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top uk puzzle editors
ken russell and philip carter
book 5
ondon and Sterling! "#
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< Ken 6ussell and $hilip /arter! -..5 The right of Ken 6ussell and $hilip /arter to be
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6ussell! Kenneth! #) The Ti'es book of IQ tests) Book 5 A Ken 6ussell and $hilip /arter)
B 1st ed) p) c') Includes bibliographical references) ISB* .8>?2?8?9218@ 1) Intelligence
tests) -) Self8e&aluation) I) /arter! $hilip 7) II) Title) BF?91)9)63>-5 -..5 159)2 9Bdc--
-..5..2?.- Typeset by Sa=on +raphics td! 0erby $rinted and bound in +reat Britain by
/lays td! St I&es plc
Introduction Test One5 Questions Test One5 #ns(ers Test T(o5 Questions Test T(o5
#ns(ers Test Three5 Questions Test Three5 #ns(ers Test Four5 Questions Test Four5
#ns(ers Test Fi&e5 Questions Test Fi&e5 #ns(ers Test Si=5 Questions Test Si=5 #ns(ers
Test Se&en5 Questions Test Se&en5 #ns(ers Test Eight5 Questions Test Eight5 #ns(ers
Test *ine5 Questions Test *ine5 #ns(ers Test Ten5 Questions Test Ten5 #ns(ers Further
6eading fro' Kogan $age
1 > -? -2 ?: 51 :2 >? 33 2- 1.3 11- 1-3 199 1?2 159 1:: 1>1 13: 121 -.2 -19
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Of the different 'ethods that purport to 'easure intelligence! the 'ost fa'ous is the IQ
CIntelligence QuotientD test! (hich is a standardised test designed to 'easure hu'an
intelligence as distinct fro' attain'ents) Intelligence 4uotient is an age8related 'easure of
intelligence le&el) The (ord 4uotient 'eans the result of di&iding one 4uantity by another!
and one definition of intelligence is 'ental ability or 4uickness of 'ind) ,sually! IQ tests
consist of a graded series of tasks! each of (hich has been standardised (ith a large
representati&e population of indi&iduals in order to establish an a&erage IQ of 1.. for each
test) It is generally accepted that a person%s 'ental ability de&elops at a constant rate until
about the age of 19! after (hich de&elop'ent has been sho(n to slo( do(n! and beyond
the age of 13 little or no i'pro&e'ent is found) Ehen the IQ of a child is 'easured! the
subFect atte'pts an IQ test that has been standardised! (ith an a&erage score recorded
for each age group) Thus a 1.8year8old child (ho scored the result that (ould be
e=pected of a 1-8year8old (ould ha&e an IQ of 1-.! or 1-A1. G 1..5 'ental age C1-D G 1..
H1-. IQ chronological age C1.D
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
Because after the age of 13 little or no i'pro&e'ent is found! adults ha&e to be Fudged on
an IQ test (hose a&erage score is 1..! and the results graded abo&e and belo( this nor'
according to kno(n test scores) ike so 'any distributions found in nature! the distribution
of IQ takes the for' of a fairly regular bell cur&e Csee Figure .)1 belo(D in (hich the
a&erage score is 1.. and si'ilar proportions occur both abo&e and belo( this nor')
I of population .
1.. IQ score
Figure .)1
The bell cur&e
There are a nu'ber of different types of intelligence tests! for e=a'ple /attell! Stanford8
Binet and Eechsler! and each ha&e their o(n different scales of intelligence) The
Stanford8Binet is hea&ily (eighted (ith 4uestions in&ol&ing &erbal abilities and is (idely
used in the ,nited States of #'erica) The Eeschler scales consist of t(o separate &erbal
and perfor'ance sub8scales each (ith its o(n IQ rating) On the Stanford8Binet scale half
the population fall bet(een 2. and 11. IQ! half of the' abo&e 1.. and half of the' belo(J
-5 per cent score abo&e 11.J 11 per cent abo&e 1-.J 9 per cent abo&e 19. and .): per
cent abo&e 1?.) #t the other end of the scale the sa'e kind of proportion occurs) #lthough
it is IQ tests that (e are specifically concerned (ith in this book it should be pointed out
that IQ tests are Fust one part of (hat is generally referred to as psycho'etric testing)
test content 'ay be addressed to al'ost any aspect of our intellectual or e'otional 'ake8
up! including personality! attitude! intelligence or e'otion) $sycho'etric tests are basically
tools used for 'easuring the 'indJ the (ord 'etric 'eans 'easure and the (ord psycho
'eans 'ind) There are t(o types of psycho'etric tests that are usually used in tande' by
e'ployers) These are aptitude tests! (hich assess your abilities! and personality
4uestionnaires! (hich assess your character and personality) #ptitude tests are also
kno(n as cogniti&e! ability or intelligence CIQD tests) Such tests are designed to test your
ability to co'prehend 4uickly under strictly ti'ed conditions) /ognition 'ay be broadly
defined as kno(ing! percei&ing and thinking and it is studied by psychologists because it
re&eals the e=tent of a person%s ability to think) There are 'any different types of tests)
Ko(e&er! a typical test 'ight consist of three sections each testing a different ability!
usually co'prising &erbal reasoning! nu'erical ability and diagra''atic! or spatial!
reasoning) In order to gi&e you the opportunity to practise on all types of 4uestions that
you are likely to encounter in actual IQ tests! the tests that ha&e been specially co'piled
for this book are 'ulti8discipline and include a 'i= of &erbal! nu'erical and diagra''atic
4uestions! as (ell as additional 4uestions in&ol&ing logical thought processes as (ell as a
degree of lateral thinking) In the past -5 years psycho'etric testing has been brought into
(idespread use in industry because of the need for e'ployers to ensure they place the
right people in the right Fob at the outset) One of the 'ain reasons for this is the high cost
of errors in today%s (orld of tight budgets and reduced profit 'argins) To recruit a ne(
'e'ber of staff an e'ployer has to ad&ertise! consider each application! reduce the
applicants to a shortlist! inter&ie( and then train the successful applicant) If the (rong
hiring choice has been 'ade! then the (hole e=pensi&e process has to be repeated)
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
It is i'portant that such tests are e&aluated in tande' (ith each other as if a person
scores (ell on an aptitude test it does not necessarily 'ean that they (ill be suited to the
Fob! as (hilst you 'ay be good at doing so'ething! you 'ay dislike it intensely! and
success in 'ost tasks is hea&ily dependent on your personal 4ualities and your attitude)
#lthough it is generally accepted that a person%s IQ re'ains constant throughout life! and!
therefore! it is not possible to increase your actual IQ! it is possible to i'pro&e your
perfor'ance on IQ tests by practising the 'any different types of 4uestion! and learning to
recognise the recurring the'es) Besides their uses in i'pro&ing one%s perfor'ance on IQ
tests! practice on the type of 4uestions contained in this book has the added ad&antage of
e=ercising the brain) Our brain needs e=ercise and care in the sa'e (ay as other parts of
the body) Ee eat the right foods to keep our heart healthy! (e 'oisturise our skin to keep
it fro' drying out and! Fust as gy'nasts stri&e to increase their perfor'ance at (hate&er
le&el they are co'peting by 'eans of punishing training schedules and refine'ent of
techni4ue! there are e=ercises! or 'ental gy'nastics! (e can do to increase the
perfor'ance of our brain and enhance 4uickness of thought) Lany people still ha&e the
outdated belief that there is little they can do to i'pro&e the brain they are born (ith and
that brain cells continually degenerate (ith age5 but! in fact! our brain cells continually
de&elop ne( and stronger connections and adult brains can gro( ne( cells irrespecti&e of
age) The 'ain thing is to use your brain continually) For e=a'ple! the 'ore (e practise at
tests of &erbal aptitude the 'ore (e increase our ability to understand the 'eaning of
(ords and use the' effecti&elyJ the 'ore (e practise at 'aths the 'ore confident (e
beco'e (hen (orking (ith nu'bers! the better our ability to perfor' arith'etic operations
accurately! and the 4uicker (e beco'e at perfor'ing these opera?
tionsJ and the 'ore (e practise our ability to 'o&e our fingers and 'anipulate s'all
obFects the 'ore de=trous (e beco'e at operations in&ol&ing this type of aptitude! and the
4uicker (e beco'e at perfor'ing the' accurately) The tests that follo( ha&e been ne(ly
co'piled for this book and are not! therefore! standardised! so an actual IQ assess'ent
cannot be gi&en) Ko(e&er! a guide to assessing your perfor'ance for each test is
pro&ided belo( as (ell as a cu'ulati&e guide for your o&erall perfor'ance on all 1. tests)
# ti'e li'it of 2. 'inutes is allo(ed for each test) The correct ans(ers are gi&en at the
end of the test! and you should a(ard yourself one point for each co'pletely correct
ans(er) /alculators 'ay be used to assist (ith sol&ing nu'erical 4uestions if preferred)
,se the follo(ing table to assess your perfor'ance5 One test5 Score 9:;?. 91;95 -5;9.
12;-? 1?;13 Ten tests5 Score 951;?.. 9.1;95. -?1;9.. 131;-?. 1?.;13. 6ating
E=ceptional E=cellent "ery good +ood #&erage 6ating E=ceptional E=cellent "ery good
+ood #&erage
This book intentionally left blank
Test One5 Questions
Ehich piece belo(! (hen fitted into the piece on the left! (ill for' a perfect s4uareM
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
-) Ehich (ord in brackets is 'ost opposite to the (ord in capitalsM $6OS/6IBE Callo(!
stifle! pro'ote! &erify! indictD 9) .! 1! -! ?! :! 2! 1-! 1:! M Ehat nu'ber should replace the
4uestion 'arkM ?) Ehich nu'ber is the odd one outM 2:>3 ?5>- 5-:1 5199 95-> :325
>>:3 5) Isother' is to te'perature as isobar is to5 at'osphere! (ind! pressure! latitude!
Test One5 Questions
1 ? : >
- M M 3
? > M 1.
> 1. 1- M
Ehich is the 'issing sectionM
: 3 # 1. 1- B 5 2 > 19
: > / 3 1? 0
5 > 2 19
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
>) Ehich is the odd one outM
# B
0 E
3) Identify t(o (ords Cone fro' each set of bracketsD that ha&e a connection CanalogyD
(ith the (ords in capitals and relate to the' in the sa'e (ay) +6#L Cenergy! (eight!
scalesD K*OT C(ater! rope! speedD
Test One5 Questions
5: 12 > > -3
Each nu'ber in the pyra'id is the su' of the t(o nu'bers i''ediately belo( it) Fill in the
pyra'id (ith the 'issing nu'bers) 1.) Ehich is the odd one outM
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
11) Ko( 'any 'inutes is it before 1- noon! if ?3 'inutes ago it (as t(ice as 'any
'inutes past 2 a)')M 1-) /o'plete the fi&e (ords belo( in such a (ay that the t(o letters
that end the first (ord also start the second (ord! and the t(o letters that end the second
(ord also start the third (ord etc) The sa'e t(o letters that end the fifth (ord also start
the first (ord! to co'plete the cycle) NN I" NN NN OT NN NN I/ NN NN *+ NN NN 6# NN 19) Ehich is
the odd one outM heptagon! triangle! he=agon! cube! pentagon
Test One5 Questions
1?) S(itch # turns lights 1 and - onAoff or offAon S(itch B turns lights - and ? onAoff or
offAon S(itch / turns lights 1 and 9 onAoff or offAon
S(itches /! # and B are thro(n in turn (ith the result that Figure 1 turns into Figure -)
Ehich s(itch does not (ork at allM
1 1
Figure 1
Figure -
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
Ehich is the 'issing tileM
1:) Ehich (ord in brackets is closest in 'eaning to the (ord in capitalsM B6,*T Cdull!
edifice! i'pact! ta(ny! nonsenseD 1>) Ehich of the follo(ing is not an anagra' of a type of
foodM $#ST EI+KT I /#* 6O#L EI* BO#6 /#* $E#K /OO /KE#T
Test One5 Questions
9 ? -1
: 1: 9
- M
Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM 12)
* # O 6 I O F S E
Eork fro' s4uare to adFacent s4uare horizontally or &ertically Cbut not diagonallyD to spell
out a 1-8letter (ord) Oou 'ust find the starting point! and pro&ide the 'issing letters) -.)
