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#####################################THE QUIET AMERICAN BY GRAHAM GREENESTUDY
"http://www.fantasticfictionimages.co.uk/images/0/1195.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET
#####The following is a guided reading of The Quiet American by Graham Greene.
There are a series of questions, summaries, key words and hyperlinked
information to help you once you have read the novel. You may either save this
document and then work on it on your computer, or print of the document and then
write it up in a notebook. Whatever you do, this ex#e#r#c#i#s#e# #w#i#l#l#
#p#r#o#v#i#d#e# #y#o#u# #w#i#t#h# #a# #s#i#g#n#i#f#i#c#a#n#t# #r#e#c#o#r#d#
#o#f# #y#o#u#r# #r#e#a#d#i#n#g#.###N#A#M#E#:# ### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # #
# ###C#L#A#S#S#:# ### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ####S#t#r#u#c#t#u#r#e#
#o#f# #t#h#e# #N#o#v#e#l# #(#A#s# #a# #d#e#t#e#c#t#i#v#e# #s#t#o#r#y#)##
#S#i#g#n#i#f#i#c#a#n#c#e# #o#f# #t#h#e# #p#o#e#m#s# #a#t# #t#h#e#
#b#e#g#i#n#n#i#n#g# #o#f# #t#h#e# #b#o#o#k##P#a#r#t# #I# ## #F#l#a#s#h#b#a#c#k#
#a#n#d# #F#o#w#l#e#r# #m#eets PylePart II Pyle saves FowlerPart III Pyle
steals Phuong; shocks Fowler with bombPart IV Fowler plots to kill PyleTHE
IMPORTANCE OF NOTE-TAKING AND NOTE-MAKINGIt is one thing to read, it is another
to understand, it is another to remember and it is yet another thing to study.
Ultimately, Note-Taking and Note-Making are the key elements to preparation for
learning and showing what you have learned. By note-taking I mean read and then
writing down in some form what you have remembered about what you read. This can
be done in predominantly in point form, but summarised plots in prose form may
be just as good a combination of both may suit you. Speed is essential as what
you record needs to be short enough to jog your memory and long enough to point
you to some detail so that you can write more.By note-making, I mean in this
instance, paragraph responses to questions that have been set for you to
complete. You should see your note-taking as the first step to learning and you
note-making as the first draft stage of your understanding of what you have
read.In the following sections you will find questions to answer and areas where
you have to summarise the plot. This will serve as your record of what you have
read and understood.The questions on these pages have been abstracted from a
number of sources on the Internet including:

# HYPERLINK "http://faculty.necc.mass.edu/gbailey/study%20guides/guide1.htm"
##http://faculty.necc.mass.edu/gbailey/study%20guides/guide1.htm## HYPERLINK

from the blurb on the cover of the book there are two important clues about the
nature and breadth of this novel the Dedication and the Epigrams. Read these
carefully.DEDICATIONRead the dedication letter by Graham Greene to Rene and
Phuong.How does this set the novel up? What do you think a reader might feel
when reading this? D#o#e#s# #i#t# #s#u#g#g#e#s#t# #t#h#a#t# #t#h#e# #b#o#o#k#
#i#s# #f#i#c#t#i#o#n# #b#a#s#e#d# #o#n# #f#a#c#t#?# #H#o#w# #d#o#e#s# #t#h#i#s#
#p#o#s#i#t#i#o#n# #t#h#e# #r#e#a#d#e#r# #t#o# #u#n#d#e#r#s#t#a#n#d# #w#h#a#t#
#i#s# #t#o# #f#o#l#l#o#w#?###W#R#I#T#E# #Y#O#U#R# #A#N#S#W#E#R# #H#E#R#E#:# ###
#F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ####E#P#I#G#R#A#M#S###A#n# #e#p#i#g#r#a#m#
#i#s# #a# ## a# #s#h#o#r#t# #v#e#r#s#e# #o#r# #m#o#t#t#o# #a#p#p#e#a#r#i#n#g#
#a#t# #t#h#e# #b#e#g#i#n#n#i#n#g# #o#f# #a# #l#o#n#g#e#r poem or the title page
of a novel, at the heading of a new section or paragraph of an essay or other
literary work to establish mood or raise thematic concerns.

# HYPERLINK "http://guweb2.gonzaga.edu/faculty/wheeler/lit_terms_E.html"

What do these epigrams suggest about what the concerns of the book will be?
Check out the authors A.H. Clough and Lord Byron below.A.H. Clough

# HYPERLINK "http://www.victorianweb.org/authors/clough/cloughbio.html"
##http://www.victorianweb.org/authors/clough/cloughbio.html## HYPERLINK

XI. Claude to Eustace.There are two different kinds, I believe, of human

attraction: #One which simply disturbs, unsettles, and makes you uneasy, #And
another that poises, retains, and fixes and holds you. #I have no doubt, for
myself, in giving my voice for the latter. #I do not wish to be moved, but
growing where I was growing, #There more truly to grow, to live where as yet I
had languished. #I do not like being moved: for the will is excited; and action
#Is a most dangerous thing; I tremble for something factitious, #Some
malpractice of heart and illegitimate process; #We are so prone to these things,
with our terrible notions of duty.Lord George Byron

# HYPERLINK "http://www.incompetech.com/authors/byron/"
##http://www.incompetech.com/authors/byron/## HYPERLINK

Don JuanCanto 33This is the patent age of new inventions

For killing bodies,
and for saving souls,All propagated with the best intentions;
Sir Humphry
Davy's lantern, by which coalsAre safely mined for in the mode he mentions,
Tombuctoo travels, voyages to the Poles,Are ways to benefit mankind, as true,
Perhaps, as shooting them at Waterloo.What do these epigrams suggest about what
the concerns of the book will be? Check# #o#u#t# #t#h#e# #a#u#t#h#o#r#s# ##
#A#.#H#.# #C#l#o#u#g#h# #a#n#d# #L#o#r#d# #B#y#r#o#n# #b#e#l#o#w#.###W#R#I#T#E#
#Y#O#U#R# #A#N#S#W#E#R# #H#E#R#E#:# ### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ###

