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Tupas, Chariss Dane T.

Prof. Maychell B. Jastia
"Les Misera#les$ is a %usical play #ase& on 'ictor (u)o*s +or, &irecte& #y -a.in
Taylor in cooperation +ith Sony Pictures Entertain%ent release& on /o.e%#er 01, 0223. 4ne
+or& I can say a#out this play 5 !stonishin).
6Les Misera#les*, 7rench +or& of 6The Misera#le 4nes* or 6The Poor 4nes*, +as a no.el
that trails the li.es an& interactions of so%e characters, focusin) on the stru))les of e8-con.ict
Jean 'al9ean an& his e8perience of reco.ery. The no.el tells a#out the history of 7rance, the
architecture an& ur#an &esi)n of Paris, politics, %oral philosophy, repu#licanis%, 9ustice,
reli)ion, an& the types an& nature of ro%antic an& fa%ilial lo.e. It +as lon)er than I e8pecte& #ut
I ha&n*t #een really #ore&. It +as a %o.in) an& transcen&ent e8perience for %e althou)h it*s not
I felt prou& +hen I sa+ Lea Salon)a playin) the role of Eponine. !s e8pecte& she +as so
)reat in her chosen fiel&. Col% :il,inson, +ho playe& Jean 'al9ean cau)ht %y attention not only
#ecause he +as the lea& character #ut also #ecause of his .oice an& his effecti.e &eli.erin) of
+or&s. !ll of the% &i& a )reat a 9o# %e%ori;in) those lon) lines. Despite of #ein) still on sta)e
they sho+e& e%otion usin) facial e8pressions an& &yna%ics to con.ey the %essa)e of the role
they are portrayin). !lain Bou#lil an& Clau&e-Michel Sch<n#er), +ho are also the +riters, are
)eniuses +hose +or, suita#ly sho+cases 'ictor (u)o=s super# literary %asterpiece an& %a,es it
co%e ali.e in )reat ne+ +ay. I notice& that the perfor%ers &o %ini%al %o.e%ent on sta)e an&
they &o not participate in %a9or action that %a&e it &ifferent to the usual %usical play. Because of
this, the perfor%ers use& necessary props only.
The last part, or the curtain call, +as surprisin) +hen 01 actors +ho portraye& Jean
'al9ean fro% &ifferent nations +ere unite& on sta)e to sin) a part of a son) in their o+n nati.e
lan)ua)e. I ha& )oose #u%ps seein) those people perfor% #eautifully on sta)e. ! re%ar,a#le part

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