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Grade 11-12 Explanatory/Informative Unit 5 Plan

Unit: Jane Eyre and feminist criticism

Unit Description: t!dents "ill "rite a variety of explanatory/informative
$en%t&: 5 "ee's
- Effective readers understand that the author's choice of vehicle, structure, and
style affects the message of the work and how that message is received by the
- Effective researchers organize and present information with their audiences in

- How is your understanding of a novel developed through the reading of a
critique of the novel
- How does your language differ when your audience and!or purpose change
- "oes your socioeconomic status define you
)ommon )ore

*eadin%: $iterat!re
))#*$#11-12#1: #ite strong and thorough te$tual evidence to support analysis
of what the te$t says e$plicitly as well as inferences drawn from the te$t, including
determining where the te$t leaves matters uncertain.
))#*$#11-12#2: "etermine two or more themes or central ideas of a te$t and
analyze their development over the course of the te$t, including how they interact
and build on one another to produce a comple$ account% provide an ob&ective
summary of the te$t.
))#*$#11-12#5: 'nalyze how an author's choices concerning how to structure
specific parts of a te$t (e.g., the choice of where to begin or end a story, the choice
to provide a comedic or tragic resolution) contribute to its overall structure and
meaning as well as its aesthetic impact.
))#*$#11-12#+: 'nalyze multiple interpretations of a story, drama, or poem
(e.g., recorded or live production of a play or recorded novel or poetry), evaluating
how each version interprets the source te$t. (*nclude at least one play by
+hakespeare and one play by an 'merican dramatist.)
))#*$#11-12#1,: ,y the end of grade --, read and comprehend literature,
including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades ---##. te$t comple$ity band
proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. ,y the end of
grade -/, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems,
at the high end of the grades ---##. te$t comple$ity band independently and
))#-#11-12#2: 0rite informative!e$planatory te$ts to e$amine and convey
comple$ ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the
effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.
))#-#11-12#.: 1roduce clear and coherent writing in which the development,
organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (2rade-
specific e$pectations for writing types are defined in standards --3 above.)
))#-#11-12#5: "evelop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising,
editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most
significant for a specific purpose and audience. (Editing for conventions should
demonstrate command of 4anguage standards --3 up to and including grades ----/
))#-#11-12#/: 2ather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and
digital sources, using advanced searches effectively% assess the strengths and
limitations of each source in terms of the task, purpose, and audience% integrate
information into the te$t selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism
and overreliance on any one source and following a standard format for citation.
))#-#11-12#0: "raw evidence from literary or informational te$ts to support
analysis, reflection, and research.
))#-#11-12#1,: 0rite routinely over e$tended time frames (time for research,
reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for
a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences.
pea'in% and $istenin%
))#$#11-12#1: *nitiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative
discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on
grades ----/ topics, te$ts, and issues, building on others' ideas and e$pressing
their own clearly and persuasively.
))#$#11-12#2: *ntegrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse
formats and media (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) in order to make informed
decisions and solve problems, evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each
source and noting any discrepancies among the data.
))#$#11-12#1: 'dapt speech to a variety of conte$ts and tasks, demonstrating
a command of formal English when indicated or appropriate. (+ee grades ----/
4anguage standards - and 3 here for specific e$pectations.)
)onventions of tandard En%lis&
))#$#11-12#1: "emonstrate command of the conventions of standard English
grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
))#$#11-12#2: "emonstrate command of the conventions of standard English
capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
))#$#11-12#5: "emonstrate understanding of figurative language, word
relationships, and nuances in word meanings.
))#$#11-12#1: 'cquire and use accurately general academic and domain-
specific words and phrases, sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at
the college and career readiness level% demonstrate independence in gathering
vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to
comprehension or e$pression.

)o%nitive 'ills - 'nalyze effects of the choices an author makes in structuring a te$t
- 0rite for a specific audience and purpose
- Evaluate one5s own writing using a rubric
)ontent - 0rite an e$planatory essay about literary criticism
- *dentify and analyze the ,ildungsroman structure in 6ane Eyre
- Evaluate multiple cinematic interpretations of the novel
- Edit and revise drafts
3D4 Dia%nostic
354 5ormative
(") 7 "iagnostic 'ssessment8 +emester 9ne E$am (prior to 0eek /-)
(:) 7 "ialectical &ournals8 +tudents will cite specific passages from 6ane Eyre and
identify ,ronte5s treatment of the ;'ngel in the House< archetype within the
passage as well as her use of additional literary devices.(0eek /-)
(:) 7 ,ildungsroman concept tracker8 +tudents will track how ,ronte develops the
,ildungsroman concept through the characterization of 6ane Eyre (0eek //)
(:) 7 Evaluation of 1urpose8 +tudents will evaluate ,ronte5s purpose in writing
Jane Eyre (0eek /3)
(:) 7 :eminist #ritique8 +tudents will write a brief feminist critique of Jane Eyre
(0eek /=)
(+!:) - 2rade -/ E$planatory!*nformative 'ssessment (0eek />)
(+!:) 7 .eflection of 'ssessment (0eek />)

