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}essica Foisuick

Inteivention Piotocol
Theiapeutic Recieation Inteivention Piotocol
vista Tieatment Centei

"#$%#&' ()(*+, Rock Climbing to Piomote Positive Coping Skills.
-+.+#&* /(&(+'+.( $0 12#1$/+, To pioviue the clients insight into iuentifying,
ueveloping, anu utilizing positive coping skills foi lifetime use.
3+/4#)1()$. $0 "#$%#&', A iecieation inteivention that uses iock climbing as a
methou foi paiticipants to uevelop positive coping skills. Thiough gioup piocessing,
the clients will iuentify theii inuiviuual coping skills anu uiscuss possible positive
coping skills.
5*)+.( 1#$6*+'/ (7&( '&8 6+ &99#+//+9, Re-expeiiencing Tiaumaflashbacks,
substance abuse, uepiessionbau thoughts
:+0+##&* 4#)(+#)&,
Physician piesciibeu
Caie Nanagei
Aumission Ciiteiia
5$.(#&).9)4&(+9 4#)(+#)&,
Suiciue Self-haim watch
Photosensitive meuications
Elopement iisks
;.(+#<+.()$. &4()<)()+/ $# (+47.)=2+/,
>&'+ $0 ?4()<)(8, :$4@ 5*)'6).%
Population: ueneial use
Age: 1S-18
uioup Size: 2-1u
Setting Consiueiations: Piopei iock climbing enviionment, outuooi ciag oi
inuooi wall. In outuooi setting, paiticipants must weai helmet when in the
"ciash zone" at all times.
uioup Stage Consiueiations: All gioup stages appiopiiate foi this activity.
Puiposeuoals: To engage in a physical activity while woiking on:
! Pioblem solving
! Teamwoik
! Tiust
! Communication
! Pushing peisonal limits
! Coping skills

Supplies Neeueu: Climbing hainess, ATCbelay uevice, shoes, anu helmet pei
paiticipant. 0ne climbing iope pei S paiticipants anu one anchoi kit (two
laige locking caiabineis, two small non-locking caiabineis, anu one foui foot
uynex iunnei) pei iope.
Inteivention Besciiption:
o uieet gioup anu heau to climbing site
}essica Foisuick
Inteivention Piotocol
o uo ovei iisk management consiueiations befoie appioach to the
climbing wall
o Teach gioup top iope climbing funuamentals while on giounu:
! Tying in
! Belay techniques
o Teach basic climbing movement while climbeis aie on wall
o While climbeis aie engaging in the activity, facilitate uiscussion on the
challenges paiticipants aie facing.
o Clean up climbing site anu iegioup in a ciicle out of the "ciash zone"
foi piocessing
o Buiing piocessing of the gioup, the facilitatoi will suppoit uiscussions
! Pioblem solving
! Teamwoik
! Tiust
! Communication
! Pushing peisonal limits
! Coping skills
o uioup will aujouin aftei piocessing
Special Consiueiations oi Risks:
o 0utuooi auventuie baseu activities such as iock climbing entails
known anu unanticipateu iisks that coulu iesult in physical oi
emotional injuiy, paialysis, ueath, oi uamage to oneself, to piopeity,
oi to thiiu paities. Risks simply cannot be eliminateu without
jeopaiuizing the essential qualities of the activity.
o The iisks incluue, among othei things: the hazaius of walking on
uneven teiiain anu slips anu falls; being stiuck by iock fall, icefall oi
othei objects uislougeu oi thiown fiom above; the use anu potential
oi actual failuie of climbing iopes anu equipment; weathei
conuitions; equipment failuie; the foices of natuie, incluuing
lightning, weathei changes anu avalanche; the iisks of falling off the
iock, mountain oi into a cievasse; watei hazaius; acciuental
uiowning; exhaustion; exposuie to tempeiatuie anu weathei
extiemes which coulu cause hypotheimia, hypeitheimia (heat ielateu
illnesses), heat exhaustion, sunbuin, uehyuiation; exposuie to
potentially uangeious wilu animals, insect bites, anu hazaiuous plant
life; the iisk of altituue anu colu incluuing hypotheimia, fiostbite,
acute mountain sickness, ceiebial anu pulmonaiy euema; tiavel in
iemote aieas with pooi oi no access to emeigency anuoi meuical
seivices; acciuents oi illness can occui in iemote places without
meuical facilities anu emeigency tieatment oi othei seivices
ienueieu; consumption of foou oi uiink; anu impiopei lifting oi
caiiying; the inuiviuual's own physical conuition, anu the physical
exeition associateu with this activity.
}essica Foisuick
Inteivention Piotocol
o Awaieness of gioup anu inuiviuual behaviois oi emotions to be able
anu auuiess any issues that may aiise.

Possible Biscussion Questions:
o Biu you notice when..
! Why uo you think that happeneu.
! Bow uiu youheshe ueal with the situation.
Was it a positive oi negative ieaction.
! Bow can we ielate that to a ieal life situation.
o Biu you set any peisonal goals while paiticipating in this activity.
! If so, what was it.
! Biu you achieve it.
o Bow can we ielate what we leaineuexpeiienceu touay that we can
tie back to what we have been woiking on with coping skills.
o Biu you utilize youi coping stiategies when faceu with challenges.
Possible uioup oi Inuiviuual Assignments: }ouinaling about expeiiences anu
goals fiom each uay out in the fielu to ieflect on aftei all iock climbing
excuisions aie ceaseu.
Nouification oi Auaptations:
o uioup is uesigneu foi outuooi climbing, if weathei is not appiopiiate,
an inuooi setting will suffice.
o Foi inuiviuuals with physical uisabilities, specialfull bouy hainesses
will be pioviueu
o Foi inuiviuuals who aie uncomfoitable climbing will leain all
techniques anu will paiticipate as a back-up belayei but will not be
iequiieu to climb.
o Nountain Euucation & Bevelopment (2u1S!" $%&' ()*+,*-.
/012*&*30-2 $*4' $5)5045 6%1+" Salt Lake City, 0T: Nate Smith.
o Reuu, A., Lunubeig, N., Nuttei, }., & Smith, E. (2uu9). 0sing
iecieational theiapy to impiove coping self-efficacy among
auolescents in iesiuential tieatment settings: a stuuent peispective.
7--80) 9- :;5103582*& $5&1502*%-, <=61-72.

