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Open Orthodoxy, Outright Heresy and the Orthodox Rebirth of the

Conservative Movement
Avrohom Gordimer
A tremendous amount of literature has been penned about the Open Orthodox movement, depicting
and detailing its countless, hair-raising deviations from traditional Orthodox practice and thought,
ranging from Open Orthodox rabbis lobbying for same-gender marriage, to Open Orthodox synagogues
hosting and promoting partnership minyanim (prayer groups in which women lead parts of the service),
to a vanguard Open Orthodox institution ordaining women for the rabbinate, to the founders of Open
Orthodoxy advocating for the right to non-halachic conversions in Eretz Yisroel, to Open Orthodox
interdenominational and interfaith initiatives that violate widely-accepted and precedent halachic
rulings, to Open Orthodox rabbis espousing heresy of the highest order.1
While the last aforementioned item - the embrace of heresy by Open Orthodoxy rabbis - would appear
to be one of the many consequences of a movement that has made the reform of Orthodox Judaism its
focus, rebranding and reshaping Orthodoxy to fit a liberal, egalitarian vision, the hard and tragic truth is
that outright heresy is at the very core of the intellectual engine that powers the Open Orthodox
In a May 22, 2014 Facebook posting, R. Ysoscher Katz, chairman of the Department of Talmud at
Yeshivat Chovevei Torah (YCT), the Open Orthodox rabbinical school founded by R. Avi Weiss,
demonstrated his belief that Torah She-bal Peh, the Oral Law of the Talmud, is not Mi-Sinai/Divinelygiven. Posting on Facebook about Maseches Sotah, Katz writes:
I just finished teaching a year long class on masechet Sotah, one of the most difficult tractates in the
Talmud. Simply read, the Biblical procedure seems capricious and patriarchal. The rabbis drastically
reinterpret the process to make it sensitive and egalitarian. They were the progressives of their times,
and, relative to their milieu, they were quite radical.
As I was wrapping up the class I realized how lucky chazal were that they were writing about two
thousand years ago. If they would have been writing today, a Chareidi essayist might have dubbed them
radical feminists, a MO essayist might have called them resha'aim, and a MO blogger might have
"warned" people not to be photographed with them. (And, who knows, they might have even gotten a
Mir Rosh Yeshiva upset enough to call for their murder.)
In other words: our tradition was always about progressive change, radical conservatism is actually a
deviation of our historical norm.
Katz asserts his belief in the insensitive and bigoted presentation of the halachos of Sotah as featured in
the Written Torah, and his view that Chazal fabricated or reshaped the Biblical Sotah procedure into the
version presented in the Talmud, in order to reform the Sotah procedure toward an egalitarian vision.

Readers are advised to see http://www.yucommentator.org/2013/12/open-orthodoxy-a-response-to-rabbishmuly-yanklowitz/ and to open the links for extensive elaboration and citations.

Katz again expressed his belief that Torah She-bal Peh was concocted by Chazal and is not Sanaitic, in
his critique of TheTorah.com, a website run by self-defining Orthodox Jews that rejects the divinity of
the (Written) Torah. Katz writes:
Unlike the website which chose to discard traditional notions of divine authorship, the Rabbis realized
that these textual difficulties are an invitation to embark on an aggressive attempt to reevaluate notions
of textually, truth, fact and hermeneutics without necessarily discarding the text's status and stature.
They were able to offer innovative hermeneutics which allowed them to maintain optimal fidelity to the
notion of the text's divinity.
They did not take the easy route of rejecting the tradition, negating its authority and then letting the
"chips fall where they may" (as some bloggers have suggested). They instead realized that religious texts,
and theological tenets have a built-in amorphousness that allows for and perhaps even demands
perpetual reinterpretation.2
This denial of the objective Mi-Sinai authorship and character of Torah She-bal Peh, portraying the Oral
Law as something concocted or manipulated by Chazal to serve a social agenda, is highly problematic, to
put it lightly. See Rambam Hil. Teshuva 3:8, Kesef Mishneh ibid., par. 1 of introduction to Mishneh
Torah, and par. 4 of Rambam's introduction to Peirush Ha-Mishnayos.
Shortly after issuing his remarks about the authorship and agenda behind the halachos of Sotah, Katz
spent Shabbos as the scholar-in-residence at the Conservative Synagogue of Fifth Avenue, where he
delivered the dvar Torah at morning services and spoke several times about the Sotah issue, including
an address entitled, Are Rabbis Proto-Feminists? A Critical Reading of Tractate Sotah.3
Although the notion of a high-ranked Talmud lecturer in a yeshivas semicha program spending Shabbos
at a non-Orthodox congregation is baffling, it is a testament to the theological posture of Open
Orthodox leadership. (Not to mention Katz thesis and theme of discussion, which certainly fit better
with a Conservative orientation than with an Orthodox one.)
Many of us are familiar with the words of R. Dov Linzer, rosh yeshiva and dean of YCT, in an article4
about perceived inequities in the Talmud toward gentiles. Linzer wrote that although some Talmudic
opinions can be read to grant gentiles more favorable standing in the limited area of the articles
the halakha follows the interpretation that the Gemara gives to the statements of the Tanaim and
Amoraim. Nevertheless, many committed Jews are often left feeling that even when halakhic solutions
are being found, they run counter to the ethos of the system, and are to some degree disingenuous and
lacking in integrity. "Should we be bending the halakha to conform to our modern notions of

Katz is serving as scholar-in-residence again at this Conservative congregation:
Milin Havivin journal, vol. 1, p. 36

egalitarianism?" is a reasonable question to ask and a hard one to answer. An honest answer requires
finding within the Talmud those voices that articulate those same values that are driving us.
Linzers statement that "'Should we be bending the halakha to conform to our modern notions of
egalitarianism?' is a reasonable question to ask and a hard one to answer" is shocking and speaks for
Linzer has taken the theme of challenging Torah authority several steps further. In a similar vein to the
Katz approach, Linzer writes (emphasis mine) regarding the mitzvah of Mechiyas Amalek/Obliterating
Three mitzvot: One, remember. Two, do not forget. And three, sandwiched in between you shall blot
out their memory. Kill them, wipe them out. What possible message can we learn from this mitzvah?
God is a vengeful God. Violence must be met with violence. Even innocents the infants and the future
descendants of the original nation - can be slaughtered by the hand of Israel when Israel is following
Gods command and is the agent of Gods justice. Is this the message of Amalek? Is this the story that
we tell?
We know that it is not. It is not the story that we as a people have told. Having as a people been
persecuted and slaughtered in the name of religion, and as witness today to the evils that can be
perpetrated by a murderous, fundamentalist religious belief this also is not the story that we can ever
The mitzvah to blot out the memory of Amalek is surrounded by two other mitzvot, two mitzvot of
memory. Zakhor, remember, and lo tishkach, do not forget. The latter, according to the Rabbis, is a
command to remember in our hearts, whereas the former is a command to verbalize that memory, a
mitzvah to tell a story. How do we live up to these obligations? What is the story we choose to tell and
what is the story we choose to remember?...
It can be heard in the words of Rav Yakov Chayim Sofer of Bagdad (1870-1939) who writes in his halakhic
magnum opus the Caf HaChayim that we made no brakha when we do the mitzvah of remembering
Amalek, because how could we make a blessing over the story of the destruction of Gods
creatures? And this he says about a mitzvah that God has commanded!
It is a story of a grappling, yes, but not one that leads to resignation or rejection, but to
transformation. It is a story about how Amalek stops being a people whom we must physically destroy,
and instead becomes a symbol, an idea, that we must fight against, peacefully and without violence.
This story can be heard in the words of Rav Shimshon Raphael Hirsch, who states that we must destroy
not Amalek, but zekher Amalek, the glorifying of all they stood for.5 This is a mitzvah about opposing the
sword, not wielding it. Amalek represents a culture that valorizes violence and the sword. Such a culture

Rav Hirsch most certainly does not write that we must not physically destroy Amalek. Rather, he writes that the
thrust of our opposition to Amalek is the eradication of the philosophy represented by Amalek; Rav Hirsch in no
manner or sense posits that Amalek not be physically destroyed. Please see Rav Hirschs comments on Devarim
25:17, in which he explains regarding the military operations against Amalek which we are commanded to perform
that Bnei Yisroel assume the role of soldiers of Hashem rather than as soldiers fighting their own war.

