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English IV Course Outline
Course Overview:
English IV will focus on increasing reading fluency, comprehension, increasing
vocaulary, providing te!tual evidence, paraphrasing, summari"ing, understanding the
history of the English language, and critical thin#ing. $he novels will address themes
associated with the %Moral Struggle,& humanity's (uest to determine what is morally and
ethically right for oth society and one's self. Students will gain an understanding of
)ritish poetry and literary devices. $hey will respond to literature, read a variety of te!t,
and participate in class discussions. $hey will write e!pository essays, persuasive essays,
narratives, and literary response essays. *urthermore, students will also learn how to
incorporate technology in class presentations. *inally, students will develop a thesis
designed to e!plore the class theme, %$he Moral Struggle,& engage in college ready
research and informational writing for a final research paper due in +une.
,emind -.-/
$his year students and parents can suscrie to email alerts for tests and assignments at
Visit the lin# and sign up for English IV.
2 copy of the course syllaus and supplemental materials can e viewed at/
Selected Reading and Duration of Study
3ee# -/ 3elcome, rules, e!pectations, oo# assignments, summer reading assignments.
3ee# 4/ Norton Anthology 5pages - to 46, nonfiction e!planation of
literature development7, an e!cerpt from A History of the English Church and People, 8
3ee# 9/ Beowulf
3ee# :/ Beowulf
3ee# ;/ Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics, +. ,. ,. 5nonfiction7 $ol#ien 8 Beowulf
3ee# < 8 =/ Norton Anthology pages 69 to -.. 5nonfiction historical preface7, The
Canterbury Tales y Chaucer 5>$he ?rologue, $he 3ife of )ath, $he Merchant@s $ale,
$he ?ardoner, $he S(uire@s $ale, $he Miller@s $ale7
3ee# A 8 6/ The eath of Arthur !Le Morte d'Arthur) y Sir $homas Malory
3ee# -./ E"ery#an y un#nown 5If time permits/ $awain and the $reen %night7
3ee# --/ Eli"aethan English Study
Select Sonnets y Sha#espeare.
Eli"aeth@s Speech to her troops at $ilury.
E!cerpts from Mary Bueen of Scots Cetters and $rial
Dorton 2nthology of )ritish Citerature
3ee# -4/ )acon, *rancis. %On ,evenge& -<4;, Eliot, $. S. >Eamlet and Eis
?rolems.> The &acred 'ood( Essays on Poetry and Criticis#) Condon/ Methuen, -6<:.
*forde, +asper. &o#ething *otten. Dew For#/ ?enguin, 4..;.
Ha#let y Sha#espeare
3ee# -9/ Ha#let y Sha#espeare, Ha#let. Gir. *ranco Heffirelli. ?erf. Mel Iison.
3arner )ros., -66..
3ee# -:/ Ha#let y Sha#espeare, Ha#let. Gir. Michael 2lmereyda. ?erf. Ethan Eaw#e.
Mirama! *ilms, 4....Ha#let: The *oyal
3ee# -;/ Ha#let y Sha#espeare, &ha+espeare Co#pany Production. Gir. Ireg
Goran. ?erf. Gavid $ennant, ?atric# Stewart. $he ,oyal Sha#espeare Company, 4..6.
*osencrant, and $uildenstern Are ead. Gir. $om Stoppard. )y $om Stoppard.
2 Cinecom Entertainment Iroup ,elease, -66.. GVG.
The -ion %ing. )y ,oger 2llers and ,o Min#off. )uena Vista ?ictures, -66:. GVG.