Ko( 'any lines appear belo(M
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
Ehich is the 'issing tileM
--) :>A3! -2A1:! 55A3! 919A1:! ? 9A3! M Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM
Test One5 Questions
O + S
O +

$ * I T

Eork clock(ise round the circles to spell out t(o eightletter (ords that are synony's)
Each (ord co''ences in a different circle! and you 'ust find the starting point of each)
E&ery letter is used once each and all letters are consecuti&e) -?) 1.! 9.! 9-! 2:! 23! -2?!
-2:! M! M Ehat t(o nu'bers should replace the 4uestion 'arksM -5) able! rot! son! king
Ehich (ord belo( shares a co''on feature (ith all the (ords abo&eM line! sit! take!
hope! night
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
-:) Identify t(o (ords Cone fro' each set of bracketsD that ha&e a connection CanalogyD
(ith the (ords in capitals and relate to the' in the sa'e (ay) SE# C(et! s(i''er! shipD
S*OE C'ountain! ice! skierD ->) Ehich (ord 'eaning O/#ITO beco'es a (ord
'eaning TEL$O (hen a letter is re'o&edM -3) #lf has four ti'es as 'any as 7i'! and
7i' has three ti'es as 'any as Sid) #ltogether they ha&e 12-) Ko( 'any has eachM -2)
Ehich is the only one of the follo(ing that is not an anagra' of a (ord 'eaning out of this
(orldM flo( under se=ed ,tah en&iable blue icier blend 9.) # 'an has 59 socks in his
dra(er5 -1 identical blue! 15 identical black and 1> identical red) The lights are fused and
he is co'pletely in the dark) Ko( 'any socks 'ust he take out to 'ake 1.. per cent
certain he has a pair of black socksM
Test One5 Questions
0ra( the 'issing figure in the abo&e se4uence) 9-) Ko( 'any 'inutes is it before 1-
noon if nine 'inutes ago it (as t(ice as 'any 'inutes past 1. a)')M 99) Ehich t(o (ords
are closest in 'eaningM concla&e! 'edley! the'e! conglo'eration! dissertation! augury
9?) broke rage prose cute dared Ehich (ord is 'issingM pal' hy'n e&il sno( take 95)
Find fi&e consecuti&e nu'bers belo( that total --) >92:?19>295?1>:5 M
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
To (hich he=agon belo( can a dot be added so that both dots then 'eet the sa'e
conditions as the t(o dots in the he=agon abo&eM
Test One5 Questions
9>) Find t(o (ords C?! :D in this diagra') etters are traced across the circle by chords) If
the ne=t letter is four letters or less a(ay it (ill be found by tracing around the
circu'ference) /lue5 free flight)
/ 0 E F + K I 7 K L * O $ Q 6 B # P O @ E " , T S
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
# B
Ehat letter is directly opposite the letter that is t(o letters a(ay clock(ise fro' the letter
that is directly opposite the letter EM 92)
2 > 5 ? : > M - : 3
Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM
Test One5 Questions
Ehich is the 'issing sectionM
Test One5 #ns(ers
1) B
-) allo( 9) -.5 add 1! 1! -! -! 9! 9! ?! ? ?) 95->5 in the others the su' of the first t(o
nu'bers is e4ual to the su' of the second t(o nu'bers! for e=a'ple 5Q- H :Q1 5)
pressure :) 05 lines across proceed Q1! Q-! Q9) ines do(n proceed Q9! Q-! Q1)
Test One5 #ns(ers
>) /5 in all the others the black circle is connected to three (hite circles) In / it is only
connected to t(o (hite circles) 3) (eight! speed 2)
1.9 ?> 12 > - 5 1- > -3 1: 2 5: -3 1- 9
1.) B5 the rest are the sa'e figure rotated 11) ?? 'inutes 1- noon less ?? 'inutes H 11)1:
11)1: less ?3 'inutes H 1.)-3 2 a)') plus 33 'inutes C?? G -D H 1.)-3 1-) SKI"E6!
E6OTI/! I/I/E! E*+TK! TK6#SK 19) cube5 it is a three8di'ensional figure) The rest
are all t(odi'ensional figures) 1?) S(itch # is faulty) 15) B5 in each line and colu'n! each
of the three rings is shaded black once
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
1:) i'pact 1>) EI* BO#6 H rainbo() The foods are spaghetti C$#ST EI+KTD! 'acaroni CI
/#* 6O#LD! pancake C/#* $E#KD and chocolate C/OO /KE#TD) 13) ?5 looking across
at the three circles! the nu'ber in the 'iddle is the product of the t(o nu'bers in the
sa'e seg'ent in the other t(o circles) Thus! 9 G - H :! > G 9 H -1 and ? G ? H 1:) 12)
$6OFESSIO*# -.) 11 -1) 05 in each line across and do(n the arro(s point in each of
three directions left! right and do(n) The nu'ber of arro(s increases 1! -! 9 in each ro()
--) 51A1:5 there are t(o alternate se4uences5 ;1R and Q1R -9) linguist! polyglot -?) 333!
32.5 the se4uence progresses G9! Q- -5) take5 all (ords can be prefi=ed (ith $#6 to for'
another (ord ; parable! parrot! parson! parking! partake -:) s(i''er! skier ->)
placeApace -3) #lf 1??! 7i' 9:! Sid 1-
Test One5 #ns(ers
-2) se=ed ,tah H e=hausted) The (ords 'eaning out of this (orld are5 (onderful Cflo(
underD! unbelie&able Cen&iable blueD! incredible Cicier blendD) 9.) ?. socks) If he takes out
93 socks! although it is &ery unlikely! it is possible they could all be blue and red) To 'ake
1.. per cent certain that he also has a pair of black socks he 'ust take out a further t(o
socks) 91)
The black dot is 'o&ing up Cthen do(nD by one position at each stage) 9-) 9> 'inutes5 1-
noon less 9> 'inutes H 11)-9) 11)-9 less nine 'inutes H 11)1?) 1. a)') plus >? 'inutes C-
G 9>D H 11)1?) 99) 'edley! conglo'eration 9?) e&il5 (hen Foined together each pair of
(ords for's another (ord ; brokerage! prosecute! darede&il 95) 295?1 9:) 05 so that one
dot appears in the triangle and one circleJ and the other dot appears in the triangle and
three circles 9>) K#*+ +I0E6 93) +
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
92) .5 looking at lines of nu'bers fro' the top5 2 G 3 H >-J >- G 3 H 5>:J 5>: G 3 H ?:.3
?.) /5 each opposite corner block of four s4uares are identical
Test T(o5 Questions
Ehat co'es ne=tM
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
-) Ehich four8letter (ord! (hen placed in the brackets! (ill co'plete a (ord on the left
and start another (ord on the rightM 6#L CNNNND 6I0+E 9)
-. -- 12 -1 1> 12 1: 12 -1 M M -. M
1: 13 15
Ehich is the 'issing sectionM
12 13 12 # B 13 1> / 13 1> 13 0 13 1> 1> 12
?) ligno8 is to (ood as &itro8 is to (ool! glass! stone! (ater! paperM 5)
9 ?? 3 ? > 2 9- - > 3 >5 M
Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM
Test T(o5 Questions
:) Sol&e the anagra's to find a (ell8kno(n saying) The nu'ber of letters in each (ord is
sho(n) CNNNN NN NNNNNNNNDCNNNN NNNNNNND Casserting craftDChint of anticD >) is to5
is to5
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
3) .! ? !-! :! 9! >! 9)5! M Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM 2) Identify t(o
(ords Cone fro' each set of bracketsD that ha&e a connection CanalogyD (ith the (ords in
capitals and relate to the' in the sa'e (ay O*+IT,0E Cdegree! tropics! 'eridianD
#TIT,0E Cparallel! line! e4uino=D 1.)
5 : 1 1- - ? 2 M 9 1 M : 1. 11 1- M
Ehich is the 'issing sectionM
? 1: # -2 15 B - 99 1? / > 95 1> 0 9 91
11) Ehich (ord in brackets is closest in 'eaning to the (ord in capitalsM LO*ITO6
Cobser&e! order! 'eddle! intrude! concludeD
Test T(o5 Questions
1 - 9
ooking at lines across and do(n! if the first t(o tiles are co'bined to produce the third
tile! (ith the e=ception that like sy'bols are cancelled out! (hich of the abo&e tiles is
incorrect! and (ith (hich of the tiles belo( should it be replacedM
19) Ehich t(o (ords are 'ost opposite in 'eaningM liberty! fri&olity! chastity! sobriety!
irrationality! polarity
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
Insert four (eights of - units! 9 units! ? units and : units respecti&ely so that the scales
balance perfectly) 15) The follo(ing clue leads to (hich pair of rhy'ing (ordsM 'easure
bulk of grass fodder
Test T(o5 Questions
Ehen the abo&e is folded to for' a cube! (hich is the only one of the follo(ing that can be
1>) Ehich is the odd one outM fe'ur! 'andible! fibula! tibia! patella 13) Ly (atch (as
correct at noon! after (hich it started to lose 1> 'inutes per hour until si= hours ago it
stopped co'pletely) It no( sho(s the ti'e as -)5- p)') Ehat ti'e is it no(M
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
Insert all the letters of the phrase ,*S$OIT O/# into the re'aining blank spaces
once each only! to produce t(o (ords that for' a phrase) /lue5 things are not al(ays
(hat they appear) -.)
Ehich is the 'issing tileM
Test T(o5 Questions
Ehat co'es ne=tM
--) dopiness! uncloaking! dish(asher Ehich (ord belo( has a feature in co''on (ith all
the (ords abo&eM gallant! crossfire! (hirl(ind! assault -9) 1! 1.1! 15! ?! -2! ;29! ?9! ;12.!
M Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
# F K $
B + Q
/ K L 6
0 I * S
E 7 O T
Ehat letter is t(o letters abo&e the letter t(o letters to the left of the letter i''ediately
abo&e the letter three letters to the right of the letter QM -5) 15! 5! 3! -?! -1! >! 1.! 9.! M! M!
M! 9:! 99 Ehat three nu'bers are 'issingM -:)
Ehich shield belo( has 'ost in co''on (ith the shield abo&eM
Test T(o5 Questions
->) ,sing the four letters belo( only! create a se&en8letter (ord) ,L*I -3)
3 1 5 5 > > 1 ? : 2 2 1 M 1 9
Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM -2) S(itch # turns lights 1 and - onAoff or
offAon S(itch B turns lights - and ? onAoff or offAon S(itch / turns lights 1 and 9 onAoff or
offAon S(itch 0 turns lights 9 and ? onAoff or offAon
S(itches 0! /! # and B are thro(n in turn (ith the result that Figure 1 turns into Figure -)
Ehich s(itch does not (ork at allM
1 1
Figure 1
Figure -
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
9.) Ehich (ord in brackets is closest in 'eaning to the (ord in capitalsM F,SE C'uzzle!
e=plode! coalesce! i''obilise! tightenD 91)
1- > > 3 2 3 5 11 5 1? > ? 1 1:
19 M
Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM
Test T(o5 Questions
To (hich he=agon belo( can a dot be added so that it then 'eets the sa'e conditions as
in the he=agon abo&eM
99) Oou ha&e 52 cubic blocks) Ehat is the 'ini'u' nu'ber that needs to be taken a(ay
in order to construct a solid cube (ith none left o&erM
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
9?) Ehat (ord 'eaning 0E0,/E beco'es a (ord 'eaning $6O$E (hen a letter is
re'o&edM 95)
?> 55 :9
Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM 9:) Ehat is the longest (ord in the
English language that can be produced out of the set of letters belo(M etters 'ay only be
used once in the (ord so produced) FE,LO$@/TE
Test T(o5 Questions
Ehich is the 'issing sectionM
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
6 0
S I , O
L I E 6
Eork clock(ise round the circles to spell out t(o eightletter (ords that are antony's)
Each (ord co''ences in a different circle! and you 'ust find the starting point of each)
E&ery letter is used once each and all letters are consecuti&e) 92)
5 9 19 ?
> -.
