obse've'
The test of *enuineness ou*ht to be
the 'ese(blance, not the fo'(ation of lette's in so(e othe' speci(ens but to the *ene'al cha'acte' of
%'itin*, %hich is i(p'esse& on it as the involunta'$ an& unconscious 'esult
of constitution, habit o' othe' pe'(anent cou'se, an& is, the'efo'e itself pe'(anent
chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
P'esente& %ith the conflictin* opinions of the %itnesses in the case at ba', the !ou't feels that the scales
shoul& tilt in favo' of the p'osecution Si*nificantl$, the N)I opinion %as bolste'e& b$ the testi(on$ of ,*'a,
%ho believe& that the 'anso( note %as %'itten b$ Tan, %ith %hose han&%'itin* he %as fa(ilia' because the$
ha& been %o'2in* in the hospital fo' fou' $ea's an& he ha& seen that han&%'itin* eve'$ &a$ in Tan.s
p'esc'iptions an& &ail$ 'epo'ts
!esa' v San&i*anba$an
is not applicable because that case involve& a fo'*e'$ o' the
&elibe'ate imitation of anothe' pe'son.s si*natu'e In the case befo'e us, the'e %as in fact an effo't
to disguise the 'anso( note %'ite'.s pen(anship to p'event his &iscove'$chan'oblesvi'tuala%lib'a'$ chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
,s fo' the natu'e of the c'i(e co((itte&, ,'ticle 1BC of the Revise& Penal !o&e p'ovi&es as follo%s9
,'t 1BC Kidnapping and serious illegal detention > ,n$ p'ivate in&ivi&ual %ho shall
2i&nap o' &etain anothe', o' in an$ (anne' &ep'ive hi( of his libe't$, shall suffe' the
penalt$ ofreclusion perpetua to &eath9 chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
/ If the 2i&nappin* o' &etention shall have laste& (o'e than five &a$schan'oblesvi'tuala%lib'a'$ chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
1 If it shall have been co((itte& si(ulatin* public autho'it$chan'oblesvi'tuala%lib'a'$ chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
A If an$ se'ious ph$sical in7u'ies shall have been inflicte& upon the pe'son
2i&nappe& o' &etaine&D of if th'eats to 2ill hi( shall have been (a&echan'oblesvi'tuala%lib'a'$ chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
: If the pe'son 2i&nappe& o' &etaine& shall be a (ino', fe(ale o' a public
office'chan'oblesvi'tuala%lib'a'$ chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
The penalt$ shall be &eath %he'e the 2i&nappin* o' &etention %as co((itte& fo' the
pu'pose of e8to'tin* 'anso( f'o( the victi( o' an$ othe' pe'sonD even if none of
the ci'cu(stances above>(entione& %e'e p'esent in the co((ission of the offense
!ont'a'$ to Tan.s sub(ission, this c'i(e (a$ consist not onl$ in placin* a pe'son in an enclosu'e but also in
&etainin* hi( o' &ep'ivin* hi( in an$ (anne' of his libe't$
In the case at ba', it is note& that althou*h
the victi( %as not confine& in an enclosu'e, he %as &ep'ive& of his libe't$ %hen Do(asian 'est'aine& hi(
f'o( *oin* ho(e an& &'a**e& hi( fi'st into the (inibus that too2 the( to the (unicipal buil&in* in 6u(aca,
thence to the (a'2et an& then into the t'ic$cle boun& fo' San Vicente The &etention %as co((itte& b$
Do(asian, %ho %as a p'ivate in&ivi&ual, an& En'ico %as a (ino' at that ti(e The c'i(e clea'l$ co(es un&e'
Pa' : of the above>-uote& a'ticlechan'oblesvi'tuala%lib'a'$chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
Tan clai(s that the lo%e' cou't e''e& in not fin&in* that the sen&in* of the 'anso( note %as an i(possible