##P#a#r#t# #1#:# #F#l#a#s#h#b#a#c#k# #a#n#d# #F#o#w#l#e#r# #m#e#e#t#s# #P#y#l#e#

###C#h#a#p#t#e#r# #1# ## #1#1# ## #2#2###S#u#m#m#a#r#i#s#e# #t#h#e#
#f#o#l#l#o#w#i#n#g# #s#e#c#t#i#o#n#s# #i#n# #P#a#r#t# #1#.# ###U#s#e# #t#h#e#
#g#r#e#y# #b#o#x# #t#o# #t#y#p#e# #y#o#u#r# #s#u#m#m#a#r#y#.# #W#r#i#t#e# #n#o#
#m#o#r#e# #t#h#a#n# #1#0#0# #w#o#r#d#s#.###S#u#m#m#a#r#y#### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T#
###### # # # # ####F#i#r#s#t# #p#e#r#s#o#n# #n#a#r#r#a#t#o#r#,# #w#o#r#l#d##w#e#a#r#y# #B#r#i#t#i#s#h# #f#o#r#e#i#g#n# #c#o#r#r#e#s#p#o#n#d#e#n#t#,#
#T#h#o#m#a#s# #F#o#w#l#e#r#,# #a#w#a#i#t#s# #t#h#e# #a#r#r#i#v#a#l# #o#f#
#A#l#d#e#n# #P#y#l#e# #b#u#t# #P#y#l#e#,# #t#h#e# #q#u#i#e#t#
#A#m#e#r#i#c#a#n#,# #i#s# #a#l#r#e#a#d#y# #d#e#a#d#.# # #P#h#u#o#n#g#,# #i#s#
#a#l#s#o# #w#a#i#t#i#n#g# #f#o#r# #P#y#l#e# #a#n#d# #m#i#x#e#s# opium for
Fowlers pipe as he wonders whether she will consent to sleep with him. A
policeman arrives and insists that Fowler and Phuong immediately attend the
French Suret where Vigot, a French officer, interviews them. ##Chapter 2 23
32Use the grey box to type your summary. Write no more than 100 words.#Summary
############### # # # # ####F#i#r#s#t# #p#e#r#s#o#n# #n#a#r#r#a#t#o#r#,#
#w#o#r#l#d#-#w#e#a#r#y# #B#r#i#t#i#s#h# #f#o#r#e#i#g#n#
#c#o#r#r#e#s#p#o#n#d#e#n#t#,# #T#h#o#m#a#s# #F#o#w#l#e#r#,# #a#w#a#i#t#s#
#t#h#e# #a#r#r#i#v#a#l# #o#f# #A#l#d#e#n# #P#y#l#e# #b#u#t# #P#y#l#e#,# #t#h#e#
#q#u#i#e#t# #A#m#e#r#i#c#a#n#,# #i#s# #a#l#r#e#a#d#y# #d#e#a#d#.# #
#P#h#u#o#n#g#,# #i#s# #a#l#s#o# #w#a#i#t#i#n#g# #f#o#r# #P#y#l#e# #a#n#d#
#m#i#x#e#s# #o#p#i#u#m# #f#o#r# #F#o#w#l#e#r## s# #p#i#p#e# #a#s# #h#e#
#w#o#n#d#e#r#s# #w#h#e#t#h#er she will consent to sleep with him. A policeman
arrives and insists that Fowler and Phuong immediately attend the French Suret
where Vigot, a French officer, interviews them. ##Chapter 3 33 45Use the
grey box to type your summary. Write no more than 100 words.#Summary# FORMTEXT
########################################################### # # # # ## ###(#1#)#
#P#y#l#e# #m#e#e#t#s# #P#h#u#o#n#g# #f#o#r# #t#h#e# #f#i#r#s#t# #t#i#m#e#.# #
#W#e# #a#l#s#o# #m#e#e#t# #B#i#l#l# #G#r#a#n#g#e#r#,# #o#n#e# #o#f# #t#h#e#
#l#o#u#d#e#s#t# #m#e#m#b#e#r#s# #o#f# #t#h#e# #A#m#e#r#i#c#a#n# #P#r#e#s#s#
#c#o#n#t#i#n#g#e#n#t#.# # #G#r#a#n#g#e#r# #p#e#r#s#u#a#d#e#s# #P#y#l#e# #t#o#
#j#o#i#n# #h#i#m# #i#n# #h#i#s# #v#i#s#i#t# #t#o# #t#h#e# #H#o#u#s#e# #o#f#
#t#h#e# #F#i#v#e# #H#u#n#d#r#e#d# #G#i#r#l#s#;# #F#o#w#l#e#r# #f#o#l#l#o#w#s#
#a#n#d# #r#e#s#c#u#e#s# #the innocent young man.This chapter returns us to the
chronological story.(2) Dinner at the Chalet and Fowler reflects how much
simpler his courtship of Phuong would have been had he been able to offer
marriage. Phuongs elder sister, Miss Hei, joins them and shows her interest in
Pyles eligibility as a husband for her sister. Fowler hears about the attack
on Phat Diem and curses the luck that would allow him a scoop when all he wants
is to escape danger. ##Chapter 4 46 61Use the grey box to t#y#p#e#
#y#o#u#r# #s#u#m#m#a#r#y#.# #W#r#i#t#e# #n#o# #m#o#r#e# #t#h#a#n# #1#0#0#
#w#o#r#d#s#.####S#u#m#m#a#r#y#### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ## ###(#1#)#
#F#o#w#l#e#r# #a#r#r#i#v#e#s# #i#n# #P#h#a#t# #D#i#e#m# #a#n#d#
#a#c#c#o#m#p#a#n#i#e#s# #g#r#o#u#p# #o#f# #G#e#r#m#a#n#
#p#a#r#a#c#h#u#t#i#s#t#s# #o#n# #a# #m#i#s#s#i#o#n#.# # #T#h#e#y# #c#o#m#e#
#u#p#o#n# #a# #c#a#n#a#l# #f#i#l#l#e#d# #w#i#t#h# #b#o#d#i#e#s# #a#n#d#
#F#o#w#l#e#r# #s#e#e#s# #a# #d#e#a#d# #w#o#m#a#n# #w#i#t#h# #a# #c#h#i#l#d# #of
about six years old. He realises he hates war. Suddenly, at 3 am, Fowler wakes
to see Pyle standing in the doorway of his room.(2) Pyle seems unaware of the
danger he has faced and tells Fowler that he has fallen in love with Phuong.
##Chapter 5 62 68Use the grey box to type your summary. Write no more than
100 words.#Summary# FORMTEXT
# # # # # ####P#y#l#e# #m#a#n#a#g#e#s# #t#o# #l#e#a#v#e# #P#h#a#t# #D#i#e#m#
#o#n# #t#h#e# #m#o#r#n#i#n#g# #o#f# #h#i#s# #a#r#r#i#v#a#l# #b#u#t# #i#t# #i#s#
#t#h#r#e#e# #w#e#e#k#s# #b#e#f#o#r#e# #F#o#w#l#e#r# #r#e#t#u#r#n#s# #t#o#
#S#a#i#g#o#n#.# # #I#n# #h#i#s# #r#o#o#m# #h#e# #f#i#n#d#s# #a# #c#a#b#l#e#
#c#o#n#t#a#i#n#i#n#g# #n#e#w#s# #o#f# #h#i#s# #p#r#o#m#o#t#i#o#n# #t#o#