?4()<)(8 ?.&*8/)/

Activity: Rock Climbing

Physical Aspects:

1. What is the piimaiy bouy position iequiieu.
_____lying uown ______sitting __x__othei: squatting

_____kneeling ___x__stanuing
}essica Foisuick
Inteivention Piotocol

S. What types of movement uoes the activity iequiie.
___x__benuing _____punching ___x__ieaching
___x__stietching _____catching ___x__giasping
___x__stanuing _____thiowing ______skippinghopping
______walking _____hitting ______iunning

4. What aie the piimaiy senses iequiieu foi the activity.
___x__touch ___x__sight _____smell
_____taste ___x__heaiing

S. What is the amount of cooiuination anu movement between bouy paits iequiieu by the

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

6. What is the uegiee of hanu-eye cooiuination neeueu foi the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

7. What is the uegiee of stiength neeueu foi the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

8. What is the uegiee of speeu neeueu foi the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

9. What is the uegiee of enuuiance neeueu foi the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

1u. What is the uegiee of eneigy neeueu foi the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

11. What is the uegiee of flexibility neeueu foi the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

Social Aspects:

1. What is the piimaiy social inteiaction pattein iequiieu in the activity.

_____Intiainuiviuual (action taking place within the minu oi action involving the
minu anu pait of the bouy; iequiies no contiact with anothei peison oi exteinal

2. What bouy paits aie iequiieu.
___x__aims ___x__feet __x___uppei toiso
___x__hanus ___x__neck __x___lowei toiso
___x__legs ___x__heau
}essica Foisuick
Inteivention Piotocol
_____Extiainuiviuual (action uiiecteu by a peison towaiu an object; iequiies no
contact with anothei peison)

_____Aggiegate (action uiiecteu by a peison towaiu an object while in the
company of othei peisons who also aie uiiecting actions towaiu objects; action
is not uiiecteu towaiu each othei; no inteiaction iequiieu among paiticipants)

_____Inteiinuiviuual (action of a competitive natuie uiiecteu by one peison
towaiu anothei)

_____0nilateial (action of a competitive natuie among thiee oi moie peisons, one
of whom is an antagonist; inteiaction is in simultaneous competitive

_____ Nultilateial (action of a competitive natuie uiiecteu among thiee oi moie
peisons with no one peison as an antagonist)

__x__Intiagioup (action of a coopeiative natuie by two oi moie peisons intent
upon ieaching a mutual goal; action iequiies positive veibal anu nonveibal

_____Inteigioup (action of a competitive natuie between tow oi moie

2. What is the minimum (fewest) numbei oi maximum (gieatest) numbei of
people iequiieu foi the activity.

__2__minimum numbei __1u__maximum numbei

S. What clothing is neeueu to be socially appiopiiate. Clothing that allows
movement without iestiiction

4. Bow much physical pioximity is iequiieu by the activity.

Close 1 2 S 4 S Bistant

S. Bow much physical contact is iequiieu by the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

6. What uegiee of communication is iequiieu by the activity.

Bigh 1 2 S 4 S Low

7. What uegiee of noise is geneiateu by the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
}essica Foisuick
Inteivention Piotocol

Cognitive Aspects:

1. Bow many iules aie iequiieu in the activity.

Nany 1 2 S 4 S Few

2. Bow complex aie the iules to unueistanu.

Complex 1 2 S 4 S Simple

S. What uegiee of stiategy is iequiieu in the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

4. What uegiee of complexity is involveu in scoiing.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

S. What uegiee of long-teim memoiy is iequiieu in the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

6. What uegiee of shoit-teim memoiy oi immeuiate iecall is iequiieu in the

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

7. What uegiee of veibalization of thought piocess is iequiieu in the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

8. What uegiee of concentiation is iequiieu in the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

9. What uegiee of conciete thinking is iequiieu by the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
1u. What uegiee of abstiact thinking is iequiieu by the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

11. To what uegiee aie each of the following skills useu in the activity.

Reauing Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Wiiting Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
}essica Foisuick
Inteivention Piotocol
Nath Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Spelling Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

12. To what uegiee uoes the paiticipant neeu to iuentify oi use the following.

Foim anu Shape Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Colois Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Size Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Numbei Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Bouy Paits Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Biiectionality Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

Affective Aspects:

1. To what uegiee uoes the paiticipant have the oppoitunity oi outlet to expiess
the following.

}oy Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
uuilt Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Pain Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Angei Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Feai Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Fiustiation Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

2. To what uegiee must the paiticipant contiol oi inhibit the expiession of the

}oy Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
uuilt Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Pain Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Angei Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Feai Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Fiustiation Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

Auministiative Aspects:

1. What type of leaueiship style is iequiieu by the activity.
___x_specific activity-skill expeitise _____supeivisoiy

_____geneial activity-skill expeitise _____no specific leaueiship type

2. What type of equipment is neeueu foi the activity.
___x_specific commeicial piouuct (specify: hainesses, shoes, caiabineis, iopes,
belay uevices, etc. )
_____can be maue (specify: __________ )
_____no equipment iequiieu

S. What type of facility is iequiieu by the activity.
__x__specific natuial enviionment (specify: climbing ciag )
}essica Foisuick
Inteivention Piotocol
__x__specific cieateu enviionment (specify: inuooi climbing gym )
_____no specific enviionment iequiieu

4. What is the uuiation of the activity.
_____set time
_____natuial enu

S. What is the numbei of paiticipants iequiieu foi the activity.
_____any numbei can paiticipate
__x__fixeu numbei oi multiple (specify: multiple of 2s )