3ee# -</ %2 Modest ?roposal& y Swift, Select ?oetry from Gonne 5$he *lea7,
+ohn Gryden %2 Song for St. Cecilia's Gay&, Charlotte Smith %Sonnet/ On )eing
Cautioned 2gainst 3al#ing on an Eeadland Overloo#ing the Sea, )ecause It 3as
*re(uented y a Cunatic>
3ee# -=/ Norton Anthology of British -iterature >Milton's 2ttitude toward Jnowledge
in Paradise -ost., Paradise -ost y Milton
3ee# -A/ Norton Anthology of British -iterature, Paradise -ost, >?erceptions of Satan>
in Paradise -ost y +amie +ensen
3ee# -6/ Norton Anthology of British -iterature, Paradise -ost y Milton
3ee# 4./ $he ,omantics
3illiam 3ordsworth K >I 3andered Conely as a Cloud>, Samuel Coleridge K >$he ,ime
of the 2ncient Mariner>, Cetter to 3ordsworth from Coleridge 5nonfiction K letter
discussing their relationship@s demise7, Cord )yron K e!cerpts from >Gon +uan>, >$he
Cure for ,omanticism> K Poetry off the &helf 5nonfiction podcast7
3ee# 4-/ /ran+enstein, Mary Shelley, >$he Ihost,> y Charles )audelaire, >3hat is
Ethics in ,esearch 8 3hy is it ImportantL> y Gavid ). ,esni#, +.G., ?h.G. 5nonfiction7
3ee# 44/ /ran+enstein, Mary Shelley
3ee# 49: /ran+enstein, Mary Shelley
3ee# 4:: /ran+enstein, Mary Shelley
3ee# 4;: Pride and Pre0udice, +ane 2usten, >Charlotte and Eli"aeth/ Iuardians of the
*emale Mind in Pride and Pre0udice. by Camia 2lafaireet 5nonfiction7
3ee# 4<: Pride and Pre0udice, +ane 2usten, Cetters from +ane 2usten 5nonfiction7
3ee# 4=: Pride and Pre0udice, +ane 2usten, L>2utre $emps . . .>Mshort story y Edith
3ee# 4A/ Victorian English
3il#ie Collins K A Terribly &trange Bed, Oscar 3ilde K The Happy Prince, Sir 2rthur
Conan Goyle K A &candal in Bohe#ia, >On $ransience> )y Sigmund *reudL 5nonfiction7,
Garwin@s >Survival of the *ittest> 5nonfiction7, Nlysses )F 2lfred, Cord $ennyson
3ee# 46: The &phere of 'o#an y Ioethe 5nonfiction7, The -ife of Charlotte Bronte y
Eli"aeth Ias#ell 5nonfiction7, 1ane Eyre y Charlotte )ronte
3ee# 9./ 1ane Eyre y Charlotte )ronte, >On the Geath of 2nne )ronte> y Charlotte
3ee# 9-: 1ane Eyre y Charlotte )ronte
3ee# 94/ E!cerpt from Ci"ili,ation and 2ts iscontents y *reud 5nonfiction7
and The &trange Case of r 1e+yll and Mr Hyde y ,oert Couis Stevenson
3ee# 99: The &trange Case of r 1e+yll and Mr Hyde y ,oert Couis Stevenson, 5If
time permits/ Mar+hei# y ,oert Couis StevensonOs short Story7
3ee# 9: 8 9;/ ,esearch Class $ime for *inal ?aper, MET& *esearch &ur"i"al $uide
3ee# 9</ The Count of Monte Cristo y 2le!andre Gumas
3ee# 9=/ The Count of Monte Cristo y 2le!andre Gumas, Ale3andre u#as
Brief life of the soldier who inspired The Count of Monte Cristo: 4567849:6, y
$om ,eiss 5nonfiction7
3ee# 9A/ The Count of Monte Cristo y 2le!andre Gumas
3ee# :./ The Picture of orian $ray y Oscar 3ilde, 2n e!cerpt from Edward
Carson's CrossKE!amination of 3ilde 5*irst $rial7 $a#en from Eyde, E.M, The Trials of
'ilde 5nonfiction7
3ee# :-/ The Picture of orian $ray y Oscar 3ilde, E"il eeds y y Stephen
Giamond 5nonfiction7, If time permits/ $he )allad of ,eading Iaol 5I 8 II e!cerpt7 y
Oscar 3ilde
3ee# :4/ *inals
,e(uired Materials
$wo Go"en ?ens in )O$E lue and lac#. 2dditional colors allowed
One pen0pencil case.
One noteoo# with an individual section for notes, 1ournal response writing, and
homewor# 5no less than a 9 su1ect7 or inder dedicated to this class only.
$issues and personal hand saniti"er.
*our folders 5one for each mar#ing period handouts7
2 highlighter 5any color7 8 stic#y notes.
2n agenda or daily planner to record homewor# and assignments for all classes.
2 flash drive
?oc#et Si"ed headphones for computer wor# 5must e small enough to fit in a
purse or pencil case P not large or e!pensive7.
2 College ?ortfolio with clear page covers and metal prongs for pages 5this will
e used to compile a wor#ing portfolio for employment and college interviews7
?lagiarism is the use of another's words or ideas and the presentation of them as though
they were entirely one's own. 2cts of plagiarism might include, ut are not limited to/
Nsing words or ideas from a pulished source without proper documentation,
Copying sentences directly from a source without the use of (uotations and credit,
Nsing the wor# of another student 5e.g. copying homewor#, composition, or
?lagiarism on any pro1ect or paper will result in a "ero for the assignment.
Nnless strictly stipulated y the teacher, collaoration on written wor# is not
$o initiate academic integrity and growth in student writing, the English and Eistory
department twill use the Modern Canguage 2ssociation 5MC27 format for all writing
assignments. MC2 is to e practiced even if a piece of writing is handKwritten.