6exts/*eso!rces &ort 6exts
- Elements of 2othic 4iterature (http8!!www.virtualsalt.com!gothic.htm)
- 'ngel in the House< by #oventry 1atmore
- ;?he +phere of 0oman< by 2oethe
- ;#an5t Hide< by +arah 6arosz
- 7.ochester5s @istresses8 @arriage, +e$, and Economic E$change in Jane Eyre<
by Aate 0ashington http8!!quod.lib.umich.edu!cgi!t!te$t!te$t-id$
- 76ane Eyre, 1roto-:eminist, vs. E?he ?hird-1erson @an5< by 1.6. +teyer
- :ilm version of 6ane Eyre (/D--)
- clips from the ,,#5s 6ane Eyre mini-series (/DDG)
$on% 6ext
- 6ane Eyre by #harlotte ,ronte

-ee' 21 32/2-2/14
-. +tudents will complete a reading!writing diagnostic assessment. (.4-,
.4/, .4>, 0/)
/. +tudents will analyze the ;'ngel in the House< archetype. (.4>, 0-D, 4-,
4/, 4>, 4G)
3. +tudents will evaluate ,ronte5s use of the ;'ngel in the House< archetype.
(.4-, .4>, .4-D, +4-, +4/, +4G)
-ee' 22 32/0-2/184
-. +tudents will e$plain how ,ronte melds 2othic and .omantic elements
within the novel. (.4-, .4/, 0/, 0=, 0>, +4-, +4/, +4G, 4-, 4/, 4>, 4G)
/. +tudents will e$plain the ,ronte5s use of the ,idungsroman concept. (.4-,
.4/, 0/, 0=, 0>, +4-, +4/, +4G, 4-, 4/, 4>, 4G)
-ee' 28 32/11-2/2,4
-. ,ronte5s purpose 7 *dentify ,ronte5s purpose for writing Jane Eyre and
analyze if she succeeded.(.4-, .4>, 0/)
/. ;#an5t Hide< by +arah 6arosz 7 #ompare the themes of this song and Jane
Eyre making sure to cite specific te$tual evidence to support an
observation.(.4-, .4/, .4>, 0/, 0=, 0>, +4-)
3. "ialectical &ournaling 7 cite specific passages from the te$t and identify
2othic and .omantic elements of literature as well as ,ronte5s treatment of
the archetype.(.4-, .4/, .4>, 0=, 0>, 0-D, 4>, 4G)
-ee' 2. 32/28-2/2+4
-. +tudents will identify and e$plain the use of the feminist critique of Jane
Eyre within 7.ochester5s @istresses8 @arriage, +e$, and Economic
E$change in Jane Eyre< by Aate 0ashington. (.4-, .4/, .4>, 0/, 0=,
0>, 0C, 0H, +4-, +4/, +4G, 4-, 4/, 4>, 4G)
/. +tudents will identify and e$plain the use of the feminist critique of Jane
Eyre within 76ane Eyre, 1roto-:eminist, vs. E?he ?hird-1erson @an5< by
1.6. +teyer. (.4-, .4/, .4>, 0/, 0=, 0>, 0C, 0H, +4-, +4/, +4G, 4-, 4/,
4>, 4G)
3. +tudents will write a brief feminist critique of Jane Eyre. (.4-, .4/, .4>,
0/, 0=, 0>, +4-, +4/, +4G, 4-, 4/, 4>, 4G)
-ee' 25 38/2-8/14
-. +tudents will e$plain how the /D-- film adaptation and the /DDG mini-
series adaptation of the novel interpret Jane Eyre. (.4-, .4/, .4>, .4F,
0/, 0=, 0>, +4-, +4/, +4G, 4-, 4/, 4>, 4G)
/. +tudents will complete the formative!summative assessment. (.4-, .4/,
.4>, .4F, 0/, 0=, 0>, +4-, +4/, +4G, 4-, 4/, 4>, 4G)
3. +tudents will complete the reflection on the formative!summative
assessment. (.4-, .4/, .4>, .4F, 0/, 0=, 0>, +4-, +4/, +4G, 4-, 4/,
4>, 4G)


.4-, .4/, .4>, .4F, 0/, 0=, 0>, 0C, 0H, 4-, 4/, 4>, 4G
$iterary 6exts:
'n e$cerpt from 0ide +argasso +ea by 6ean .hys
Description of 6as's:

6as' 1: +tudents will read the e$cerpt from Wide Sargasso Sea by 6ean .hys and
answer 1'.##-like questions that focus on .hys5 use of setting, tone, dialogue,
structure, and characterization.

6as' 2: +tudents will write an e$planation of how .hys shows the speaker5s suppression
and how this compares to ,ronte5s use of the ;'ngel in the House< archetype in Jane
Directions for 2dministerin% 2ssessment:
-. ?wo >D minute period assessment to complete ?ask - and ?ask / (0eek />)

t!dents "it& pecial 9eeds:

1rovide additional time to complete each step in the writing process (prewrite,

t!dent Directions:
6as' 1: +tudents will read the e$cerpt from Wide Sargasso Sea and answer 1'.##-like
questions that focus on .hys5 use of setting, tone, dialogue, structure, and

6as' 2: 6ean .hys5 Wide Sargasso Sea acts as a prequel to Jane Eyre. 'fter reading the
passage, e$plain how .hys shows the speaker5s suppression and how it compares to
,ronte5s use of the ;'ngel in the House< archetype in Jane Eyre. @ake sure to begin by
defining the ;'ngel in the House< archetype.

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