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The University of Texas at Tyler College of Nursing

Nurs 5327 Curriculum Development in Nursing Education

TE!"#TE for !$%&$# C$'T'(UE
Student Name: Stephanie Crowe Date submitted: July 9
, 2014
)ocus* Use these instructions to criti+ue the UT Tyler Nursing Undergraduate !rogram,
$esources %ermann- 2./5- Chapters /3 and /0
', '11'%N 1T#TEENT #ND &%#"1 2'n the same UT Tyler document3 2.4
Compare the College of Nursing's statements and the university's mission and goals statements.
UTTs mission statement: https://www.uttyler.edu/president/missionstatement.php
Compare, and descrie in !"# paragraphs your assessment of the congruency etween the college of nursing
and the university as a whole. $%ermann, p, #&#"'(
#ccording to the #ssociation of #merican Colleges and Universities 2##CU- 2./.3 mission statements
should address four learning outcomes* 5no6ledge of human cultures and the physical and natural 6orld-
intellectual and practical s5ills- personal and social responsi7ility- and integrative learning, Congruency can 7e
found 6ith the University of Texas at Tyler mission statement and the mission of the University of Texas at
Tyler 1chool of Nursing in that one of the goals of graduates of the University 6ill appreciate human diversity
and the glo7al nature of the ne6 millennium, %ne of the missions of the 1chool of Nursing is to model the
standards of the profession- ethical- caring 7ehaviors- and culturally appropriate care, These missions are in line
in that nurses 6ill need to respect the diversity of humans and in order to provide ethical and culturally
appropriate care,
'', !hilosophy 2.4
)ithin the ne*t section, +hilosophy, discuss the characteristics of ,-N graduates, the population served,
graduate ehaviors, and nursing education standards.
!"# paragraphs
# philosophy statement according to %ermann22./5- p, 2833 should include the 7eliefs of the mem7ers
of the institution and contain additional theories and concepts that are in line 6ith the mission statement and
help guide the curriculum of the educational institution, The philosophy of the school of Nursing 7ases their
philosophy on the fact that nursing education should 7e 7uilt 6ith integrity- respect for human dignity- critical
thin5ing and accessi7ility for a diverse population, The faculty of the school of nursing ac5no6ledges that
learning is a dynamic process that is influenced 7y attitudes- 7eliefs and interactions 6ith others, &raduate and
undergraduate students are expected to exhi7it success through interpersonal caring and critical thin5ing as 6ell
as theoretical research contri7utions, Nursing education standards for 91N graduates should prepare nurses to
7e self:directed learners and help encourage patients to find physical- psychological and spiritual health,
&raduate students characteristics are 7uilt upon the core values of undergraduate students and are
encouraged to develop strong critical thin5ing and decision:ma5ing s5ills, The 1N nurse is prepared to 7e a
leader in a 6ide range of settings and is a7le to utili;e research and evidence 7ased practice in the healthcare
setting, &raduate nurses should 7e a7le to contri7ute to policy and decision ma5ing 6ith a deeper
understanding of ethical responsi7ility, &raduates of the 1N program should 7e a7le to utili;e their
5no6ledge of health promotion- health care policy- health care organi;ations- and finance and ho6 that affects a
dynamic health care practice,
''', Conceptual )rame6or5 2.4
1ummer 2./0 #dapted and Used 6ith permission form <, c=ey- !hD- $N
Choose one area from the Nursing +aradigm.
The .eta paradigm concepts are: +atient, Nursing, /ealth, and 0nvironment. +ervasive
concepts are the concepts that must e in all courses in all levels to some degree. +ervasive concepts include
the human caring process, evidence ased practice, critical thin1ing process, and holism.
2iscuss how the concept you chose connects to other areas in to the conceptual framewor1. ! paragraph
%rgani;ation or conceptual frame6or5s are vital to an educational institution in order to integrate the
theories and concepts utili;ed in the mission and philosophy statements 2%ermann- 2./5- p,2803, The
metaparadigm concept of nursing encompasses the other concepts of patient- health and environment and these
concepts are inter6oven through out the curriculum, Nursing 7y definition is responsi7le for caring for humans
and meeting their needs to promote health or prevent illness, Nursing is an art form that utili;es the
environment to help support patients in emotional- physical and psychosocial aspects to promote optimal
health, The pervasive concepts of the institution are the human caring process- evidence 7ased practice- critical
thin5ing process and holism, Nursing uses the human caring process in 6ays that encompass nurse>s empathy
for patients and their a7ility to provide culturally competent care, Evidenced:7ased practice in nursing uses
research 7ased evidence to provide the 7est +uality clinical decision:ma5ing, Using the critical thin5ing process
in nursing is a process that develops 7y evaluating clinical outcomes and using cognitive s5ills to identify
pro7lems and 6or5 on areas to improve, ?olism emphasi;es loo5ing at the patient as a 6hole unit that is
influenced 7y 7io:psycho:social:spiritual aspects and that each patient experience is uni+ue 7ased and
encourages nurses to recogni;e patients as more than @ust list of symptoms,

