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Codes and conventions

By Chloe Warren

sounds and silence

Speech is the expression of or the ability to express thoughts and
feelings by articulate sounds.
Speech in radio drama is hugely important as it determines what
year, what mood and what setting the characters are in. for
example if the radio drama was set in the 1800s then you would
be able to tell by the sort of vocabulary they are using, not only
this but you can tell what emoti0ons the characters are feeling so if
they are feeling fear you would be able to tell in their voice . Lastly
if the characters were for example, in bad weather conditions you
would be able to tell by the tone of their voice. an example of
speech in radio drama is shown below.

Voice is the sound produced in a person's larynx and uttered
through the mouth, as speech or song. The voice is vitally important
when it comes down to radio drama because it shows the ways in
which the characters interact and there relationships they have with
each other. For example if two characters found themselves being
short with each other when having a convocation this would allow
the audience to realize that there is tension through the two
characters. However on the other hand if the two characters' were
laughing and really excited about it then you would be able to tell on
the tone of their voice. It is important for the audience to determine
what sort of tone the characters are using as it sets the scene for the
audience. An example of this is set below.

This is anger - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSwfpVRVWlo
Music and ambience

Music and ambience
Ambience is the character and atmosphere of a place and music is the vocal
or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce
beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion. Music and ambience
co-exist as they work along side each other. For example the music sets the
scene and the setting where as ambience creates atmosphere. This is
important when it comes down to radio drama as it makes it more interesting
and allows the audience to become more interested/ involved

For example using this kind of music would allow the audience to know its a
happy scene and that everyone is
happyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrPEoqp4sjg .
North of Riga
sounds and silence

sounds and silence
sound is produced by continuous and regular vibrations, as
opposed to noise. complete absence of sound.Sounds and
silence and realism when it comes to radio drama it also
adds tension
The way in which you use sounds is also another way of
setting the scene. For example if you hear a door closing
you know that someone has left the room. Another
example is if you hear an aeroplane and announcements
for departure you know they are at the airport

aural signposting
cliffhanger endings
use of fades
use of silence
chronological development

direct speech

Cliff-hanger endings

Cliff-hanger endings

Cliff-hanger endings are important as it keeps the
audience intrigued. Not only does it add a suspense to
the end of the script but it makes the audience feel
more involved and n edge making them want to carry
on with the story. This is an important technique to use
when doing a radio drama as there are no visuals so
the drama is automatically loosing interest so needs to
have a good storyline/ cliff hanger to keep the
audience satisfied and coming back.
Flash backs - a scene in a film, novel, etc. set
in a time earlier than the main story.
Flash backs are important as it reminds the audience of
important scenes in the radio drama that may not have been
able to pick up on. This allows the story to gain more interest
from the audience as by reminding the audience of important
event brings out tension.
Fades- Gradually grow faint and disappear
Use of fades can be used to show a distance for
example someone falling off a cliff the sound
will slowly fade to show they are getting further
and further away. You can also use fades to go
from on scene to another in a easy transition.

Silence - complete absence of sound.

The use of silence is important in radio dramas as it creates a pause.
This is important as it allows the audience to take time out and
think in depth more about the story. Not only this but if one of the
actors need to take a breath then there will be a silence or even for
a change of scenery but many of the silences used in radio dramas
are used to create atmosphere and tension. For example if there
was an explosion you would hear lots of panicking and big bangs
but after that scene the narrator may decide to create a long pause
to build tension as automatically the audience will want to know
what has gone on.

Characterisation - word picture: a graphic or
vivid verbal description; "too often the
narrative was interrupted by long word
characterization this is the representation of
a character or characters in the radio drama,
especially by imitating or describing actions,
gestures, or speeches.
Chronological development

Chronological development
Chronological order is the arrangement of
events that happen in radio drama, in order of
time. This is important as the show is live and
must be completed in a certain time slot.
Titles and credits
Titles and credits - a name that describes
someone's position or job
Titles and credits are important as its introducing
an important statement. For example titles are
used to introduce importance such as the name
of the film or a section of important information
before the film. Whereas credits a normally at the
end but are just as if not more important as its
creating a list of film directors, producers actors
and cast ext.
Appropriatness to target audiece
Dramatic reconstruction
Radi drama styles
Creation of mood or location ( sound effect)
Target audience
a target audience, is a specific group of people
within the target market at which a product or
the marketing message of a product is aimed
In other words if you are doing a radio with really
strong language then you will need to have an
age limit on the drama and suit the humor to the
appropriate age group. For example teenagers
wouldn'tt be as interested in radio dramas about
world war 1!
Reconstruction the process of building things
up again
Dramatic reconstruction is where you want to
create more suspense and to keep the scene
dramatic. This can be done in many ways for
example in the radio drama below you can feel
the dramatic tension building and this makes the
audience want to carry on listening
Radio drama styles
There are several different types of radio dramas for example
Traditional a traditional style of radio drama consists of a strong story
line that involves a narrator and many characters. There are usually a
problem or dilemma that the characters are working towards to solve.
Post modern this style of radio drama is different because rather than a
traditional style, where questions are answered, in post modern radio
dramas there are more questions being raised but the audience is left to
answer themselves in their heads
Soap- soaps are about everyday life but there is also elements of over
exageration to suit the audiences needs. They are usually based around
small towns such as corrinationstreet, emerdale, eastenders ext
Duration is the length of the broadcast, this is
key in radio drama because there is always a
time limit that the broadcast needs to be
finished in because the particular radio station
needs a certain schedule. Not only this but if
your radio drama is a series then it needs to e
short enough to keep the audience interested
and to listen into the next episode
Narrative structure
Narrative structure consists of the traditional
parts of a story and the order in which the
listener encounters them. These provide a
framework for the unfolding of the radio
dramas story. An example of this would be
the archers
Development of plot
The plot is possibly one of the most curtail
parts of the radio drama. It is the events put
together that make up a story. without a plot
there would be no clear understanding of the
story and what is going to happen in the radio

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