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TO THANK . . .

Mrs. Valeria Sorock (a language purist!) for her noble action

in tping e!tra copies of this "anuscript# bra$el ignoring an%
unaltering fracture% &nglish an% graceless gra""ar.
Victoria Har$e of 'righton# Susse!# &nglan%# for the
%elicate feeling an% un%erstan%ing so a%e(uatel %isplae% in
these illustrations b her.
)Ma* for rea%ing an% criticising (al+as kin%l) " first
thoughts# an% )'uttercup* for such har% +ork in tping fro"
" %ictation.
The Misses Ta%alinka an% ,leopatra -a"pa# the -epre.
sentati$es on &arth of the /a% Ku0ei an% Mrs. 1ifi 2re.
+hiskers +ho# in spite of being onl si! "onths ol%# NO'/3
entertaine% an% so"eti"es tore up the pages before the +ere
finishe% +ith.
/a%ies4goo% gracious! The are A// la%ies!4THANK
T. /O'SAN2 -AM6A

,hapter One A ,o"ing 7orl% /ea%er 88
,hapter T+o Man Mansions 9:

,hapter Three Man More Mansions ;;
,hapter 1our Man <i"ensions Too! =>
,hapter 1i$e 6ainting +ith 7or%s ?8
,hapter Si! A 7orl% 7e All Must Visit @@

,hapter Se$en &n% of a ,hapter 88?
,hapter &ight Me%itation 8;9
,hapter Nine As Astral Tra$el for 3O5B 8=8
,hapter Ten The 7orks of Man 8:@
,hapter &le$en 3O5 7rite This 8@=

,hapter T+el$e -eligion an% Science 98;

,HA6T&- ON&
,OMAN2 7O-/< /&A<&-
TH& tall# rank +ee%s at the e%ge of the unke"pt $acant lot
stirre% slightl. The broa% lea$es of the ragge% ol% %ock plant
+a$e% si%e+as# an% the t+o un+inking green ees stare% out
into the gloo" of the %is"al street. Slo+l# an% +ith consi%er.
able caution# a gaunt ello+ to"cat e"erge% on to the une$en
si%e+alk. ,arefull he stoppe% to sniff the night air for signs
of ene"ies. 1rien%s4he ha% none# for cats in this street li$e%
a near.Cungle e!istence# +ith e$er "an0s han% against the".
Satisfie% at last that all +as clear# he sauntere% across to the
centre of the roa%+a an% there# sitting# he co""ence% a
"eticulous toilet. 1irst the ears# then the back of the neck +ith
a +ell."oistene% pa+. 1inall# +ith the left leg pointe% sk.
+ar%s# he continue% his careful groo"ing. 6ausing for a "o.
"ent to %ra+ breath# he looke% about hi"# looke% at the
%rear street.
<irt brick houses of another era. Tattere% curtains at soot.
s"eare% +in%o+s# +ith paint peeling fro" the rotting +in%o+
fra"es. Occasionall there ca"e the lou% blare fro" so"e %is.
cor%ant ra%io# to be (uickl turne% %o+n as a screa"e% curse
testifie% to so"e other occupant0s %isappro$al.
3ello+ gli""ers of light ca"e fro" such street la"ps as
ha% escape% being broken b the local chil%ren. 2reat patches
of black sha%o+ spra+le% across the area of the broken la"ps.
The ello+ to"cat turne% again to his toilet# un"o$e% b the
garbage littering the si%e+alks. 1ro" far a+a# fro" the
better area# ca"e the "ute% roar of the traffic an% reflecte%
fro" the sk ca"e the glo+ of "an neon signs. 'ut here# in
this street# all +as %esolate# a street of the hopeless.
Su%%enl the ello+ to"cat +as all alert# ears erect# ees
staring into the gloo"# "uscles rea% for instant flight. SOM&.
THAN2 ha% i"pinge% upon his a+areness. Springing to his
feet# he ga$e a +arning HASS before "erging into the gloo"
bet+een t+o houses. 1or a "o"ent all +as nor"al in the
street# the fretful +ail of a sick bab# a "an an% +o"an
(uarrelling +ith luri% anato"ical o$ertones# an% the %istant

screech of brakes su%%enl applie% in an a%Cacent street.
At last# there ca"e the faintest of unusual soun%s# slo+#
shuffling footsteps4not a %runk# that +as nor"al here!4but
age%# halting footsteps# the footsteps of one +ho +as tire% of
life# +ho +as hanging on b the "erest threa% to a "iserable
an% uncertain e!istence. The shuffling ca"e nearer# like the
slo+ grating of san% beneath san%ale% feet. The %ark chas"
of the gloo" street# but poorl relie$e% b the infre(uent
street la"ps# "a%e seeing %ifficult. A $ague sha%o+ "o$e%
feebl across a lighte% patch an% +as s+allo+e% up again b
the %arkness.
The soun% of +heeDing# asth"atic breath s"ote harshl on
the ears as the shrou%e% figure approache%. Su%%enl the steps
halte%# an% there ca"e the raucous noise of harsh e!pectora.
tion# follo+e% b a painfull hissing intake of breath. A hea$
sigh# an% the tottering steps resu"e% their +ear ca%ence.
<i"l a +hitish sha%o+ "aterialiDe% out of the se"i.%ark.
ness of the street an% ca"e to a halt beneath a feebl flickering
street la"p. An age% "an cla% in %irt +hite robes an% +ith
tattere% san%als upon his feet peere% near.sighte%l at the
groun% before hi". Stooping# he fu"ble% to pick up a %is.
car%e% cigarette en% ling in the gutter. As he bent the bur%en
he carrie% reflecte% the lightE a placar% on a pole# +ith the
cru%el printe% +or%sF )-epent# -epent# for the Secon% ,o".
ing of the /or% is at han%. -epent.* Straightening# he "o$e% a
fe+ steps farther# an% then cli"be% painfull %o+n so"e stone
steps to a base"ent apart"ent.
)<on0t kno+ +h e %o it# 'ert# that0s a fact A %on0t. 3e
onl get0s laughe% at b the ki%s. 2i$e it up# +ill aB*
)Ah# Mau%ie# +e all got our Cob to %o. 2uess A "ight plant a
see% of thought so"e+here# ou kno+. A0ll keep at it a +hile
)A +hile is all it0ll be# 'ert# e0r eight.one no+# ti"e ou
gi$e it up A sa# afore ou %rop %ea% on the street.*
. . . . . . .

0The ol% lch.gate +as glea"ingl resplen%ent un%er the
+eak afternoon sun. The fresh $arnish brought ne+ life to the
age.ol% +oo%. 1arther along the path the ancient gre stone
church of St. Mar0s looke% "ello+ an% bene$olent. The great
iron.stu%%e% %oors +ere open no+# +aiting for +orshippers to
the &$enti%e Ser$ice. High abo$e the bells clange% their


eternal "essage# )Hurr no+# hurr no+# or ou0ll be late.* A
thousan% ears of histor +as locke% in the ol% churchar%.
2reat stone to"bs of bgone %as# +ith their archaic spellings#
$ast stone angels +ith +i%e.sprea% +ings. Here an% there
broken "arble colu"ns signifie% a life )broken* in its pri"e.
A $agrant shaft of light# bursting une!pecte%l fro" su%.
%enl parte% clou%s# shot through the ol% church an% thre+ the
staine%.glass +in%o+s into $i$i% life# laing the sha%o+ of the
castellate% to+er across the gra$es of those +ho +ere burie% so
long ago.
6eople +ere con$erging on the church no+# co"ing fro" all
%irections# talking ani"ate%l# %resse% in their Sun%a best.
3oung chil%ren# self.conscious in their finer# an% e"barrasse%
b freshl scrubbe% faces# tagge% along behin% their parents.
An ol% Verger appeare% briefl an% gaDe% +orrie%l %o+n the
path before retiring into the %i" coolness of the church.
1ro" o$er the stone +all ca"e a burst of laughter# follo+e%
b the -ector an% a clerical frien%. Skirting the ol% to"b.
stones# the follo+e% a pri$ate path lea%ing to the $estr. Soon
the +ife an% chil%ren of the -ector appeare%# "aking their
+a to the "ain entrance so the coul% "ingle +ith the in.
co"ing throng.
Abo$e# in the bell to+er# the clang.clang# clang.clang con.
tinue%# urging on the tar%# reproaching the churchless. The
cro+% thinne% to a trickle# an% ca"e to a stop as the $erger
peere% out once "ore# an%# seeing no one# close% the "ain
Ansi%e there +as the hallo+e% at"osphere so co""on to ol%
churches of an 1aith. The great stone +alls soare% up+ar%s#
to gi$e +a at last to "assi$e rafters. The sunlight shone
through the staine%.glass +in%o+s# thro+ing shifting patterns
across the pale faces of the congregation. 1ro" the organ loft
ca"e the lulling strains of a h"n +hose histor +as lost
in the "ists of anti(uit. A last peal fro" the bells# an% as
their echoes +ere still %ing a+a a %oor creake% faintl#
an% the bell.ringers ca"e into the na$e to fin% seats at the
Su%%enl thc organ change% its "usic. 6eople stiffene% +ith
an air of e!pectanc an% there +as sub%ue% co""otion at the
rear of the church. The trea% of "an feet# the rustle of $est.
"ents# an% soon the first choirbos +ere filing up the aisle# to
take their places in the choir stalls. There ca"e the fi%geting

an% "ur"uring so co""on to such occasions as the con.
gregation prepare% for the ser$ice to start.
The -ea%er %rone% on# rea%ing the /essons as he ha% %one
for ears past# rea%ing auto"aticall4+ithout a thought. 'e.
hin% hi" a bore% choirbo +ith a rubber ban% an% so"e
pellets of paper procee%e% to fin% a"use"ent. )Ouch!* sai%
the first $icti"# in$oluntaril. Slo+l the organist.choir"aster
ferocious glare that he %roppe% the rubber ban% an% shuffle%
The 2uest ,leric# rea% to gi$e the ser"on# slo+l "ounte%
the steps of the pulpit. At the top he leane% against the
+oo%en le%ge an% gaDe% out co"placentl at the congregation.
Tall# he +as# +ith +a$ bro+n hair# an% +ith ees of that
sha%e of blue +hich so appeals to el%erl spinsters. The
-ector0s +ife# sitting in the first pe+# gaDe% up an% per"itte%
herself to +ish her husban% coul% ha$e such an appearance.
Slo+l# taking his ti"e# the 6reacher ga$e as his te!t TH&
S&,ON< ,OMAN2 O1 TH& /O-<.
He %rone% on# an% on# an% on. An a far.back pe+ an ol%
retire% far"er foun% it too "uch for hi". Slo+l he lapse%
into slu"ber. Soon snores resoun%e% throughout the church.
Hastil a si%es"an "o$e% to+ar%s hi" an% shook hi" a+ake
before lea%ing hi" outsi%e. At last the Visiting ,leric finishe%
his A%%ress. After gi$ing the 'lessing he turne% an% "a%e his
+a %o+n the pulpit steps.
There +as a shuffling an% stirring of feet as the organist
co""ence% to pla the closing h"n. Si%es"en "o$e% along
the aisles passing the collection plates an% shaking a repro$ing
hea% at those +ho %i% not gi$e enough. Soon the for"e% into
a group of four an% "arche% up the centre aisle to gi$e the
plates to the +aiting -ector. /ater# in the $estr# the -ector
turne% to his guest an% sai%F )The Take# nineteen poun%s#
three shillings# an% ele$en.pence halfpenn# one ,hinese tael#
one 1rench franc# an% t+o trouser buttons. No+# A a" $er
concerne% about the poor fello+ +ho has lost t+o trouser but.
tons# +e "ust hope that he reaches ho"e +ithout unto+ar%
Together# -ector an% 2uest +en%e% their +a along the
little path bet+een the age.ol% to"bstones# +ith the sha%o+s
lengthening an% pointing to the &ast. Silentl the crosse% the
little stile set into the +all bet+een churchar% an% -ector

groun%s. The -ector broke the silenceF )<i% A sho+ ou "
petunia be%sB* he aske%. )The are %oing +ell4A plante%
the" "self. 7e shoul%n0t talk shop# but A rather like% our
)See"e% to "e appropriate# +ith all this talk about 2o%
being %ea%#* replie% the 2uest.
)/et us look at the croft#* re"arke% the -ector# )A "ust get
so"e of the apple trees prune%. <o ou obtain our ser"ons
fro" the sa"e Agenc as AB A Cust recentl starte% +ith the"
4sa$es a lot of trouble.*
)-ather a large acreage ou ha$e here#* respon%e% the 2uest.
)No# A %o not %eal +ith the Agenc no+4the let "e %o+n
t+ice an% A a" not going to risk a thir% ti"e. <o ou %ig the
gar%en ourselfB*
)Oh!* sai% the -ector0s +ife# as the +ere %rinking a "il%
sherr before supper. )<o ou -&A//3 belie$e in a Secon%
,o"ing as ou sai% in our ser"onB*
)No+! No+! Margaret!* interpose% the -ector. )That is
$er "uch of a lea%ing (uestion. 3ou kno+ as +ell as A that
+e cannot preach nor sa all that +e belie$e4or %isbelie$e.
7e ha$e subscribe% to the Articles an% +e "ust preach
accor%ing to the -ules of the ,hurch an% the %ictates of the
'ishop of the See.*
The -ector0s +ife sighe%# an% sai%# )Af ON/3 +e kne+ the
truth# if ON/3 +e ha% SOM&ON& +ho coul% tell us +hat to
e!pect# +hat to belie$e# +hat to hope for.*
)Tell "e#* sai% the 2uest# turning to the -ector# )%o ou use
natural "anure or che"ical fertiliDer on our stra+berr
. . . . . .

The gre# shift.ee% ol% "an si%le% ingratiatingl to+ar%s
the thin.face% "an sitting unco"fortabl on the battere% park
bench. )7ha0 ti"e %oes %e gi$e %a 0an%outs# MateB* he en.
(uire% an!iousl# in a hoarse $oice. )A gotta get %a foo% insi%e
"e (uick# or A croak# see. <oes e 0a$ ter %o the" i"ns first#
The thin.face% "an turne% an% a+ne% elaboratel as he
ee% the other fro" hea% to foot. ,arefull "anicuring his
nails +ith a broken tooth.pick# he replie% langui%l# )Holl ol%
O!for% accent# ou ha$e# ol% bo. Ol% 'orstalian "self#
1eltha" House. So ou +ant to &AT# ehB So %o A4so %o A.

Often! 'ut it is not THAT easE the Hohnnies "ake us +ork for
it# ou kno+. H"ns# praers# an% then the Coll ol% rock pile#
or +oo% to sa+ or split.*
The e$ening sha%o+s lengthene% as the stole across the
little park# len%ing a +elco"e pri$ac to oung couples +ho
strolle% +istfull a"ong the trees. Minutes ago the shops ha%
close% for the night# an% no+ the grotes(ue an% i"probable
"ale an% fe"ale "anikins +ere left to %ispla their clothing
as figures fore$er froDen into i""obilit. The lights +ere on
at the Sal$ation Ar" hea%(uarters Cust %o+n the roa%. 1ro"
so"e+here afar off ca"e the )bu"" bu"" bu""* of a hea$
%ru" being poun%e% +ith "ore $igor than skill. Soon there
ca"e the soun% of "arching feet# an% the beating of the %ru"
gre+ lou%er an% lou%er.
-oun% the corner ca"e a group of "en an% +o"en# all
%resse% in %ark blue serge. The "en +ith peake% caps# an% the
+o"en +ith ol%.fashione% poke bonnets. No+ in the "ain
street# the ban%# +hich before ha% been Cust bright reflections
un%er the street la"ps# ca"e into action. The bugler e!pan%e%
his pun chest an% ble+ a "ight blast through his cornet. The
%ru""er enthusiasticall +hacke% the 'ig 'ass <ru"# +hile
one of the Sal$ation /assies4not to be out%one# clashe%
her c"bals as if her place in the Hereafter %epen%e% upon
Hust opposite the park gates the stoppe% an% the flag.
carrier groun%e% the butt of the staff +ith a happ sigh. The
la% +ith the ol% accor%ion got into her stri%e as she s(ueeDe%
off the opening bars of a h"n. )/ah.%e.%a.%a# lah.%e.%a.%a#
bru"" bru"" bru""#* (ua$ere% the ol% gre# shift.ee%
"an. The little ban% of Sal$ation Ar" "en an% +o"en
for"e% a circle# an% their captain a%Custe% his glasses an%
+aite% hopefull for a cro+% to collect. Along the e%ge of the
si%e+alk $olunteer +orkers hel% out copies of the 7ar ,r#
+hile other Sal$ation Ar" /assies +alke% into a public house
energeticall shaking their collection bo!es. O$er on the park
bench# the t+o "en4no+ Coine% b a thir%4+atche% the pro.
cee%ings +ith interest.
)3ou gotta confess er sins if ou +ant a %ouble helpin#*
sai% the ne+co"er.
)SinsB Ain0t got none!* sai% the shift.ee% "an.
*AinchaB* sai% the first. )Then ou0% better in$ent so"e
(uick. -efor"e% %runkar% goes o$er +ell. 3er can0t 0a$ that4

that0s "ine. Tell a# er better be a +ife beater +ot see% th0
)Ain0t got no +ife# %on0t 0a$ nuthin0 to %o +ith THAT truck!*
sai% the shift.ee% "an.
)2or bless er# "an#* snorte% the other in annoance# )er
,an ANV&NT a +ife# can0t erB Sa as 0o+ she run off 0cause
ou threatene% ter knock 0er block off. 3er gotta sa it O5T
/O5<# though!*
)<o ou fello+s belie$e in 2o%B* aske% the Ol% 'orstalian#
as he turne% his i%le gaDe to+ar%s the Sal$ation Ar" group.
)2a+%B* aske% the shift.ee% "an. )2a+% no! Ne$er 0a%
ti"e fer 2a+%s nor fer +i""in neither!* He turne% an% spat
conte"ptuousl o$er the back of the seat.
)Ho+ co"e ou intereste% in 2a+%B* aske% the ne+co"er
of the Ol% 'orstalian. )A kne+e% e +as an ol% con soon as A
see% e.*
)One has to keep one0s faith in SOM&THAN2#* gentl replie%
the Ol% 'orstalian# 0in or%er to keep one0s sanit4such as it
is. So "an people no+a%as sa that 2o% is %ea%. A %on0t
kno+ +hat to belie$e!*
A su%%en outburst of "usic "a%e the" look to+ar%s the
park gates. The h"n ha% Cust en%e%# an% no+ the ban% +as
plaing lou%er to attract attention for the ,aptain. /ooking
about hi"# stepping a fe+ paces apart fro" the others# he sai%#
lou%l# )2o% is NOT %ea%# let us prepare for the Secon%
,o"ing of the /or%. /et us prepare for the 2ol%en Age +hich
is so close upon us but +hich +ill be ushere% in b toil an%
suffering. /et us kno+ the T-5TH.*
)All right fer HAM#* sai% the shift.ee% "an in surl tones.
)&e %on0t kno+ about hunger# )ee %on0t 0a$ ter sleep in %oor.
+as an% un%er benches an% git so"e cop co"e an% sa#
IMo$e along# there# "o$e along.J *
)3ou fello+s gi$e "e the creeps#* sai% the Ol% 'orstalian
)-e"e"ber +e are 6&-1OMAN2 <O2S4+e "ust %o tricks be.
fore +e get our foo%.*
Shrugging his shoul%ers an% no%%ing to the t+o other "en#
the Ol% 'orstalian gra%uate sha"ble% off to+ar%s the park
gates. Soon he +as in the "i%st of the Sal$ation group# con.
fessing his sins out lou% to an uncaring +orl%.
A fat ol% +o"an# +atching the procee%ings fro" a care.
taker0s apart"ent +in%o+# shook her hea% %ubiousl. )A %on0t
kno+# A Cust %on0t kno+#* she "uttere% to her tabb cat. )THAT

%on0t see" to be the ans+erE A +ish SOM&ON& +oul% tell us
the T-5TH of it all!*
. . . . . . . . .
An little tin.roofe% "ission huts# in praer."eeting groups
hel% in the open# an% in great cathe%rals# "en of )the ,loth*
+ere preaching of the Secon% ,o"ing of the /or%. Man of
the" ha% not the slightest i%ea that it +as not a S&,ON< co".
ing# but Cust one of "an.
1ar a+a in a %istant lan% beon% the burning san%s of a
gri" an% ari% %esert# +here the 7est +as not et the &ast# but
+here the &ast ha% not (uite thro+n off the shackles of the
7est# a bab bo +as resting on his back# gurgling# an% suck.
ing his thu"b. A bab +ho +as to beco"e a 2reat <isciple of
the soon.to.be /ea%er of Man. 3et again in another cit +here
&ast "eets 7est# an% both are soile% thereb# a t+o.ear.ol%
bab bo sole"nl fingere% the ello+e% lea$es of an ancient
book. 2aDing roun%.ee% at the strange +ritings# perhaps e$en
then he subconsciousl kne+ that he# too# +as to beco"e one of
the ne+ <isciples.
3et farther into the &ast a s"all group of ol% Astrologers4
like the Three 7ise Men of ol%4consulte% the stars an%
"ar$ele% at +hat the sa+. )Here#* sai% the el%est# pointing a
gnarle% finger at a chart# )the Sun# the Moon# an% Hupiter +ill
conCoin un%er the 6usha star +hich then +ill be in the Sign of
,ancer. At shall be in the secon% or thir% ne+ Moon.* 2ra$el
the looke% at each other# an% bent again to check an% recheck
their figures. Obtaining the hope%.for confir"ation# the
calle% in responsible "en# "essengers4
Throughout histor there ha$e been reports of a Secon%
,o"ing. Actuall the One to ,o"e is the T&NTH to co"e in
this -oun% of &!istence!
Hee%lessl# in the spra+ling lan%s of this +orl%# people
+ent about their "un%ane occupations# (uarrelling# bickering#
s+in%ling# al+as tring to get )one o$er* a neighbor4(uite
uncaring that not so far a+a t+o babies# first an% secon%
assistants to the /ea%er of <estin soon to be born# cro+e%
an% croone% in their cra%les.
The 7ise Men of the &ast# +ell kno+ing of the i""ature
7est# ga$e their e%icts that +esterners be not tol% of the %ates
an% places of these &$ents. 1or# if the infor"ation ha% sprea%#
"a%%ene% hor%es of frenetic press"en +oul% ha$e s+oope%

across the +orl% on Cet.propelle% +ings# to scoff# %en# an%
"isreport. 3a""ering feature.+riters an% un%iscipline% tele.
$ision cre+s +oul% ha$e in$a%e% the sacre% places# bringing
%is"a an% har" +here$er the tro%. 'ut onl those +ith
special kno+le%ge kno+ +here these sacre% places are. An goo%
ti"e# in a fe+ ears# the +orl% +ill hear "ore of these things#
an% b then the 3oung Ones +ill be a%e(uatel protecte%. An
goo% ti"e these 3oung Ones# un%er a brilliant /ea%er# +ill
sho+ the 7a into the 2ol%en Age at the en% of this ccle of
Kali# the Age of <estruction.
. . . . . . . . . .
Man people ha$e the (uite "istaken i%ea that this +orl%
+as but recentl populate% an% histor is co"plete. That is far
fro" being accurate.
1or "illions of ears there ha$e been %ifferent ci$iliDations
upon this &arth. This &arth is like a school buil%ing to +hich
$arious classes co"e. As in the case of classes# one can be
e!ceptionall goo%# another can be e!ceptionall ba%.
6resu"abl the sa"e thing happens in the case of +ines
+here +ines of a certain )$intage* are especiall priDe%. An the
case of the &arth crop# +hich# of course# is hu"ans# there are
fairl set ccles. 1or e!a"pleF The Hin%us belie$e that each
+orl% perio% is %i$i%e% into four classes# or stages# or ccles#
each of +hich is ?=;#KKK ears. The first ccle of ?=;#KKK
ears is a $er goo% one# people tr# people ha$e faith in each
other an% in the essential goo%ness of "ankin%. The tr to
help an% there are no +ars# not e$en ru"ors of +ars. 'ut
unalloe% bliss is not a goo% thing because people )go to see%*.
An e!a"ple of that can be foun% in the great ci$iliDations of
An%ia# ,hina# an% &gptE these +ere great ci$iliDations in%ee%#
but through e!cess po+er# through lack of suitable opposition
an% co"petition the ci$iliDations %egenerate%. One can see the
sa"e thing in the histor of -o"e of "an ears ago.
The secon% ccle is that in +hich people# or rather# the
rulers of the +orl%# realiDe that the ha$e to intro%uce a )snake*
into )&%en*# an% so the secon% ccle has so"e %ifficulties an%
contro$ersies in or%er that it "a be ascertaine% ho+ "uch
people can think for the"sel$es an% o$erco"e opposition.
6resu"abl at the close of the secon% ccle the )school re.
ports* of those +ho ha$e taken part in that particular class is
not consi%ere% $er satisfactor# an% so the thir% class# or

perio%# of ?=;#KKK ears +hich is then starting is a bit "ore
se$ere. 6eople ha$e +ars# the go out to con(uer others# but
e$en so their particular +ars are not the sa%istic# barbarous
affairs +hich are present in this ccle. 6eople +ere not
treacherous in the thir% ccle# the ha% +ars certainl# but it
+as "ore in the +a of a ga"e in the sa"e +a as t+o s"all
bos +ill get bus +ith their fists an% each tr to alter the
features of the other# but that %oes not "ean to sa that either
+oul% +ant to kill the other4Cust "ake a fe+ structural
alterations! Ho+e$er# +ars are infectious an% it +as foun%
that b intro%ucing a fe+ Cu%icious stabs in the back an%
assorte% treacher# one coul% +in a battle before it reall
Things in the thir% ccle go fro" ba% to +orse# an% get $er
"uch out of han%. At is like a forest fire +hich is not checke%
in ti"e. Af so"e "oron %rops a lighte% cigarette en% an% sets
the un%ergro+th on fire an obser$ant person can soon e!.
tinguish the conflagration. 'ut if the fire is not notice% in ti"e
it +ill reall get a hol%# an% get out of han%# an% then "an
li$es +ill be lost# "uch propert +ill be ruine% before the fire
can be brought un%er control. /ife is like thatE if e$il be
allo+e% to gro+ an% flourish unchecke%# it +ill beco"e "ore
an% "ore# an% beco"e stronger an% stronger# an% like +ee%s
choking the life out of a beautiful culti$ate% flo+er# e$il +ill
crush out +hat faint instincts for goo% Man originall ha%.
At the en% of the thir% ccle con%itions +ere $er "uch out
of han%. One can sa that the ro+% ele"ents in the class.
roo"s +hich +ere the countries of the &arth stoo% up to the
teachers# an% abuse% the" an% +oul% not obe their or%ers. So
the fourth ccle ca"e into being# the fourth ccle +hich is
kno+n (fro" the Hin%u) as the Age of Kali.
The Age of Kali is that in +hich people suffer. Af ou +ish
ou can think of it as the Age +hen "en an% +o"en are
torture% in the fires of +ar that the "a be purifie%# an% so
that the %ross "a be burne% out to prepare the" for the ne!t
an% better -oun%# for life goes on an% on# people gro+ better
in the natural course of e$olution# the get "ore e!perience#
an% if the %o not "ake a success of their life in one stage of
e$olution the co"e back to that stage as a schoolbo +ho
cannot pass the en%.of.ter" e!a" often has to go back to the
sa"e classroo"# or sa"e gra%e# instea% of being pro"ote%.
An YouForever!# +hich certainl has gone aroun% a bit# A

refer to the He+s on page 8K@ of that book. A sai%# )The He+ish
people are a race +ho# in a pre$ious e!istence# coul% not "ake
progress at all.* This has pro%uce% so"e $er frien%l corre.
spon%ence +ith He+ish rea%ers throughout the +orl%# an% in
particular so"e $er eru%ite la%ies in Tel A$i$ ha$e aske% "e
to gi$e "ore %etails about He+s. This re(uest has been sup.
porte% b He+ish people in Argentina# Me!ico# Australia# an%
2er"an. So# let us go a little "ore %eepl into )the He+ish
(uestion*. Ma A at this stage sa that A ha$e (uite a nu"ber of
frien%s +ho are He+ish an% A ha$e a sincere a%"iration for
the"# for the are an ol%# ol% race +ho ha$e kno+le%ge +hich
is the en$ of those less gifte%.
1irst of all +e "ight ask# )7hat are He+sB* The general
i%ea is a co"plete "isconception# for )He+* in its present for"
is a "isno"er. Actuall# this +or% )He+* has not been in use
for $er long.
Af ou aske% the a$erage person +ho +as the 1ather of the
He+s# ou +oul% un%oubte%l be tol%# )7h# Abraha" of
course!* 'ut as histor pro$es conclusi$el# this Cust is not so
because in the true sense of the +or% Abraha" +as not a
Af ou stu% our ancient histor# either b going to a public
librar# or# "ore con$enientl# b getting at the Akashic
-ecor%# ou +ill fin% that Abraha" +as actuall a nati$e of
the place calle% 5r of the ,hal%ees. Man places ha$e t+o
na"es no+a%as# so if it +ill help ou# 5r +as also kno+n as
5r Kas%i" +hich +as in 'ablonia. That brings us to the
interesting point that Abraha"# far fro" being a He+# +as a
'ablonian# an% his actual na"e ha% no correspon%ing na"e
or counterpart in Hebre+. The original na"e of Abraha" +as
Abraha" li$e% 9#>KK ears before the birth of ,hrist# at a
ti"e +hen the +or% )He+* +as not e$en thought of# but about
8#?KK ears after Abraha" ha% gone to his )Cust re+ar%* the
+or% )He+* referre% to people +ho li$e% in the King%o" of
Hu%a# an% that +as in the South of 6alestine.
Those of ou +ho are sufficientl intereste% can look in our
'ible# in Kings 88.8=. =. Here ou +ill fin% +or%s +ritten =KK
ears before ,hrist# an% the +or% for He+ in those %as +as
'ack to our 'ible again# this ti"e to &ster 88. G. Here ou
+ill fin% that He+ is "entione% for the first ti"e# an% re.