c'i(e %hich he sa$s is not punishable His 'eason is that the secon& pa'a*'aph of ,'ticle : of the Revise&
Penal !o&e p'ovi&es that c'i(inal liabilit$ shall be incu''e& @b$ an$ pe'son pe'fo'(in* an act %hich %oul& be
an offense a*ainst pe'sons o' p'ope't$, %e'e it not fo' the inhe'ent i(possibilit$ of its acco(plish(ent o' on
account of the e(plo$(ent of ina&e-uate o' ineffectual (eans@ ,s the c'i(e alle*e& is not a*ainst pe'sons
o' p'ope't$ but a*ainst libe't$, he a'*ues that it is not cove'e& b$ the sai& p'ovisionchan'oblesvi'tuala%lib'a'$ chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
Tan convenientl$ fo'*ets the fi'st pa'a*'aphs of the sa(e a'ticle, %hich clea'l$ applies to hi(, thus9
,'t : Criminal liability > !'i(inal liabilit$ shall be incu''e&9 chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
/ )$ an$ pe'son co((ittin* a felon$ EdelitoF althou*h the %'on*ful act &one be
&iffe'ent f'o( that %hich he inten&e&
888 888 888
Even befo'e the 'anso( note %as 'eceive&, the c'i(e of 2i&nappin* %ith se'ious ille*al &etention ha& al'ea&$
been co((itte& The act cannot be consi&e'e& an i(possible c'i(e because the'e %as no inhe'ent
i(p'obabilit$ of its acco(plish(ent o' the e(plo$(ent of ina&e-uate o' ineffective (eans The &elive'$ of
the 'anso( note afte' the 'escue of the victi( &i& not e8tin*uish the offense, %hich ha& al'ea&$ been
consu((ate& %hen Do(asian &ep'ive& En'ico of his libe't$ The sen&in* of the 'anso( note %oul& have ha&
the effect onl$ of inc'easin* the penalt$ to &eath un&e' the last pa'a*'aph of ,'ticle 1BC althou*h this too
%oul& not have been possible un&e' the ne% !onstitutionchan'oblesvi'tuala%lib'a'$ chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
On the issue of conspi'ac$, %e note fi'st that it e8ists %hen t%o o' (o'e pe'sons co(e to an a*'ee(ent
conce'nin* the co((ission of a felon$ an& &eci&e to co((it it, %hethe' the$ act th'ou*h ph$sical volition of
one o' all, p'ocee&in* seve'all$ o' collectivel$
chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
It is settle& that conspi'ac$ can be infe''e& f'o( an& p'oven b$ the acts of the accuse& the(selves %hen
sai& acts point to a 7oint pu'pose an& &esi*n, conce'te& action an& co((unit$ of inte'ests
In the instant
case, the t'ial cou't co''ectl$ hel& that conspi'ac$ %as p'ove& b$ the act of Do(asian in &etainin* En'icoD the
%'itin* of the 'anso( note b$ TanD an& its &elive'$ b$ Do(asian to ,*'a These acts %e'e co(ple(enta'$ to
each othe' an& *ea'e& to%a'& the attain(ent of the co((on ulti(ate ob7ective, viz, to e8to't the 'anso( of
P/ (illion in e8chan*e fo' En'ico.s lifechan'oblesvi'tuala%lib'a'$ chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
The (otive fo' the offense is not &ifficult to &iscove' ,cco'&in* to ,*'a, Tan app'oache& hi( si8 &a$s befo'e
the inci&ent happene& an& 'e-ueste& a loan of at least P/;,===== ,*'a sai& he ha& no fun&s at that
(o(ent an& Tan &i& not believe hi(, an*'il$ sa$in* that ,*'a coul& even 'aise a (illion pesos if he 'eall$
%ante& to help
The 'efusal obviousl$ t'i**e'e& the plan to 2i&nap En'ico an& &e(an& P/ (illion fo' his
'eleasechan'oblesvi'tuala%lib'a'$ chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
The constitutional issues 'aise& b$ Do(asian &o not affect the &ecision in this case His clai( that he %as
a''este& %ithout %a''ant an& then to'tu'e& an& hel& incommunicado to e8to't a confession f'o( hi( &oes
