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We are now at the stage where we are alive. So what are the next? We are going to die.

ask Allah S.W.T to make it easy for us. We thanks Allah S.W.T for giving us
the Quran and for giving us the sunnah of Muhammad for giving us what is
require to know where we going and to prepare for death. But in the same
time, we need to know that Allah S.W.T had sent us remind us, warning after
warning, and He said to us why He created us. I did not created the men kind,
the jin kind accept they wish at me. I have created men kind and jin kind for a
reason and that they wish at me and they always close to me and they prepare
for the death that they will met me. Our aim in live is to prepared for the day
we are going to met Allah S.W.T and wish for the best way. So we need to ask
our self would I like to die going to commit adulty or going to a night club?
may Allah S.W.T protected us. We dont want to death in the night particular
way. We would like to die in a condition that Allah is pleased with us because
we would be restreructed according to the condition that we were in when we
die. How we can dream for going to die in a solah if we are not even make a
solah? Went you are reading a solah, slow down, clamp down went making a
solah, it might be the last solah. Allah said that each one of you would teased
death. There is a door that everyone will go throw. Just prepared for it. There
is no ways that you are not going to throw it. Some will go early and some
goes later on. No matter how old you are the passed is just a flash. And you
just need another flash to met Allah. always ask yourself. If I die in this
condition what will happen? Oh you who believe be concuise of Allah S.W.T
and each one of you should look into what you have prepare to present
tomorrow. In what have you prepare for to forward tomorrow in term of what
you have did. In term of what you are going to be putting for. Allah is all
knowing in what you do. So prepare yourself. Always prepare for your
presentation to Allah. We will present a good did. Has a time not come for
those who believe, for their heart to tremble

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