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Authors Attitude towards

Lynda Barry Lynda loves school.
She mentioned
that she walked to
school in the dark
without a second
thought when she
felt panic and once
she saw the outline
of her school the
feeling of panic
eased (69). Lynda
felt incredibly
happy to see the
janitor and staffs in
her school and
when she saw her
teacher, Mrs. Claire
LeSane, she
immediately ran
toward her teacher
crying from relief
(70). Everyone in
Mrs. Claire
LeSanes class had
a chance to sit
apart from the
class for a while to
paint and Lynda
said that drawing
came to mean
everything to her
(71). All those
familiar and
ordinary pleasures
come from school.
Lyndas parents
had a financial
problem about
feeding their large
families so they did
not pay attention
to Lynda and her
However, the
hatred for home
happened to result
in the love for
school as for Lynda
(69). It was tricky
that the particular
brand of neglect in
Lyndas home
allowed her to slip
away and get to
her nice teachers
and school (69-71).
The school which
Lynda had classes
was shabby (69).
People in the
country were
informed cutting
the budget for
public schools was
necessary and all
creative activities
must be the first to
be deleted when
lacking time (71).
Public schools were
closed to
children (71).
Bich Minh Nguyen Nguyen is afraid of
going to school or
even hates school.
When Nguyen and
her sister found
that they were
good at English but
stepmother was
well educated and
happened to be a
Nevertheless, even
Nguyens third
grade teacher did
not show respect
to her and when
she won the
spelling bee
competition, the
limited in
Vietnamese, they
began skipping
bilingual classes
and never went
back (89). Nguyen
got good grades
because she
wanted to be
invisible in class.
She had learned
the trick that the
better-at school
the student, the
more the teacher
will let him/her
alone (90). Nguyen
thought of school
experience as
torture because of
the insult came
from both her
teachers and
classmates, her
own imagination of
despise and her
own sense of
shame (91).
though her
stepmother made
every effort to get
her bilingual
education, she still
did not like to go to
school and even
dropped her
classes (88-89).
teacher judged her
by her identity of a
foreigner (91).
Nguyen was
neglected in the
bus that drove
children home (92).
No matter how
well Nguyen did in
school, she never
won the stuffed
lion (92-93).
Stereotypes in Education

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