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Digital II - Micro Layout - Ayuda Memoria de


Microordenadores de a bordo y Micro-

Tipos de Computadoras
Computadora de Escritorio: Multipropsito
Ordenador Mainframe: Uso Orientado Especfico
Ordenadores de a Bordo: Dedicado orientado a tareas especficas (un micro-
controlador ayuda a realizar una tarea especfica a un bajo costo y bajo
consumo de energa)

Arquitectura y componentes
PUERTOS DE COMUNICACIN: Analgicos y Discretos

Longitud de Palabra: 4 bits, 8 bits
Aplicaciones tpicas: GPS, telfonos celulares, relojes, Multmeters
Tipos y marcas: Intel (8051), Mota (6811), NEC, PIC
Programadores: Sellos (Basic Stamp)

Programacin del Micro
El lenguaje de mquina

Programacin Basic
Instrucciones de rutina: for...next, gosub, goto, if...then, let, return, end

Instrucciones a pines I/O: button (debounce and auto-repeat), high , low,
input, output, pot, pulsin, pulsout, pwm, reverse, serin, serout, sound, toggle

Uso del BASIC Stamp:
Instrucciones a Pines bidireccionales: POT, PWM, HIGH y LOW etc (8 pins
en el BS-1 y 16 pins en el BS-2:

Instrucciones: branch ( read a branching table), debug (send a debugging
string to the console on the desktop computer), eeprom (download a program to
EEPROM), lookdown (return the index of a value in a list),lookup (array lookup
using an index), nap (sleep for a short time), pause (delay for the specified
time), random (pick a random number), read (read a value from EEPROM,
sleep (power down for the specified time), write (write data to EEPROM)

Operaciones:+ addition, - subtraction, * multiplication (low-word), **
multiplication (high-word), / division, // mod, max (return maximum of 2 values),
min (return minimum of 2 values), & (AND), | (OR), ^ (XOR), &/ (NAND), |/
(NOR), ^/ (XNOR)

Preposicin Lgica IF: =, <>, <, <=, >, >=, AND, OR

Variables a renombrar: w0, w1, w2...w6 16-bit, b0, b1, b2...b13 8-bit, bit0,
bit1, bit2...bit15 1-bit

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