is pernicious for the moral future of mankind, and it is such a culture, not a people, which must be wiped
out and obliterated.
This story can be heard in the writings of all those halakhic authorities who, through various halakhic
devices, make the mitzvah to destroy Amalek moot. From Rambams claim that if they accept the
Noachide laws they are not to be destroyed, to the consensus amongst poskim that such a people can
no longer be identified, this mitzvah has effectively been erased. We have erased not Amalek, but the
mitzvah to destroy them.
It is a story of moving from the passage in Devarim, from the charge of timche that you shall blot out
to the passage in Shemot, and the declaration of macho emche, that I, God, will blot out. It is the
transferring of the war, from Bnei Yisrael to God. Milchama laHashem biAmalek, a war of God against
Amalek. Midor dor. The story that we have chosen to tell, from generation to generation, is the story
of Shemot, the story of Gods war, not of ours. The story of a war not against a people, but against
violence, against evil.
We are truly an amazing people. We have taken the mitzvah to destroy Amalek, a mitzvah that
disrupts our moral and religious order, a mitzvah that embraces violence and, through interpretation,
through choosing how we will tell the story, we have transformed it into a mitzvah of memory, a
mandate to restore moral order and to repudiate violence...
When we tell the story of the Akeida do we tell the beginning of the story, or the end? Do we tell the
story that one must be prepared to commit murder in the name of God, or do we tell the story of the
angels intervention, the story that God will never in the end command us to do such a heinous
As partners in the covenant, we will choose to hear the voices that resonate with our deepest sense of
probity and morality, which we believe to reflect the Torahs deepest sense of morality and of
justice. But we cannot lose sight that there are others who hear other voices. Others for whom the
fundamentalist and extremist voices are the most attractive. Others who are more prepared to hear
the mitzvah of mechiya and milchama, of war and destruction. Others who will tell a very different
story from the one that we would tell.
Remember. Do not forget. We have a responsibility of memory and a responsibility of speech and of
story. We, each one of us, will choose the story that we will tell.6
Linzer presents the Torahs command about Amalek as vicious and repulsive to our sensitivities,7
explaining that we reformed the general mitzvah, in line with the (otherwise) deeper sensitivity of the
Torah, into a mitzvah of symbolism and passivity. Linzer both offends the Torahs articulation of Mitzvas

Linzer takes a similar approach to the Akeidah; see

Mechiyas Amalek and posits that Torah authorities contrived a different manifestation of the mitzvah,
departing from the Torahs command in favor of a more civil approach.8
Linzers irreverence toward the raw Biblical narrative is demonstrated repeatedly in his writings, as he
regularly disparages the greatest personalities of Scripture in his weekly divrei Torah, such as writing
that Avrohom Avinu was a negligent father who did not love Yitzchak,9 that Yaakov Avinu was socially
inept and unable to deal with conflicts, only knowing how to lash out in response,10 that Moshe
Rabbeinu presumptuously and insensitively mishandled Korachs rebellion,11 and so forth.12
Linzer shared more about his approach to halachic authority in remarks delivered at the May 29, 2014
YCT semicha ceremony:
Not long ago I lost a dear friend, Rivka Haut, z"l (co-founder of Women of the Wall, and outspoken
orthodox feminist - AG), a woman who was my conscience in so many ways. Rivka attended my daf yomi,
and would never fail to challenge me when we encountered a morally problematic passage in the
Talmud. I remember one day when I was attempting to defend or explain away a certain passage. She
said to me, "It is not your job to defend the Talmud. The Talmud says what it says. It is your job to take
responsibility for how it is taught, if it is taught as unquestionable, God-given truth, or if it is taught
with an acknowledgment of its problems and challenges."
This is what it means to take the Torah out of heaven and bring it to the earth. This is the Torah that
we must teach and represent. We must be leaders who can hear the cries of the daughters of
Tzelafchad, , or of those who could not bring the Korban Pesach, , "why should we be
excluded," "why should we be marginalized," and rather than seeking to protect the Torah and to silence
them for their impertinence, we must be able to respond ' - let me go back, let
me go back and see, let me see how this can be a commandment that is lakhem, that is true to you, that
hears your challenges.13 (emphasis mine)
For a rosh yeshiva to concur that the Oral Law, the Talmud, should not be presented as unquestionable,
God-given truth, but rather as a text featuring problems and challenges, such that it must be taught

It is clear that the most basic of sources affirm the eternality of the mitzvah to obliterate Amalek, not only
symbolically, but also physically. See Rambam Sefer Ha-Mitzvos m.a. 188, Hil. Melachim 5:5, Sefer Ha-Chinuch 604,
et al. Furthermore, the mitzvah to remember that which Amalek did to us includes the perpetual arousal of enmity
against Amalek and, according to the Rambam, serves as a preparation for the mitzvah to obliterate Amalek; see
Sefer Ha-Mitzvos m.a. 189. Linzer's presentation, even absent its objectionability from a religious perspective, is
blatantly contradicted by these basic, primary texts. Readers are directed to Sefer Hararei Kedem 1:185,186 for a
beautiful analysis of the relationship of the mitzvos of Mechiyas and Zechiras Amalek and the eternal nature of the
mitzvah of Mechiyas Amalek.
See also footnote 72, infra.

and applied in a way that accommodates and is palatable, is quite troubling.14 Hilchos Teshuva 3:8 and
the other aforementioned sources come to mind once again.
It is thus no wonder that when YCT Yadin Yadin musmach Dr. Zev Farber publicly denied the Divine
authorship of the Torah, the existence of prophecy, and the historicity of Torah narratives, including the
existence of the Avos and Imahos, the existence of Yetzias Mitzrayim and the existence of Mattan Torah
at Sinai,15 YCT leadership defended Farber16, and International Rabbinic Fellowship (IRF), the Open
Orthodox rabbinical organization, retained Farber as the coordinator of its geirus committee for months
beyond the publication of his heretical views. Responding to criticism of YCT for failing to condemn
Farbers views, Katz wrote:
In this endeavor, we recognize the possibility that, on occasion, a graduate might entertain a nonconventional answer, not in keeping with our shared Orthodox beliefs. We believe that ultimately they
will end up in the right place, embracing a modernity that is deeply steeped in the Tradition. Our
confidence is based on the fact that each and every one of our graduates leaves the Yeshivah after four
years infused with Yirat shamayim, ahavat Torah, emunat chachamim, and a deep-seated commitment
to avodat Hashem.
We try to prepare our YCT graduates to confront that challenge (of faith). And we are aware that in the
process they are likely to experience their own periods of uncertainty as they continue to sort out the
content of their own beliefs
Our willingness to grapple and confront the challenges faced by the majority of klal Yisrael has clearly
rattled some in the Orthodox world. They, in turn, have critiqued us, oftentimes harshly and unfairly. We
pray that we, nevertheless, listen to those critiques and when appropriate acknowledge our mistakes.
We are traversing a less travelled path; there will inevitably be bumps in the road. While we strive to
improve, we intend, however, to stay the course. We will continue to graduate students who make us
proud in their mesiras nefesh for klal Yisrael and in their willingness to model genuine, modest, and
honest grappling in the attempt to serve Hashem.
Religious wrestling is in our DNA. That is what our forbearer Yakov did (Genesis 32) and we carry on that
torch. Yakov was scarred by his encounter with the angel and we sometimes get scarred as well. We will
not, however, let these scars prevent us from responding to our calling to serve God and His people.
Ultimately our goal is to reach the day when ( Isaiah 11:9; Maimonides
Kings 12).17


Linzer fails to note that it was God Himself and not Mosaic modification that was responsible for accommodating
the requests of Bnos Tzelofchad and those who could not bring the Korban Pesach. Moshe needed to ask God for
a ruling on these matters and was not in a position to adjust the Law to accommodate the people.
See http://www.cross-currents.com/archives/2013/07/26/belief-in-torah-min-ha-shamayim-damage-control-byyct/.

Whereas one would expect a yeshiva faced with the horror that one of its star graduates has abandoned
Torah belief to condemn and disassociate from the beliefs of such a graduate, Katz downplays the
matter and includes it as one of many bumps in the road. Not a word stating that Farbers views are
In consonance with this approach, one of the young men ordained at YCT this May is married to a
Conservative rabbi.19 This young man has just been hired as a rebbe at YCT starting in the fall.20
It has been revealed that a current YCT student recently penned numerous articles in which he denies
the Mosaic authorship of the Torah and other foundational elements of Orthodox belief. In one such
article, after reviewing six recent books about the Bibles authorship and literary value, the student puts
forth his own approach, in which he accepts the idea of multiple human authors of the Torah, with a
divine unity behind it something very much like the Conservative approach:
one may still acknowledge the evolutionary nature of the Bibles composition, and one may still
recognize the archeological, philological, historical and ethnological findings that indicate the
Pentateuchs multiple authorship, while still believing (in a theological sense) in the divine unity of the
In this article, the YCT rabbinical student writes that
the Bible is also not a work of philosophy or theology because the biblical writers were similarly
unfamiliar with such logical, systematic disciplines; to impose our familiarity with these disciplines upon
the biblical writers is to commit an anachronism.22
This YCT rabbinical student further writes that Chazals account of the origins of the Bible is ahistorical,
and he postulates that accepting the Bible as literal truth may be an affront to the unity of God (!).23

Farber has continued to promulgate the denial of a Singular Divine Author of the Torah; for example,
http://thetorah.com/the-prohibition-of-shaving/ and http://thetorah.com/the-purification-of-a-niddah/. Farber is
still a member of the Yeshivat Maharat Advisory Board and writes for Keren, the Yeshivat Maharat journal. He is
also still a staff writer for Morethodoxy, the Open Orthodox website, and his weekly shiurim are posted in his
shuls newsletter
(http://images.shulcloud.com/137/uploads/Weekly_Announcement/WeeklyAnnouncements.pdf, under Learning
Opportunities at YITH).

http://www.yctorah.org/content/view/894/17, http://howtocover.blogspot.com/p/about-me.html A current

YCT student is married to a woman studying to be a Reconstructionist rabbi
(http://www.mishkanhaam.org/beresheit/about/leadership/rabbieducation-director/), and an early YCT graduate
is married to a Reform cantor (http://saidtomyself.com/about/).

