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8eadlng LlLeraLure

uomaln SLandard

SLandard Language
(ln order Lo.)
Learnlng Cb[ecLlves
(SLudenLs wlll.)
key ldeas &

(WhaL Lhe LexL

CuoLe accuraLely from a LexL when explalnlng
whaL Lhe LexL says expllclLly and when drawlng
lnferences from Lhe LexL.

CuoLe accuraLely from a LexL when explalnlng whaL Lhe LexL says expllclLly

CuoLe accuraLely from a LexL when drawlng lnferences from Lhe LexL
ueLermlne a Lheme of a sLory, drama, or poem
from deLalls ln Lhe LexL, lncludlng how
characLers ln a sLory or drama respond Lo
challenges or how Lhe speaker ln a poem
reflecLs upon a Loplc, summarlze Lhe LexL.

ueLermlne Lhe Lheme of a sLory, drama, or poem from deLalls ln Lhe LexL
ueLermlne Lhe Lheme of a sLory, drama, or poem from deLalls ln Lhe LexL based on
how characLers ln a sLory respond Lo challenges
ueLermlne Lhe Lheme of a poem from how Lhe speaker ln a poem reflecLs upon a
Summarlze Lhe LexL
uescrlbe how a parLlcular sLory's or drama's
ploL unfolds ln a serles of eplsodes as well as
how Lhe characLers respond or change as Lhe
ploL moves Loward a resoluLlon.

Compare and conLrasL Lwo characLer, seLLlngs, or evenLs ln a sLory or drama, drawlng
on speclflc deLalls ln Lhe LexL
Compare and conLrasL !"#$ &'() &*" +'(#(+&$#,, seLLlngs, or evenLs ln a sLory or
drama, drawlng on speclflc deLalls ln Lhe LexL
CrafL &

(Pow Lhe
auLhor says lL)
ueLermlne Lhe meanlng of words and phrases
as Lhey are used ln a LexL, lncludlng flguraLlve
language such as meLaphors and slmlles.
ueLermlne Lhe meanlng of words and phrases as Lhey are used ln a LexL
ueLermlne Lhe meanlng of flguraLlve language such as meLaphors and slmlles
Lxplaln how a serles of chapLers, scenes, or
sLanzas flLs LogeLher Lo provlde Lhe overall
sLrucLure of a parLlcular sLory, drama, or
Lxplaln how a serles of chapLers flL LogeLher Lo provlde Lhe overall sLrucLure of a
Lxplaln how a serles of scenes flL LogeLher Lo provlde Lhe overall sLrucLure of a
parLlcular .#(!(
Lxplaln how a serles of sLanzas flLs LogeLher Lo provlde Lhe overall sLrucLure of a
parLlcular /"$!
uescrlbe how a narraLor's or speaker's polnL of
vlew lnfluences how evenLs are descrlbed.
uescrlbe how a narraLor's or speaker's polnL of vlew lnfluences how evenLs are
lnLegraLlon of
and ldeas

(WhaL Lhe LexL
Analyze how vlsual and mulLlmedla elemenLs
conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe meanlng, Lone, or beauLy of
a LexL (e.g., graphlc novel, mulLlmedla
presenLaLlon of flcLlon, folkLale, myLh, poem).
Analyze how 01,2(3 $3$!$)&, conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe meanlng, Lone, or beauLy of a LexL

Analyze how !23&1!$.1( $3$!$)&, conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe meanlng Lone, or beauLy of LexL
noL appllcable Lo llLeraLure
Compare and conLrasL sLorles ln Lhe same
genre (e.g., mysLerles and advenLure sLorles)
on Lhelr approaches Lo slmllar Lhemes and
Compare and conLrasL sLorles ln Lhe same genre and Lhelr approaches Lo slmllar
Lhemes and Loplcs.
8ange of
8eadlng and
Level of 1exL
8y Lhe end of Lhe year, read and comprehend
llLeraLure, lncludlng sLorles, dramas, and
poeLry, aL Lhe hlgh end of Lhe grades 4-3 LexL
complexlLy band lndependenLly and
8ead and comprehend llLeraLure, lncludlng sLorles, dramas, and poeLry, aL Lhe hlgh
end of Lhe grades 4-3 LexL complexlLy band lndependenLly and proflclenLly.

