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Standard 2.

8 Data Analysis
Candidate model and facilitate the effective use of digital tools and resources to systematically
collect and analyze student achievement data, interpret results, and communicate findings, and
implement appropriate interventions to improve instructional practice and maximize student
The artifact that reflects standard 2.8 is the Data Inventory created for ITEC 7305. The data
inventory was created in order to determine patterns from assessment data in order to identify
areas of weakness that needed to be addressed, retaught, and redelivered in alternate formats.
The assessments that Mt. Carmel uses are the CRCT Reading, Math, and ELA data; benchmark
assessment scores, Thinkgate, and Aimsweb data. The CRCT scores are used for student
benchmarking, and for retention decisions. Thinkgate is used to track Common District
Assessment (CDA) scores, and Aimsweb is used to assess reading level progress, and as a
progress monitoring piece for students with disabilities.
The CRCT is given in the spring. Administration receives the scores from the State and meets
with grade level teams to review results and to determine which students need to be re-tested,
and which students may need to be retained. CDA testing is administered according to a County
directed schedule that aligns with the scope and sequence. Score reporting is done through the
program Thinkgate, and scores are discussed in grade level team meetings. Aimsweb testing is
the online reading assessment program that took the place of Dibels testing. This test is
administered by the classroom teacher and aligns with the schedule developed with the County
Office for general education testing. The special education department in Douglas County has
adopted Aimsweb as the progress monitoring piece for Reading, ELA, Math tracking for
students with disabilities. Initial testing is done by the special education teacher for leveling
purposes, and then every two weeks for progress monitoring purposes. The testing the general
education teacher implements for Aimsweb is on grade level. The testing that the special
education administers for progress monitoring purposes is done on the students ability level.
This project was completed through discussion sessions with the Data Team, with my mentor
teacher, and with administration. The strengths and weaknesses for the assessment pieces chosen
were discussed. The outcome of those discussions revealed that we need to look for an
assessment piece that correlates with reading comprehension leveling. Aimsweb serves the
purpose of tracking fluency, but reading comprehension needs a stronger assessment piece.
CRCT scores reflected a weakness in math reasoning skills. For many of the English Language
Learners, reading vocabulary deficits greatly impact math achievement scores. Vocabulary is an
essential tool for all content areas, not just reading. Science and Social Studies CRCT scores
were also negatively impacted by reading deficits. These content areas require independent
reading abilities on grade level in order to adequately reflect content knowledge.
The impact for our school for the future is the development of lessons that address areas of
deficit determined by the CRCT data. Grade level teams meet collaboratively, and look at
patterns of data for upcoming students to determine what elements were mastered, and what
elements need to be reviewed before new content is introduced. The transient nature of our

community often leads to students enrolling who have not had the same instructional design and
content delivery that their peers have received. CDA scores are the quickest way to identify the
areas of need for students who are new to our school. The continuous analysis of data helps to
drive instruction at our school that is relevant to the needs of the student population.

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