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1LL kev|ewer 1echno|ogy and L|ve||hood Lducat|on

l recelved a loL of requesLs for a 1LL revlewer for Llcensure Lxam for 1eachers(LL1) so l declded Lo creaLe a gulde
My speclallzaLlon was Lngllsh so please conslder my background as well when l dld Lhe followlng gulde WhaL l
mean by LhaL ls l dld noL geL Lake classes on 1LL ln college so my [udgemenL may noL be as good as yours Powever
l had drafLlng and elecLrlclLy classes ln hlgh school whlch were among my favorlLe sub[ecLs lease conslder readlng
Lhed|sc|a|mer as well as anoLher t|p from me
O Lxp|a|n Lhe sources and klnds of elecLrlclLy
4 ources of LlecLrlclLy from 1hlnkCuesL
4 ources of LlecLrlclLy from LlecLrlclLy lorum
4 1ypes of LlecLrlclLy
O LlecLrlclLy CeneraLlon
4 LlecLrlclLy CeneraLlon from Wlklpedla
O Lxp|a|n Lhe elecLron Lheory and Lhe Chm's Law
4 LlecLron 1heory from hoLrodderscom
4 flash lesson on Chm's Law (cllck Lhe begln lesson llnk)
4 1he Lheory of Lhe LlecLron
4 Chm's law from n slLe
4 Chm's law from Wlklpedla
O dent|fy Lhe parLs of a compleLe elecLrlcal clrculL
4 ompleLe LlecLrlcal lrculLs (lL's a good slldeshow Lo keep readlng abouL L cllck Lhe buLLons on Lhe upper rlghL)
4 lrom ehow (Lhls [usL shows four Lhen Lhe flrsL one showed flve so noL sure)
4 1hls one's a slmple plcLure
4 WhaL makes a llghL bulb llghL? ( lesson plan)
O o||ow proper procedures ln elecLrlcal housewlrlng
4 ou research Lhls
O now|edge of baslc compuLer concepLs
4 aslc compuLer concepLs
4 Culz on baslc compuLer concepLs
elow are free downloadable onllne books on LlecLrlclLy from Coogle ooks (use hrome?)
O LlecLrlclLy lLs Lheory sources and appllcaLlons
694.;;1 Font: 10 pt, Font color: Custom
Color(RCB(4S,63,103)), Border: : (No border)
O WhaL ls elecLrlclLy? lL's naLure explalned
elow are onllne qulzzes on elecLrlclLy
O lrom ulscoverycom
O Culz from LhlnkquesL
O lrom hyslcskldscom
O lrom ofLchoolscom
O lrom mcwdnorg
kefr|gerat|on and A|rcond|t|on|ng (kAC)
O dent|fy Lhe baslc Lools and equlpmenL on 8
4 no ldea maybe you know whaL Lo look for earch your books from ollege or someLhlng
O Lxp|a|n Lhe prlnclple of refrlgeraLlon cycle
4 ou1ube vldeo explalnlng Lhe cycle
4 lrom swLcedu
4 aslc refrlgeraLlon cycle
O Lxp|a|n Lhe funcLlon of refrlgeraLlon and copper Lublng
4 PlsLorlcal appllcaLlons of refrlgeraLlon
4 bouL copper Lublng
4 8efrlgeraLlon and freezlng food
4 8efrlgeraLlon an lnLroducLlon Lo Lhe baslcs (greaL pdf flle)
O dent|fy Lhe symbols ln Lhe schemaLlc dlagram
4 Wlll Lhls page help?
4 Pow abouL a Coogle lmage resulLs?
elow are onllne qulzzes on 8
O Lnumerate and exp|a|n Lhe alphabeLlc of llnes (noL sure lf Lhese are unlversal concepLs)
4 llash lesson on alphabeL of llnes
4 1he lphabeL of Llnes ln 1echnlcal urawlng from umasdorg
4 lphabeL of llnes from lcarlzonaedu
4 lphabeL of llnes from cmscerrlLosedu
O ef|ne and perform orLhographlc pro[ecLlon and an lsomeLrlc drawlng
4 uoes lL mean you have Lo do drafLlng whlle ln Lhe exam?