"e"ber# also# that the 'ook of &ster +as not +ritten until
so"e 9#;KK ears after the %eath of Abraha"# that is# in the
first centur A.<. So4+e fin% that Hahu%i is that +hich +e
no+ call )He+*.
An each ccle there ha$e been t+el$e )Sa$iors* or )Mes.
siahs* or )7orl% /ea%ers*. So +hen +e refer to )The Secon%
,o"ing* +e are rather behin% the ti"esE +e can refer to
Abraha"# Moses# 'u%%ha# ,hrist# an% "an others# but the
+hole point is that in e$er ccle of +orl% e!istence there has
to be a 7orl% /ea%er of a %ifferent Lo%iacal sign. There are
t+el$e signs of the Lo%iac# an% a /ea%er co"es first in one
sign# then another# then another# until in all there ha$e been
t+el$e /ea%ers. On this particular ccle of Kali +e are no+
approaching the ele$enth# an% after4there +ill be one "ore
before this actual Age en%s an% +e are reall into the 2ol%en
Naturall# +ith each 7orl% /ea%er there ha$e to be those
+ho can support Hi"4%isciples# if ou like# or assistants# or
"inisters# call the" +hat ou like. 'ut there ha$e to be these
"en +ho are born speciall to be of ser$ice to the +orl%.
An 8@;8 the first of the %isciples +as born# an% others ha$e
been born since. he actual 0Sa$ior0 +ill be born earl in
8@?G# an% in the interi" the %isciples +ill be preparing the
The )Sa$ior* or )7orl% /ea%er*4+hiche$er ou prefer4
+ill ha$e $er special e%ucation an% training# an% in the ear
9KKG# +hen he is t+ent ears of age# he +ill %o "uch to
confoun% go%less people +ho %o not belie$e in 2o%s# Sa$iors#
etc.# etc.
Again# there +ill be a case of trans"igration. Af those of ou
+ho kno+ the 'ible +ell +ill stu% it +ith an open "in% ou
+ill fin% that the bo% of Hesus +as taken o$er b )the Spirit of
2o%4the ,hrist*. An "uch the sa"e +a# the bo% of the ne+
7orl% /ea%er +ill be taken o$er b a $er high 6ersonage
in%ee%# an% %uring the fe+ ears after that there +ill be re.
"arkable e$ents# an% the +orl% +ill be le% along those essen.
tial steps +hich +ill prepare it for the start of a ne+ ccle.
1or so"e 9#KKK ears the +orl% +ill "ake progress b
follo+ing the precepts of the church to be foun%e% b the ne+
/ea%er# but at the en% of that 9#KKK ears et another /ea%er
shall arise4the t+elfth of the ccle# co"pleting the %estin of
the Lo%iac tra$ersal. ,on%itions shall i"pro$e# an% so# gentl#

in the %ue course of ti"e# people shall be le% into a ne+ Age
+here the ha$e %ifferent abilities fro" those no+ e!isting.
There shall be clair$oance an% telepath as there +as before
the so.calle%# "is.calle%# To+er of 'abel# in +hich through
abuse of special po+ers "ankin% lost their telepathic abilities
for the ti"e being. The +hole stor is gi$en in the 'ible# but it
is in the for" of a stor. Actuall# Man +as able to co".
"unicate +ith fello+ Man an% +ith the ani"als# too# but
through treacher to the ani"al +orl% "ankin% +as %epri$e%
of telepathic co""unication an% so there +as the utter con.
fusion of people tring to con$erse in +hat +ere local %ialects#
an% +hich in ti"e beca"e the languages of the +orl%.
This +orl% can no+ be likene% to a train. The train has been
going through $arious stages of scener# it has been tra$ersing
pleasant sunlit lan%s +hich can correspon% to stage 8# lan%s in
+hich there +as beautiful scener an% a"iable fello+ pas.
sengers. 'ut then +e co"e to stage 9# +hen the passengers all
change%# an% this ne+ lot +ere not so frien%l# nor +as the
Courne so pleasant because there +as an une$en track +ith
"an clattering s+itchpoints# an% the Courne continue%
through %epressingl gloo" terrain +here the s"oke of $ari.
ous factories belche% $ile che"icals into the at"osphere. Here
the passengers +ere (uarrelling an% al"ost co"ing to blo+s#
but +orse +as to co"e. At the thir% stage the passengers
change% again an% a lot of ban%its got aboar%# ban%its +ho
trie% to rob other passengers# there +as "uch stabbing# "uch
sa%istic action. The train# too# rocke% along the e%ge of narro+
gorges +here lan%sli%es "a%e tra$el precarious. All the ti"e
there +as %iscor%ant noise an% the continual (uarrelling of the
unhapp passengers.
Again the train stoppe% an% took on fresh passengers. This
ti"e con%itions +ere e$en +orse# the ne+ passengers +ere
al"ost +recking their train# %a"aging the fittings# torturing#
s+in%ling# an% engaging in all those acti$ities +hich the %e.
cent person fin%s abo"inable.
The train +ent through increasingl %ifficult lan%# +ith
ba%l lai% rails# +ith "an %etours an% obstructions. At last
there ca"e a long an% gloo" tunnelE the train plunge% in an%
there appeare% to be no lights an+here in the train. The pas.
sengers +ere in %arkness# like the people of the +orl% itself#
lea%erless. The gloo" beca"e gloo"ier# an% the at"osphere
"ore %is"al# until the train +as pitching an% tossing in abso.

lute %arkness# +ith a %arkness that co"es in a passage through
the heart of a "ountain. 'ut our train is no+ in its %arkest
phase# it cannot get %arker# therefore it "ust get lighter.
As the train goes rocketing along it +ill get lighter an%
lighter# an% e$entuall# as a Ne+ Age approaches# the train
+ill burst forth fro" the "ountainsi%e# an% belo+ the pas.
sengers +ill see a fair an% pleasant lan% +ith sparkling +aters#
her%s of cattle graDing peacefull. The sun +ill be shining# an%
as the train goes on an% on# e$er changing passengers# the +il8
fin% that con%itions beco"e better an% better# +here "en re.
spect the rights of others# +here there is no longer terroris"#
sa%is"# an% torture. 'ut "uch has to be %one at the present
ti"e because before the 2ol%en Age shall co"e there +ill be
"uch "ore har%ship an% suffering on this +orl%. 6re%iction is
%ealt +ith in another ,hapter of this book# but possibl it
+oul% not be a"iss to sa so"ething here.
Accor%ing to the age.ol% art of astrolog "an sa% e$ents
are going to take place on this &arth. -oun% about the ear
8@?8 there +ill be a $er substantial an% une!pecte% increase
in the +orl%0s heat# +ith a re%uction in rainfall an% a %ring
up of crops# an% fruit an% other plants +ill +ither up before
the can be gathere%. This great heat+a$e coul% easil be the
result of an ato" bo"b %roppe% b the ,hineseE the ,hinese
are "aking haste to %e$elop a super bo"b# an% the present.%a
,hinese are like "a% %ogs# +ithout thought for the rest of the
+orl%F because the rest of the +orl% keeps the" in $irtual
seclusion an% the %o not kno+ +hat is happening else+here#
an% it is a sa% fact that one al+as fears the person one %oes
not kno+. Thus# the ,hinese# in their !enophobic state of
"in%# are rea% to lash out at that +hich the %o not un%er.
One also has to bear in "in% that it +as ba% enough +hen
onl the 5nite% States ha% the ato" bo"b# but no+ the
-ussians# the 1rench# the ,hinese# an% perhaps others ha$e
this %e$ice. ,on%itions ha$e reache% a "ost precarious pass.
Much preli"inar +ork has to be %one before the a%$ent of
the Ne+ /ea%er. ,ertain people ha$e to be gi$en hints of +hat
is happening# +hen# an% ho+. 'ut certain other people ha$e to
be e!clu%e% fro" getting "uch kno+le%ge.
An a%%ition to the %isciples +ho are no+ born an% +ho are
still but chil%ren# there are those "uch ol%er people +ith
special kno+le%ge +ho ha$e to +rite about such things so that

the kno+le%ge +ill be %isse"inate%# an% +ho +ill thus )pa$e
the +a*. These ol%er people +ill not# of course# be upon the
&arth at the ti"e of the Ne+ ,o"ing# but like those +ho are to
co"e after# these forerunners +ill ha$e %one their task b
taking upon the"sel$es the hatre% an% the suspicions +hich
al+as co"e to the inno$ator.
6eople fear that +hich the %o not un%erstan%E an% so if it is
sai% that a person has change% bo%ies +ith another# then he is
auto"aticall the subCect of "uch persecution. 'ut it is neces.
sar that there be inci%ents of changing bo%ies to bring it into
the public consciousness so that +hen the Ne+ /ea%er co"es
people +ill be able to accept the truth of trans"igration of
souls an% the changing of bo%ies. Thus# +hile those +ho are
un%ergoing the scorn an% ri%icule an% acti$e persecution of an
ill.infor"e% 6ress at present# the +ill kno+ in the fullness of
ti"e that their suffering an% "iser has been Custifie%.
Often people +ill sa# )Oh# but if these people ha$e such
great po+ers +h %o the li$e in po$ertB Af the +ere trul
+hat the sa the are# the +oul% ha$e all the "one the
+ante%.* This is utterl ri%iculous because a person +ho co"es
to this &arth un%er %ifferent con%itions is so"ething like a
splinter in the bo% of the +orl%# an% if ou ha$e a splinter in
our thu"b ou agitate# an% fi%get# an% ou "ess about until
e$entuall ou get that splinter %islo%ge%# an% ou spare no
liking for that splinter! An the sa"e +a# people +ho co"e to
this +orl%# an% change bo%ies# an% tr to prepare a +a for
another# the too are like a splinter# the +orl% fin%s the"
strange# people "a be unco"fortable in the presence of such
a being. -ather than bla"e their o+n lack of %e$elop"ent the
al+as tr to put the bla"e on the other person )Oh# he is
(ueer# he "akes "e ha$e such an uncann feeling +hen he
touches "e.*
So# the ol% +orl% goes rolling along full of trouble# but the
%arkest hour is before the %a+n# an% +hen things are at their
blackest there is the happ thought that an change can be for
the better. An% this +orl% an% the peoples of this +orl%# after
their blackest hour# +ill go on an% on into the light +hen
"ankin% shall be tolerant of "ankin%# an% +hen the little
people of the ani"al +orl% shall be un%erstoo% instea% of "is.
un%erstoo%# feare%# an% tor"ente% as the are at present. So#
beginning +ith the ear 9KKK# the +orl% shall ha$e pleasures#
an% a 2ol%en Age shall %a+n.


,HA6T&- T7O


A/ON& he +as# alone in the ol% ra"bling house in the heart of
the Moor. 1ar off at the en% of the long# culti$ate% gar%en# a
nois brook +ent tu"bling o$er the rocks an% hissing across
the ston stretches. On a +ar" %a he +as +ont to stan% b
that babbling brook# or perch on one of the large rocks o$er.
hanging the tu"ultuous torrent. 1arther along there +as the
little +oo%en bri%ge +ith the shak han%rail b +hich he
crosse% on his +a to the s"all ha"let for his "ail an% shop.
At ha% been pleasant here# he an% his +ife. Together the
ha% trie% to "ake a ho"e# trie% to keep )bo% an% soul to.
gether* +hile he painte% an% +aite% for recognition. 'ut# as
usual# the 6ress ha% not un%erstoo%4nor trie% to un%erstan%
4his art# an% so the critics ha% %a"ne% his +ork +ith faint
praiseE recognition +as as far off as e$er. An% no+ he +as
alone in the ol%# ol% house# his "in% an% "oo% in a tur"oil
"atche% b the gale outsi%e.
Across the "oorlan% heather the gale screeche% in unbri%le%
fur# lashing the ello+ gorse# "aking it bo+ to the "ight
+in%. The %istant sea +as a boiling +hite "ass of foa"# +ith
"ight +a$es breaking in thun%er on the great granite shore#
%ragging back the pebbles +ith a ner$e.Carring screa". A lone
gull soare% back+ar%s o$erhea%# blo+ing helplessl inlan%#
po+erless in the grip of the stor".
The ol% house shook an% shu%%ere% to the ceaseless poun%.
ing of the ele"ents. 1lecks of clou%# %ri$en lo+# +hippe% b
the +in%o+s like ghosts seeking entr. A su%%en "etallic
clatter an% ru"ble# an% a sheet of corrugate% "etal +ent spin.
ning across the gar%en# to strike the bri%ge an% shear through
the ol% ti"bers. 1or a ti"e the broken en%s $ibrate% like an
o$erta!e% $iolin string# then# one after the other# the shu%.
%ere% an% tu"ble% into the brook.
Ansi%e the house# obli$ious of the tur"oil# the "an pace%
back an% forth# back an% forth. Seeing again an% again# the
"o"ent +hen he ha% returne% fro" the ha"let an% foun% his

+ife gone. -e.rea%ing the bitter note in +hich she tol% hi"
that he +as a failure4an% she +as going else+here. 2ri"l4
as a su%%en thought struck hi"4he stro%e to the battere% ol%
%esk an% +renche% open the center %ra+er. -ooting in the
back# he %ragge% out the cigar bo! in +hich he kept the rent
an% li$ing "one. &$en before he opene% it he kne+ that it
+as e"pt# the "one# his ON/3 "one# gone. 2roping his
+a to a chair he sat %o+n an% burie% his hea% in his han%s.
)'efore!* he +hispere%. )'efore# this has happene% to "e
before!* /ifting his hea% he stare% unseeingl through the
+in%o+ against +hich torrential rain +as beating in an un.
ceasing strea"# forcing its +a through a loose.fitting +in%o+
an% collecting in a sprea%ing pool on the carpet. )A0$e li$e%
through all this before!* he +hispere%. )Ha$e A gone ANSAN&B
Ho+ coul% A ha$e kno+n about thisB* High up a"ong the ea$es
the +in% shrieke% in %erision an% ga$e the ol% house an e!tra
shake an% Cu%%er.
Against the ancient stone he%ge the little "oorlan% ponies
hu%%le% hea% to +in% in abCect "iser# tring to get e$en
slight shelter for stinging ees. A+a in the hall the telephone
rang an% rang# Carring hi" fro" his letharg. Slo+l he "a%e
his +a to the Cangling instru"ent# +hich cease% its clanging
e$en as he stretche% out his han% to lift it. )The sa"e# the
sa"e#* he "ur"ure% to the uncaring +alls. )AT HAS A//
HA66&N&< '&1O-&!*
. . . . . .

The ol% 6rofessor plo%%e% +earil across the (ua%rangle on
his +a to the /ecture Hall. The ears ha% been har% ones
in%ee%. 'orn in $er hu"ble circu"stances he ha% been the
0bright bo0 +ho ha% sla$e% an% earne% that he coul% put hi".
self though college. At ha% been al"ost a lifeti"e of cla+ing
his +a up against the opposition of those +ho resente% his
hu"ble origin. No+ in the e$ening of his life the +eight of
Ti"e +as sho+ing in his +hite hair# line% face# an% feeble
step. As he stu"ble% slo+l along# obli$ious of the greetings of
un%ergra%uates# he pon%ere% on "an obscure facets of his
specialt# Ancient Histor.
,o"pletel the "o%el of the Absent."in%e% 6rofessor# he
fu"ble% for the %oor.knob of a %oor alrea% open# an% not
fin%ing it# turne% a+a# "uttering# )<ear %ear! Most strange#
MOST strange4there use% to be a %oor here. A "ust be in the

+rong buil%ing.* An un%erstan%ing stu%ent4one +ho ha%
profite% fro" the ol% "an0s brilliant /ectures# took his ar"
an% gentl turne% hi" roun%. )Here# sir#* he sai%. )A ha$e
opene% the %oor for ou. An here.* 2ratefull the 6rofessor
turne% an% "u"ble% his thanks. &ntering the /ecture Hall he
beca"e a "an transfor"e%E H&-& +as his life# here he e!.
poun%e% upon Ancient Histor.
Mo$ing like a "an reCu$enate%# he crosse% to the rostru"
an% s"ile% benignl upon the asse"ble% un%ergra%uates. The
s"ile% respectfull at hi"# for e$en though the %i% at ti"es
"ake fun of his forgetfulness# et the still ha% a genuine
liking for the /ecturer +ho +as so +illing to help the" to the
full e!tent of his po+er. -e"e"bering his o+n struggles# he
took pleasure in H&/6AN2 the stu%ent in %ifficulties# instea% of
flunking hi" as +as so often the case +ith other 6rofessors.
2lancing about hi" to see that his class +as co"plete# an%
all +ere rea%# he sai%# )7e are going to continue +ith our
%iscussion about one of the great enig"as of Histor# the
Su"erian ci$iliDation. Here +as a "ight ci$iliDation +hich
see"s to ha$e appeare% in a "ost "sterious "anner an% %is.
appeare% in an e(uall "sterious "anner. 7e ha$e tan.
talising frag"ents# but no clear picture. 7e kno+# for
e!a"ple# that three thousan% an% fi$e hun%re% ears '.,. the
Su"erians +ere preparing beautifull +ritten "anuscripts.
7e ha$e frag"ents of the". Al+as frag"ents# an% no "ore.
7e kno+ also that the Su"erians ha% a "usical sste" +hich
%iffere% fro" an other sste" of "usical notation throughout
the ol% or ne+ +orl%s. There has been %isco$ere% a cla tablet
+hich b scientific "etho%s in%icates an age of so"e three
thousan% ears. The tablet has engra$e% upon it "usical s".
bols +hich lea% us to suppose that it +as a h"n# but it has
%efie% "usical interpretation.*
The ol% "an pause%# his ees opene% +i%e as if seeing
so"ething beon% the nor"al $ision of Man. 1or a "inute he
stoo% thus# gaDing into the Anfinite# then# +ith a strangle%
groan# he %roppe% to the floor. Stunne% a"aDe"ent hel% the
class "otionless for a "o"ent# then t+o stu%ents rushe% to his
si%e# +hile another hurrie% out in search of "e%ical assistance.
A hushe% asse"bl stoo% respectfull asi%e as t+o stretcher.
bearers carefull lifte% the unconscious "an# place% hi" upon
the opene% stretcher# an% bore hi" a+a to the +aiting a".
bulance. The Hea% +ho ha% been calle%# appeare% full of

bustle an% %is"isse% the class for the afternoon.
A+a in the cool hospital roo" the ol% 6rofessor# no+ re.
gaine% consciousness# "uttere% to his %octor# )Strange!
Strange! A ha% the %istinct i"pression that A ha% li$e%
through this inci%ent before# that A KN&7 the origin of the
Su"erians. A "ust ha$e been +orking too har%. 'ut A KN&7
the ans+er# an% no+ it has fa%e%. Strange# strange!*
. . . . . . .

The "i%%le.age% "an s(uir"e% unco"fortabl upon the
har% +oo%en bench# crossing first one leg then the other. 1ro"
ti"e to ti"e he lifte% half.frightene% ees to gaDe about hi".
1ro" the en% of the roo" ca"e the harsh# i"personal $oice of
the nurse grating out her "onotonous or%ersF )2arlan%# ou
are to see <r. Northe. Here are our car%s. Take the" in
THAT %oor# an% +ait until the <octor speaks to ou. -ogers#
ou go to Therap# the +ant to %o so"e test. Here are our
car%s. 2o %o+n the corri%or TH&-&.* The $oice continue% like
the $oice of a bore% Announcer (uoting the 1at.Stock prices.
The "i%%le.age% "an shu%%ere% at the ro+s an% ro+s of
people before hi". 6atients unacco"panie%# ne+ patients +ith
relati$es +ith the"# an% so"e +ith burl Atten%ants +aiting
near b. The hours %ragge% on. Here an% there a "an or
+o"an screa"e% in the grip of so"e "ental fantas. Nearer# a
"an shoute%# )A gotta# an% +hen ou gotta ou gotta.* Hu"ping
up# he rushe% across the roo"# scattering people right an% left#
elbo+ing asi%e a clutching Atten%ant# tripping a clerk# before
%i$ing hea%long through an open +in%o+. Throughout the en.
suing co""otion the nurse0s $oice %rone% on i"perturbabl.
Outsi%e# the %ull re%.brick buil%ings shi""ere% in the in.
creasing heat. The glass of the "an +in%o+s thre+ back the
sun*s reflection# an% sho+e% the thousan%s of bars across the
+in%o+s. Scores of blank.ee% "en stoope% an% shuffle% as
the grubbe% along the gra$el of the paths in search of +ee%s.
Atten%ants loitere% alertl in an a$ailable sha%e as the
super$ise% the toiling "en. 1arther along# +here the grass
slopes "et the "ain %ri$e# lines of %o+% +o"en bent to the
task of picking litter an% stones fro" the grass before the
"o+ers coul% %o their +ork. 'eneath a sprea%ing tree a gaunt
+o"an stoo% in the pose of utter "aCest as she scornfull
sur$ee% the t+o +atchful +o"en Atten%ants +ho +ere poise%
in an!ious e!pectanc.
At the "ain gates t+o Atten%ants stoppe% cars entering that
the occupants "ight be %irecte%. An in"ate# appearing casual#
trie% to slip out behin% an Atten%ant0s back# but +as soon
stoppe%. )No+# Alf!* the Atten%ant a%"onishe%. )'ack in ou
go4none of our tricks# A0" bus.* 'eon% the high stone
+alls an% hea$il barre% gates pe%estrians peere% in curiousl#
getting a thrill out of a forbi%%en peep at /ife Ansi%e the
An A%"ittance the "i%%le.age% "an stoo% up uncertainl as
his na"e +as e$entuall calle%. -ising to his feet he +alke% to
the Nurse at the %esk an% sai%# )At is all a "istake# A4*
)3es# es# A kno+# ou are as sane as can be#* interrupte% the
Nurse. )The all sa the sa"e.* Sighing# she picke% up a car%
an% so"e papers an% signale% to a +aiting Atten%ant. )3ou
ha% better take this one to <r. Hollis#* she sai%# +hen the
Atten%ant appeare%. )He sas it is all a "istake an% he is sane.
Min% he %oesn0t get a+a.*
),o"e on# fella#* sai% the Atten%ant# grasping the "i%%le.
age% "an b the ar" an% lea%ing hi" through a s"all %oor.
Together the tru%ge% along a corri%or line% +ith %oors. 1ro"
behin% so"e ca"e sighs# fro" others screa"s# an% fro" et
another a (ueer bubbling soun% +hich "a%e the Atten%ant
Cu"p to an alar" an% energeticall su""on assistance to one
+hose life +as bubbling a+a through a cut throat. The
"i%%le.age% "an shi$ere% an% see"e% to shrink. )Scare%# ehB*
aske% the Atten%ant. )3ou ain0t seen nuthing et. 3O5 7A//!*
At last the stoppe% before a %oor# the Atten%ant knocke%
an% a %istant $oice calle%# ),o"e in.* 6ushing the "i%%le.age%
"an before hi"# he entere% an% place% the car% an% papers on
the %esk. )Another one for ou# <octor#* sai% the Atten%ant as
he turne% an% +ith%re+. The <octor slo+l reache% out a
langui% han% an% picke% up the papers an% co"pare% the"
+ith the car%. Then# +ithout paing the slightest attention to
the "i%%le.age% "an he settle% back in his s+i$el chair an%
began to rea%. Not until he ha% rea% e$er +or%# an% "a%e
notes# %i% he look up an% utter a terse# )Sit!*
)No+!* sai% the <octor as his patient sat shakil before
hi". )7hat0s all this aboutB Ho+ %0e think ou can be in t+o
places at onceB Tell "e all about it.* He sat back +ith an air of
bore% resignation an% lit a cigarette.
)7ell# <octor#* sai% the "i%%le.age% "an# )for so"e ti"e A
ha$e ha% the strangest feeling that another part of "e is li$ing