M 13
Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM
Test T(o5 Questions
Ehen the abo&e is folded to for' a cube! (hich is the only one of the follo(ing that can be
Test T(o5 #ns(ers
1) E5 the nu'ber of (hite dots is increased by one each ti'e! both &ertically and
horizontally! and all (hite dots are connected -) $#6T5 6#L$#6T and $#6T6I0+E 9) B5
lines across proceed Q-! ;9! Q-) ines do(n proceed ;9! Q-! ;9) ?) glass 5) 55 C3 Q >D G 5
H >5 :) fact is stranger than fiction >) B5 black obFects turn to (hite and &ice &ersa 3) >) 55
the se4uence proceeds Q?! S-! Q?! etc 2) 'eridian! parallel 1.) B5 in lines and colu'ns!
add the first three nu'bers to arri&e at the fourth nu'ber
Test T(o5 #ns(ers
11) obser&e 1-)
1 - 9
Tile > is incorrect! and should be replaced by tile B) 19) fri&olity! sobriety 1?)
9 ? : -
: G 1 H - G 95 > G 3 C: Q -D H 5: 11 G ? H ?? ? G 9 H 1- ?? Q 1- H 5:
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
15) (eigh hay 1:) 0 1>) 'andible5 it is the Fa( bone! the rest are bones in the leg 13) 1.
p)') 1- noon H 1- noon 1 p)') H 1-)?9 - p)') H 1)-: 9 p)') H -).2 ? p)') H -)5- Q: hours
H 1. p)') 12) O$TI/# I,SIO* -.) #5 each line across and do(n contains fi&e black
dots and four (hite dots -1) #5 the figure is tu'bling ?5T at each stage and alternates
(hiteAblackAstriped --) crossfire5 all (ords contain an e'bedded tree ; doCpineDss!
unclCoakDing! dish(CashDer! crossCfirDe -9 5>5 there are t(o alternate se4uences5 Q1?! ;2>
-?) / -5) ->! 2! 1-5 the se4uence progresses S9! Q9! G9! ;9 repeated
Test T(o5 #ns(ers
-:) 05 it contains a triangle in a circle! a circle in a triangle C(ith the sa'e orientation of
the triangleD and a black dot in a s4uare ->) 'ini'u' -3) >5 21 S 19 -2) S(itch 0 is faulty)
9.) coalesce 91) 1>5 it is the su' of the t(o digits C2 Q 3D in the 4uadrant directly opposite
9-) E5 so that the dot appears in t(o circles and the s4uare 99) 9-5 the ne=t cube nu'ber
belo( :? C? G ? G ?D is -> C9 G 9 G 9D) In order to construct a solid cube! therefore! (ith
none left o&er! 52 ; -> H 9- blocks need to be taken a(ay) 9?) 0E6I"EA06I"E 95) ?25 C>9
Q -5D S - 9:) /OL$,TE 9>) 05 the last t(o ro(s of figures repeat the first t(o ro(s of
figures in re&erse 93) LE0IO/6E! S,$E6IO6
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
92) 35 each nu'ber in the seg'ent at the botto' is the su' of the four nu'bers in the
sections either side) Thus5 3 Q 9 Q ? Q 9 H 13 ?.) E
Test Three5 Questions
1) is to5
is to5
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
-) Ehich is the odd one outM cy'bal! 'ari'ba! &ibraphone! tro'bone! glockenspiel 9)
stationary! less! stationery! principal! fe(er! principle $lace the (ords abo&e alongside
their correct definition belo(5 head of school funda'ental truth standing still (riting
'aterials s'aller in a'ount s'aller in nu'ber ?) Ehich is the odd nu'ber outM ?:- :39
935 123 -59 >31 52? 5) $,6E #S T,FT is an anagra' of (hich t(o (ords that are
opposite in 'eaningM
Test Three5 Questions
# F K $
B + Q
/ K L 6
0 I * S
E 7 O T
Ehich letter is 'id(ay bet(een the letter t(o letters belo( the letter i''ediately to the
left of the letter +! and the letter three letters abo&e the letter i''ediately to the right of
the letter "M >) is to5
is to5
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
# S E # T E E T + * K E I
/o'plete t(o eight8letter (ords! one in each circle! and both reading clock(ise) The
(ords are synony's) Oou 'ust find the starting points and pro&ide the 'issing letters) 2)
1! 5.! :! ?5! 11! ?.! 1:! 95! -1! M! M Ehich nu'bers should replace the 4uestion 'arksM
1.) #rrange the (ords belo( into alphabetical order5 acescence! aceta'ide! acerbated!
acetified! acellular! acescency! acetabula! acerbates
Test Three5 Questions
Ehen the abo&e is folded to for' a cube! (hich is the only one of the follo(ing that can be
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
9 2 1 - 3 9
2 M M 1 9 3
1 M M 2 2 -
- - 9 9 1 1
3 1 2 3 - 2
9 2 1 - 3 9
Ehich is the 'issing sectionM
3 3 # 9 - B 9 - 3 3 / 3 3 - 9 0 - 9 3 3
19) Sol&e the anagra' in brackets to correctly co'plete the 4uotation (ith a 1.8letter
(ord) UThe difference bet(een golf and Ctorn &eg 'enD is that in golf you cannot i'pro&e
your lie% +eorge 0euk'eFian
Test Three5 Questions
Ehich shield should replace the 4uestion 'arkM
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
$ K 6
# /

O $ T 6
Take one letter fro' each circle in turn and using each letter once only find t(o eight8letter
(ords that are si'ilar in 'eaning) Both (ords read clock(ise and each starts in a different
circle) 1:) Ehat letters should replace the 4uestion 'arksM
F M I M E E 6 M E 6 T O
Test Three5 Questions
> - 3 >
- 3 ? :
5 M 2
Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM 13) bizarre is to outlandish as eccentric
is to5 eerie! 4uirky! esoteric! (eird! curious 12) On taking deli&ery of a consign'ent of eggs
the 'arket stall o(ner (as furious to find that se&eral (ere cracked) In fact! on counting
the' up in order to assess the da'age he found that >- (ere cracked! (hich (as 1- per
cent of the total consign'ent) Ko( 'any eggs in total (ere in the consign'entM -.)
Ehich is the 'issing tileM
-1) LT0 is to $@B as F67 is toM
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
--) # B / 0 E F + K Ehat letter is t(o letters to the left of the letter i''ediately to the
right of the letter three letters to the right of the letter #M -9)
Ehich circle belo( should be placed in the large circle abo&eM
Test Three5 Questions
-?) ,sing the fi&e letters belo( only! create a nine8letter (ord) O$E6 -5) 1:! -9! 12! 12!
--! 15! -5! M Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM -:) Si'plify5 1? 5: S 55 >>
as the lo(est fraction)
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
Ehich is the 'issing bo=M
Test Three5 Questions
-3) Ehich (ord in brackets is 'ost opposite in 'eaning to the (ord in capitalsM
$#,SIBE Cappropriate! i'probable! clichVd! artificial! distastefulD -2) The cost of an
identical three8course lunch for four people (as W5:)..) The 'ain course cost t(ice as
'uch as the s(eet and the s(eet cost t(ice as 'uch as the starter) Ko( 'uch did the
'ain course cost per personM 9.) aplo'b! dodge! graph! Ferk! M Ehat co'es ne=tM laugh!
'aroon! link! nickel! 'idnight
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
Ehat co'es ne=tM
Test Three5 Questions
9? ?1
Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM 99) O"#TE +*OLE is an anagra' of
(hich fa'iliar phrase C9! 1! ?! -DM /lue5 'ake haste) 9?) is to5
is to5
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
-:3 1> 1: M 11 952 51: -:9
Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM 9:)
6 T * I O S * + # # T S T / 0 E K
Find the starting point and (ork fro' letter to adFacent letter &ertically! horizontally and
diagonally to spell out a 1>8letter phrase C-! >! 3D)
Test Three5 Questions
Ehich is the 'issing tileM
#t each stage the black dot 'o&es three corners clock(ise and the (hite dot 'o&es four
corners anti8clock(ise) #fter ho( 'any stages (ill both dots be together in the sa'e
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
92) # # S + $ # K # L 6 S E E I I , + # N N N N N N N N N The na'e of (hich reptile can be
placed on the botto' ro( to co'plete nine three8letter (ords reading do(n(ardsM ?.)
3 5? -> -? : ?- -1 13
2 :.
9. ->
5 M
Ehat nu'bers should replace the 4uestion 'arksM
Test Three5 #ns(ers
1) E5 only lines that appear three ti'es in the sa'e position in the first three s4uares are
carried for(ard to the final s4uare -) tro'bone5 the rest are percussion instru'ents 9)
head of school H principal funda'ental truth H principle standing still H stationary (riting
'aterials H stationery s'aller in a'ount H less s'aller in nu'ber H fe(er Cscore 1 point if
all ans(ers are correctD ?) :395 in the other nu'bers add the first and last digits to arri&e
at the 'iddle digit 5) $#ST! F,T,6E :) >) 05 to each arc! add a 4uarter of a circle
clock(ise 3) ES/##TE! KEI+KTE*
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
2) 9.! -:5 there are t(o alternate se4uences) #dd 5 starting at 1) Subtract 5 starting at 5.)
1.) acellular! acerbated! acerbates! acescence! acescency! acetabula! aceta'ide!
acetified 11) 0 1-) B5 start at the botto' left8hand corner s4uare and (ork along the
botto' ro(! then back along the ne=t ro( up etc! repeating the nu'bers 93-12 19)
go&ern'ent 1?) E5 each line across and do(n contains one each of the three sy'bols) In
each line one sy'bol is black! and one is upside do(n) 15) $#L$KET! B6O/K,6E 1:)
"K,5 the nu'bers spelled out belo( are the nu'ber of sides in the figures in (hich they
F T F K O I 6 , " E 6 E E
1>) ?5 : G 2 H 5? Creading do(n the 'iddle t(o blocksD 13) 4uirky
Test Three5 #ns(ers
12) :..5 >- S 1- G 1.. -.) /5 looking across and do(n the triangles turn through 2.T -1)
I"K5 the first letter 'o&es three places in the alphabet for(ards5 FghIJ the second letter
'o&es four letters in the alphabet for(ards5 6stu"J the third letter 'o&es t(o places in the
alphabet back(ards5 7iK --) / -9) /5 each circle is repeated rotated -?) $6O$EE6 -5)
115 there are t(o alternate se4uences5 Q9 and ;? -:) 1? G >> H 1 G > H > 55 5: 5 ? -. ->)
/5 each ro( and colu'n contains si= co'plete lines and si= broken lines -3) i'probable
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
-2) W3).. per person5 starter H 1 unit s(eet H - units 'ain course H ? units H > units in
total Therefore! cost per unit H W5: S > H W3)..) The 'ain course! therefore! cost ? G 3 H
9- Cor W3).. per personD) 9.) 'aroon5 the letters start and finish (ith the alphabetic
se4uence5 #Bc0Ef+Ki7KlL* 91) /5 the top ar' 'o&es ?5T clock(ise at each stage and
the botto' ar' 'o&es 2.T clock(ise 9-) 555 each nu'ber indicates its position in the grid)
55 indicates ro( 5 colu'n 5) 99) +ET # LO"E O* 9?) B5 only dots that appear in the
sa'e position Fust t(ice in the first three he=agons are carried for(ard to the final
he=agons 95) 1-5 add the digits of each three8figure nu'ber to obtain the t(o8digit
nu'bers 9:) *O ST6I*+S #TT#/KE0 9>) /5 in each ro( and colu'n only lines that are
co''on to the first t(o s4uares are carried for(ard to the final s4uare
Test Three5 #ns(ers
93) They (ill ne&er appear together in the sa'e corner as in a heptagon three corners
clock(ise is the sa'e as four corners anti8clock(ise) 92) /K#LEEO*5 to produce #6/!
#SK! SE#! +EL! $IE! #I! K,E! #+O! L#* ?.)
5 9: 13 15
Top left is a third of botto' right! botto' right is three less than top right and top right is
half of botto' left)
Test Four5 Questions
Ehat co'es ne=tM
-) 1..! 2>)?! 2?)3! M ! 32):! 3> Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM
Test Four5 Questions
0 I
Start at one of the four corner letters and spiral clock(ise round the peri'eter! finishing at
the centre letter to spell out a nine8letter (ord) Oou 'ust pro&ide the 'issing letters) ?)