Sacred Scriptures, Secular Interpretations: The Bible as an Anthology of Philosophy, Psychology, Literature, and
Religion; Religious Studies Review 39:4, p.231 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/rsr.12070/abstract

In another article, this YCT rabbinical student, presenting the theology of R. Jonathan Sacks, radically
takes that theology one step further and writes:
The approach toward science and religion that is fashionable in contemporary mainstream Orthodoxy
presupposes an omniscient, all-knowing God who authored both the Bible and science. However, this
approach can easily run into problems of circular logic in which the Bible itself is taken as the source of
scientific knowledge24
And in another article, published in June, this YCT rabbinical student disavows the traditional attitude
toward Torah and mitzvos and denies the kedushah of Eretz Yisroel (and of almost everything), as he
presents his view of what future religious faith should be:
Religion cannot, nor should it, attempt to explain how the world was created, nor should it attempt to
explain how the universe works. Science, not religion, possesses the answers to these questionsThe
faith of the space age will not believe in the sacrosanct nature of any physical structure, even planet
eartheven, yes, the Holy Land.The value in religions rules and restrictions lies not in cherishing the
rules as ends in and of themselves, but in the power that flows from living with discipline25
Another article written by this YCT rabbinical student, published by Reconstructionist Rabbinical College,
shockingly argues that the Torah's prohibition against homosexual relations should be overturned.26 It is
YCT executive administration was contacted about most of the above articles by this student and
advised that it is following up. Although the follow-up has been slow, we look forward to the outcome.
Irrespective of the outcome, the fact that the student published these articles on the internet and on his
own public web page, and wrote the articles while enrolled in YCT, raises many concerns, to put it
In a very recent interview, R. Asher Lopatin, president of YCT, affirmed commitment to classical belief in
Torah Mi-Sinai, yet declined to address the unacceptability of any theological views or approaches to
In sharp contrast to Agudah, and to rulings by YU-affiliated rabbis, Rabbi Lopatin doesnt see the need
for sharp lines to distinguish kosher belief from heresy. Nor is he fazed by the prospect of a slippery slope.


(Website access has been blocked.)



Take the question of women in Jewish law. Could women ever be treated simply as equal to men in
halacha leading services and being counted in a minyan?
Rabbi Lopatin doesnt want to preclude anything as being out of bounds.
The basic principles of his Orthodoxy, he said, are belief in the Torah and the authority of talmudic sages.
Beyond that, he is willing to enter halachic debates with an open mind.27
Lopatin also seeks to reintroduce into Orthodoxy discussion of views and positions that had been
banished from mainstream Modern Orthodoxy decades ago and were basically relegated to nonOrthodox classification:
Rabbi Lopatin has put aside the term open Orthodoxy, coined by Rabbi Weiss, in favor of the older
modern Orthodoxy.
Were about reclaiming modern Orthodoxy, he said.
There was a rich modern Orthodox environment and culture that is coming back, he continued, citing
debates waged more than 40 years ago in the pages of YUs student newspaper between Rabbis Yitz
Greenberg and Aharon Lichtenstein, at the time both YU faculty members, and at the convention of the
Rabbinical Council of America between Rabbis Joseph B. Soloveitchik and Emanuel Rackman.
Arguments are good. Lets argue about it, he said.28
In another recent article, Lopatin fleshed out his vision of Open Orthodoxy as a throwback to some of
the controversial aspects of Modern Orthodoxy of half a century ago, in his quest for such controversy
to return:
Important and controversial Orthodox thinkers, including Rabbis Yitz Greenberg and David Hartman,
were being shunned by the so-called Modern Orthodox establishmentThere was a sense of despair that
the Modern Orthodoxy of the 1950s and 1960san era in which Rabbis Emanuel Rackman, Yitz
Greenberg, and Eliezer Berkovits, and (in Israel) the philosopher Yeshayahu Leibowitz, were household
nameshad been lostThere was legitimate concern that the (Modern Orthodox) movement was
coming to represent an ossified and unimaginative type of Judaism, always looking fearfully over its right
shoulder. Hence Open Orthodoxy.29
The notion that Torah is not the absolute and objective Divine Truth has found its way into other
segments of the Open Orthodox community. R. David Almog, an early YCT graduate, has come up with
an experiential view of faith that enables one to be Torah-observant even if one does not accept that
Mattan Torah ever occurred.30 R. Herzl Hefter, posting on the Open Orthodox website Morethodoxy,31

Ibid. Greenbergs highly controversial theology and Rackmans untraditional approach to Halacha precipitated
the effective ouster of these two personalities from Yeshiva University and the Orthodox institutional rejection of
their approaches, which are not considered acceptable approaches by mainstream Orthodoxy.

has posited that the Torah was not dictated by God to Moshe, but that Moshe intuited the words of
Torah in his heart; once again, the event of Mattan Torah is denied.32
The pattern of blatant challenges to Halacha and Mesorah endemic to Open Orthodoxy can in large
measure be traced to the faith ideology of the movements intellectual leadership; rejection of the
fundamentals of halachic authorship and Torah authority has given license to unthinkable breaches,
with no end in sight.
Dr. Yoram Hazony, who identifies himself generally with the Orthodox Left, posted an important essay
about Open Orthodox beliefs in the May 27 edition of Torah Musings.33 In this essay, Hazony depicts the
sentiments and beliefs of those assembled at a recent Open Orthodox synagogue event:
But here I want to describe a particular event that I attended recently at an Orthodox synagoguean
event in which friends and colleagues of mine who have devoted their professional lives to the critical
study of the biblical texts presented their work to the congregation, in what was explicitly touted as an
example of Open Orthodoxy by the rabbi who hosted it...
The event Im going to describe took place on a Friday night during an academic conference in North
AmericaThe synagogue invited the scholars visiting their community to put together a program for the
congregation discussing their work, much of which was concerned with the history and archaeology of
ancient Israel. Perhaps seventy or eighty members of the congregation attended the event, in which four
of the visiting scholars spoke from the dais, and a fifth served as moderator.
One of them (the event's speakers) explained that only the books of Samuel and Kings can be considered
to be historical, whereas everything from Genesis to Judges is not historical (this is an academic buzzphrase meaning that little, if any, of the biblical account up to Samuel actually happened); another
explained that according to his findings, there was no conquest of the land by Joshua, but just a gradual
infiltration by Israelite tribesmen; a third said that the religion of the biblical period was not Judaism
but a different ancient Israelite religion, and that Judaism was only invented later. All the speakers
treated the biblical texts as comprised of different traditions or strands that historians have been
able to identify. At one point, one of the speakers asserted that there were in fact multiple different gods
in ancient Israel that went by the name of YHWH, and that these different gods were only later combined
into one...
There were a number of things that did surprise me, even more than the fact that all of this was taking
place at an Orthodox synagogue
One scholar told the audience: You should know that there are people out there who dont want you to
hear this. There are those who are against your being allowed to even have an event like this. Another
scholar confided in the audience that a student even had to drop his course because the students rabbi


Please see http://www.cross-currents.com/archives/2013/10/01/the-open-orthodox-race-to-the-edge-andbeyond-when-will-it-stop/ for discussion of this and a variety of articles by Open Orthodox rabbis that pose similar

had told him not to take it. Why the rabbi said that, I do not know. The student had already paid for the
course, and didnt know what to do.
The presentations were followed by a lengthy question and answer period. To my surprise, the questions
from the congregation were nearly all supportive of the visiting Bible scholars and their work. (At least all
of those that were coherent!) No one suggested that perhaps what the Bible scholars had presented
wasnt good science. No one suggested that perhaps what had been said was a problematic fit with
religion. As far as you could tell from the questions, every single person in the congregation thought that
everything they had heard was perfectly good stuff that could just be accepted without raising any
difficulties of any kind.
Every single person, that is, except one. There was one white-haired, elderly gentleman, a veteran
member of the shul, who raised his hand. When called upon, he asked the scholars on the dais the
following question:
Dont any of you believe that God gave the Torah to Moses at Sinai?
Finally, someone had raised the uncomfortable fact that the viewpoint being presented and discussed
and elaborated all evening long might in some respects be at odds with traditional Judaism. Here, at last,
was a chance for some real discussion, I thought.
But it was not to be. Sensing the danger, the moderator, himself a Bible scholar whose work I in fact very
much admire, wheeled about in his chair and let loose the following response:
I am going to use the prerogative of the chair to answer this question myself. And heres my answer:
There are some people who think that they can tell God what he can and cannot do. There are some
people who think they are so clever that they can know, on Gods behalf, whether he had to give the
Torah to one person at one time, or whether he could have given the Torah gradually, in an unfolding
fashion, over the course of many generations. And thats the answer to that question. Next question.
There were closing comments by the young rabbi, who enthusiastically expressed his pleasure over
having had such an event in his synagogue. His comments included not a word of demurral with respect
to the what had been presented or the way the evening was conducted. His view of the event, as I
remembered it twenty-four hours later, was this:
Here in our synagogue we advocate what we call Open Orthodoxy. What we mean by that is that
unlike others who avoid dealing with the issues presented by modernity and academic thought, we
want to confront issues like this by meeting them head-on, presenting the scholarship here in the
synagogue so that we can wrestle with the hard issues instead of avoiding them. (emphasis mine)
Just as those who seek to compel others to make inappropriate concessions and unjust compromises
often use catchphrases such as "dealing with the challenges rather than avoiding them" and "wrestling
with the hard issues" to slyly justify their aims, so too has some Open Orthodox leadership employed
such crafty verbiage to defend denial of the Torah and capitulation and embrace of secular values that
are wholly antithetical to the values of the Torah, as exemplified by the rationalization proffered by the
Open Orthodox rabbi in the above scenario reported by Hazony.