in so"e other part of the +orl%. A feel as if A +ere one of
i%entical t+ins so"eti"es al"ost co"pletel in rapport +ith
the other.*
The <octor grunte% an% knocke% the ash off his cigarette.
)An brothers or sistersB* he aske%. )The report sas none# but
it coul% be +rong.*
)No# <octor# no brothers# no sisters# an% no one +ith +ho"
A a" sufficientl frien%l to account for this feeling. At is
e!actl as if A so"eti"es get in touch +ith another I"eJ
so"e+here else# so"eone +ho also is a+are of this feeling.*
The <octor stubbe% out his cigarette an% sai%# )Ho+ fre.
(uentl %o ou ha$e these re"arkable occurrencesB ,an ou
pre%ict their onsetB*
)No# sir#* the "i%%le.age% "an replie%. )A "a be %oing
so"ething (uite or%inar# then A +ill e!perience a tingling in
the na$el# an% after that A feel as if A +ere t+o telephone lines
+hich ha$e been crosse% an% both parties are recei$ing their
o+n telephone calls as +ell as those of the other.*
)H""!* "use% the <octor. )<oes it incon$enience ou in
an +aB*
)3es# <octor# it %oes#* the "i%%le.age% "an replie%. )So"e.
ti"es A speak out lou% an% sa the <A-N<&ST things!*
The <octor sighe% as he re"arke%# )So A see fro" this re.
port. 7ell# +e shall ha$e to co""it ou to an Obser$ation
7ar% until +e can get the "atter straightene% out# ou see"
to be li$ing in t+o +orl%s at the sa"e ti"e.*
At the <octor0s signal the Atten%ant entere% the roo". )Take
hi" to Obser$ation '> please. A +ill see hi" later in the %a.*
The Atten%ant "otione% to the "i%%le.age% "an# an% to.
gether the turne% an% +ent out of the <octor0s office. The
<octor sat "otionless for a "o"ent# then pushe% his glasses
up to his forehea% an% energeticall scratche% the back of his
neck. /ighting a fresh cigarette# he leane% back in his s+i$el
chair an% put his feet on the %esk.
)At see"s +e ha$e a lot of people in no+a%as*# he sai% to
hi"self# )+ho belie$e the are li$ing t+in e!istences. A suppose
ne!t +e shall ha$e people saing the are li$ing in parallel
+orl%s or so"ething.* The )burrr# burrr* of his telephone
Cerke% hi" back to the present# an% slipping his feet off the
%esk he reache% out for the phone an% got rea% for the ne!t
. . . . . . . .
There are such things as parallel +orl%s because e$erthing
"ust ha$e its counterpart in a re$erse% state# Cust the sa"e as
ou cannot ha$e a batter +hich is onl positi$e or onl nega.
ti$eE there "ust be positi$e an% negati$e. 'ut that is a "atter
to be %iscusse% in our ne!t chapter# no+ +e ha$e parallel
5nfortunatel# )scientists* +ho ha$e been afrai% of losing
face or so"ething# or sinking into "atters beon% their %epth#
ha$e confuse% the issue because the +ill not face up to the
thought of ha$ing genuine research. 3et in An%ia the A%epts of
ears gone b referre% to their )/inga Sharira*# +hich "eans
the part of the bo% +hich is in a %ifferent %i"ension4beon%
the three %i"ensions of this +orl%4an% so cannot be per.
cei$e% nor"all b a person e!isting in this three.%i"ensional
+orl%. 7e ha$e to re"e"ber that upon this +orl% +e are
confine% to three %i"ensions# for this is +holl a three.%i"en.
sional +orl% an% to the a$erage person +ho has not stu%ie%
anthing about "etaphsics the fourth %i"ension is so"ething
to laugh about or to rea% about in so"e re"arkable science
Not "erel is there a fourth %i"ension# but beon% the
+orl% of the fourth there are the fifth# the si!th# the se$enth#
the eighth# an% the ninth. An the ninth# for e!a"ple# one
attains realiDation an% is able to co"prehen% the nature of
things# one is able to co"prehen% the origin of /ife# the origin
of the Soul# ho+ things starte% an% +hat part "ankin% plas
in the e$olution of the ,os"os. An the ninth %i"ension# also#
Man4still a puppet of the O$erself4is able to con$erse face
to face +ith his O$erself.
One of the greatest %ifficulties is the unfortunate fact that
)scientists* ha$e set up all sorts of e!traor%inar an% arbitrar
rules an% if one %ares to contra%ict anthing that these )scien.
tists* sa# then one is reall ostraciDe%. An e!a"ple of that "a
be foun% in the +a in +hich the "e%ical profession +as co".
pletel cripple% for hun%re%s of ears because of the +orks of
Aristotle# it +as consi%ere% to be a great cri"e to %o an in.
$estigation into the hu"an bo% because Aristotle ha% taught
all there +as to kno+4e$er. So# until the "e%ical profession
coul% escape fro" the %ea% han% of Aristotle# the coul% %o no
%issections an% no post."orte"s# an% the coul% %o no re.
,ertain astrono"ers ha% "uch the sa"e %ifficult +hen

the taught that &arth +as not the center of creation because
so"e earl 7on%erful Man ha% taught that the Sun re$ol$e%
roun% the &arth# an% that e$erthing e!iste% for the co"fort of
'ut no+ +e ha$e to get on +ith our %i"ensions. Here on
this &arth +e %eal +ith that +hich is co""onl kno+n as
three %i"ensions. 7e see a thing an% +e feel a thing# an% it
appears soli% an% real to us. 'ut suppose +e ha% to %eal +ith
an e!tra %i"ension# the first thing +oul% be4+ell# +hat is this
e!tra %i"ensionB 6ossibl +e coul% not (uite co"prehen% it.
7hat coul% be a fourth %i"ensionB 7orse# +hat +oul% be a
fifthB An% then go on up to the ninth# or e$en beon% the
The best thing is to consi%er first an or%inar tape.recor%er
because "ost people ha$e access to a tape.recor%er or ha$e
seen one. 7e ha$e a tape.recor%er running at a $er slo+# slo+
spee%# less than an inch a secon%. At such a slo+ spee% one
coul% ha$e a tape "essage last for an hour. 'ut supposing +e
"a%e that tape pla back at# for e!a"ple# a foot a secon%E then
the speech +oul% be (uite unintelligible to us# the "essage
upon the tape +oul% not ha$e altere% in an +a# the +or%s
+oul% be the sa"e# but in effect +e +oul% ha$e "o$e% our
speech to another %i"ension an% so +e coul% not co"prehen%
the speech. 'efore +e coul% co"prehen% that +hich +as upon
the tape +e shoul% ha$e to pla the tape at the sa"e spee% as
that e"ploe% in recor%ing it.
Anci%entall# "arine biologists ha$e use% tape.recor%ings
an% ha$e %isco$ere% that fish of all kin%s talk. There is# in
fact# a special phonograph recor% gi$ing soun%s of the sea in
+hich there are the soun%s of the fish talking to each other#
an% e$en lobsters an% crabs co""unicating. Af ou fin% this
har% to belie$e# re"e"ber that %olphins ha$e ha% their speech
recor%e% on tapeE %olphins speak "an# "an ti"es faster
than hu"ans# so the speech +as recor%e% on tape an% +as
(uite unintelligible to hu"ans but the tape +as slo+e% to a
%i"ension (spee%) acceptable to hu"an ears. No+ the scien.
tists are tring to %ecipher the tapes# an% at the ti"e of +riting
this it has been state% that these scientists are able to co"pile a
$ocabular so that e$entuall the "a be able to co""uni.
cate in extenso +ith %olphins.
'ut4back to our parallel +orl%s. Man# "an ears ago#
+hen A ha% escape% fro" the -ussians an% +as "aking "

slo+ an% painful +a across &urope to e$entuall reach a free
countr# A chance% to stop in +ar.torn 'erlin then being
%esecrate% b the sa$age -ussians. A +as +alking about +on.
%ering +hat to %o ne!t# +on%ering ho+ to pass the ti"e until
nightfall +hen A shoul% hope to be able to get a lift upon "
+a to+ar%s the 1rench bor%er.
A +alke% along looking at the still.s"ol%ering ruins +here
allie% bo"bing ha% re%uce% "ost of 'erlin to shattere% rubble.
An a little cleare% spot beneath t+iste% steel gir%ers no+ turn.
ing re% +ith rust# A sa+ a ra"shackle stage set up surroun%e%
b those bo"b.racke% buil%ings. There +as scener of a sort
upon the stage# scener "a%e fro" bits of "aterial sal$age%
fro" the +reckage. The ha% so"e poles# an% fro" the poles
+ere stretche% pieces of sacking so as to obscure as "uch as
possible a $ie+ of the stage fro" those +ho ha% not pai% to
A +as intereste% an% looking farther A sa+ there +ere t+o
ol% "en# one +as stan%ing before a curtain taking "one. He
+as tattere% an% unke"pt# but there +as a certain air of4
so"ething4"aCest# A suppose# about hi". A forget no+ ho+
"uch "one A pai% to enter# not "uch because none of us ha%
"uch "one in +ar.torn 'erlin# but as A pai% he put the
"one in his pocket an% courteousl "otione% "e through the
tattere% an% be%raggle% curtain.
As A +ent beon% the curtain A sa+ so"e planks bri%ging
rubble# an% on those planks people +ere sitting. A took "
seat# too# then a han% ca"e through the curtain an% +a$e%. An
ol%# ol% "an# thin# bent +ith the +eight of ears# shuffle% to
the centre of the stage an% "a%e a little a%%ress in 2er"an
telling us +hat +e +ere going to see. Then turning a+a he
+ent behin% the back%rop. 1or a "o"ent +e sa+ hi" +ith
t+o sticks in his han% an% fro" those t+o sticks %epen%e% a
nu"ber of puppets# inani"ate lu"ps of +oo%# roughl car$e%
to represent a hu"an shape# %resse% up in gau% rags# +ith
painte% features an% lu"ps of hair stuck on top. The +ere
cru%e# the reall +ere cru%e# an% A thought that A ha% +aste%
"one +hich A coul% ill affor%# but4A +as tire% of +alking#
tire% of Cust a"bling about atte"pting to e$a%e -ussian an%
2er"an police patrols# so A kept to " har% seat an% thought
that as A ha% +aste% the "one A +oul% +aste so"e ti"e as
The ol% "an shuffle% out of sight at the back of his little

ra"shackle stage. So"eho+ he ha% rigge% up lighting of so"e
kin%# these +ere no+ %i""e% an% on this $er "akeshift stage
appeare% figures. A stare%. A stare% har% an% rubbe% " ee#
for these +eren0t puppets# these +ere li$ing creatures# gone
co"pletel +as the cru%it of hacke% +oo% %aube% o$er +ith
color# toppe% +ith horsehair an% s+a%%le% +ith bits of rag
sal$age% fro" bo"be% ruins. Here +ere li$ing people# people
each +ith a "in% of his o+n# people intent on the task at han%
people +ho "o$e% of their o+n $olition.
There +as no "usic# of course# an% no soun%# no soun% that
is e!cept for the asth"aticall +heeDing of the ol%# ol% "an no+
hi%%en in the back. 'ut soun% +as not necessar# soun% of an
kin% +oul% ha$e been superfluous# the puppets +ere /ife#
e$er "o$e"ent# e$er gesture +as e!pressi$e# speech +as un.
necessar# for these "otions +ere in the uni$ersal language of
picture# panto"i"e.
There see"e% to be an aura aroun% these puppets# these
puppets +ho ha% no+ beco"e people# the see"e% to take on
the i%entit an% the personalit itself of that +hich the +ere
at the "o"ent representing. No "atter ho+ "uch A peere% A
coul% not see the strings going fro" the hea%s# these +ere
in%ee% artfull hi%%en against the backgroun%. 'efore "e
scenes of life +ere being enacte% +ith absolute fi%elit to the
hu"an counterparts. A lost "self in follo+ing the actions an%
the "oti$es# +e +atche% hu"an %ra"a an% our pulses race% in
s"path +ith the un%er.%og. This +as e!cite"ent# this +as
real# but at last the sho+ ca"e to an en% an% A rouse% "self
as if fro" a trance. A kne+ that a real genius +as controlling
those puppets# a "aster of "asters# an% then the ol% "an ca"e
out fro" behin% his stage an% bo+e%. He +as shaking +ith
fatigue# his face +as +hite +ith the strain an% co$ere% +ith a
thin sheen of perspiration. He +as in%ee% an artist# he +as
in%ee% a "aster# an% +e sa+ not a tattere%# battere% ol% "an
cla% in rags# but the genius +ho "anipulate% those cru%e
puppets an% brought the" to life.
As A turne% a+a A thought of the things A ha% learne% in
Tibet# A thought of " belo$e% gui%e the /a"a Mingar
<on%up# an% ho+ he ha% sho+n "e that Man is Cust a puppet
of his O$erself. A thought also ho+ this puppet sho+ ha% been
a +on%erful lesson on parallel +orl%s.
Man is nine.tenths subconscious an% one.tenth conscious.
3ou ha$e probabl rea% (uite a lot about it because the +hole
science of pscholog is %e$ote% to the $arious facets an% i%io.
sncrasies of Man0s subconscious. -e"e"bering that Man is
so little )conscious* %oes it not occur to ou +hat a shocking
+aste of ti"e it is for a po+erful# po+erful O$erself# gifte%
+ith all "anner of abilities an% talents# pulsing +ith the po+er
of a "ore $ibrant +orl% an% of a %ifferent +a of life# +ho
co"es to this +orl% la%en +ith troubles an% obstacles# an% then
to function at# at "ost# one.tenth of its abilitB Supposing ou
ha% a "otor.car# oh# let us sa an eight.clin%er car because
there %o not see" to be an ten.clin%er cars to "ake the
allusion "ore e!act4let us sa +e ha$e an eight.clin%er car#
then# Cust for the purpose of this illustration.
7e ha$e this eight.clin%er car# but +e fin% that it is +ork.
ing on one clin%er alone# se$en clin%ers are not in an +a
contributing to+ar%s the function of the car# the are in fact
hol%ing it back e$en "ore because of the inertia. The perfor".
ance is %eplorable. 'ut think of it in ter"s of hu"an e!ist.
enceE "ankin% is like a ten clin%er car onl one clin%er of
+hich +orks# the other nine are )subconscious*. 7asteful# isn0t
The O$erself of a hu"an4or an other creature either# for
that "atter4%oes not +aste energE the O$erself of a hu"an
has a nu"ber of tasks +hich "ust be acco"plishe%. Supposing
+e ha$e an e$ol$e% O$erself +ho is an!ious to progress to
other planes of e!istence# one +ho is an!ious to go up an% up
an% up to %ifferent %i"ensions. An that case the O$erself "ight
%e$ote one.tenth of its abilit to %ealing +ith the bo% on
&arth# an% the rest of its abilities "ight go to %ealing +ith
bo%ies on other planets# or other planes of e!istence. Or it
"ight e$en be +ithout puppet bo%ies on other planes of e!ist.
ence an% be "o$ing in +hat one "ight ter"# pure spirit# in.
stea%. 'ut if the O$erself is not that far e$ol$e% or has a
%ifferent sche"e of operations# it "ight %o things in a %ifferent
Supposing our O$erself is "ore or less of a beginner# then
ou can sa that it is the sa"e as a stu%ent in secon%ar school.
The stu%ent has to atten% a nu"ber of classes instea% of ha$.
ing to learn Cust one subCect# often this "eans that the stu%ent
has to +alk to %ifferent classes or to %ifferent centers# an% that
reall %oes +aste a lot of ti"e an% energ.
The O$erself is in a far "ore satisfactor position. At is the
puppet "aster. 5pon this +orl% +hich +e call &arth there is a

puppet +hich is the &arth bo%# an% +hich functions +ith one
tenth of the O$erself0s attention. 5pon a parallel +orl% in
another %i"ension the O$erself coul% ha$e another puppet# or
perhaps t+o or three# or "ore puppets# an% it +oul% then be
able to "anipulate these bet+een $arious tasks. To go back to
our stu%ent# one "ight sa that this is like a stu%ent +ho can
re"ain aloof in his pri$ate roo" an% sen% his %eputies to the
%ifferent classroo"s so that he can gain all the e!perience re.
(uire% through these %ifferent sources an% 0connect the" up0
/et us assu"e that the O$erself is ha$ing to rush things
so"e+hat in or%er to catch up +ith the ccle of e$olution.
Supposing the O$erself has been a bit slo+ or a bit laD# an%
has ha% $arious setbacks# an% this O$erself %oes not +ant to be
left in the sa"e class or state after the others ha$e passe% on#
so he has to take# in effect# a cra""ing course the sa"e as a
chil% or ol%er stu%ent takes e!tra lessons in or%er that he "a
keep up +ith others +ho are "ore a%$ance%# an% so re"ain in
close touch +ith the".
The O$erself "a ha$e a person li$ing one life in Australia
an% "a ha$e et another person %oing so"ething else in
Africa. 6erhaps there +ill be another one in South A"erica or
,ana%a# or &nglan%E there "a be "ore than three# there "a
be fi$e or si! or se$en. These people "ight ne$er "eet on
&arth an% the +oul% still be $er "uch in affinit +ith each
other# the "a ha$e telepathic rapport +ithout in an +a
un%erstan%ing +h# but then occasionall the +oul% "eet in
the astral Cust as tra$elling sales"en so"eti"es "eet in the
sales "anager0s office.
The poor +retche% O$erself +ith se$en or eight or nine
puppets +oul% reall ha$e to get a "o$e on to "anipulate
the" all at once an% a$oi% )crossing the +ires*. This is one
e!planation of so"e curious %rea"s because fre(uentl +hen
t+o co"patible puppets are asleep their Sil$er ,or%s "ight
touch# an% +oul% pro%uce an effect si"ilar to those crosse%
telephone lines +herein ou hear pieces of others0 con$ersa.
tions but# sa%l# sa%l# an% to one0s i""ense regret# +e "iss
all the "ost interesting bits.
'ut +hat is the purpose of all this# ou "ight ask. 7ell#
that*s eas to ans+erF ' ha$ing a nu"ber of puppets the
O$erself can ha$e $ast e!perience an% can li$e ten li$es in Cust
one lifeti"e. The O$erself can e!perience riches an% po$ert


at the sa"e ti"e# an% so +eigh the" in the balance of e!.
perience. One puppet in one countr coul% be a beggar "aking
a "iserable li$ing# har%l e!isting# in fact# +hile in so"e other
countr the ne!t puppet coul% be a prince gaining e!perience
of ho+ to han%le "en an% ho+ to shape a nation0s polic. The
beggar +oul% be gaining e!perience of "iser an% suffering so
that +hen his lifeti"e of e!perience +as blen%e% to that of the
prince.puppet the O$erself +oul% kno+ of the sea"ier si%e of
life# an% +oul% kno+ that there are at least t+o si%es to e$er
An the nor"al course of e$ents people +oul% perhaps co"e
as a prince an% then +ait for another life to co"e as a beggar#
or the other +a about# but +hen the are rushe% for ti"e
+hen an gi$en ccle of e$olution is nearing its en% as is
the present case# then heroic "etho%s ha$e to be a%opte%
in or%er that those +ho are slo+er "a et keep up +ith the
7e are no+ entering the A(uarian Age# an Age +herein
"uch +ill happen to Man an% Man0s spiritualit +ill increase
4it is about ti"e that it %i%# b the +a. Man0s pschic
abilit also +ill increase. Man people no+ li$ing on the &arth
+ill not be reborn to the &arth but +ill go on to %ifferent
stages of e$olution. Man of those +ho ha$e not learne% in this
life or in this ccle of e!istence +ill be sent back like naught
schoolbos to start again in the ne!t ccle.
Af a bo is left behin% b his class at school he is often
%issatisfie% an% %isgruntle% that he is left behin%# an% he ten%s
pla his part an% to sho+ that he kno+s "ore# is better# bigger#
an% all that sort of thing# an% the ne+co"ers to the class
al"ost al+as %islike the bo +ho is left o$er fro" the pre.
$ious class. At is the sa"e in the classroo" of life# a person
+ho has been reCecte% as not sufficientl e$ol$e% to go on to
the ne!t stage of e!istence has to co"e back an% %o that ccle
all o$er again. His subconscious "e"or containe% in the nine.
tenths of the subconscious resents it# an% he ten%s to get ahea%
in one particular +a.
Man people after lea$ing this &arth +ill go on to a %iffer.
ent for" of e!istence# e$er higher# for Man al+as "ust cli"b
higher an% higher# as in%ee% "ust all creatures# an% the spirit
of Man being gregarious b nature# %elights to be in co"pan
+ith lo$e% ones. Thus it is that an O$erself +ill "ake reall
%eter"ine% efforts an% +ill use "an puppets in or%er that it
"a keep up +ith its fello+s.
/et us accept# then# that a parallel +orl% is a +orl% in a
%ifferent %i"ension# a +orl% +hich is "uch like &arth# but et
is in a %ifferent %i"ension. Af ou fin% that %ifficult to co"pre.
hen%# supposing ou coul% go to the other si%e of the +orl%
instantl# in the t+inkling of an ee. No+ %eci%e for our.
self4are ou li$ing in the pastB That is# ha$e ou gone back
to ester%a# or ha$e ou tra$ele% to the futureB Accor%ing to
our calen%ar ou +ill fin% that +hen ou cross $arious %ate.
lines ou tra$el either back+ar%s or for+ar%s as "uch as a
co"plete %a. So it is theoreticall possible to "o$e a %a into
the future accor%ing to our basic ti"e# or to a %a in the past.
Ha$ing agree% that that is so# ou shoul% be able to agree that
there are $arious %i"ensions +hich cannot be easil e!plaine%#
+hich ne$ertheless %o e!ist# as %o parallel +orl%s.
At is al+as a"aDing that people can rea%il belie$e that the
heart can pu"p ten tons of bloo% in an hour# or that there are
=K#KKK "iles of capillar tubing in the bo%# an% et a si"ple
thing like parallel +orl%s causes the" to raise their eebro+s
in %isbelief an% thereb "ake an astonishing a"ount of
"uscles go to +ork.
Our subconscious is usuall (uite %ifficult to reach# %ifficult
to plu"b. Af +e coul% easil reach our subconscious +e coul%
at all ti"es fin% out +hat other puppets of ours +ere %oing in
other +orl%s# or in other parts of this +orl%# an% that +oul%
lea% to $er consi%erable confusion# alar"# an% %espon%enc.
1or e!a"ple# think4to%a ou ha$e %one certain things# but
if ou coul% get into our subconscious an% fin% ourself li$ing
the life of another puppet of ours +ho ha% %one the sa"e
thing last +eek or +ho inten%e% to %o it ne!t +eek# it +oul%
lea% to (uite a"aDing confusion. This is one of the "an
reasons +h it is so $er %ifficult to tap into the subconscious.
At ti"es things happen +hereb there is an in$oluntar
breakthrough bet+een the conscious an% the subconscious. At is
a serious "atter in%ee%# so serious that it is usuall %ealt +ith
in a "ental ho"e. At lea%s to all sorts of pschotic con%itions
because the poor +retche% sufferer is unable to %eter"ine
+hich is the bo% in +hich he is suppose% to resi%e.
Ha$e ou hear% of the book The Three Faces of EveB A
+o"an +as possesse% b three %ifferent entities. The +hole
thing has been +ritten about b (uite a nu"ber of reputable

%octors an% specialists +ho presu"abl kno+ +hat the are
+riting about.
Ha$e ou rea% the stor of 'ri%ie MurphB That is a
si"ilar case. Again a person +as possesse% b another entit#
or in other +or%s# there +as a breakthrough in the subcon.
scious fro" one puppet to another.
Then +e ha$e the "atter of Hoan of ArcE Hoan belie$e% that
she +as a great lea%er# that she ha% "essages fro" higher
sources. Hoan of Arc# a $er si"ple# une%ucate% countr girl#
turne% into a +arrior an% a lea%er of +arriors because the
Sil$er ,or%s bet+een t+o puppets beca"e tangle% an% Hoan
recei$e% i"pulses %esigne% for a "an in a %ifferent bo%. 1or
a ti"e she acte% as that "an# as that lea%er of "en# as that
great +arrior# an% then +hen the lines +ere untangle% her
po+ers faile% an% she +as once again the si"ple countr girl
+ho ha% to pa a penalt for te"porar# an% "istaken# fa"eE
she +as burne% to %eath.
An the case of the $icti" of The Three Faces of Eve a
"ultiple breakthrough# or break%o+n# occurre% an% the poor
+o"an +as place% in un+illing contact +ith other puppets
controlle% b the sa"e O$erself. These other puppets +ere in
a si"ilar con%ition# the also suffere% this breakthrough an% as
a result there +as co"plete chaos. At is the sa"e +hen ou get
t+o or three puppets an% ou are careless or ine!perience% or
let our attention +an%er# the cor%s beco"e entangle%# ou
pull a string +hich shoul% control 6uppet A# but because of
the tangle ou "ight cause 6uppet ' to kick an% 6uppet , to
no% its hea%. An the sa"e +a# +hen ou get a breakthrough
bet+een the conscious an% the subconscious# an uncontrolle%
breakthrough# that is# then ou get interference fro" an% +ith
others +ho are being controlle% b the sa"e O$erself.
'ri%ie MurphB 3es# that also is true# that +as a break.
through into the subconscious an% again a tangling of cor%s
an% a transference of i"pressions.
Hoan of Arc# as +e ha$e seen# +as a si"ple countr girl
+ithout e%ucation of an kin%. She spent long perio%s alone in
conte"plation# an% in one such perio% she (uite acci%entall
broke through to the subconscious. 6robabl she %i% a special
breathing e!ercise +ithout e$en kno+ing it# because all this
can be %one %eliberatel an% un%er full control. An+a# she
broke through to the subconscious# crosse% strings +ith another
puppet# an% reall got into a "ess. She ha% all the i"pulses of

a +arrior# an% she beca"e a +arrior# she +ore ar"or an% ro%e
a horse. 'ut +hat happene% to the poor fello+ +ho +as in.
ten%e% to beco"e a lea%er# %i% he %e$elop +o"anl traitsB
7ell# if +e speculate on that +e can lea% oursel$es to all sorts
of unfortunate conclusions. 'ut4Hoan of Arc beca"e a lea%er
of "en# a +arrior hearing $oices fro" the sk. O1 ,O5-S& SH&
<A<! She +as picking up i"pressions fro" the Sil$er ,or%
+hich# after all# is onl our puppet string. Think of that# our
puppet string. 7e ha$e a Sil$er ,or% that is also "entione% in
the 'ible +here# as ou "a re"e"ber# in the t+elfth chapter
of &cclesiastes it is sai%# )Or e$er the sli$er cor% be loose% or
the gol%en bo+l be broken or the pitcher be broken at the
fountain or the +heel broken at the cistern.*
6eople +rite about ti"e an% relati$it# parallel +orl%s an%
all that# the use such big +or%s that e$en the %o not un%er.
stan% +hat the "ean. 'ut possibl ou ha$e got the general
i%ea fro" this chapter. -e"e"ber# all this is true# all this is
absolute fact an% one %a in the not too %istant future
science +ill break %o+n a fe+ barriers an% a fe+ preCu%ices#
an% +ill realiDe the truth of4parallel +orl%s.


