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@uotioi _eiki

evet qout
Mark Diegutis: Reiki Master
W)at is Ksizil
W)at can es trsatsl
W)at is Kuna|inil
Irsparatian |ar Attunsmsnt
1)s Attunsmsnt
C|sansing a raam/)auss
Hsa|ing t)s Karmic ean
ituatian/ua|itiss )sa|ing
Causss a| Dis)armany an Dissass
@bt i _eiki??
"Reiki is simply a Japanese name for the universal life force energy that
exists all around us in the universe, and animates everything. Whatever
you consider the source of that energy to be - God, the Earth, or
anything else - it exists. The lives of our ancient ancestors were
governed by this energy as it flowed from within the earth as well as all
around them, as it was the source of all they needed. Where the energy
flowed strongly, they built their settlements and temples of dedication to
that energy, in order to connect with it for healing, fertility, to bless
there crops and help them to live harmoniously. Such temples exist
throughout the world - Stonehenge, Avebury, Knowth, the Serpent
mound of Ohio, the monuments of Peru, the Nazca lines.
What our ancestors knew has been lost with the changes in our
culture and lifestyle. The senses that we once used to connect to the
Source have largely been forgotten. Now, thankfully, we are trying
to reconnect and find our way forward/back to a better way of living
among each other. The healing energy has been symbolized in
different ways by many different cultures - the Chinese dragon, the
Aboriginal spiral, the native American Indian serpent - but such
slight variations of form are all expressions of the same force. What
we now call "Reiki is a healing tradition derived from the practices
of one ancient culture, the Buddhists. However, healing knows no
cultural boundaries and, like the shapes, which symbolize its energy,
in practice it varies little between one people and the next. "Reiki
has no religion, but it is a spiritual path. The process of learning
about the energy is one that6 humbles, enlightens, and offers
profound spiritual joy. If you choose to work with the energy, you
are simply offering yourself as a tool to the Source, for the benefit
of those around you. Attunements to "Reiki are simply a way of
connecting you back to the Source. The attunement process is
simply a way to remind you how to connect. Even the modern
Church of England ceremony of christening a baby is a descendant
of the attunement process. Attunements are also a powerful healing
process and lift some of the individuals negative life issues. The
more people who receive Reiki treatments and are attuned to Reiki
- reconnected - the better for all of us.
The word Reiki comes from two Japanese words - Rei and Ki. Rei is the
upper character Ki is the lower.
_ei -: _piritut @iom
Hawayo Takata said that a general interpretation of the word "Rei" is
"Universal" or "Present everywhere". A more esoteric interpretation is
that it means Universal Spiritual Consciousness or knowledge; the
wisdom that comes from the source.
@i -: i(e (oree
Ki is Chi in Chinese, Prana in Sanskrit and Ti or Ki in Hawaiian. This
energy is given many names by all who are aware of it. Ki means life
force. This is the energy that animates all things. Many cultures place
great importance on this life force Ki is present all around us and can be
accumulated and guided by the mind.
_eiki: - _piritut guie ti(e (oree eoergg
It is the consciousness called Rei that guides the life force called Ki in the
practice we call Reiki. Reiki guides itself with its own wisdom. All healers
use Ki, the life force energy, but Reiki is only used by someone who has
been attuned to it. People, who already do healing work, report a 50%
increase in the strength of their healing after taking the Reiki training.
@bt eo be trete?
Reiki is both powerful and gentle. It has aided in healing virtually
every known illness and injury, including serious problems like
multiple sclerosis, heart disease and cancer as well as skin
problems, cuts, bruises, broken bones, headache, col ds, flu, poor
memory, insomnia, lack of confidence and so on.
While Reiki is spiritual in nature, it is not a religion. There is nothing
you have to believe in to make it work or to use it. It will work
whether you believe in it or not.
Giving a treatment
E The standard hand positions are a guide for hand placements
during a treatment they are not cast in iron. If you feel guided to
place your hands differently, follow your intuition.
E Do not apply Reiki to a broken bone until it has been set. Reiki
can be given to the person in another part of the body to help with
shock and pain
E Open wounds should be treated from the sides rather than
directly above. This also applies to burns. Use common sense and
apply first-aid principles in an emergency situation.
E Give treatments gently with very little pressure - do not lean on
your client! If possible, always keep one hand on the body when
moving from one position to another.
