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Summer Reading List

Third Grade
Dear Parents,
Reading is a fundamental skill for life. In order to encourage
student awareness of this fact, we are requesting that your child read
the following books over the summer. We areciate and value your hel
in this matter.
!hank you,
"s. #yers and "rs. Walker
Summer Reading List for Third Grade:
$arack %bama& 'on of Promise, (hild of )oe
$y& *ikki +rimes
,rom 'eed to Plant by +ail +ibbons

!he 'tories -ulian !ells by #nn (ameron
$ook !itle&......................................
$ook #uthor&....................................
What is this book mostly about/
Draw a icture of what this book is mostly about.
What is one thing you learned or found interesting in this book/ Why/ 0$e sure to e1lain your
thinking and use thinking and use evidence from the book.2
"ake a connection to the story. Include a te1t reference. ,or e1amle, 3!his reminds me of4
because45 3!his is like the te1t because in the story it says45
Dear Parent,
%ur school year is coming to an end and I am leased to tell you that we will be using a website called
I67 in our classroom this year. I67 is a comrehensive math review site with an unlimited number of
ractice questions in hundreds of skills8all of which are aligned to state standards. %ne of the best
things about I67 is that your child can access it from home, so you have a chance to see your child9s
rogress: ;our child will be entering <
grade ne1t year and we want to make sure they are ready for
this transition.
!o get your child started on your home comuter, lease follow these easy stes&
=. +o to www.I67.com>signin>shoesmith
?. @nter your child9s username and assword and click 'ign in.0*ote& If the username and assword
are not listed below, they will be rovided searately.2
<. (lick on "ath at the to of the age and navigate to <
grade level.
A. Work on the following skills and have your child ractice until your child receives a score of BCD
or better is achieved. !he skills are as follows&
Multiplication - skill builders
,.=E,.=< "ultily C E =?
@.= "ultilication sentences
@.? "ultilication E facts to =?
@.< "ultilication word roblems E facts to =?
@.A "issing factors E facts to =?
@.F "issing factors E facts to =? E word roblems
'.= Gnit fraction review
'.? ,raction review
'.A ,ractions on number lines
umbers and comparing
#.H 'kiEcounting uIIles
Place !alues
$.=E $.J #ll lace value lessons

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