Ma1or assignments for this year will include some of the following/
MC2 style research ased pro1ects on ma1or readings.
2 Class Oral ?resentation on one of the authors outlined in the curriculum.
2 *inal ,esearch ?aper which will e worth 4.Q of their last mar#ing period
grade centered around the theme %$he Moral Struggle.&
Ongoing dialectal 1ournals for short story selections and novels
E!pository essay of character analysis, short story analysis, theme analysis and a
compare and contrast analysis
2 paired reciprocal teaching pro1ect on a chapter of a novel.
?oetry 2nalysis and ?araphrasing.
2 group pro1ect evaluating the themes in an assigned novel.
2 comparison and contrast essay comparing two characters from a novel.
2 newspaper article evaluating the events within a novel.
?articipation in several Socratic Seminars.
?articipation in +igsaw e!ercises.
College and Employment ?ortfolios
2s seniors, students will e e!pected to uild and maintain a wor#ing portfolio they will
use when see#ing employment after graduation or attending college interviews. $he
portfolio will #eep records of their awards and grades, contain samples of their est wor#,
and multiple copies of an updated resume.
#riting Portfolios
Students will #eep a portfolio of all ma1or writing assignments. Students will fre(uently
reflect on their writing to assess their strengths and improvements made, in addition to
the areas in which they need to grow. $he portfolios will also e made availale to
parents and0or guardians who may wish to ta#e the time to en1oy the stories and essays
inside the portfolio. 2t the end of the year, the portfolios will e added to their College
Grading Re$uire%ents:
Irades will e ased on the total points received out of total possile and weighted y
$ests0(ui""es 4.Q
Eomewor# -.Q
Essays0Compositions 4.Q
,eading Chec# Bui""es0Gaily wor#0E!it $ic#ets -.Q
?articipation -.Q
,eady $o Cearn 5Coming to class on time 8 prepared7 -.Q
Mar#ing ?eriod E!ams 4.Q
2ll assignments that include any ma1or writing or artwor# will have a detailed ruric
e!plaining that assignment's particular grading criteria.
Classroo% Rules
-. 2ll students must raise their hand efore spea#ing and0or leaving their seat.
4. 2ll students must #eep their hands and feet to themselves.
9. 2ll students must treat their classmates and their teacher with respect.
:. 2ll students will listen (uietly and intently when their classmates have permission to
address the class or share an opinion for discussion. If he0she wishes to uild on, refute,
or agree, he0she must raise their hand and wait to e recogni"ed.
;. 2ll students must come to class in the proper uniform or they will e mar#ed out of
uniform during attendance.
<. Cell phones and headphones are not permitted to e worn visily and may e
confiscated for the class period. ,epeated confiscations will lead to a parental call or
=. Students should arrive to class efore the late ell. If a student is late, he0she should
sign the late oo# and ta#e his0her seat. $he first offense will earn a call home and
influence the daily ,$C 5,eady $o Cearn7 points. $he second will result in detention as
well as point loss. $he third offense will e addressed y the Gean of Giscipline.
A. Students should come to class prepared to read, write, and participate every day..
6. In the event one of the aove rules is ro#en, the student will receive a veral
warning. 2 second infraction will result in their name eing recorded. $hey will have to
participate and wor# to get their name removed. *ailure to do so will result in a phone
call to their parents.
-.. 2ll school e(uipment, electronics, oo#s, and furnishings are to e treated with care.
Cost or ro#en school property must e paid for efore a student can receive report cards
and graduation diplomas.
Every wee#, the students are responsile for all of the homewor# and class wor# even in
the event of weather cancellation or asence. In the event of an asence, students will e
re(uired to ma#e up the wor# in a timely manner. Students who do not complete the
missing wor# will receive a "ero for the assignment. If a student misses a test or a (ui",
he0she must e ready to ta#e the e!am the day he0she returns to school.
*urthermore, it is not the instructor's responsiility to remind individuals what they need
to ma#e up. Students may meet with the instructor efore school or stay after school to
ma#e up missed tests and0or (ui""es as long as they have made an appointment.

I e!pect all wor# to follow MC2 guidelines even if they are handwritten. 2ll wor# must
e edited and revised to ensure full credit. In addition, all wor# must e neatly written
and show a degree of thought and hard wor#. I will not accept homewor# done during my
class or in any other class during school hours. ?ositive ehavior will e rewardedR I
e!pect my students to wor# hard and challenge themselves. 2s stated in our school logo,
I e!pect my students to %Gare to e e!traordinary.& ?lease review the course outline with
your child and return the document signed to indicate you have read and understood
the class re(uirements.
Signature of student Student Email
Signature of parent Gate
?arent phone numer ?arent Email

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