>&'+ $0 ?4()<)(8, 5$1).% A@)**/ "/847$B+924&()$. -#$21
Population: ueneial 0se
Age: 1S-18
uioup Size: 1-
Setting Consiueiations: uioup will occui in a ciicle, eveiyone in chaiis anu no
table in between.
uioup Stage Consiueiations: Foiming, Stoiming, Noiming
Puiposeuoals: Teach paiticipants piopei coping stiategies anu link them to
eveiyuay life.
Supplies Neeueu: 0ne copy of the 'Coping Skills Woiksheet' pei paiticipant
anu wiiting utensils with clipboaius to wiite on
Inteivention Besciiption:
o Welcome anu intiouuce gioup
o Stait by asking the gioup:
! What aie coping skills.
! When uo we use them.
o uo into lectuie:
! Befine coping skills
! Besciibe the steps to manage feelings:
Name the feeling
Accept the feeling
Expiess the feeling
Auuiess the feeling in a healthy way
! Types of coping
Emotion baseu
Action baseu
! Bealthy coping methous
! 0nhealthy coping methous
o Banu out woiksheet
! uive uiiections
! Allow 1u-1S min to complete
o Piocess woiksheet anu lectuie
o Bismiss gioup
}essica Foisuick
Inteivention Piotocol
Special Consiueiations oi Risks:
o Naking suie wiiting utensils anu clipboaius back at enu of gioup.
o Awaieness of gioup anu inuiviuual behaviois oi emotions to be able
anu auuiess any issues that may aiise.
Possible Biscussion Questions:
o Which stiategies uo you oi otheis aiounu you use most often. What
aie the effects.
o Which healthy coping stiategies have you tiieu when you expeiienceu
stiong emotions. Bow have they helpeu.
o What happeneu when you useu some unhealthy stiategies.
o Bo you see how auults can helphinuei you when you aie uealing
with stiessful situations oi emotions.
Possible uioup oi Inuiviuual Assignments: }ouinal about situations when
they use, oi uon't use, healthy coping skills to uiscuss in gioup the next time
they meet.
Nouification oi Auaptations:
o Paiticipants with lowei ieauing levels will be aiueu by facilitatoi
o Paiticipants who iequiie aiu in wiiting, facilitatoi will pioviue
o If gioup woiks bettei as a whole anu not on an inuiviuual level, the
woiksheet can be uone as a gioup activity
o http:www.theplumtiee.netwp-contentuploaus2u11u9Boiling-
o http:softskillswoikshopseiies.wikispaces.comfileviewCoping+Sk
o http:psychcential.comblogaichives2u1Su72utechniques-foi-

}essica Foisuick
Inteivention Piotocol

?4()<)(8 ?.&*8/)/

Activity: Coping Skills

Physical Aspects:
}essica Foisuick
Inteivention Piotocol

S. What types of movement uoes the activity iequiie.
_____benuing _____punching _____ieaching
_____stietching _____catching __x__giasping
_____stanuing _____thiowing _____skippinghopping
_____walking _____hitting _____iunning

4. What aie the piimaiy senses iequiieu foi the activity.
_____touch _____sight _____smell
_____taste _____heaiing

S. What is the amount of cooiuination anu movement between bouy paits iequiieu by the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

6. What is the uegiee of hanu-eye cooiuination neeueu foi the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

7. What is the uegiee of stiength neeueu foi the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

8. What is the uegiee of speeu neeueu foi the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

9. What is the uegiee of enuuiance neeueu foi the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

1u. What is the uegiee of eneigy neeueu foi the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

11. What is the uegiee of flexibility neeueu foi the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

Social Aspects:
1. What is the piimaiy bouy position iequiieu.
_____lying uown _x__sitting _____othei:__________________

_____kneeling _____stanuing
2. What bouy paits aie iequiieu.
__x__aims _____feet _____uppei toiso
__x__hanus _____neck _____lowei toiso
_____legs _____heau
}essica Foisuick
Inteivention Piotocol

1. What is the piimaiy social inteiaction pattein iequiieu in the activity.

__x__Intiainuiviuual (action taking place within the minu oi action involving
the minu anu pait of the bouy; iequiies no contiact with anothei peison oi
exteinal object)

_____Extiainuiviuual (action uiiecteu by a peison towaiu an object; iequiies
no contact with anothei peison)

_____Aggiegate (action uiiecteu by a peison towaiu an object while in the
company of othei peisons who also aie uiiecting actins towaiu objects;
action is not uiiecteu towaiu each othei; no inteiaction iequiieu among

_____Inteiinuiviuual (action of a competitive natuie uiiecteu by one peison
towaiu anothei)

_____0nilateial (action of a competitive natuie among thiee oi moie peisons,
one of whom is an antagonist; inteiaction is in simultaneous competitive

_____ Nultilateial (action of a competitive natuie uiiecteu among thiee oi
moie peisons with no one peison as an antagonist)

_____Intiagioup (action of a coopeiative natuie by two oi moie peisons
intent upon ieaching a mutual goal' action iequiies positive veibal anu
nonveibal inteiaction)

_____Inteigioup (action of a competitive natuie between tow oi moie

2. What is the minimum (fewest) numbei oi maximum (gieatest) numbei of people
iequiieu foi the activity.

___1__minimum numbei _____maximum numbei

S. What clothing is neeueu to be socially appiopiiate. Casual Weai

4. Bow much physical pioximity is iequiieu by the activity.

Close 1 2 S 4 S Bistant
S. Bow much physical contact is iequiieu by the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

}essica Foisuick
Inteivention Piotocol
6. What uegiee of communication is iequiieu by the activity.

Bigh 1 2 S 4 S Low

7. What uegiee of noise is geneiateu by the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

Cognitive Aspects:

1. Bow many iules aie iequiieu in the activity.

Nany 1 2 S 4 S Few

2. Bow complex aie the iules to unueistanu.

Complex 1 2 S 4 S Simple

S. What uegiee of stiategy is iequiieu in the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

4. What uegiee of complexity is involveu in scoiing.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

S. What uegiee of long-teim memoiy is iequiieu in the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

6. What uegiee of shoit-teim memoiy oi immeuiate iecall is iequiieu in the

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

7. What uegiee of veibalization of thought piocess is iequiieu in the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

8. What uegiee of concentiation is iequiieu in the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

9. What uegiee of conciete thinking is iequiieu by the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
1u. What uegiee of abstiact thinking is iequiieu by the activity.
}essica Foisuick
Inteivention Piotocol

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

11. To what uegiee aie each of the following skills useu in the activity.

Reauing Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Wiiting Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Nath Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Spelling Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

