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MIAA 350

I. Number and Numeration (and Base Ten System)

a. Numbers
i. Value of a symbol (1, 2, 3)
b. Numerals
i. Refers to the symbol (size, shape) (Roman Numerals)
c. Rote vs. Meaningful Counting
i. Knowing the names vs. seeing how many is in a jar
ii. 1. Know how to make a one-to-one correspondence
iii. 2. Realizing that its the last number that you name that gives
you the cardinality
d. Place Value Number System
i. 43 vs. 403
ii. Base-10 system (0-9)
iii. Using graphics to show adding in the 10s
e. Base 10 system
f. Reading/Writing
i. Do not need to say and
ii. Large Numbers
1. 8,372,410,065,439,017,008 (Quintillions)
2. .085 (85 thousandths)
3. .002407
iii. Expanded Notations
1. 37.45
2. 30+ 7+ 4+ 5(.01)
iv. Big Idea (numbers and number line
1. Every number has an infinite amount of ways to be
represented in a number line
2. Human Number line

Does 8.49 repeating = 8.5
- Two sides to stories

? ------- 8
Nearest whole number

7.5 < x < 8.5
Range of x

nearest 3.95 < X < 4.05

II. The Integers
a. (-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3)
b. Negative whole numbers (call the opposite of whole numbers)
c. There are whole numbers and their opposites.
d. Additive inverse of the positive numbers (same thing as opposite
e. Three meanings for -
i. Subtraction
ii. Negative numbers
iii. Opposite or additive inverse
iv. Examples
1. 5-3
2. -3
3. (-2)
4. 5-(-3)
5. x (label it opposite x, versus negative x)
6. -3

7. (-3)

f. Physical models for integers
i. Set models
ii. Integer models
iii. Using cubes of different colors to represent positive and
negative numbers (for example red, and black)

III. Fractions
a. Four Types of demonstrating fractions
i. Area
1. Area model (showing fourths through blocks)
2. Infinite ways of showing one fourth about models
3. Same unit, but dividing into fours differently
ii. Number Line (measurement)
1. Clearly understood what has a value on line
2. Length
iii. SET (Discrete Objects)
1. Using objects to represent fractions
a. Example, using marbles of two different colors to
show fractions (green and blue marbles).
iv. Division
1. Using numbers is 4 1

b. Common Misconception
i. People looking at ratios of shaded to non shaded incorrectly.
ii. Using objects, not all can be same size (unless you are counting
each object as 1)
iii. Not being clear what 1 (or a whole) is.
iv. Equivalent fractions can be misleading
v. Very special fractions
/1 =
/2 =
2. The fundamental principle of equivalents fractions

IV. Addition and Subtraction
i. Facts
ii. Whole Numbers
iii. Fractions
iv. Integers
a. Addition
i. Put together
ii. Set model
1. Set of 2 and set of 3
iii. Measurement (number line model)
1. Two plus three
b. Subtraction
i. Take away
1. Start with number (set), remove subset
2. Number line you go backwards
ii. Missing addend
1. What plus number = final set number
2. We traveled this far. How much more to travel if we
want to go to this location.
iii. Comparison
1. Start with two sets; how much is one larger than
2. How longer in distance?

V. Counting & Derived Fact Strategies for +/- facts
a. Dice showing 3+5
b. See handout on counting strategies

VI. Multipication
a. Repeated Addition
i. Set problems
ii. Numerical Line
b. Rectangular ARRAY
i. Measurement Model
c. Cross Product
i. Skirts by blouses (order does matter)
d. Multipication facts
i. Skip Counting
1. Count by numbers
2. (5x6.5,10,15,20,25,30)
ii. Neighbors
1. Neighbors (6x7 get doubles, then you add the rest,
6x6 then add 6 = 42)
VII. Division
a. Interpretations and Models
i. Partition
1. Equally distributing amount.
2. Ex: 12 marbles, 4 children. How many for each child?
(set model)
3. Ex: 12 ribbon, cut in 4 equal pieces. How is each piece?
(number line)
ii. Measure Out
1. Divisor is similar
2. 12 marbles, 4 to each child. How many children will
receive the marbles?
3. 12 ribbon, cut pieces in 4. How many pieces?
iii. Missing Factor
1. 12 4 =
iv. Repeated Subtraction
1. 12 4= 8
8-4 = 4-
4- 4 = 0


STATE THIS THEROM: Quotient Remainder
Theorem: Given Whole Numbers a and b, b 0,
there exist unique whole numbers q and r such
that a =bq+r. (r<b)
b. Division and models (using blocks)
i. Partitions (w/standard Alg.)
ii. Measuring Out (w/ repeated subtraction Alg.)
iii. Missing Factor (Area Model)

VIII. Number Theory
a. Five equivalent statements (Give one statement, produce
other 4)
i. 3 divides 12
ii. 3 is a factor of 12
iii. 3 is a divisor of 12
iv. 12 is divisible by 3
v. 12 is a multiple of 3
b. Composite number
c. The Sieve of Eratosthenes
i. Cross out 1
ii. Circle 2
iii. Circle 3
iv. Circle 5
v. Circle 7
vi. Theory states that you need to circle all the primes
before 10. After that, circle all remaining numbers in
hundred square.
d. Factor Tree (60)
e. Factor Ladder

f. Be able to find GCF by
i. Listing all factors
1. 12 1,2,3,4,6,12
18- 1,2,3,6,9,18
2. Both share factors 1,2,3,6. 6 is biggest factor
ii. Prime Factorization
1. 12= 2x2x3
18 = 2x3x3
2. Both have 2 and 3 prime in common. 3x2= 6

iii. Euclidean Algorithm
iv. By Inspection
1. Numbers are simple enough to figure answer
g. Least Common Multiple

IX. Algebra
X. The Function Game

Input Output
a. 1 3
2 6
3 9
4 12
5 15


XI. Units of Measurement:
a. Non-Standard

b. Standard

c. Area
i. Area of any parallelogram can be switched into
rectangle. (b x h)
ii. Triangle (.5 x b x h ). If you got a double one, flip it,
you can make a parallelogram
iii. Trapezoid- b1 + b2 (divide by 2) times height
iv. Rect. Prism- V = L x Wx H
v. Pyramid- V= .333 L x W x H
vi. Cylinder v = B x h
vii. Cone= v= .333 B x h
viii. Sphere = v = 4/3 r

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