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Great God, Utu

I invoke thee
Please guide me and be with me
You, who are the solar God, the radiant God of many cultures and pantheons
You who bears the light of the sun upon your shoulders in the morning
And you walked from your gate of the east, across the firmament of the skies
Through your journey you give light, source of radiance and life.
You bring the spring, you make the plants grow, you who are a great source of wealth and fortune.
As you descend upon the westgate, you leave us with night, perfect balance and perfect harmony.
You make your journey to the underworld, where in turn you give them light, perfect balance and
perfect harmony.
With your solar rays you see everything, for you light everything that is before you.
Allow me to be with you, light my path before me, let me see all things, let me know your justice, let me
know your knowledge, for you God, oh great Utu/ Shamash, you who knew everything, who knows
everyting, guide me and be with me

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