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The University of Texas at Tyler College of Nursing

Nurs 5327 Nursing Education Curriculum Development

TE!"#TE$ Criti%ue of Course Description and "earning &utcomes$
'tudent$ Cheryl Taylor
1. Download and analyze the assigned nursing course description.
2. Complete this template without changing it except to enter with your conclusions in
practical wording.
3. Use at least ONE NU! "32# course re$erence to support o$ your in$ormation. %his
can &e $rom Dr. 'c(ey)s lecture* or a text +Oremann or others you may ha,e- or
literature you $ind. .araphrase text re$erences directly $rom text chapters* citing chapter
authors* and go &eyond lecture citations.
/. !a,e the entire template with your name in the title and su&mit in the 0ssignment lin1.
() Nursing course specifications$ *+,-. */01 lines total.
!ee http233www.tccns.org3a&out.aspx %exas common Course Num&ering !ystem
!tandard course num&ering and title2 NU!3314
Course Credit2 1%heory325a&oratory2 3 credit hours 0ppropriateness o$ $ormat $or credit
distri&ution2 Credit distri&ution is appropriately designated as NU!33142 +36162- due to
the $act that 1 credit is theory and 2 are la&oratory and3or clinical hours.
.rere7uisites +8ow clearly speci$ied-2 9t is plainly stated that the prere7uisites may &e
ta1e prior to or concurrently with this course. +:%exas common course;* 2414-.
(() Course Description$ *2,-. */01 lines E#C2 area separately.
'y criti7ue on how well the course meets these criteria $or e$$ecti,e nursing program
elements to gi,e reassurance to 1ey sta1eholders that the emphasis is on these
+) Nursing emphasis +5e,el o$ nursing <udgment. !tage and acuity o$ care $rom
pre,enti,e to critical. Care settings -2
Emphasis is placed on health assessment in nursing. 0ccording to the literature* the
$oundation o$ nursing education is the clinical education o$ nursing students. De,eloping
this nursing s1ill is highlighted in this class with health history assignments and complete
physical examinations. Expressing a $ocus on holistic care that crosses the li$espan meets
$undamental elements o$ nursing <udgment. +.reheim = >loss* 241"-.
2) Target population +0ge or de,elopmental stage. 8ealth care status-.
0ccording to the description this course will include patients across the li$e6span
continuum* which will ,ary in health care status* and may &e seen in la&oratory settings.
0ssessment o$ all di$$erent ages and stages o$ de,elopment are re7uired to &e success$ul
in a nursing program and this course meets criteria. 0c7uiring the s1ills needed to
per$orm a comprehensi,e physical assessment on all age groups is an important
component o$ nursing education. +Durham = ?a1er* 241"-.
3) 2ealth challenges *.hysical* De,elopmental* !ociocultural* !piritual needs-2
0ssessment o$ health challenges are discussed at the minimum within the course
description. %here is notation that physical* cogniti,e* and social $unctioning will &e
analyzed within the context o$ the patient through the assessment o$ the nursing student.
0ction and re$lection are part o$ acti,e learning and de,elopment and there is clear
!ummer 241/ 0dapted and Used with permission $rom @. 'c(ey* .hD* N
indication that these will &e assessed. !piritual needs are not expressly addressed. +8agler
= 'orris* 241"-.
/) "earning experiences$ *5ecture with testing. Other assignments-2
'astering a s1ill and &eing a&le to per$orm that s1ill sa$ely is the ultimate goal and it is
thought that la&oratory practice gi,es students the a&ility to deli&erately practice s1ills
and enhance o,erall per$ormance and con$idence le,el. ?y incorporating a la&oratory
component students will &e a&le to master s1ills taught in lecture in an en,ironment that
is nurturing and supporti,e in nature. +Durham = ?a1er* 241"-.
e$erence in 0.0 $ormat2
Durham* C.>.* = ?a1er* D.E. +241"-. 5earning la&oratories as a $oundation $or nursing
excellence. 9n '. 8. Oermann +Ed.-* Teaching in nursing and role of the educator
+pp. 11A61/4-. New Bor1* NB2 !pringer.
8agler* D.* = 'orris* ?. +241"-.%eaching methods. 9n '. 8. Oermann +Ed.-* Teaching in
nursing and role of the educator +pp. 3"6"A-. New Bor1* NB2 !pringer.
.reheim* C.* = >loss* D. +241"-. .artnerships with clinical settings2 oles and
responsi&ilities o$ nurse educators. 9n '. 8. Oermann +Ed.-* Teaching in nursing
and role of the educator +pp. 1E361A4-. New Bor1* NB2 !pringer.
((() "earning &utcomes$ *3,-. */01 lines each 3area. 'y criti7ue how well the
learning outcomes assure sta1eholders that the emphasis is on these components.
+) Nursing emphasis +5e,el o$ nursing <udgment. !tage and acuity o$ care $rom pre,enti,e to
critical. Care settings -2
%he nursing emphasis is presented as integrating pre,ious 1nowledge to pre$orm health
history and physical assessment s1ills. !tudents will &e expected to apply and
demonstrate these s1ills which ensure nursing standards &y gi,ing the students a clear
indication o$ what they are expected to 1now and what s1ills they should de,elop along
the course. Nursing emphasis is clear throughout learning outcomes. +Oermann* 241"-.
2) Target population +0ge or de,elopmental stage. 8ealth care status.
