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NCERT Solutions for Class 12th Physics Chapter 14

Semiconductor Electronics Materials Devices And

Simple Circuits
NCERT Solutions for Class 12th Physics Chapter 14 Semiconductor
Electronics Materials Devices And Simple Circuits
National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) Book Solutions for class 12th
Subject: Physics
Chapter: Chapter 14 Semiconductor Electronics Materials Devices And Simple Circuits
Class 12th Physics Chapter 14 Semiconductor Electronics Materials Devices And Simple Circuits NCERT Solution is given
Quest i on 14.1:
In an n-type silicon, which of the following statement is true:
(a) Electrons are majority carriers and trivalent atoms are the dopants.
(b) Electrons are minority carriers and pentavalent atoms are the dopants.
(c) Holes are minority carriers and pentavalent atoms are the dopants.
(d) Holes are majority carriers and trivalent atoms are the dopants.
Answ er
The correct statement is (c).
In an n-type silicon, the electrons are the majority carriers, while the holes are the minority carriers. An n-type semiconductor
is obtained when pentavalent atoms, such as phosphorus, are doped in silicon atoms.
Quest i on 14.2:
Which of the statements given in Exercise 14.1 is true for p-type semiconductors.
Answ er
The correct statement is (d).
In a p-type semiconductor, the holes are the majority carriers, while the electrons are the minority carriers. A p-type
semiconductor is obtained when trivalent atoms, such as aluminium, are doped in silicon atoms.
September 27, 2013 | Filed under: 12th Class,Book Solutions,Physics | Posted by: Anand Meena
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Tags: CBSE Class 12 Science Solutions, CBSE Science Solutions Class XII, CBSE Solutions, Class 12 CBSE Science
Book Answers, Class 12 Physics Solutions, Class XII Book Solutions, Fee NCERT Solutions, NCERT Books Solution, NCERT
CBSE Solutions, NCERT Class 12 Physics Solutions, NCERT Solutions, NCERT Solutions for Class 12, NCERT Solutions for
Class 12 Physics, NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Physics Chapter 14, Physics NCERT Solutions Class 12, Semiconductor
Electronics Materials Devices And Simple Circuits NCERT Solutions

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