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A beautiful stairway was introduced in the provincial office building...

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The staircase, which goes from the second to the seventh floor, is
decorated with a mural that celebrates health and happiness.
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The staircase of the main building of the Chungnam rovincial
!overnment office has been redecorated with beautiful mural.

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&n &ctober "#
, Chungnam rovince inaugurated the main stairway that
goes from the second floor to the seventh floor of the main building. The
stairway is decorated with a mural that celebrates happy and healthy
life. The inauguration was attended by more than $% government
employees including the 'anager for Administration, (eo)-doo (ong.
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The designing of the stairway, which is called -A .appy / .ealthy
(tairway0, started last 'ay. *t was finally finished last &ctober ,
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-A .appy / .ealthy (tairway0 tells the story of health and happiness of
Chungnam rovince residents. *t begins on the second floor. The story
depicts the growth of a sprout into a tree and of a boy becoming an
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6al)ing up on the stairway also has some health benefits. *t shows the
amount of calorie that a person can burn by climbing up the stairway. *t
also shows related information on how to live and maintain a healthier
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According to a provincial employee, -The stairway will help promote
more health-conscious residents. *t will show that climbing a stairway is
a good way of achieving good health and happiness. 6e really hope that
the residents will do this simple e7ercise.0

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