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In The Belize District Court

Suit No.
Plaintifs Name ......... Jermaine Rhaburn
Address ....................... ! Police Street
"ccu#ation ................. $nem#lo%ed
De&endants Name ..... 'o(ernment o& Belize ) Belize De&ense *orce
Address ...................... Price Barrac+s ,ad%(ille
"ccu#ation ................. N-A
Amount Claimed ........ ./01233
Particulars o& claim The #laintif 4or+ed as a (olunteer element 5uard at the
Belize De&ence *orce 4here he had a le5itimate e6#ectation
to become #ermanent staf. Plaintif claims that due to the
ne5li5ence o& more senior o7cers than himsel& durin5 a
stru55le bet4een himsel& and another o7cer1 he 4as &orced
to de&end himsel&. 8e 4as subse9uentl% remanded and tried
and the case 4as thro4n out. 8e no4 claims &or the /2
months salar% he is due 4hile he 4as incarcerated.
Dated 7
March 2014

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