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Aeronautical Data Inquiry RecL'ipt: AD1-I38I28 htlps://n fdc.faa.gov/nfdcApps/scrvices/adi/adi Receipt. jsp?adild^ 138..

Federal Aviation
Aeronautical Data Inquiry Receipt: ADM 38128
ADI Reclept -
Thank you. Your Aeronautical Data Inquiry has been received.
Your submission receipt #is ADI-138128
Piinl f his P;HJU
Contact Information __-
First Name: GRAYSON
Last Name: PORTER
Job Title:
Email Address: ptp999@3pal ms.i nfo
Phone Number: 2398395288
Mobile Number: 2398395288
Organization: 3PC, INC.
Address 1: PO BOX 7038
Address 2:
Postal Code: 33919
Aeronautical Data Inquiry Details - -- - -
Category: Airspace
State: Florida
Subject: Special Activity Ai rspace
Inquiry: I do not know which dept at the FAA to cont act - I amlocated in Ft Myers, Ft/Cape Coral, FL.
Tonight I wat ched 3 panes spray a fine mist aerosol over my home at the same time in a north to south direction. Others crisscrossed wt h
intermittent spraying. These "contrails" not dissipate. They spread and drift for hours.
Planes like these have been flying all over Fort Myer's north and eastern skies since noon today. This evening the entire sky became solid
white to the E-SE and hazy everywhere else.
My lat/long is: Latitude: 26.5629Longitude: -81.9495
Whose planes were in the sky tonight at my location between b:30pm- 7: 30pm? How can I find out who is operating these aircraft?
Are flight plans required prior to releasing chemical substances into the atmosphere7
I need to know what is being done because I have developed a nasty cough high in my lungs that is becoming more frequent.
Thank you for your assi stance!
Supporting Documents
5/16/20148: 49 I'M

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