0dult patients are the target population which is clearly and ade7uately stated. 9ntegrating
all $acets o$ health promotion* restoration* maintenance and disease pre,enti,e are
expressly itemized. 0 $ocus on all o$ these types o$ health care status will allow the
learner to de,elop acti,e learning techni7ues and promote critical thin1ing s1ills. +8agler
= 'orris* 241"-.
3) 2ealth challenges *.hysical* De,elopmental* !ociocultural* !piritual needs-2
De,elopment o$ pro$essional ,alues and per$orming holistic care meets the criteria $or all
health challenge needs. %he expression o$ integrating s1ills* 1nowledge* and attitudes o$
the nurse in per$orming holistic care encompass a wide range o$ 1inesthetic* emotional*
and spiritual de,elopment s1ills. .lacing emphasis on the de,elopment o$ intra6
pro$essional teams is expressed and meets sociocultural aspects o$ nursing in the
wor1place. +8agler = 'orris* 241"-.
/) "earning Domains +Cogniti,e* 0$$ecti,e* .sychomotor-2
O&<ecti,es are presented with clear learning domain properties. Use o$ the third cogniti,e
domain taxonomy* application* is utilized throughout the explanation o$ learning
!ummer 241/ 0dapted and Used with permission $rom @. 'c(ey* .hD* N
outcomes. %he psychomotor domain $ocuses on s1ills and is descri&ed &y incorporating a
comprehensi,e physical assessmentF this in,ol,es many motor s1ills and techni7ues. %he
a$$ecti,e domain is in,ol,ed in the per$ormance o$ holistic care. 0ll three learning
domains are clearly and e$$ecti,ely represented. +Oermann* 241"-.
e$erence in 0.0 $ormat2
8agler* D.* = 'orris* ?. +241"-.%eaching methods. 9n '. 8. Oermann +Ed.-* Teaching in
nursing and role of the educator +pp. 3"6"A-. New Bor1* NB2 !pringer.
Oermann* '.8. +241"-.0ssessment methods. 9n '. 8. Oermann +Ed.-* Teaching in
nursing and role of the educator +pp. 1A1621"-. New Bor1* NB2 !pringer.
(4) Teaching5 "earning 'trategies and #ssignments *2,-. *501 lines each area.
Congruency o$ strategies and assignments with course description2
Concepts related to health assessment are congruency and align well with the course
description. 0ll learning domains are expressedF howe,er there is a $ocus on the cogniti,e
and psychomotor. %he practice that students will o&tain is the la&oratory setting is
e,aluated as pall3$ail. %hese la&oratory assignments will allow students time to practice
s1ills and assessment techni7ues. 0llowing students to demonstrate s1ills and recei,e
$eed&ac1 is congruent with the course description. +Durham = ?a1er* 241"-.
Congruency o$ strategies and assignments with course o&<ecti,es2
%he course o&<ecti,es* teaching strategies* and assignments are all well aligned and
support each other. ?y integrating principles o$ the sciences and de,eloping health
history and complete physical assessment s1ills the students will &e e,aluated &y content
exams* a comprehensi,e exam* daily grades* presentation* and clinical assignments. %he
summati,e nature that all o$ these e,aluation criteria assume will pro,ide an e$$ecti,e
structure $or $eed&ac1 and per$ormance e,aluation. +Oermann* 241"-.
e$erence in 0.0 $ormat2
Durham* C.>.* = ?a1er* D.E. +241"-. 5earning la&oratories as a $oundation $or nursing
excellence. 9n '. 8. Oermann +Ed.-* Teaching in nursing and role of the educator
+pp. 11A61/4-. New Bor1* NB2 !pringer.
Oermann* '.8. +241"-.0ssessment methods. 9n '. 8. Oermann +Ed.-* Teaching in
nursing and role of the educator +pp. 1A1621"-. New Bor1* NB2 !pringer.
4) 6rading !rocedures$ *2,-. *20/ lines each area.
Criti%ue of 6rading Criteria *'pecificity and appropriateness.
1. !peci$ic grade weights $or assignments listed to total 144G and assigned grade
categories in decimal terms +ending in zero or " $or easy calculation-2
!ummer 241/ 0dapted and Used with permission $rom @. 'c(ey* .hD* N
%he weighting o$ each grade is clearly expressed and totals 144G. %his is speci$ic
and appropriate $or this course. %hese can easily &e con,erted to decimals $or
calculation purposes and meet criteria. +Oermann* 241"-.
2. Comparison o$ grade weighting &etween written tests and other graded
%he grade weight o$ the $our exams and comprehensi,e exam are appropriate $or
the course due to the increased emphasis those assignments ha,e on the o&<ecti,es
and outcomes in the o,erall course. +Oermann* 241"-.
3. Criti7ue o$ EHU059%B o$ Crading !cale categories 0 through > +comparison o$
G points in each $or grades 0* ?* C* and D-2
%he grading scale is clear and e7ual. 5etter grades correspond to the percentage
grade in 14G increments $or 0 and ? and then in "G increments $or C* D* and >.
%his is an e$$ecti,e and standard grading system. +Oermann* 241"-.
/. O,erall clarity* e$$ecti,eness* and $airness o$ grading Criteria2
%he weight o$ each assignment is clearly expressed. 'ultiple assessment and
assignments are utilized to determine the students o,erall grade which is an
e$$ecti,e assessment method $or determining i$ learning outcomes were meet.
+Oermann* 241"-.
e$erence in 0.0 $ormat2
Oermann* '.8. +241"-.0ssessment methods. 9n '. 8. Oermann +Ed.-* Teaching in
nursing and role of the educator +pp. 1A1621"-. New Bor1* NB2 !pringer.
!ummer 241/ 0dapted and Used with permission $rom @. 'c(ey* .hD* N

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