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//******************************************************* // INCLUDED HEADER

FILES //******************************************************* #include"stdio

.h" #include"conio.h" #include"fstream.h" #include"stdlib.h" #include"dos.h" #in
clude"string.h" #include"graphics.h" #include"iomanip.h" //*******************
************************************ // CLASS NAME : BOOK //********************
*********************************** class book { public: char name[20]; char a
uthor[20]; int a; void getdata(); void show(); }; //**************************
***************************** //
************************************************ void book::getdata() { cout<
<"\n\" \"ENTER DETAILS ABOUT BOOK U WANT TO PURCHASE\" :\""; cout<<"\n\n\n\t\tEn
ter Name Of Book :\t"; cin>>name; cout< <"\n\t\tEnter Name Of Author :\t"; cin>>
author; fflush(stdin); cout< <"\n\t\tEnter No. Of Copies :\t"; cin>>a; } void bo
ok::show() { cout< <"BOOK :"<=240;y=y-10,x[0]=x[0]+13,x[2]=x[2]+6,x[1]+=11,x[3
]-=4,x[4]-=9) { fillellipse(x[0],y,20,20);setfillstyle(1,GREEN); fillellipse(x[1
],y,20,20); setfillstyle(1,YELLOW); fillellipse(x[2],y+10,20,20);setfillstyle(1,
WHITE); fillellipse(300,y-15,20,20); setfillstyle(1,6); fillellipse(x[3],y-5,20,
20); setfillstyle(1,BLUE); fillellipse(x[4],y+20,20,20); setfillstyle(1,CYAN);
clearviewport(); for(int c=440;c<480;++c) { setlinestyle(0,1,3);setcolor(BLACK)
; line(0,c,325,480); line(680,c,325,480); } delay(20); } for (int c=0;c<150;++
c) { setcolor(BLACK); fillellipse(325,240,c*1.5,c); delay(10);} setcolor(BLACK);
settextstyle(7,0,5); outtextxy(115,200,"B O O K - S H O P"); getch(); clearviewp
ort(); } void main() { clrscr(); int gdriver=DETECT,gmode; initgraph(&gdriver,
&gmode,"\\tc\\bgi"); graph(); rectangle(10,10,630,470); setbkcolor(RED); rectang
le(10,10,630,470); settextstyle(GOTHIC_FONT,0,4); setcolor(WHITE); outtextxy(30,
35,"Developed By:-"); settextstyle(10,0,3); outtextxy(150,100,"*iCBSE.com"); get
ch(); char s; book b1; z: fstream f; f.open("book",ios::in|ios::out|ios::app|i
os::ate|ios::binary); clearviewport(); settextstyle(10,HORIZ_DIR,3); setbkcolor(
GREEN); rectangle(10,10,630,470); outtextxy(100,15,"WHAT DO U WANT TO DO:"); set
textstyle(SANS_SERIF_FONT,0,3); outtextxy(250,100,"1 . TO BUY"); outtextxy(250,1
50,"2 . TO SHOW ALL BOOKS"); outtextxy(250,200,"3 . TO CHECK AVAILABILITY"); out
textxy(250,250,"4 . TO MODIFY"); outtextxy(250,300,"5 . TO DELETE"); outtextxy(2
50,350,"6 . TO EXIT"); int a; settextstyle(7,0,5); outtextxy(20,400, "ENTER UR C
HOICE:"); f.seekg(0); gotoxy(55,25); cin>>a; char x; gotoxy(1,1); switch (a) {
//******************************************************* // CASE : 1 //
DETAILS : TO ADD A BOOK S RECORD //***********************************************
******** case 1: gotoxy(1,1); clearviewport(); rectangle(10,10,630,470); setbk
color(RED); textbackground(13); textcolor(6); clrscr(); fstream f; f.open("book"
,ios::in|ios::out|ios::ate|ios::app|ios::binary); char ans; b1.getdata(); f.writ
e((char *)&b1,sizeof(b1)); getch(); settextstyle(7,0,1); outtextxy(250,410,"Do Y
ou Want To Continue:"); ans=getchar(); if(ans=='Y' || ans=='y') goto z; else b
reak; //******************************************************* //
CASE : 2
DETAILS : TO SHOW ALL BOOKS RECORDS //***********************************
******************** case 2: { clearviewport(); rectangle(10,10,630,470); setb
kcolor(LIGHTBLUE); textbackground(3); textcolor(6); cout< <"\n\n"; fstream f; f.
open("book",ios::in|ios::out|ios::ate|ios::app|ios::binary); char ans; f.seekg(0
); int ctr=0; while(f.read((char *)&b1,sizeof(b1)) ) { ctr=ctr+1; if(ctr==8) { g
etchar(); clrscr(); ctr=0; } b1.show(); if(f.eof()==1) { break; } } f.close(); s
ettextstyle(7,0,1); outtextxy(250,410,"Do You Want To Continue:"); cin>>ans; if(
ans=='y'|| ans=='Y') goto z; else { closegraph(); exit(1); } } //*************
****************************************** // CASE : 3 //
CK AVAILABILITY //******************************************************* case
3: { gotoxy(60,25); clearviewport(); rectangle(10,10,630,470); setbkcolor(DARKG
RAY); textbackground(3); textcolor(5); clrscr(); char ans; ifstream f; book b1;
char name[20]; char author[20]; int a; f.open("book",ios::in|ios::binary); cout<
<"\n\n\n Enter book name whose record to be seen :"; cin>>name; do { f.read((ch
ar *)&b1,sizeof(b1)); if(f.eof()==1) {break;} if(strcmp(b1.name,name)==0) { cout
< <"\n Name :"<>name; do { f.read((char *)&b1,sizeof(b1)); if(f.eof()==1) {break
;} if(strcmp(b1.name,name)==0) { cout< <"\n Name :"<>name; cout< <"\n Enter auth
or name :"; cin>>author; cout< <"\n Enter no. of copies :"; cin>>a; strcpy(b1.na
me,name); strcpy(b1.author,author); b1.a=a; int l=f.tellg(); f.close(); f.open("

