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Put the verbs in brackets in either the Present Perfect Simple or the Present Perfect
1. I ________________ (take) a French course for 5 months and the teacher says I am a
fast learner.
2. A) omeone ____________ (leave) the ladder outside! look.
". #) I e$%ect that&s #rain. 'e _______________ (clean) (indo(s. And I don&t think he
__________ (finish) yet.
). Ayse________________ (take) drivin* lessons and ne$t (eek she is *oin* to take a
drivin* test.
5. I________________ (live) in ue&s flat and (hen I find a ne( house! I (ill move.
+. Please don&t *o in. I _______ ,ust________ (s(ee%) the floor.
-. I ________________ (eat) . chocolates u% to no(.
.. A/ Are you hun*ry0
#/ 1o! I&m not. I _______________ (eat) chocolate all day.
2. 3he youn* children _________________ (make) a sno(man all mornin*.
14. I __________________ (break) my arms t(ice (ithin 2 years.
11. I&m tired. I _____________________ (%lay) tennis all afternoon.
Look at the news extracts below and change the verbs n brackets to the s!"le or
contn#o#s $or! o$ the Present% Present Per$ect or Past& In so!e cases% the order o$ the
words can change&
'ere is the summary of the ne(s5
a) 3he Prime 6inister (,ust announce) has ,ust announced that there (ill not be a 7anuary
election. 'e (s%eak) 88888888. at the o%enin* of the Parliament a fe(
minutes a*o. 'is s%eech (still *o on) 88888888.
b) Police (find)88888888 the toddler (ho (disa%%ear) 88888888..
from her home a (eek a*o. 9etectives in :$ford (;uestion)88888888.%eo%le
all (eek in connection (ith the abduction but so far no one (char*e)8888888..
c) 3he economic situation (finally be*in) 88888888. to im%rove! accordin* to
fi*ures (hich (release) 888888888. yesterday. <nem%loyment (also=fall)
8888888. *radually over the last fe( months and e$%ort fi*ures (reach)
8888888..their hi*hest level last month.

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