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Forms Personalization

Oracle Applications
Release 11.5.10

Version 1.0
Objectives of this session
1. Forms Personalization: Need and benefits.

2. Understand Rules, Condition, Context and Actions.

3. Build rules that fire conditionally.

4. Understand Sequencing.

5. Use string evaluation.

6. Use Validate feature to confirm Conditions & Strings.

7. Understand Multilingual Issues.

8. Know the most commonly used Actions.

9. Debugging features available in Personalization.

10. Form Personalization v/s Form Customization.

11. Personalization Database Tables
Version 1.0
The Form Personalization feature allows you to declaratively alter the behavior of
Forms-based screens, including

Changing properties
Executing built-ins
Displaying messages
Adding menu entries.

Form Personalization is independent to each form. This means the personalization done
on one form will not reflect on other form.

The form mainly contains four sections. They are

Rules, Conditions

The Need
Most of the customers wish to modify the way the forms look and behave. They want to
change the labels on the form fields, hide fields, hide buttons, amend custom logic etc.

The motives could be
Managing un-necessary fields.
To match the customer specific business requirements.
To match the language (lingo) used by the customer.

What is Forms Personalization ?
Version 1.0
1. Form Personalizations allows you to fundamentally alter the
behavior of the product that Oracle ships, and access ANY and ALL
data. Therefore, this feature should only be made available to trusted

2. Avoid building Personalizations on a production system directly. Form
Personalizations should first be entered and thoroughly tested on a Test
System before they are actually loaded to a production system.

By default the Personalize menu is visible to all the users; this can be
controlled with help of profile options. By setting up the below profile
options, the access to the Personalize menu can be limited for the authorized
users. This will prevent unauthorized users from changing the look and
behavior of the forms.

The profile options are Utilities: Diagnostics = Yes/No
Hide Diagnostics = Yes/No







Version 1.0
How to Invoke Forms Personalization
Menu Navigation: Help Diagnostics Custom Code Personalize
Version 1.0
1. Rules administer the personalization needs to be implemented on the
2. Each rule contains a sequence number and the description.
3. The rule can be activated or de-activated using the Enabled checkbox.
4. The rule can be deleted when no longer needed.
5. Defining rules doesnt identify when the rule should get evaluated or
applied. For each rule, there should be conditions attached which power
the execution of the rule.
For example:
1. A Rule can be Change the Order Number prompt to Claim Number.
2. Hide Customer field.
Version 1.0
Trigger Object
Trigger Event
Processing Mode
Version 1.0
Condition decide the event the rule to be executed.

Each condition mainly contains three sections. They are

Trigger Event: Trigger Event specifies the occurrence where
the rule should be executed.
Trigger Object: Trigger Object is the object on the form to
determine at what level the rule should be executed.

The values can be <Form Name>, <Block Name> or <Item Name>

Condition: Condition is any SQL statement to control the
execution of rule when the mentioned criterion is met.

Version 1.0
Condition : Trigger Event & Trigger Object
Version 1.0
All E-Business Suite forms send the following events:

WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE: Once, when the form starts up.
Trigger Object does not apply.
WHEN-NEW-BLOCK-INSTANCE: Each time the cursor moves to a
new block. Trigger Object must contain the blockname of interest.
WHEN-NEW-RECORD-INSTANCE: Each time the cursor moves to a
new record. Trigger Object must contain the blockname of interest.
WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE: Each time the cursor moves to a new
item. Trigger Object must contain the blockname.itemname of interest.
Condition : Trigger Event & Trigger Object
Version 1.0
Many forms send the following event:
WHEN-VALIDATE-RECORD: each time the current record has
any change that needed to be validated. Trigger Object must contain
the blockname of interest.

Some forms send custom events
For example, a form may send a message like REPRICE-ITEM at
a specific event within its processing.
We seed the Trigger Event item with the standard events, but you
can type other events into the field too.

Note: To Know what events a form sends :
1. Menu Navigation: Help Diagnostics Custom Code Show Events
2. Run the form of interest and a dialog will appear each time an event is sent
3. Turn this mode off by selecting Help >Diagnostics >CustomCode >Normal
Condition : Trigger Event & Trigger Object
Version 1.0
Condition: Condition / Process Mode / Validate
Version 1.0
I. Condition :

1. The Condition field lets you create an expression in SQL.
If it is empty or evaluates to TRUE at runtime, then the Actions are
If it evaluates to FALSE at runtime, then the Actions are skipped.
The Condition is re-evaluated EACH time the rule is processed.