Ehich nu'ber is the odd one outM 2:5? ?39- 52?5 >:?- >2:9 3-1: 9:?2 5) Ehich t(o
(ords are closest in 'eaningM 4ualified! practicable! puissant! feasible! 'undane! fine :)
Identify t(o (ords Cone fro' each set of bracketsD that ha&e a connection CanalogyD (ith
the (ords in capitals and relate to the' in the sa'e (ay) FI6ST Csecond! ne=t! lastD
$E*,TIL#TE Clast! third! pre&iousD >) Find fi&e consecuti&e nu'bers belo( that total -9)
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
0ra( the 'issing figure in the abo&e se4uence) 2) Ehich (ord in brackets is 'ost
opposite to the (ord in capitalsM SEEK Csordid! uni'aginati&e! disorderly! dishe&elled!
obli4ueD 1.)
9: 1-1: ?3
Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM 11) /hange one letter only in each of the
(ords belo( to produce a fa'iliar phrase) #*0 FEE SO TIE EI6E
Test Four5 Questions
1-) Ehich is the odd one outM
# B
19) Ehich is the odd one outM tri&et! tributary! triptych! trident! triad
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
5 9 11 3 ?
2 5 12 1?
19 : M -> -.
Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM 15) 53:- is to >1? and 9?23 is to 1119
and 251: is to 15: therefore 3-5> is to M 1:)
Ehich is the 'issing tileM
Test Four5 Questions
1>) 'ohair is to (ool as shantung is to5 silk! cotton! linen! nylon! fabric 13)
$lace the nu'bers 1;: into the circles! one nu'ber per circle! so that5 the su' of the
nu'bers ? and 1! and all the nu'bers bet(een the' total 1-J the su' of the nu'bers ?
and :! and all the nu'bers bet(een the' total -1J the su' of the nu'bers - and 1! and
all the nu'bers bet(een the' total 3) 12) If 'eat in a ri&er C9 in :D is TCK#LDES! can you
find a 'onkey in a tall building C9 in 1.DM -.)
Ehat co'es ne=t in the abo&e se4uenceM
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
Ehich arc is 'issingM
--) Ehich four bits can be Foined together to for' t(o (ords that ha&e opposite
'eaningsM E6T! ,/E! 0ES! E*0! E@$ E#6! #*0! SI$ 6E0! +OS ! ! -9)
> 2 11 1. 19 1: 1- M M M 13 -.
19 1: 12 --
Ehich is the 'issing sectionM
1: 15 13 # 15 15 13 B 15 1? 1> / 1: 1? 1> 0
Test Four5 Questions
-?) Identify t(o (ords that sound alike but are spelled differently! (hich 'ean5 a straight
line connecting t(o points on a cur&e rope -5) Find the ages of Lary! +eorge! #lice! /laire
and Stephen if5 Lary Q +eorge H 99 years bet(een the' #lice Q /laire H 25 years
bet(een the' Stephen Q Lary H >- years bet(een the' Lary Q /laire H 3> years
bet(een the' Stephen Q +eorge H >9 years bet(een the'
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
Ehich is the 'issing tileM
->) ,sing the four letters belo( only! create a se&en8letter (ord) /IT -3) 59 C9D 52 2- C?D
23 9? C-D 93 >1 CMD >2 Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM
Test Four5 Questions
/ I 6
0 E

Eork clock(ise round the circles to spell out t(o eightletter (ords that are synony's)
Each (ord co''ences in a different circle! and you 'ust find the starting point of each)
E&ery letter is used once each and all letters are consecuti&e) 9.)
0ra( the 'issing figure in the abo&e se4uence)
91) abashed! derail! little! M Ehat co'es ne=tM 'ello(! entail! leader! elicit! status
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
9-) $roduce an eight8letter (ord by Foining together t(o of these four8letter sets) cred!
agon! lues! once! de&a! so'e! co'e! pent 99)
-. 1? 1- -? 99 9 1> 5 1. 1: 15 13 > 1 ? 2 3 :
9. 9:
92 -1 19
Ehat nu'ber is three places a(ay fro' itself plus three! t(o places a(ay fro' itself
'ultiplied by t(o! t(o places a(ay fro' itself less four and t(o places a(ay fro' itself
di&ided by threeM 9?)
Ehat co'es ne=tM
Test Four5 Questions
Ehat percentage of the figure is shadedM 9:)
K # B
Ehat letter is t(o letters a(ay clock(ise fro' the letter that is directly opposite the letter
three letters a(ay anticlock(ise fro' the letter /M
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
Spiral clock(ise round the peri'eter and finish at the centre s4uare to spell out a nine8
letter (ord) Oou 'ust find the starting point and pro&ide the 'issing letters) 93) Ehat is
one8third of one84uarter of one8fifth of one8half of 1-.M 92)
Ehich is the 'issing tileM
Test Four5 Questions
-3 12 -- 19 -5 9? 91 ?. M ?9 ?: 9>
Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM
Test Four5 #ns(ers
1) B5 the inner he=agon is being dis'antled one side at a ti'e (orking anti8clock(ise!
(hile the outer he=agon is being constructed one side at a ti'e (orking clock(ise -) 2-)-5
deduct -): at each stage 9) 0IS#$$E#6 ?) 9:?25 in all the others 'ultiply the first t(o
digits together to produce the nu'ber for'ed by the last t(o digits 5) practicable! feasible
:) second! last >) >-29-
Test Four5 #ns(ers
"ertical lines turn dotted! one at a ti'e at each stage) One horizontal line is added at each
stage! and the pre&ious lines beco'e dotted) 2) dishe&elled 1.) 1?1>5 ?- S 9 H 1?! 51 S 9
H 1> 11) #00 F,E TO TKE FI6E 1-) E5 the rest are the sa'e figure rotated 19) tributary5
in the other (ords the prefi= tri8 refers to three 1?) >5 the nu'bers round the centre
increase by se&en Cin the others they increase by three and fi&e respecti&elyD 15) 15>5 > Q
3 H 15! - Q 5 H > 1:) B5 looking across an outer circle is re'o&ed! looking do(n an outer
circle is added 1>) silk 13) ?-519: or :915-?
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
12) SKOS/6C#$ED6 -.) 05 looking across! the dot in the top left8hand 4uarter 'o&es to
the opposite corner! the dot in the top righthand 4uarter 'o&es one corner anti8clock(ise
at each stage! the dot in the botto' left8hand 4uarter 'o&es bet(een the top t(o corners!
and the dot in the botto' right8hand 4uarter 'o&es one corner clock(ise at each stage
-1) /5 the first three arcs are being repeatedJ and the position of the arc shifts 13.T --)
E@$#*0! 6E0,/E -9) /5 looking across each line add threeJ looking do(n each colu'n
add t(o -?) chord! cord -5) Lary 1:! +eorge 1>! #lice -?! Stephen 5:! /laire >1 -:) E5
looking across and do(n! lines are carried for(ard fro' the first t(o s4uares to the final
s4uare (hen they appear in the sa'e position t(ice in the first t(o s4uares! ho(e&er!
they then change fro' co'plete to broken lines! and &ice &ersa ->) II/IT -3) 25 C> G 2D
S C> G 1D -2) FOOEE6! 0IS/I$E
Test Four5 #ns(ers
The (hite dot 'o&es cornerAsideAcorner anti8clock(ise and the black dot does the sa'e
clock(ise) 91) elicit5 the follo(ing (ord begins (ith the last t(o letters of the pre&ious (ord
re&ersed 9-) pentagon 99) 2 9?) #5 looking across the s4uares! the top left corner
alternates one lineAt(o linesA three linesJ the top right corner alternates line right
&erticalAline left &erticalJ the botto' left corner alternates top horizontalAbotto' horizontal
and the botto' right corner alternates diagonal bet(een opposite corners 95) 5A3 or .):-5
or :-)5 per cent 9:) F 9>) KIBE6*#TE 93) 15 (ork back(ards fro' 1-.J that is! 1-. ; :.
; 1- ; 9 ; 1 92) 05 all lines are continued! ho(e&er! (a&y lines beco'e straight and &ice
&ersa ?.) 5-5 start at the top left corner and (ork along the top line! then back along the
second line! etc! adding nine then deducting three
Test Fi&e5 Questions
1) Ehich is the odd one outM
# B
/ 0
Test Fi&e5 Questions
-) Ehich (ord in brackets is 'ost opposite in 'eaning to the (ord in capitalsM
6E"E6E*T Ccandid! lucid! cheeky! content! culpableD 9) Identify t(o (ords Cone fro'
each set of bracketsD that ha&e a connection CanalogyD (ith the (ords in capitals and
relate to the' in the sa'e (ay) /O/KE# Cshell! ear! brainD /E6EBE,L Cheart! nose!
brainD ?) Ehich nu'ber is the odd one outM 9:?> -59: 53:2 :25> 1?-5 ?>53 5)
/ I # * I I # L
6ead clock(ise to find a 1:8letter (ord) Only alternate letters ha&e been sho(n! and you
ha&e to find the starting point)
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
:) Ko( 'any lines appear belo(M
>) .! 1! -! 5! -.! -5! M! M Ehat t(o nu'bers should replace the 4uestion 'arksM 3) Ehich
is the odd one outM e=acerbate! alle&iate! a'plify! escalate! inflate
Test Fi&e5 Questions
2 : 3 : -
3 3 9 1
: ? M > 5
Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM 1.) The na'e of (hich creature can be
placed on the botto' ro( to co'plete se&en three8letter (ords reading do(n(ardsM 0 # S
# L O E , 6 # + # O # N N N N N N N
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
Ehat co'es ne=tM
Test Fi&e5 Questions
9 5 - > 3 > : : 5 ? 3 3
2 M >
> 3 2
Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM 19)
# L * L E T I
Start at one of the four corner letters and spiral clock(ise round the peri'eter! finishing at
the centre letter to spell out a nine8letter (ord) Oou 'ust pro&ide the 'issing letters) 1?) In
eight years ti'e the co'bined age of 'e and 'y t(o sons (ill be 1-?) Ehat (ill it be in
fi&e years ti'eM 15) Ehich t(o (ords are closest in 'eaningM old! stiff! ripe! pure! unifor'!
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
Ehich is the 'issing tileM
1>) abyss is to chas' as fissure is to5 cre&ice! recess! gorge! canyon! opening 13) 7ack is
t(ice as old as 7ill! but in fi&e years ti'e he (ill only be one and a half ti'es as old) Ko(
old are 7ack and 7ill no(M 12) /hange one letter only in each of the (ords belo( to
produce a fa'iliar phrase5 KOLE SO I*E
Test Fi&e5 Questions
0ra( the 'issing figure in the abo&e se4uence)
-1) 1...! 3:5! M! 525! ?:.! 9-5 Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM --)
Ehich shield belo( has 'ost in co''on (ith the shield abo&eM
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
-9) Identify t(o (ords that sound alike! but are spelled differently! (hich 'ean5 potency
s'all insect -?)
1? -: -3 21 13 32 5> 1>> -- 132 1: >
Lultiply the lo(est e&en nu'ber in the grid by the highest odd nu'ber) -5) Ehat is the
'eaning of laconicM dull! uninspiring tearful using fe( (ords e'otionally unstable
Test Fi&e5 Questions
S E T # 6 # T + O # T E 6
Eork clock(ise round each circle to spell out t(o eightletter (ords that are synony'ous)
Oou ha&e to find the starting points and pro&ide the 'issing letters) ->) 1>! ?! -2! 19! ?1!
--! 59! 91! M Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM -3)
Ehat co'es ne=tM
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
Spiral clock(ise round the peri'eter and finish at the centre s4uare to spell out a nine8
letter (ord) Oou 'ust find the starting point and pro&ide the 'issing letters) 9.)
1- M 13 3
1: ?
Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM
Test Fi&e5 Questions
To (hich he=agon belo( can a dot be added so that both dots then 'eet the sa'e
conditions as the t(o dots in the he=agon abo&eM
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
E*+#*0 S/OT#*0 E#ES
Three tea's! fro' England! Scotland and Eales! are co'peting for t(o trophies! one for
golf and one for tennis) Ko( 'any different outco'es of the t(o co'petitions e=istM :! 3!