,HA6T&- TH-&&
)3ou ruine% " ra%io!* elle% the hatchet.face% +o"an as she
tore into the little shop. )3ou sol% "e batteries +hich -5AN&<
&V&-3THAN2!* She continue% in a shriek as she rushe% up to
the counter an% thrust a s"all transistor ra%io into the startle%
han%s of the oung "an +ho +as staring apprehensi$el fro"
the other si%e. The custo"er +hose place ha% been so su%.
%enl usurpe% b the belligerent +o"an si%le% cautiousl
a+a an%# reaching the %oor unhar"e%# %ashe% into the street.
1ro" the back roo" the Manager appeare%# ner$ousl
+ashing his han%s +ith in$isible soap an% +ater. ),an A help
ou# Ma%a"* he en(uire%# gaDing +ith so"e alar" at the
large# re%.face% +o"an.
)H&/6 M&B* she shoute%. )3ou ruine% " ra%io +ith our
ba% batteries. AT 7ONT 7O-K. A +ant a ne+ ra%io#* she re.
plie%# her $oice rising to a hoarse bello+ as she thought of all
her )troubles*. The oung Assistant behin% the counter feebl
fu"ble% +ith the set# at loss to kno+ +hat to %o. At last he
took a coin out of his pocket an% ga$e a half.turn to t+o scre+s
at the back of the ra%io. -e"o$ing the co$er of the batter
bo!# he slo+l re"o$e% the four batteries.
)A +ill test the"#* he sai% as he "o$e% to the en% of the
counter an% reache% for t+o lea%s. )There!* he e!clai"e%# as
each cell in%icate% one an% a half $olts. )The are 2OO<!*
2athering the" up# he carefull place% the" back into the
ra%io# turne% the scre+s in the opposite %irection# then turne%
o$er the set. 7ith a flick of his tliu"b he rotate% the s+itch4
an% the latest 'eatle "usic blare% forth.
The hatchet.face% +o"an stare% at the Assistant# her "outh
%ropping open +ith surprise. )7ell! At %i%n0t +ork for M&*
she asserte%. 03ou "ust ha$e change% the batteries#0 she a%%e%#
The Manager an% the Assistant looke% at each other an%
shrugge% their shoul%ers +ith e!asperation. )Ma%a"!* softl
sai% the for"er. )Are ou S5-& ou put the batteries in cor.

),orrectlB ,orrectlB 7hat %o ou "eanB* the +o"an
aske%# her face beco"ing purple +ith anger. )AN3ON& ,an put
batteries in a ra%io. O1 ,O5-S& A put the" in correctl.*
The Manager s"ile% as he sai%# )There is one correct +a
an% one incorrect +a. Af ou put the" in +ith the polarit
re$erse% the +ill not +ork.*
)-ubbish!* sai% the +o"an haughtil. )The shoul% +ork in
an position4an position at all. A plug in " TV an% A %o
not ha$e to +on%er +hich +a the plug shoul% go. 3ou are
"aking e!cuses# Cust like all ou "en %o!* she sniffe% e!pres.
si$el# an% turne% to pick up the ra%io +hich +as still plaing
its raucous tune.
)Hust a "o"ent# Ma%a"!* e!clai"e% the Manager. )A +ill
SHO7 ou# or +e shall ha$e the sa"e trouble again.* -eaching
past her# he took the ra%io an% (uickl re"o$e% the batter.
bo! co$er. 6ulling out the batteries# he reinserte% the" in the
+rong +a an% s+itche% on the set# no soun%# no +hisper at
all. Turning the batteries once again# he passe% the no+.pla.
ing set to the +o"an. )Tr it ourself#* he sai% +ith a s"ile.
)7ell A ne$er. 7ell A ne$er %i%!* sai% the +o"an in a sub.
%ue% tone of $oice. Then4triu"phantl pointing at the
Assistant. )7ell# H& shoul% ha$e tol% "e. Ho+ +as A to kno+B*
The Manager reache% for a batter on a shelf. )/ook#
Ma%a"#* he sai%. )All batteries ha$e polarit# one en% is posi.
ti$e an% the other en% is negati$e. To "ake a batter +ork in a
set at all it M5ST be inserte% +ith the correct polarit. 3our
TV is %ifferent# it takes alternating current +hich is change%
insi%e the TV itself. &V&-3THAN2# batteries an% "agnets# an%
"an other things# ha$e polarit. &$en "en an% +o"en are of
%ifferent polarit.*
)3es!* sniggere% the +o"an +ith a leer. )7e all kno+ +hat
happens +hen TH&3 get together!*
. . . . . .
The telephone burre% insistentlE )burrr# burrr# burrr* it
+ent. At the other en% of the garage the "an in the gre
o$eralls sighe% in e!asperation. Snatching up a piece of cotton
+aste he +ipe% his oil han%s as he hurrie% to the still.burring
telephone. )Ste$e*s 2arage# Sales an% Ser$ice#* he announce%
as he picke% the instru"ent fro" its cra%le.
)Oh!* e!clai"e% a fe"inine $oice at the other en%. )A
thought ou +oul% ne$er ans+er.*

)Sorr# Ma%a"#* sai% the garage "an. )A +as bus +ith
another custo"er.*
)7ell#* replie% the +o"an. )This is Mrs. &llis of The 1erns.
M car +on0t start an% A ha$e to go to to+n $er urgentl.*
The garage "an sighe% ane+# al+as 7OM&N ha% trouble
starting their cars# still# he thought# that +as +hat brought in
the rent "one. )Ha$e ou trie% the starterB* he en(uire%.
)Of course A ha$e#* the +o"an sai% in%ignantl. )A presse%
an% presse% an% nothing happene%# the thing %oes not go
roun% at all. 7ill ou co"e o$erB* she aske% an!iousl.
The garage "an thought for a "o"ent# the +o"an0s hus.
ban% +as a goo% custo"er an%4es4he +oul% ha$e to go.
)3es# Mrs. &llis#* he sai%. )A +ill be o$er +ithin thirt
Hust at that "o"ent his assistant "echanic %ro$e in fro"
the to+n +here he ha% gone for so"e spares. Ste$e hurrie% out
to the truck. )6ut on the spare batter an% the Cu"per cables#
+ill ou# Hi"B* he sai% hurrie%l. )A ha$e to go to see the &llis
car an% A "ust +ash up a bit first.* Hastil he +ent into the
+ashroo" an% re"o$e% the %irt an% grease# an% peele% off his
soile% o$eralls. 'rushing back his hair# he stro%e out to the
pick.up truck. )/ea$ing ou in charge# Hi"#* he calle% to his
assistant as he %ro$e off %o+n the roa% to+ar%s the suburbs.
The ten."inute %ri$e to the &llis house took hi" through a
ne+l %e$elope% %istrict# an% he looke% +istfull at all the
ne+ houses# thinking of all the potential business there +as.
'ut people Cust got into their big ne+ cars an% rushe% a+a to
the cit to spen% their "one. Onl the ones +ith ol% cars# or
those +hose cars +oul% not start# shoppe% locall# he "use%.
Other+ise the all flocke% to 1lash 6ete# or Honest Tra%er
Hoe# be%aDDle% b the glea" of chro"iu" +in%o+ fra"es an%
fluttering bunting
As he %re+ up to the &llis %ri$e+a# he sa+ the sli" Mrs.
&llis hopping fro" foot to foot in her i"patience. Seeing the
pick.up truck# she hurrie% %o+n the sloping %ri$e+a. )Oh!*
she e!clai"e%. )A thought ou +ere N&V&- co"ing!*
)A0$e onl been t+ent "inutes# Ma%a"* respon%e% Ste$e
"il%l. )No+# +hat is the troubleB*
)That0s for ou to fin% out!* sai% Mrs. &llis tartl# as she
turne% an% le% the +a to her t+o.car garage.
Ste$e glance% aroun%# noting the spare tires carefull fi!e%
to the +all an% the fi$e.gallon %ru" of oil +ith the patent tap#

an% the ne+# glea"ing batter charger still plugge% into the
outlet an% +ith its +arning light still glo+ing. )H""n!* he
thought. )THAT shoul% rule out an batter trouble.*
Stepping o$er to the nearl ne+ car# he opene% the %oor an%
sli% into the %ri$er0s seat. /ooking about hi"# tring the
clutch# an% "aking sure the car +as out of gear# he presse% the
starter button. Nothing# no sign of life. No re% light to in.
%icate that the ignition +as on# either. 2etting out an% lifting
the bonnet# he sa+ that the engine +as clean# +ith all ignition
+ires ne+. Testing the connections to the batter# he foun%
the" tight an% clean. 1or a "o"ent he stoo% puDDle% an%
un%eci%e%. )Oh! <o be (uick# A0" late alrea%# A M5ST insist
that ou %o SOM&THAN2# or A shall ha$e to call so"eone else to
start it.* Mrs. &llis +as reall agitate%. )This is so stupi%#* she
sai%. )M husban% bought a batter charger ester%a so that
our cars +oul% start easil in the col%est +eather# an% no+
"ine +on0t start at all!*
Ste$e hurrie% to his pick.up truck an% returne% +ith tools
an% a batter tester. 6lacing the lea%s across the batter
ter"inals he %isco$ere% that the batter +as co"pletel <&A<.
)Oh# nonsense!* e!clai"e% Mrs. &llis as he pointe% it out.
2oing o$er to the batter charger# Ste$e looke% at it an%
foun% to his astonish"ent that the lea%s +ere un"arke%#
neither bore 6OSATAV& an% neither bore N&2ATAV&. )Ho+ %o
ou kno+ +hich is +hichB* he aske%.
Mrs. &llis looke% blank. )<oes it "atterB* she aske%.
Ste$e sighe%# an% e!plaine%. )All batteries ha$e a positi$e
si%e an% a negati$e si%e# an% if ou connect a charger +rongl
ou +ill %ischarge our batter instea% of ,HA-2& it. So no+
our batter is flat an% ou cannot start.*
Mrs. &llis let out a +ail of annoance. )A TO/< " husban%
not to pull off those labels#* she e!clai"e%. )No+ +hat shall A
Ste$e +as re"o$ing the ter"inals an% batter cla"ps as he
spoke. )Ten "inutes an% ou +ill be rea% to lea$e#* he sai%. )A
brought a spare batter to len% ou +hile A charge ours
Mrs. &llis# all s"iles no+# aske%# )7h %oes there ha$e to
be a positi$e thing as +ell as a negati$eB*
)There Cust has to be in or%er to ha$e an energ flo+#*
ans+ere% Ste$e. )&V&-3THAN2 has its opposite counterpart
SOM&7H&-&. Men ha$e +o"en as their opposite# light has
%arkness in fact#* he continue% +ith a laugh# )A e!pect that
SOM&7H&-& there is a +orl% +ith the opposite polarit to that
of this &arth!* 2etting into the car again# he presse% the
starter an% the engine roare% into life.
)A "ust hurr#* shoute% Mrs. &llis# )or " Iopposite poleJ
+ill be angr if A a" late "eeting hi" for lunch.* -eleasing
the brake# she shot a+a# lea$ing Ste$e to put the %ea% batter
on his pick.up truck.
Shaking his hea% in resignation# he "uttere%# )7OM&N . . . !
'ut A +on%er if there reall ,O5/< be another +orl% of anti.
"atter# that +as a (ueer tale A hear% %o+n at the -ose an%
<ragon the other night. A +on%er . . . !*
. . . . . . . . .
The ri$er flo+e% on# s+irling an% gurgling aroun% the stone
piers of the 6eace 'ri%ge at 1ort &rie# s+inging aroun% the
ben% to +ash the banks of the Niagara 6ark+a. 7ith un.
%ulating ripples it "a%e the "oore% pleasure.boats toss an%
bob against their snubbing posts. Along the san% beach at
2ran% Aslan% it s+ept +ith a chuckling hiss as it rolle% little
stones +ith langui% grace. 7elco"ing the ,hippa+a -i$er to
its boso" it flo+e% on# surging +ith increase% force as e$er
little ri$er# strea"# an% spring a%%e% to the $olu"e.
1arther on# the spra of the Niagara 1alls sprang hun%re%s
of feet into the air# to hang poise% for a "o"ent# then fall back
to a%% to the torrent. ,oloure% bea"s of light plae% in e$er.
changing patterns upon the leaping +aters an% "a%e "ulti.
hue% rainbo+s in the spra abo$e. At the +ater.control station
abo$e the 1alls the +ater %i$i%e% at the +hi" of a "an0s han%#
countless gallons going o$er the 1alls for the %electation of
tourists# an% thousan%s of gallons s+irling sharpl left to enter
a $ast "an."a%e tunnel an% s+oosh +ith e$er.increasing force
fi$e "iles %o+nhill to the Sir A%a" 'eek 2enerating Station.
The "ight# po+er of the harnesse% +aters close% in an%
s+ept +ith irresistible force against turbine bla%es# turning
the" +ith incre%ible spee%# an% rotating the couple% genera.
tors so that stupen%ous a"ounts of electricit +ere generate%.
Across Ontario po+er.lines hu""e% as the current flo+e%
to "eet the nee%s of ci$iliDation. 1ro" ,ana%a great gri%s of
+ires sprea% across the 5nite% States to Ne+ 3ork ,it#
bringing ,ana%ian electricit to A"erican ho"es an% in.

%ustries. 'illions of lights sprea% their co"fort an% assurance.
An bus hotels ele$ators +hooshe% along# taking guests to their
roo"s. An hospitals of t+o countries %octors an% sergeons per.
for"e% their tasks b the light of ,ana%ian.generate% elec.
tricit. -a%ios blare%# an% the flickering sha%o+s calle% 0tele.
$ision0 s+ae% an% Cu"pe% behin% their glass screens.
<roning across the +ell.lit lan% ca"e aircraft fro" all o$er
the inhabite% globe. 1ro" &nglan%# Australia# Hapan# South
A"erica# an% fro" all the e!otic na"es of the Tra$el Agenc
a%$ertise"ents the ca"e# con$erging in or%erl laers to the
great airports of Ne+ 3ork State. ,ontrollers in countless
to+ers talke% to the air"en# %irecting# gui%ing. -un+a lights
"a%e the scene bright as %a. 'eacons thre+ great shafts of
light into the sk# to be seen "an "an "iles a+a b those
still in the enshrou%ing %arkness high abo$e the ocean# still
beon% sight of lan%.
&lectric trains roare% an% thru""e% belo+ the groun%# an%
clattere% noisil across $ia%ucts an% bri%ges on the surface. An
the %ocks great ships +ith co""erce fro" the +hole +orl%
ro%e at their "oorings as s+ar"s of ant.like hu"ans engage%
in frenDie% acti$it to unloa% an% loa% ane+. 1loo%lights re.
$erse% the hours an% turne% the %arkness of night into the
brightness of %a.
A+a at the generating station the +aters rushe% en%lessl
b# turning# turning# that electricit shoul% flo+ across t+o
lan%s. 2enerating )positi$e* an% )negati$e* so that the ceaseless
struggle for one to reach the other +oul% cause energ to flo+#
+ork to be %one# an% the co"fort of Man assure%. 'ut so"e.
+here4so"e+here a little fault occurre%. A short circuit took
place. An% +hat is a short circuit but a su%%en co"ing to.
gether of positi$e an% negati$eB The ca"e together on a
s"all scale at first# then# like surging football cro+%s# "ore an%
"ore positi$e electrons rushe% to Cu"p across to "ore an%
"ore negati$e electrons.
-elas beca"e hot. The heat increase% an% points +ere
+el%e% together b the heat. Ansulate% cables gre+ hot# gre+
re% hot# an% thre+ off gouts of burning rubber. Motors roare%
an% +hine% in an agon of e!cess po+er# then %ie% an%
+hirre% into silence. Across t+o lan%s the lights +ent out.
&le$ators cease% to "o$e# stran%ing passengers# an% causing
%istress an% fear. 'eneath the groun% the trains Cu%%ere% to a
screeching stan%still as the current faile%. Ho of Cos4the

shouting ra%ios an% the flickering tele$ision sets +ere silence%
an% e!tinguishe%. The presses ca"e to rest in a tangle of torn
paper an% cursing "en.
An% all because 0positi$e0 electricit +ante% to "eet 0nega.
tie0 electricit su%%enl# $iolentl# +ithout being ta"e% an%
controlle% b first ha$ing to +ork. 1or +hen opposites "eet#
uncontrolle%# AN3THAN2 ,an happen . . . an% <O&S!
. . . . . . .

1or centuries past the A%epts of the far# far &ast ha$e
kno+n that there +as an opposite +orl% to this# the +orl%
+hich in the far# far &ast is referre% to as )the 'lack T+in*.
1or ears 7estern scientists ha$e scoffe% at such things# be.
lie$ing in their ignorance that onl things %isco$ere% b
7estern scientists coul% e!ist# but no+# fairl recentl# a "an
has been a+ar%e% the Nobel 6riDe for %isco$ering $arious
things connecte% +ith the +orl% of anti."atter.
An 8@9: a 'ritish phsicist %isco$ere% that there +as such a
thing as a +orl% of anti."atter# but he %oubte% his o+n +ork#
apparentl not ha$ing sufficient faith in his o+n abilit. 'ut
then an A"erican phsicist b the na"e of ,arl An%erson
photographe% cos"ic ras passing through a special cha"ber.
He foun% traces of an electron %ifferent fro" other electrons#
he foun%# in fact# that there +ere anti.electrons# an% for his
%isco$er# +hich +as anticipate% b the 'ritish in 8@9:#
An%erson recei$e% the Nobel 6riDe. 6ossibl if the 'ritish
phsicist ha% ha% sufficient confi%ence in his +ork he +oul%
ha$e ha% the priDe instea%.
At is no+ clear e$en to scientists4it has been clear to people
of the &ast centuries before4that a h%rogen ato" an% its anti.
"atter counterpart coul% "ake an e!plosion +hich b co".
parison +oul% "ake the stan%ar% ato" bo"b as ineffectual as
a %a"p s(uib. 'ut let us look into this "atter a little "ore.
All life# all e!istence is "otion# flo+# rise an% fall# +a! an%
+ane. &$en sight consists of "otion# for the ro%s an% cones of
the ee "erel respon% to $ibrations ("otion) fro" the article
+hich +e sa +e ha$e seen. So there is nothing +hate$er that
is stationar. Take a "ountain4it looks a soli% structure# but
b %ifferent sight the "ountain is "erel a "ass of "olecules
%ancing up an% %o+n# circling aroun% each other like "i%ges
on a su""er night. On a larger scale +e coul% co"pare it to
the cos"os# because in the cos"os there are planets# +orl%s

"eteors# all circling aroun%# all in constant "otion# nothing is
still# one is not e$en still in %eath!
An the sa"e +a that a batter "ust ha$e a negati$e pole
an% a positi$e pole before an flo+ of energ can occur# so %o
hu"ans# an% anthing else that e!ists# ha$e negati$e an% posi.
ti$e co"ponents. Nothing has e$er e!iste% +hich is all positi$e
or all negati$e# because unless there is a %ifference there can.
not be an flo+ of energ fro" one to the other# an% thus life
or e!istence +oul% be i"possible.
Most people are una+are of the +orl% of anti."atter Cust as
the negati$e or positi$e poles of a batter +oul% not be a+are
of the e!istence of other poles. The positi$e ter"inal of a
batter coul% ha$e a %irect pull to+ar%s the negati$e# or $ice
$ersa# but it is highl i"probable that either pole coul% %iscuss
the e!istence of the other.
There is the +orl% of "atter# but e(ual an% opposite# there
is a +orl% of anti."atter# Cust as there is 2o% an% there is anti.
2o%. 5nless +e ha$e an anti.2o% there is no +a of co".
paring the goo%ness of 2o%# an% unless +e ha$e a 2o% there is
no +a of co"paring the ba%ness of anti.2o%. 7e +ho li$e
upon this# +hich actuall is the negati$e +orl% or pole# are at
present controlle% b anti.2o%# the <e$il# or Satan# or +hat
+e ter" 0the po+er of e$il0. 'ut soon the ccle of e!istence
+ill change an% +e shall be controlle% b 2o%# "ore un%er
His beneficent influence. 7e are of an alternating current ss.
te" +hich changes fro" positi$e to negati$e# an% negati$e to
positi$e# Cust as our counterpart changes fro" negati$e to posi.
ti$e an% positi$e to negati$e.
All life is flo+# "o$e"ent# $ibration# oscillation# change. All
e!istence is flo+ an% change. Af +e e!a"ine the alternating
current sste" +e can see that each half +a$e consists of a
negati$e ccle beco"ing half positi$e# an% a half positi$e ccle
beco"ing half negati$e. 'ut then the go on an% instea% of
beco"ing half negati$e the first beco"es +holl negati$e# an%
the secon% +holl positi$e. An our or%inar househol% current#
in &nglan% for e!a"ple# the current changes its polarit fift
ti"es a secon%# fro" negati$e to positi$e an% positi$e to nega.
ti$e. An other parts of the +orl%# such as ,ana%a an% the
5nite% States# the fre(uenc of change is si!t ti"es a secon%.
7e upon this for" of e!istence kno+n as the +orl%# the solar
sste"# an% the uni$erse# ha$e a ccle sste" of our o+n. Here
+e tra$el along the strea" of ti"e Cust as electrons tra$el

along the electric strea"# +e tra$el along our conception of
ti"e until +e reach4or our O$erself reaches4so"e "uch
greater e!istence. Af ou +ill refer to Wisdom of the Ancients
+ritten b "e# ou +ill fin% that one %ifferent ti"e ccle is
:9#KKK ears.
'ut e$erone an% e$erthing on &arth has a counterpart of
the opposite polarit on another &arth# in another gala!# in
another sste" of ti"e altogether. Ob$iousl that sste" can.
not be close to us or there +oul% be such a tre"en%ous e!.
plosion that the +hole &arth# an% "an other +orl%s as +ell#
+oul% be %estroe%.
At is no+ thought that the great earth.shaking e!plosion
+hich occurre% on Hune >Kth# 8@K?# in the +astes of Siberia
+as cause% b a piece of anti."atter "uch s"aller than a
football +hich ha% so"eho+ got into our at"osphere. At
tra$ele% along at trul tre"en%ous spee%# an% as it sla""e%
into the &arth this piece of anti."atter# "uch s"aller than a
football# e!plo%e% +ith a noise +hich +as hear% "ore than GKK
"iles a+a. 6eople ;K "iles a+a +ere thro+n off their feet
+ith the blast an% shock. So if a larger piece of anti."atter
ca"e there +oul% be no longer an &arthE in Cust the sa"e +a
as a spark can +el% contacts together an% so cause a short an%
co"plete failure of an electric sste"# so +oul% a larger piece
of anti."atter ha$e cause% co"plete failure to us.
7e# then# in our present ccle an% on our present +orl%# are
of the negati$e ccle. Thus +e ha$e frustration# bitterness#
+here the pre%o"inant force is e$il. Take heart fro" the fact
that this particular ccle is co"ing to a close# an% in the ears
to co"e a fresh ccle +ill start in +hich con%itions +ill be.
co"e "ore an% "ore positi$e# +here +e shall no longer be
un%er the %o"ination of anti.2o%# +here no longer shall there
be +ars# but +here all shall be goo%E for Cust as no+ +e ha$e
+ars against each other# in the ccle to co"e the onl +ars
shall be against po$ert an% illness# an% against e$il itself. 7e
+ill fin% that +e ha$e +hat can be ter"e% )Hea$en on &arth#*
an% O$ersel$es e$er+here +ill be sen%ing their puppets to
+hat then shall be the positi$e +orl% as +ell as to the negati$e
Suppose ou consi%er Alice in WonderlandF think of Alice
going through the "irror into a +orl% +here e$erthing +as
re$erse%. Supposing that ou coul% su%%enl pass through the
$eil separating the negati$e an% positi$e# supposing that here

on this +orl% ou +ere +on%ering ho+ ou coul% pa our
bills# +on%ering ho+ ou +ere going to affor% to keep going#
an% +on%ering +h our neighbor %islike% ou so "uch.
Then# une!pecte%l ou +ere pushe% through the $eil. 3ou
+oul% fin% ou ha% no bills# people +ere kin%# ou ha% ti"e to
help other people instea% of thinking about ourself all the
ti"e. At is going to co"e# ine$itabl# it al+as co"es# an% each
ti"e there is a re$ersal of ccle +e learn a little "ore.
At is an interesting thought that if +e coul% catch a lu"p of
anti."atter about the siDe of a pea# an% +e coul% shiel% it
so"eho+ fro" the &arth0s influence# +e coul% harness it to a
$ast spaceship# an% then b e!posing Cust a little to the &arth0s
influence that particle# no larger than a pea# +oul% propel the
spaceship up+ar%s beon% this +orl%# an% out into %eep# %eep
space. There +oul% then be no nee% for rockets or other for"s
of propulsion# because that s"all piece of anti."atter# un%er
proper control# +oul% pro$i%e co"plete anti.gra$it "atter.
Again# there cannot be goo% +ithout e$il because no force
+oul% e!ist. 3ou cannot ha$e a "agnet +hich is all positi$e or
all negati$e because no force +oul% e!ist. The "agnet +oul%
not e!ist either! /et us i"agine that the +orl% is Cust a for"
of "agnet +ith "agnetic fiel%s +hich ra%iate fro" the Arctic
an% the Antarctic# but connecte% to us b so"e bri%ge that +e
cannot see is another +orl% of the opposite polarit. Then +e
+oul% ha$e the t+o poles of# for instance# a horseshoe "agnet.
Man scientists are +on%ering if anti."atter "eans that e$er
single thing is %uplicate% on this other +orl%. The +on%er#
for instance# if there are anti.people# anti.cats# an% anti.%ogs.
Scientists %o not kno+ +hat these people are like because
scientists are people of little or no i"agination# the ha$e to
ha$e a thing in their han%s so that the can %issect it or +eigh
it. At takes an occultist to gi$e infor"ation on this particular
subCect# because the co"petent occultist can lea$e the bo%
an% get out of the bo%# an% out of the &arth as +ell# an% once
out of the &arth he can see +hat this other +orl% is like4as A
ha$e %one so $er# $er fre(uentl.
Anti.people are "erel people +hose etheric %irection is
%ifferent fro" that of people on this# the +orl% of &arth. The
"a# purel b +a of illustration# ha$e a ello+ish an% blue
shell to the aura instea% of a blue an% ello+ shell as here. Af
ou fin% it %ifficult to $isualiDe the +orl% of anti."atter# con.
si%er in photograph4+e ha$e a negati$e an% +e ha$e a posi.

