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Situation, Task, Action and Result

Every employee in grooming section has a quota that they need to groom every
month. As a trainee assigned in this section, our supervisor, Mrs. Merla Q. Arellano
gave us this work and before we start, she taught us how to do this kind of work to so
we can easily do it.

My partner and I need to groom 6000 returns each to make our quotas to 12,000
returns per month and it was recorded as her output for the month. We need to do it
correctly because it was really complicated.

We got a box of RDOs, we check every little details to know if there was a
problem in the Batch number, Batch control Sheet (listed the name of the taxpayer),
Transmittal, Number of returns, receipt from the bank, and if all the batches is complete
in the box. We made sure that all the returns were free from staple wires (for safety in
DLN) and all the duplicate copy was separated.

To make our quotas possible, every day we groomed more or less 800 returns
and to do that, in every box, we shared all the batches of returns and we groomed it
more easily and quickly. Every day, we can make two boxes of RDOs and it contains
more or less 2000 returns. A week before the month of April ends, were about to get
our quota. And Before I transfer to another section, our supervisor got impressed in our

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