E Always be aware of the clients personal privacy and be
conscious that some people may have areas of their body where
they prefer not to be touched. Working above the area, in the aura,
is the best alternative.
@bt i @uotioi?
Kundalini is Sanskrit for "snake" or "serpent power," so-called because it
is believed to lie like a serpent in the root Chakra at the base of the spine.
In Tantra Yoga kundalini is an aspect of Shakti, the divine female energy
and consort of Shiva.
The power of kundalini is said to be enormous. Those having experienced
it claim it to be indescribable. The phenomena associated with it varies
from bizarre physical sensations and movements, pain, clairaudience,
visions, brilliant lights, superlucidity, psychical powers, ecstasy, bliss, and
transcendence of self. Kundalini has been described as liquid fi re and
liquid light.
Indian yoga, with its emphasis on the transmutation of energy to higher
consciousness, was the chief contributor to the cultivation of kundalini and
the preservation of its knowledge prior to present times. Kundalini was a
rarity in the West before the 1970s until more attention became centered
upon the consciousness. In 1932, for example, psychiatrist Carl G. Jung
and others observed that the kundalini experience was seldom seen in the
However, an examination of mystical literature and traditions showed that
kundalini, called by various names, seems to have been a universal
phenomenon in esoteric teachings for perhaps three thousand years.
Kundalini-type descriptions or experiences are found in esoteric teachings
of the Egyptians, Tibetans, Chinese, some Native Americans, and the
Kung Bushmen of Africa. Kundalini has been interpreted from the Bible as
"the solar principle in man," and is referenced in the Koran, the works of
Plato and other Greek philosophers, alchemical tracts (the philosopher's
stone), and in Hermetic, Kabbalistic, Rosicrucian, and Masonic writings.
reprtioo (or ttuoemeot
You need to be either lying down or sitting during the attunement. It
about 25 minutes to complete but could take a bit longer or maybe a bit
shorter. It could also come early as it builds up in energy. Don't be too
surprised about this. A common sensation to feel is heat and/or vibrations
but neither of these is necessary for the attunement. That is you may not
feel anything but you still receive the attunement
As you lay on your sofa/bed just be aware of any changes in your body,
arms, legs or head. Things like heat, vibrations/buzzing, sensations of
being watched and/or poked or prodded by invisible beings (this has
happened on a few occasions) or seeing colors or visions etc. Everyone
gets different experiences. Ninety nine percent of people experience at
least something even if it is just a headache but very few people may not
feel anything at all. Regardless of whether you feel anything at all you will
still have been attuned. Feeling something is not a prerequisite to getting
attuned but an added bonus.
Also be in a place where you will not be disturbed for this time period.
Unplug the phone from the jack point, put a do-not-disturb sign on your
door etc.
After you get Kundalini Reiki level 1 done you will be able to heal self and
others of things like pain or other conditions. You will also be able to send
distance healing to anyone anywhere
In the Kundalini Reiki 1 attunement procedure, all of the knots/blocks in
the chakras are removed (except for the root chakra). The main energy
channel, from the crown chakra to the root chakra, is cleansed and
prepared for the Kundalini awakening that you will experience in Kundalini
Reiki 2. The Heart chakra becomes enlarged and the energy channel from
the hands to the Crown chakra is opened so that the Reiki energy can
Once the Kundalini flame is lit in Kundalini Reiki 2, all of the main/pri mary
chakras and the energy channels will be cleared and opened.
Here are some simple instructions for how to heal a person:
S Lay your hands on the patients shoulders.
S Clear your thoughts and think to yourself Reiki (after Kundalini
Reiki 2 you should think Kundalini Reiki), to start the energy flow. Just
let the energy flow. You dont have to concentrate on keeping the energy
flowing, it will flow freely of its own accord.just relax and enjoy the
S When 3-5 minutes have passed you will feel the energy stop, or
you may feel a little tired or drained. That means that healing is complete.
The healing energy will however, continue to work in the patient.
In this way the patient will always receive the correct healing that they
need, no matter how severe or insignificant the ailment may be.
Remember that the energy will always flow to where it is needed. Here is
an analogy to help you understand how it works:
If you threw a bucket of water (the water symbolizing the energy) onto a
path filled with potholes, what happens? The water gathers in the
potholes. You dont need to go to each individual hole and fill them all
one by one, the water will run into the holes of its own accord. This is
how energy works. Get the energy flowing, and it will gather in the places
it is needed of its own accord.