not vitiate his conviction He neve' *ave an$ confession ,s fo' the alle*ation that the sei3u'e of the
&ocu(ents use& fo' co(pa'ison %ith the 'anso( note %as (a&e %ithout a sea'ch %a''ant, it suffices to sa$
that such &ocu(ents %e'e ta2en b$ ,*'a hi(self an& not b$ the N)I a*ents o' othe' police autho'ities 5e
hel& in the case of People vs. Andre Marti,
that the )ill of Ri*hts cannot be invo2e& a*ainst acts of p'ivate
in&ivi&uals, bein* &i'ecte& onl$ a*ainst the *ove'n(ent an& its la%>enfo'ce(ent a*encies an& li(itation on
official actionchan'oblesvi'tuala%lib'a'$ chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
5e a'e satisfie& that Tan an& Do(asian, in conspi'ac$ %ith each othe', co((itte& the c'i(e of 2i&nappin* as
&efine& an& penali3e& un&e' ,'ticle 1BC of the Revise& Penal !o&e an& so &ese've the penalt$ i(pose& upon
the( b$ the t'ial cou'tchan'oblesvi'tuala%lib'a'$ chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
5HEREFORE, the appeale& &ecision is ,FFIRMED, %ith costs a*ainst the accuse&>appellantschan'oblesvi'tuala%lib'a'$ chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
Let a cop$ of this &ecision be sent to the !o((ission on Hu(an Ri*hts fo' investi*ation of the alle*e&
violation of the constitutional 'i*hts of Pablito Do(asianchan'oblesvi'tuala%lib'a'$ chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
6'iGo>,-uino, )ellosillo an& 4uiason, <<, concu'
/ Reco'&s, p /D Rollo, p //0chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
1 TSN, Dece(be' 1=, /0+A, pp A+>A0chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
A TSN, Nove(be' /:, /0+:, pp /C>1+D AB>ACchan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
: TSN, Septe(be' 1+, /0+1, pp A;>ABchan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
; TSN, Nove(be' /:, /0+:, p AAchan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
B Reco'&s, p /11chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
C TSN, <anua'$ 10, /0+C, pp :>0chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
+ TSN, <une 11, /0+0, p :chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
0 TSN, Nove(be' /A, /0+B, pp C>0D pp 11>1Achan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
/= TSN, Septe(be' 1+, /0+1, pp A;>ABchan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
// TSN, <ul$ /0, /0+0, p A;chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
/1 ,lcos v I,!, /B1 S!R, +1Achan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
/A ,lcos v I,!, /B1 S!R, +1A, citing Mo'an, !o((ents on Rules of !ou't, :A: HNolasco e&, /0+=Dalso
see People v )ustos, :; Phil 0 E/0+AFIchan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
/: TSN, Nove(be' /:, /0+:, pp /0>1/chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
/; /A: S!R, /=;chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
/B People v !'isosto(o, :B Phil CC;chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
/C People v Ma'anion, /00 S!R, :1/chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
/+ People v )ausin*, /00 S!R, A;;chan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
/0 TSN, Nove(be' /:, /0+:, pp ::>:Cchan'obles vi'tual la% lib'a'$
1= /0A S!R, ;C
Case digest
Republic of the Philippines
G.R. No. L-21014 August 14, 1965
PHILIPPINE FARING C!RP!RA"I!N, L"#., $e%$ese&ted i& t'is a(tio& )* FL!R R. RAIR!,