2. The Condition expression can refer to:
Bind variables, like :block.field
SQL operators, such as || (Concatenation), TO_CHAR( ), DECODE( )
and NVL( )
Server-side functions that do not have OUT parameters.


1. :users.user_name is not null and :users.description is null
TRUE if the User Name has a value & the Description doesnt have value
2. sysdate >= to_date(1-1-2005, DD-MM-RRRR)
TRUE if todays date is equal to or greater than January 1, 2005.
Condition: Condition
Version 1.0
Condition: Processing Mode & Validate
II. Processing Mode:

1. Not in Enter Query Mode: The Rule will not be executed in Enter Query Mode.
2. Only in Enter Query Mode: The Rule will be executed in Enter Query Mode only.
3. Both: The Rule will be executed in both the Enter & Execute query modes.

III. Validate :

1. When you press the Validate button, the Condition will process immediately
and return either True, False, or an Error.
2. Errors are in standard ORACLE error format, with an ORA error number.
Version 1.0
Version 1.0
Context manages to whom the personalization should apply.

This is similar to the concept of using profile options in Oracle
Applications with a slight difference. We will see this in next

The various levels are Site, Responsibility, Industry and User.

During runtime, the values provided in the context are evaluated
and personalization rules will be applied.

Usage of context is very vital in implementing the
personalization to prevent the inappropriate users accessing
these personalization of the form.

Example : Context = Responsibility
Value = Customer Support

The scope of 'Industry' is reserved for future.
Version 1.0
1. If a Rule has a context of Site, it will be applied for everyone.

2. A rule with a context of Responsibility does not override Site.

3. A rule with a context of User does not override Site or

4. If 2 rules have the same Trigger Event, and Actions that change the
same property, the rule with the higher sequence number will be
performed last, thus it will WIN.
Context is not a hierarchy
Version 1.0
Version 1.0
Actions decide the exact operation to be performed when the conditions
and context return TRUE during the runtime.

Usually each rule should be associated with at least one action.

The types of actions available are

Each Action contains a Sequence number, Description and

Based on the action type selected, the fields on the right sector of
the actions tab will be refreshed where the action parameters are

Actions can be enabled, disabled or deleted.
Version 1.0
Actions: Sequence
1. Both Rules and Actions have a Sequence that must be entered.

2. It is there in case you need things to be processed in a specific order.

3. The sequence does not have to be unique.

4. For an Action, the Sequence is very important in various situations,
for example:

When using Builtins, you might first move the cursor to a
particular block, then issue a query in that block.
With Properties, if you are moving an item you might first
have to make the canvas a different size.
Version 1.0
Actions Type: Property
The action type Property is used to set the properties of the objects.

The various objects include Item, Window, and Block etc.
Actual object name defined in the form should be entered after
selecting the object type.
Property Name is the Property to be changed.
Value is the new desired value for the property.
The current value of the property will be displayed when clicked
on the Get Value button.
Example: Object Type = Item,
Property Name = PROMPT_TEXT
Value = Claim Number
The value can be interpreted at runtime, so you can use SQL
functions and operators.
Any value start with = operator will be interpreted at runtime,
otherwise the value is treated as is entered in the value field.
Example: Value => =Welcome to the Sales Order Entry Mr. ||user.
Version 1.0
For Items (Fields):

PROMPT_TEXT: The prompt of the item, typically next to or above the item
DISPLAYED: If False, the item is hidden
INITIAL_VALUE: The value to default on a new record. This can only be set in
LABEL: The label of a button, checkbox or radio button
REQUIRED: If True, the user must enter a value.
TOOLTIP_TEXT: The bubble tip on the item. X and Y_POS: The location on the
canvas, in inches.
WIDTH: The width, in inches. VALUE: Copy a value into the item, as if the user
typed it.
Common Actions of type Property
Version 1.0
For Tab Pages:

DISPLAYED: If False, the tab page is hidden. Note that keyboard navigation may
need to be changed to prevent access to items on the page
LABEL: the title of the tab

For Canvasses:

TOPMOST_TAB_PAGE: Determines the currently selected Tab Page.