#f#o#r#e#i#g#n# #e#d#i#t#o#r# #b#a#c#k# #i#n# #L#o#n#d#o#n#.# # ########P#A#R#T#

#1# #Q#U#E#S#T#I#O#N#S###(#a#)# #P#a#r#t# #1# #C#h#a#p#t#e#r# #1###T#h#i#s#
#i#s# #o#u#r# #f#i#r#s#t# ## m#e#e#t#i#n#g## #w#i#t#h# #P#y#l#e#.# # #W#h#a#t#
#d#o# #w#e# #l#e#a#r#n# #a#b#o#u#t# #h#i#m#?#### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # #
# ####H#o#w# #d#o# #P#y#l#e# #a#n#d# #F#o#w#l#e#r# #d#i#f#f#e#r#?# # #I#n#
#w#h#a#t# #w#a#y#s# #a#r#e# #t#h#e#y# #s#i#m#i#l#a#r#?#### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T#
###### # # # # ####W#h#a#t# #d#o#e#s# #F#o#w#l#e#r# #m#e#a#n# #w#h#e#n# #h#e#
#s#a#y#s#,# ## G#o#d# #s#a#v#e# #u#s# #a#l#w#a#y#s# #f#r#o#m# #t#h#e#
#i#n#n#o#c#e#n#t# #a#n#d# #t#h#e# #g#o#o#d## ?#### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # #
# # ####I#s# #F#o#w#l#e#r# #i#n#n#o#c#e#n#t# #a#s# #h#e# #c#l#a#i#m#s#?# #
#C#o#n#s#i#d#e#r# #h#i#s# #v#e#r#s#i#o#n# #o#f# #e#v#e#n#t#s# #o#n# #p#.#1#9#.#
# #W#h#y# #d#o#e#s# #h#e# #l#i#e#?# #### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ###
#(#b#)# #P#a#r#t# #1# #C#h#a#p#t#e#r# #4# #(#2#)###H#o#w# #i#s# #P#y#l#e## s#
#n#o#b#i#l#i#t#y# #o#f# #p#u#r#p#o#s#e# #i#n# #c#o#m#i#n#g# #t#o# #P#h#a#t#
#D#i#e#m# #b#o#t#h# #a#t# #o#d#d#s# #w#i#t#h# #h#i#s# #a#c#t#i#o#n#s# #i#n#
#s#u#p#p#o#r#t# #o#f# #t#h#e# #T#h#i#r#d# #F#o#r#c#e# #a#n#d#
#c#o#n#s#i#s#t#e#n#t# #w#i#t#h# #i#t#?#### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ###
#G#r#e#e#n#e# #s#t#r#e#s#s#e#s# #c#u#l#t#u#r#a#l# #d#i#f#f#e#r#e#n#c#e#s#
#t#h#r#o#u#g#h#o#u#t# #t#h#e# #n#o#v#e#l#.# # #I#n# #w#h#a#t# #w#a#y#s#
#d#o#e#s# #P#y#l#e# #c#o#n#v#e#y# #G#r#e#e#n#e## s# #a#t#t#i#t#u#d#e# #t#o#
#A#m#e#r#i#c#a# #a#n#d# #A#m#e#r#i#c#a#n#s# #i#n# #t#h#i#s# #e#x#t#r#a#c#t#?####
#F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ####F#o#w#l#e#r# #s#a#y#s#,# ## I# #n#e#v#e#r#
#k#n#e#w# #a# #m#a#n# #w#h#o# #h#a#d# #b#e#t#t#e#r# #m#o#t#i#v#e#s# #f#o#r#
#a#l#l# #t#h#e# #t#r#o#u#b#l#e# #h#e# #c#a#u#s#e#d## .# # #A#r#e# #P#y#l#e## s#
#m#o#t#i#v#e#s# #a#s# #g#o#o#d# #a#s# #F#o#w#l#e#r# #w#o#u#l#d# #h#a#v#e# #u#s#
#b#e#l#i#e#v#e#?#### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ####W#h#y# #c#a#n#
#n#e#i#t#h#e#r# #P#y#l#e# #n#o#r# #F#o#w#l#e#r# #s#a#y# ## G#o#o#d# #l#u#c#k## ?
#### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ####G#e#n#e#r#a#l# #Q#u#e#s#t#i#o#n#:
Fowler, the narrator of The Quiet American oftentimes describes Pyle as
innocent. For example, on pg. 31 he says Yes, They killed him because he was
too innocent to live. He was young and ignorant and silly and he got involved.
He had no more of a notion than any of you what the whole affair is about, and
you gave him money and York Hardings books on the East and said, Go ahead. Win
the East for Democracy. Innocence seems to be an essential aspect of Pyles
American attitude. How is the inno#c#e#n#c#e# #o#f# #P#y#l#e#
#c#o#n#t#r#a#s#t#e#d# #w#i#t#h# #t#h#e# #"#r#e#a#l#i#t#y#"# #o#f# #t#h#e#
#s#i#t#u#a#t#i#o#n# #o#f# #V#i#e#t#n#a#m#,# #a#c#c#o#r#d#i#n#g# #t#o#
#F#o#w#l#e#r#?# # ###W#R#I#T#E# #Y#O#U#R# #A#N#S#W#E#R# #H#E#R#E#:# ###
#F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # #####G#e#n#e#r#a#l# #Q#u#e#s#t#i#o#n#:# #H#o#w#
#d#o#e#s# #P#y#l#e# #t#h#i#n#k# #h#i#s# #a#t#t#i#t#u#d#e# #i#s#
#d#i#f#f#e#r#e#n#t# #t#h#a#n# #t#h#e# #o#l#d# #F#r#e#n#c#h#/#B#r#i#t#i#s#h#
#c#o#l#o#n#i#a#l# #a#t#t#i#t#u#d#e#?### #W#R#I#T#E# #Y#O#U#R# #A#N#S#W#E#R#
#H#E#R#E#:# ### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # #####

