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Group 4

Bayu Aji Soedibyo 29113484

Ella M D Mustika 29113473
Nano Aryono 29113442
Kelvin Marcus 29112360
Kusuma Wijaya 29113451
Rahadian Haryo Bayu Sejati 29112598
Intention: Increase sales & market share
HP : High-end, engineering-driven,
Compaq: Cost leadership, sales-driven, rapid
decision making
HP would like to adopt the low-cost culture of
Her decision didn't turn out so well for the
thousands of HP and Compaq employees that
were laid off and the millions of HP stockholders
who lost equity since she took over. HP stock in
2002 is worth less than it was in 1999. Dell and
IBM stock has increased in value.
Carly tried to lower cost post-merger through
layoff and factory relocation to Asia, which was
perceived not aligned with organization culture
Carly was outward-looking and has different
style with the internal HP culture
Cary needs to do more alignment with
internal stakeholders, understand internal
individual & organizational culture, and
manage internal politics

Negative Responses to Change for

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