The unOrthodox tendencies of the intellectual engine of Open Orthodoxy, aside from finding expression
in irreverent characterizations of the greatest of Biblical personalities and of God Himself, have begotten
a culture that lacks basic inhibitions regarding matters traditionally considered highly inappropriate from
the perspective of Torah sensitivities. For example, a female sex therapist was brought to YCT this
winter to address the (male) students on the topic of "Marital Sex and the Rabbi's Role,34 a recent
presentation in the YCT class on Modern Orthodoxy included "Transgender Issues in Halakha", and
"Saying Kaddish for a Gay Partner" was among the topics featured in YCT's study of death and mourning.
Respect and equal treatment of lifestyles which the Torah terms an abomination have become a
cardinal principle of Open Orthodoxy.35
Prior to Yom Kippur, the YCT rosh yeshiva delivered a very provocative lecture:
Listen to Rabbi Dov Linzers shiur exploring the topic of the erotic imagery surrounding the Kohens
Gadols entering the Holy of Holies on Yom Kippur, with a brief look at the encounter God has with the
Temple on Sukkot.36
In this lecture, we are told that the Kohen Gadol performed a symbolic form of sexual intercourse, that
the Paroches shel Kodesh Ha-Kodoshim (Curtain of the Holy of Holies) represented the curtains of a
bedroom relating to the sexual act, and that the Ketores (Incense) burned in the Kodesh Ha-Kodoshim
was symbolically associated with an aura of sexual seduction. While it is true that the metaphoric
physical connection between Hashem and Bnei Yisroel as depicted in some Torah sources is
representative of an immense chibah (endearment) between Hashem and the Jewish People, with the
sources applying physical references in order to make this chibah relationship understandable to man
and appreciated for its intensity (and such is the foundation of Shir Ha-Shirim/Song of Songs), Linzer, on
the other hand, goes the opposite direction, with his focus and language more interested in a
suggestive, physical, graphic erotic act than in the chibah. In his lecture, Linzer debases the subject and
entertains his audience with the bold implication that, "Guess what? There is a lot of sexual stuff in the
Yom Kippur Avodah (Service). Let's talk about this erotica and get into the graphic imagery of it. It is
'kosher sex'..." The referenced recording of this lecture speaks for itself.
As classical Orthodox theology and traditional Torah attitudes/Mesorah play an increasingly lesser role
in the brains behind Open Orthodoxy, an informal rebranding of sorts has occurred; it is something that
the Conservative movement tried to do but failed, and Open Orthodoxy is now giving it another shot.
This something is called Halachic Judaism, meaning that one claims to be fully committed to halachic
observance, distinguishing oneself from movements which have abandoned Halacha and have thus
forfeited their Jewish gravitas in the eyes of those who claim fealty to Torah tradition, yet one is not
Orthodox in the normative sense. By laying claim to the mantle of Halachic Judaism, one can anchor
oneself to the perceived rock of legitimacy, while at the same time thereby free oneself to depart from
Torah tradition and values in varied and profound ways.
Lets take a look at some sample cases:


Please see http://rabbidovlinzer.blogspot.com/2014/05/a-thought-on-parasha_23.html?m=1 for a further

Feminization of Orthodoxy
Yeshivat Maharat, founded by R. Avi Weiss, ordains women who complete its course of study.
Ordination certificates, which refer to the ordination as semicha,37 are signed by Weiss, R. Jeffrey S.
Fox (rosh yeshiva of Yeshivat Maharat), and R. Dr. Daniel Sperber - whose title on the semicha certificate
is Posek, and who serves as advisor for a major Israeli partnership minyan and as chancellor of the
(non-Orthodox) Canadian Yeshiva and Rabbinical School an institution led and staffed by graduates of
Jewish Theological Seminary.38
Originally, Yeshivat Maharat referred to the women who complete its course of study as confirmed as
spiritual and halachic leaders; later, the verbiage changed to that of ordination as clergy; at this
years Yeshivat Maharat graduation, Weiss repeatedly utilized the term semicha to refer to the title
conferred upon the women.39
Yeshivat Maharat claims that its four-year program equips its students to be poskot by the time they
Through a rigorous curriculum of Talmud and halakhic decision-making (psak), our graduates are
authorized to be poskot (legal arbiters) within the boundaries of halakha. During their four years of
study, our students also gain superior training in pastoral counseling and leadership development so they
can lead with distinction40
Aside from Yeshivat Maharats highly ambitious claim that the women who graduate its four-year
program qualify as poskot, it should be noted that a substantial ratio of Yeshivat Maharats students are
enrolled in demanding graduate school programs and/or are pursuing careers simultaneous to their
Yeshivat Maharat studies. Furthermore, quite a large percentage of Yeshivat Maharats students live in
remote parts of the US and overseas, and they complete their Yeshivat Maharat coursework longdistance.41
Even though Yeshivat Maharat graduates are considered poskot upon completion of the four-year
program, entrance to the program does not require any prior halachic knowledge; mere Jewish textual
proficiency is necessary.42
Yeshivat Maharats graduates are now eligible for admittance to International Rabbinic Fellowship, and
thus far, one Yeshivat Maharat graduate sits on the IRF board.43
Yeshivat Maharat claims license to ordain women based on Sperbers position that there is nothing in
Halacha clearly specifying that women cannot serve as rabbis, and from other contemporary liberal
Orthodox rabbis who derive from the example of Devorah the Prophetess the notion of women serving


http://www.yeshivatmaharat.org/class-of-2015/, et al

as halachic leaders.44 At the most recent Yeshivat Maharat graduation, Sperber articulated a rationale
which sounds like something taken directly from the playbook of Conservative Judaism:
Rabbi Sperber noted, The argument [against ordination of women] has been that it is a breach of
tradition. But, argued Sperber, Innovation is the hallmark of Jewish halakhic tradition. The
petrification, the stagnation, of halakhic tradition that is the breach of tradition. The very word
halakha from halakh means to progress.45
These sentiments fly in the face of fealty and submission to the halachic system, and they reflect a
shallow attempt to sweep away very serious concerns with the swish of a flimsy wand and the
performance of locutionary acrobatics.
In 2013, Yeshivat Maharat ordained the three members of its initial graduating class, and all three
women were immediately hired by Open Orthodox congregations. The rabbi of one such congregation,
Ohev Sholom-The National Synagogue (Washington, D.C.), has expressly stated that hiring a Maharat
ordainee is a natural next step in introducing feminist reforms to his congregation, which already has
women serving as Makri(ah) for Tekias Shofar and allows women to publicly read Megillas Esther for
men. Bas mitzvah girls also serve as chazzan and baal(as) keriah at this Open Orthodox congregation,
with men in attendance.46
At another Washington-area Open Orthodox congregation (Beth Sholom, led by R. Nissan Antine, YCT
06), the wife of the rabbi read Megillas Rus this Shavuos at the main minyan.47 And this Purim, women
read Megillas Esther at numerous other Open Orthodox congregations, including Mt. Freedom Jewish
Center (led by R. Menashe East, YCT 05), where the night reading is a communal reading where men
and women will be reading alternating perakim as they read for the whole community,48 and Cong.
Bnei David Judea (whose rabbi is the current president of IRF), where one of the readings in the
evening will be for men and women, with a woman reading.49
In the same spirit of feminism and egalitarianism, Open Orthodoxy has promoted numerous changes to
the wedding ceremony, such as the bride performing a quasi-Badeken procedure to the groom (using a
tallis), the couple altering the traditional wording of the Kesuba, and women reciting the Sheva


These arguments have been compellingly proven irrelevant by eminent halachic authorities. See, for example,
Rav Hershel Schachters article on the subject in Hakirah Journal, vol. 11. Please also see http://www.crosscurrents.com/archives/2013/06/03/what-about-mesorah-do-you-not-understand/.