ALE+AN#R! LLAN!,, E" AL., defendants-appellees.
R. P. Sarandi and Eustaquio Bumanglag for plaintiff-appellant.
Angel Sison for defendants-appellees.
-ENG.!N, +.P., J.:
Philippine Farming Corporation, Ltd. (Hawaii e!e"#ted on $#l% &&, &'(), an indent#re of sale p#rporting to transfer
ownership of a *,+), s-#are meter par"el of land sit#ated in .ina/eros 0ala1on, 2i3al, "overed 1% .ransfer Certifi"ate
of .itle No. &(4*, to 0an#el 2amos, 5ominador Llanos and $#liana Andrada, for P6),))).)). As a res#lt thereof the
aforesaid 1#%ers were s#1se-#entl% iss#ed 1% the 2egister of 5eeds of 2i3al .ransfer Certifi"ate of .itle No. &'7*4
"overing said par"el of land.
Philippine Farming Corporation, Ltd. (Philippines, a distin"t "orporation from its aforementioned namesa8e, filed in
A#g#st &'() in the Co#rt of First 9nstan"e of 2i3al a s#it do"8eted as Civil Case No. &7)' to ann#l and de"lare n#ll
and void the indent#re of sale aforestated as well as to "an"el .C. No. &'7*4 in the 1#%ers: name and reinstate .C.
&(4*, allegedl% in plaintiff:s name. .he parties-defendants were; Ale/andro Llanos, A-#ilino <ali3a, Antonio Ba"ilio,
5ionisio =#into, Andres Ba!a (who all signed the sale as 5ire"tors of Philippine Farming Corporation, Ltd.
>Hawaii?@ 0an#el 2amos, 5ominador Llanos, $#liana P. Andrada (the 1#%ers@ and the 2egister of 5eeds of 2i3al.
An Beptem1er 7', &'(), however, Philippine Farming Corporation, Ltd. (Philippines moved to dismiss its "omplaint
in said Civil Case No. &7)' stating as reason therefor the settlement of the "ase. 5efendants "on"#rred to said motion
and the "o#rt dismissed the "omplaint.
Philippine Farming Corporation, Ltd. (Philippines later so#ght to withdraw its motion to dismiss and to ann#l the
order of dismissal, alleging de"eit on the part of the defendants. Btill later, however, it moved that its motion for
withdrawal 1e itself "onsidered withdrawn, and the "o#rt granted said last motion on Novem1er 7), &'().
An 0a% 4, &'(&, Philippine Farming Corporation, Ltd. (Philippines filed an a"tion in the Co#rt of First 9nstan"e of
2i3al, do"8eted as Civil Case No. &*6', against the same defendants as in Civil Case No. &7)', li8ewise to de"lare the
same indent#re of sale n#ll and void and to "an"el .ransfer Certifi"ate of .itle No. &'7*4. .he "o#rt dismissed this
se"ond s#it on Novem1er 7+, &'(& for 1eing res judicata. A motion for re"onsideration was denied on Fe1r#ar% &',
Bometime in &',) Philippine Farming Corporation, Ltd. (Philippines filed the present s#it in the Co#rt of First
9nstan"e of 2i3al, do"8eted therein as Civil Case No. ,677, to de"lare the same indent#re of sale n#ll and void, to
"an"el .ransfer Certifi"ate of .itle No. &'7*4 in the 1#%ers: name, and to de"lare n#ll and void a "ertain mortgage
e!e"#ted 1% the 1#%ers on Novem1er &, &'(), as well as the s#1se-#ent fore"los#re sale on said mortgage. Ale/andro
Llanos, 0an#el 2amos, 5ominador Llanos, $#liana Andrada assisted 1% her h#s1and Honofre Andrada, the 2egister
of 5eeds of 2i3al C all of whom were defendants in the previo#s s#its C were again impleaded as defendants.
F#rthermore, the following were also in"l#ded as defendants; Estate of Florentino P. B#an, Philippine 2a11it B#s
Lines, 9n". (as p#r"hasers of the right to redeem in the fore"los#re sale and Philippine B#ret% and 9ns#ran"e Co., 9n".
(as mortgagee.
