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Remember love.

Each day I touch love in my yoga asana practice.

Much has come and gone.
The only constant amidst the turmoil of the past eight years has been my practice:
An artful expression of peaceful love.
Asana never fails to surprise and inform. It is improvisational and adaptable, receptive yet expansive. It
creates space within constriction, and encourages equilibrium between mind, body, and soul.
I wonder where I would be, who I would be, if it were not for this emotional anchor.
Withdrawal symptoms set in on day three.
Pleasantly, it re-minds me of commitment, my wife, and the communities of people who have brought me
laughter and joy, tears and frustration; dualism is a wasted endeavor.
I remember a fruiting mango tree, a small white stone, sunsets over the Atlantic and Mediterranean.

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