Ibid. One Open Orthodox rabbi, who describes himself as a universalist, depicted his visit to the Western Wall
prior to his visit to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and lamented the fact that Orthodox Judaism seems to
dominate the Western Wall, and any display of religiosity that departs from normative practicesay a woman
dancing with the Torah in the womens sectionelicits extreme aversion at best, and harsh legal retaliation at
worst. Whats wrong with us? Where is the love between Jews? Where is the recognition that we all wish to serve
God and revere Gods Torah? And where is the love and mutual understanding between members of different
faiths? http://teamsbsf.blogspot.com/2010/09/oasis-of-familiar-and-familial-written.html

Berachos.50 Although most if not all of these Open Orthodox modifications do not render a wedding
procedure halachically invalid, they are motivated by a progressive, secular attitude that seeks to bring
Judaism in line with liberal, cosmopolitan values,51 all the while technically complying with halachic
requirements. The value system of Halacha is dismissed and discarded, while the necessary legalities are
retained. Halachic Judaism but not Orthodoxy.
Yeshivat Maharat is not shy about its ambitions, as a significant amount of its leadership and student
body allege that the halachic system is misogynistic and must be tempered by a feminine touch. Rabba
(female rabbi ordained by Avi Weiss) Sara Hurwitz, dean of Yeshivat Maharat and rabbinic staff at
Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, Weiss congregation, has compared herself to Nelson Mandela in her
battle against the bigotry she apparently believes is inherent in the halachic or rabbinic system.52
Various articles and interviews by leaders of Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance (JOFA) and others,
posted on the Yeshivat Maharat website,53 affirm a similarly negative view about Halacha and express


Although not a focal point of this article, much of Open Orthodox leadership, in sync with left-wing liberal
political and social views, has embraced a position of moral equivalency in the Arab-Israeli conflict. In response to
the battle between the State of Israel and Hamas, an assortment of prominent Open Orthodox rabbis in the
Washington, D.C. area recently joined Muslim clergy in a 17 of Tammuz/Ramadan observance of prayer and
fasting in solidarity with the suffering, violence and pain of self and others, to ask how to end the cycle of
bloodshed and draw a horizon of hope and vision.
https://www.facebook.com/events/809563859062932/?notif_t=plan_user_joined One YCT graduate just
composed his own beracha (I am not sure how he avoids the halachic problems with this), loaded with sentiments
of moral equivalency, to stop the violence: Help us to return to You fully, so that we will finally understand that
there is no hope in perpetual violencehatred as intense as death itself between the Children of Yisrael and the
Children of YishmaelAnd may wickedness disappear from the face of the earth. For you are the Master of
compassion and forgiveness. Blessed are You, YHVH, Master of Peace and reconciliation.
http://opensiddur.org/civic-welfare/shalom/a-prayer-for-peace-and-reconciliation-for-israelis-palestinians-and-allpeople-by-rabbi-samuel-feinsmith/ Yeshivat Maharat posted a link (http://fastforpeacejuly15.wordpress.com/) to
another joint Jewish-Muslim 17 Tammuz/Ramadan prayer and fasting observance, organized by one of its
students, who is praised by Yeshivat Maharat for building bridges during this difficult time. The link contains a
text, signed by the Yeshivat Maharat student and her Jewish and Muslim friends, that includes: In recent weeks,
as our co-religionists in Israel and Palestine began waging war, we turned to each other in fear and
desperation...Eliaz Cohen, an Israeli settler and peace activist, has called upon Muslim and Jewish congregations to
consecrate their fasts toward breaking the cruel grip of violence that afflicts the nations of the Holy Land. While our
brothers and sisters in the Middle East suffer and inflict suffering, we will come together in solidarity and in
peaceIn this month of Ramadan, a long time ago, Muhammad fasted in the Cave of Hira as he received the word
of GodThis month is not the first Ramadan or Tammuz to witness nonsensical, unholy violence in the Holy Land.
(It is fascinating that this future Open Orthodox clergy member affirms the prophecy of Muhammad!) The most
shocking events in the long list of Open Orthodox endeavors that represent compromising the security of the State
of Israel are the recent New Israel Fund function at Hebrew Institute of Riverdale (HIR), the shul led by R. Avi Weiss
(http://www.thebayit.org/event/director-of-new-israel-fund-visits-the-bayit.html), and an article in Al Jazeera by
an HIR clergy member equating Israeli policy in Judea and Samaria with Arab terror. A whole array of statements
and actions on the part of Open Orthodox leadership expressing moral equivalency in the Arab-Israeli conflict can
be accessed at http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/14707#.VBh3d1eAnJt.
A Jewish Pathbreaker Inspired by Her Countryman Mandela, New York Times, July 26, 2013

hope that Yeshivat Maharats graduates can equalize the system. This negativity toward Halacha is at
times expressed with contempt and disdain.54
Rav Joseph B. Soloveitchik did not mince words in condemning such attitudes. He explained that the
Rambams classification of one who is Makchish Maggideha (Hil. Teshuva 3:8) as a Kofer refers to a
person who attributes bias, subjective motive or personal fault to the Chachmei Ha-Mesorah. It is
heretical to claim that a rule or interpretation of the Sages is flawed or is the product of prejudice. The
Yeshivat Maharat attitude that there is a bias within Orthodox Judaism which its graduates need to
overcome is highly objectionable, particularly in light of the Rav Soloveitchiks words, and further in light
of the fact that the Yeshivat Maharat women assign fault to ancient and binding halachic principles.
In the spirit of defying those aspects of Orthodoxy which are not in consonance with feminist and
egalitarian, liberal social mores, several high-ranking Open Orthodox rabbis have argued for the excision
of the she-lo asani berachos recited each morning, to be replaced by an alternative beracha.55 In this
same vein did a very prominent Open Orthodox rabbi issue a scathing attack on the Talmudic attitude
toward women as reflected in the beracha of she-lo asani isha.56
A new edition of Keren, the Yeshivat Maharat Torah journal, has recently been published.57 Continuing
the discussion about the beracha of she-lo asani isha, all of the articles in this edition of Keren (164
pages) are dedicated to discussion of this beracha:
When the words of the siddur clash with our worldview we are faced with a classic halakhic problem
We recognize that communal change comes from two directions simultaneously. The first step is a deep
engagement with the halakhic system followed by a communal conversation. We invite you to be part of
the discussion. What do you think about the berakha of she-lo asani isha/? 58
All of the articles in this new edition of Keren discuss the propriety/impropriety (sic) of the beracha, and
various writers express their discomfort and opposition to the beracha and their rejection of the
traditional values (of Chazal) associated with the beracha. Some writers suggest eliminating or replacing
the beracha, and such is the personal practice of a few of the writers. One prominent argument that is
proffered several times in Keren against recitation of the beracha is the requirement to be truthful; if
one feels that the message of the beracha is false, there is halachic reason not to recite it, argue some of
the writers! Other writers in Keren propose an halachic trick of intentionally reciting other Birkhos HaShachar out of order, in defiance of Halacha, so as to compel exemption from reciting the beracha of
"she-lo asani isha", and some other writers in Keren suggest alternative, less "offensive" replacement
texts in place of "she-lo asani isha". The very lengthy article by Zev Farber in this edition of Keren,
deferentially referenced and lauded by other writers in the publication, presents bases for adopting
replacement beracha texts.


For example, http://lilith.org/blog/2013/07/can-we-speak-for-ourselves/

See, e.g., http://morethodoxy.org/2009/06/29/goodbye-shelo-asani-god-didnt-make-me-a-hello-sheasaniyisrael-god-made-me-a-yisrael-rabbi-asher-lopatin/ and http://morethodoxy.org/2011/08/08/a-clamer-and-fullerarticulation-r-yosef-kanefsky/.

Were the Open Orthodox proponents of eliminating the beracha of "she-lo asani isha" to consistently
apply their approach to other areas of Halacha, the entire halachic system would be dismantled. The
approaches suggested in Keren are more radical in their reform of Halacha than many Conservative
writings advocating halachic modification, and the comfort with which many of the Keren writers
condemn the traditional Talmudic values expressed by the beracha of "she-lo asani isha" is downright
frightening. Keren is a perfect example of how Open Orthodoxy is rapidly becoming the new
Conservative movement.
Thus, to the extent that Yeshivat Maharat and Open Orthodox leadership have claimed that the
ordination of women and the feminization of synagogue practice reflect technical fealty to Halacha, has
there been a conscious effort to undermine and even assault the halachic system, alleging its bigotry
and unfairness. When Reform and Conservative rabbis make such allegations, Orthodox Jews shrug
them off, but here we have people who claim to be Orthodox and halachically-committed making those
same allegations and adopting the same attitude toward Halacha as the heterodox movements, yet
being taken seriously by some Orthodox Jews, for the statements emanate from Open Orthodox,
halachically-observant clergy rather than non-Orthodox clergy who do not claim to observe Halacha.
By claiming fealty to Halacha and using the Orthodox brand, the Maharat system has been able to
influence how some view and (now dis)respect Halacha, while radially challenging traditional gender
roles in Judaism and feminizing synagogue protocol.
Readers should also note the very close relationship between Yeshivat Maharat and JOFA, the latter of
whose leadership in large measure populates the board of directors of Yeshivat Maharat and is among
the major contributors to Yeshivat Maharat.59 Yeshivat Maharats leadership and graduates are also
heavily involved with JOFA, and Yeshivat Maharats online presence is cluttered with links to JOFA
articles and events.60
While this all should come as no surprise, JOFA has exhibited a total abrogation of commitment to Torah
values. For example, a recent JOFA Facebook post, linked by the Yeshivat Maharat Facebook page,
Dear Orthodox Jewish Day Schools: Please frame homosexuality as an identity, rather than as a sin. If
you don't, you risk alienating LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) students, as well as their
siblings, friends, and families.61
Another such recent JOFA post linked by Yeshivat Maharat reads:
How can Orthodox feminists create authentic alternatives to Kiddushin that will resolve the issues of the
man acquiring the woman as property, and the ever-looming possibility of iggun?62

http://www.jofa.org/Who_We_Are/Leadership_and_Staff/Leadership_Bios, http://yeshivatmaharat.org/wpcontent/uploads/2012/01/199865.-Maharat-Tribute-Scroll_FINALsf.pdf



And another JOFA post linked by Yeshivat Maharat:

Rabbi Dr. Haviva Ner-David: "If the goal of feminism is indeed for women to be changed by men and for
men to be changed by women, and for society as a whole to be changed as a result, then we have no
choice but to open ourselves to becoming the 'New Jews' with a totally new, untraditional, relationship
to mitzvot."63
And another:
An orange on the seder plate? Timbrels and a cup of water in honor of Miriam? A woman saying
Kiddush? How do you incorporate women and feminism into your Pesach seder? Use The Torch to get
your voice out there!64
And another:
Whether its Haredim serving in the IDF, bombs falling in Gaza, misogyny in the workplace, income
inequality or a myriad of other issuesthere is something about Israel that makes you upset. There is
something about Israel you wish you could disown. We all have an obligation to work on changing
these things, but we dont have the luxury of pretending that the Israel we love and support doesnt
include them. We cant have the hike through Ein Gedi without grappling with the armored bus to Ariel.
We cant have the yeshivas in Jerusalem and the cafes in Tel Aviv while trying to ignore the conditions in
Ramla or the deportations of Ethiopian refugees.
Orthodox Feminists are often asked (from both the left and the right) why we remain Orthodox. If we are
so troubled by certain interpretations and applications of halakha, why not just jump ship? Wouldnt it
be so much easier to keep the parts we like and drop the parts we dont? The answer is obvious. This is
our heritage, and this is our history. We understand that as members of this kehillah, community, we
cant ignore the problems. We will remain committed to the halakhic process, while working to fix it,
because it is oursfor better or worse.65 (emphasis mine)
JOFA is radically redefining and reforming Judaism, and its close partnership with Yeshivat Maharat is
extremely telling. To claim that JOFA is more on a Conservative trajectory than on an Orthodox one is an
understatement. JOFAs trajectory and that of its close partner, Yeshivat Maharat, must be viewed
The future of Open Orthodoxys feminist agenda portends more extremes and greater challenges to
normative Orthodoxy:




But the maharats-in-training, it seems, have a bit more fire. Dasi Fruchter, who at 24 is one of the
yeshivas youngest students, is easy to spot as she sits poring over a Talmud in the beit midrash: Shes
the one wearing bright red lipstick. When I ask her if she considers herself a feminist reformer of
Orthodox Judaism, she simply says, Yes.
She also tells me that, whereas the inaugural cohort of graduates has to be somewhat careful, because
whatever they do will be much more scrutinized, the next generation of maharats will have the luxury
to ask harder questions. Its like a chess game, where each tiny strategic advance lays the groundwork
for the next, more daring move. For Fruchter, the fact that the religion is slow to change isnt annoying;
its comforting. I love the molasses nature of Orthodoxy, she laughs. Its sweet and gooey and slow
and rich.66
The danger of a movement with an agenda to incrementally and calculatingly reform Orthodoxy speaks
for itself.

The writings of Zev Farber and Open Orthodox leadership's limp reaction to these heretical public
writings were addressed above. Under Farber, a total dichotomy between Halacha and belief emerges,
and the halachic mantle is utilized to the point of absurdity and outrageousness: Farber authored
halachic analyses sanctioning homosexual unions,67 the nullification of all marriages without gittin or the
involvement of a centralized beis din,68 and promoting revolutionary feminization of the synagogue.69
Were a non-Orthodox rabbi to issue such writings, they would be dismissed by Orthodox Jews. However,
when an Open Orthodox rabbi with Yadin Yadin ordination is the authority here, many in the Orthodox
camp find justification, as the writings are presented to reflect an academic, Halachic Judaism, in which
adherence to technical legalities is retained, albeit sans the other features of Orthodoxy.
Other Open Orthodox rabbis have penned extremely problematic writings pertaining to Ikkarei HaEmunah (Cardinal Principles of Faith), including denial of the existence of Moshiach, denial of a future
Bais Ha-Mikdash, denial of the veracity of the Torahs narratives, and much more.70 The case of Farber is
far from solitary, but the perceived license to bifurcate Torah deviation and Orthodoxy while at the
same time retain Orthodox authority stems from a professed fealty to Halacha.
Expressing condemnation toward the greatest personalities in Scripture is increasingly common among
Open Orthodox leadership. Sara Hurwitz shockingly stated this year in her Rosh Hashana sermon: The
sacrifice of Isaac, however, I would like to suggest, is sacrifice without purpose. Avrahams willingness to
sacrifice Yitzchak, went too far, and therefore, could not be a sacrifice with the intent to bring about change....The


Please see http://www.cross-currents.com/archives/2013/10/01/the-open-orthodox-race-to-the-edge-andbeyond-when-will-it-stop/.

Avraham who is willing to murder, is almost unrecognizable from the Avraham we have encountered up to this
point...The Avraham of the Akeda, has changed so completely that he is now submissive, unconditionally
surrendering to God, unaware of the moral implications of sacrificing his child. Avraham hasnt just changed his
name, as Rambam may have suggested he should do. Rather, he has become utterly unrecognizable, losing his
essence, his moral intuition. Avraham was willing to sacrifice. But he transcended the normative expectations for
giving something up. He went too far...We must make the sacrifice of Chana, a sacrifice that resulted in the birth
of another soul. Not Avrahams that could have lead (sic) to death. We must make a sacrifice that brought us
tefilat chana the prayer of chana whose formulation evolved into the amida, the shomenei esrai that we recite
today. Not the sacrifice of Avraham that resulted in Gods silence, in a God that did not speak directly to Avraham
again." (emphasis mine)
Another leading Open Orthodox rabbi wrote that Avrohom Avinu failed the test of the Akeidah, for he should have
thereupon refused Gods command, and Zev Farber labeled the words of Yeshaya Ha-Navi that All the nations

are like nothing before Him, like naught and void they are considered by Him (40:17) as an offensive
enough statement [which inspired the alternative text of who has made me an Israelite].73 There is an
endless stream of writings by Open Orthodox leadership disparaging the greatest Scriptural and Rabbinic
personalities. The aforementioned are but a few of the countless examples.74
Precisely following the path of the Conservative movement, much of Open Orthodoxys leadership has
taken license to deny and even assault fundamentals of the Torah, be they the Torahs Divine
authorship, the veracity of the Torahs narratives, the truth of the Torahs portrayal of the eschatological
era, and the righteousness of the Patriarchs, Matriarchs and Prophets. Aside from the inherent
problems with this extraordinary disbelief and irreverence, it is bound to cause further erosion of Torah
commitment within Open Orthodoxy, as that which should be treated as true and holy is instead treated
as untrue and profane; such attitudes inevitably precipitate great laxity and pervasive non-commitment.
Such occurred within the Conservative movement, and Open Orthodoxy is positioning itself for a repeat
of this seismic religious meltdown. (It should also be noted that many of the drastic and fundamental
departures from tradition which took the Conservative movement a century to complete have been
achieved by Open Orthodoxy in a mere decade. While the parallels between the Conservative and Open
Orthodox movements are striking, the speed at which Open Orthodoxy has introduced its reforms is

Same-Gender Relationships



See, e.g., Linzers denunciation of Moshe Rabbeinus leadership in
http://origin.library.constantcontact.com/download/get/file/1101152783508-960/Section1-NL0004-ParashaREV.pdf, and see http://www.myjewishlearning.com/blog/the-torch/2013/11/21/the-violation-of-dinah-theviolation-of-our-society/, in which, based on a gross misunderstanding of the nature of midrash, a popular
Maharat accuses Rashi of condoning sexual abuse. Entire volumes can be compiled of such shocking castigation
and disparagement of eminent personalities in our Mesorah on the part of the Open Orthodox rabbinate.

Although we must treat all people with dignity and show sensitivity to those who have same-sex
attraction, we dare not condone, endorse or promote the homosexual lifestyle. Open Orthodoxy,
however, has blurred this critical distinction.
Open Orthodox leadership has been at the forefront of advocacy for same-gender marriage rights and
marital protection. From lobbying state legislatures to recognize same-gender marriages, to celebrating
homosexual marital-style relationships, to hosting LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) sensitivitytraining Shabbatonim at their synagogues, Open Orthodox rabbis have taken up the cause with great
enthusiasm.75 (One prominent Open Orthodox rabbi joyously proclaimed that the legalization of samegender marriage in his state is a victory akin to the story of Chanukah.76) Always careful to state that the
technical homosexual act is not permissible when committed fully voluntarily, Open Orthodox rabbis
have gone where no self-identified Orthodox rabbi has gone before in the battle to legitimize public
homosexual expression and marriage rights.
Steven Greenberg, who calls himself the first openly gay Orthodox rabbi, and his male partner, are
members of a congregation in the Boston area:
Greenberg, who lives in Boston, found a religious home at Congregation Kadimah-Toras Moshe, a
Modern Orthodox synagogue in Boston, where he said he and his partner and daughter feel welcome. He
credits the synagogues rabbi, Yonah Berman (YCT 07), with encouraging an inclusive atmosphere.
Berman, who said he is expressing his own views and not speaking for the congregation, noted that
Massachusetts is identified as a welcoming place for same-sex couples. While Orthodox synagogues and
rabbis are bound to an interpretation of Jewish law that does not recognize these marriages as
religiously valid, that does not change the realities that these couples and their children are part of the
social fabric of our community, he said. We therefore have a responsibility, both religiously and
ethically, to embrace them.77
The congregations publications recognize Greenberg and his male partner as a couple,78 and Greenberg
was among the congregations rabbinic presenters on Shavuos night, where he delivered a lecture
entitled A Marriage Made Under Sinai?79
Recently, a member of the inaugural YCT graduating class posted his objection to the Torah reading of
Mincha on Yom Kippur, concerned that it promotes homophobia and bigotry:
I got to thinking ahead to the Torah portion we traditionally read in the Yom Kippur afternoon service.
This portion is comprised of a list of sexual prohibitions (Leviticus 18:1 30). Why would we read the


See, e.g., http://www.myjewishlearning.com/blog/keshet/2013/01/18/living-inclusion-why-our-orthodoxsynagogue-hosted-an-lgbt-training-institute/, http://www.aclu-il.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/WrittenTestimony-Rabbis-Conover-Lopatin-and-Siegel.pdf, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rabbi-shmulyyanklowitz/orthodox-rabbi-gay-marriage_b_4452154.html.