For Windows:

TITLE: the title of the window
X and Y_POS: the location within the MDI window, in inchesFor Blocks:
DEFAULT_WHERE: the WHERE clause of the SQL statement controlling queried
ORDER_BY: the ORDER_BY clause of the SQL statement of the queried records
INSERT_ALLOWED: if False, prevents the user from creating new records
UPDATE_ALLOWED: if False, prevents the user from updating any item in a
queried record
DELETE_ALLOWED: if False, prevents the user from deleting queried records

Common Actions of type Property
Version 1.0
Actions Type: Message
The action type Message is used to display custom messages during runtime.

Message Type and Description should be entered after selecting the action type as

The available message types are

Show Hint Error Debug Warn
Depending on the response expected from the user, the appropriate message type should
be selected.
Example: Message Type = Hint
Message Text = Please Follow the Date format DD-MON-YYYY
Version 1.0
Show: Displays a message of type Note, with an OK button.

Hint: Displays text on the message line

Error: Displays a message of type Error, with an OK button. Processing is
aborted afterwards.

Debug: Displays a message of type Note, with an OK button. Only displays
when Display Debug messages is checked.

Warn: Displays a message of type Question, with OK and Cancel buttons.
If the user selects Cancel, processing is aborted.
Common Actions of type Message
Version 1.0
Actions Type: Builtin
The action type Builtin is used to execute the form and AOL APIs.

Depending on the API type selected, the parameters should be entered.

Example: Builtin Type = FND_UTILITIES.OPEN_URL
Argument = http://dms.dell.com
Version 1.0
GO_ITEM and GO_BLOCK: Move the cursor to a specific item or the first
item in a block

DO_KEY: Acts like a macro, simulating user actions.
Common Arguments:
ENTER_QUERY: invoke QBE mode
EXECUTE_QUERY: execute the query
NEXT and PREVIOUS_BLOCK: move to another block
NEXT and PREVIOUS_ITEM: move to another item

FND_UTILITIES.OPEN_URL: Launch a URL. Can be as simple as
www.yahoo.com, or as complex as a Discoverer page

FND_FUNCTION.EXECUTE: Open a function, applying security rules.
Parameters can be passed if the target accepts them.
Common Actions of type Builtin
Version 1.0
Actions Type: Special
Version 1.0
Actions Type: Special
The action type Special is used to activate the available special
menus on the Tools menu.

Oracle Applications provide 45 special menus under Tools menu which
can be used by customers based on their requirements.

Select the SPECIAL menu which is not used by the form.
Menu label is the prompt which appears to the users when Tools menu is
invoked, block specifies the blocks for which the special menu should be
Icon name is the .ico file name.

A separator can be created above the activated special menu by selecting
the Render line before menu checkbox.

Menu Entry = SPECIAL4
Menu Label = Additional Customer Information
Enabled in Blocks(s) = Customer
Icon Name = Flower.ico
Version 1.0
Triggers Conditions Sequences Actions
In short heres how it all works:

When an event occurs in the form, we look for all enabled rules
that match that Trigger Event and Trigger Object.

Starting with the Rule that has the lowest sequence,

if the Condition is empty or evaluates to TRUE, we
process each enabled Action, in the order of the
Action Sequence.

Then we look for the next-highest sequenced Rule and
process it, until there are no more Rules for that Event.
Version 1.0
Every property that takes a string can work one of two ways

If the string you type does not start with =, then it will be used exactly as
you typed it.

If the string you type starts with =, then it will be evaluated at runtime.
You can refer to:
Bind variables, like :block.field etc
SQL operators, such as ||, TO_CHAR(), DECODE(), and NVL()
Server-side functions that do not have OUT parameters.
Working with Strings in Value Field
String Typed In Result at Runtime
='Your password will expire on
Your password will expire on 31-DEC-2004
{if sysdate is currently 24-DEC-2004}
='Your password must have at least
'||:context.passwd_length||' characters.'
Your password must have at least 8 characters.
{if passwd_length has a value of 8}
=User: ||NVL(:user.user_name,
User: SYSADMIN {if :user.user_name is SYSADMIN}
User: New {if :user.user_name is null}
=The field value is:
{an ORACLE error because the syntax is incorrect. It
should be: =The field value is: || :items.part_number}
Version 1.0
Some Actions are insensitive to language, such as setting the
Required property for a field.
For these, set the Language to All

But many Actions have text, such as Properties (PROMPT_TEXT,
LABEL, TOOLTIP), Messages (Message Text), and Special
(Menu Label)
For these, create one Action per language
Pick the appropriate language, and enter the proper text for
that language

Dont create Conditions that are language sensitive
Refer to internal values of fields, not displayed values
Multilingual Issues
Version 1.0
You can count on numbers to be confusing!