##P#a#r#t# #2#:# #P#y#l#e# #s#a#v#e#s# #F#o#w#l#e#r####C#h#a#p#t#e#r# #1# ##

#7#1# ## #8#2###U#s#e# #t#h#e# #g#r#e#y# #b#o#x# #t#o# #t#y#p#e# #y#o#u#r#
#s#u#m#m#a#r#y#.# #W#r#i#t#e# #n#o# #m#o#r#e# #t#h#a#n# #1#0#0# #w#o#r#d#s#.#
###S#u#m#m#a#r#y#### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ####P#y#l#e# #a#n#d#
#h#i#s# #d#o#g# #a#r#r#i#v#e# #t#o# #s#e#e# #P#h#u#o#n#g# #a#n#d# #F#o#w#l#e#r#
#a#c#t#s# #a#s# #i#n#terpreter between them. Fowler writes to his estranged
wife, Helen, asking for a divorce. He expects as little success with this
request as he expects from the letter to the editor, but tells Phuong about
both. ##Chapter 2 83 114Use the grey box to type your summary. Write no
more than 100 words.#Summary# FORMTEXT
########################## # # # # ### ##(#1#)# #I#n# #T#a#n#y#i#n#,# #t#h#e#
#H#o#l#y# #S#e#e# #f#o#r# #t#h#e# #C#a#o#d#a#i#s#t#s#,# #F#o#w#l#e#r#
#i#n#t#e#r#v#i#e#w#s# #t#h#e# #C#a#o#d#a#i#s#t# #P#o#p#e#.# # #H#e# #s#e#e#s#
#P#y#l#e# #i#n# #t#h#e# #s#t#r#e#e#t# #t#a#l#k#i#n#g# #t#o# #a#
#C#a#o#d#a#i#s#t# #c#o#m#m#a#n#d#a#n#t#.# # #P#y#l#e## s# #c#a#r# #i#s# #n#o#t#
#r#e#p#a#i#r#e#d# #i#n# #t#i#m#e# #a#n#d# #F#o#w#l#e#r# #o#f#f#e#r#s# #h#i#m#
#t#r#a#n#s#p#o#r#t# #b#a#c#k# #t#o# #S#a#i#g#o#n# #b#e#f#o#r#e# #t#h#e#
#h#o#u#r#s# #o#f the curfew.(2) Fowlers car has been sabotaged and runs out of
petrol on the way out of the area. They reach a watchtower that carries the
Vietnamese flag and Fowler climbs the ladder, all the time expecting to be shot.
(3) Two Vietnamese men occupy the tower. Conversation on a number of topics,
both political and personal, ensues between the Fowler and Pyle. The sound of a
loud speaker announces that their guard tower is about to be attacked. Pyle and
Fowler climb down the ladder and Fowler falls, spraining his ankle as the tower
is destroyed(4) Pyle drags Fowler into the rice paddy saving his life. When
Pyle leaves to find help, his behaviour makes him seem like a hero in a boys
Fowler begins to realise there is no such thing as noninvolvement as he thinks of the Vietnamese men in the tower who are now almost
certainly dead. Pyle returns with help.##Chapter 3 115 134Use the grey box
to type your summary. Write no more than 100 words.#Summary# FORMTEXT
############## # # # # ### #(#1#)# #F#o#w#l#e#r# #r#e#t#u#r#n#s# #t#o# #t#h#e#
#f#l#a#t# #a#f#t#e#r# #h#i#s# #s#t#a#y# #i#n# #t#h#e# #L#e#g#i#o#n#
#H#o#s#p#i#t#a#l# #o#n# #t#h#e# #r#o#a#d# #b#a#c#k# #t#o#w#a#r#d#s#
#T#a#n#y#i#n#.# # #T#h#e#r#e# #i#s# #a# #l#e#t#t#e#r# #f#r#o#m# #h#i#s#
#w#i#f#e#.# # #W#h#e#n# #P#h#u#o#n#g# #a#s#k#s# #i#f# #H#e#l#e#n# #h#a#s#
#c#o#n#s#e#n#t#e#d# #t#o# #t#h#e# #d#i#v#o#r#c#e#,# #F#o#w#l#e#r# #l#i#e#s#
#a#n#d# #s#a#y#s# #s#h#e# #i#s# #n#o#t# #s#u#r#e#.# # #T#h#e#n# #h#e#
#w#r#i#t#e#s# #a# letter to Pyle, extending the lie by saying that the divorce
will go ahead.(2) Fowler goes to the Quai Mytho, and meets Mr Chous manager, Mr
Heng, who offers to show him the warehouse.
Fowler is shown a mould and a drum
that had contained Diolacton, an American plastic. (3) Pyle calls and Fowler
opens the door only to see Phuong and Pyle together as if they have just been
kissing. Pyle accuses Fowler of lying to him in the letter he sent saying that
Helen had agreed to a divorce. ##Question: Fowler## s# #a#s#s#o#c#i#a#t#i#o#n#
#w#i#t#h# #o#p#i#u#m# #a#p#p#e#a#r#s# #a#g#a#i#n# #i#n# #t#h#e# #o#p#e#n#i#n#g#
#o#f# #P#a#r#t# #I#I#.# #W#h#a#t# #d#o#e#s# #t#h#i#s# #r#e#v#e#a#l# #a#b#o#u#t#
#h#i#s# #c#h#a#r#a#c#t#e#r#?# ####W#R#I#T#E# #Y#O#U#R# #A#N#S#W#E#R# #H#E#R#E#:#
### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ########P#A#R#T# #2# #Q#U#E#S#T#I#O#N#S###
#S#i#g#n#i#f#i#c#a#n#t# #e#v#e#n#t#s# #h#a#p#p#e#n# #w#h#e#n# #F#o#w#l#e#r#
#i#s# #a#w#a#y# #f#r#o#m# #S#a#i#g#o#n#.# # #H#o#w# #d#o#e#s# #t#h#i#s#
#s#e#c#t#i#o#n# #c#o#n#t#r#i#b#u#t#e# #t#o# #h#i#s# #u#n#d#e#r#s#t#a#n#d#i#n#g#
#o#f# #h#i#m#s#e#l#f# #a#n#d# #t#h#o#s#e# #a#r#o#u#n#d# #h#i#m#?####
#F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ####C#o#n#s#i#d#e#r# #o#t#h#e#r# #t#i#m#e#s#
#i#n# #t#h#e# #b#o#o#k# #w#h#e#n# #F#o#w#l#e#r# #h#a#s# #t#o# #m#o#v#e#
#a#w#a#y# #i#n# #o#r#d#e#r# #t#o# #g#a#i#n# #e#n#l#i#g#h#t#e#n#m#e#n#t#.# #
#A#r#e# #t#h#e#r#e# #s#i#m#i#l#a#r#i#t#i#e#s# #b#e#t#w#e#e#n# #t#h#e#s#e#
#t#i#m#e#s#?#### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ####F#o#w#l#e#r#
#e#x#p#r#e#s#s#e#s# #q#u#i#t#e# #a# #c#y#n#i#c#a#l# #v#i#e#w# #o#f# #l#o#v#e#
#i#n# #t#h#i#s# #s#e#c#t#i#o#n#.# # #D#o#e#s# #h#i#s# #b#e#h#a#v#i#o#u#r#
#n#o#w# #a#n#d# #a#t# #o#t#h#e#r# #p#a#r#t#s# #o#f# #t#h#e# #b#o#o#k# #b#e#a#r#
#o#u#t# #h#i#s# #w#o#r#d#s#?#### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ###
#F#o#w#l#e#r# #c#l#a#i#m#s# #t#h#a#t# #h#i#s# #p#r#i#m#e# #m#o#t#i#v#a#t#i#o#n#