See, e.g., http://www.kadimahtorasmoshe.org/twiki/pub/Ktm/WebHome/Shabbat_Shalom_from_KTM__Behaalotecha_5774.pdf.

primary religious source used to substantiate homophobia on our most holy day of the year? While I
might not have an answer to this question, I do feel that silence on this issue is its own sin.
As a human being, I feel a need to speak out on this because there are those for whom it is not just their
comfort or happiness that are at risk, but their very health, safety, and actual lives. As a Jew, I cannot
stomach senseless hatred toward people because of who they are. An integral part of our Jewish identity
comes from our experience as victims of the worlds hatred. We cannot stand idly by as other people
suffer from bigotry. As a Rabbi, I feel a need to speak out for justice.80
The fact that this rabbi, who is married to a cantor81 and whose website is featured on the YCT
website,82 identifies more with the homosexual cause than with Torah values, is wrenching.
It is the specious claim to halachic fidelity that has enabled these Open Orthodox rabbis statements to
gain traction and be taken seriously by many. These rabbis invoking of commitment to the Torahs
prohibition on homosexuality is not merely a disclaimer or a clarifier; it is, rather, a statement of selfempowerment, for it grants a sense of deemed Torah legitimacy to the rabbis undertaking of the
homosexual cause. By the same token, the bifurcation of Halacha from Torah values, such that matters
which the Torah describes as abominable have been effectively stripped of such connotation by Open
Orthodoxy, attests to the movements agenda to reform Orthodoxy in a most radical manner. This is
strikingly similar to the approach taken by the non-Orthodox movements in their dilution of Torah
values and practice.

Interdenominational and Interfaith Initiatives

Open Orthodox rabbis continue to push for changes to the contours of Orthodoxy, engaging in interfaith
endeavors that significantly breach the accepted, precedent guidelines established by Rav Soloveitchik
in his seminal essay Confrontation, which barred interfaith religious discussion and activities. The Elijah
Interfaith Institute summer program, consisting of joint textual study and religious lectures and
discussion with Christian seminarians, co-sponsored by YCT and Union Theological Seminary,83 and the
hosting of church choirs for performances in the sanctuary of Avi Weiss synagogue,84 are among the
many problematic activities in this regard. (Readers may also recall the report of Catholic cardinals and
bishops visiting YCT, replete with a beit midrash session and hand-in-hand singing and dancing with YCT
faculty and students.85)
Treating non-Orthodox clergy as colleagues and learning Torah from them is very much part of the
agenda of Open Orthodoxy. One of the countless examples of such endeavors is the Community Beit
Midrash program, in which YCT and Yeshivat Maharat participate with Mechon Hadar (non80


denominational), Jewish Theological seminary, Hebrew Union College and Drisha Institute (nondenominational) in an interactive lecture series on Torah texts and thought, hosted and led by the above
institutions and their faculty on a rotating basis.86 Here are a few samples of the programs offerings:
Please join Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School, Mechon Hadar and Yeshivat Maharat for an Open
Beit Midrash program on Tuesday nights this fall!... Reading and Rereading the Akedah: Ethics,
Submission and Serving God An evening with Erin Leib Smokler, Rabbi Dov Linzer and Rabbi Ethan Tucker
The Binding of Isaac raises many core religious questions: Is true service to God achieved through
submission? What is God trying to communicate in asking Abraham to sacrifice his son? What is
achieved when God cancels that command? Join us for an evening of spirited conversation as our three
panelists engage in a live collaborative reading of Genesis chapter 22 that aims to probe the depths of
this text while grappling with its ongoing relevance for contemporary religious life. Participating
Institutions The Jewish Theological Seminary Rabbinical School HUC - JIR New York Drisha Institute for
Jewish Education87
Co-Sponsored by Yeshivat Maharat, Drisha Institute, Mechon Hadar, Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinical
School, and the Jewish Theological Seminary Rabbinical school with support of the Wexner Foundation
Graduate Alumni Collaboration Grant. Please join us for a night of open Beit Midrash learning on
Tuesday nights! Each night of learning will be capped by a shiur by the faculty of the sponsoring
organizations. Open Learning beginning at 7:00 pm. Shiur from 8:15-9:00 pm. Free of charge and open to
the publicJan. 28:Purim and Pluralism, Unveiling our Communal Masks, Jeffrey Fox [Yeshivat Maharat]
Feb. 4: Sex and Freedom, Noah Bickhart [Jewish Theological Seminary] Feb. 11:Who Says I Have To?
What Mitzvah really means, and why it matters, Jason Rubenstein [Mechon Hadar] March 11- April 1 @
Jewish Theological Seminary-3080 Broadway Mar. 11: The Dangerous Sisters of the Torah, Amy
Kalmanofsky [Jewish Theological Seminary] Mar. 18: 127 countries for 127 years: Between Sarah and
Esther, Dena Weiss [Mechon Hadar] Mar. 25: Lot and the Destruction of Sodom: A Prefiguring of Exodus,
David Silber [Drisha] Apr. 1 Modernity, Minhag and Machine Made Matzah, Dov Linzer [Yeshivat
Chovevei Torah]88
YCT participates in the annual Pearlstone Center Beit Midrash Retreat, in which rabbis and rabbinical
students from seminaries of all denominations gather for three days to learn and pray together, with
topics of ecology being the focus.89 Here is some information about the program:
An inspirational Shabbaton weekend filled with Jewish learning, communal prayer and groundbreaking
thought. Join an intergenerational, pluralistic community of Jewish farmers, rabbis, educators and
scholars from across the countryThrilled to partner this year with RRC - Reconstructionist Rabbinical
College, Mechon Hadar, Drisha Institute for Jewish Education, Hebrew College, Yeshivat Chovevei Torah
Rabbinical School, The Macks Center for Jewish Education, The Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies,
Interfaith Power & Light -- This will be the best Beit Midrash retreat ever!90



YCT and Yeshivat Maharat participate in the Global Day of Jewish Learning, which features Torah
lectures delivered primarily by Reform and Conservative clergy, as well as by some Open Orthodox
clergy. The program is sponsored by Hebrew Union College, Jewish Theological Seminary, Mechon
Hadar, YCT, Yeshivat Maharat, and a host of non-Orthodox and fringe Orthodox congregations and
YCT, along with Yeshivat Maharat and about a dozen non-Orthodox rabbinical groups and seminaries,
participated in a JCC Manhattan program entitled Shmita Yom Iyun: An Afternoon of Exploring the
Sabbatical Tradition. In the best of Open Orthodox pluralistic tradition, several leading Open Orthodox
rabbis spoke at various sessions, in rabbinic camaraderie with non-Orthodox clergy. The programs flyer
reads, in part:
2:303:50 pm Keynote Session
Moderated by Nigel Savage and Rabbi Ayelet S. Cohen
With Rabbi Jill Jacobs, Rabbi Dov Linzer, and Rabbi Julian Sinclair
4:005:50 pm Break-out sessions
With Shraga Bar On, Sarah Chandler, Orly Dabush Nitzan, Avital Geva, Noam Geva, Mirele Goldsmith,
Rabbi Ari Hart, Amichai Lau Lavie, Rabbi Joy Levitt, Rabbi Dov Linzer, Orli Moss, Dan Nadel, Shuli Passow,
Joe Perlov, Zeevik Shafrir, Rabbi Julian Sinclair92
All over the country, YCT graduates are inviting non-Orthodox clergy into their congregations to teach
Torah and practice rabbinics, and YCT graduates are going to non-Orthodox congregations to participate
in religious services. Here are a few of many examples of such interdenominational endeavors:
Recently Truboff (R. Zachary Truboff, YCT 10) invited a Reform rabbi and two Conservative rabbis to join
him and community members at his shul to discuss the holiday of Succot. After each rabbi gave a dvar
Torah (Torah lesson), Truboff concluded, the beauty of a succah is its inclusiveness.93
A graduate of Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, a Modern Orthodox rabbinical seminary whose mantra is
openness, (R. Uri) Topolosky said he was drawn to New Orleans by the prospect of cooperation with
Gates of Prayer (Reform temple) and, beyond that, with the entire New Orleans Jewish
communityAfter leading Beth Israels services in the chapel, Rabbi Uri walked through the building
to our (Reform) sanctuary, where our Shabbat services were just beginning, and he sat down in one of
our pews, Loewy recalled. When I heard him singing along to the Reform tunes of the service, I knew
he would become a partner. And even though I had driven my car to the synagogue that night, I walked
him home.... Now the partnership is set to receive concrete expression, when the Orthodox
congregation breaks ground for its new building to be built on the Reform synagogues property.94
Rabbi Akiva Herzfeld (YCT 07), of Portlands Modern Orthodox synagogue Shaarey Tphiloh, straddled the
denominational aisle and invited (Rabbi Alice) Goldfinger (who was disabled and recently fired from
her congregation - AG) to help him lead Friday night services I tried to imagine what it would be like


