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Lab. Mikrobiologi
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Hang Tuah
Cryptococcus neoformans causes
cryptococcosis, especially cryptococcal
Cryptococcosis is the most common life-
threatening fungal disease in AIDS
C. neoformans is an oval, budding yeast
surrounded by a wide polysaccharide
It is not dimorphic.
Note that this organism forms a narrow-
based bud, whereas the yeast form of
Blastomyces dermatitidis forms a broad-
based bud.
This yeast occurs widely in nature and
grows abundantly in soil containing bird
(especially pigeon) droppings.
The birds are not infected.
Human infection results from inhalation of
the organism.
There is no human-to-human
Pathogenesis & Clinical Findings
Lung infection is often asymptomatic or
may produce pneumonia.
Disease occurs mainly in patients with
reduced cell-mediated immunity,
especially AIDS patients, in whom the
organism disseminates to the central
nervous system (meningitis) and other
Subcutaneous nodules are often seen in
disseminated disease.
Note, however, that roughly half the
patients with cryptococcal meningitis fail to
show evidence of immunosuppression.

Laboratory Diagnosis
In spinal fluid mixed with India ink, the
yeast cell is seen microscopically
surrounded by a wide, unstained capsule.
Appearance of the organism in Gram stain
is unreliable, but stains such as
methenamine-silver, periodic acid-Schiff,
and mucicarmine will allow the organism
to be visualized.
Cryptococcus neoformans. India ink preparation shows budding yeasts
with a wide capsule. India ink forms a dark background; it does not
stain the yeast itself
The organism can be cultured from spinal
fluid and other specimens.
Serologic tests can be done for both
antibody and antigen.
In infected spinal fluid, capsular antigen
occurs in high titer and can be detected by
the latex particle agglutination test.

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