4 nyways here ls orLhographlc pro[ecLlon from Wlklpedla
4 nd refresh your mlnd whaL lsomeLrlc drawlng ls
4 Ceez l remember our drafLlng class ln P"
O Lxp|a|n Lhe dlfferenL Lechnlque ln freehand and mechanlcal drawlng
4 ou beLLer be good aL explalnlng WrlLe lL on your own words
4 lreehand drawlng lsn'L Lhls abouL drawlng someLhlng wlLhouL any use of rulers? uL l guess you have Lo
elaboraLe LhaL eh slnce lL asks for dlfferenL Lechnlques so research LhaL
4 Mechanlcal drawlng from ehow
O App||cat|on of computer know|edge |n draw|ngs
4 uoes Lhls mean LhaL you should know aL leasL Lo operaLe compuLers so you can draw uslng alnL? or dobe
lllusLraLor? or hoLoshop? or uLoad? or Coogle keLchup?
4 WhaL do you Lhlnk?
O |scuss Lhe dlfferenL uses and malnLenance of woodwork
4 uses of woodwork? LeL me guess Lo creaLe furnlLure LhaL humans can use lnslde Lhelr house aL school or aL work
or anywhere xu
4 MalnLenance of woodwork leL me guess agaln Well wood degrades rlghL? Cr palnL goes off? o you have Lo
reflnlsh repalnL lL or do some careful cleanlng wlLh lL by conslderlng whaL cleanlng lLems Lo use wlLh lL Paha l'm
[usL guesslng here slnce l can'L flnd any onllne sources
O Construct common wood [olnLs
4 Woodworklng [olnLs from Wlklpedla
4 ommon woodworklng [olnLs
4 Learn how Lo make common wood [olnLs
O Lxp|a|n Lhe prlnclples of mensuraLlon and layouL
4 WhaL ls mensuraLlon?
4 l don'L know whaL Lhe prlnclples of mensuraLlon and layouL ls buL lsn'L LhaL [usL asklng you Lhe lmporLance of
havlng measuremenLs and layouLs whlle dolng woodwork? l mlghL be wrong so please refer Lo your books
O Lxp|a|n Lhe lmporLance uses and malnLenance of dlfferenL woodworklng machlnes
4 Woodworklng machlnes from Wlklpedla ([usL cllck Lhe llnks Lo go Lo Lhe explanaLlon of each machlne)
O emonstrate undersLandlng of baslc shop prlnclples pracLlces and fundamenLal aspecLs of auLomoLlve
O ,an|fest understand|ng of englne classlflcaLlon
O emonstrate fundamenLal operaLlons of englne fuel sysLem
O emonstrate ab|||ty Lo apply knowledge of lgnlLlon sysLem
PonesLly l'm sLuck here l can'L flnd any speclflc good onllne resources o please conslder readlng Lhe followlng
webpages Maybe you know where Lo look
O lnLernal combusLlon englne
O luel ln[ecLlon
O MC1C8 vLPlLL CL81lCn nu Mln1LnnL
O lnLroducLlon Lo uLo Lnglnes
O Pow ar Lnglnes Work
kad|o ,echan|cs
O emonstrate know|edge of Lhe fundamenLals of elecLronlcs
4 lundamenLals of LlecLronlcs 1hls ls acLually a class ouLllne of a professor buL Lhere are resources aL Lhe boLLom
and also some revlew sheeLs where he asks you whaL concepLs Lo revlew and whaL Lo do Lo beLLer undersLand
O emonstrate funct|ona| know|edge and sk|||s ln Lhe appllcaLlon of Lhe prlnclples of magneLlsm and
4 rlnclples of MagneLlsm
4 LlecLromagneLlsm
4 Pow MagneLs Work
4 Pow LlecLromagneLs Work
O nterpret elecLronlc schemaLlc dlagram
4 ls Lhls Lhe same as clrculL dlagram?