5efendants filed separate motions to dismiss raising the gro#nd of res judicata. An $an#ar% 6), &',7, the "o#rt
dismissed the "omplaint on the gro#nd of res /#di"ata. Plaintiff appealed to this Co#rt on the sole iss#e of whether its
present "omplaint is 1arred 1% res judicata.
.he re-#isites for res judicata are; (& "o#rt of "ompetent /#risdi"tion@ (7 final /#dgment or order on the merits@ and
(6 identities of parties, s#1/e"t matter, and "a#se of a"tion (Ban 5iego v. Calderon, +) Phil. 74&, 746.
.he Co#rt of First 9nstan"e of 2i3al "learl% had "ompetent /#risdi"tion in Civil Case No. &7)'. .he s#1/e"t matter
thereof was ann#lment or de"laration of n#llit% of sale. And the parties "ame within the "o#rt:s /#risdi"tion 1% the
filing of the "omplaint and servi"e of s#mmons.
.he dismissal in said Civil Case No. &7)' was 1% a final order sin"e thereafter nothing was left to 1e disposed of. .he
dismissal was with pre/#di"e, hen"e, on the merits. 9t was with pre/#di"e 1e"a#se the dismissal was 1% order of the
"o#rt #pon the instan"e of 1oth plaintiff and defendants, on the allegation of a settlement (E!h. &*-B, Affer of
Additional 5o"#mentar% Eviden"e, 2e". on App., 4'-'7. Not 1eing, therefore, a dismissal 1% plaintiff:s mere filing of
a noti"e (Be". &, 2#le 6), Ald 2#les of Co#rt, nor a dismissal 1% order of the "o#rt #pon plaintiff:s instan"e alone
(Be". 7, 2#le 6), Ald 2#les of Co#rt, it falls #nder Ddismissal on other gro#ndsD "overed 1% Be"tion * of 2#le 6) of
the Ald 2#les of Co#rt, in whi"h "ase the dismissal, #nless otherwise spe"ified (and here it was not, is with pre/#di"e.
As to the identities re-#ired, the parties here were defendants in Civil Case No. &7)'. .he newl% added defendants C
mortgagee and p#r"hasers of right of redemption C are onl% s#""essors-in-interest and p#r"hasers 1% title s#1se-#ent
to the filing of the first a"tion. B#"h parties are "onsidered the same as their prede"essors-in-interest for p#rposes
of res judicata. Bin"e their prede"essors-in-interest were parties to the first "ase, the prin"iple of res judicata applies
even with their in"l#sion, sin"e the% are after all 1o#nd 1% the first /#dgment as the parties thereto.E
As regards the s#1/e"t matter, the identit% is #ndisp#ted, namel%, the par"el of land now "overed 1% .C. No. &'7*4 of
the 2egistr% of 5eeds of 2i3al and the ann#lment or de"laration of n#llit% of the sale thereof, with "an"ellation of its
.ransfer Certifi"ate of .itle.
Bimilarl%, the "a#se of a"tion is identi"al. As stated in Pealosa v. Tuazon, 77 Phil. 6)6, the test is; DFo#ld the same
eviden"e s#pport and esta1lish 1oth the present and former "a#ses of a"tionGD 9n the instant "ase, the same eviden"e,
namel%, plaintiff:s ownership of the par"el of land and that the sale thereof was fi"titio#s, wo#ld s#pport and esta1lish
the present and former "a#ses of a"tion. 9t is therefore identi"al.
All re-#isites for res judicata 1eing attendant, we find no error in the order of dismissal appealed from.
FHE2EFA2E, the order appealed from is here1% affirmed, with "osts against appellant. Bo ordered.
Bengzon !.". Bautista Angelo !oncepcion Re#es ".B.$. Paredes %izon Regala &a'alintal and (aldivar "".
EBag#ing#ito v. 2ivera, (, Phil. *76@ Barreto v. Ca1angis, 6+ Phil. '4@ Fetalino v. Ban3, ** Philippines ,'&@ &
0oran Comments on the 2#les of Co#rt ,&6 (&'(+ ed..