Here are the instructions for remote, long distance healing:
E Visualize the patient, or the patients name in the palm of your
hand. Then place your palms together.
E Clear your thoughts and think to yourself Reiki (after Kundalini
Reiki 2 you should think Kundalini Reiki) to start the energy flow. Just
let the energy flow. You dont have to concentrate on keeping the energy
flow coming in, it will flow freely of its own accord.just relax and enjoy
the energy.
E When 3-5 minutes have passed you will feel the energy stop, or
you may feel a little tired or drained. That means that you are finished.
The healing energy will however, continue to work in the patient.
This same method should be used for self-healing. It is a good idea to
perform a self-healing every day.
@teoiog room/boue
It is simple to cleanse a room/house of negative energies. You should use
the remote, long distance method, but instead of thinking of a name you
should instead think about the specific room/house e.g. Claires
room/house etc, and start the energy flow. This usually lasts 3-5
You should cleanse your own home once every 14 days.
Remember, it is not important how precisely you visualize the object in
your palm; the intention to heal the object is enough to get the energy
flowing to the right place.
etiog tbe @rmie bo
There is always a karmic band between those we hold or once held close
and ourselves. These bands can sometimes weigh us down and have
negative influences on our physical body parts and energy. Very often
relationships grow stronger when healing the karmic band. You should
use this type of healing between yourself and those you hold dear, or
have once held dear.
For this you should use the remote, long distance healing technique. If
you, for example, wish to improve the relationship between yourself and
your mother, you should write my relationship with my mother with your
finger in the palm of your hand. Place your palms together and start the
energy flow. If you are healing a relationship for someone else, then you
should write Roberts relationship with his mother and start the energy
flow. This method should be used in both near and long distance
situations. This procedure usually lasts 3-5 minutes, but dont be
surprised if it sometimes takes a little longer.
_itutioo/qutitie betiog
You can also help heal a situation or a personal quality/character trait.
Try for example, to heal jealousy, nervousness, anxiety, toothache,
patience, sorrow, anger, improving communication, your singing voice,
etc. Then write or think e.g. My anger, my communication, or for
someone else Kurts toothache.
Remember that it should always feel right when you start a healing
procedure. There are actually some things that arent supposed to be
tampered with, but you will be able to distinguish what should be healed
and what should be left alone.
@ue o( @ibrmoog o @iee
Various emotional issues are often manifested in certain parts of the
body. When treating someone else, be aware of the area you are
treating and the possible problems and causes of the dis-ease in that
area. It can be hard to be "politically correct about what you tell
someone as you begin to become aware of the physical parts of the
body - but be gentle!
This is the control centre for the body. Too much analysing can result in
headaches or migraines, or a general imbalance on a physical,
emotional or spiritual level. Can be a repository for confusion or
unexpressed emotion.
Inner seeing and feeling. The need to be seen by others, or not seeing
their needs. Not seeing what is plainly in front of our eyes or what lies
ahead. The eyes are connected to the sinus and linked to unshed tears.
Not being heard, or the inability to hear others. Creating blocks in our
perception. Also high blood pressure and balance.
Being "choked up. The inability to express to others how we really feel.
Difficulty in speaking ones truth, or expressing too much negativity.
The link between our intellectual and physical processes. A "stiff
necked view; rigidity in thinking.
Broken heart or heartache. Loss, rejection, emotional pain and anguish.
The inability to love or be loved through fear of losing. Asthma related
to fear or insecurity, or emotional anger.
Storage area for anger or unresolved issues. Indecision - "no guts -
lack of gut feeling.
Stored anger over long periods of time. Long term insecurity.
Anger that has turned to bitterness
Unable to digest aspects from the past such as old ie or social
conditioning. Finding things "hard to stomach. Ulcers show the eating
away of the gut; butterflies represent anxiety over the future. Fear of
change or disapproval.
@pper bek
Too much giving and little receiving. Creating a "rod for ones back.
Repressed feelings of others ingratitude or guilt. Irritation, "getting
ones back up
Shock and trauma, stress or fear. Inability to deal with fear or
uncertainty in life. Over-stretching the nervous system.
ouer bek
Uncomfortable with life. Stresses of life, doing too much, barriers
against the opposite sex.
Survival instinct. Deep feelings and fear of success or action in life.

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