8eadlng lnformaLlonal
uomaln SLandard SLandard Language
(ln order Lo.)
Learnlng Cb[ecLlves
(SLudenLs wlll.)
key ldeas &

(WhaL Lhe LexL

CuoLe accuraLely from a LexL when
explalnlng whaL Lhe LexL says expllclLly
and when drawlng lnferences from Lhe
CuoLe accuraLely from a LexL when explalnlng whaL Lhe LexL says expllclLly

CuoLe accuraLely from a LexL when drawlng lnferences from Lhe LexL

ueLermlne Lwo or more maln ldeas of a LexL
and explaln how Lhey are supporLed by key
deLalls, summarlze Lhe LexL.
ueLermlne Lwo or more maln ldeas of a LexL
Lxplaln how Lhe maln ldeas are supporLed by key deLalls
Summarlze Lhe LexL
Lxplaln Lhe relaLlonshlps or lnLeracLlons
beLween Lwo or more lndlvlduals, evenLs,
ldeas, or concepLs ln a hlsLorlcal, sclenLlflc, or
Lechnlcal LexL based on speclflc lnformaLlon
ln Lhe LexL.
Lxplaln Lhe relaLlonshlps or lnLeracLlons beLween &*" lndlvlduals, evenLs, ldeas
or concepLs ln a hlsLorlcal, sclenLlflc, or Lechnlcal LexL based on speclflc
lnformaLlon ln Lhe LexL.
Lxplaln Lhe relaLlonshlps or lnLeracLlons beLween !"#$ &'() &*" lndlvlduals,
evenLs, ldeas or concepLs ln a hlsLorlcal, sclenLlflc, or Lechnlcal LexL based on
speclflc lnformaLlon ln Lhe LexL.
CrafL &

(Pow Lhe
auLhor says lL)
ueLermlne Lhe meanlng of general academlc
and domaln-speclflc words and phrases ln a
LexL relevanL Lo a grade 3 Loplc or sub[ecL
ueLermlne Lhe meanlng of 4$)$#(3 (+(.$!1+ words and phrases ln a LexL
relevanL Lo a grade 3 Loplc or sub[ecL area.
ueLermlne Lhe meanlng of ."!(1)5,/$+161+ words and phrases ln a LexL
relevanL Lo a grade 3 Loplc or sub[ecL area.
ueLermlne Lhe meanlng of general academlc
and domaln-speclflc words and phrases ln a
LexL relevanL Lo a grade 3 Loplc or sub[ecL
Compare and conLrasL Lhe overall sLrucLure of evenLs, ldeas, concepLs and
lnformaLlon 1) &*" &$7&,
Compare and conLrasL Lhe overall sLrucLure of evenLs, ldeas, concepLs and
lnformaLlon ln !"#$ &'() &*" &$7&,
Compare and conLrasL Lhe overall sLrucLure
(e.g., chronology, comparlson, cause/effecL,
problem/soluLlon) of evenLs, ldeas, concepLs,
or lnformaLlon ln Lwo or more LexLs.
noLe lmporLanL slmllarlLles and dlfferences ln Lhe polnL of vlew of mulLlple
accounLs of Lhe same evenL or Loplc
Analyze mulLlple accounLs of Lhe same evenL or Loplc
lnLegraLlon of
knowledge and

(WhaL Lhe LexL
uraw on lnformaLlon from mulLlple prlnL or
dlglLal sources, demonsLraLlng Lhe ablllLy Lo
locaLe an answer Lo a quesLlon qulckly or Lo
solve a problem efflclenLly.
uraw on lnformaLlon from mulLlple prlnL or dlglLal sources Lo demonsLraLe Lhe
ablllLy Lo 3"+(&$ () (),*$# &" ( 82$,&1") 821+93-
uraw on lnformaLlon from mulLlple prlnL or dlglLal sources Lo demonsLraLe Lhe
ablllLy Lo ,"30$ ( /#":3$! $661+1$)&3-
Lxplaln how an auLhor uses reasons and
evldence Lo supporL parLlcular polnLs ln a
LexL, ldenLlfylng whlch reasons and evldence
supporL whlch polnL(s).
Lxplaln how an auLhor uses reasons and evldence Lo supporL parLlcular polnLs
ln a LexL
ldenLlfy whlch reasons and evldence supporL whlch polnL(s)
lnLegraLe lnformaLlon from several LexLs on
Lhe same Loplc ln order Lo wrlLe or speak
abouL Lhe sub[ecL knowledgeably.