ti$e# an% if +e shine a light through the negati$e un%er sensi.
tise% paper an% %ip the stuff in $arious che"icals +e get a
%ark patch +here there +as a light patch on the negati$e# an% a
light patch +here there +as a %ark patch on the negati$e.
There are certain unkno+n fling obCects4let us call the"
)fling saucers*4+hich co"e to this &arth actuall fro" the
+orl% of anti."atter. The cannot co"e too close or the
+oul% e!plo%e# but the are e!ploring Cust the sa"e as +e sen%
a rocket to the Moon# or to Mars# or to Venus.
6eople co"plain that if there +as anthing in this fling
saucer business the people aboar% +oul% lan% or +oul% "ake
contact +ith people upon this &arth. The +hole truth of the
"atter is that the cannot# because if the touch %o+n there is
an e!plosion an% no longer a fling saucer. Af ou +ill consi%er
$arious reports ou +ill re"e"ber that there ha$e been in.
ci%ents +hen so"e unkno+n fling obCect# +hich +as $er
clearl seen on ra%ar# su%%enl e!plo%e% "ost $iolentl as it
ca"e +ithin 8#KKK feet or so of the surface of this +orl% #
e!plo%e% so $iolentl that no trace coul% be foun%. The sa"e
thing coul% happen if +e coul% sen% a rocket to the +orl% of
anti."atter. 7e shoul% anno the inhabitants consi%erabl b
perhaps blo+ing a cit right off their "ap!
There are other aspects of this +orl% of anti."atter +hich
are e!cee%ingl interesting to those +ho ha$e stu%ie% the
"atter thoroughl. 1or e!a"ple# there are certain locations4
fortunatel but fe+4on this +orl% of ours +here people can
)slip through* into another %i"ension# or into the +orl% of anti.
"atter. 6eople "o$e to such a location +hich oscillates
slightl# an% if the are unluck the are transferre% co".
pletel fro" our &arth. This is not i"agination# but is a "at.
ter +hich has been pro$e% ti"e an% ti"e again.
1ar a+a beon% the Shetlan% Aslan%s in a $er col% sea
there is a "sterious islan% calle% 5lti"a Thule# the /ast
/an%. Most "sterious happenings ha$e occurre% in the $icin.
it of that islan% an% actuall upon it. There is# for instance# a
'ritish A%"iralt report of "an ears ago +herein it is state%
that a part of 'ritish sea"en lan%e% on 5lti"a Thule# an%
there "ost peculiar things happene% to the"# an% people
appeare%# people +ho +ere (uite %ifferent fro" 'ritish sailors.
&$entuall the 'ritish sailors returne% to their ship# a 'ritish
battleship# b the +a# consi%erabl shaken b their unner$ing
e!periences. At 5lti"a Thule +hole ships0 cre+s ha$e %is.

appeare% ne$er to be seen again.
There is off the A"erican coast a place +hich has been
kno+n as the Triangle of <eath. At is an area in the Atlantic
Ocean +here ships# an% e$en fast fling aircraft# ha$e %is.
appeare%. 7oul% ou like to check on so"e of thisB
Here is a startF On 1ebruar 9n%# 8@=># a tanker calle%
Marine Sulphur Queen left 'eau"ont in the State of Te!as.
This ship +as boun% for Norfolk in Virginia.
The ship left on 1ebruar 9n%# an% +as in routine ra%io
co""unication +ith lan% ra%io stations until 1ebruar ;th#
+hen she +as state% to be near a certain area of lan% in the
2ulf of Me!ico. Then no "ore +as hear% of the ship.
On 1ebruar =th the ship +as presu"e% lost. 6lanes took
off to patrol the area# coastguar% cutters stea"e% criss.cross
patterns# an% all ships in the area +ere aske% to report an
unusual +reckage. An% so the search continue% until 1ebruar
l;th# +ithout an trace +hate$er of anthing fro" the tanker.
Not onl ships ha$e been lostE in August 8@=> t+o large
four.engine tanker planes left an Air 1orce base South of
Mia"i. The ele$en "en aboar% the planes +ere to be engage%
in or%inar refueling operations4Cust an or%inar "atter of
training in refueling.
<uring the flight the planes ra%ioe% their position as ?KK
"iles North of Mia"i an% >KK "iles 7est of 'er"u%a# but
that +as the last hear% fro" the"# the reporte% their position
an% $anishe% to be seen no "ore.
These +ere ne+ planes +ith highl traine% cre+s. There
+as no fault in the planes at all# the ha% Cust ra%ioe% their
position# an% then the $anishe%.
A"agine the search +hich follo+e%E aircraft +ent out an%
literall co"be% the area# so"e fling high so that the coul%
see o$er the +i%est possible part of the sea# others fling lo+ in
the hope of spotting so"ething of the t+o planes. Ships "o$e%
across an% took up the search# but nothing +hate$er +as e$er
foun%# no planes# no +reckage# no bo%ies4nothing.
Throughout ears there ha$e been reports of the "sterious
%isappearance of ships.ships lost +ithout trace# lost +ithout
e$en a "atchstick of +reckage to sho+ that the e!iste%. 'ut
ne$er ha$e there been the facilities for (uick search b fast
ra%ar.e(uippe% aircraft as at present# an% no "atter ho+ one
searches# no "atter the "eans one e"plos# there is still no
trace of +hat happene%.

There is an area in the Atlantic on the 'er"u%aM1lori%a
coastline +here "an ships ha$e %isappeare%# an% "an air.
craft# too# ha$e %isappeare%. This is not a lonel area because
the +hole of the coastline is patrolle% b coastguar%s# b the
Na$# an% b the Air 1orce. The list of %isappearances goes
back to the first part of recor%e% histor.
Man ears ago A beca"e ac(uainte% +ith a "ost "s.
terious area in the 6acific# South of Hapan. Here there +as a
region kno+n as the <e$il0s Sea +here a ship# usuall a Cunk#
coul% sail along its peaceful +a an% then co"pletel $anish
before the startle% ees of people in other Cunks near b. On
one occasion a line of fishing Cunks +ere sailing out o$er the
<e$il*s Sea# the lea%ing Cunk +as perhaps a "ile a+a fro"
the ne!t. At saile% on# an% su%%enl $anishe% +ithout the
slightest trace. The hel"s"an in the secon% Cunk +as so para.
lse% +ith fright that he ha% no ti"e or thought to alter
course# an% his Cunk saile% on o$er the course of the other an%
nothing happene% to it. All the cre+s later reporte% a curious
shi""er in the air abo$e the"# an% a sensation +hich the
sai% +as oppressi$e an% hea$ like that often occurring before
a $er strong torna%o.
Here is so"ething that the skeptical a"ong ou coul%
checkE on <ece"ber Gth# 8@;G# fi$e torpe%o.bo"bers took off
fro" the na$al station at 1ort /au%er%ale in the State of
1lori%a. At +as a peaceful# sunn %a# +ithout clou%s# the
+ater +as placi%# there +ere no stor"s# nothing at all to gi$e
one thought that a great "ster +as about to occur.
These fi$e bo"bers +ere going out on an absolutel routine
flight %uring +hich ti"e the shoul% be +ithin $isual sight of
the A"erican coastline or so"e of the ,aribbean Aslan%s. At
no ti"e# consi%ering the height at +hich the +oul% fl# shoul%
the be out of sight of lan%. &$er bo"ber ha% been carefull
checke% an% e$er fuel tank +as co"pletel full. &$er engine
+as at its best con%ition# as +as certifie% b the pilots +ho ha%
to sign e!a"ination sheets before taking off. 1urther# e$er
plane ha% a self.inflating life.raft# an% each "an +ore his o+n
life.Cacket# life.Cackets +hich +oul% keep a "an afloat for
%as. The cre+ nu"bere% fourteen# an% e$er "an ha% "ore
than a ear0s e!perience of fling.
6resu"abl the all thought the +ere going for an or%inar
pleasurable flight up into the blue sk# +atching the Ce+els of
islan%s +hich +ere the ,aribbean Aslan%s# an% +atching the


long# long coastline of 1lori%a. 6erhaps# too# so"e of the"
hope% to get another look %o+n at the &$ergla%es. 'ut the
took off carring out their or%inar routine patrol# the +ere
going to fl &ast for 8=K "iles an% North for ;K "iles# after
+hich the +oul% hea% back to the air station +hich the
+oul% reach t+o hours after take.off.
So"eti"e after take.off4about an hour an% a half4a
"essage +as recei$e% at the 1ort /au%er%ale station# an% it
+as a strange "essage in%ee%# it +as a "essage of e"ergenc.
The lea%er of the flight +as agitate%# e$en frightene%E he sai%
the all see"e% to be off course# an% he sai% also that the
coul% not see lan%. This +as such a strange occurrence that he
foun% it necessar to repeat it. )-epeat# +e cannot see lan%.*
As is usual in such a case the ra%io operator on %ut at the
air station sent a "essage to the flight of planes asking +hat
+as their position. The repl co"pletel shattere% the co".
posure of the "en in the airport control to+ers. The repl#
)7e are not sure of our position# +e %o not kno+ +here +e
are.* 3et the +ere fling in i%eal con%itions# e$er "an +as
co"pletel e!perience% an% their aircraft +ere e!cellent. 'ut
then a further "essage +as recei$e%# a highl alar"e% $oice
calle% through the speakers# 7e %on0t kno+ +hich +a is
7est# sai% the $oice. )&$erthing is +rong# e$erthing is
strange# +e can not be sure of an %irection# e$en the sea
%oesn t look as it shoul%.*
,an ou i"agine an e!perience% "an acco"panie% b
thirteen other "en being able to sa the co"pass %i% not in.
%icate correctl# the %i% not kno+ +here the +ere# the
coul% not see 8an% an% e$en the sea looke% %ifferentB An% et#
also# the sun +hich +as shining on the air station +as in$isible
to the fourteen "en fling in a clou%less sk# the coul% not
see the sun an% the sea looke% %ifferent.
At about ;F>K p." of that sa"e %a another flight lea%er
spoke b ra%io# an% sai% that he %i% not kno+ +here the +ere.
At continue%# )At looks as if +e are4* An% then the "essage
en%e%# no further contact +as e$er "a%e# no trace +as e$er
foun% of these fourteen "en# nor of the planes in +hich the
fle+# no +reckage# nothing.
7ithin "inutes one of the A"erican Na$0s largest fling.
boats# +ith co"plete e(uip"ent for sur$i$al an% rescue# roare%
off the +ater carring a cre+ of thirteen "en. The fling.boat#
nearl ?K feet long an% +ith a +ing span of 89G feet# +as built

to +ithstan% the roughest lan%ings at sea. One +oul% ha$e
calle% such a fling.boat in$incible an% in$ulnerable.
<uring the fling.boat0s Courne out to the i"agine% posi.
tion of the torpe%o.bo"bers it sent out routine reports# but
after t+ent "inutes all ra%io contact stoppe% an% nothing
+hate$er +as e$er hear% again about the torpe%o.bo"bers nor
about the huge# speciall e(uippe%# speciall "anne% fling.
boat +hich ha% gone to their rescue.
The coastguar%# the Na$# the Air 1orce4e$erone4+ent
out in a hurrie% search for +reckage# for "en floating in life.
Cackets or in self.inflating life.boats# but nothing +as e$er
An aircraft carrier "o$e% into the area an% thirt planes
took off at first light to search the +hole area. The -.A.1. +ho
happene% to be nearb sent e$er one of their a$ailable planes
into the air to search. 'ut# again# ne$er has there been the
slightest piece of +reckage# an% it is clear that all these planes
Cust %isappeare%.
<isappeare%B 3es# the +ent through a )hole in ti"e* into
the +orl% of anti."atter# Cust as throughout the ages ships an%
"en an% +o"en# an% ani"als too# ha$e $anishe% +ithout
These inci%ents are not Cust isolate% inci%ents that happene%
recentl# the ha$e happene% throughout histor# an% if one
%igs %eep enough one can fin% $arious highl interesting
accounts of su%%en %isappearances. There is# for e!a"ple# a
+ell.%ocu"ente% case of a bo +ho +ent out of his father0s
far"house one e$ening. He +as going to get +ater fro" the
+ell# there +as sno+ upon the groun%# Cust a fe+ inches of it#
an% the bo +as an!ious to get back to the fire# so he starte%
out +ith a pail in each han%. His parents an% so"e $isiting
frien%s sat b the si%e of the fire an% +aite% for hi" because
the +ante% the +ater +ith +hich to "ake tea.
After a ti"e the "other got restless an% +on%ere% +hate$er
+as keeping the bo. 'ut kno+ing ho+ bos %a+%le she +as
not alar"e% until al"ost an hour ha% passe%. Then so"e
strange feeling ca"e o$er the" an% the took lanterns an%
+ent out in search of the bo# thinking that perhaps he ha%
fallen into the +ell.
7ith their lanterns before the" she%%ing light upon the
sno+ the coul% follo+ his footsteps half.+a across the fiel%.
Then# the father in the lea% stoppe% +ith such horrifie%

astonish"ent that those follo+ing bu"pe% into hi"# He "o$e%
asi%e an% pointe% %u"bl. The others looke% in the sno+# an%
there the foun% clear i"prints of the bo0s footsteps an% then
no i"prints an "ore. The bo ha% $anishe% as if he ha%
su%%enl been %ra+n straight up into the air.
This is factE the footsteps +ent in a straight line# an% then
the +ere no "ore. The bo has not been seen since.
There +as another case of a "an in full %alight. He +ent
out into a fiel% +atche% b his +ife an% the local sheriff (in the
5nite% States). He +as going to get so"ething for the sheriff
fro" the fiel%# an% in $ie+ of these people he Cust $anishe%
into thin air an% +as ne$er seen again!
<o ou ha$e access to Reynolds !e"sB Af ou %o ou
"ight like to consult the issue of August 8;th# 8@>?. Af ou
turn o$er those b no+ ello+e% pages ou +ill fin% the tale of
an -.A.1. fling.boat that su%%enl %isappeare% in an i".
"ense colu"n of +ater an% s"oke +hile fling Cust a fe+ feet
abo$e the surface of the sea off 1eli!sto+e# &nglan%. There
+as no collision# no i"pact# but the plane Cust $anishe% an% no
trace of it has been foun%.
Here is another oneF An the ear 8@G9 in the "onth of
March 7ing.,o""an%er 'al%+in of the -.A.1. +as fling
+ith a patrol of planes along the Korean coast. He an% his
co"panions +ere all fling ne+ Cet planes. He fle+ into a
clou%# his co"panions %i% not. The returne% to base e$entu.
all but ,o""an%er 'al%+in %i% not# there +as no trace of
hi" an% no trace of his plane# an% none of his co"panions
coul% sa +hat happene% to hi".
There are "an# "an such cases. 1or e!a"ple# in 8@;: an
A"erican Super.1ortress Cust %isappeare% +ithout an trace
an% +ithout an +reckage. At +as fling in that triangle near
'er"u%a. This Super.1ortress# a $er large plane# Cust $an.
ishe%# an% although a reall intensi$e search +as "ounte% no
trace +as foun%.
<o ou re"e"ber the case of the 'ritish South A"erican
Air+as plane# Star Ti#erB The ear +as 8@;?# the "onth
+as Hanuar# +ell# al"ost 1ebruar because it +as Hanuar
>Kth. 'ut this great plane# a four.engine affair# ra%ioe% the
airport at Kin%lefiel%# 'er"u%a# that it +as appro!i"atel
;KK "iles fro" the islan%. The ra%io operator state% that the
+eather +as e!cellent an% the plane +as perfor"ing e!actl as
it shoul%. The ra%io operator a%%e% that the e!pecte% to

arri$e on sche%ule. 7ell# the %i% notE the si! "e"bers of the
cre+ an% t+o %oDen passengers %isappeare%# an% again# in
spite of a "ost thorough search# nothing +as e$er foun%.
About fift planes of $arious tpes fle+ lo+ o$er the area#
but4nothing +as foun%. An /on%on there +as an in$estigation
base% on all a$ailable e$i%ence. These things are thoroughl
in$estigate% because of the insurance at /lo%s of /on%on# but
the onl $er%ict the in$estigators coul% bring in +as )/ost#
cause unkno+n*.
<o ou +ant anotherB <ece"ber 8@;?4a big airliner going
fro" San Huan airport to+ar%s 1lori%a. There +ere "ore than
thirt passengers# an% +hen the ra%io operator got in touch
+ith his station he sai% that e$erthing +as going +ell an% the
passengers +ere all singing.
At ;F8G a.". the ra%io operator contacte% Mia"i control
to+er stating that the +ere GK "iles out an% +ere in sight of
the fiel%. He aske% for lan%ing instructions.
The plane $anishe%# the passengers# e$erthing $anishe%
+ithout trace# an% no trace has e$er been foun%. Again there
+as no +reckage. The in$estigators confir"e% that the ,ap.
tain an% cre+ +ere highl e!perience% an% et4less than GK
"iles fro" their %estination a great plane $anishe% +ithout the
slightest trace.
Hust one "ore4+e ha$e to "ention this one because it is a
sister of the Star Ti#er# but this later one +as calle% the Ariel.
Again it got in touch +ith 'er"u%a an% then passe% on en
route to Kingston# Ha"aica. 'ut at ?F9G there +as a "essage
+hich state% that the plane +as 8:G "iles fro" 'er"u%a. The
operator confir"e% that e$erthing +as +ell an% he +as chang.
ing to the ra%io station at Kingston# but that +as the last
hear%# the plane $anishe% +ithout trace.
The 5nite% States Na$ +ere in the $icinit of 'er"u%a#
carring out "aneu$ers. The 5nite% States Na$ an% the Air
1orce# too# ha% ha% enough of these "steries# so the bent
e$er possible effort to sol$ing the "ster. T+o i""ense
aircraft carriers put e$er one of their planes in the air# in
a%%ition there +ere light cruisers an% %estroers# together +ith
"ine.s+eepers an% all "anner of pinnaces. 3et although e$er
s(uare foot of +ater +as co$ere%# no trace +as foun%# nothing
at all.
The e!planation is that there is a )split in ti"e* through
+hich infre(uentl people go fro" one +orl% to another. Af
ou i"agine t+o large footballs rotating close together# an%
each football has a s"all split in it# ou can see that if for so"e
reason the t+o split.areas ca"e into close pro!i"it an un.
happ little flea on one football coul% Cust Cu"p straight into
the split of the other football. 6erhaps there is a si"ilar state
of affairs bet+een this +orl% an% the opposite +orl%.
Af ou fin% that %ifficult to un%erstan%# re"e"ber thisE here
+e are in a three.%i"ensional +orl%. 7e i"agine that in our
little bo!.like roo"s +e are (uite safe an% nothing can touch
us# but supposing a four.%i"ensional person looke% %o+n at
us# then possibl for hi" a ceiling or a +all +oul% not e!ist
an% so he coul% reach %o+n an% pick us up.
At "ight be a goo% i%ea if +e ha$e a chapter %e$ote% to
%i"ensions# the fourth %i"ension# for e!a"ple. 7hat %o ou
thinkB Shall +e %o itB The fourth %i"ension is a $er useful
thing if +e un%erstan% it properl.


,HA6T&- 1O5-

AT see"s rather appropriate to %eal +ith the fourth %i"ension
in the fourth chapter because +hen +e lea$e this &arth +e all
go into the fourth %i"ension! /et us a%% an interesting point
hereE people +ho atten% seances are often upsent at the garble%
"essages the recei$e fro" those +ho ha$e )passe% o$er*.
The %o not un%erstan% that the person +ho has left this &arth
or another plane of e!istence is +hat +e "ight ter" thou.
san%s of light ears in the future. 3ou +ill fin% an interesting
parallel later in this chapter +hen +e %eal +ith the Hin%u king
an% his %aughter# but first +hat is a one.%i"ensional +orl%B
7e cannot un%erstan% +hat four %i"ensions are unless +e
un%erstan% +hat one is. Suppose +e ha$e a piece of paper an%
a pencilE let us %ra+ on the paper a straight line# an% let us
i"agine that all the carbon fro" the pencil represents people
so that in effect the straight line is a +hole uni$erse. There
+ill be onl t+o points for the people# one is straight ahea%
an% the other is straight behin%# the +ill be able to "o$e
back+ar%s or for+ar%s# an% in no other +a at all. Supposing
that ou coul% "ake a change in that line# then the one.
%i"ensional people +oul% think that a "iracle ha% occurre%#
or if the sa+ the point of our pencil Cust lightl pressing on
the paper the +oul% think that a fling saucer ha% su%%enl
3ou# as a three.%i"ensional creature# +ill ha$e te"poraril
entere% a one.%i"ensional +orl% to rest the point of our
pencil on the paper# an% the one.%i"ensional being +ho sa+
that pencil point +ill be sure that a "ost unusual happening
has occurre%. 'eing one.%i"ensional he +oul% not be able to
see ou but onl that point of the pencil in contact +ith the
Ha$ing so"e i%ea of +hat a one.%i"ensional +orl% is# let us
ha$e a look at a t+o.%i"ensional +orl%. This +ill be a flat
plane an% the people +ho li$e upon such a +orl% +ill neces.
saril be flat geo"etrical figures. The +orl% in +hich the
e!ist +ill be to the" "uch the sa"e as our +orl% e!cept that if

ou %ra+ pencil lines aroun% the" the +ill beco"e a+are of
these as great +alls pre$enting the" fro" going beon% those
enco"passing lines# an% the +ill probabl %eci%e that the
lines the encounter "ust e!ist so"e+here else# the +ill think
of the thir% %i"ension in "uch the sa"e +a as +e think of
the fourth %i"ensionE in "uch the sa"e +a as +e so"eti"es
ha$e %ifficult co"prehen%ing the fourth %i"ension# so +ill
these t+o.%i"ensional people ha$e the greatest %ifficult in
co"prehen%ing that thir% %i"ension +hich to us is so
co""onplace. An fact# if anthing %oes stir their consciousness
about a thir% %i"ension# an% if the are foolish enough to talk
to anone else about it# the +oul% be put a+a as lunatics an%
regar%e% as liars# phonies# hoa!es# or si"ilar.
A t+o.%i"ensional being senses lines# the cannot be per.
cei$e% b this person because# being a t+o.%i"ensional person#
he +ill not be able to look fro" abo$e.
Af onl scientists +ere not so %ifficult! Af onl scientists
+oul% put asi%e all their preconcei$e% notions an% enter a re.
search +ith an absolutel unbiase% outlook. 7e ha$e to face
the fact that 0big na"es0 ha$e too "uch sa in e$er%a affairs.
1or e!a"ple# a "an ha% so"e success as a 2eneral in a +ar so
he is i""e%iatel "a%e into 6resi%ent of the 5nite% States.
Or +e get an actor +ho preten%s that he is a la%.killer on the
screen. Actuall# he is reall (uite hopeless in that %epart"ent#
but an+a he ha% so"e success on the screen so +e i".
"e%iatel beco"e inun%ate% +ith photographic co""ents
fro" the fello+# telling us ho+ +e shoul% brush our teeth# ho+
+e shoul% cut our hair# +hat sort of sha$ers +e shoul% use# an%
possibl helpful hints on a lo$e life +hich this person coul% not
possibl enCo.
At follo+s# then# that one of the biggest %ifficulties4one of
the biggest %ra+backs4+hich +e "etaphsicians ha$e to face
is that people blin%l follo+ the +or%s of those +ho shoul%
kno+ about such things# but probabl %o not.
Take people such as &instein or -utherfor%# or those of
si"ilar stan%ing. These "en are specialists in a particularl
narro+ fiel% of science. The ha$e the scientific outlook an%
the +ant to analDe e$erthing accor%ing to "un%ane# out.
"o%e% concepts an% phsical la+s +hich %ail are being con.
tra%icte%. 6eople take the +or% of e"inent scientists as gospel
The take the +or%s of fil" stars as gospel also# an% un.
fortunatel the )gospel* cannot be %ispute% an% cannot be
$arie%. Our proble" is to %el$e into truth0s +hich so"e e"i.
nent people ha$e strenuousl atte"pte% to conceal.
1un%a"ental la+s shoul% be regar%e% as )fun%a"ental*.
That is# as being $ali% %uring the present state of kno+le%ge#
but such la+s "ust be sufficientl fle!ible that the can be
altere%# a"en%e%# or e$en scrappe% in the light of increasing
kno+le%ge. /et us re"in% ou of the bu"ble.bee. Accor%ing
to the la+s of flight4the la+s of aero%na"ics4the bu"ble.
bee cannot possibl fl because the poor creature0s structure
co"pletel %efies all kno+n la+s of aero%na"ics. Thus# if +e
belie$e that the bu"ble.bee cannot fl.
The# reputable scientists# basing their state"ents on the
la+s of phsics# ha$e sai% that Man +oul% ne$er tra$el at "ore
than >K "iles an hour because his bloo% sste" +oul% break
%o+n un%er the strain# his heart +oul% burst# his brain +oul%
collapse# etc.# etc. 7ell# accor%ing to recent reports# Man ,AN
tra$el at "ore than >K "iles an hour! Ha$ing acco"plishe%
that# the scientists sai% Man +oul% ne$er flE it +as i".
possible. 7ith THAT o$erco"e the sai% that Man +oul% ne$er
fl faster than soun%. Ne$er "in%# un%aunte% the sai% that
Man +oul% ne$er lea$e the &arth an% go into space. Accor%ing
to ru"ors this has been %one!
2oing back a bit farther# to so"e+here about 8@8K# all the
+ise "en an% pun%its of science sai% that no "an +oul% sen%
his $oice across the Atlantic# but a gentle"an b the na"e of
Marconi pro$e% that state"ent +rong an% no+ +e sen% not
"erel $oices but pictures across the Atlantic. 'ut possibl
that is not "uch of an a%$antage# ha$ing %ue regar% to the
present %a state of tele$ision progra"s.
Ha$ing got o$er to ou4"ore or less4the i%ea that estab.
lishe% scientists +ith their stereotpe%# hi%eboun%# i""o$able
la+s can be +rong# let us go a little farther. One of their
fallacies is that state"ent that )t+o soli%s cannot occup the
sa"e space at the sa"e ti"e*. That is absur%# that is co".
pletel incorrect# for in the science of "etaphsics t+o bo%ies
,AN occup the sa"e space at the sa"e ti"e b a process
kno+n as interpenetration.
Scientists ha$e sho+n that e$erthing that e!ists is co".
pose% of ato"s +ith great spaces bet+een the"# in "uch the
sa"e +a as +hen +e look up at the stars on a clear night +e
can see little %ots +hich are +orl%s# an% great black spaces