#i#s# #p#e#a#c#e# #o#f# #m#i#n#d#.# # #C#a#n# #w#e# #b#e#l#i#e#v#e# #h#i#m#?####

#F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ####W#h#a#t# #i#s# #P#y#l#e## s# #c#o#v#e#r#
#s#t#o#r#y# #f#o#r# #b#e#i#n#g# #i#n# #V#i#e#t#n#a#m#?# #### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T#
###### # # # # ####H#o#w# #d#o#e#s# #h#e# #a#t#t#e#m#p#t# #t#o#
#d#i#s#g#u#i#s#e# #t#h#a#t# #h#e# #i#s# #a#n# #a#g#e#n#t#?# #W#h#a#t# #d#o#
#w#e# #k#n#o#w# #a#b#o#u#t# #h#i#s# #f#a#m#i#l#y#?# #### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T#
###### # # # # ####F#o#w#l#e#r## s# #a#s#s#o#c#i#a#t#i#o#n# #w#i#t#h#
#o#p#i#u#m# #a#p#p#e#a#r#s# #a#g#a#i#n# #i#n# #t#h#e# #o#p#e#n#i#n#g# #o#f#
#P#a#r#t# #I#I#.# #W#h#a#t# #d#o#e#s# #t#h#i#s# #r#e#v#e#a#l# #a#b#o#u#t#
#h#i#s# #c#h#a#r#a#c#t#e#r#?# #### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ####H#o#w#
#i#s# #P#h#u#o#n#g# #c#h#a#r#a#c#t#e#r#i#z#e#d# #i#n# #t#h#e# #f#i#r#s#t#
#c#h#a#p#t#e#r# #o#f# #P#a#r#t# #I#I#?# #A#r#e# #t#h#e#r#e# #a#n#y#
#s#y#m#b#o#l#i#c# #a#s#s#o#c#i#a#t#i#o#n#s# #w#i#t#h# #h#e#r# #n#a#m#e#?# ####
#F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ####W#h#a#t# #i#s# #C#a#o#d#a#i#s#m#?# ##

### #H#Y#P#E#R#L#I#N#K#
#n#_#g#l#o#s#.#h#t#m#l###### #H#Y#P#E#R#L#I#N#K#

#### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ####L#i#s#t# #o#t#h#e#r#

#V#i#e#t#n#a#m#e#s#e# #t#e#r#m#s# #t#h#a#t# #y#o#u# #h#a#v#e#
#e#n#c#o#u#n#t#e#r#e#d# #i#n# #t#h#e# #n#o#v#e#l# #t#o# #t#h#i#s# #p#o#i#n#t#.#
#C#h#e#c#k# #t#h#e#m#.# #H#o#w# #d#o#e#s# #C#a#o#d#a#i#s#m# #r#e#l#a#t#e# #t#o#
#t#h#e# #g#e#n#e#r#a#l# #t#h#e#m#e# #o#f# #t#h#e# #n#o#v#e#l#?# #####
#F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ####D#o# #a#n#y# #o#f# #t#h#e# #o#t#h#e#r#
#w#o#r#d#s# #r#e#l#a#t#e# #t#o# #t#h#e# #t#h#e#m#e# #o#f# #t#h#e# #n#o#v#e#l#?#
#### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ####W#h#a#t# #i#s# #t#h#e# #p#u#r#p#o#s#e#
#o#f# #F#o#w#l#e#r## s# #v#i#s#i#t# #t#o# #t#h#e# #C#a#o#d#a#i#s#t#
#C#a#t#h#e#d#r#a#l#?# #### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ####W#h#a#t# #i#s#
## T#h#e# #D#o#m#i#n#o# #T#h#e#o#r#y## ?# ##

### #H#Y#P#E#R#L#I#N#K#

##### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ####W#h#a#t# #a#r#e# #t#h#e#

