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School Year 2014-2015

German IV Course
and 3rd
Chamblee High Teacher
Mrs. McNulty
(678) 676-6902 Teacher
htt"#$$%%%.chambleehs.dealb.!2.ga.us$ Teacher
'anguage and c&mmunicati&n are at the heart &f the human e("erience. )ur students must bec&me
linguistically and culturally e*ui""ed t& c&mmunicate successfully in a "luralistic +merican s&ciety and abr&ad.
,ec&gni-ing that the ac*uisiti&n &f a language &ther than &ur &%n is a lifel&ng endea.&r and that students enter
&ur classr&&m %ith a s"ectrum &f linguistic and cultural "r&ficiency /much0 s&me0 &r n&ne10 %e aim t& de.el&"
and maintain "r&ficiency &f all &f &ur 2nglish3s"eaing students in at least &ne &ther language.
Course "escription- Prerequisite: Successful completion of German III
4tudents %ill c&ntinue t& de.el&" "r&ficiency in the f&ur language sills0 listening0 s"eaing0 reading0 and %riting
%ith hea.y em"hasis &n understanding and "r&ducing the s"&en language in f&rmal and c&n.ersati&nal
situati&ns thr&ugh the use &f accurate .&cabulary and grammar. 5he c&urse %ill see t& ca"itali-e &n students6
interest in arts0 literature and film0 current e.ents0 and s"&rts as .ehicles t& c&mbine their already ac*uired
German language ability %ith critical thining sills t& discuss0 criti*ue0 and analy-e a %ide array &f t&"ics in
%ritten and &ral f&rms.
5he sc&"e and rig&r &f the syllabus ensure that students are c&ntinu&usly challenged and "r&"erly "re"ared f&r
German IV &r +7.
Course #b$ecti%es! 5he main &b8ecti.es &f this c&urse are t&#
im"r&.e listening c&m"rehensi&n &f different audi& and .ide& s&urces.
im"r&.e reading c&m"rehensi&n &f a %ide .ariety &f %ritten te(ts.
e("and "assi.e and acti.e .&cabulary rele.ant t& the t&"ics at hand.
im"r&.e "r&nunciati&n0 articulati&n0 and fluency.
build a s&lid f&undati&n &f idi&matic "hrases.
im"r&.e the ability t& engage in s"&ntane&us idi&matic dial&gue.
im"r&.e the ability t& &rally "resent any t&"ic in the target language.
im"r&.e the %riting sills in settings such as essay0 email0 &r letter.
e("and students6 n&%ledge &f interesting facts ab&ut German culture and hist&ry.
raise students6 a%areness &f cultural differences.
"artici"ate in class discussi&ns ab&ut a""r&"riate "ers&nal and e.eryday t&"ics.
a""ly learned materials in ne% settings.
learn and have fun!
Course Content& Curriculum #%er%ie'!
T()S )S #N*Y + ,-)"E +N" )S S-./ECT T# C(+N,E0 9e %ill use authentic materials fr&m the internet0
authentic German m&.ies and cli"s0 and teacher3created materials t& c&.er the f&ll&%ing themes.
C-11)C-*-2 #3E13)EW
:nit ! ; <ie <eutsche Identit=t /German identity1
:nit 2 ; M=rchen und 'egende />airy 5ales and 'egends1
:nit 3 ; <eutschland seit !?@A /Germany since !?@A1
:nit @; >estliche 5raditi&nen /H&liday traditi&ns1
Student Per4ormance +ssessment!
+rea Percenta5e
Guided$Gr&u" 7ractice
/Mitmachen0 Blassenarbeit0 Hausaufgaben u. Ceitr=ge1
4ummati.e +ssessment
/7rDfungen0 4emester"rDfung1
+ssessment <uring 'earning
/Eui--es0 HFrDbungen1
Written Class'or8& 2a8e-up Polic! 9ritten class%&r0 %hich includes "ractice %&r0 essays and creati.e
%riting is an essential "art &f language learning. 4tudents are gi.en time in class t& %&r and see assistance
fr&m the instruct&r as needed. 4&metimes indi.idual students need t& c&m"lete %&r at h&me. +.erage
c&m"leti&n time ranges fr&m !A t& 3G minutes. Inc&m"lete class%&r is due the ne(t sch&&l day and must be
c&m"lete %hen the student enters the classr&&m. 2ach instructi&nal unit c&ntains a ma8&r creati.e %riting
assignment. 5he assignments are graded based &n the f&ll&%ing categ&ries# Length - Content-Effort
oca!ular" - er! forms - Prepositional Phrases - #ord $rder - Punctuation%Spelling& Creati.e %riting
assignments %ill ha.e a s"ecific due date gi.en %hen assigned.
+ssignments %hich are illegible &r &b.i&usly d&ne in a hurry %ill recei.e a grade &f 2 %ith the "&ssibility t& mae
u" the assignment %ithin &ne day f&r u" t& HGI. If a student is absent0 the instruct&r %ill enter N# 5rade.
+fter an absence0 the student is e("ected t& mae u" all %&r missed. 5he student must mae arrangements
%ith the teacher. +ny %&r must be made u" %ithin 2 days f&ll&%ing the e(cused absence. Mae3u"
assignments and assessments may n&t be c&m"leted during regular class time0 but must be c&m"leted bef&re
&r after sch&&l acc&rding t& the discreti&n &f the teacher. If a student returns fr&m an absence and d&es n&t
turn in an assignment0 he$she %ill recei.e a grade &f 1. If the assignment is n&t recei.ed &n the sec&nd day
after the student6s return0 the assignment %ill be registered as 0. + grade &f -er& cann&t be made u".
N# *+TE C*+SSW#19&(#2EW#19 W)** .E +CCEPTE"0
:ormal +ssessments! Eui--es and 'istening e(ercises are administered fre*uently and assess a student6s
n&%ledge &f .&cabulary and grammar. 5hese grades can be g&&d indicat&r &f class "artici"ati&n and %hether
the student is "re"ared f&r the u"c&ming ma8&r test. +t the end &f each unit the students %ill tae a summati.e
test. ' parent%guardian signature is required on tests (ith a grade lo(er than )*+& + student may retae a
failed test until a grade &f JG &r better is achie.ed. 5he &riginal grade %ill be re"laced &nly %ith a grade &f JG.
+ll retaes must be d&ne during sch&&l tut&rial sessi&ns %ithin a s"ecified time "eri&d t& be determined by the
teacher 5he final e(am c&.ers material fr&m the entire semester.
1e;uired 2aterials! 5he student is e("ected t& bring t& class ever"da" a dedicated 2 &r 2.A inch n&teb&& f&r
German &nly0 %hich includes all hand&uts0 "a"er. 4tudents als& need t& bring a "en. 5e(tb&&s may be issued
t& students f&r reference and study "ur"&ses. 5he b&&s %ill n&t be needed &n a daily basis. 4tudents %ill be
n&tified in ad.ance %hen te(tb&&s are re*uired f&r class. 5his inf&rmati&n %ill als& be "&sted &n the %ebsite.
If a student sh&uld l&se &r destr&y a te(tb&&0 it is the student6s res"&nsibility t& "ay re"lacement c&sts.
Classroom E<pectations! In &rder t& successfully learn an&ther language0 students must be acti.ely engaged
in class discussi&n and %&r. 5he f&ll&%ing e("ectati&ns are designed t& create a "&siti.e classr&&m
4"ea GermanK German is the &nly language &f c&mmunicati&n in &ur classr&&m at all times. 4tudents
are e("ected t& a""r&ach their instruct&r bef&re0 during0 &r after class in German &nly.
Ce c&urte&us0 c&&"erati.e0 and res"ectful t& &thers.
Ce "re"ared %ith materials and class%&r0 chec the %eely less&n "lan and be seated %hen the bell
Ce a "r&3acti.e student by f&ll&%ing all directi&ns the first time gi.en and by maintaining a clean0 safe
en.ir&nment in %hich f&&d0 gum0 drins0 and gr&&ming are n&t "ermitted.
Culti.ate a "&siti.e attitude.
<ress a""r&"riately.
If n&t being used f&r instructional purposes0 cell "h&nes sh&uld be turned &ff and &ut &f sight.

