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Running head: Your Data Interpretation Practicum 1

Week 4 Application: Your Data Interpretation Practicum

Omar Thompson
Walden Uniersit!
DD"A #4$# % &uantitatie Decision%'aking (or "usiness Anal!sis
Diane ') Dusick* Ph)D)
+eptem,er -.* -/1$

Running head: Your Data Interpretation Practicum -
Application: Your Data Interpretation Practicum
In this application* 0e 0ant to test i( a certain drug slo0s the gro0th o( tumors) 1or this purpose*
I used data o,tained (rom mice 0ith tumors) The data ,elongs to the mice 0ith tumors) The data
0as recorded (rom -/ mice 0ith tumors) "e(ore conducting this stud!* -/ mice 0ere randoml!
diided into t0o groups 2O3'ahon!* 'ichael* 1.#45) One group o( mice 0as in6ected 0ith the
drug and another group 0as treated 0ithout drug) A(ter t0o 0eeks* the 0eights o( tumors 0ere
measured) The readings 0ere noted into anal!7ed using a +P++ sheet) Repeated incorrect use o(
passie oice
8/: There is no signi(icant di((erence in mean 0eight o( tumors (rom mice in group 1 and group
81: There is signi(icant di((erence in mean 0eight o( tumors (rom mice in group 1 and group -)
Ta,le 1* sho0s descriptie statistics (or the data) 1or the group treated 0ith drug* the mean
0eight o( tumor is /)49: ;n<1/* SD < /)/49.= and (or group not treated 0ith drug* the mean
0eight o( tumor is /)94- ;n < 1/* +D < /)/./#=
Ta,le 1
Descriptive Statistic
>roup M ? SD
Treated 0ith Drug )49: 1/ )/49.
?ot Treated 0ith
)94- 1/ )/./#
to compare the mean 0eight o( tumor (or t0o groups* t%test (or t0o independent samples is
conducted) The results o( t%test (or t0o independent samples is gien ta,le -) The @eene3s test
2"oneau* A) Alan* 1.4/5 (or homogeneit! o( ariances sho0s that the ariances o( t0o samples is
homogeneous ;1<-):##* P B /)/:=)
Running head: Your Data Interpretation Practicum $
>ood use o(
a (igure to illustrate !our anal!sis) "ut missing caption
The results o( independent samples t%tests indicates that* the mean di((erence ,et0een t0o groups
is /)/49 ;t < %-)/44* df < 1#* p B /)/:= 0hich is not signi(icant at :C leel o( signi(icance) The .:
C con(idence interal (or the di((erence is ;%/)1$:-* /)//1-= 2William 85)
Table 2
Independent Samples t-test
T D( p
+td) Drror
.:C AI o( the
@o0er Upper
%-)/44 1# )/:4 %)/49 )/$-: %)1$:- )//1-
8ence (rom the a,oe results* 0e (ail re6ect the null h!pothesis) 8ence* 0e conclude that the drug
is not use(ul in reducing gro0th o( tumor) Where is !our conclusions sectionE
Running head: Your Data Interpretation Practicum 4
The conclusions section should hae three things: ;a= a summar! o( the results 20ithout num,ers
F i)e)* did !ou re6ect or (ail to re6ect the null h!pothesis5G ;,= recommendations (or stakeholdersG
and ;c= recommendations (or (uture research)
O3'ahon!* 'ichael ;1.#4=) Sensory Evaluation of Food: Statistical Methods and Procedures)
William 8)G +aul A) Teukolsk!* William T) Hetterling* "rian P) 1lanner! ;1..-=) umerical
!ecipes in ": The #rt of Scientific "omputin$ incorrect (ormatting
"oneau* A) Alan ;1.4/=) IThe e((ects o( iolations o( assumptions underl!ing the t testI) All three
o( these re(erences are incorrectl! (ormatted

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