for me to be a female Reform rabbi. I thought, what if I were her and she was me? I would want him to
ask me to lead services, said Herzfeld, 34, who joined Shaarey Tphiloh, Maines oldest synagogue, five
years agoThats exactly what happened on a Friday evening in November 2011, when Herzfeld and
Goldfinger stood side by side in Shaarey Tphilohs cavernous sanctuaryGoldfinger led parts of the
Kabbalat Shabbat service welcoming the Sabbath, as congregants sang alongWhen she sang, you just
got drawn into it and you could feel the spirituality, said Fran Schneit, a friend and former congregant of
GoldfingerWhen I invite[d] her to lead services, it [meant] some people [would] question me, Herzfeld
admitted. They might say Im not doing a good job preserving tradition, but its more important to
stand up for someone who needs you to stand up for them.This was one of the only times Herzfeld had
ever heard a woman lead services. Its irregular and out of my comfort zone, he said, looking at
Goldfinger. But it was important to let her know that I was with her in her struggle to be strong and
that I was going out of my comfort zone And thats when he said, One of us had to be
uncomfortable; why should it have to be me? After I told this story to Rabbi Avi Weiss, dean of
Yeshivat Chovevei Torah in New York, where Herzfeld studied (he also has degrees from Yeshiva and
Columbia universities), Weiss was silent for five long secondsAs you speak, I am filled with pride and
tears. You have given me one of my proudest moments, he said. Judaism is not just a system of the
head, but a system of the heart. Its a balance, and Akiva gets it.95 (emphasis mine)
(Weiss himself gave an elderly woman an aliyah on Simchas Torah: "After the melody ended, Rav Avi
asked Gella if she would like an aliyah. And so we read again. And there was evening, and there was
morning, another day.96)
R. Saul Strosberg (YCT 05), from his Nashville, TN pulpit, has undertaken to spread the message of Open
Orthodoxy in the Deep South. As part of his cross-denominational work, Strosberg attends bat mitzvah
services at a local Reform temple, where he prays from a Reform siddur and speaks from the bimah, as
he extolls the philosophy and practices of Reform Judaism, including the idea of choosing which mitzvos
to observe (the autonomy to choose those mitzvoth which one finds meaningful and compelling), the
beauty of the Reform siddur, the praiseworthiness of davening in English rather than in Hebrew, the
virtues of Reform temples, and the greatness of the local Reform temples rabbis, whom he calls his
mentors and has arranged to teach High Holiday classes and deliver the Shabbos morning sermon at his
shul.97 Please read the referenced sermon delivered by Strosberg at the Reform temple, in which he
enthusiastically confers upon Reform Judaism a stamp of complete legitimacy and endorses Reform
Judaism as equally acceptable and appealing as Orthodoxy, if not more so; it is utterly shocking.
(This year, Strosberg led a pre-Pesach seder at a local Methodist church: What if our familys collection
of thankful stories started in Egypt about 3,500 years ago? It is now known in the Jewish community as
the Seder Meal. It is a Jewish feast celebrating the beginning of Passover. This year on April 9, at 6:00
p.m. we will be blessed to share this special feast in our Welcome Center. Rabbi Saul Strosberg,

Friday Night at the Temple, Nov. 6, 09 http://www.sherithisrael.com/events_messages.asp

of Congregation Sherith/Israel, Nashville, Tennessee, will be our host as we gather to worship and learn
about the meal Jesus shared with his disciples. This is a special opportunity to walk into our Upper
Room, sit at a table with those we love, and share in a worship experience filled with the long-ago story
of Gods redemptive love.98)
YCT recently proudly announced that one of its graduates has launched a new Torah learning website:
OpenSinai.com, a unique online Jewish learning resource founded by Rabbi Ben Greenberg (YCT '09), has
launched. Read more about this impressive new initiative and Rabbi Greenberg's goal to make Jewish
learning more readily available around the world.99 The impressive website brings together fifteen
experts in Jewish learning to teach virtual classes in English, Spanish, and French.100
Who are the experts brought together by this YCT rabbi to teach Torah to a worldwide audience?
Rabbi Pamela Gottfried: rabbinic ordination from the Jewish Theological Seminary, Rabbi Larry Bach: Rabbi of
Temple Mount Sinai in El Paso, Texas ordained in 1998 by the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion,
Rabbi Rebecca Wolitz Sirbu: ordination from The Jewish Theological Seminary of America...
About half of the Torah teachers of this initiative proudly announced by YCT are non-Orthodox rabbis.

The above programs and endeavors are among the countless initiatives by Open Orthodoxy to promote
Torah learning from non-Orthodox clergy and to interact with such clergy as rabbinic colleagues. The
sentiment of rabbinic camaraderie harbored by Open Orthodox leadership toward clergy of the
heterodox movements was aptly expressed by the YCT president:
"But my dream is to have Hebrew Union College, the Jewish Theological Seminary, Hadar, and Chovevei
on one campus, to move in together. Wed each daven in our own ways, but it could transform the Upper
West Side.102
Let us contrast the Open Orthodox approach toward rabbinic initiatives and identification with
heterodox clergy with the position of Rav Soloveitchik regarding such endeavors:
It is my opinion that Orthodoxy cannot and should not unite with such groups which deny the
fundamentals of our weltanschauung. It is impossible for me to comprehend, for example, how Orthodox
rabbis, who spent their best years in yeshivos and absorbed the spirit of Torah Shebaal Peh and its
tradition, for whom Rabi Akiva, the Rambam, the Rema, the Gra, Rav Chaim Brisker and other Jewish
sages are the pillars upon which their spiritual world rests, can join with spiritual leaders for whom all
this is worthless... From the point of view of the Torah, we find the difference between Orthodox and
Reform Judaism much greater than that which separated the Perushim and the Tzedukim in the days of



Bayis Sheini, and between the Kara'im and traditionalists in the Gaonic era. Has Jewish history ever
recorded an instance of a joint community council that consisted of Karaim and Torah-true Jews?103
Open Orthodoxy has made a clear and dramatic break from the guidelines and policies formulated by
Rav Soloveitchik. Open Orthodoxy's maverick approach to interdenominational and interfaith issues
glaringly lacks the endorsement of any recognized rabbinic authorities.
It must be noted that, unlike other religious groupings, which are bound to contain fringe deviants who
bring shame to those groupings and do not represent the groupings authorities or teachings, the
deviations from Orthodox theology and halachic fidelity on the part of Open Orthodoxy largely emanate
from the very leadership of the movement. Denial of the objective Mi-Sinai character of the Oral Law,
ordaining women as clergy, reforming core and halachically-mandated components of our liturgy,
feminizing synagogue practice, and so forth, come directly from Open Orthodox leadership and not from
a few low-tier deviants on the fringe of Open Orthodoxy. Furthermore, the percentage of Open
Orthodox rabbis who have publicly deviated from normative Orthodoxy is astounding. Although Open
Orthodoxy is a relatively young movement with a limited number of rabbis, the quantity, range and
severity of deviations from normative Orthodoxy is mind-blowing.
While it has been suggested by a few defenders of the Open Orthodox movement that Open Orthodoxy
is actually a Kiruv movement, marketing Orthodoxy in a package that is appealing to Jews who are not
ready for a full, uncompromised dose of complete Orthodoxy, such logic is spurious. The notion of
diluting and even assaulting the foundational components of Orthodoxy so as to create a reformed,
compromised and new version of Orthodoxy, all done into order to better market Orthodoxy to those
who cannot embrace full-fledged Orthodoxy, is without basis, and an argument to defend such is clearly
The historical and religious parallels between the Open Orthodox movement and the Conservative
movement have been compellingly demonstrated by R. Dov Fischer,104 R. Steven Pruzansky,105 and R.
Moshe Averick.106 Judaism that is stripped of Mesorah, in order to bring it in line with secular values, all
the while undermining Torah belief by incorporating secular academic approaches to Torah authorship,
degenerates into a movement that is at stark odds with authentic Judaism. As such, any distinction
between Open Orthodoxy and the traditional Conservative movement is rapidly disappearing.
The long-term projected impact of the Open Orthodox movement cannot be underestimated. Open
Orthodox rabbis are rapidly being hired as the spiritual leaders of congregations and as day school
administrators and teachers all over the country; in many communities far from the major Orthodox
population centers, Open Orthodox rabbis occupy the pulpits of the only Orthodox synagogues in
town.107 In some rapidly growing communities, the Open Orthodox rabbinate has established a



From 1954 Yiddish article by Rabbi Soloveitchik in Der Tog Morgen Journal

http://rabbipruzansky.com/2013/06/14/the-rise-of-the-neo-cons/ and

considerable presence, and in New York, precedent was just set, as a very prominent Modern Orthodox
high school in Riverdale has hired a YCT graduate as assistant principal.108
Several people involved in the hiring of rabbis have related that YCT pays synagogues the full salaries of
its graduates for the first several years of their employment, thereby compellingly enticing synagogues
to hire YCT rabbis. The current hiring dynamic, coupled with the proactive reform agenda of Open
Orthodoxy, portends substantial challenges to normative Orthodoxy across the United States and
It is not our goal to malign others; rather, by taking a hard look at the theology and trajectory of Open
Orthodoxy, it is our hope that those who yield power within the movement will do what is necessary to
rein in its outliers and steer the movement to the path of normative Orthodoxy.



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