+hich is Space. At follo+s# then# that if +e ha$e a creature
s"all enough (ou +ill ha$e to stretch our i"agination here)
to look at +hat to us is a soli%# that creature "a be able to see
not a soli% as +e %o# but all the particles co"posing the )soli%*.
Then to that creature# looking at our soli%# the $ie+ +ill be
si"ilar to that +hich +e see +hen +e look at the hea$ens on a
clear night. To re"in% ou# that is "uch Space +ith Cust a fe+
little pinpoints of light. 'ut i"agine thisF supposing that there
+as a 'eing large enough so that in looking at our 5ni$erse
He +oul% see that 5ni$erse as a soli%. At the other en% of the
scale# think of a $irusF if ou coul% catch a $irus of a special
tpe# ou coul% %rop that single $irus into a porcelain cup an%
the poor creature +oul% fall right through4+oul% fall right
through the botto" +ithout touching anthing on the +a be.
cause it is such a s"all thing. This is not i"agination but fact.
3ou "a be a+are that one of the big %ifficulties in )catching
a $irus* in a laborator is that the things Cust go through the
cera"ic filters "uch the sa"e as a %og can run +il% on a
To a creature s"all enough# the spaces bet+een ato"s in a
)soli%* are as great in co"parison as those bet+een the stars in
our 5ni$erse# an% Cust as +hole sho+ers of "eteorites or
co"ets or spaceships can tra$el the e"pt spaces bet+een the
+orl%s# so can other obCects occup that +hich +e ter" a )soli%
At is (uite possible to ha$e t+o soli%s# or three or four soli%s
so arrange% that their )+orl%s* %o not touch each other# but one
set of )+orl%s* occupies the spaces bet+een the other set of
)+orl%s*. 3ou +ill appreciate that un%er this sste" there
coul% be "an apparentl soli% obCects +hich occup the sa"e
space si"ultaneousl. Ob$iousl +e cannot percei$e this in
nor"al life# because +e %o not ha$e a suitable nor an a%e(uate
range of perceptions. 7e nee% to increase our perceptions# an%
as here on this +orl% +e cannot easil enter the fourth %i"en.
sion# +e ha$e to accept the printe% +or%s of e!planation or
tape% $oices of e!planation.
To gi$e ou Cust a cru%e i%ea4suppose ou ha$e t+o forks#
or%inar gar%en forks# if ou like# or table forks. 3ou can pass
the tines of one through the space bet+een the tines of the
other. Thus# +hile one set of tines occupies the spaces bet+een
the other set of tines the t+o fork bla%es occup +hat is

essentiall the sa"e a"ount of space +ithout i"pinging upon
the )li$ing space* of the other.
Originall people thought that obCects ha% length an%
brea%th. 'ut then "atters i"pro$e% so"e+hat an% people
ca"e to the conclusion that there +as length# brea%th# an%
thickness# so that people li$e% in a three.%i"ensional +orl%E
i.e. length N one %i"ension# brea%th N t+o %i"ensions# an%
thickness N three %i"ensions. 'ut it is (uite ob$ious that +e
li$e in a three.%i"ensional +orl%. There are other %i"ensions#
such as a fourth# a fifth# an% so on. To gi$e ou so"ething to
think about4our three.%i"ensional obCect has length# brea%th#
an% thickness# but here is another %i"ensionE ho+ long +ill it
e!istB So +e ha$e a further %i"ension of Ti"e. Ti"e be.
co"es a fourth %i"ension in this case.
The a$erage person# b +a of illustration cannot see infra.
re% ras +ithout special e(uip"ent. This pro$es of course that
there are things beon% the range of the a$erage hu"an per.
ceptions# an% it follo+s fro" this that obCects e"itting infra.
re% ras an% ling in a plane beon% length# brea%th# an%
thickness +oul% be (uite in$isible to the a$erage person.
Ma +e %igress for a "o"entB Ma +e re"in% ou that
there are soun%s +hich are (uite inau%ible to hu"ans# but
+hich cats an% %ogs hear clearlB The soun%less %og +histle#
probabl e$erone kno+s about that! 'ut if ou look at the
illustrations in /esson Si! of You$Forever% ou +ill see
+hat +e ter" the s"bolic keboar%. 3ou +ill obser$e that
after soun%# +e ha$e sight# an% there are certain cases in
+hich soun%s ha$e been al"ost seen# )appercei$e%* +oul% be a
better ter"# because un%er certain con%itions if a person is
$er clair$oant the can )see* the shape of soun%. 3ou ha$e
probabl hear% so"eone sa# )Oh# it +as such a -O5N< soun%*
or so"ething si"ilar# fro" +hich +e "a gather that (uite
a nu"ber of people ha$e an i%ea of soun% as a shape such
as a roun% soun%# a s(uare soun%# or a long.%ra+n.out soun%.
'ut4let us get back to the point +e +ere "aking before +e
%igresse% in the pre$ious paragraph.
3ou +ill nee% to think of thisE a three.%i"ensional obCect
such as a house or a person or a tree casts a t+o.%i"ensional
sha%o+# because the sha%o+ has length an% brea%th but no
thickness. Of course# in other planes of e!istence +e shoul% sa
that the sha%o+ also has a further %i"ension# that of ti"e# the
ti"e of its en%uring. 'ut let us forget that for a "o"ent an%

go back an% sa that a three.%i"ensional obCect casts a t+o.
%i"ensional sha%o+. 7e can assu"e that a four.%i"ensional
obCect +oul% sho+ a sha%o+ of three %i"ensions# so those of
ou +ho ha$e seen a )ghost* "a actuall ha$e seen the sha%o+
of a person in the fourth %i"ension. A ghost is a person +ho
has apparent brea%th# thickness# an% height# but is of so"e.
+hat sha%o+ substance# as sha%o+ as a sha%o+ in fact.
So +h shoul% it not be that our four.%i"ensional $isitor# +ho
is in$isible to us because of his four %i"ensions# ne$ertheless
"anifests to us in three %i"ensions# or as a ghost +hich has
for" +ithout substantial substance.
,onsi%er further# reports of obCects +hich the 6ress rather
foolishl call )fling saucers*. These obCects ha$e appeare% an%
%isappeare% at fantastic spee%s an% +ithout an soun% at all.
The ha$e change% %irection at a spee% far beon% that of a
hu"an bo%. No+# +h shoul% +e not suppose that so"e fl.
ing saucers "a be the sha%o+ of a four.%i"ensional obCectB
,onsi%er their rate of change of %irection# consi%er hol%ing a
"irror in our han% an% focusing the Sun0s ras on a +all. 3ou
can "ake that blob of light %ance about an% change %irection
at a rate far in e!cess of that +hich an hu"an "echanis"
coul% "anage.
Again# i"agine a sheet of froste% glass facing a person or
entit +ho ha% no conception of the appearance of a hu"an
being. Then supposing the hu"an# +ho +as conceale% at the
opposite si%e of the sheet of froste% glass# put four fingers an%
a thu"b in contact +ith the glass. The person at the other si%e#
kno+ing nothing of the shape of hu"ans# +oul% see fi$e blobs
4fi$e %ark s"ears4Cust as so"e people ha$e seen blobs in the
3ou "a +on%er +hat all this has to %o +ith "etaphsics.
7ell# it has a $er great %eal to %o +ith "etaphsics! 3ou see#
+e li$e in a three.%i"ensional +orl%# but the highest for" of
Truth can be percei$e% onl +hen +e go beon% a three.
%i"ensional +orl%. 7e ha$e to go beon% Ti"e an% Space#
for Ti"e is relati$e. Ti"e is "erel a con$ention establishe%
b "ankin% to suit his o+n con$enience.
3ou think that Ti"e is not relati$eB All right# supposing
that ou ha$e to go to the %entist# an% ou ha$e to ha$e a tooth
or teeth e!tracte%. 7hen ou are ha$ing our aches an% pains
ti"e appears to stan% still. At appears that ou are in the
%ental chair 1O- &V&-.
No+# ou ha$e a $er enCoable e!perience +ith a person to
+ho" ou are %eepl attache%. 3ou +ill fin% that ti"e flies.
So# Ti"e is Cust a relati$e thing# it appears to %rag or hasten
abo"inabl accor%ing to our "oo%.
7ell# back into our %i"ensions. /et us suppose that there
are so"e for" of people +ho li$e onl in a t+o.%i"ensional
+orl%# that is# the li$e on a +orl% on +hich there is length
an% brea%th but no %epth. The are like sha%o+s# the are
thinner than the thinnest sheet of paper4but ha$ing no per.
ception of %epth the can ha$e no perception of space# because
space is that +hich is beon% the sk# an% to bring in the sk
+oul% be to bring in a thir% %i"ension. Thus# to the" space is
A railroa% track is si"ilar to a +orl% of one %i"ension4
length. A train con%uctor coul% in%icate his position fro" Cust
one point of reference# he coul% sa +here he +as b referring
to the kno+n location of a station or fro" a signal# or fro"
so"e other +ell.kno+n "ark.
/et us go farther an% agree that a ship upon the sea is as a
person occuping a t+o.%i"ensional +orl%# for the ship is not
confine% to rails but it can go for+ar% or si%e+as or e$en
back+ar%s# so it has the use of length an% +i%th.
An aeroplane is a creature of three %i"ensions. At can go
for+ar%# si%e+as# an% up or %o+n. That# ou +ill percei$e#
gi$es us the three %i"ensions.
This theor (actuall# to us it is kno+le%ge) of %i"ensions
+ill e!plain "an things +hich other+ise "ust be consi%ere%
as a "ster4teleportation# for e!a"ple# in +hich an obCect
is "o$e% fro" one roo" to another +ithout an $isible person
%oing the "o$ing. An obCect can be "o$e% b teleportation
fro" a locke% roo" to another roo". Actuall it is (uite
si"ple because +e "erel ha$e to think of our t+o.%i"en.
sional being. Af +e three.%i"ensionals ha% a series of bo!es
+ithout an tops to the"# the t+o.%i"ensional people +ho
coul% be in those bo!es +oul% be co"pletel confine%# co".
pletel enclose%# because not ha$ing an conception of height
the +oul% not kno+ that there +as no roof abo$e the". An%
so if +e three.%i"ensional creatures reache% in through the
open roof an% "o$e% so"ething fro" one bo! to another it
+oul%# to the t+o.%i"ensional people# be an absolute "iracle
in +hich an obCect in one secure% roo" +as "o$e% to another
secure% roo". -e"e"ber the t+o.%i"ensional person +oul%

ha$e no conception of the roof abo$e. An Cust the sa"e +a +e
three.%i"ensional people coul% ha$e no conception of an open.
ing +hich is (uite clear in the fourth %i"ension# so that the
person in the fourth %i"ension coul% reach %o+n into a locke%
roo" (for the roo" +oul% be locke% in three %i"ensions onl)
an% "o$e that +hich he %esire% to "o$e through +hat +as an
opening clear to four.%i"ensional people. The obCect +oul% be
"o$e% fro" the three %i"ensional +orl% an% for a "o"ent
+oul% be in the four.%i"ensional +orl%# +here it +oul% pene.
trate through +hat +e prefer to call soli% +alls. 7e ha$e
so"ething of an illustration +hen +e think of the +a that
ra%io or tele$ision +a$es can penetrate apparentl soli% +alls
an% still acti$ate a ra%io or tele$ision recei$er.
Ti"e# to +hich +e ha$e alrea% referre%# plas a $er i".
portant part in the life of Man# but that +hich +e call )Ti"e*
%iffers fro" "an to "an an% ani"al to ani"al. Again +e sug.
gest that ou think about this un%er %ifferent con%itions in
our e$er%a life. 7hen ou are late for an appoint"ent# see
ho+ the han% races aroun% the clock face. 7hen ou are
e!pecting so"eone an% he or she ("ore usuall she!) keeps
ou +aiting# ti"e appears to stan% still.
Ani"als ha$e their o+n conception of ti"e# an% their con.
ception of ti"e is (uite %ifferent fro" that of hu"ans.
Ani"als li$e at a %ifferent rate. An insect +hich li$es for
t+ent.four hours of hu"an ti"e can still ha$e as full a life as
a hu"an li$ing for se$ent ears# the insect can ha$e a "ate#
can raise a fa"il# an% see its o+n fa"il ha$e their fa"ilies in
turn. Af the allotte% span of an ani"al is t+ent ears# those
t+ent ears +ill appear as se$ent ears or so appears to a
hu"an# an% +ithin the space allotte% to the ani"al he +ill be
able to function Cust as a "an coul% function in his longer
lifespan. At is +orth a thought that all creatures# insect# ani"al#
or hu"an# ha$e appro!i"atel the sa"e nu"ber of heart.beats
in a lifeti"e.
All this about ti"e +as rea%il un%erstoo% b the +ise "en
of centuries ago. There is a $er hol book# one of the great
)'ibles* of the 1ar &ast# +hich is calle% the Sri"a% 'haga$ate#
in +hich appears thisF

Once a great king took his %aughter to the ho"e of the
,reator# 'rah"a# +ho li$e% in a %ifferent %i"ension. The
great king +as "ost concerne% that his %aughter ha% arri$e%


at a "arriageable age an% still ha% not foun% an acceptable
suitor. The great king +as an!ious to fin% a goo% husban%
for his %aughter. After arri$ing at the ho"e of 'rah"a# he
ha% to +ait for Cust a $er fe+ "o"ents before he coul% be
escorte% into the 6resence an% thus "ake his re(uest. To his
intense a"aDe"ent 'rah"a replie%# )Oh king# +hen ou go
back to &arth ou +ill not see an of our frien%s or re.
lati$es# our cities or our palaces# for although it see"s to
ou that ou arri$e% here onl a fe+ "o"ents ago fro" the
&arth ou kne+# et those fe+ "o"ents of our ti"e are the
e(ui$alent of se$eral thousan% ears of our ti"e +hen ou
+ere on the &arth. 7hen ou go back to &arth ou +ill fin%
that there is a ne+ age# an% our %aughter +ho" ou ha$e
brought here +ill "arr /or% Krishna0s brother# 'alara"a.
Thus# she +ho +as born thousan%s of ears ago# +ill be
"arrie% to 'alara"a after se$eral thousan% "ore ears# be.
cause in Cust the ti"e it takes for ou to lea$e " presence
an% Courne again through Ti"e to &arth se$eral thousan%
ears of &arth ti"e +ill ha$e passe%.*
An% so the be"use% king an% his %aughter returne% to the
&arth +hich# accor%ing to their o+n esti"ate of ti"e# the
ha% left but a fe+ "inutes before. The foun% +hat
appeare% to be a ne+ +orl%# +ith +hat appeare% to be a ne+
ci$iliDation4a %ifferent tpe of people# a %ifferent culture#
an% a %ifferent religion. So# as he ha% been tol%# se$eral
thousan% ears ha% passe% in the ti"e of the &arth although
he an% his %aughter# tra$eling to a %ifferent %i"ension# ha%
seen but a fe+ "inutes pass.
This is a Hin%u belief +hich +as +ritten in the hol books
of the Hin%u faith thousan%s of ears ago. One cannot
help +on%ering if this is not possibl the foun%ation of so"e
of the things that <r. &instein pro%uce% as the theor of
6robabl ou ha$e not full stu%ie% &instein0s theor of
relati$it# but $er $er briefl# he e!plaine% Ti"e as a fourth
%i"ension. He also taught that Ti"e is not a stea%# un$ar.
ing flo+ of )so"ething*. He realiDe% that a secon% ticke% on#
after si!t such secon% ticks a "inute ha% passe%# an% after
si!t "inute ticks an hour ha% passe%. 'ut that is con$enient
ti"e# that is "echanical ti"e. &instein consi%ere% Ti"e as a
sense# as a for" of perception. Hust as no t+o people see pre.

cisel the sa"e colors# so &instein taught that no t+o people
ha$e precisel the sa"e sense of ti"e.
7e call a ear >=G %as# but it is Cust a trip aroun% the
Sun4an orbit aroun% the Sun. So +e upon the &arth %o an
orbit of the Sun roughl e$er >=G %as# but co"pare this +ith
a person +ho li$es on Mercur. -e"e"ber that Mercur co".
pletes its orbit aroun% the Sun in eight.eight %as# an% %uring
that orbit it rotates Cust once upon its a!is# +hereas# as ou
kno+# +e upon &arth rotate once in t+ent.four hours.
So"ething else for ou to pon%erE %o ou kno+ that if a
clock be attache% to a "o$ing sste" it +ill slo+ %o+n as that
"o$ing sste"0s $elocit increasesB
Supposing that ou ha$e a ro% "a%e of so"e "aterial4
"etal# +oo%# cera"ic4anthing ou like# but it is a %efinite
"easuring ro% of a %efinite length. Af ou attach that to an
"o$ing sste" it +ill apparentl shrink in the %irection of its
"otion accor%ing to the $elocit of the sste". All these
things# such as changes in the clock# or the contraction of the
ro%# are not in an +a to %o +ith the construction of the
things# nor are the of a "echanical pheno"enon. The are
instea% to %o +ith the &instein theor of relati$it. 3ou "a
ha$e our "etre stick (let us sa that our "etal ro% +as 8
"etre or 8 ar% long)# so no+ if it goes through space at @K per
cent of the $elocit of light# it +ill shrink to half a "etre an%#
in theor# if its spee% is increase% until it "o$es at the spee% of
light it +oul%# accor%ing to the &instein theor of relati$it#
shrink to nothing at all! An% if so"eho+ ou coul% tie a clock
of so"e kin% to that "etre stick# its rate of ti"e.keeping
+oul% $ar so that as the "etre stick approache% the spee% of
light the clock +oul% go "ore an% "ore slo+l# or +oul%
appear to# until at the spee% of light the clock +oul% stop
3ou "ust re"e"ber +hen ou criticiDe this b saing# )Oh
+ell# A ha$e %ri$en the car# an% A ha$en0t seen the car con.
tract#* that these changes can be %etecte% onl +hen the spee%
of the "o$ing article approaches near to the spee% of light. So#
if ou ha$e a bran%.ne+ car an% ou race along the roa%# it
%oesn0t "ean to sa that our car is going to get an shorter#
because# no "atter if ou can %o 8KK or 89K "iles an hourE
that spee% is still all too slo+ to "ake an "easurable %iffer.
ence in the length of our car. 'ut it %oes "ean# accor%ing to
&instein# that if a spaceship shoul% be sent into space an% it

coul% approach the spee% of light# then it +oul% contract an%
<o ou kno+ +hat that "eans# assu"ing that &instein is
rightB 7e# being able to %o astral tra$el# +e kno+ that
&instein is +rong# Cust as +ere those scientists +ho sai% that
Man +oul% ne$er e!cee% the spee% of soun%. &instein is
+rong# Cust as +rong as the person +ho sai% Man +oul% ne$er
e!cee% >K "iles an hour# but +e ha$e to learn b the "istakes
of others. At "ight sa$e us fro" ha$ing "istakes of our o+n.
So let us see +hat +oul% happen accor%ing to the theor of
&instein. /et us sa that +e ha$e a spaceship# an% the cre+ in
the spaceship are all +ise "en +ho are able to "ake accurate
obser$ations. The ship is tra$elling at a $er high spee% in.
%ee%# al"ost approaching the spee% of light. The ship is going
to a %istant planet# so %istant that it +oul% take ten ears to
reach fro" the &arth to that other planet. A light ear is the
ti"e an% %istance it takes light to reach a certain point b
tra$elling one full ear# so ten light ears is the ti"e it takes
light to reach that %istant obCect.
This ship is going to tra$el at about the spee% of light. (/et
us forget all about &instein for the "o"ent# an% let us sa that
this ship can tra$el at the spee% of light.) So# supposing the
ship is going ten light ears to this %istant planet# an% then
+ithout stopping it is going to co"e back. After all# as +e are
)supposing* anthing is per"issible! Thus# +e ha$e a Courne
+hich +ill last for t+ent ears.ten ears out an% ten ears
back. 7ell# naturall# the poor fello+s aboar% are going to be
frightfull bore% shut up for t+ent ears. Not onl that# but
the are certainl going to nee% a +hole pile of foo% an% %rink
+ith the". Anho+# +e are Cust )supposing*.
Af ou are to belie$e &instein# there +on0t be these %iffi.
cults# the +on0t nee% foo% for t+ent ears. Af the ship is
going to tra$el at e$en close to the spee% of light e$erthing
aboar% the ship +ill slo+ %o+n. The "en +ill be slo+ in all
their functions# their heart.beats# their breathing# an% their
phsical actions# an% e$en their thoughts. 7hereas +ith us a
thought "a take a tenth of a secon%# +hen tra$elling at the
spee% of light# accor%ing to &instein# it "ight take ten secon%s
for a thought on &arth but ten +eeks for the %uration of the
sa"e thought +hen tra$elling near the spee% of light. 'ut
tra$elling at the spee% of light is going to ha$e certain $er
i"portant a%$antages accor%ing to &instein. 1or e!a"ple#

t+ent ears on &arth +oul% pass# but to the people in the
spaceship it +oul% be Cust a "atter of a $er fe+ hours. <o
ou +ant to ha$e a better illustration than thatB
All rightF An 8@:K +e ha$e "a%e a spaceship +hich +ill
tra$el at al"ost the spee% of light. The ship is outfitte% an%
rea% to go on a Courne far beon% our solar sste"# far
beon% Mars# Venus# Hupiter# 6luto# Saturn# an% all of the".
At is going# instea%# to a %ifferent uni$erse. At is going to take#
at the spee% of light# t+ent ears. An 8@:K# then# the space.
ship lifts off. At %oes ten ears tra$elling to this far %istant
+orl%. At circles# it takes so"e photographs# an% then it returns
4another Courne of ten ears4t+ent ears in all.
The cre+ are oung "en# one of the" is Cust t+ent ears of
age +hen he lea$es on that e$entful Courne. He is "arrie% an%
his +ife is the sa"e age as he4t+ent ears. The ha$e a
chil% one ear of age. 7hen the poor fello+ returns after Cust a
fe+ hours of tra$elling at near the spee% of light# he +ill get
the biggest shock of his life. He +ill fin% that his +ife is
t+ent ears ol%er than hi"self. 7hile he an% other "e"bers
of the cre+ ha$e age% Cust a $er fe+ hours# the others left
upon the &arth ha$e age% b the te"poral ti"e# that is# t+ent
ears. So this "an of t+ent an% a fe+ hours no+ has a +ife of
Here is an inci%ent +hich the 5nite% States $er "uch %e.
sires to keep (uiet an% keep out of the public kno+le%ge. This
particular "atter +hich follo+s is absolutel authentic# abso.
lutel genuine# an% those +ho are sufficientl highl place%
"a be able to )%ig in* to so"e of the 5nite% States na$al
An October 8@;> an atte"pt +as "a%e to ren%er a ship of
the 5nite% States Na$ in$isible! This ha% %isastrous results
because so"e of the scientists +ere so hi%eboun% that the
coul% not use their i"agination# but ha% to go )b the book*.
3ou +ill re"e"ber that in the Secon% 7orl% 7ar the 5nite%
States as +ell as other people a%$ertise% for i%eas of ho+ to
"ake super.super +eapons# etc. One i%ea +as as a result of
6rofessor &instein0s letter to 6resi%ent -oose$elt in +hich )the
unifie% fiel%* theor +as set out in so"e %etail. There is no
point in going into the technical aspects of the unifie% fiel%#
but +e "ight sa that it %oes e"brace a certain a"ount of
kno+le%ge about the fourth %i"ension.
A certain <octor of Science# a $er cle$er "an in%ee%# use%

part of the theore"s relating to the unifie% fiel%# an% +orking
in conCunction +ith the 5nite% States Na$ in October 8@;>
he +as able to "ake a shiel%4a tpe of ra4+hich co".
pletel enco"passe% a %estroer. The fiel% +oul% e!ten% about
>KK feet fro" its centre of origin# an% anthing insi%e that
fiel% beca"e co"pletel in$isible so that to the obser$er out.
si%e the ship an% cre+ %isappeare%. 5nfortunatel +hen the
ship again beca"e $isible "an of the cre+ +ere insane. At
see"s that e!a"ining phsicians after+ar%s use% so%iu"
pentathol to tr to %ig %o+n into the subconsciousness of cre+
"e"bers to fin% out e!actl +hat happene%.
1ro" our point of $ie+# an% in connection +ith the fourth
%i"ension# it see"s that on one occasion the in$isible ship
reappeare% se$eral hun%re% "iles a+a in ,hesapeake 'a. At
is a pit that people in the area cannot go to the 6ublic
/ibraries an% consult the files of the local ne+spapers# or get
hol% of so"e of the recor%s in such a book as M. K. &essup and
the Allende 'etters co"pile% b -ile ,rabb. A book +as
apparentl publishe% b 2ra 'arker in the 5nite% States
calle% The Stran#e (ase of )r* &essup.
This is a $er serious %iscussion# this is not hoa! or e$en
hearsa e$i%ence. The 5nite% States 2o$ern"ent ha$e gone
to great trouble to tr to silence anone +ho has %iscusse% such
things as this# an% there ha$e been reports of people %ing
"steriousl after ha$ing been in possession of certain in.
The 5nite% States 2o$ern"ent also see"s to ha$e ha%
so"e success in silencing the 6ressE for that surel the %e.
ser$e the Nobel 6riDe an% a fe+ Oscar0s thro+n in for goo%
"easure. 'ut it %oes in%icate that there is "uch in this in.
$isible ship business.
There has been one report ina%$ertentl release% +hich sas
that the in$isible ship "aterialiDe% in a port# an% so"e (uite
be"use% sailors staggere% ashore an% fairl tu"ble% into a
public house. The +ere seen b perhaps thirt or fort
people# an% in "i%.sentence +hile the +ere or%ering %rinks
the %isappeare%# %isappeare%# $anishe%# +ent into thin air.
6eople +ho are sufficientl intereste% shoul% rea% the books
"entione% abo$e an% shoul% also tr to fin% so"e "etho% of
co"bing ne+spapers roun% about 8@;; an% 8@G=. There are
hints# an% in t+o instances actual reports.
At is clear that if one coul% su%%enl s+itch a ship or a
special +eapon into the fourth %i"ension an% then bring it
back to the thir% %i"ension at so"e %esignate% spot the
,hinese coul% be suppresse% $er thoroughlE it "ight e$en
gi$e the -ussians a fe+ frights! 6eople laughe% about the
/aser 'ea"# but that little rub light has pro$e% to be all that
+as clai"e% for it an% a fe+ things besi%es. So4if research
+oul% onl be continue% +ith suitable safeguar%s it +oul% be
foun% that %ocu"ents soli%l locke% in a bank $ault coul% be
re"o$e% b +a of the fourth %i"ension because# re"e"ber#
if a thing has four +alls to ou that is because ou are in a
three.%i"ensional +orl%# an% in a fourth %i"ension there "a
be an opening through +hich one coul% enter.
-eturning to this "atter of the in$isible ship# it is thought
that if the "en ha% been con%itione% to kno+ +hat to e!pect
the +oul% not ha$e gone insane# because the horri% shock of
fin%ing oneself in a %ifferent ti"e continuu" is enough to un.
hinge anone0s "in% unless the are precon%itione%.
Man "an ears ago# in the %as of 6lato# there +as %is.
cussion about the fourth %i"ension# but e$en in those %as
scientists +ere not able to percei$e that +hich +as "eta.
phoricall perche% on the en% of their noses. 6lato ha% a %ia.
logue +hich see"s to be rather applicable to this %iscussion
about the fourth %i"ension an% so as it is essential that in
or%er that +e "a obe the ,o""an%"ent# )Man kno+ th.
self!* +e "ust un%erstan% the relationship of the %ifferent
%i"ensions# the first# the secon%# the thir%# an% the fourth.
So let us ha$e here to en% this chapter the <ialogue of 6lato
the philosopher# an% ho+ he trie% to "ake it clear to people
that +hich +as so ob$ious to hi".
)'ehol%! Hu"an beings li$ing in a sort of un%ergroun%
%enE the ha$e been there fro" their chil%hoo%# an% ha$e their
legs an% necks chaine%4the chains are arrange% in such a
"anner as to pre$ent the" fro" turning their hea%s. At a
%istance abo$e an% behin% the" the light of a fire is blaDing#
an% bet+een the fire an% the prisoners there is a raise% +aE
an% ou +ill see# if ou look# a lo+ +all built along the +a#
like the screen +hich "arionette plaers ha$e before the"#
o$er +hich the sho+ the puppets. A"agine "en passing along
the +all carring $essels# +hich appear o$er the +allE also
figures of "en an% ani"als# "a%e of +oo% an% stone an% $ari.
ous "aterialsE an% so"e of the passengers# as ou +oul% e!.
pect# are talking# an% so"e of the" are silent!*