#a#t#t#i#t#u#d#e#s# #o#f# #F#o#w#l#e#r# #a#n#d# #P#y#l#e# #a#b#o#u#t#
#P#o#l#i#t#i#c#s#,# #L#o#v#e#,# #a#n#d# #G#o#d# #i#n# #t#h#e# #t#o#w#e#r#
#s#c#e#n#e# #i#n# #C#h#a#p#t#e#r#s# #2#-#3#?# #### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # #
# # ####W#h#a#t# #k#i#n#d# #o#f# #s#y#m#b#o#l#i#s#m# #d#o#e#s# #G#r#e#e#n#e#
#u#s#e# #i#n# #t#h#e# #s#c#e#n#e# #i#n# #w#h#i#c#h# #P#y#l#e# #s#a#v#e#s#
#F#o#w#l#e#r#?# #W#h#y#?# #### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ####W#h#a#t#
#i#s# #t#h#e# #m#e#a#n#i#n#g# #o#f# #t#h#e# #v#i#s#i#t# #t#o# #M#r#.# #C#h#o#u#
#a#n#d# #M#r#.# #H#e#n#g# #i#n# #3#.#2# #b#y# #F#o#w#l#e#r#?# ####
#F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ####W#h#a#t# #i#s# #t#h#e# #f#u#n#c#t#i#o#n#
#o#f# #D#o#m#i#n#g#u#e#z#?# #### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ###
#D#e#s#c#r#i#b#e# #F#o#w#l#e#r## s# #d#r#e#a#m# #i#n# #3#.#3#.# #W#h#a#t#
#d#o#e#s# #i#t# #m#e#a#n#?# #I#s# #t#h#e#r#e# #s#y#m#b#o#l#i#s#m# #i#n# #i#t#?#
#### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ####D#e#s#c#r#i#b#e# #t#h#e# #n#a#t#u#r#e#
#o#f# #t#h#e# #r#e#l#a#t#i#o#n#s#h#i#p# #b#e#t#w#e#e#n# #P#y#l#e# #a#n#d#
#F#o#w#l#e#r# #a#t# #t#h#i#s# #p#o#i#n#t# #i#n# #t#h#e# #n#o#v#e#l#.# #O#n#
#h#o#w# #m#a#n#y# #l#e#v#e#l#s# #d#o#e#s# #t#h#e# #r#e#l#a#t#i#o#n#s#h#i#p#
#e#x#i#s#t#?#### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ####W#h#a#t# #r#o#l#e#
#d#o#e#s# #P#h#u#o#n#g# #p#l#a#y# #i#n# #t#h#e# #n#o#v#e#l#?# # #A#t# #o#n#e#
#p#o#i#n#t#,# #o#n# #p#a#g#e# #1#4#,# #F#o#w#l#e#r# #d#e#s#c#r#i#b#e#s# #h#e#r#
#a#s# ## A#n# #i#n#d#i#g#e#n#o#u#s# #h#e#r#b#.## # #W#h#a#t# #d#o#e#s#
#t#h#a#t# #m#e#a#n# #a#n#d# #h#o#w# #m#i#g#h#t# #h#e#r#
#i#n#d#i#g#e#n#o#u#s#n#e#s#s# #m#a#k#e# #h#e#r# #a#t#t#r#a#c#t#i#v#e# #t#o#
#b#o#t#h# #t#h#e#s#e# #m#e#n#?# # #### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ###
#W#h#a#t# #i#s# #t#h#e# #n#a#t#u#r#e# #o#f# #e#a#c#h# #m#a#n#'#s# #d#e#s#i#r#e#
#f#o#r# #P#h#u#o#n#g#?# # #### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ####C#a#n#
#e#i#t#h#e#r# #m#a#n# #b#e# #s#a#i#d# #t#o# #t#r#u#l#y# #"#l#o#v#e# #h#e#r#?# #
#O#r# #i#s# #s#h#e# #m#o#r#e# #a# #s#y#m#b#o#l# #o#f# #s#o#m#e#t#h#i#n#g#
#b#e#y#o#n#d# #h#e#r# #o#w#n# #c#h#a#r#a#c#t#e#r#?# # #I#f# #s#o#,# #w#h#a#t#
#d#o#e#s# #P#h#u#o#n#g# ## s#y#m#b#o#l#i#z#e## #f#o#r# #t#h#e#s#e# #t#w#o#
#v#e#r#y# #d#i#f#f#e#r#e#n#t# #m#e#n#?# #### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ##
##C#o#m#p#a#r#e# #a#n#d# #c#o#n#t#r#a#s#t# #P#h#u#o#n#g#'#s#
#r#e#l#a#t#i#o#n#s#h#i#p# #w#i#t#h# #F#o#w#l#e#r# #a#n#d# #P#y#l#e#.# ####
#F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ###

#P#a#r#t# #3#:# #P#y#l#e# #S#t#e#a#l#s# #P#h#u#o#n#g# #a#n#d# #S#h#o#c#k#s#

#F#o#w#l#e#r# #w#i#t#h# #B#o#m#b###C#h#a#p#t#e#r# #1# ## #1#3#7# ## #1#5#3##
#U#s#e# #t#h#e# #g#r#e#y# #b#o#x# #t#o# #t#y#p#e# #y#o#u#r# #s#u#m#m#a#r#y#.#
#W#r#i#t#e# #n#o# #m#o#r#e# #t#h#a#n# #1#0#0# #w#o#r#d#s#.####S#u#m#m#a#r#y####
#F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ## ###(#1#)# #A# #f#o#r#t#n#i#g#h#t#
#a#f#t#e#r# #P#y#l#e## s# #d#e#a#t#h# #V#i#g#o#t# #s#e#e#s# #F#o#w#l#e#r# #i#n#
#B#o#u#l#e#v#a#r#d# #C#h#a#r#n#e#r# #a#n#d# #a#s#k#s# #w#h#e#n# #h#e# #l#a#s#t#
#s#a#w# #P#y#l#e#.##T#h#e# #e#v#e#n#t#s# #o#f# #t#h#i#s# #c#h#a#p#t#e#r#
#t#a#k#e# #p#l#a#c#e# #a#f#t#e#r# #t#h#o#s#e# #i#n# #P#a#r#t# #O#n#e#,# #Chapter
2 (2). (2), Fowler finds himself questioning Phuongs every move, unconsciously
running down anything that is American. Fowler witnesses the explosion of
bicycles in the fountain. Mr Heng asks Fowler if the bicycle pump reminds him of
Fowler visits the garage of Mr Muoi finding a machine that has
obviously been used to make the bicycle bombs. When he returns to his flat,
neither Phuong nor her possessions is there.This chapter continues the
chronological story.(3) Fowler goes to the American Legation and asks to see
Pyle who is not there. He recognises that his relationship with Phuong is over.
He goes into the Mens Room and cries.(4) Fowler leaves Saigon and travels to
the front at Haiphong. He is invited to take part in a vertical raid - a
bombing run - near the Chinese border. A sampan and its occupants are destroyed
and once again Fowler becomes aware that he hates war.(5) Captain Trouin,
Fowlers pilot on the vertical raid, insists on being his host that night in the
opium house despite the fact that he does not indulge himself. Fowler takes
home the beautiful prostitute in the house, only to find his body fails him.
##Chapter 2 154 163Use the grey box to type your summary. Write no more
than 100 words.#Summary# FORMTEXT
# # # # # ## ###(#1#)# #W#h#e#n# #F#o#w#l#e#r# #a#r#r#i#v#e#s# #b#a#c#k# #i#n#
#S#a#i#g#o#n#,# #h#e# #f#i#n#d#s# #P#y#l#e# #w#a#i#t#i#n#g# #f#o#r# #h#i#m#
#a#t# #h#i#s# #f#l#a#t#.# # #A# #l#e#t#t#e#r# #f#r#o#m# #h#i#s# #o#f#f#i#c#e#
#o#n#l#y# #g#r#a#n#t#s# #h#i#s# #r#e#q#u#e#s#t# #t#o# #r#e#m#a#i#n# #i#n#
#V#i#e#t#n#a#m#.# # #P#y#l#e# #t#a#l#k#s# #o#f# #h#i#s# #p#l#a#n#s# #f#o#r#
#m#a#r#r#i#a#g#e# ## b#a#c#k# #h#o#m#e## #a#n#d# #F#o#w#l#e#r# #a#s#k#s#
#h#i#m# #t#o# #t#r#e#a#t# #P#h#u#o#n#g# #w#e#l#l#.##(2) Fowler looks for a new
flat then goes to the Pavillon where he overhears two girls mention that they
need to be away from the area by 11.25 am. An explosion interrupts his
thoughts. He meets Pyle who looks sickened when he gets blood on his. Fowler
sees Pyles distress and realises that those who are eternally innocent must be
either controlled or eliminated.##Questions #WRITE YOUR ANSWER HERE: # FORMTEXT
################ # # # # ########P#A#R#T# #3# #Q#U#E#S#T#I#O#N#S###W#h#a#t#
#i#s# #P#a#s#c#a#l## s# #W#a#g#e#r#?# #W#h#a#t# #c#h#a#r#a#c#t#e#r# #i#s#
#a#s#s#o#c#i#a#t#e#d# #w#i#t#h# #i#t#?# #W#h#y#?# #W#h#a#t# #t#h#e#m#e#
#d#o#e#s# #i#t# #h#i#g#h#l#i#g#h#t# #i#n# #t#h#e# #n#o#v#e#l#?# #W#h#a#t#
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### #H#Y#P#E#R#L#I#N#K#

### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ####W#h#a#t# #i#s# #t#h#e#

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# ####W#h#a#t# #r#o#l#e# #d#o#e#s# #P#h#u#o#n#g# #p#l#a#y# #i#n#
#F#o#w#l#e#r#'#s# #d#e#c#i#s#i#o#n#?# # #### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ##
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###### # # # # ####W#h#a#t# #i#s# #t#h#e# #m#e#a#n#i#n#g# #o#f# #t#h#e#
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.html#) What is the connection? # HYPERLINK
"http://www.ecr.mu.oz.au/~npl/vnl.htm" ##http://www.ecr.mu.oz.au/~npl/vnl.htm#

######################################### # # # # ####E#x#p#l#a#i#n# #t#h#e#
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# # ###

#P#a#r#t# #4#:# #F#o#w#l#e#r# #P#l#o#t#s# #T#o# #K#i#l#l# #P#y#l#e##

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#t#h#a#n# #1#0#0# #w#o#r#d#s#.####S#u#m#m#a#r#y#### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # #
# # ####P#h#u#o#n#g# #g#o#e#s# #t#o# #t#h#e# #c#i#n#e#m#a# #w#i#t#h# #h#e#r#
#s#i#s#t#e#r#.# # #V#i#g#o#t# #v#i#s#i#t#s# #F#o#w#l#e#r# #a#n#d# #s#a#y#s#
#t#h#a#t# #t#h#e#y# #k#n#o#w# #F#o#w#l#e#r# #i#s# #n#o#t# #t#h#e#
#m#u#r#d#e#r#e#r#.# # #F#o#w#l#e#r# #a#d#m#i#r#e#s# #V#i#g#o#t## s# #expertise
and dedication to his job and wishes he could confess to him that he had seen
Pyle the night he died.This chapter follows Part Three, Chapter 1 (1).##Chapter
2 172 186Use the grey box to type your summary. Write no more than 100
words.#Summary# FORMTEXT
############################################################################## #
# # # ## ###(#1#)# #A#f#t#e#r# #l#e#a#v#i#n#g# #M#r# #M#u#o#i## s#
#g#a#r#a#g#e#,# #F#o#w#l#e#r# #g#o#e#s# #t#o# #s#e#e# #M#r# #H#e#n#g#.# #
#F#o#w#l#e#r# #t#e#l#l#s# #M#r# #H#e#n#g# #t#h#a#t# #P#y#l#e# #m#u#s#t# #b#e#
#s#t#o#p#p#e#d# #a#n#d# #M#r# #H#e#n#g# #s#u#g#g#e#s#t#s# #t#h#a#t# #t#h#i#s#
#c#a#n# #b#e# #d#o#n#e# #w#i#t#h# #F#o#w#l#e#r## s# #h#e#l#p#.# # #M#r#
#H#e#n#g# #p#o#i#n#t#s# #o#u#t#,# #a#s# #d#i#d# #C#a#p#t#a#i#n# #T#r#o#u#i#n#,#
#t#h#a#t# #F#o#w#l#e#r# #m#u#s#t# #t#a#k#e# #s#i#d#e#s# #in order to remain
human.This chapter returns us to the chronological story.(2) Fowler sends a
message to Pyle asking him to visit him.
Pyles indifference to the damage he
is creating with his bombs convinces Fowler and so he gives the signal arranged
with Mr Heng. The more he talks, the more Fowlers resolve hardens. (3) Fowler
goes to the Vieux Moulin where Granger is hosting a party. Granger approaches
drunkenly and demands that Fowler come outside. He tells Fowler that his son
has just been diagnosed with polio and that today is his eighth birthday. Fowler
offers to help and then wonders whether he is so different to Pyle after all.
##Chapter 3 187 189Use the grey box to type your summary. Write no more than
100 words.#Summary# FORMTEXT
########## # # # # ####P#h#u#o#n#g# #r#e#t#u#r#n#s# #f#r#o#m# #t#h#e#
#c#i#n#e#m#a# #a#f#t#e#r# #V#i#g#o#t# #h#a#s# #l#e#f#t# #a#n#d# #g#i#v#e#s#
#F#o#w#l#e#r# #a# #t#e#l#e#g#r#a#m#.# # #H#e#l#e#n#,# #h#i#s# #w#i#f#e#,#
#h#a#s# #a#g#r#e#e#d# #t#o# #a# #d#i#v#o#r#c#e#.# # # # #F#o#w#l#e#r#
#l#o#o#k#s# #a#t# #t#h#e# #Y#o#r#k# #H#a#r#d#i#n#g# #b#o#o#k# #h#e# #h#a#s#
#s#o#u#v#e#n#i#r#e#d# #f#r#o#m# #F#o#w#l#e#r# #r#e#f#l#e#c#t#s# #o#n# #t#h#e#
#f#a#c#t# #t#h#a#t# #e#v#e#r#y#t#h#i#n#g# #h#a#s# #g#o#n#e# #r#i#g#h#t# #f#or
him since Pyles death, but he wishes that there were someone to whom he could
apologise. The events here occur immediately after those in Part Four, Chapter 1
bringing us up to the present time in the context of the story.
########################################################################## # # #
# ########P#A#R#T# #4# #Q#U#E#S#T#I#O#N#S###G#r#e#e#n#e# #o#f#t#e#n#
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#a#p#p#e#a#r#a#n#c#e#.# # #H#o#w# #i#s# #t#h#i#s# #d#e#m#o#n#s#t#r#a#t#e#d#
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###### # # # # ####W#h#a#t# #m#a#k#e#s# #F#o#w#l#e#r# #r#e#a#l#i#s#e# #t#h#a#t#
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#T#h#e# #f#i#n#a#l# #s#e#n#t#e#n#c#e# #o#f# #t#h#i#s# #e#x#t#r#a#c#t# #a#n#d#
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#o#f# #i#t#?#### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ####T#h#o#u#g#h# #F#o#w#l#e#r#
#s#e#e#m#s# #t#o# #l#i#k#e# #a#n#d# #e#v#e#n# #a#t# #t#i#m#e#s# #a#d#m#i#r#e#
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#### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ####W#h#a#t# #a#r#e# #t#h#e#