12. To what uegiee uoes the paiticipant neeu to iuentify oi use the following.

Foim anu Shape Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Colois Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Size Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Numbei Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Bouy Paits Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Biiectionality Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

Affective Aspects:

1. To what uegiee uoes the paiticipant have the oppoitunity oi outlet to expiess the

}oy Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
uuilt Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Pain Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Angei Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Feai Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Fiustiation Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

2. To what uegiee must the paiticipant contiol oi inhibit the expiession of the

}oy Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
uuilt Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Pain Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Angei Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Feai Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Fiustiation Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

Auministiative Aspects:

1. What type of leaueiship style is iequiieu by the activity.
_____specific activity-skill expeitise _____supeivisoiy

_____geneial activity-skill expeitise __x__no specific leaueiship type

2. What type of equipment is neeueu foi the activity.
_____specific commeicial piouuct (specify: __________ )
}essica Foisuick
Inteivention Piotocol
__x__can be maue (specify: coping skills woiksheet )
_____no equipment iequiieu

S. What type of facility is iequiieu by the activity.
_____specific natuial enviionment (specify: __________ )
_____specific cieateu enviionment (specify: __________ )
__x__no specific enviionment iequiieu

4. What is the uuiation of the activity.
__x__set time
_____natuial enu

S. What is the numbei of paiticipants iequiieu foi the activity.
__x__any numbei can paiticipate
_____fixeu numbei oi multiple (specify: __________ )

>&'+ $0 ?4()<)(8, 5$#9+*+((+ C#&4+*+(/
Population: ueneial 0se
Age: 1S-18
uioup Size: 1-
Setting Consiueiations: Laige table with chaiis all aiounu foi paiticipants.
Facilitatoi shoulu have a spot wheie eveiyone can see the uemonstiation of
knot tying anu have ioom to wonuei aiounu helping paiticipants.
uioup Stage Consiueiations: Peifoiming, Aujouining
o Nake two oi moie coiuelette aujustable biacelets with uouble
fisheiman's knots
o Auuiess coping skills anu how the biacelets aie ieminueis of the skills
o Auuiess who the suppoit inuiviuual(s) they woulu like to give theii
othei biacelet(s) to anu why.
Supplies Neeueu: Pie-cut coiuelette coius, papei lunch bags, maikeis,
iibbon, glue, magazines, anu scissois, two laige iope sections in uiffeient
colois (foi uemonstiation puiposes)
Inteivention Besciiption:
o Intiouuce gioup to the activity:
! Naking biacelets foi youiselves anu foi one oi two people who
you consiuei you suppoit
! Cieating a uecoiateu bag to uelivei gift to suppoit peison
o Talk about symbolism of the uouble fisheiman's knot (fusing two
iopes togethei, aujustable (iesiliency))
o Bemonstiate tying fisheiman's knot on the laige iope sections
o Place all of the coiuelette pieces on the table anu allow the
paiticipants to choose 2-S coius in any uesiieu coloi.
}essica Foisuick
Inteivention Piotocol
o Tie the knot again with paiticipants attempting this time
! Belp any paiticipants who neeu aiu in tying knot
o Allow time foi paiticipants to tie anu ietie theii biacelets anu
complete theii othei one(s).
o Clean up iemaining coius
o Biing iemaining mateiials to the table (except scissois; scissois stay
with facilitatoi)
o Explain again that the bag is foi gifting the biacelet to theii suppoit
inuiviuual(s). The bag shoulu be peisonalizeu to show how the
inuiviuual suppoits them. This can be uone by uiawing, cutting
magazine pictuies out, oi wiiting woiusphiases. Then the bow is to
tie off the bag at the enu.
o Allow time to complete uecoiating the bags
! Scissois aie given out only when neeueu anu ietuineu to
facilitatoi when finisheu
o Clean up the iemaining mateiials anu sciaps
o uioup will uiscuss the meaning of the biacelets as a whole anu on an
inuiviuual level. Then the gioup will uiscuss who theii suppoit
biacelet(s) weie foi anu what they put on the gift bag(s) anu why.
o Bismiss gioup.
Special Consiueiations oi Risks:
o Shaips consiueiation with scissois (will be contiolleu by facilitatoi)
o Awaieness of gioup anu inuiviuual behaviois oi emotions to be able
anu auuiess any issues that may aiise.
Possible Biscussion Questions:
o What skills will youi biacelet ieminu you of.
o Who uiu you make youi suppoit biacelet(s) foi.
! Why.
! What uiu you put on youi bag(s).
o What uo you think of the symbolism of the knot.
! Bow uoes this apply to youi life anu iesiliencycoping skills.
Possible uioup oi Inuiviuual Assignments: Whenevei they aie feeling
stiesseuuncomfoitableangiy to touch the biacelet anu iemembei theii
coping skills then wiite it uown to uiscuss with gioup about theii expeiience.
Nouification oi Auaptations:
o Laige sizes of pie cut coius in the instance a paiticipant has a laigei
o If gioup is not at the level to make the bags anu piocess them, they
will not be uone anu uiscussion of who the biacelets aie foi will be
completely veibal.
o If scissois aie an issue foi a gioup, they will be iemoveu anu iipping
photos will be the methou foi the bag
Souice: NA
?4()<)(8 ?.&*8/)/
}essica Foisuick
Inteivention Piotocol

Activity: Coiuelette Biacelets

Physical Aspects:

S. What types of movement uoes the activity iequiie.
_____benuing _____punching _____ieaching
_____stietching _____catching __x__giasping
_____stanuing _____thiowing _____skippinghopping
_____walking _____hitting _____iunning

4. What aie the piimaiy senses iequiieu foi the activity.
__x__touch __x__sight _____smell
_____taste __x__heaiing

S. What is the amount of cooiuination anu movement between bouy paits iequiieu by the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

6. What is the uegiee of hanu-eye cooiuination neeueu foi the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

7. What is the uegiee of stiength neeueu foi the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

8. What is the uegiee of speeu neeueu foi the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

9. What is the uegiee of enuuiance neeueu foi the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

1u. What is the uegiee of eneigy neeueu foi the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