)That is a strange i"age*# he sai%# )an% the are strange
)/ike oursel$es#* A replie%E )an% the see onl their o+n
sha%o+s# or the sha%o+s of one another# +hich the fire thro+s
on the opposite +all of the ca$eB*
)True#* he sai%E )ho+ coul% the see anthing but the sha%o+s
if the +ere ne$er allo+e% to "o$e their hea%sB*
)An% of the obCects +hich are being carrie% in like "anner
the +oul% onl see the sha%o+sB*
)3es#* he sai%.
)An% if the +ere able to talk +ith one another# +oul% the
not suppose that the +ere na"ing +hat +as actuall before
)Ver true.*
)An% suppose further that the prison ha% an echo +hich
ca"e fro" the other si%e# +oul% the not be sure to fanc that
the $oice +hich the hear% +as that of a passing sha%o+B*
)No (uestion#* he replie%.
)There can be no (uestion# A sai%# that the truth +oul% be to
the" Cust nothing but the sha%o+s of the i"ages.*
)That is certain.*
)An% no+ look again an% see ho+ the are release% an%
cure% of their foll. At first# +hen an one of the" is liberate%
an% co"pelle% su%%enl to go up an% turn his neck aroun% an%
+alk an% look at the light# he +ill suffer sharp pains# the glare
+ill %istress hi" an% he +ill be unable to see the realities of
+hich in his for"er state he ha% seen the sha%o+sE an% then
i"agine so"eone saing to hi"# that +hat he sa+ before +as
an illusion# but that no+ he is approaching real being an% has a
truer sight an% $ision of "ore real things4+hat +ill be his
replB An% ou "a further i"agine that his instructor is
pointing to the obCects as the pass an% re(uiring hi" to na"e
the"4+ill he not be in a %ifficultB 7ill he not fanc that the
sha%o+s +hich he for"erl sa+ are truer than the obCects
+hich are no+ sho+n to hi"B*
)1ar truer.*
)An% if he is co"pelle% to look at the light# +ill he not ha$e
a pain in his ees +hich +ill "ake hi" turn a+a to take
refuge in the obCect of $ision +hich he can see# an% +hich he
+ill concei$e to be clearer than the things +hich are no+ being
sho+n to hi"B*
)True#* he sai%.

)An% suppose once "ore# that he is reluctantl %ragge% up a
steep an% rugge% ascent# an% hel% fast an% force% into the
presence of the Sun hi"self# %o ou not think that he +ill be
paine% an% irritate%# an% +hen he approaches the light he +ill
ha$e his ees %aDDle%# an% +ill not be able to see an of the
realities +hich are no+ affir"e% to be the truthB*
)Not all in a "o"ent#* he sai%.
)He +ill re(uire to get accusto"e% to the sight of the upper
+orl%. An% first he +ill see the sha%o+s best# ne!t the re.
flections of "en an% other obCects in the +ater# an% then the
obCects the"sel$esE ne!t he +ill gaDe upon the light of the
Moon an% the starsE an% he +ill see the sk an% the stars b
night# better than the Sun# or the light of the Sun# b %aB*
)An% at last he +ill be able to see the Sun# an% not "ere
reflections of hi" in the +ater# but he +ill see hi" as he is in
his o+n proper place# an% not in another# an% he +ill con.
te"plate his nature.*
)An% after this he +ill reason that the Sun is he +ho gi$es
the seasons an% the ears# an% is the guar%ian of all that is in
the $isible +orl%# an% in a certain +a the cause of all things
+hich he an% his fello+s ha$e been accusto"e% to behol%B*
),learl#* he sai%# )he +oul% co"e to the other first an% to this
)An% +hen he re"e"bere% his ol% habitation# an% the
+is%o" of the %en an% his fello+.prisoners# %o ou not sup.
pose that he +oul% felicitate hi"self on the change# an% pit
),ertainl# he +oul%.*
)An% if the +ere in the habit of conferring honours on
those +ho +ere (uickest to obser$e an% re"e"ber an% foretell
+hich of the sha%o+s +ent before# an% +hich follo+e% after#
an% +hich +ere together# %o ou think he +oul% care for such
honours an% glories# or en$ the possessors of the"B*
)7oul% he not sa +ith Ho"er4*
) I'etter to be a poor "an# an% ha$e a poor "aster#J an%
en%ure anthing# than to think an% li$e after their "annerB*
)3es#* he sai%# )A think that he +oul% rather suffer anthing
than li$e after their "anner.*
)A"agine once "ore#* A sai%# )that such an one co"ing su%.
%enl out of the Sun +ere to be replace% in his ol% situation# is

he not certain to ha$e his ees full of %arknessB*
)Ver true#* he sai%.
)An% if there +ere a contest# an% he ha% to co"pete in
"easuring the sha%o+s +ith the prisoners +ho ha$e ne$er
"o$e% out of the %en# %uring the ti"e that his sight is +eak#
an% before his ees are stea% (an% the ti"e +hich +oul% be
nee%e% to ac(uire this ne+ habit of sight "ight be $er con.
si%erable)# +oul% he not be ri%iculousB Men +oul% sa of hi"
that up he +ent an% %o+n he co"es +ithout his eesE an% that
there +as no use in e$en thinking of ascen%ingF an% if anone
trie% to loose another an% lea% hi" up to the light# let the"
onl catch the offen%er in the act# an% the +oul% put hi" to
)No (uestion#* he sai%.
)This allegor#* A sai%# )ou "a no+ appen% to the pre$ious
argu"entE the prison is the +orl% of sight# the light of the fire
is the Sun# the ascent an% $ision of the things abo$e ou "a
trul regar% as the up+ar% progress of the soul into the in.
tellectual +orl%.*
)An% ou +ill un%erstan% that those +ho attain to this
beatific $ision are un+illing to %escen% to hu"an affairsE but
their souls are e$er hastening into the upper +orl% in +hich
the %esire to %+ell. An% is there anthing surprising in one
+ho passes fro" %i$ine conte"plations to hu"an things# "is.
beha$ing hi"self in a ri%iculous "annerB*
)There is nothing surprising in that#* he replie%.
)Anone +ho has co""on sense +ill re"e"ber that the be.
+il%er"ents of the ees are of t+o kin%s# an% arise fro" t+o
causes# either fro" co"ing out of the light or fro" going into
the light# +hich is true of the "in%0s ee# (uite as "uch as of
the bo%il eeE an% he +ho re"e"bers this +hen he sees the
soul of anone +hose $ision is perple!e% an% +eak# +ill not be
too rea% to laughE he +ill first ask +hether that soul has co"e
out of the brighter life# an% is unable to see because un.
accusto"e% to the %ark# or ha$ing turne% fro" %arkness to the
%a is %aDDle% b e!cess of light. An% then he +ill count one
happ in his con%ition an% state of being.*

,HA6T&- 1AV&


TH& ancient gre +alls glea"e% +hitel un%er the har$est
"oon# thro+ing %eep black sha%o+s across the +ell.rake%
gra$el of the %ri$e. Ol% in%ee%# it +as# an% "ello+ +ith the
lo$e +hich is besto+e% on +ell.lo$e% things. 1ro" a +all
facing "oon+ar%s an anti(ue coat.of.ar"s prou%l caught the
"oonbea"s an% tosse% the" back in age.fa%e% colours. 1ro"
the "ullione% +in%o+s ca"e the ello+ glea" of electric
light. The ol% Hall +as ga tonight# ga +ith the Co that
co"es onl to a betrothal so recentl announce%.
The "oon saile% serenel across the lu"inous sk. The
sha%o+s "arche% slo+l across the open spaces# turning the
si%e trees to %arkest ebon. A su%%en burst of "usic an%
gol%en light as 1rench +in%o+s opene% an% a oung "an an%
+o"an steppe% on to the terrace% balcon. 'ehin% the" the
+in%o+s close% silentl. Han% in han% the "an an% +o"an
crosse% to the stone balustra%e an% gaDe% out upon the peace.
ful scene before the". A $agrant breeDe ble+ the gentle scent
of "i"osa to the". Ten%erl placing his ar" aroun% the
+o"an0s +aist# the "an +alke% +ith her to the broa% "arble
steps lea%ing to the close.croppe% la+n.
He +as tall# an% cla% in so"e unifor" +ith the buttons an%
ba%ges flashing in the "oonlight. She +as %ark.haire%# an%
+ith the i$or skin +hich so often co"es to such people. Her
e$ening go+n +as long# an% al"ost of the colour of the "oon
itself. Slo+l the +alke% across the la+n# to Coin a tree.line%
path. Anfre(uentl# the stoppe% a "o"ent an% gaDe% at each
other. Soon the ca"e to a rustic +oo%en bri%ge crossing a
placi% strea". 1or a ti"e the leane% on one of the rails of the
bri%ge# "ur"uring softl to each other# gaDing at their reflec.
tion on the unruflie% +aters belo+.
-esting her hea% on the "an0s shoul%er# the +o"an pointe%
up+ar%s to a hoot.o+l staring intentl %o+n fro" a great oak
tree. 5nhapp at being +atche%# the bir% sprea% great +ings
an% soare% off across the gar%en. The "an an% +o"an

straightene%# an% strolle% on# past +ell.ten%e% bushes# past
flo+ers no+ fol%e% in sleep. &$er an% anon s"all rustles an%
s(ueaks sho+e% that the little people of the night +ent about
their legiti"ate business.
The path cur$e% an% +i%ene%# an% turne% into a +ell.kept
stran%. The "oonlight she% a broa% +hite ban% across the
softl hea$ing +ater. Tin +a$elets caught the light an%
turne% it into a "ria% of glittering Ce+els %ancing on the
+ater. A "ile a+a a huge +hite liner clo$e her statel path
through the sea# %ecks ablaDe +ith lights. 1ro" her ca"e
faintl the strains of "usic as her ban% entertaine% the %ancing
couples upon her %ecks. The re% of her portsi%e light glea"e%#
an% floo%lights lit up the house."ark on her funnels. 6hos.
phorescent foa" ca"e fro" the "eeting of her bo+s +ith the
+ater# an% +a$es fro" her +ake gurgle% an% tu"ble% upon the
beach. The "an an% +o"an# ar"s about each other# stoo% an%
+atche% the "aCestic progress. Soon she +as hull.%o+n# an%
no "ore coul% the strains of her "usic be hear%.
An the $el$et.purple %i"ness cast b the sha%e of a tall pine
tree# the stoo% together# telling each other onl the things that
lo$ers tell# planning the future# looking for+ar% to /ife itself.
No sha%o+ crosse% the "oon# the air +as +ar" an% bal".
2entl the little +a$elets tickle% the roun%er pebbles an%
plae% +ith the s"aller san%.
The night# beneath the har$est "oon# +as "a%e for lo$ers.
A night for poets too# for are not poe"s the essence of %rea"s#
an% lifeB
. . . . . . . . .
The san%s of the %esert +ere searing.hot beneath the blaD.
ing heat of the noon%a sun. &$en Mother Nile# flo+ing be.
t+een har%.bake% banks# see"e% "ore sluggish than usual#
+ith the heat.$apour pouring off her glea"ing boso" an%
losing +ater +hich an ari% lan% coul% so ill.affor%. 5nluck
fellaheen# con%e"ne% to +ork in the fiel%s un%er the torri%
sk# "o$e% +ith hea$ letharg# too hot an% +ear to e$en
curse the s+eltering %a. An Abis.bir% stoo% %rooping b a
clu"p of +ilting ree%s. The ne+ To"bs of the 2reat Ones
stoo% bright an% tall# +ith the heat %ring the freshl place%
"ortar bet+een the i""ense blocks an% capping stones.
An the relati$e coolness of the &"bal"ing -oo"# %eep be.
neath the burning san%s# a +iDene% ol% "an an% his scarcel

ounger assistant +orke% as the stuffe% aro"atic herbs into a
"onths.%ea% bo%.
)A reckon the 6haraoh is taking strong "easures against the
6riests#* sai% the "ore ancient of the t+o.
)3es#* replie% the other +ith gloo" satisfaction. )A sa+ the
2uar%s rai%ing so"e of the te"ples# arresting so"e# caution.
ing others# an% carring out bales of papri. The looke% $er
%eter"ine%# too!*
)A %on0t kno+ +hat the +orl% is co"ing to#* sai% the
Ancient. )Ne$er +as like this in " oung %as. The +orl% is
going to 6OT# that0s +hat it is# going to 6OT!* Sighing an%
"u"bling# he picke% up his packing ro% an% ra""e% "ore
herbal "i!ture into an orifice of the unprotesting corpse.
)' Or%er of the 6haraoh!* shoute% the ,aptain of the
2uar% as# surroun%e% b his "en# he stalke% "aCesticall into
the (uarters of the High 6riest. )3ou are accuse% of harboring
"alcontents +ho plot against Hi"# an% tr to cast e$il spells
that the "a har" Hi".* Turning to his "en he ga$e the
or%er# )Search the place4an% seiDe all papri.*
The High 6riest sighe% an% (uietl re"arke%# )At +as e$er
thus# those +ho aspire to higher learnings are persecute% b
ignorant "en +ho fear to kno+ Truth an% +ho think that no
one can kno+ "ore than the. So# in %estroing our papers of
+is%o" ou e!tinguish the rush.lights of kno+le%ge.*
The %a +as a har% one# +ith sol%iers on the alert# 2uar%s
raising# an% carring off suspects4"ost often those +ho ha%
been betrae% through a neighbor*s spite. Sla$e.%ra+n carts
ru"ble% through the streets la%en +ith confiscate% papri. 'ut
the %a en%e%# as %as al+as ha$e an% al+as +ill# no "atter
ho+ en%less the see" to suffering $icti"s of oppression.
A cool breeDe sprang up an% rustle% the paprus ree%s +ith
a %r grating soun%. S"all +a$es boun%e% across the %i""ing
Nile to reboun% fro" the sun.bake% banks. Along the lo+er
reaches of the ri$er# ferr"en s"ile% +ith pleasure as their
slatting sails fille% +ith +in% an% spe% the" upon their ho"e.
+ar% path. 1ree fro" the torri% heat of the %a# s"all creatures
e"erge% fro" holes in the banks an% began their nightl
pro+l in search of pre. 'ut hu"ans +ere in search of pre#
The %ark $ault of the hea$ens +as besprinkle% +ith the
shining Ce+els +hich +ere the stars. Tonight the "oon +oul%
be late in rising. 1aint gli""ers of light ca"e fro" "u% huts#

an% scarce brighter glea"s ca"e fro" the ho"es of the
+ealth. The air +as fille% +ith terror# forebo%ing. No
roisterer loitere% on the streets this night# no lo$ers claspe%
han%s an% "a%e pro"ises b the broa% s+eep of the Nile.
Tonight the 6haraoh0s "en pro+le% the streets# hea$ foote%
an% coarse of "ien# rea% for )sport*. The 6urge +as on# a
purge against the scholars# the priests# an% an +ho "ight
threaten the 6haraoh b forecasting his earl %e"ise. At +as
<&ATH to be abroa% this night# <&ATH on the pikes of the
pro+ling guar%s.
'ut in the %ark places of the cit silent figures lurke% an%
flitte% fro" sha%o+ to %eeper sha%o+ as the 6haraoh0s "en
clu"pe% noisil b. 2ra%uall a pattern beca"e apparent#
silent# %eter"ine% "en# using e$er a$ailable co$er in or%er to
reach their %estination unchallenge%. As the guar%s patrolle%
noisil# an% the eternal stars +heele% o$erhea%# %ark figure
after %ark figure slippe% easil through an un"arke%# un.
lighte% %oor. Slippe% through to be seiDe% b those behin% the
%oor# an% hel% securel until i%entit +as establishe%. As the
last "an insinuate% his silent +a in# an% +as i%entifie%# +ait.
ing "en place% great baulks of ti"ber against the %oor to
ensure that it +as fir".
An ancient# cracke% $oice (ua$ere%# )1ollo+ "e# let each
"an follo+ in line an% place a han% on the shoul%er of the "an
in front. 1ollo+ "e an%4NO NOAS&! for <eath stalks us to.
7ith the "erest suspicion of a shuffling soun%# the line of
"en follo+e% their lea%er %o+n+ar%s through a +ell.con.
ceale% trap.%oor. <o+n# %o+n the slanting path# for a long
long +a# an% at last the e"erge% in an ol% burial $ault +here
the air la %ank an% "ust. )7e shall be safe here#* +hispere%
the ol% lea%er. )'ut let us not un%ul raise our $oices lest the
"inions of Set hear us an% carr ti%ings of our "eeting.*
Silentl the file% roun% an% place% the"sel$es a"ong the
funeral furniture. S(uatting on their heels# the +aite% in e!.
pectation for their /ea%er0s +or%s. The ol% "an peere% short.
sighte%l aroun% the gathering# assessing# +eighing. At last he
sai%# )7e ha$e to%a an% for "an %as seen our "ost cher.
ishe% possessions torn fro" us an% burne%. 7e ha$e +itnesse%
the e$il sight of uncouth "en# %ri$en on b a po+er."a%
trant# persecuting our learne% ones an% %estroing the

accu"ulate% +is%o" of bgone ages. No+ +e are gathere%
here together to %iscuss ho+ our heritage of +ritten learning
"a be sa$e%.* He glance% shre+%l aroun% as he continue%#
)Much has been lost. Much has been sa$e%. So"e of us4at
risk of sa$age torture# substitute% +orthless papri an% sa$e%
the goo%. That +e ha$e store% . . . SA1&/3. No+# has anone a
suggestion that +e "a consi%erB*
1or so"e ti"e con$ersation ebbe% an% flo+e% in a "ute%
un%ertone as "an %ebate% +ith "an the feasibilit of This or
That. At last a oung priest of the Te"ple of 5pper &gpt
stoo% up an% in a %ifferent tone sai%# )-e$eren% Sirs# A cra$e
our in%ulgence for " te"erit in a%%ressing ou thus.*
Hea%s no%%e% in encourage"ent# so he continue%# )/ast night
on %ut in the Te"ple A %rea"e%. A %rea"e% that the 2o%
'ubastes %escen%e% before "e an% ga$e "e in%isputable in.
structions. A +as to state that the Ancient Kno+le%ge coul% be
conceale% b /earne% Scribes %istilling the +is%o" of the
ages# an% then concealing that +is%o" in the lines of carefull
co"pose% poe"s. This# sai% the 2o% 'ubastes# +oul% be be.
on% the co"prehension of the illiterate# but clearl apparent
to the Allu"inati. Thus posterit shoul% not be %epri$e% of
our kno+le%ge nor of the kno+le%ge that +ent before.* Ner$.
ousl he sat %o+n. 1or "o"ents there +as silence as the
&l%ers %ebate% +ithin the"sel$es.
At last the Ancient One reache% a %ecision. )So be it#* he
sai%. )7e +ill conceal our kno+le%ge in $erse. 7e +ill also
prepare special pictures of the 'ook of the Tarot. An% +e +ill
"ake "uch that the pictures can be a car% ga"e# an% in the
fullness of ti"e the /ight of Kno+le%ge shall shine forth
again# replenishe% an% rene+e%.*
Thus it ca"e to pass as +as or%aine%# an% in the ears that
follo+e% "en of high purpose an% fearless of character stro$e
to preser$e all that +hich +as +orth of preser$ation in $erse
an% in pictures. An% the 2o%s s"ile% an% +ere +ell content.
. . . . . . . . .

Throughout the ages "ankin%# an% so"eti"es +o"ankin%
also# ha$e use% a special for" of +or%s that the "ight conceal
an% re$eal at the sa"e ti"e. Verse can be use% to enchant the
rea%er or to "stif the intru%er.
' a suitable rhth" of $erse# "etre# rh"e# an% all that
sort of thing# one can %el$e %o+n into the subconscious "es.

sages +hich one nee%s or re(uires to beco"e part of one0s
pschic entit.
7hen looking at a poe" one shoul% %eci%e +hether the poet
is Cust lightl plaing +ith +or%s or if he has so"e special
"essage +hich he is tring to get o$er. Man ti"es a "essage
+hich +oul% be (uite unacceptable in or%inar brutal prose
can be so +rappe% up that onl the initiate% can get the "ean.
ing. Man )seers* +rote their "essages an% pre%ictions in $erse
not because4as the skeptic sas4the +ere afrai% to put it in
plain language but so that those initiate% in such things coul%
rea% the %eeper "eaning behin% the poe". 1re(uentl so"e
illiterate author (an% oh! +hat a lot there are!) +ill atte"pt to
sneer at fa"ous poe"s of pre%ictions. Of course people +ho
cannot +rite anthing of their o+n can al+as get a "arket b
pan%ering to the lo+er instincts of "ankin%# an% so# as this is
the Age of Kali# e$erone is tring to re%uce e$erone to a
co""on %eno"inator. This is the age of cnical %isregar% for
the ele"entar precept that all "en are not e(ualE no "atter
that the be e(ual in the sight of 2o%# all "en are not e(ual
upon the &arth# an% there is a $er pre$alent for" of in$erte%
snobber no+a%as +hich "akes a "an sa# )Oh# A a" as goo%
as he is!* No+ +e see great lea%ers like Sir 7inston ,hurchill#
-oose$elt# an% others# ha$ing their na"es an% their reputa.
tions %ragge% in the "u%# but onl b the sorr little people
+ho ha$e no abilities of their o+n an% thus obtain a fien%ish
pleasure b tring to har" those +ho ha$e abilities.
Shall +e look at a piece of poetr an% then go %eeper an%
look at the real "eaning behin% that poetrB Here# then# is a
Tibetan poe"# a $er $er fa"ous poe"# it is not Cust pleasant
rea%ing but it has special "eaning attache% to it. Here is the
poe" )A 1ear Not*F

A 1&A- NOT

An fear of %eath A built a house
An% " house is a house of the $oi% of truth.
No+ A fear not %eath.
An fear of col% A bought a coat
An% " coat is the coat of inner heat.
No+ A fear not col%.
An fear of +ant A sought +ealth
An% " +ealth is glorious# unen%ing# se$enfol%.
No+ A fear not +ant.

