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The good is sovereign over the will, it imposes itself on the will.
It is not subservient to the will.
Great moral value is something you cant dispense of. It is not a matter of your
own choice. The objectivity of these values.

Some acts by their nature are directly repugnant to basic good acts
("intrinsically evil act").

There is a relationship between these intrinsically good acts and God
Is my will satisfied? no because i keep searching for that truth. The will is
ordered to these basic goods in their unconditioned form. The will not just a
particular truth, mode of life, beauty, or basic good. Tt wants to know the
particular truth of someone. God in our tradition, is the name we give to
these basic goods in their unconditioned form, the unconditioned act of
being. The will out of trajectory, moves toward God. These acts are
reflections of, and participations in, of these unconditioned truths.

The negation of God, if done steadily with intent and purpose, leads to
feeding the ego. WILL LEAD TO A MORAL EROSION. If God's existence is
denied, everything becomes possible...or worse, permissible.

Every moral act produces two things: the immediate result and the long term
(building up my character). Everyday we either build ourselves up or down
by the acts we do. In the course of your life you either build yourself up
positively or negatively.

Danger of a typically modern attitude: Ive done all kinds of bad things, but
deep down im a good person- but it doesnt work that way. There is a kind of
dualism (gnosticism - sharp divide between body and spirit, like the body
isnt affecting the inside.) but both matter to each other, the body shapes who
we are becoming.

You cant enter (for example) the hookup culture, without it changing your

Depression, anxiety...COGNITIVE DISSONANCE because we know deep
down its wrong. There is a very intimate relationship between what we do
and who we are. Before engaging in all kinds of behavior, think that you are
not just performing certain things that have immediate consequences, but
shaping the person you are becoming.

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