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7/23/14 4:14 PM RE: Education for ACPs - Heinke, Pamela S

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!"# "%&'()*+, -+. /012
l do noL feel aL Lhls Llme we can add any addlLlonal Llme, Lhls ls Lhe hosplLal wlde sLandard for orlenLaLlon. l
expecL as AC's LhaL Lhey musL Lake Lhe lnlLlaLlve especlally slnce Lhey have recelved some nurslng Lralnlng aL
Lhe polnL Lhey apply....

!"#$% nordhagen, !amle
&'()% lrlday, Aprll 23, 2014 1:31 M
*#% Pammond, kyle 8, Pelnke, amela S, 8ufflngLon, Annsley !
+,% uCP-Al 11Lh Leadershlp 1eam
&-./',)% 8L: LducaLlon for ACs

See below for our answers.

Jamie Nordhagen, RN, BSN, OCN
Associate Nurse Manager
Oncology & Bone Marrow Transplant Unit
University of Colorado Hospital

"UCH Nursing. Quality. Excellence. Always.

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7/23/14 4:14 PM RE: Education for ACPs - Heinke, Pamela S
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From: Hammond, Kyle R
Sent: Friday, April 25, 2014 1:19 PM
To: Heinke, Pamela S; Buffington, Annsley J
Cc: UCH-AIP 11th Leadership Team
Subject: RE: Education for ACPs


Answer below. Have CCd Jen, Jamie, and Mandy about #2

Kyle Rose Hammond, RN, BSN, OCN
Clinical Nurse Educator
Bone Marrow Transplant and Oncology Units

The Department of Professional Resources improves lives by empowering healthcare professionals to
influence quality care through education, discovery and navigation of change.

From: Heinke, Pamela S
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2014 3:29 PM
To: Buffington, Annsley J; Hammond, Kyle R; Wenger, Barbara
Cc: Heinke, Pamela S
Subject: Education for ACPs

l Ladles,

l've goLLen some really good feedback from Lhese meeLlngs and needed Lo follow up wlLh you!

7/23/14 4:14 PM RE: Education for ACPs - Heinke, Pamela S
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1) Can you show me how Lo do screen shoLs ln LlC so l can make prlnLouLs for Leachlng purposes? 1he
ACs wanL screen shoLs of all Lhe dlfferenL documenLs LhaL Lhey have such as dresslng changes, lvs,
blood draws, and so on..
l'm more Lhan happy Lo help wlLh screenshoLsJ l'll be here Sunday and Monday lf you are around. uo
you know how Lo send an ouLlook meeLlng requesL??? lf noL leL me know a Llme and l can Leach you
how Lo do Lhls LooJ
2) 1he ACs are feellng llke Lhey are noL geLLlng greaL Lralnlng or enough of lL on orlenLaLlon. 1hey
would llke an exLra day wlLh an AC Lo learn AC duLles or Lo be Lralned only by ACs so LhaL Lhey can
geL Lhose skllls (l know Lhls mlghL be lmposslble, buL have Lo ask!).
!en, !amle and Mandy would need Lo approve more orlenLaLlon Llme for ACs. We can Lry Lo puL Lhem
for 1 of Lhelr 3 shlfLs wlLh an AC movlng forward. 1he reason we prlmarlly puL Lhem wlLh our sLrong
CnAs (llke uanlel) ls based off of Lhelr qulck orlenLaLlon Llme and prevlous complalnLs from 8ns LhaL
Lhey are noL greaL aL CnA Lasks comlng off orlenLaLlon. We cannoL have ACs Lraln more wlLh ACs. lL
ls ouL of Lhe scope of an AC Lo orlenL anoLher ACs on delegaLed 8n skllls. 8ns have Lo verlfy Lhese
compeLencles. lL ls noL an ldeal slLuaLlon and requlres a loL of lnlLlaLlve from ACs Lo galn Lhese skllls.
3) ls Lhere a way Lo documenL LhaL Lhe Lele leads have been changed ln LlC? l'm Lralnlng Lhem Lo
lnlLlal and daLe one lead (l'm golng Lo plck Lop 8lghL lead (or whlLe lead) and Lhen Lo puL lL on Lhe
whlLeboard. l wlll also Lraln Lhem now Lo change Lhe baLLery dally wlLh Lhe alkallne baLLerles.
l Lhlnk we need Lo look aL a CnA/AC vlew of LlC Lo see lf Lhey can charL anyLhlng on Lele. l'm noL
4) uo Lhey need Lo aLLend boLh ShlfL huddles? Cr [usL Lhe one aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhelr shlfLs? l can also
ask 8en.
l LhoughL Lhey only needed Lo aLLend Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe shlfL huddle buL conflrm wlLh 8en. l agree.

Pamela Heinke RN, BSN, OCN
Permanent Charge Nurse
Bone Marrow Transplant & Oncology Units

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