11. What is the uegiee of flexibility neeueu foi the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
1. What is the piimaiy bouy position iequiieu.
_____lying uown ___x_sitting _____othei:__________________

_____kneeling _____stanuing
2. What bouy paits aie iequiieu.
__x__aims _____feet _____uppei toiso
__x__hanus _____neck _____lowei toiso
_____legs _____heau
}essica Foisuick
Inteivention Piotocol

Social Aspects:

1. What is the piimaiy social inteiaction pattein iequiieu in the activity.

_____Intiainuiviuual (action taking place within the minu oi action involving
the minu anu pait of the bouy; iequiies no contiact with anothei peison oi
exteinal object)

__x__Extiainuiviuual (action uiiecteu by a peison towaiu an object; iequiies
no contact with anothei peison)

_____Aggiegate (action uiiecteu by a peison towaiu an object while in the
company of othei peisons who also aie uiiecting actins towaiu objects;
action is not uiiecteu towaiu each othei; no inteiaction iequiieu among

_____Inteiinuiviuual (action of a competitive natuie uiiecteu by one peison
towaiu anothei)

_____0nilateial (action of a competitive natuie among thiee oi moie peisons,
one of whom is an antagonist; inteiaction is in simultaneous competitive

_____ Nultilateial (action of a competitive natuie uiiecteu among thiee oi
moie peisons with no one peison as an antagonist)

_____Intiagioup (action of a coopeiative natuie by two oi moie peisons
intent upon ieaching a mutual goal' action iequiies positive veibal anu
nonveibal inteiaction)

_____Inteigioup (action of a competitive natuie between tow oi moie

2. What is the minimum (fewest) numbei oi maximum (gieatest) numbei of people
iequiieu foi the activity.

___1__minimum numbei _____maximum numbei

S. What clothing is neeueu to be socially appiopiiate. Casual weai

4. Bow much physical pioximity is iequiieu by the activity.

}essica Foisuick
Inteivention Piotocol
Close 1 2 S 4 S Bistant
S. Bow much physical contact is iequiieu by the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

6. What uegiee of communication is iequiieu by the activity.

Bigh 1 2 S 4 S Low

7. What uegiee of noise is geneiateu by the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

Cognitive Aspects:

1. Bow many iules aie iequiieu in the activity.

Nany 1 2 S 4 S Few

2. Bow complex aie the iules to unueistanu.

Complex 1 2 S 4 S Simple

S. What uegiee of stiategy is iequiieu in the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

4. What uegiee of complexity is involveu in scoiing.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

S. What uegiee of long-teim memoiy is iequiieu in the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

6. What uegiee of shoit-teim memoiy oi immeuiate iecall is iequiieu in the

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

7. What uegiee of veibalization of thought piocess is iequiieu in the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

8. What uegiee of concentiation is iequiieu in the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
}essica Foisuick
Inteivention Piotocol

9. What uegiee of conciete thinking is iequiieu by the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
1u. What uegiee of abstiact thinking is iequiieu by the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

11. To what uegiee aie each of the following skills useu in the activity.

Reauing Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Wiiting Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Nath Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Spelling Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

12. To what uegiee uoes the paiticipant neeu to iuentify oi use the following.

Foim anu Shape Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Colois Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Size Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Numbei Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Bouy Paits Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Biiectionality Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

Affective Aspects:

1. To what uegiee uoes the paiticipant have the oppoitunity oi outlet to expiess the

}oy Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
uuilt Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Pain Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Angei Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Feai Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Fiustiation Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

2. To what uegiee must the paiticipant contiol oi inhibit the expiession of the

}oy Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
uuilt Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Pain Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Angei Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Feai Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Fiustiation Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

Auministiative Aspects:

1. What type of leaueiship style is iequiieu by the activity.
_____specific activity-skill expeitise __x__supeivisoiy
}essica Foisuick
Inteivention Piotocol

_____geneial activity-skill expeitise _____no specific leaueiship type

2. What type of equipment is neeueu foi the activity.
__x__specific commeicial piouuct (specify: coiuelette )
_____can be maue (specify: __________ )
_____no equipment iequiieu

S. What type of facility is iequiieu by the activity.
_____specific natuial enviionment (specify: __________ )
_____specific cieateu enviionment (specify: __________ )
__x__no specific enviionment iequiieu

4. What is the uuiation of the activity.
__x__set time
_____natuial enu

S. What is the numbei of paiticipants iequiieu foi the activity.
__x__any numbei can paiticipate
_____fixeu numbei oi multiple (specify: __________ )

>&'+ $0 ?4()<)(8, 5$1).% A@)**/ D$.+ -&'+
Population: ueneial 0se
Age: 1S-18
uioup Size: 1-
Setting Consiueiations: uioup will occui in a ciicle, eveiyone in chaiis anu no
table in between.
uioup Stage Consiueiations: Noiming, Peifoiming, Aujouining (must occui
aftei coping skills euucation)
Puiposeuoals: Teach paiticipants piopei coping stiategies anu link them to
eveiyuay life
Supplies Neeueu: Zones chait, Zones spin boaiu
Inteivention Besciiption:
o Welcome anu intiouuce activity
! Coping skills game
o Review coping skills
o Intiouuce the Zone Chait
! Talk about the uiffeient zones anu emotions along with the
o Begin game
! Each peison will have a chance to spin boaiu at least thiee
o Aftei game is finisheu, piocess the iesults of the game.
o Bismiss gioup
}essica Foisuick
Inteivention Piotocol
Special Consiueiations oi Risks:
o Awaieness of gioup anu inuiviuual behaviois oi emotions to be able
anu auuiess any issues that may aiise.
Possible Biscussion Questions:
o What uo you think about the uiffeient 'zones' of emotion.
o Which stiategies uo you oi otheis aiounu you use most often. What
aie the effects.
o Which healthy coping stiategies have you tiieu when you expeiienceu
stiong emotions. Bow have they helpeu.
o What happens when you useu unhealthy stiategies.
Possible uioup oi Inuiviuual Assignments: Stuuents can get a hanuout of the
zone chait anu use it to ieflect on theii emotions in a jouinal anu auuiess
which zone they aie in along with methous of maintainingchanging the
Nouification oi Auaptations:
o Paiticipants with lowei ieauing levels will be aiueu by facilitatoi