lnLegraLe lnformaLlon from several LexLs on Lhe same Loplc ln order Lo *#1&$
abouL Lhe sub[ecL knowledgeably
lnLegraLe lnformaLlon from several LexLs on Lhe same Loplc ln order Lo ,/$(9
abouL Lhe sub[ecL knowledgeably
8ange of
8eadlng and
Level of 1exL
8y Lhe end of Lhe year, read and
comprehend lnformaLlonal LexLs,
lncludlng hlsLory/soclal sLudles, sclence,
and Lechnlcal LexLs, aL Lhe hlgh end of Lhe
grades 4-3 LexL complexlLy band
lndependenLly and proflclenLly.
8ead 4#(.$53$0$3 lnformaLlonal LexLs /#"61+1$)&3- and 1).$/$).$)&3-.
8ead (:"0$54#(.$ lnformaLlonal LexLs wlLh ,+(66"3.1)4 and ,2//"#&.

loundaLlonal Skllls

uomaln SLandard SLandard Language
(ln order Lo.)
Learnlng Cb[ecLlves
(SLudenLs wlll...)

honlcs and

know and apply grade-level phonlcs and
word analysls skllls ln decodlng words.

a. use comblned knowledge of all leLLer-sound correspondences, syllablcaLlon
paLLerns, and morphology (e.g., rooLs and afflxes) Lo read accuraLely
unfamlllar mulLlsyllablc words ln conLexL and ouL of conLexL.

lluency 8l.3.4
8ead wlLh sufflclenL accuracy and fluency Lo
supporL comprehenslon.

a. 8ead grade-level LexL wlLh purpose and undersLandlng.
b. 8ead grade-level prose and poeLry orally wlLh accuracy, approprlaLe raLe,
and expresslon on successlve readlngs.
c. use conLexL Lo conflrm or self-correcL word recognlLlon and undersLandlng,
rereadlng as necessary.


uomaln SLandard SLandard Language
(ln order Lo.)
Learnlng Cb[ecLlves
(SLudenLs wlll.)
1exL 1ypes and

(1ypes and
purposes of
WrlLe oplnlon pleces on Loplcs or LexLs,
supporLlng a polnL of vlew wlLh reasons and
a. lnLroduce a Loplc or LexL clearly, sLaLe an oplnlon, and creaLe an organlzaLlonal
sLrucLure ln whlch ldeas are loglcally grouped Lo supporL Lhe wrlLer's purpose.
b. rovlde loglcally ordered reasons LhaL LhaL supporLed by facLs and deLalls.
c. Llnk oplnlon and reasons uslng words, phrases, and clauses (e.g., consequenLly,
d. rovlde a concludlng sLaLemenL or secLlon relaLed Lo Lhe oplnlon presenLed.
WrlLe lnformaLlve/explanaLory LexLs Lo
examlne a Loplc and convey ldeas and
lnformaLlon clearly.

a. lnLroduce a Loplc clearly, provlde a general observaLlon and focus, and group relaLed
lnformaLlon loglcally, lnclude formaLLlng (e.g., headlngs), lllusLraLlons, and mulLlmedla
when useful Lo aldlng comprehenslon.
b. uevelop Lhe Loplc wlLh facLs, deflnlLlons, concreLe deLalls, quoLaLlons, or oLher
lnformaLlon and examples relaLed Lo Lhe Loplc
c. Llnk ldeas wlLhln and across caLegorles of lnformaLlon uslng words, phrases, and
clauses (e.g., ln conLrasL, especlally).
d. use preclse language and domaln-speclflc vocabulary Lo lnform abouL or explaln Lhe
e. rovlde a concludlng sLaLemenL or secLlon relaLed Lo Lhe lnformaLlon or explanaLlon
WrlLe narraLlves Lo develop real or lmaglned
experlences or evenLs uslng effecLlve
Lechnlque, descrlpLlve deLalls, and clear evenL