2! or 1-M 99) Ehich is the odd one outM state'ent! fluster! retire'ent! restful! testa'ent
Test Fi&e5 Questions
9?) S(itch # turns lights 1 and - onAoff or offAon S(itch B turns lights - and ? onAoff or
offAon S(itch / turns lights 1 and 9 onAoff or offAon S(itch 0 turns lights 9 and ? onAoff or
S(itches B! 0! # and / are thro(n in turn (ith the result that Figure 1 turns into Figure -)
Ehich s(itch does not (ork at allM
1 1
Figure 1
Figure -
5 1 : 1
> - : -
? - 5
9 : M
1 5
Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
Ehat co'es ne=tM
9>) Find t(o (ords C>! ?D in this diagra') etters are traced across the circle by chords) If
the ne=t letter is four letters or less a(ay! it (ill be found by tracing around the
circu'ference) /lue5 'ay be difficult to s(i' o&er)
/ 0 E F + K I 7 K L * O $ Q 6 B # P O @ E " , T S
Test Fi&e5 Questions
# F K $
B + Q
/ K L 6
0 I * S
E 7 O T
Ehat letter is i''ediately to the left of the letter that is i''ediately belo( the letter t(o to
the left of the letter IM 92) Ehich nu'ber is the odd one outM 93:1 3>1- 5-?> ?95: 1?35
9:?5 ?.)
Ehich is the 'issing tileM
Test Fi&e5 #ns(ers
1) /5 it has three (hite and one black on the left and three black and one (hite on the
right) The rest are the opposite (ay round) -) cheeky 9) ear! brain ?) :25>5 all the rest
progress Q9! ;-! Q9 5) /I6/,L*#"I+#TIO* :) 1- >) 15.! 15>5 the se4uence progresses
Q1! G-! Q9! G?! Q5! G:! Q> 3) alle&iate5 it 'eans to lessen! the rest 'eaning to increase 2)
?5 C: Q >D ; C? Q 5D 1.) O/TO$,S5 to produce 0,O! #6/! S#T! #+O! L#$ OO,! E#S !
Test Fi&e5 #ns(ers
11) /5 at each stage the third circle 'o&es to the end and the si=th circle 'o&es to the
beginning 1-) 35 the nu'ber in the 'iddle is the a&erage of the nu'bers round the
outside) So! > Q 3 Q 2 Q > Q 3 Q 2 H ?3! and ?3 S:H3 19) L#+*ETISL 1?) 1.25 in fi&e
years (e (ill each be three years younger than in eight years! 5 G 9 H 15! and 1-? ; 15 H
1.2 15) ripe! 'ello( 1:) /5 all lines carry on and change fro' dotted to unbroken! and
&ice &ersa 1>) cre&ice 13) 7ack 1. and 7ill 5 12) /OLE TO IFE -.)
The se4uence progresses circle! triangle! dia'ond! (ith alternate horizontalA&ertical lines)
-1) >9.5 deduct 195 each ti'e --) /5 it contains four black dots and three (hite
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
-9) 'ightA'ite -?) -:?: C1? G 132D -5) using fe( (ords -:) S#T,6#TE! E#TE6O+ ->)
:55 there are t(o alternate se4uences5 Q1- and Q2 -3) /5 the large rectangle is being
dis'antled! half a side at a ti'e anti8clock(iseJ the s'all rectangle is being constructed
half a side at a ti'e clock(ise -2) TESTILO*O 9.) :5 so that the nu'bers in the triangles!
s4uares and circles add up to 99 91) /5 so that one dot appears in one triangle and the
other dot appears in t(o triangles Cin the e=a'ple the righthand side for's a s'all triangle
and a larger triangle and the dot is in bothD
Test Fi&e5 #ns(ers
9-) 25 the alternati&es are5 England (in both golf and tennis Scotland (in both golf and
tennis Eales (in both golf and tennis England (in golf! Scotland (in tennis Scotland (in
golf! England (in tennis England (in golf! Eales (in tennis Eales (in golf! England (in
tennis Scotland (in golf! Eales (in tennis Eales (in golf! Scotland (in tennis 99)
retire'ent5 state'entAtesta'ent and flusterArestful are anagra' pairs 9?) S(itch # is
faulty) 95) -5 so that each s4uare block of four nu'bers totals 15 9:) E5 the s'all ellipse
'o&es ?5T clock(ise and alternates insideAoutside of the larger ellipse 9>) B#66IE6
6EEF 93) K 92) 9:?55 in all the others the nu'ber for'ed by the first t(o digits added to
the nu'ber for'ed by the second t(o digits e4uals 22 ?.) B5 looking across and do(n!
only dots that appear in the sa'e position in the first t(o s4uares are carried for(ard to
the third s4uare! ho(e&er! they then change fro' black to (hite and &ice &ersa
Test Si=5 Questions
S # /
I E T , E # T / F ,
Each s4uare contains the letters of a nine8letter (ord) Find the t(o (ords that are si'ilar
in 'eaning) -) 1! 9! ?! >! 11! 13! -2! M Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM 9)
Ehich four bits can be Foined together to for' t(o (ords that ha&e opposite 'eaningsM
ant! ert! uce! ire! ill! and! red! tic! e=p
Test Si=5 Questions
Ehen the abo&e is folded to for' a cube! (hich is the only one of the follo(ing that can be
5) blanch is to boil as sautV is to5 si''er! fry! soak! roast! garnish :) In a ga'e of eight
players lasting for >. 'inutes! si= substitutes alternate (ith each player) This 'eans that
all players! including the substitutes! are on the pitch for the sa'e length of ti'e) For ho(
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
>) If - H K are BTO is t(o heads are better than one! (hat is the 'eaning of - H S to ESM
3) Ehich three of the four pieces belo( can be fitted together to for' a perfect s4uareM
/ 0
2) Ehich is the odd one outM parabolic! lancet! abut'ent! trefoil! ogee
Test Si=5 Questions
3 2 1-
9 ? -
? : M
ook at lines both across and do(n and (ork out (hat nu'ber should replace the
4uestion 'arkM 11)
# K B
Ehat letter is directly opposite the letter t(o places anticlock(ise a(ay fro' the letter
directly opposite the letter KM
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
Ehich is the 'issing tileM
19) /hange one letter only in each of the (ords belo( to produce a fa'iliar phrase5 SO
I0 O* E#*T
Test Si=5 Questions
1?) Insert the nu'bers 1;5 in the circles so that for any particular circle the su' of the
nu'bers in the circles connected directly to it e4uals the &alue corresponding to the
nu'ber in that circle as gi&en in the list)
? 9
1 H 1? C? Q9 Q >D 9 H 5 C? Q 1D ? H ? C1 Q 9D >H1
1H? - H 1- 9H> ?H3 5H2
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
O *
# / # I $
Start at one of the four corner letters and spiral clock(ise round the peri'eter! finishing at
the centre letter to spell out a nine8letter (ord) Oou 'ust pro&ide the 'issing letters) 1:)
Ehich circle should replace the 4uestion 'arkM
Test Si=5 Questions
I / , S T * / I B + 6 # L
Find t(o eight8letter (ords reading clock(ise in each circle) The (ords are antony's) Oou
ha&e to find the starting point of each (ord! and pro&ide the 'issing letter) 13) Ehich of
the follo(ing is not an anagra' of a type of buildingM delta arch rai'ent cleats the #rctic a
blo(gun 12) If fi&e 'en can build a house in 1: days! ho( long (ill it take Fust t(o 'en to
build the sa'e house! assu'ing all 'en (ork at the sa'e rateM
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
Ehich circle should replace the 4uestion 'arkM
Test Si=5 Questions
Ehat co'es ne=tM
--) /hange one letter only in each (ord to produce a fa'iliar phrase5 cone do line -9)
IQS5 *" 76L5 M O$ LO$ I$ LOE or KI$M ! ! !
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
-?) >?- C3>1.D 193 925 C1-1:>D 2>- 312 C M D 95: Ehat nu'ber should replace the
4uestion 'arkM -5) F#I6E6 BEETE is an anagra' of (hich t(o (ords that are si'ilar in
'eaningM -:)
Ehich he=agon belo( has 'ost in co''on (ith the he=agon abo&eM
Test Si=5 Questions
->) Identify t(o (ords that sound alike but are spelled differently! (hich 'ean5 regrets
artifice -3) Si'plify5 -> 2 : S G >? 9> 1> to the lo(est fraction) -2)
# F K $ B + Q / K L 6 0 I * S E 7 O T
Ehat letter is t(o letters to the right of the letter t(o letters abo&e the letter four letters to
the left of the letter PM 9.)
0ra( the 'issing figure in the abo&e se4uence)
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
9 - :
1 3 ?
? M 9
Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM 9-) night long boat house M Ehat co'es
ne=tM cal'! hold! panic! (ind! post 99) rifle is to firear' as cutlass is to5 blade! s(ord!
(eapon! steel! se&er 9?)
: ? : > 9 11 2 - 5 1: ? 9- M
13 1. 19
Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM
Test Si=5 Questions
Ehich is the 'issing sectionM
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
9:) > ? - : 9 5 3 1 2 Ehat is the difference bet(een the a&erage of the nu'bers abo&e
and the second lo(est e&en nu'berM 9>) Ko( 'uch does a bag of flour (eigh if it (eighs
1 kilogra' plus the (eight of half the bag of flourM 93) Fill in the 'issing letters to find t(o
types of tree5 N,N#NONNNN N#N0NNONN 92)
2 11 5 9 3 > 19 - 3 : M 2
Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM
Test Si=5 Questions
Ehich is 'issingM
Test Si=5 #ns(ers
1) OS/I#TE! F,/T,#TE -) ?>5 each nu'ber is the su' of the pre&ious t(o nu'bers
i)e) 13 Q -2 H ?> 9) e=pand! reduce ?) E 5) fry :) ?. 'inutes5 C>. G 3D S 1? Total ti'e for
eight players H >. G 3 H 5:. 'inutes) Ko(e&er! as 1? people are each on the pitch for an
e4ual length of ti'e! they are each on the pitch for ?. 'inutes C5:. S 1?D) >) t(o sides to
e&ery story
Test Si=5 #ns(ers
B 0
2) abut'ent5 it is part of a structure! the rest are specific types of arch 1.) ?5 in each ro(
and colu'n in order to arri&e at the final nu'ber 'ultiply the first t(o nu'bers together
and di&ide by : 11) F 1-) 05 looking both across and do(n! only lines that appear in both
the first t(o s4uares are carried for(ard to the third s4uare 19) TO IE I* E#IT
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
- ? 9 1 5
15) $#*O6#LI/ 1:) /5 only lines and sy'bols that appear Fust t(ice in the outer circles
appear in the inner circle 1>) S,//I*/T! 6#LBI*+ 13) the #rctic H architect The
buildings are5 cathedral Cdelta archD 'inaret Crai'entD castle CcleatsD bungalo( Ca
blo(gunD 12) ?. days5 fi&e 'en take 5 G 1: H 3. 'an days to build the house) T(o 'en
(ill! therefore! take ?. days to build the house C3. S -D) -.) #5 each pair of circles are
'irror i'ages of each other
Test Si=5 #ns(ers
-1) E5 the nu'ber of sides reduces by one at each stage! and the section t(o clock(ise
fro' the single (hite dot disappears --) co'e to life -9) LO$ 7klL ; 64pO ; Lno$ -?)
11:155 3 Q 9 H 11J 1 Q 5 H :J 2 Q : H 15 -5) F6EE! IBE6#TE -:) /5 the t(o circles
o&erlap each other and the s4uareJ the triangle and s4uare o&erlap ->) ruesAruse 2 -3) ->
9> : 9 : 13 G G H G H H >? 2 1> - 1> 9? 1> -2) * 9.)
#t each stage lines are added to a ne( corner (orking anti8clock(ise and a ne( line is
added to corners already containing a line) 91) :5 9: G - H >-J 1? G - H -3 and ?9 G - H 3:
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
9-) hold5 to for' co'pound (ords5 nightlong! longboat! boathouse! household 99) s(ord
9?) 9-5 : G ? H : Q 13 > G 9 H 11 Q 1. 2 G - H 5 Q 19 1: G ? H 9- Q 9- 95) B5 looking
across and do(n add another circle! alternating blackA(hite! to alternate s4uares 9:) 15
a&erage ?5 S 2 H 5J second lo(est e&en nu'ber H ? 9>) - kilogra's5 half (eight H 1kg
CQ1kgD H -kg 93) E,/#O$T,S! S#*0#EOO0 92) 55 C: Q 3D ; 2 ?.) B5 so that each
connected straight line of three circles contains one each of the three different types of
Test Se&en5 Questions
is to5
is to5
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
-) Ehich is the odd one outM banner! staff! pennant! strea'er! orifla''e 9) $eter! $aul
and Lary share out a certain su' of 'oney bet(een the') $eter gets -A5! $aul gets .)55
and Lary gets W?5)..) Ko( 'uch is the original su' of 'oneyM ?)