}essica Foisuick
Inteivention Piotocol

}essica Foisuick
Inteivention Piotocol
?4()<)(8 ?.&*8/)/

Activity: Coping Skills Zone uame

Physical Aspects:

S. What types of movement uoes the activity iequiie.
_____benuing _____punching __x__ieaching
_____stietching _____catching __x__giasping
_____stanuing _____thiowing _____skippinghopping
_____walking _____hitting _____iunning

4. What aie the piimaiy senses iequiieu foi the activity.
__x__touch __x__sight _____smell
_____taste __x__heaiing

S. What is the amount of cooiuination anu movement between bouy paits iequiieu by the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

6. What is the uegiee of hanu-eye cooiuination neeueu foi the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

7. What is the uegiee of stiength neeueu foi the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

8. What is the uegiee of speeu neeueu foi the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

9. What is the uegiee of enuuiance neeueu foi the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

1u. What is the uegiee of eneigy neeueu foi the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

11. What is the uegiee of flexibility neeueu foi the activity.

1. What is the piimaiy bouy position iequiieu.
_____lying uown ___x_sitting _____othei:__________________

_____kneeling _____stanuing
2. What bouy paits aie iequiieu.
__x__aims _____feet _____uppei toiso
__x__hanus _____neck _____lowei toiso
_____legs _____heau
}essica Foisuick
Inteivention Piotocol
Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

Social Aspects:

1. What is the piimaiy social inteiaction pattein iequiieu in the activity.

_____Intiainuiviuual (action taking place within the minu oi action involving
the minu anu pait of the bouy; iequiies no contiact with anothei peison oi
exteinal object)

__x__Extiainuiviuual (action uiiecteu by a peison towaiu an object; iequiies
no contact with anothei peison)

_____Aggiegate (action uiiecteu by a peison towaiu an object while in the
company of othei peisons who also aie uiiecting actins towaiu objects;
action is not uiiecteu towaiu each othei; no inteiaction iequiieu among

_____Inteiinuiviuual (action of a competitive natuie uiiecteu by one peison
towaiu anothei)

_____0nilateial (action of a competitive natuie among thiee oi moie peisons,
one of whom is an antagonist; inteiaction is in simultaneous competitive

_____ Nultilateial (action of a competitive natuie uiiecteu among thiee oi
moie peisons with no one peison as an antagonist)

_____Intiagioup (action of a coopeiative natuie by two oi moie peisons
intent upon ieaching a mutual goal' action iequiies positive veibal anu
nonveibal inteiaction)

_____Inteigioup (action of a competitive natuie between two oi moie

2. What is the minimum (fewest) numbei oi maximum (gieatest) numbei of people
iequiieu foi the activity.

___1__minimum numbei _____maximum numbei

S. What clothing is neeueu to be socially appiopiiate. Casual Weai

4. Bow much physical pioximity is iequiieu by the activity.
}essica Foisuick
Inteivention Piotocol

Close 1 2 S 4 S Bistant
S. Bow much physical contact is iequiieu by the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

6. What uegiee of communication is iequiieu by the activity.

Bigh 1 2 S 4 S Low

7. What uegiee of noise is geneiateu by the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

Cognitive Aspects:

1. Bow many iules aie iequiieu in the activity.

Nany 1 2 S 4 S Few

2. Bow complex aie the iules to unueistanu.

Complex 1 2 S 4 S Simple

S. What uegiee of stiategy is iequiieu in the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

4. What uegiee of complexity is involveu in scoiing.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

S. What uegiee of long-teim memoiy is iequiieu in the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

6. What uegiee of shoit-teim memoiy oi immeuiate iecall is iequiieu in the

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

7. What uegiee of veibalization of thought piocess is iequiieu in the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

8. What uegiee of concentiation is iequiieu in the activity.

}essica Foisuick
Inteivention Piotocol
Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

9. What uegiee of conciete thinking is iequiieu by the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
1u. What uegiee of abstiact thinking is iequiieu by the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

11. To what uegiee aie each of the following skills useu in the activity.

Reauing Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Wiiting Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Nath Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Spelling Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

12. To what uegiee uoes the paiticipant neeu to iuentify oi use the following.

Foim anu Shape Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Colois Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Size Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Numbei Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Bouy Paits Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Biiectionality Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

Affective Aspects:

1. To what uegiee uoes the paiticipant have the oppoitunity oi outlet to expiess the

}oy Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
uuilt Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Pain Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Angei Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Feai Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Fiustiation Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

2. To what uegiee must the paiticipant contiol oi inhibit the expiession of the

}oy Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
uuilt Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Pain Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Angei Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Feai Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Fiustiation Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

Auministiative Aspects:

1. What type of leaueiship style is iequiieu by the activity.
}essica Foisuick
Inteivention Piotocol
_____specific activity-skill expeitise __x__supeivisoiy

_____geneial activity-skill expeitise _____no specific leaueiship type

2. What type of equipment is neeueu foi the activity.
__x__specific commeicial piouuct (specify: Zones of Regulation Chait )
__x__can be maue (specify: Coping Skills Zone uame )
_____no equipment iequiieu

S. What type of facility is iequiieu by the activity.
_____specific natuial enviionment (specify: __________ )
_____specific cieateu enviionment (specify: __________ )
__x__no specific enviionment iequiieu

4. What is the uuiation of the activity.
_____set time
__x__natuial enu

S. What is the numbei of paiticipants iequiieu foi the activity.
__x__any numbei can paiticipate
_____fixeu numbei oi multiple (specify: __________ )

>&'+ $0 ?4()<)(8, :$4@ 5*)'6).% :&4+/
Population: ueneial use
Age: 1S-18
uioup Size: 1-1u
Setting Consiueiations: Piopei iock climbing enviionment, outuooi ciag oi
inuooi wall. In outuooi setting, paiticipants must weai helmet when in the
"ciash zone" at all times.
uioup Stage Consiueiations: Noiming, Peifoiming, anu Aujouining
Puiposeuoals: To engage in a competitive natuieu physical activity while
woiking on:
! Pioblem solving
! Teamwoik
! Tiust
! Communication
! Pushing peisonal limits
! Coping skills

