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Behaviorism Psychology

My behavior is Im scared in dog I got this phobia when I was six

years old because one day our dogs come out from our house and I saw our dogs in the
corner of our street communicates fight in one dog and the owner of the dog that fights
our dog tries to prevent the clash of our dogs, so he held the leash on neck of our dog
when he tries to pull our dog has bitten his hand. After that I got this phobia and I tried
to not come closer when I saw a dog. But now I try to not be scared in dogs. And I also
got one more behavior when I fight sports or other tournament that have a price I feel so
nervous even it is done. My nervous disappear after two days or more. I dont know why
it takes a day before my nervous gone. I feel this after I fight a school tournament in
sport of chess when I was in elementary. I won second place I feel contented in my
award but my nervous is so high and it takes a day before it will gone.

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