Depending on your profiles, you may see numbers in fields as
1234.56 or 1234,56

However, much of Forms Personalization involves SQL fragments,
which require that numbers always be in english format

So, regardless of what your current settings are, enter all numeric
values in english format

Setting the WIDTH property: 2.5
Creating a Condition based on the value of a numeric
field: :block.field >= 2.5
Multilingual Issues
Version 1.0
Lets Check for Date

sysdate >= to_date(1-JAN-05)
JAN will not mean January in all languages
Always specify an exact mask when converting a string to a date
Avoid Y2K issues enter years with all 4 digits

sysdate >= to_date(1-1-2005, DD-MM-RRRR)
Multilingual Issues
Version 1.0
A rule or action may not run for a variety of reasons:

The Rule or Action is not enabled .
The Condition has evaluated to FALSE .
The Trigger Event and/or Trigger Object were not what you expected
The scope of the rule only consists of Responsibility, Industry and/or
User, and none is true for the current context
An action is executing the Builtin 'RAISE
FORM_TRIGGER_FAILURE' . That will abort all further processing
for that event.
The Language of the Action, if not All, is different than what you are
currently running
You have set Custom Code to Off or Core code only in the
pulldown menu.
Rules are created for a Function. You might be running the same form,
but as a different function.
Debugging: Why isnt it running ?
Version 1.0
It may not be obvious that your change was applied in some cases.

To resolve that:

Create a Message of Type Debug after the Action of interest. Add
some useful text.

Save your changes.

Check the Display Debug messages checkbox.

Re-run the form.

You should see your message pop up when the proper event occurs.
Debugging: Is it really running ?
Version 1.0
Often an Action may execute, but by the time control returns to the user the
property you set has been overridden. What can you do?

Try performing the action at a lower event.

Properties that affect all records of a block: set at WHEN-NEW-
Properties that affect a specific item in a block: set at WHEN-NEW-
The downside of the lower events is that they fire more frequently,
and they may yield a misleading UI (for example, a field may look to
be updateable until you navigate into it)

Be aware of item vs. item-instance properties.

item level affects all instances of that item.
item-instance affects only the current row of that item.
If a property is off at item level, it cannot be turned on at item-
instance level.
Debugging: Why isnt is sticking ?
Version 1.0
It is possible that a change you make completely breaks a form, to the
point that it will not even run! Heres how to recover :

On the pulldown menu, choose
Help > Diagnostics > Custom Code > Off
This will disable all callouts to Forms Personalization.

Run the form of interest
It should run now, because your changes were skipped.

Invoke the Personalization screen and correct the problem .

On the pulldown menu, choose Help > Diagnostics > Custom
Code > Normal to re-enable processing of Personalizations.
Debugging: How to stop personalization ?
Version 1.0
Form Personalization v/s Form Customization
Personalization Customization

Not Require CUSTOM library Mainly use CUSTOM library
For a limited functionality like hiding
columns, changing labels and showing
custom messages etc. (Look & Feel)
To Implement the complex business logic
Easy, faster and requires minimum
development effort.

Depends on the complexity of business
logic and require considerable
development effort.
Doesnt violate the support from Oracle
and these rules also conceded with the
future upgrades without any additional
Version 1.0
Form Personalization: Database Tables
Some of the Important Database tables for personalization






Version 1.0
In this session we have seen :

Forms Personalization

Build rules associated with the proper Trigger Event

Build rules that fire conditionally

Use Sequencing

Use the Validate feature to confirm Conditions and Strings

Use string evaluation

Handle multilingual situations

Use the most commonly used Properties, Builtins and Messages

Use debugging features
Version 1.0
Thank You

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