'=, &$#DU#TE %UTC%E1 )%$ 91N !$%&$#, 2.4
3n one paragraph, choose !"# outcomes that are well supported in your opinion and discuss why.
3n one paragraph, choose !"# outcomes that could use improvement in your opinion and discuss why.
%ne of the learning outcomes of the nursing program is that nurses 6ill learn to advocate for patients
through out the lifespan in order to provide culturally competent care utili;ing the human caring model, This
outcome utili;es the concepts of patient and health and the human caring process to provide the 7est +uality and
appropriate care for patients, #nother one of the learning outcomes for the 91N program is that graduates 6ill
utili;e organi;ational and systems leadership to coordinate appropriate care for patients, This encompasses the
metaparadigm concept of environment to encourage nurses to uses availa7le resources to create a healing
environment for patients,
%ne of the learning outcomes that are not 6ell supported is the idea of demonstrating professional
values utili;ing historical- moral- ethical- and legal aspects of nursing to respond to glo7al health needs, This
idea is not 6ell supported in the ma@or concepts of patient- nursing- health- or environment, This idea could 7e
improved on 7y discussing the definition of professional values and ho6 this relates to the ma@or concepts in the
mission and philosophy statements,
=, 1U#$A %) C$'T'(UE and $eference "ist 2.4
2iscuss the overall assessment of the program, including the areas assessed as in mission statement and goals,
philosophy and sucomponents, conceptual framewor1, and graduate outcomes and how those support the
overarching program goals.
!"# paragraphs
The overall 91N program for UT Tyler is clearly defined 7y its mission statement- goals- philosophy-
conceptual frame6or5 and graduate outcomes, The overall program goals are listed in the nine points of student
learning outcomes, These points- for the most part- relate directly to the mission statement and philosophy 7y
1ummer 2./0 #dapted and Used 6ith permission form <, c=ey- !hD- $N
using the metaparadigm concepts of nursing- health- patient and environment, These outcomes are in line 6ith
the educational program goals and expectations for students to achieve in order to 7ecome successful nurses,
%ermann 22./5- p, 2873 discusses the value of an implementation plan that is organi;ed according to the
program goals and learning outcomes, The 91N program document is 5. pages and after the mission statement-
philosophy statement- conceptual frame6or5 and graduate outcomes the document discusses various admission
criteria- grading policies- dress codes- and resources, The one thing this program plan is lac5ing is an
implementation plan that is organi;ed 7y semester and learning outcomes for each semester, The #ccreditation
Commission for Education in Nursing 2#CEN- 2./33 outlines on organi;ational frame6or5 for a four year
curriculum and discusses year one- year t6o and end of program o7@ectives for a nursing school program, The
plan for the 91N program at UT Tyler could 7enefit from a more detailed analysis of the learning o7@ectives and
expectations of the students through out the program,
#ccreditation Commission for Education in Nursing 2#CEN3, 22./33, #ccreditation manual, 1ection ''',
1tandards and criteria glossary, #tlanta- &#* #CEN,
#ssociation of #merican Colleges and Universities, 22./.3, The (uality 'mperative* atch am7itious goals for
college attainment 6ith an am7itious vision for learning. 4ieral 0ducation, 5&$!( '6"'7.
%ermann- ,?, 22./53, Teaching in nursing and the role of the educator: The complete guide to est practice
in teaching, evaluation, and curriculum development $8th ed.(. .. /. %ermann $0d.(. New 9or1: -pringer
+ulishing Company.
1ummer 2./0 #dapted and Used 6ith permission form <, c=ey- !hD- $N

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