Ehen the abo&e is folded to for' a cube! (hich is the only one of the follo(ing that can be
Test Se&en5 Questions
5) Ehich (ord in brackets is closest in 'eaning to the (ord in capitalsM I*T6I*SI/
Cprecursory! interfering! obstinate! ele'ental! fascinatingD :) $lace a four8letter (ord inside
the brackets that (ill co'plete a (ord or phrase (hen tacked onto the (ord on the left!
and (ill for' another (ord or phrase (hen placed in front of the (ord on the right) KE#0
? 2 2 3 5
: -
- 5
> ?
9 >
3 :
Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM 3)
1S 1E 1S 1E 1* -E -S 1E 1E 1* -E 1S 1E 1* -* -E E *
Find the starting point and &isit e&ery s4uare once each to finish at the treasure 'arked T)
1* -E 'eans 1 *orth! - Eest)
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
Ehich is the 'issing tileM
-. 12 13 1> 1: 91 -3 M -- 12 M : M
-: -1 1:
-: -- 13 1?
Ehich is the 'issing sectionM
-5 11 # 1. B -: 2 11
-? 1. /
-9 1- 1- 0 2
Test Se&en5 Questions
11) Ehich t(o (ords are 'ost opposite in 'eaningM lucrati&e! proficient! decorous!
unskilled! unusual! industrious 1-) Identify t(o (ords Cone fro' each set of bracketsD that
ha&e a connection CanalogyD (ith the (ords in capitals and relate to the' in the sa'e (ay)
ELB#6K Csail! &enture! de&elopD I*#,+,6#TE Cspeech! in&ent! introduceD 19) Ehich
nu'ber is the odd one outM 5>1-12 ?:1.1: 39111? ?:1.1: 2>1:19 >315-9 1?) The
follo(ing clue leads to (hich pair of rhy'ing (ordsM yank yarn
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
Ehat co'es ne=t in the abo&e se4uenceM
1:) 1..! 2>)-5! 21)>5! 39)5! M Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM 1>)
dentifor' is to tooth as dendrifor' is to5 triangle! tree! doughnut! arch! foot 13) The
a&erage of three nu'bers is ?3) The a&erage of t(o of these nu'bers is 5:) Ehat is the
third nu'berM 12) #rrange the three8letter bits belo( into the correct order to spell out a
fa'iliar saying5 n(o ion der tha eak rds lou ssp act
Test Se&en5 Questions
-.) Ko( 'any different size circles appear belo(M
-1) Ehat is the longest (ord in the English language that can be produced out of the set
of letters belo(M etters 'ay only be used once in the (ord so produced) LEOI#7TB+
--) The letters belo( represent a phrase (here the initial letters of each (ord and the
spaces ha&e been re'o&ed) Ehat is the phraseM ,SKKEO#T,T
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
Ehat co'es ne=tM
-?) >1! 31! >?! >>! >>! >9! 3.! :2! M Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM -5)
$lace a (ord in the bracket that for's a ne( (ord or phrase (hen tacked onto the (ord
on the left! and another (ord or phrase (hen placed in front of the (ord on the right)
ho'e C D fast
Test Se&en5 Questions
- 2 1 2 3 1
Insert the re'aining nu'bers belo( into the grid so that each line across and do(n totals
-1) ::: 553 >9 ->)
O , S E 0 6 E S 6 I ,
Find the starting point and (ork anti8clock(ise round each circle to find t(o types of
creature! each eight letters long) Oou ha&e to pro&ide the 'issing letters)
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
Ehich is the 'issing tileM
Test Se&en5 Questions
# I
* T

I E " 0
Lo&e fro' star to star along connecting lines to spell out a 1.8letter (ord) #ll letters are
used once each only) 9.)
2 5 5 3 - > 15 13 11 5 : : M 1> 2
Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
Ehich is 'issingM
# B
Ehat letter is directly opposite the letter that is t(o letters a(ay clock(ise fro' the letter
that is directly opposite the letter that is three letters a(ay anticlock(ise fro' the letter EM
Test Se&en5 Questions
99) In 19 years ti'e the co'bined ages of 'y three brothers (ill be 2?) Ehat (ill it be in
nine years ti'eM 9?)
L E E 6 S S # S I 0 E
Find t(o (ords! one reading clock(ise round the outer circle! and one reading anti8
clock(ise round the inner circle! (hich are opposite in 'eaning) Oou 'ust pro&ide the
'issing letters) 95)
- > -1 ? 3 3 95 11 3 1- M > M
Ehat nu'bers should replace the 4uestion 'arksM
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
Ehich shield belo( has 'ost in co''on (ith the shield abo&eM
Test Se&en5 Questions
9>) S(itch # turns lights 1 and - onAoff or offAon S(itch B turns lights - and ? onAoff or
offAon S(itch / turns lights 1 and 9 onAoff or offAon S(itch 0 turns lights 9 and ? onAoff or
S(itches /! #! 0 and B are thro(n in turn (ith the result that Figure 1 turns into Figure -)
Ehich s(itch does not (ork at allM
1 1
Figure 1
Figure -
# E #
$ T #
B T # S E S S T E
Each s4uare contains the letters of a nine8letter (ord) Find the t(o nine8letter (ords that
are antony's)
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
5 9 2
> 3 :
? : 1
2 ? ?
3 > 5
- 5 3
> 2 M
Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM ?.)
Ehich is the 'issing tileM
Test Se&en5 #ns(ers
1) #5 the s4uare goes inside the dia'ond and the dia'ond in turn goes inside the
pentagon! (hich turns onto its base -) staff5 it is a support for a flag) The rest are all types
of flag) 9) W2..5 change e&erything to t(entieths) So! 3A-. Q 11A-. H 12A-.) Therefore!
W?5).. 'ust be e4ual to 1A-. and original su' of 'oney 'ust be ?5 G -. H 2..) ?) / 5)
ele'ental :) EI*05 KE#0EI*0 and EI*0#SS >) 15 the nu'ber for'ed at the top is
half of the nu'ber for'ed at the botto' i)e) 953 G - H >1:
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
5 3 1
9 : 2
> - ?
The abo&e nu'bers indicate the order in (hich the nine s4uares should be &isited fro'
the starting point Cthe s4uare nu'bered 1D through to the finishing point Cthe treasure
s4uare nu'ber 2D) 2) B5 looking across! the dot 'o&es ?5T clock(ise at each stage! but
looking do(n it 'o&es ?5T anti8clock(ise 1.) #5 lines across progress! in turn! ;1! ;9! ;5!
;? 11) proficient! unskilled 1-) &enture! introduce 19) 2>1:195 nu'bers are obtained by
adding pairs of digits i)e) (ith 5>1-125 5 Q > H 1-J > Q 1- H 12) To follo( this sa'e pattern
2>1:19 (ould ha&e to be 2>1:-9) 1?) pull (ool 15) B5 the dot 'o&es cornerAside anti8
clock(ise! the straight line and the cur&ed line both 'o&e corner to corner clock(ise 1:)
>-)55 the a'ount deducted increases by -)>5 each ti'e i)e) -)>5! 5)5! 3)-5! 11 1>) tree
Test Se&en5 #ns(ers
13) 9-5 the total of three nu'bers 'ust be ?3 G 9 H 1??) The total of t(o nu'bers 'ust be
5: G - H 11-) Therefore! 1?? ; 11- H 9-) 12) actions speak louder than (ords -.) : -1)
OBI+#TE --) $,SK TKE BO#T O,T -9) E5 the rectangle starting on the left is 'o&ing
fro' left to right one place at a ti'e at each stage -?) 395 there are t(o alternate
se4uences5 Q9 and ;? -5) stead5 to gi&e ho'estead and steadfast -:)
5 : 9 > - 5 : 3 3 2 9 1 : 1 2 5
->) 0O6LO,SE and SQ,I66E -3) F5 looking across and do(n! lines are carried
for(ard fro' the first t(o s4uares to the final s4uare! e=cept (here t(o lines appear in the
sa'e position in the first t(o s4uares! in (hich case they are cancelled out
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
-2) E"I0E*TI# 9.) 25 C: Q 1>D ; C5 Q 2D 91) B5 the (hite dots are each 'o&ing left to right
and botto' to top Cand &ice &ersaD one place at a ti'e at each stage 9-) 0 99) 3-5
/o'bined age in 2 years ti'e (ill be 2? ; C9 G C19 ; 2DD) 9?) #SSELBE! 0IS$E6SE 95)
91 and ?5 1- G > H 3?J 3 Q 1- Q > Q ? H 91 9:) B5 the left side contains the sa'e sy'bols
as the right side but (ith blackA(hite re&ersal 9>) S(itch B is faulty) 93) $##T#BE!
T#STEESS 92) :5 5>?23-> Q 93:?>52 H 2:1?53: ?.) E5 looking across and do(n! lines
are carried for(ard fro' the first t(o s4uares to the final s4uare! e=cept (here t(o lines
appear in the sa'e position in the first t(o s4uares! in (hich case they are cancelled out
Test Eight5 Questions
1) .! 1! 9! :! >! 2! 1-! 19! 15! 13! M! M! M Ehat nu'bers should replace the 4uestion
'arksM -) Find t(o (ords that differ only by the o'ission of a single letter Cfor e=a'ple!
placeApaceD! in ans(er to the follo(ing clue5 bo(l8shaped ca&ityApro&ide food 9)
?9 - : -- 1: 1- -? 1 ? 5 > 2 19 9
?: 9. ?3 93 3 9:
11 -. 1? 1. 15
Ehat nu'ber in the grid is three places a(ay fro' itself less t(o! t(o places a(ay fro'
itself di&ided by t(o! three places a(ay fro' itself less fi&e and three places a(ay fro'
itself 'ultiplied by threeM
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
# E 7
/ M
F 7 M
Ehich is the 'issing sectionM
K I # B + O / K O 0 + I
To (hich of the s4uares belo( can a dot be added so that the dot then 'eets the sa'e
conditions as the dot in the s4uare abo&eM
:) /o'plete the follo(ing to create a palindro'ic phrase i)e) one that reads the sa'e
for(ards and back(ards! such as Lada' I%' #da') N,NNN NNN$ NN /lue5 scholarly errorsX
Test Eight5 Questions
>) 3 9 2:
:? :5
?5 9?
Ehat nu'bers should replace the 4uestion 'arksM 3)
0ra( the 'issing figure in the abo&e se4uence)
2) Ehich is the odd one outM so(! bull! buck! boar! stallion 1.) The ages of fi&e fa'ily
'e'bers total 1.> bet(een the') The ages of Largaret and Stuart total -2 bet(een
the') The ages of Stuart and 7effrey total ?? bet(een the') The ages of 7effrey and Brian
total 5> bet(een the') The ages of Brian and $hilip total ?: bet(een the') Ko( old is
each fa'ily 'e'berM 11) I"O /IT6#TE is an anagra' of (hich t(o 1.8letter (ords in the
English languageM
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
1 - 9
ooking at lines across and do(n! if the first t(o tiles are co'bined to produce the third
tile! (ith the e=ception that like sy'bols are cancelled out! (hich of the abo&e tiles is
incorrect! and (ith (hich of the tiles belo( should it be replacedM
19) Ehich t(o (ords are 'ost opposite in 'eaningM (atertight! hu'id! tractable! opulent!
portentous! tenuous 1?)