a. CrlenL Lhe reader by esLabllshlng a slLuaLlon and lnLroduclng a narraLor and/or
characLers, organlze an evenL sequence LhaL unfolds naLurally.
b. use narraLlve Lechnlques, such as dlalogue, descrlpLlon, and paclng, Lo develop
experlences and evenLs or show Lhe responses of characLers Lo slLuaLlons.
c. use a varleLy of LranslLlonal words, phrases, and clauses Lo manage Lhe sequence of
d. use concreLe words and phrases and sensory deLalls Lo convey experlences and evenLs
e. rovlde a concluslon LhaL follows from Lhe narraLed experlences or evenLs.
roducLlon and
ulsLrlbuLlon of

(Pow? Pow Lo
wrlLe and how
Lo make sure lLs
roduce clear and coherenL wrlLlng ln whlch
Lhe developmenL and organlzaLlon are
approprlaLe Lo Lask, purpose, and audlence.
(Crade-speclflc expecLaLlons for wrlLlng Lypes
are deflned ln sLandards 1-3 above.)
roduce clear and coherenL wrlLlng ln whlch Lhe developmenL and organlzaLlon are
approprlaLe Lo &(,9 (). /2#/",$
roduce clear and coherenL wrlLlng ln whlch Lhe developmenL and organlzaLlon are
approprlaLe Lo (2.1$)+$
WlLh guldance and supporL from peers and
adulLs, develop and sLrengLhen wrlLlng as
needed by plannlng, revlslng, edlLlng,
rewrlLlng, or Lrylng a new approach. (LdlLlng
for convenLlons should demonsLraLe
command of Language sLandards 1-3 up Lo
and lncludlng grade 3 here.)

WlLh guldance and supporL from peers and adulLs, develop wrlLlng as needed by plannlng
WlLh guldance and supporL from peers and adulLs, sLrengLhen wrlLlng as needed by
revlslng and edlLlng
WlLh guldance and supporL from peers and adulLs, sLudenLs wlll rewrlLe or Lry a new
WlLh some guldance and supporL from adulLs,
use Lechnology, lncludlng Lhe lnLerneL, Lo
produce and publlsh wrlLlng as well as Lo
lnLeracL and collaboraLe wlLh oLhers,
demonsLraLe sufflclenL command of
keyboardlng skllls Lo Lype a mlnlmum of Lwo
pages ln a slngle slLLlng
WlLh some guldance and supporL from adulLs, use Lechnology, lncludlng Lhe lnLerneL, Lo
produce and publlsh a plece of wrlLlng.

use Lechnology, lncludlng Lhe lnLerneL, Lo lnLeracL and collaboraLe wlLh oLhers

uemonsLraLe sufflclenL command of keyboardlng skllls Lo Lype a mlnlmum of Lwo pages
ln a slngle slLLlng.

8esearch Lo
8ulld and

(8esearch and
ConducL shorL research pro[ecLs LhaL use
several sources Lo bulld knowledge Lhrough
lnvesLlgaLlon of dlfferenL aspecLs of a Loplc.

ConducL shorL research pro[ecLs LhaL use several sources Lo bulld knowledge

ConducL shorL research pro[ecLs, uslng several sources, Lo bulld knowledge Lhrough
lnvesLlgaLlon of dlfferenL aspecLs of a Loplc.

8ecall relevanL lnformaLlon from experlences
or gaLher relevanL lnformaLlon from prlnL and
dlglLal sources, summarlze or paraphrase
lnformaLlon ln noLes and flnlshed work, and
provlde a llsL of sources.

8ecall relevanL lnformaLlon from experlences
CaLher relevanL lnformaLlon from prlnL and dlglLal sources
Summarlze or paraphrase lnformaLlon ln noLes and flnlshed work
rovlde a llsL of sources
uraw evldence from llLerary or lnformaLlonal
LexLs Lo supporL analysls, reflecLlon, and

a. Apply grade 3 8eadlng sLandards Lo llLeraLure (e.g., Compare and conLrasL Lwo or
more characLers, seLLlngs, or evenLs ln a sLory or a drama, drawlng on speclflc deLalls ln
Lhe LexL [e.g., how characLers lnLeracL]").

b. Apply grade 3 8eadlng sLandards Lo lnformaLlonal LexLs (e.g., Lxplaln how
an auLhor uses reasons and evldence Lo supporL parLlcular polnLs ln a LexL, ldenLlfylng
whlch reasons and evldence supporL whlch polnL[s]").