Supplies Neeueu: Climbing hainess, ATCbelay uevice, shoes, anu helmet pei
paiticipant. 0ne climbing iope pei S paiticipants anu one anchoi kit (two
}essica Foisuick
Inteivention Piotocol
laige locking caiabineis, two small non-locking caiabineis, anu one foui foot
uynex iunnei) pei iope, one cowbell pei iope.
Inteivention Besciiption:
o uieet gioup anu heau to climbing site
o uo ovei iisk management consiueiations befoie appioach to the
climbing wall
o Review with gioup top-iope funuamentals:
! Tying in
! Belay techniques
o Piepaie two climbeis (iaceis) on the iopes siue by siue anu tell them
the iules:
! Fiist one to iing the cowbell wins
! No inteifeiing with othei climbeis (no haimplay oi hoiseplay)
! Cheeiing fiom spectatois is encouiageu
o Clean up climbing site anu iegioup in a ciicle out of the "ciash zone"
foi piocessing
o Buiing piocessing of the gioup, the facilitatoi will suppoit uiscussions
! Challenges faceu uuiing activity
! Bow uiu it feel to winlose.
! Pushing peisonal limits
! Coping skills
o uioup will aujouin aftei piocessing
Special Consiueiations oi Risks:
o 0utuooi auventuie baseu activities such as iock climbing entails
known anu unanticipateu iisks that coulu iesult in physical oi
emotional injuiy, paialysis, ueath, oi uamage to oneself, to piopeity,
oi to thiiu paities. Risks simply cannot be eliminateu without
jeopaiuizing the essential qualities of the activity.
o The iisks incluue, among othei things: the hazaius of walking on
uneven teiiain anu slips anu falls; being stiuck by iock fall, icefall oi
othei objects uislougeu oi thiown fiom above; the use anu potential
oi actual failuie of climbing iopes anu equipment; weathei
conuitions; equipment failuie; the foices of natuie, incluuing
lightning, weathei changes anu avalanche; the iisks of falling off the
iock, mountain oi into a cievasse; watei hazaius; acciuental
uiowning; exhaustion; exposuie to tempeiatuie anu weathei
extiemes which coulu cause hypotheimia, hypeitheimia (heat ielateu
illnesses), heat exhaustion, sunbuin, uehyuiation; exposuie to
potentially uangeious wilu animals, insect bites, anu hazaiuous plant
life; the iisk of altituue anu colu incluuing hypotheimia, fiostbite,
acute mountain sickness, ceiebial anu pulmonaiy euema; tiavel in
iemote aieas with pooi oi no access to emeigency anuoi meuical
seivices; acciuents oi illness can occui in iemote places without
meuical facilities anu emeigency tieatment oi othei seivices
}essica Foisuick
Inteivention Piotocol
ienueieu; consumption of foou oi uiink; anu impiopei lifting oi
caiiying; the inuiviuual's own physical conuition, anu the physical
exeition associateu with this activity.
o Awaieness of gioup anu inuiviuual behaviois oi emotions to be able
anu auuiess any issues that may aiise.
Possible Biscussion Questions:
o Biu you notice when..
! Why uo you think that happeneu.
! Bow uiu youheshe ueal with the situation.
Was it a positive oi negative ieaction.
! Bow can we ielate that to a ieal life situation.
o Bow uiu it feel to winlose.
o Biu you set any peisonal goals while paiticipating in this activity.
! If so, what was it.
! Biu you achieve it.
o Bow can we ielate what we leaineuexpeiienceu touay that we can
tie back to what we have been woiking on with coping skills.
! Biu you utilize youi coping stiategies when faceu with
Possible uioup oi Inuiviuual Assignments: }ouinaling about expeiiences anu
goals fiom each uay out in the fielu to ieflect on aftei all iock climbing
excuisions aie ceaseu.
Nouification oi Auaptations:
o uioup is uesigneu foi outuooi climbing, if weathei is not appiopiiate,
an inuooi setting will suffice.
o Foi inuiviuuals with physical uisabilities, specialfull bouy hainesses
will be pioviueu
o Foi inuiviuuals who aie uncomfoitable climbing will leain all
techniques anu will paiticipate as a back-up belayei but will not be
iequiieu to climb.
o Nountain Euucation & Bevelopment (2u1S!" $%&' ()*+,*-.
/012*&*30-2 $*4' $5)5045 6%1+" Salt Lake City, 0T: Nate Smith.
o Reuu, A., Lunubeig, N., Nuttei, }., & Smith, E. (2uu9). 0sing
iecieational theiapy to impiove coping self-efficacy among
auolescents in iesiuential tieatment settings: a stuuent peispective.
7--80) 9- :;5103582*& $5&1502*%-, <=61-72.

?4()<)(8 ?.&*8/)/
Activity: Rock Climbing Races

Physical Aspects:
1. What is the piimaiy bouy position iequiieu.
_____lying uown ______sitting __x__othei: squatting
}essica Foisuick
Inteivention Piotocol

S. What types of movement uoes the activity iequiie.
___x__benuing _____punching ___x__ieaching
___x__stietching _____catching ___x__giasping
___x__stanuing _____thiowing ______skippinghopping
______walking _____hitting ______iunning

4. What aie the piimaiy senses iequiieu foi the activity.
___x__touch ___x__sight _____smell
_____taste ___x__heaiing

S. What is the amount of cooiuination anu movement between bouy paits iequiieu by the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

6. What is the uegiee of hanu-eye cooiuination neeueu foi the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

7. What is the uegiee of stiength neeueu foi the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

8. What is the uegiee of speeu neeueu foi the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

9. What is the uegiee of enuuiance neeueu foi the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

1u. What is the uegiee of eneigy neeueu foi the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

11. What is the uegiee of flexibility neeueu foi the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

Social Aspects:

1. What is the piimaiy social inteiaction pattein iequiieu in the activity.

_____kneeling ___x__stanuing
2. What bouy paits aie iequiieu.
___x__aims ___x__feet __x___uppei toiso
___x__hanus ___x__neck __x___lowei toiso
___x__legs ___x__heau
}essica Foisuick
Inteivention Piotocol
_____Intiainuiviuual (action taking place within the minu oi action involving
the minu anu pait of the bouy; iequiies no contiact with anothei peison oi
exteinal object)

