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how to bathe a cat

Bathing the cat should consist of 2 things: a warm water

bath and shower you with it.
You'll definitely wet when bathing your cat. Do not try
to keep your body dry by this cat just makes fear and
anxiety. t can be scratched like cra!y and screaming
loudly during the bath.
"tep #: $ix just enough hot water bath for cats %f you
use the shower& the water phase is always warm enough.
f you do not take showers that water heating is noted to
mix a little hotter than the heat of the water hold'.
"tep 2: You take off all your items out %also the
"tep (: )old the cat on lap& use warm water to flush the
cat. *ently rub your hands and always comforting&
talking to the cat to forget it& +bathroom+.
,his is why you need to undress when bathing your cat.
n addition to a-oid wetting the map& the rubbing of the
body also makes the cat feel secure. ,he a-erage body
temperature of (. degrees and it is also a source of
warm lo-e for cats.
"tep /: 0or the hand lotion and begin to gently rub the
cat %1otice at / feet& anal area and the cat's ears'.
"tep / must be gently and carefully by this stage the cat
was +absorbed+ water. 2lthough warm water but
penetrates through the hair and cat meat& it began to feel
unsafe when wet body. 1ow you need to constantly
reassure the cat by holding it firmly in your heart so that
it felt -ery close and talk to it.
1ote: ,he cat ears and eyes were careful not to stick to
lotion. You can simply wet your hands lightly stroked
the cat dirt in the ear also.
"tep 3: 4se hot water to wash the last cat. ,his is when
the cat is really up there and then %'. "hower gel smells&
the cold water makes them afraid and can +attack+ you.
)owe-er& you can be assured by what it is not too
aggressi-e. ,alk to drown the cries of them large.5all
them names and babble.
"tep 3 you need to finish 6uickly and lightly. 5ats as
long as annoying and cra!y out there can play.
"tep 7: )old your cat a bath and put on a towel to wipe
the body clean cat %especially two ears& four legs and
abdomen'. f you ha-e a hair dryer can be used
%pro-ided you are not afraid of cats oo sound from the
hair dryer'
f you bathe your cat regularly& they will get used and
not worried anymore. 8emember that first bath is
important because if you make them panic& it is difficult
to time 2.

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