> ? 1 9 5 : 2 9 3 ? 5 - > ? - > 3 9 2 9 : 1 - 2 - 9 2 > 5 M
Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM
Test Eight5 Questions
15) #dd three consecuti&e letters of the alphabet to the group of letters belo(! (ithout
splitting the consecuti&e letters of the alphabet! to for' another (ord) +E6E 1:)
Ehen the abo&e is folded to for' a cube! (hich is the only one of the follo(ing that can be
1>) closed is to shut as open is to5 obscure! &isible! field! o&ert! (ide
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
13) Karry is one and a third as old as arry and arry is one and a third as old as /arrie)
Together their ages total >?) Ko( old are arry! Karry and /arrieM 12) Ehich t(o (ords
are closest in 'eaningM salubrious! healthy! identical! conspicuous! de&out! bleak -.) is
is to5
Test Eight5 Questions
Ehich is the 'issing tileM
--) Find t(o (ords! both reading clock(ise round each circle) Oou 'ust find the starting
point of each (ord and pro&ide the 'issing letters) The t(o (ords for' a phrase)
O S # T E T I 6 O L #
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
-9) S(itch # turns lights 1 and - onAoff or offAon S(itch B turns lights - and ? onAoff or
offAon S(itch / turns lights 1 and 9 onAoff or offAon S(itch 0 turns lights 9 and ? onAoff or
S(itches #! /! 0 and B are thro(n in turn (ith the result that Figure 1 turns into Figure -)
Ehich s(itch does not (ork at allM
1 1
Figure 1
Figure -
Ehich is 'issingM
Test Eight5 Questions
-5) The letters belo( represent a phrase (here the initial letters of each (ord and the
spaces ha&e been re'o&ed) Ehat is the phraseM I*EFO6K -:)
-9 -? ?1 5> 2- 21 13 1: -3 5: -1 12
Lultiply the highest odd nu'ber in the grid by the lo(est e&en nu'ber) ->) Only one
group of fi&e letters belo( can be rearranged to spell out a fi&e8letter (ord in the English
language) Identify the (ord) E",6 T*IE/ KEO/ #*OI$ I6*# -3) 1! -)-5! 9)>5! 5)5!
>)5! 2)>5! M Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
-2) $lace a (ord in the bracket that for's a ne( (ord or phrase (hen tacked onto the
(ord on the left! and another (ord or phrase (hen placed in front of the (ord on the right)
second C 9.) D so'e
Ehich is the 'issing tileM
Test Eight5 Questions
91) Ko( 'any 'inutes is it before 'idnight if 9- 'inutes ago it (as three ti'es as 'any
'inutes past --)..M 9-) boater! nail! about! ruin! alibi! M Ehich (ord belo( co'es ne=t in
the abo&e se4uenceM stray! tiara! treat! suit! trail 99)
* E T E * S I * I 0 I
Eork clock(ise round the circles to spell out t(o eightletter (ords that are antony's)
Each (ord co''ences in a different circle! and you 'ust find the starting point of each)
E&ery letter is used once each and all letters are consecuti&e) 9?) 1! 91! 52! 35! 1.2! M
Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM 95)
0ra( the 'issing figure in the abo&e se4uence)
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
/ 0 E F + K I 7 K
O @ E " , T S 6 Q $
Find t(o (ords C?! :D in this diagra') etters are traced across the circle by chords) If the
ne=t letter is four letters or less a(ay! it (ill be found by tracing around the circu'ference)
/lue5 no coastline 9>)
E F I I E 0
Start at one of the four corner letters and spiral clock(ise round the peri'eter! finishing at
the centre letter to spell out a nine8letter (ord) Oou 'ust pro&ide the 'issing letters) 93)
Ehat is 5 15 di&ided by M 2 13
Test Eight5 Questions
92) Three coins are tossed in the air and t(o of the coins land (ith heads face up(ards)
Ehat are the chances on the ne=t toss of the coins that at least t(o of the coins (ill land
(ith heads face up(ards againM ?.)
Ehich shield belo( has 'ost in co''on (ith the shield abo&eM
Test Eight5 #ns(ers
1) 12! -1! -?5 the se4uence progresses Q1! Q-! Q9 repeated -) craterAcater 9) 3 ?) B5
looking across! the letters Fu'p Q-! Q9 in the alphabet! for e=a'ple ; #b/deF) ooking
do(n! they progress Q?! Q5! for e=a'ple ; #bcdEfghi7) 5) 05 so the dot appears in the
dia'ond and circle only :) $,$IS SI$ ,$ >) - : .9 ooking across! the nu'bers in the
sa'e position in each pair progress5 3! :! ?! -J 9! ?! 5! :J 2! :! 9! .J :! 5! ?! 9
Test Eight5 #ns(ers
The top left8hand corner alternates black dotA(hite dotJ the top right8hand corner
alternates horizontal lineA&ertical lineJ the botto' left8hand corner line 'o&es diagonalA
&erticalAdiagonalAhorizontalAdiagonal! and the botto' righthand corner alternates (hite
dotAblack dot) 2) so(5 it is a fe'ale ani'al! the rest are 'ale 1.) Largaret 1>! Stuart 1-!
7effrey 9-! Brian -5 and $hilip -1 11) /6E#TI"ITO! 6E#/TI"ITO 1-)
1 - 9
Tile : is incorrect and should be replaced by tile E) 19) (atertight! tenuous 1?) :5 the total
of the nu'bers in each colu'n alternates -.! 9.! -.! 9.! -.! 9. 15) +EST,6E
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
1:) # 1>) o&ert 13) Karry 9-! arry -?! /arrie 13 12) salubrious! healthy -.) F5 the circle
beco'es a s4uare and the four (hite s4uares beco'e (hite circles -1) 05 looking across!
the nu'ber of dots increases by one and (hite beco'es black) ooking do(n! the
nu'ber of dots decreases by one and the dots stay the sa'e colour) --) #BSO,TE
L#7O6ITO -9) S(itch / is faulty) -?) /5 the black s4uare originally in the top right8hand
corner is 'o&ing right to left one space at a ti'e at each stage) The other black s4uare is
'o&ing fro' botto' to top) -5) I*E OF EO6K -:) 1?5: C21 G 1:D ->) #*OI$ H $I#*O
-3) 1-)-55 add 1)-5! 1)5! 1)>5! -! -)-5! -)5 -2) hand5 second hand! handso'e
Test Eight5 #ns(ers
9.) E5 looking across! the nu'ber of lines increases) ooking do(n! the nu'ber of circles
increases by one and the circles fit (ithin the bands for'ed by the lines) 91) -- 'inutes)
Lidnight less -- 'inutes H 11)93) ess 9- 'inutes H 11).:) 1. p)') C--)..D plus ::
'inutes C-- G 9D H 11).:) 9-) tiara) The consonants b t r n and l are being repeated in the
sa'e order) 99) E*+TKE*! 0ILI*ISK 9?) 1915 add 9.! -3! -:! -?! -- 95)
The large circle 'o&es ?5T clock(ise and alternates (hiteA black) The centre dot
alternates blackA(hite) 9:) #*0 O/KE0 9>) 0ISBEIEF 93) 5 13 - G H 2 15 9
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
92) 5. per cent5 it is a certainty that at least t(o coins (ill land (ith the sa'e side face up)
It is e4ually likely that these t(o coins (ill land heads up as they (ill land tails up(ards) It
is i''aterial (hat occurred in the pre&ious toss) ?.) B5 it has three circles of differing
sizes! one triangle! one dot out on its o(n! one dot in the large circle only and the other
dot in the 'iddle8sized circle and triangle)
Test *ine5 Questions
1) is to5
as5 is to5
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
-) "EIE0 K#6E is an anagra' of (hich t(o (ords that are opposite in 'eaningM 9) #dd
one letter! not necessarily the sa'e letter! to the beginning! 'iddle or end of the (ords
belo( to find fi&e ne( (ords all on the sa'e the'e) back li&e fan can pin ?)
1 ? > 9 3 M 5 M > 1:
12 -5 M 9?
1. 13
Ehich is the 'issing sectionM
1- 19 # -: 1? B -? 1? 1- / -: 19 1? 0 -? 19
5) # B / 0 E F + K Ehich letter is t(o to the left of the letter that is four to the right of the
letter i''ediately to the right of the letter #M
Test *ine5 Questions
:) Ehich is the odd one outM
B #
+ K
I 7 K
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
# + I 6 O 6 E E * 0
Find a fa'iliar phrase C:! :! ?D reading clock(ise) Oou ha&e to find the starting point and
pro&ide the 'issing letters) 3)
9 ? 5 9 ?
- 1
> -
? 1
- 1
5 M
Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM 2) eastern! reality! titanic! M Ehich of the
(ords belo( co'es ne=tM natural! o'nibus! include! de&ious or shingle
Test *ine5 Questions
1.) Ehich three of the pieces belo(! (hen fitted together! (ill for' a perfect s4uareM
# B
11) 6#S/# L#6E is an anagra' of (hich t(o (ords that are si'ilar in 'eaningM 1-)
gallery is to balcony as stalls is to5 prosceniu'! stage! audience! footlights! pit
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
19) 913-52: is to :5-39 and :>?-395 is to 59?>: therefore >?2:-53 is to M 1?) #! /! F! 7!
O! M Ehat letter co'es ne=tM 15)
1 - 9
ooking at lines across and do(n! if the first t(o tiles are co'bined to produce the third
tile! (ith the e=ception that like sy'bols are cancelled out! (hich of the abo&e tiles is
incorrect! and (ith (hich of the tiles belo( should it be replacedM
1:) .! ->! 5?! M! 1.3! 195 Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM
Test *ine5 Questions
1>) Ehich is the odd one outM bolero! calypso! (altz! salsa! polka 13)
: 2 1- 15 1. 1? 13 19 M M M -1
-. -? -9 ->
Ehich section is 'issingM
1> 12 # 1: B 1: 12 / 1> 12 1> 0 1: 1> 12 1:
12) I 'et four of 'y old school friends today) In the 'orning I first sa( $atricia and later
bu'ped into 6ichie) Then in the afternoon I sa( /hristabel) Eho did I encounter in the
e&eningM Eas it Thora! Stella! Thel'a or SallyM
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
Ehen the abo&e is folded to for' a cube! (hich is the only one of the follo(ing that can be
Test *ine5 Questions
Ehich shield belo( has 'ost in co''on (ith the shield abo&eM
> 5 - M
? 1 2 ?
5 2 1 9
- 9 : >
Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
L , I # E 6 I O # F
Find the starting point and (ork clock(ise round each circle to find t(o types of flo(er!
each eight letters long) Oou ha&e to pro&ide the 'issing letters) -?)
Ehich is 'issingM
Test *ine5 Questions
-5) ,sing all of the letters in the phrase TO,/K "O/#*O $IE/E once each only spell
out the na'es of three types of fruit) -:)
1. - ? 3 5 > 11 M
Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM ->)
0ra( the 'issing figure in the abo&e se4uence) -3) #SK F,E F#6L is an anagra' of
(hich t(o (ords that are opposite in 'eaningM -2)
1>1 -9 13 1> 12 -2 >3 5: -> -3 >1 3-
Lultiply the highest e&en nu'ber in the grid by the lo(est odd nu'ber)
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
9.) action! effort! (orth! M! ourself Ehich of the (ords belo( is 'issingM cheer! reef! cage!
ra'part! idea 91)
Ehat (eight should replace the 4uestion 'ark in order for the scales to balanceM 9-)
? 3- >2 : 95 1 : 9> 3 ?2 - 2 19 5 3: - > 2 -? :9 13 M
Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM
Test *ine5 Questions
Ehat co'es ne=tM
9?) $lace a (ord in the bracket that for's a ne( (ord or phrase (hen tacked onto the
(ord on the left! and another (ord or phrase (hen placed in front of the (ord on the right)
salt C D fall
95) Ehich is the odd (ord outM orders! 'urder! derelict! under(orld! detonator 9:) Stuart
and /hristine share out a certain su' of 'oney in the ratio ?55 and /hristine ends up (ith
W-?)..) Ko( 'uch 'oney (as shared in the first placeM 9>) 6eferring again to 4uestion
9:! ho( 'uch 'oney (ould ha&e been shared out if the ratio had been 55? instead of ?55M
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
Ehat co'es ne=tM
Test *ine5 Questions
I # O
$ 6 6
Find the starting point and (ork fro' letter to adFoining letter horizontally and &ertically! but
not diagonally! to spell out a 1-8letter (ord) Oou ha&e to pro&ide the 'issing letters) ?.)
> 2 ? 5 2
19 11 1?
