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Krystal Renton

Unit Plan: Western Europe to 1500

High School Content Expectations Addressed:

WHG 4.3.5 Western Europe to 1500 Explain the workings of feudalism, manorialism, and the growth
of centralized monarchies and city-states in Europe including:
o the role and political impact of the Roman Catholic Church in European medieval society
o how agricultural innovation and increasing trade led to the growth of towns and cities
(National Geography Standard 14, p. 212)
o the role of the Crusades, 100 Years War, and the Bubonic Plague in the early development
of centralized nation-states (See 4.2.3)
o the cultural and social impact of the Renaissance on Western and Northern Europe

Total Time Needed: 11-13 Days

1. Part 1: Feudalism and Manorialism
a. HSCE Explain the workings of feudalism, manorialism, and the growth of centralized
monarchies and city-states in Europe
b. Lesson Outline (1 Day):
i. Simulation Skittles to show the workings of Feudalism and Manorialism
ii. Discussion about Class Systems today and in the Medieval Period
iii. PowerPoint Discussion about Manorialism and the classes in the Feudal System
iv. Create a Chart of the Medieval Class System describing the roles of each class
v. What sticks out to you? Main idea sticky note at the end of the lesson
c. Assessment
i. Simulation discussion
ii. Chart
iii. Main Idea Sticky Note

2. Part 2: Feudalism, Manorialism, the Church, Agricultural Innovation and Trade
a. HSCE - Explain the workings of feudalism, manorialism, and the growth of centralized
monarchies and city-states in Europe including:
the role and political impact of the Roman Catholic Church in European
medieval society
how agricultural innovation and increasing trade led to the growth of towns and
cities (National Geography Standard 14, p. 212)
b. Lesson Outline (2 days):
i. Clip about the importance of the Roman Catholic Church in Medieval Europe
ii. Show pictures of agricultural improvements discuss how these improvements lead
to greater food production, population growth, and the growth of cities and towns
iii. Analyze maps showing trade routes and discuss the impact of increasing trade
iv. Discuss the use of money instead of trading goods and its impact
v. Stations Activity Students will travel to 5 stations and answer questions revolving
around a document at each station. The documents will review the following topics:
1. Feudalism
2. Manorialism
3. The Roman Catholic Church
4. Trade
5. Chivalry

3. Part 3: The Crusades, 100 Years War, and the Bubonic Plague
a. HSCE: Explain the role of the Crusades, 100 Years War, and the Bubonic Plague in the early
development of centralized nation-states (See 4.2.3)
b. Lesson Outline (3-4 days):
i. PowerPoint over the Crusades
ii. Video Clips on the Crusades
iii. Reading of the perspectives of a Muslim and Christian during the Crusades Primary
Sources with discussion and short reflection
iv. Create Timeline of the 100 Years War major events and effects (not a
comprehensive timeline)
v. Clips on the Plague
vi. Plague Simulation Game showing the plague did not only affect a certain class
and also showing the severity of the plague.
vii. Analyze a map showing the spreading of the plague
viii. Discussion of trade as a factor in spreading the plague
c. Assessment:
i. Answers to questions regarding primary source materials
ii. Discussion of the varying viewpoints of the Crusades
iii. Timeline Creation of 100 Years War
iv. Simulation of the Plague Discussion
v. Analyzing of Trade Map
vi. Discussion of Trade

4. Part 4: Decline of the Church and Break Down of the Feudal Order leading to the Renaissance
a. HSCE: WHG 4.3.5 Western Europe to 1500 Explain the workings of feudalism, manorialism,
and the growth of centralized monarchies and city-states in Europe including:
the role and political impact of the Roman Catholic Church in European medieval
the role of the 100 Years War in the early development of centralized nation-states
the cultural and social impact of the Renaissance on Western and Northern Europe
b. Lesson Outline (1 day):
i. Discussion of the effects of the 100 Years War on the Feudal Order
ii. The decline of the Church and of Feudalism leads to new ideas and the period of
the Renaissance
iii. PowerPoint with an overview of the why changes in thinking began to occur Why
the Renaissance? Why now?
c. Assessment:
i. Discussion and Notes

5. Part 5: Renaissance
a. HSCE: The cultural and social impact of the Renaissance on Western and Northern Europe
b. Lesson Outline (4-5 days):
i. Students will research in groups a cultural or social impact of the Renaissance on
Western and Northern Europe
1. Humanism and Philosophy
2. Science
3. Politics
4. Education
5. Art
ii. Students will fill out a group research sheet and take individual notes on the
presentations on a provided note sheet.
iii. Students will present their topic to the class using any medium(s) they choose must
be approved. Options include poster, PowerPoint, skit, etc.
iv. Students will choose one aspect of the Renaissance as the most influential and will
defend their choice in a written paragraph explaining the topic and its impact.
c. Assessment:
i. Group presentation and notes on topic
ii. Notes on all topics presented
iii. Written paragraph describing impact of changes during the Renaissance

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