I am l&&ing f&r%ard t& a "r&ducti.e and fun fall semester. H&"e y&u are0 t&&K

German IV Course
and 3

Chamblee High Teacher
Mrs. McNulty
(678) 676-6902 Teacher
htt"#$$%%%.chambleehs.dealb.!2.ga.us$ Teacher
Today we read and discussed the syllabus in class. It can also be found online on my website.
Contact/ Email: I have found that my students are more successful when I am communicating with their parents
guardians! It is often difficult to reach me "y phone# since I am teaching# traveling "etween two schools# tutoring
and preparing most of the day! I do# however# chec$ my email during my planning periods and sometimes at home
as well! I gladly welcome parent and student emails! %y email at school is
&ennifer'a'mcnulty(fc!de$al"!$)2!ga!us! *lease feel free to email me! I find this is a great way for us to $eep in
touch over the course of the semester! I use email to get parent support when I see a child not performing or
"ehaving as well as he or she is capa"le! I also use email to send positive notes when I am e+tremely proud of my
students! ,ometimes other important issues come up as well# such as upcoming events# award opportunities# the
-erman e+change or in the unli$ely event# a student illness! In order for me to "e a"le to email you regarding your
child# I need a relia"le email address!
P*E+SE S),N .E*#W +N" 1ET-1N a4ter ou ha%e read the sllabus online at
http!&&4raumcnultdeutsch0'eebl0com 'ith our student0
I ha.e read the syllabus.
4tudent Name 7rinted _______________________________________________________
4tudent 4ignature___________________________________________________________
7arent$Guardian 4ignature____________________________________________________
+dditi&nal inf&rmati&n t& su""&rt c&ntinued c&ntact#
)n4ormation Parent&,uardian
"a Time Phone
Cellular Phone
(ome Phone Number
Email +ddress =1
Email +ddress =2
Other info I should know about your child:

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