-5 -> -. -9 ?> ?5 5. ?9 M M M M
Ehat nu'bers should replace the 4uestion 'arks on the botto' ro(M
Test *ine5 #ns(ers
1) #5 s4uare 1 'o&es to botto' right! s4uare - 'o&es to top left! s4uare 9 'o&es to top
right and s4uare ? 'o&es to botto' left -) KI0E! 6E"E# 9) black! oli&e! fa(n! cyan! pink
?) #5 lines across progress Q-! Q?! Q:! Q 3 in turn) /olu'ns do(n progress Q9! Q5! Q>! Q2
in turn) 5) 0 :) K5 in all the others the outer figure is repeated in the 'iddle >) TE*0E6
O"I*+ /#6E 3) -5 the total of the nu'bers in the shaded section in each he=agon is
half the total of the re'aining nu'bers 2) include5 each (ord begins (ith the si=th and fifth
letters of the preceding (ord
Test *ine5 #ns(ers
11) S/#6E! ##6L 1-) pit 19) 35:?>5 re&erse the first nu'ber and discard the highest
and lo(est digits 1?) ,5 #b/deFghi7kl'nOp4rst, 15)
1 - 9
Tile 3 is incorrect and should be replaced by tile B) 1:) 315 add -> each ti'e 1>) calypso5 it
is a song! the rest are dances
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
13) B5 looking across! lines progress Q?! looking do(n! colu'ns progress Q9 12) Stella5
each na'e begins (ith the 'iddle t(o letters of the pre&ious na'e -.) / -1) E5 it contains
e=actly the sa'e sy'bols as the original --) ?5 all lines and colu'ns total 13 -9)
+E6#*I,L! 0#FFO0I -?) /5 the contents of each pentagon are deter'ined by the
contents of the t(o pentagons i''ediately belo( it) ines and dots are carried for(ard
fro' these t(o pentagons! e=cept (hen a line or dot appears in the sa'e position! in
(hich case they are cancelled out) -5) $E#/K! OI"E! /O/O*,T -:) 195 opposite
nu'bers total 15 ->)
ines are added &ertically then horizontally alternately) -3) K#6LF,! S#FE -2) 192?5
C3- G 1>D
Test *ine5 #ns(ers
9.) reef5 actiCon eDfforCt (oDrCth reeDCf ourDself 91)
5 G 9 H 15 9 G 2 H -> 15 Q -> H ?- 9. Q 1- H ?-
: G 5 H 9. - G : H 1-
9-) 55 each ro( of nu'bers contains the digits 1;2 99) /5 the ar's 'o&e clock(ise in turn
?5T 9?) (ater5 to gi&e salt (ater! (aterfall 95) detonator5 the rest contain the letters Uder%
adFacently 9:) W?9)-.5 /hristine H W-? or fi&e parts! therefore! each part H W?)3.) Total of
nine parts shared H W?)3. G 2 H W?9)-.) 9>) W5?)..5 /hristine%s share H W-?).. or four
parts! therefore! each part H W:)..) Total of nine parts shared H W5?)..) 93) 05 the
dia'ond is 'o&ing round each corner clock(ise) The black portion alternates o&erlapping
sectionAdia'ondA s4uare) 92) $6#ISEEO6TKO
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
B /
2 ?
5 2
19 11 1?
-5 -> -. -9 ?> ?5 5. ?9 25 2> 33 29
The nu'bers in each ro( are deter'ined! as follo(s! by the nu'bers in the ro( abo&e5 #
Q / H BJ B Q 0 H /J B Q / H #J / Q 0 H 0)
Test Ten5 Questions
5 3 >
9 1- 5
? 1? -
5 : 2
> M :
3 19 2
Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM -) Ehich (ord in brackets is 'ost
opposite in 'eaning to the (ord in capitalsM $##T#BE Csparse! agonising! bland! ra(!
inferiorD 9) 1..! 22)5! 23)5! 2>! 25! 2-)5! 32)5! M Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
?) S(itch # turns lights 1 and - onAoff or offAon S(itch B turns lights - and ? onAoff or offAon
S(itch / turns lights 1 and 9 onAoff or offAon
S(itches B! # and / are thro(n in turn (ith the result that Figure 1 turns into Figure -)
Ehich s(itch does not (ork at allM
1 1
Figure 1
Figure -
Test Ten5 Questions
To (hich shield belo( can a dot be added so that it 'eets the sa'e conditions as in the
shield abo&eM
:) Ehich is the odd one outM diploid! deltoid! dual! binary! t(ofold >)
5 > 9 1 1. ? - 3 2 5 5 2 ? 3 : M
Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
3) Insert a pair of letters into each bracket so that they finish the (ord on the left and start
the (ord on the right) The correct letters read do(n(ards in pairs 'ust spell out an eight8
letter (ord) SO CNND T # CNND ST 0O CNND # E$ CNND O* 2) Ehich is the odd one outM
Test Ten5 Questions
1.) Ehich one of the follo(ing is gra''atically correctM The father%s garden) The fathers%
garden) The father%s garden) The fathers% garden) The fathers% garden) The fathers%
garden) The father%s garden) rights acti&ist%s dog buried its bone in the rights acti&ist%s dog
buried it%s bone in the rights acti&ist%s dog buried it%s bone in the rights% acti&ist%s dog buried
its bone in the rights acti&ists% dog buried it%s bone in the rights acti&ist%s dog buried its
bone in the rights acti&ists% dog buried its bone in the
11) Ehich nu'ber is the odd one outM :92?! 2?1:! 5->3! :-91! 2:1?! :19-! >325! 53>-!
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
Ehich pentagon should replace the 4uestion 'arkM
19) Ehich (ord in brackets is closest in 'eaning to the (ord in capitalsM S$#6T#*
Cscarce! austere! erratic! li'ited! fierceD
Test Ten5 Questions
1?) Only one set of letters belo( can be rearranged into a si=letter (ord in the English
language) Find the (ord) K,6$O K/IE*# EI*/# E7B#T/ @E$O0 *EIOL 15)
>2:?9-5 is to :2>5-9? and 53--192 is to -35291- therefore >?:2351 is to M
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
Ehich shield belo( has 'ost in co''on (ith the shield abo&eM
1>) caster is to chair as ro(el is to5 (heel! spur! bicycle! pulley! gyroscope
Test Ten5 Questions
13) Insert the nu'bers 1;: in the circles so that for any particular circle the su' of the
nu'bers in the circles connected directly to it e4uals the &alue corresponding to the
nu'bers in that circle as gi&en in the list)
> 9
1H? 9 H 11 C? Q >D ? H 11 C1 Q 9 Q>D > H > C?Q9D
1H3 -H? 9H: ? H 19 5 H 1? :H2
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
12) Ehat four8letter (ord can be placed in the bracket to for' a (ord (hen tacked onto
the end of blue and another (ord (hen placed in front of o(edM B,E CNNNND OEE0 -.)
Ehich is the 'issing tileM
Test Ten5 Questions
Ehich is the 'issing s4uareM
--) Ehich t(o (ords are closest in 'eaningM lonely! haughty! crafty! credulous! careful!
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
-9) S(itch # turns lights 1 and - onAoff or offAon S(itch B turns lights - and ? onAoff or
offAon S(itch / turns lights 1 and 9 onAoff or offAon S(itch 0 turns lights 9 and ? onAoff or
S(itches 0! B! / and # are thro(n in turn (ith the result that Figure 1 turns into Figure -)
Ehich s(itch does not (ork at allM
1 1
Figure 1
Figure -
-?) ,sing all of the letters in the phrase # /#T#ST6O$KI/ $6OTO* only once each
spell out the na'es of three types of &egetable)
Test Ten5 Questions
Ehich figure is 'issingM
-:) Ehich t(o (ords are 'ost opposite in 'eaningM &alidation! re&i&al! sarcas'!
e=tinction! rebellion! fissure
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
Ehen the abo&e is folded to for' a cube! (hich is the only one of the follo(ing that can be
-3) Ehich (ord in brackets is 'ost opposite in 'eaning to the (ord in capitalsM
SE*SIBE Cuna(are! subordinate! irrational! outlandish! irre&erentD
Test Ten5 Questions
-2) 2! 1:! 19! 19! 1>! 1.! -1! >! M Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM 9.)
dirty! berry! hint! knot Ehich one (ord belo( shares a co''on feature (ith all four (ords
abo&eM part! cost! near! find! open 91) #FFI6L 0ELO* is an anagra' of (hich phrase
C5! -! ?DM /lue5 inclination) 9-)
Ehich s4uare belo( has 'ost in co''on (ith the s4uare abo&eM
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
99) >. 1? 5
21 19 >
1-. -? M
Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM 9?) # B / 0 E F + K Ehat letter is t(o
letters to the right of the letter i''ediately to the left of the letter four letters to the right of
the letter t(o letters to the left of the letter EM 95) $O,TE S$I/E is an anagra' of
(hich phrase C?! -! :DM /lue5 de'olish) 9:)
1 :? M 91 ? 1. 12
Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM
Test Ten5 Questions
To (hich he=agon belo( can a dot be added so that it then 'eets the sa'e conditions as
in the he=agon abo&eM
93) # greengrocer recei&ed a bo=ful of to'atoes and on opening the bo= found that
se&eral had gone bad) Ke then counted the' up so that he could 'ake a for'al co'plaint
and found that :3 (ere 'ouldy! (hich (as 1: per cent of the total contents of the bo=)
Ko( 'any to'atoes (ere in the bo=M
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
92) EL$TO C$6ISLD "I6,S 0E$TK CNNNNND 0,#S Ehat (ord is coded to appear in the
second bracketM ?.)
-1 5- -> -- 9? ?? >1 1: M
Ehat nu'ber should replace the 4uestion 'arkM
Test Ten5 #ns(ers
1) 1>5 3 Q 2 H 1>J > Q : H 19 -) bland 9) 3:5 the a'ount deducted increases by .)5 each
ti'e i)e) .)5! 1! 1)5! -! -)5! 9! 9)5 ?) S(itch B is not (orking) 5) 05 so that the dot is in the
s4uare and t(o circles :) deltoid5 it 'eans triangular in shape) The rest 'ean double or
t(ofold) >) -5 in ro(s and colu'ns alternate digits total the sa'e! for e=a'ple 5 Q 2 H 1. Q
? 3) LETEO6I/5 to gi&e so'eA'elt! lateAtest! doorAoral! epicAicon 2) /5 the rest are the
sa'e figure rotated 1.) The fathers% rights acti&ist%s dog buried its bone in the garden)
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
11) :92?5 all the others are in pairs (here the second and fourth digits change places5
5->3A53>-! 2?1:A2:1?! >325A>523! :-91A:19- 1-) 05 the contents of each pentagon are
deter'ined by the contents of the t(o pentagons i''ediately belo( it) Only (hen a dot
appears in one of the corner positions or centre Fust once in these t(o pentagons! is it
carried for(ard to the pentagon abo&e) 19) austere 1?) E7B#T/ H #B7E/T 15) :?>15325
re&erse the first three digits! then the last four digits 1:) E5 it contains a triangle in a circle!
a circle in a s4uare and a black dot in a triangle 1>) spur 13)
- 1 ?
5 9
#lternati&ely as abo&e but (ith 1 and 9 re&ersed)
Test Ten5 #ns(ers
12) BE5 B,EBE! BEOEE0 -.) /5 in each ro( and colu'n the contents of the
third s4uare is deter'ined by the contents of the first t(o s4uares) ines are transferred
fro' these t(o s4uares to the third s4uare! e=cept (hen they appear in the sa'e position
in both s4uares! in (hich case they are cancelled out) -1) /5 a line is added at the top and
botto' alternately --) haughty! arrogant -9) S(itch B is faulty) -?) S$I*#/K! /#66OT!
$OT#TO -5) B5 the figure is tu'bling o&er and alternates (hiteAstriped -:) re&i&al!
e=tinction ->) B -3) irrational -2) -55 there are t(o alternate se4uences5 Q? and ;9 9.)
cost5 all the (ords ha&e their letters in alphabetical order 91) F6#LE OF LI*0 9-) 05 the
dot is in a triangle 99) 55 >. S 1? H 5J 21 S 19 H >! 1-. S -? H 5
The Ti'es Book of IQ Tests
9?) K 95) $, TO $IE/ES 9:) ?:5 start at 1 and (ork clock(ise adding 9! :! 2! 1-! 15!
13 9>) 05 so that it appears in a circle (ith three secants ClinesD passing through it 93) ?-55
C:3 S 1:D G 1.. 92) $#,SE5 51 C1 - 9 ? 5D 9- ?
E L $ T O C$ 6 I S LD " I 6 , S 0 E $ T K C$ # , S ED 0 , # S ?.) 195 the nu'bers in
each circle total 1..
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