book",ios::out|ios::binary|ios::ate); f.seekg(l-sizeof(b1)); f.write((char *)&b1

,sizeof(b1)); } }while(f); f.close(); settextstyle(7,0,1); outtextxy(250,410,"
Do You Want To Continue:"); ans=getchar(); if(ans=='Y'||ans=='y') {goto z;} else
break; } //******************************************************* //
CASE : 5 //
DETAILS : TO DELETE A BOOK S RECORD //****************************
*************************** case 5: { clearviewport(); rectangle(10,10,630,470
); setbkcolor(BROWN); setcolor(WHITE); char name[20]; f.close(); f.open("video",
ios::in|ios::ate|ios::binary); settextstyle(7,0,3); outtextxy(200,30,"DELETING:"); cout< <"\n\n\n\n\n\n Enter The Name U Want To delete:\t"; fflush(stdin); cin
>>name; f.seekg(0); int k=0; do { f.close(); f.open("book",ios::in|ios::ate|ios:
:binary); f.seekg(k); fflush(stdin); f.read((char *)&b1,sizeof(b1)); if(f.eof())
break; if(strcmp(b1.name,name)==0) { k+=46; continue; } else { f.close(); f.o
pen("book2",ios::out|ios::ate|ios::binary); f.write((char*)&b1, sizeof b1); k+=4
6; }}while(f); f.close(); remove ("book"); rename ("book2","book"); cout< <"\n\n
\n\n\n\tPress Any Key..."; getch(); goto z;} //*******************************
************************ //
CASE : 6 //
DETAILS : TO EXIT //************
******************************************* case 6: { clearviewport(); rectang
le(10,10,630,470); setbkcolor(BROWN); setcolor(BLUE); settextstyle(8,0,4); outte
xtxy(150,200,"NOW YOU WANT TO GO"); if(getch()) { fflush(stdin); clearviewport()
; rectangle(10,10,630,470); setbkcolor(LIGHTBLUE); setcolor(RED); window(10,10,4
0,11); settextstyle(8,0,4); outtextxy(150,200,"\"THANKS FOR VISITING\""); getch(
); closegraph(); exit(1); } else { goto z; } } default: goto z; } }
Read more at: http://projects.icbse.com/cpp-243

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