WrlLe rouLlnely over exLended Llme frames
(Llme for research, reflecLlon, and revlslon)
and shorLer Llme frames (a slngle slLLlng or a
day or Lwo) for a range of dlsclpllne-speclflc
Lasks, purposes, and audlences.

WrlLe rouLlnely over ,'"#&$# &1!$ 6#(!$, for a range of dlsclpllne-speclflc Lasks,
purposes, and audlences.

WrlLe rouLlnely over $7&$).$. &1!$ 6#(!$, for a range of dlsclpllne-speclflc Lasks,
purposes, and audlences.

Speaklng and LlsLenlng
uomaln SLandard SLandard Language
(ln order Lo . )
Learnlng Cb[ecLlves
(SLudenLs wlll.)

LlsLen and Clve


Lngage effecLlvely ln a range of collaboraLlve
dlscusslons (one-on-one, ln groups, and
Leacher-led) wlLh dlverse parLners on grade 3
Loplcs and LexLs, bulldlng on oLhers' ldeas and
expresslng Lhelr own clearly.

a. Come Lo dlscusslons prepared havlng read or sLudled requlred maLerlal, expllclLly
draw on LhaL preparaLlon and oLher lnformaLlon known abouL Lhe Loplc Lo explore ldeas
under dlscusslon.
b. lollow agreed-upon rules for dlscusslons and carry ouL asslgned roles.
c. ose and respond Lo speclflc quesLlons by maklng commenLs LhaL conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe
dlscusslon and elaboraLe on Lhe remarks of oLhers.
d. 8evlew Lhe key ldeas expressed and draw concluslons ln llghL of lnformaLlon and
knowledge galned from Lhe dlscusslons.
Summarlze a wrlLLen LexL read aloud or
lnformaLlon presenLed ln dlverse medla and
formaLs, lncludlng vlsually, quanLlLaLlvely,
and orally
Summarlze a wrlLLen LexL read aloud.
Summarlze lnformaLlon presenLed ln dlverse medla formaLs, lncludlng vlsually,
quanLlLaLlvely, and orally.
Summarlze Lhe polnLs a speaker makes and
explaln how each clalm ls supporLed by
reasons and evldence.
Summarlze Lhe polnLs a speaker makes.
Lxplaln how each clalm ls supporLed by reasons and evldence.
resenLaLlon of
knowledge of

8eporL on a Loplc or LexL or presenL an
oplnlon, sequenclng ldeas loglcally and uslng
approprlaLe facLs and relevanL, descrlpLlve
deLalls Lo supporL maln ldeas or Lhemes,
speak clearly aL an undersLandable pace.
8eporL on a Loplc or LexL, sequenclng ldeas loglcally and use approprlaLe facLs and
relevanL, descrlpLlve deLalls Lo supporL maln ldeas or Lhemes, speak clearly aL an
undersLandable pace.
resenL an oplnlon, sequenclng ldeas loglcally and use approprlaLe facLs and relevanL,
descrlpLlve deLalls Lo supporL maln ldeas or Lhemes, speak clearly aL an undersLandable
lnclude mulLlmedla componenLs (e.g.,
graphlcs, sound) and vlsual dlsplays ln
presenLaLlons when approprlaLe Lo enhance
Lhe developmenL of maln ldeas or Lhemes.

lnclude mulLlmedla componenLs ln presenLaLlons when approprlaLe Lo enhance Lhe
developmenL of maln ldeas or Lhemes.

lnclude vlsual dlsplays ln presenLaLlons when approprlaLe Lo enhance Lhe developmenL
of maln ldeas or Lhemes.
AdapL speech Lo a varleLy of conLexLs and
Lasks, uslng formal Lngllsh when approprlaLe
Lo Lask and slLuaLlon. (See grade 3 Language
sLandards 1 and 3 on page 28 for speclflc