FAC.B;Ponente; $#sti"e Cr#3, &''6Petitioner;

Pa1lito 5omasian
the 8idnapper

5r. Bamson .an

he was a resident ph%si"ian in the hospital owned 1% Enri"oKs father.

People of the Philippines, Boli"itor-<eneralHi"tim;

Enri"o Pa#lo AgraFitnesses;

Enri"o Agra

.irso Ferreras

Enri"oKs Classmate


Ale!ander <rate
.ri"%"le 5river where Agra and 5omasian rode, he spe"#lated that the latterwas a 8idnapper and reported the
in"ident to the tanods.Events;

Enri"o was wal8ing with a "lassmate when a man, 5omasian, approa"hed him and as8ed for his
assistan"e in getting his fatherKs signat#re on a medi"al "ert
ifi"ate. Enri"o agreed and rode withhim in a tri"%"le.

Enri"o 1e"ame apprehensive when instead of going to the hospital@ he was for"ed 1% petitionerinside a mini-
1#s, holding him firml% all the while.

.he% rode another tri"%"le and alighted from where the% wal8ed in a mar8et.

5omasian tal8ed to a /eepne% driver and handed a letter address to 5r. Enri-#e Agra, the 1o%Ks

.he% then 1oarded the tri"%"le of <rate,
whi"h aro#sed his the latterKs s#spi"ion and reported
the in"ident to the 1aranga% tanods, together with <rate, the% went after 5omasian and Enri"o..he% were a1le
to re"over Enri"o, 5omasian es"aped.

Afternoon of that da%, a ransom note arrived to 5r. Agra, as8ing for & million pesos in e!"hangeof his son,
Enri"o, who was a1le to ret#rn home earlier that da%, after having 1een re"overedfrom 5omasian.

5r. Agra identified the handwriting in the letter as 5r. .anKs, and this was "onfirmed 1% an
investigation made 1% the NB9.

Filling of the Case;

2egional .rial Co#rt "onvi"ted 5omasian and .an of Lidnapping9BBMEB;

Convi"tions of 2e"l#sion Perpet#a are s#1/e"t to review 1% the B#preme Co#rt.

5omasian petitions that he was for"ed to "onfess the "rime in violation of his "onstit#tionalrights.

.an petitions that his a"t of "rime, if indeed proven, onl% "onstit#ted an impossi1le "rime.

FNN the a"t "ommitted 1% 5r. .an "onstit#tes an 9mpossi1le Crime.2ML9N<;

.he de"ision of the 2egional .rial Co#rt was affirmed.

Arti"le * Be"tion 7 of the 2evised Penal Code Btates;Criminal Lia1ilit% shall 1e in"#rred;1. B% a person
"ommitting an a"t whi"h wo#ld 1e an offense against persons or propert%, were itnot for the inherent
impossi1ilit% of its a""omplishment, or on a""o#nt of the emplo%ment of inade-#ate or ineffe"t#al means.

An the matter of Conspira"%
; the a"ts done 1% 5omasian and .an were "omplementar% to ea"hother. Lidnapping of Enri"o 1% 5omasian,
and 2ansom note of .an, with one end goal in mind,whi"h is, the ransom of & million pesos from 5r. Agra.

Co#rt held that even 1efore the ransom note was re"eived, the "rime of 8idnapping with serio#sillegal
detention had alread% 1een "ommitted.

.he deliver% of the ransom note after the res"#e of the vi"tim did not e!ting#ish the offense,whi"h had
alread% 1een "ons#mmated when 5omasian deprived Enri"o of his li1ert%

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