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Name _Asher Lindenbaum_____Grade _8___ Subject Tefilla Unit Bakashot______

Lesson Plan Outline

Behavioral Objective Students should understand that bakasha is considered the most basic form
of tefilla, but that humility is a prerequisite to proper bakashot
Materials Video clip genie, o!erpoint
Element of
Teaching by "pposite# $laddin and the genie
2 min
Objective %,hat
(ou ,ill tell
(our students'
Today !e !ill learn about bakashot, !hich is considered the
most basic form of tefilla& 3rom !hen you !ere little children,
many of you !ere taught that you should ask +od for things&
1et4s learn a little about ho! that !orks5
6 min
-ur"ose 7ou !ill gain a better understanding of bakashot, and
hopefully !ill be able to incorporate some of the things you
learn into your tefilla&
6 min
68 Think air Share#
a8 9hat ha(e you asked +od for' :ould be
b8 9hat makes you think +od can gi(e that to you'
c8 9hat gi(es you the right to ask for those things'
;8 1earn some more about bakashot through structure of
shemoneh esray and Shu$
a8 The shemoneh esray, as !e4(e discussed, contains 2
sections& art of building up to bakashot is recogni<ing +ods
po!er, and follo!ing up bakashot !ith thanks =before !e e(en
kno! that this is necessary8& This structure is important
because it demonstrates that its necessary to ha(e humilit(
before +od before you can ask >im for things& That4s !hat
gi(es our bakashot po!er&
3urthermore, an approach of humility adds a benefit to
our prayer in general& /n many !ays, tefilla isn4t about $ettin$
stuff, but is about ,or+in$ on and chan$in$ oneself& 9hen
you come in asking for things, but understand that the process
isn4t about you, you can gain a tremendous amount&
? min
0 min
b8 The Shulchan $ruch mentions that one may insert
personal bakashot inside brachot in !hich they belong& 3or
e@ample, if one has a friend !ho is sick, you can mention
his%her name in Aefaeinu& $lso, Shomeiah tefillah and Blokai
nit<or are open prayer spaces&
.hec+ for
C# 9hy is it important to surround our bakashot !ith praise
and thanks'
C;# /s there something about the actual te@t of the bakashot
themsel(es that adds to the concept of !e4(e been discussing
that bakashot must incorporate humility'
0 min
6& Blaborate on your list of things that you may ask =or ha(e
asked8 god to help you !ith& Dsing the Shua 66,#6 as a guide,
please e@plain !here those bakashot can be added to specific
tefillot in the shemoneh esray&
;& 9hy do you surround all your requests !ithin praise and
thanks' /f >e4s so po!erful, shouldn4t +od Eust gi(e you stuff'

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