AdapL speech Lo a varleLy of conLexLs uslng formal Lngllsh when approprlaLe Lo Lask and

AdapL speech Lo a varleLy of Lasks uslng formal Lngllsh when approprlaLe Lo Lask and

uomaln SLandard SLandard Language
(ln order Lo.)
Learnlng Cb[ecLlves
(SLudenLs wlll.)
ConvenLlons of


uemonsLraLe command of Lhe convenLlons of
sLandard Lngllsh grammar and usage when
wrlLlng or speaklng.
a. Lxplaln Lhe funcLlon of con[uncLlons, preposlLlons, and lnLer[ecLlons ln general and
Lhelr funcLlon ln parLlcular senLences.
b. lorm and use Lhe perfecL (e.q., l boJ wolkeJ, l bove wolkeJ, l wlll bove wolkeJ) verb
c. use verb Lense Lo convey varlous Llmes, sequences, sLaLes, and condlLlons.
d. 8ecognlze and correcL lnapproprlaLe shlfLs ln verb Lense.
e. use correlaLlve con[uncLlons (e.q., eltbet/ot, oeltbet/oot)
uemonsLraLe command of Lhe convenLlons
of sLandard Lngllsh caplLallzaLlon,
puncLuaLlon, and spelllng when wrlLlng.
a. use puncLuaLlon Lo separaLe lLems ln a serles.
b. use a comma Lo separaLe an lnLroducLory elemenL from Lhe resL of Lhe senLence.
c. use a comma Lo seL off Lhe words yes and oo ((e.g. es, tbook yoo), Lo seL off a Lag
quesLlon from Lhe resL of Lhe senLence (e.g., lts ttoe, lsot lt?), and Lo lndlcaLe dlrecL
address (e.g., ls tbot yoo, 5teve?).
d. use underllnlng, quoLaLlon marks, or lLallcs Lo lndlcaLe LlLles of works.
e. Spell grade-approprlaLe words correcLly, consulLlng references as needed.
knowledge of

use knowledge of language and lLs
convenLlons when wrlLlng, speaklng, readlng,
or llsLenlng.
a. Lxpand, comblne, and reduce senLences for meanlng, reader/llsLener lnLeresL, and
b. Compare and conLrasL Lhe varleLles of Lngllsh (e.g., dlalecLs, reglsLers) used ln sLorles,
dramas, or poems.
AcqulslLlon and
ueLermlne or clarlfy Lhe meanlng of
unknown and mulLlple-meanlng words and
phrases based on grade 3 readlng and
conLenL, chooslng flexlbly from a range of
a. use conLexL (e.g., cause/effecL relaLlonshlps and comparlsons ln LexL) as a clue Lo Lhe
meanlng of a word or phrase.
b. use common, grade-approprlaLe Creek or LaLln afflxes and rooLs as clues Lo Lhe
meanlng of a word (e.g., pbotoqtopb, pbotosyotbesls).
c. ConsulL reference maLerlals (e.g., dlcLlonarles, glossarles, Lhesauruses), boLh prlnL
and dlglLal, Lo flnd Lhe pronunclaLlon and deLermlne or clarlfy Lhe preclse meanlng of
key words and phrases.
uemonsLraLe undersLandlng of flguraLlve
language, word relaLlonshlps, and nuances ln
word meanlngs.

a. lnLerpreL flguraLlve language, lncludlng slmlles and meLaphors, ln conLexL.
b. 8ecognlze and explaln Lhe meanlng of common ldloms, adages, and proverbs.
c. use Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween parLlcular words (e.g., synonyms, anLonyms,
homographs) Lo beLLer undersLand each of Lhe words.
Acqulre and use accuraLely grade-approprlaLe
general academlc and domaln-speclflc words
and phrases, lncludlng Lhose LhaL slgnal
conLrasL, addlLlon, and oLher loglcal
relaLlonshlps (e.g., bowevet, oltbooqb,
oevettbeless, slmllotly, moteovet, lo

Acqulre and use accuraLely grade-approprlaLe general academlc and domaln-speclflc
words and phrases, lncludlng Lhose LhaL slgnal conLrasL, addlLlon, and oLher loglcal

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