4 Pere's Lhe Coogle lmage resulLs
O Lxp|a|n Lhe prlnclples lnvolved ln Lhe deslgn layouL and eLchlng
4 1he rlnLed lrculL oard () LayouL
4 uLlCn
4 uo lL yourself eLchlng
4 ouLube vldeo of clrculL board eLchlng
,eta| Jorks
O emonstrate funct|ona| know|edge and sk|||s ln bendlwork
4 WhaL ls bendlwork? ls Lhls a Lypo?
O App|y knowledge of and skllls ln sheeL meLalwork
4 heeL MeLal from Wlklpedla
O App|y funcLlonal knowledge of and skllls ln elecLrlc weldlng
4 ls lL also called arc weldlng? Well here's a whole lesson abouL lL llck Lhe yellow arrows on Lhe rlghL
4 rc weldlng ln Wlklpedla
4 WhaL ls elecLrlc weldlng?
O bserve safeLy precauLlons ln bench meLal work
Ceneral readlngs
O 8adlo Mechanlcs overvlew
O MeLalworklng from Wlklpedla
O ouLube vldeo of meLalworklng
O Coogle ooks' free MeLalworklng a book of Lools maLerlals and processes for Lhe handyman
Lntrepreneursh|p]8us|ness and |str|bute Arts
O escr|be Lhe role of enLrepreneurshlp ln economlc growLh
4 1hey creaLe [obs" 1hen people have more money Lo buy" Well maybe Lhere's more
4 Pow ls LnLrepreneurshlp Cood for Lconomlc CrowLh?
4 LnLrepreneurshlp and Lconomlc CrowLh
O dent|fy Lhe dlfferenL Lypes of buslness organlzaLlons
4 uslness enLry from Wlklpedla
4 1ypes of uslness CrganlzaLlons Legal lorms of uslnesses
O Dnderstand Lhe prospecLs of Lhe lndusLrlal arLs ln economlc growLh
4 ls Lhls asklng abouL all Lhe sub[ecLs here llke Lhe lmpacL of uLo Mechanlcs LlecLrlclLy MeLal Works 8adlo
Mechanlcs eLc ln Lhe growLh of an economy? !usL lmaglne lf a loL of people ln Lhe hlllpplnes can do Lhls sLuff and
a loL of people can buy cars ln oLher counLrles people who work ln Lhese flelds earn a decenL amounL of money l
mean Lhese are noble [obs ln oLher counLrles
O osmeLology ln Wlklpedla
O Manlcure
O edlcure
O PlsLory of osmeLlcs
O PlsLory of PalrsLyle seems Lo be well researched
O lood enLry from wlklpedla
O ooklng from Wlklpedla
O lood reservaLlon
O ookware and akeware
O arpenLry from Wlklpedla
O aslc arpenLry 1echnlques
nstruct|ona| ,ethods and Lva|uat|on of Learn|ng
O 1eachlng LraLegles
4 now how wlll you Leach Lhese sub[ecLs?
O LvaluaLlon of 1eachlng and Learnlng
4 now ask yourself how you wlll evaluaLe your sLudenLs wlLh whaL Lhey learned from Lhese sub[ecLs

1hls documenL ls based on a ul flle l downloaded from 8's offlclal webslLe ln May 2011 before Lhey redeslgned
Lhelr slLe s of now l can'L flnd Lhls documenL on Lhelr new slLe sLrucLure lease use Lhls as one of your guldes
when revlewlng buL l cannoL aLLesL LhaL 8 ls sLlll golng Lo LesL Lhese compeLencles on Lhe comlng LL1 Powever
Lhese wlll aL leasL glve you dlrecLlon and lf you are a reLaker Lhese should rlng a bell Lo you remlndlng you of
quesLlons on Lhe LL1 you Look before
WlLh each of Lhe compeLencles LhaL 8 ls golng Lo LesL l have llsL some webslLes LhaL you mlghL wanL Lo read lf
you don'L have any books from college you can use lease use your [udgmenL on readlng Lhrough Lhese webslLes
ome of Lhe lnformaLlon may noL apply s l menLloned earller my concenLraLlon was Lngllsh so l have no ldea
whaL you learned ln ollege l'm [usL Lrylng Lo help
mong my favorlLe sub[ecLs when l was ln Plgh chool were LlecLrlclLy and urafLlng l dld preLLy well

Another t|p
WhaL l can Lell you abouL Lhe whole exam ls lL deslgned Lo LesL your knowledge and undersLandlng (so equlp
yourself wlLh Lhese Lwo) Learn Lo reason ouL and apply any knowledge and compare dlfferenL meLhods from each
oLher loL of quesLlons are deslgned Lo Lrlck you buL ln Lhe end you mlghL [usL end up wlLh Lwo posslble cholces
afLer ellmlnaLlng Lhe Lwo opLlons LhaL are deLracLors obvlously WlLh Lwo posslble cholces lefL Lhls ls Lhe Llme Lo
analyze compare and mosL probably [usL use common sense

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