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QURAN:1. Every person of the mankind is respectful. (Quran 17:70)

2. Every person has the equal due right for food, dress, living house,educationand
health facility. (Quran 11:6, 2:36)
3. To ponder about the conquering of the universe is the duty of every human being
(Quran 45:13) but after this achievement no person or nation has the right to bring
under its only use but whole mankind has the basic right over this. (Quran 2:29)
4. Central or local administrative body will be responsible to fulfil the basic human
rights. (Quran 22:41)
5. Justice & rights will be provided free of cost to everybody. (Quran 5:8)
6. Divine Book, the Quran, will be sole judge to settle all issues. (Quran 6:144, 42:10)
----QURANIC SOCIAL JUSTICE SYSTEM:Land is for nourishment of all creatures & for all humans. (Quran 55:10, 2:29)
Land & the resources in land are equal for all needful. Allah has provided land &
Resources for all needful. (Quran 41:10)
This distribution is to be done by the Rasool or the in charge of that place. (Quran 59:7)
All messengers came with the similar laws of social Justice. (Quran 57:25)
This balance of Justice is ordered to be established. (Quran 55:9)
This balance of Justice should be based on equal distribution of land & natural
resources/wealth. (Quran 55:10, 41:10)
The rich generally don't like & want Social Justice which is the basic teaching of all
messengers. (Quran 57:25)
So they (the rich) generally reject these teachings & are called Kafirs/Mufsideen.
(Quran 34:34)
Allah is the owner & sovereign of land & natural resources (not Rothschilds or
Rockefellers). These resources are Allah's trust to all humans. (Quran 2:29)
Humans have to use them collectively after allocating & distributing them with Justice
through their collective administration. It's the duty of the administration to allocate &
distribute the land & resources with Justice (the order of Allah) so the wealth must not
accumulate in the hands of the rich.
We all humans have God-given natural right to live in the land & right to use the land &
the resources for living/sustenance. These human rights are God-given & to be fulfilled
& ensured "FREE OF COST".
Allah's Earth is spacious enough for all (Quran 39:10 & 71:19-20), so it should be
COLLECTIVELY MANAGED BY COMMUNITIES, while abolishing all forms of capitalism
such that no individual should be able to claim his ownership over any piece of land.

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