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Criminal Judges and the Decisions to Defend the Law Affect Arizonan Children

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A recent court record analysis reveals several criminal judicial judges penalize with discrimination and
prejudice. In review of last months ARIZONAN publication, recent criminal high profile cases involv-
ing the lives of Arizona children reveal to us that our childrens lives are vulnerable and perhaps trauma-
tized. This months ARIZONAN publication will further examine the defendants who intentionally
victimize children in our communities. Recent findings express concerns that childrens rights to live pro-
tected by constitutional laws and the Arizona State Statues are questionable. It is discovered that three par-
ticular cases of defendants who have been arrested for the abuse and/or murder of their own children have
prior arrests of drug possession charges and other felony arrests.

The most common factor in evaluating each case is that each defendant has criminal records which are
dated within a span of ten years or more and each defendant has one or more arrests for drug possession or
domestic violence. Each defendant was arrested for the act of child abuse or murder. The most interesting
common factor among all cases is that each defendant is a woman and the offense of child vulnerable
charges and/or murders were dismissed.

What is the message here? Is a drug capitalistic society endangering our children? Facts are pointing to
discriminating factors of sex and money had perhaps determined the fate of Arizona children. These
women who have several drug abuse charges before actually abusing or murdering their children were re-
leased and their cases dismissed or left cold without a warrant issued for an arrest are startling facts.

More interesting facts point to the governmental budgets as a contributing factor when Arizona Judges de-
cide the pending fate of criminal cases. It painfully seems as though if a defendant whether male or female
can pay their bonds and/or fines, they are more than likely to be released and at some point repeat an of-
fense, abuse or murder their children. Social indicators indicate that most defendants who are charged and/
or indicted for any drug felony charge or violent offense may require drug and alcohol or psychological
counseling before they are released to our Arizona communities. In this particular study, records indicate
only one of the three women received drug and alcohol abuse counseling. There is a misconception that
our Arizona children are safe. In conclusion, the deaths of those children could have been prevented.
November Publication 2 Volume 2

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