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### #H#Y#P#E#R#L#I#N#K#

#### #F#O#R#M#T#E#X#T# ###### # # # # ####H#o#w# #i#s# #F#o#w#l#e#r# #a#n#

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#W#h#y# #a#r#e# #i#m#a#g#e#s# #o#f# #s#i#g#h#t# #a#n#d# #v#i#s#i#o#n# #s#o#
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# # # ###


#S#o#m#e# #K#e#y# #W#o#rd/Concept DefinitionsBelow you will find a list of key

words and concepts that you will help you understand what you are reading. A
list of French words and definitions is given below to help you appreciate the
meaning.Mandarin (12)# HYPERLINK
##http://www.hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/mandarin#Princess Margaret (12)#
HYPERLINK "http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/1810760.stm"
##http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/1810760.stm#Annamite (12):# HYPERLINK
##http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Annam## HYPERLINK
##http://www.columbia.edu/~lnp3/mydocs/culture/Quiet_American.htm## HYPERLINK
##http://www.commondreams.org/views03/0218-02.htm## HYPERLINK
##http://www.khmer.cc/channels/0,4,37,01,6355.html#Baudelaire (14)# HYPERLINK
##http://w3.teaser.fr/~vdisanzo/spiral36.html#L'invitation au voyage Mon enfant,
ma soeur, #Songe la douceur #D'aller l,bas vivre ensemble ? #Aimer loisir,
#Aimer et mourir Au pays qui te ressemble ! #Les soleils mouills #De ces ciels
brouills #Pour mon esprit ont les charmes #Si mystrieux #De tes tratres yeux,
#Brillant travers leurs larmes. L, tout n'est qu'ordre et beaut, #Luxe,
calme et volupt. Des meubles luisants, #Polis par les ans, #Dcoreraient notre
chambre ; #Les plus rares fleurs #Mlant leurs odeurs #Aux vagues senteurs de
l'ambre, #Les riches plafonds, #Les miroirs profonds, #La splendeur orientale,
#Tout y parlerait #A l'me en secret #Sa douce langue natale. L, tout n'est
qu'ordre et beaut, #Luxe, calme et volupt. Vois sur ces canaux #Dormir ces
vaisseaux #Dont l'humeur est vagabonde; #C'est pour assouvir #Ton moindre dsir
#Qu'ils viennent du bout du monde. #Les soleils couchants #Revtent les champs,
#Les canaux, la ville entire, #D'hyacinthe et d'or; #Le monde s'endort #Dans
une chaude lumire. L, tout n'est qu'ordre et beaut, #Luxe, calme et volupt.
English TranslationThe invitation with the voyage My child, my sister,#Think of
softness#Of going there, low food together?#To like with leisure,#To like and
die With the country which resembles you!#Wet suns#Of these ciels scrambled#For
my spirit the charms have#If mysterious#Of your traitors eyes,#Shining through
their tears. There, all is only order and beauty,#Luxate, calms and pleasure.
Pieces of furniture luisants,#Polished by the years,#Would decorate our
room;#Rarest flowers#Mixing their odors#With the vague scents of amber,#The rich
person ceilings,#Deep mirrors,#Eastern splendour,#All would speak there#With the
heart in secrecy#Its soft native language. There, all is only order and
beauty,#Luxate, calms and pleasure. See on these channels#To sleep these
vessels#Whose mood is wandering;#It is to appease#Your least desire#That they
come from the end of the world.#Setting suns#The fields cover,#Channels, the
whole city,#Of Hyacinthe and gold;#The world falls asleep#In a heat light.
There, all is only order and beauty,#Luxate, calms and pleasure.Hoa-Haos (p15)#
HYPERLINK "http://hoahao.org/default.asp?TheloaiID=19&IDNumber=558"
##http://hoahao.org/default.asp?TheloaiID=19&IDNumber=558#Caodaists (p 15)#
HYPERLINK "http://www.thingsasian.com/goto_article/article.807.html"
##http://www.thingsasian.com/goto_article/article.807.html#Cholon (p 15)#
HYPERLINK "http://www.asiatour.com/vietnam/e-08hoch/ev-hoc25.htm"
##http://www.asiatour.com/vietnam/e-08hoch/ev-hoc25.htm## HYPERLINK
##http://91.1911encyclopedia.org/C/CH/CHOLON.htm#Les Pensees (p 16)# HYPERLINK
##http://oregonstate.edu/instruct/phl302/philosophers/pascal.html#Pascal (p 16)#
Surete (p 16)Phuong/Phoenix# HYPERLINK
##http://www.adoptvietnam.org/vietnamese/names-girls.htm## HYPERLINK
##http://coombs.anu.edu.au/WWWVLPages/VietPages/coatarms.html#Trishaw# HYPERLINK

##http://newark.rutgers.edu/~hbf/QUIETAM.htm#Opium Smoking# HYPERLINK

Thomas Fowler# HYPERLINK "http://www.sundaybookclub.com/greene/"
##http://www.sundaybookclub.com/greene/#Alden Pyle# HYPERLINK
##http://www.thingsasian.com/goto_article/article.2234.html#General Trinh Minh
/background.html" ####################6###7###############













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