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How to begin diagnosing your writing problems

Some faults can be detected just by looking at a fi nished piece
of writing. So take an example of something you have already
written. Do not write or select anything specially for this purpose.
Just pick up an old letter, some notes, or even a shopping list
something quite ordinary. Ask yourself these questions:
1 Are the basic letters constructed properly, or are they poorly
shaped, making the writing diffi cult to read?
2 Do the letters join up and fl ow?
3 Are the strokes leaning in all directions?
4 Is the writing consistent?
5 Is it mature enough?
6 Is it too complicated or fussy?
7 Is it too large or too small?
8 Is the writing itself quite good but the layout and spacing
Now for the diagnosis and where to fi nd the cure:
1 If your individual letters are not properly formed your writing
may be diffi cult to read. Perhaps your a s and g s are left open
so they can be confused with u or y . Maybe you do not fi nish

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