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Annotations, Notes, and Inventory

--Adapted from Reading Critically, Writi ng Well (Axelrod et al .)

1. Mark the text with notations.
Circle words to be defined or analyzed in margin.
Underline key words and phrases.
Bracket important sentences, passages, and paragraphs.
Use lines or arrows to connect ideas or words.

2. Write marginal comments.
Number and summarize each paragraph.
Define unfamiliar words.
Note responses and questions.
Identify interesting writing strategies.
Point out patterns.
Note taking
1. Content
List elements (who, what, where, when, how, and why)
Note theme or thesis, main points, key support
Note organization: chronological, spatial, order of importance, etc.

2. Tone and Style
Note word choice: academic, technical, formal, informal, etc.
Note sentence patterns: complex, clear, coherent, simplistic, etc.
Identify modes of writing: problem/solution, comparison/contrast,
division/classification, cause/effect, definition, description, narration.
Identify attitude or approach: ironic, humorous, emotional, factual, etc.
Taking inventory
1. Examine annotations and notes for patterns:
Opposition, contrast, foreshadowing, figures of speech, etc.
Repetitions of words, phrases, examples, or illustrations
Recurring images or stylistic features
Reliance on particular writing strategies such as rhetorical appeals
Identify attitude or approach: ironic, humorous, emotional, factual, etc.

2. List or connect items that make up any patterns noticed.

3. Decide what the pattern reveals about the reading.

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