_____Extiainuiviuual (action uiiecteu by a peison towaiu an object; iequiies
no contact with anothei peison)

_____Aggiegate (action uiiecteu by a peison towaiu an object while in the
company of othei peisons who also aie uiiecting actions towaiu objects;
action is not uiiecteu towaiu each othei; no inteiaction iequiieu among

_____Inteiinuiviuual (action of a competitive natuie uiiecteu by one peison
towaiu anothei)

_____0nilateial (action of a competitive natuie among thiee oi moie peisons,
one of whom is an antagonist; inteiaction is in simultaneous competitive

_____ Nultilateial (action of a competitive natuie uiiecteu among thiee oi
moie peisons with no one peison as an antagonist)

_____Intiagioup (action of a coopeiative natuie by two oi moie peisons
intent upon ieaching a mutual goal; action iequiies positive veibal anu
nonveibal inteiaction)

__x__Inteigioup (action of a competitive natuie between tow oi moie

2. What is the minimum (fewest) numbei oi maximum (gieatest) numbei of people
iequiieu foi the activity.

__2__minimum numbei __1u__maximum numbei

S. What clothing is neeueu to be socially appiopiiate. Clothing that allows
movement without iestiiction

4. Bow much physical pioximity is iequiieu by the activity.

Close 1 2 S 4 S Bistant

S. Bow much physical contact is iequiieu by the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

6. What uegiee of communication is iequiieu by the activity.
}essica Foisuick
Inteivention Piotocol

Bigh 1 2 S 4 S Low

7. What uegiee of noise is geneiateu by the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

Cognitive Aspects:

1. Bow many iules aie iequiieu in the activity.

Nany 1 2 S 4 S Few

2. Bow complex aie the iules to unueistanu.

Complex 1 2 S 4 S Simple

S. What uegiee of stiategy is iequiieu in the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

4. What uegiee of complexity is involveu in scoiing.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

S. What uegiee of long-teim memoiy is iequiieu in the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

6. What uegiee of shoit-teim memoiy oi immeuiate iecall is iequiieu in the

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

7. What uegiee of veibalization of thought piocess is iequiieu in the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

8. What uegiee of concentiation is iequiieu in the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

9. What uegiee of conciete thinking is iequiieu by the activity.

Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
1u. What uegiee of abstiact thinking is iequiieu by the activity.

}essica Foisuick
Inteivention Piotocol
Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

11. To what uegiee aie each of the following skills useu in the activity.

Reauing Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Wiiting Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Nath Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Spelling Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

12. To what uegiee uoes the paiticipant neeu to iuentify oi use the following.

Foim anu Shape Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Colois Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Size Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Numbei Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Bouy Paits Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Biiectionality Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

Affective Aspects:

1. To what uegiee uoes the paiticipant have the oppoitunity oi outlet to expiess the

}oy Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
uuilt Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Pain Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Angei Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Feai Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Fiustiation Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

2. To what uegiee must the paiticipant contiol oi inhibit the expiession of the

}oy Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
uuilt Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Pain Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Angei Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Feai Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little
Fiustiation Nuch 1 2 S 4 S Little

Auministiative Aspects:

1. What type of leaueiship style is iequiieu by the activity.
___x_specific activity-skill expeitise _____supeivisoiy

_____geneial activity-skill expeitise _____no specific leaueiship type

2. What type of equipment is neeueu foi the activity.
___x_specific commeicial piouuct (specify: hainesses, shoes, caiabineis,
iopes, belay uevices, etc. )
}essica Foisuick
Inteivention Piotocol
_____can be maue (specify: __________ )
_____no equipment iequiieu

S. What type of facility is iequiieu by the activity.
__x__specific natuial enviionment (specify: climbing ciag )
__x__specific cieateu enviionment (specify: inuooi climbing gym )
_____no specific enviionment iequiieu

4. What is the uuiation of the activity.
_____set time
__x__natuial enu

S. What is the numbei of paiticipants iequiieu foi the activity.
_____any numbei can paiticipate
__x__fixeu numbei oi multiple (specify: multiple of 2s )
A(&00 (#&).).%E4+#()0)4&()$. #+=2)#+'+.(/, 0ne staff membei neeueu foi eveiy 1u
clients. 0ne staff membei must have an ANuA SPI ceitification that ensuies they
unueistanu the techniques anu skills neeueu to leau gioups in high-iisk iock
climbing auventuies. Facilitatois will neeu geneial tiaining on >%-54 %? @+%2*%- foi
game-like activity. All staff must have Ciisis Inteivention Ceitification.
:)/@ F&.&%+'+.( 4$./)9+#&()$./,
o All supplies will be ieauy befoie activity, anu all supplies will be
accounteu foi aftei activity.
o Tianspoitation anu liability insuiance will be obtaineu thiough vista.
o All staff will follow 0SBA guiuelines.
o Tiaineu anu ceitifieu iock climbing instiuctois, one pei eveiy S stuuents
o In class session intiouuction of basic iock climbing knowleuge befoie
fielu sessions.
o Check of equipment befoie anu aftei use.
o If iules aie bioken, clients aie no longei alloweu to paiticipate in the
o Belmets aie always woin at fielu location.
o As instiuction piogiesses, clients must be checkeu off on skills befoie
they can "go live".
G2(4$'+/ +H1+4(+9,
o Clients will iuentify at least one of theii own peisonal coping skills uuiing
gioup piocessing.
}essica Foisuick
Inteivention Piotocol
o Clients will iuentify at least one positive coping skill that they can utilize
thioughout theii life anu will uemonstiate that skill by the enu of the
o The client will be able to uemonstiate knowleuge of basic iock climbing
o The client will have highei self-confiuence uuiing challenging activities
shown thiough pie anu post testing anu self-iepoit.
"#$%#&' +<&*2&()$., Thiough gioup piocessing befoie anu aftei inteivention, self
anu staff evaluation of outcomes fulfilleuunfulfilleu. Pie anu Post couise inteiviews
anu suiveys will also be conuucteu to assess if the inuiviuual client's goals aie being
?11#$<&* A)%.&(2#+ &.9 9&(+, }. Foisuick TRS, CTRS

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