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Scientific Teaching, Analysis and Research

Findings on "Levitation in Earth's E-field" Technology

text book values of various dielectric materials
material dielectric constant
break down voltage
volts per mil
matter phase other notes
air 1 21 gas
bakelite 4.4 to 5.4 300 solid
cellulose ascetate 3.3 to 3.9 250 to 600 solid "cellophane"
ethyl alcohol 24 ? liquid
industerial - pure
formica 4.6 to 4.9 450 solid
glass 7.6 to 8 200 to 250 solid common/window
mica 5.4 3800 to 5600 solid
mylar 3.2 7500 solid
paper 3.0 200 solid no ink
paraffin 2.1 ? solid
plexiglass 2.8 990 solid
polyethylene 2.3 1200 solid
polystyrene 2.6 500 to 700 solid styrofoam
porcelain 5.1 to 5.9 40 to 100 solid
quartz 3.8 1000 solid
rubber 2.8 ? solid hard type
teflon 2.1 1000 to 2000 solid
vacuum 1 ? n/a
vinyl 2.8 to 4.5 ? solid
water 76.5 to 80 ? liquid distilled - bipolar
Mylar i s DuPont's brand name for pol yester fi l m.
Experimental Dielectric Values for Varoius Common Materials
material dielectric constant
break down voltage
volts per mil
matter phase other notes

more dielectric constants
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