An fear of hunger A sought foo%
An% " foo% is the foo% of "e%itation upon truth.
No+ A fear not hunger.
An fear of thirst A sought %rink
An% " %rink is the nectar of right kno+le%ge.
No+ A fear not thirst.
An fear of +eariness A sought a co"panion
An% " co"panion is the e$erlasting $oi% of bliss.
No+ A fear not +eariness.
An fear of error A sought a 6ath
An% " 6ath is the 6ath of transcen%ent union.
No+ A fear not error.
A a" a Sage +ho possesses in plentitu%e
The "anifol% treasures of %esire# an% +here$er A %+ell A a"
Shortl +e +ill %el$e %o+n into the esoteric "eaning of this
poe"# but first let us ha$e another poe". Again it is a Tibetan
one# again this is one +ith a $er special "eaning in%ee%. Here
is the secon% poe"# )'e ,ontent*F

'& ,ONT&NT
M son# as "onaster be content +ith the bo%
1or the bo%il substance is the palace of %i$init.
As a teacher be content +ith the "in%#
1or kno+le%ge of the truth is the beginning of holiness.
As a book be content +ith out+ar% things
1or their nu"ber is a s"bol of the +a of %eli$erance.
As foo% be content to fee% on ecstas
1or stillness is the perfect likeness of %i$init.
As clothing be content to put on the inner heat
1or the sk.tra$elling 2o%%esses +ear the +ar"th of bliss.
,o"panions# be content to forsake
1or solitu%e is presi%ent of the %i$ine asse"bl
-aging ene"ies be content to shun
1or en"it is a tra$eler upon the +rong path.
7ith %e"ons be content to "e%itate upon the $oi%
1or "agic apparitions are creations of the "in%.
/et us ha$e et one "ore poe"# a Tibetan poe" +hich +as
co"pose% b the Si!th <alai /a"a# a $er eru%ite "an in.
%ee%. He +as a +riter an% an artist# a "an "isun%erstoo% b
"an# but one +ho %efinitel left his "ark upon &astern

culture. There are so fe+ of his tpe in the +orl% to%a. Here
is a translation into &nglishE A a" afrai% A %o not kno+ +ho
"a%e the translation# but no "atter +ho it +as# the translation
cannot in an +a %o Custice to the actual thing in Tibetan.
One of the great sorro+s of authors is that translations into
another language rarel follo+ the sa"e tren% of thought as
that +hich the author atte"pte% to i"part in the original lan.
guage. 'ut here is this translation b so"eone unkno+n of )M

M3 /OV&

<ear lo$e to +ho" " heart goes out
Af +e coul% but be +e%
Then ha% A gaine% the choicest ge"
1ro" ocean0s %eepest be%.
A chance% to pass " s+eetheart fair
5pon the roa% one %a#
A tur(uoise foun% of clearest blue#
1oun%# to be thro+n a+a.
High on the peach tree out of reach
The ripene% fruit is there.
So# too# the "ai% of noble birth
So full of life an% fair.
M heart0s far off# the nights pass b
An sleeplessness an% strife
&$en %a brings not " heart0s %esire
1or lifeless is " life.
A %+ell apart in 6otala# a 2o% on &arth a" A#
'ut in the to+n the chief of rogues an% boisterous
At is not far that A shall roa"#
/en% "e our +ings +hite crane.
A go no farther than /i Thang an% thence return again.

/et us no+ consi%er the poe" )A 1ear Not* b that great
"an Milarepa. Milarepa +rote that the initiate% "a kno+
certain things. Here is an inkling into the hi%%en "eaningsF

An fear of %eath A built a house
An% " house is a house of the $oi% of truth.
No+ A fear not %eath.

The "eaning of that has been $ariousl translate% an% "is.

translate%. Actuall# accor%ing to esoteric beliefs# it can be
taken as "eaning that e$en on other planes of e!istence one
cannot stan% still on a tight.rope# one "ust go for+ar% or fall#
one "ust progress up+ar%s or one "ust slip back+ar%s. At is
necessar at all ti"es to keep in "in% that although here +e
are upon &arth# et +hen +e %ie +e are reborn into another
stage of e!istence. 7hen +e finish +ith +hat +e "ight ter"
the &arth Stage of e!istence +e go on to another -oun% +here
there are %ifferent abilities# %ifferent stan%ar%s. 1or e!a"ple#
upon this particular ccle of li$es +e are gi$en so "an senses.
7hen +e go to the ne!t stage +e +ill ha$e "ore senses# "ore
abilities# an% so on. 'ut +e "o$e up# ne$er back+ar%s unless it
is b our o+n lack of energ.
So# in fear of %eath in the astral plane# A built a bo%# an%
" bo% ha% the e"ptiness of truth. 7ith truth A fear not
%eath. An other +or%s# +e kno+ that +hen +e %ie to one life
+e go on to the ne!t. There is no such thing as per"anent
%eath# %eath is rebirth. A +ant to tell ou this in absolute sin.
ceritE because of $er special training A ha$e been able to
$isit other planes of e!istence nor"all inaccessible to one# a
%+eller on this plane. Special precautions ha$e to be taken b
those +ho gui%e one# of course# because one0s $ibrations4an%
+e are onl $ibrations4cannot# unai%e%# spee% up to "ake it
possible for us to reach those higher planes. The e!perience
+as (uite painful# it +as like a blin%ing light# it +as like pass.
ing through +hite.hot fla"es# et A +as shiel%e%# protecte%.
A foun% that on a higher plane A +as of about the sa"e
stan%ar% as +oul% be a slug on this &arth co"pare% to a high
hu"an intelligence. The greatest scientists of this &arth +oul%
fin% that the +ere no higher than that slug upon ele$ate%
planes. 7e ha$e to progress all the ti"e# an% all the ti"e# at
the en% of e$er life# +e %ie# so calle%# so that +e can progress
up+ar%s. Think of a caterpillarE a caterpillar is a creature
+hich cra+ls about# then apparentl it %ies an% beco"es a
butterfl +hich "o$es in a %ifferent ele"ent# +hich "o$es in
air instea% of cra+ling about on the groun%.
Take the classic e!a"ple of a %ragonfl. 1ro" out of so"e
stagnant pon% painfull cra+ls so"e lo+l +or"# so"e grub.
At cra+ls slo+l up# perhaps# a rush or a proCecting branch. At
cli"bs up# an% takes a fierce# tenacious hol%. Then there is no
"ore "o$e"ent# the creature %ies# it see"s to %eca. &$entu.
all fro" the %ea% husk there co"es a little plop an% the %ea%


shell splits. 1ro" it e"erges the %ragonfl# li"p# be%raggle%.
At sprea%s its +ings# soon the beco"e fir" an% iri%escent.
Then# +ith the sunlight upon it# the %ragonfl rises up into the
air an% soars a+a.
No+# isn0t that reall like hu"anitB The hu"an bo%#
so"ething like a +or" ou +ill agree# %iesE fro" the %ea%
husk e"erges so"ething +hich soars up+ar%s into ne+ life.
That is +hat A like so "uch about %ragonflies# the are a
pro"ise of eternal life# the are a pro"ise that there is "ore
than Cust this "iserable flesh bo%. 'ut A for one %o not nee%
pro"ises# because A ha$e e!perience% the actualit.
Af +e +ere to continue +ith )A 1ear Not* +e "ight go toF

An fear of hunger A sought foo%
An% " foo% 8s the foo% of "e%itation upon truth.
No+ A fear not hunger.

That# of course# "eans spiritual hunger# not phsical but
spiritual. Af a person is in %oubt he Cust %oesn0t kno+ +hat to
%o# +here to go to obtain kno+le%ge. A person in %oubt is a
frustrate% person# an unhapp person. )An fear of spiritual
hunger A sought kno+le%ge# an% A "e%itate% upon truth# an%
no+ kno+ing the truth A fear not hunger.* A sa to ou that
e$en in these hu"ble little chapters ou can learn "uch# ou
can ha$e see%s of kno+le%ge plante% +ithin ou. A see% is a
s"all thing# but fro" a s"all see% can gro+ a "ight tree. A
a" tring to plant a see%# A a" tring to light a can%le in the
,enturies ago all "ankin% ha% kno+le%ge such as this# but
certain ele"ents of "ankin% abuse% the kno+le%ge# an% so
there ca"e the <ark Ages +hen the can%les of learning
throughout the +orl% +ere e!tinguishe%# +hen Man burne%
books of kno+le%ge# an% sank for a ti"e into abs"al ignor.
ance# +hen Man +as ri%%le% +ith superstition. 'ut no+ +e are
co"ing to a ne+ era# to a ne+ stageE +herein Man is going to
ha$e a%%itional po+ers. A "a beco"e unpopular +hen A sa
al"ost in a +hisper# ato" bo"b fall.out "a not be altogether
the har"ful thing +hich it is so often suppose% to be. /et us
%igress fro" poetr for a "o"ent to get %o+n to realitF
Mankin% throughout the centuries has been %eteriorating. Af
+e +ant to get priDe cattle# or priDe ani"als# +e %o not let
the" "ate in%iscri"inatel an% bree% unfa$orable strains.
The ani"als are carefull picke% an% bre% for (ualit# possibl

for so"e particular (ualit. Af +e ha$e trees# fruit trees# +e can
carefull ten% those trees an% graft the" so that +e get bigger
an% better fruit# or fruit ha$ing a special fla$or. 'ut let us
neglect these ani"als# let the" run +il%# let us %esert our fruit
gro$es an% let the" re$ert to nature# then all the goo% training
the ha$e ha% re$erts back an% +e get inferior fruit# inferior
ani"als. Think# for instance# of a "ost beautiful apple +hich
can re$ert back to a crab apple. Hu"ans are like crab apples#
hu"ans bree% in%iscri"inatel# an% people +ith the least
%esirable traits usuall ha$e the "ost chil%ren# +hile people
+ho ha$e kno+le%ge or characters +hich coul% actuall in.
crease the (ualit of the hu"an race ha$e no chil%ren at all.
Often it is because of e!cessi$e ta!ation# or e!cessi$e i"port
So possibl Ol% Mother Nature# +ho "ust kno+ a thing or
t+o after all these ears# "ight see a %ifferent +a of increas.
ing the $alue of the hu"an race. 2i$e this a thoughtE possibl
Ol% Mother Nature has "a%e it so that a fe+ strange ra%ia.
tions are let loose to pro%uce "utations. Not all "utations are
ba%# ou kno+. 7e get# for instance# a ger"# a fa"il of
ger"s. The are treate% b penicillin# "an get kille% off# but
others change# the beco"e i""une to penicillin. /ater the
beco"e not Cust i""une# but the thri$e on penicillin. Ho+ %o
+e kno+ that hu"ans are not %oing the sa"eB Al+as +e ha$e
to "o$e up+ar%s# al+as +e ha$e to progress# an% it is "
fir" belief# +hich also is the belief of &astern thought# that
e$erone has to kno+ all these things before the can pass on
to higher stages of e$olution.

An fear of error A sought a 6ath
An% " 6ath is the 6ath of transcen%ent union.
No+ A fear not error.

An other +or%s4A %i% not kno+ +hich +a to "o$e# A %i% not
kno+ +here " 6ath la# so A sought kno+le%ge fro" Higher
7orl%s. A got that kno+le%ge an% no+ A %o not fear that A a"
"aking a "istake of " life.

A a" a sage +ho possesses in plentitu%e
The "anifol% treasures of %esire#
An% +here$er 8 %+ell 8 a" happ.

Again# A a" +ise that A ha$e obtaine% fro" other sources
kno+le%ge of +hat is to be# kno+ing +hat one is re(uire% to

kno+. Thus# kno+ing that life upon &arth is# in the infinit of
Man0s spiritual lifeti"e# Cust a flickering of an eeli%# A can be
contente% +here$er A %+ell. Thus# A fear not.
Milarepa +as a great sage# he +as a "an +ho retire% into a
"ountain ca$e. 6eople ca"e to consult hi" an% to stu% +ith
hi". /et "e "ake it clear that those +ho ca"e to stu% +ith
hi"# atten%e% to his bo% +ants# cleane% his ca$e# looke% after
his clothing# prepare% his foo%# ran "essages. So "an people
of the 7est think# )Oh# all kno+le%ge shoul% be free# ou "ust
not charge to teach people anthing.* 'ut# of course# that is
Cust ignorance# asinine# crass ignorance. That is sai% b people
+ith little kno+le%ge an% little kno+le%ge is a %angerous thing
in%ee%. Anthing that is +orth ha$ing is +orth +orking for.
Milarepa taught that one "ust be content# be content +ith
kno+le%ge. Milarepa taught that the bo% +as as a "onaster#
an% the "onks +ithin the "onaster +ere the %ifferent po+ers
an% abilities of the bo% an% of the "in%.

1or the bo%il substance is the palace of %i$init.

Again# the bo% substance# the flesh# or cla# or +hate$er
ou +ant to call our bo%# is the house +herein %+ells the
O$erself or the soul +ho is here upon this &arth to gain e!.
perience of "un%ane things. An higher stages of e!istence one
cannot "eet those +ho" one heartil %islikes. The ob$ious
ans+er is to co"e to &arth +here ou "eet all of the" all the
ti"e! 3ou Cust think4if ou reall think +ith an open "in%
ou +ill fin% that ou %islike an a"aDing nu"ber of people#
an% ou are sure that an e$en greater nu"ber of people %islike
ou. Af ou are honest ou +ill agree that that is right. Af ou
go to +ork ou +ill be sure that so"ebo% is tring to cut ou
out of our Cob# so"ebo% is tring to %en ou pro"otion#
so"ebo% has a spite against ou. That0s so# isn0t itB
7ell# the O$erself has to co"e %o+n to &arth to get those
obno!ious e!periences. Thus it is that the bo% is a fairl
%urable contraption# it houses the soul against un%ue shocks.
one "ust be content +ith the "in%# because +ithin the "in%
one can store an% sort out kno+le%ge of the truth# an% until
ou kno+ the truth ou cannot kno+ holiness# holiness not in
the sancti"onious sense# but in the true sense +hich recogniDes
that the O$erself is the controller of the bo%# an% the bo% is
"erel a puppet.
Milarepa goes onF

-aging ene"ies be content to shun
1or en"it is a tra$eler upon the +rong 6ath.

That "eans ou "ust not ha$e hatre% or en"it for anone
because if ou feel strong hatre% for anone it "eans that ou
are upon the +rong 6ath. 3ou cannot stan% still on a tight.
rope# ou either go for+ar% or ou go back because actuall#
ou kno+# on our spiritual tight.rope ou cannot fall off an% be
%estroe%. Often in religions# in all religions# there is talk of
eternal %a"nation# talk of eternal tor"ent. <on0t belie$e it#
%on0t belie$e it! These things +ere sai% b the priests of ol% in
the sa"e +a that the "other "ight tell her chil%# 0No+ ou
be (uiet or A0ll tell our father. He0ll take a stick to ou!0
An the %as of ol% people +ere $er "uch like chil%ren.
The perhaps lacke% reasoning po+er +hich has %e$elope%
throughout the ages# often the ha% to be threatene% in or%er
to help the". 3ou "ight fin% that little Hoe or ,harlie +on0t
eat his breakfast# ou "ight sa4if ou are foolish4)No+
ou eat it up this "o"ent or A0ll call the police"an for ou!* A
ha$e kno+n that happen "an ti"es. 7ell# e$entuall little
Hoe or little ,harlie thinks that all police"en are fien%s# he
thinks that a police"an is al+as rea% to pounce upon hi"#
take hi" off to Cail# an% %o all kin%s of un"entionable things
to hi" for e$er an% e$er an% a bit longer. So in the %as gone
b the priest use% to sa# )Ah! <e$ils +ill get at ou# <e$ils
+ill pro% ou in $arious un"entionable places# the +ill gi$e
ou# in fact# the %e$il of a ti"e.* <on0t belie$e it! There is a
2o%# it %oes not "atter +hat ou are going to call that 2o%#
there is a 2o%# a 2o% of goo%# an% no person is e$er calle%
upon to suffer beon% his li"its.
So"e of us# though# ha$e "e"ories of other things. So"e of
us# as in " o+n case# ha$e actual kno+le%ge# not Cust
"e"ories# an% so"e people +ithout the "e"ories an% +ithout
the kno+le%ge are calle% upon to suffer "ore than the nee% to
suffer because the +ill not learn b lessons of the past. 7e
li$e upon this &arth# +e are# as ou kno+# about nine.tenths
subconscious# one.tenth of us onl is conscious# or at least that
is the popular figure. ' the sight of so"e of the people on
certain other continents one +oul% %oubt that people are e$en
one.tenth conscious! 'ut A +ant to sa so"ething here about
other +ork +hich is %one b the O$erself.
The O$erself# of course# is ten.tenths conscious. At has to be

other+ise the hu"an subconscious coul% not be nine.tenths
a+ake. The O$erself is not confine% to %ealing +ith one bo%
alone# there are %ifferent sste"s of utiliDing the energies of
the O$erself# an% let us Cust briefl look at the".
So"e people co"e as a "e"ber of a group# for e!a"ple# a
oung girl "a be upon the &arth an% she "a be (uite lost
an% inept +ithout the co"pan of her brothers# her sisters# an%
her parents. These people# the see" to function onl +hen
the are all together. <eath "akes a terrific gap# +hile +hen
one gets "arrie%# then the "arrie% person is al+as running
back to the fa"il. These people "a be as puppets all con.
trolle% b the sa"e O$erself.
T+ins or (ua%s often also are controlle% b the sa"e O$er.
self. At see"s as if the lea%ers of other 6lanes kno+ that this
particular roun% of e!istence is nearl at an en% an% another
+ill start# an% so the see" to be bringing people here to +ork
in groups un%er the control of one O$erself to each group# in
"uch the sa"e +a as a ,o""unistic %ictatorship has cells of
so "an people un%er the control of one super$isor# an% all the
super$isors are un%er the control of a senior super$isor# an% so
One has often seen groups of bir%s# perhaps fift bir%s#
+heeling an% turning in unison as if un%er the co""an% of
one person. 7ell# that is as it shoul% be because these bir%s are
all controlle% b one person# in Cust the sa"e +a as a colon
of ants is controlle% b one O$erself# or a hi$e of bees is con.
trolle% b one O$erself.
6eople +ho are "ore enlightene%# "ore e$ol$e%# ha$e a
%ifferent sste"# an% this is going to "ake ou think. So# let us
take it slo+l an% briefl because actuall all +e ha$e to
bother about is ho+ +e are "anaging on this &arth4let the
other +orl%s take care of the"sel$es until +e can get roun% to
There are "an %ifferent +orl%s like the &arth# not in the
sa"e4for +ant of a better +or% A can onl call4)ti"e*. 'ut
perhaps +e shoul% %o better if +e use% a "usical ter"4
har"onics. 7e can ha$e a "usical note# a pure note# but then
fun%a"entals of the original note. An "uch the sa"e +a there
is this &arth# +hich perhaps +e shoul% call &arth <# then there
are &arths ,# '# A# an% &# 1# 2# for instance. These are
si"ilar &arths# si"ilar +orl%s# an% the are calle% parallel

uni$erses or parallel +orl%s# +hiche$er ou prefer.
An O$erself +ho has e$ol$e% an% +ho realiDes that con.
trolling Cust one pun little &arth.bo% is ti"e consu"ing# an%
not sufficientl e%ucational# can ha$e a puppet on each of
se$eral +orl%s. So that in +orl% A# for e!a"ple# little 'ennie
can be a genius# but in +orl% 1 little 1re%%ie can be a "oron.
An that +a the O$erself can see t+o si%es of the coin at once#
an% can gain e!perience on both en%s of the scale.
A reall e!perience% O$erself "ight ha$e nine %ifferent
puppets# an% that is the sa"e as li$ing nine %ifferent li$es#
+hich spee%s up e$olution (uite a bit. 'ut this subCect has
alrea% been %ealt +ith "ore full in ,hapter T+o.
As +as state% at the beginning of this chapter# poetr or
$erse or a %efinite rhth".pattern is often use% to %ri$e a
"atter %eepl into one0s subconscious. No+ +e are going to
ha$e an e!a"ple of the tpe of thing +hich the &gptians use%
to %o. 5nfortunatel it loses a lot of its po+er b being trans.
late% into &nglish. An the original &gptian the +or%s s+ae%
rhth"icall an% achie$e% the %esire% purpose# but Cust think
for ourself# if ou get a piece of poetr an% ou translate it
fro" &nglish or Spanish into# let us sa# 2er"an# ou get the
soun%s all +rong# ou get the balance all +rong# an% so it %oes
not ha$e the sa"e effect. An fact# so"e poe"s cannot be trans.
late% at all into another language# so this ),onfession to Maat*
is not as goo% as it +oul% be in &gptian.
This is a te"ple confession +hich +as sai% in the ,ha"ber
of Maat in the &gptian Te"ple of Anitiation. At is as +ritten
in the &gptian 'ook of the <ea%# it +as actuall an in$oca.
tion. Maat# ou "a re"e"ber# is the &gptian +or% "eaning
)Truth*. So the ,ha"ber of Maat beca"e the ,ha"ber# or
Te"ple# of Truth.
Here is the ,onfession to Maat +hich shoul% be repeate%
e$er night before one goes to sleep. Af one repeats this as %i%
the &gptians# then it lea%s one to a "uch purer life. Tr it
an% see!


Ho"age to Thee# Oh 2reat 2o%# Thou Master of all
Truth# A ha$e co"e to Thee# Oh " 2o%# an% ha$e brought
"self hither that A "a beco"e conscious of Th %ecrees.
A kno+ Thee an% a" attune% +ith Thee an% Th t+o an%
fort la+s +hich e!ist +ith Thee in this ,ha"ber of Maat.

An Truth A co"e into Th Attune"ent# an% A ha$e
brought Maat in " "in% an% Soul.

A ha$e %estroe% +icke%ness for Thee.
A ha$e not %one e$il to "ankin%.
A ha$e not oppresse% the "e"bers of " fa"il.
A ha$e not +rought e$il place of right an% Truth.
A ha$e ha% no inti"ac +ith +orthless "en.
A ha$e not %e"an%e% first consi%eration.
A ha$e not %ecree% that e!cessi$e labor be perfor"e% for
A ha$e not brought for+ar% " na"e for e!altation to
A ha$e not %efrau%e% the oppresse% of 6ropert.
A ha$e "a%e no "an suffer hunger.
A ha$e "a%e no one to +eep.
A ha$e cause% no pain to be inflicte% upon "an or ani"al.
A ha$e not %efrau%e% the Te"ple of their oblations.
A ha$e not %i"inishe% fro" the bushel.
A ha$e not filche% a+a lan%.
A ha$e not encroache% upon the fiel%s of others.
A ha$e not a%%e% to the +eights of the scales to cheat the
seller an% A ha$e not "isrea% the pointer of the scales to
cheat the buer.
A ha$e not kept "ilk fro" the "ouths of chil%ren.
A ha$e not turne% back the +ater at the ti"e it shoul%
A ha$e not e!tinguishe% the fire +hen it shoul% burn.
A ha$e not repulse% 2o% in His Manifestation.


A a" 6ure! A a" 6ure! A a" 6ure!
M purit is the purit of the <i$init of the Hol
TH&-&1O-& &VA/ SHA// NOT '&1A// M& AN THAS 7O-/<#
'&,A5S& A# &V&N A# KNO7 TH& /A7S O1 2O< 7HA,H A-&

There are# as pre$iousl state%# occasions +hen prose in
special for" is use% to %ri$e into the subconsciousness a
special "essage. Here is a 6raer +hich A co"pose%# an%
+hich ou shoul% repeat three ti"es each "orningF

TO M3 OV&-S&/1 A 6-A3

/et "e this %a# li$ing " life %a b %a in the "anner
prescribe%# control an% %irect " i"agination.
/et "e this %a# li$ing " life %a b %a in the "anner
prescribe%# control " %esires an% " thoughts that A be
purifie% thereb.
/et "e this %a# an% all %as# keep " i"agination an%
" thoughts %irecte% fir"l upon the task +hich has to be
acco"plishe%# that success "a co"e thereb.
A +ill at all ti"es li$e " life %a b %a# controlling
i"agination an% thought.
. . . . . . . .

3ou shoul% also ha$e a 6raer to be sai% at night# three
ti"es each night before going to sleep. Here# then# is a
speciall co"pose% 6raer (co"pose% b "e) +hich +ill instill
%iscipline into our subconsciousness b nightF

A 6-A3&-

Keep "e free fro" e$il thoughts. Keep "e free fro" the
blackness of %espair. At the ti"e of " "iser shine a light
into the %arkness that enshrou%s "e.
/et " e$er thought be goo% an% clean. /et " e$er
action be for the goo% of others. /et "e be positi$e in "
thoughts that " "in% "a be strengthene% therefro".
A a" the Master of " <estin. As A think to%a# so a" A
to"orro+. /et "e therefore a$oi% all e$il thoughts. /et "e
a$oi% all thoughts +hich cause %istress to others. /et "
Spirit arise +ithin "e that A "a easil succee% in the task
that lies ahea%.
A a" the Master of " <estin. So be it.



A 7O-/< 7& A// M5ST VASAT

TH& gentle rain ca"e pattering %o+n# lightl +ashing the soot.
la%en slates of the ol% "arket to+n. /ike the tears of ne+
+i%o+s it fell fro" gre skies to tinkle across the garbage cans
+ith "usical fingers. To the soft sighing of the e$ening +in% it
%ance% an% s+ae% across the roa%+as# tapping against +in.
%o+s an% bathing the parche% foliage of such scra+n trees as
still stoo% +ith lo+er trunks i""ure% in concrete si%e+alks.
The light of passing cars reflecte% fro" the glistening roa%.
+a# their tres hissing through the thin sheet of +ater +hich
collecte% fro" the poorl %raine% surface. )Tap.tap.tap!* +ent
the rain%rops as the ran gleefull together fro" the ol% gre
roof an% flo+e% into the broken spout to fall on to the +orn
stone steps belo+.
6assers.b hurrie% along# "uttering i"precations against
the +eather# turning up collars# an% erecting u"brellas. Those
caught unprotecte% hastil i"pro$ise% shelter fro" unfol%e%
ne+spapers. A cautious cat si%le% along close.presse% to the
houses# Cu"ping pu%%les# an% e$er alert to fin% the %riest
places. Tiring of the +et# or possibl reaching ho"e# the cat
ga$e a longE cautious look aroun%# then s(ueeDe% through a
partl opene% +in%o+.
1ro" aroun% the corner ca"e a slight# hurring figure cla%
in %ark raincoat an% sheltering beneath a s"all# black u".
brella. 6ausing a "o"ent beneath a street la"p she consulte%
a slip of paper clutche% bet+een her fingers. 6eering in the
%i" light she checke% again the a%%ress an% nu"ber before
hurring on. Here an% there she halte% her hurrie% flight to
ben% for+ar% an% rea% the nu"bers on the house %oors. At last#
+ith a s"all e!cla"ation# she stoppe% b the corner house.
Hesitantl she looke% at it# a s"all house# a poor house# +ith
paint sun.blistere% on the %oor. The +in%o+ fra"es +ere
cracke% for +ant of paint# an% the stone+ork ha% seen "uch
better %as. 3et4she %eci%e%4it +as a HA663 house.
Hesitating no longer# she "ounte% the three s"all stone
steps an% knocke% ti"i%l at the %oor. Soon there ca"e the

soun% of footsteps +ithin the house an% the slight creak as the
%oor +as opene%.
)Mrs. -anB* aske% the +o"an on the step.
)3es# A0" Mrs. -an# can A help ouB* respon%e% the other#
then# )7on0t ou co"e in out of the rainB*
2ratefull the s"all +o"an fol%e% her u"brella an%
steppe% insi%e. As Mrs. -an took her +et coat the slight
+o"an looke% about her.
She sa+ an el%erl# gaunt +o"an# +ith a kin% face an%
+ork.+orn han%s. A +o"an +ho# like her house# ha% seen
better %as# but one +ho ha% +ell learne% /ife0s har% lessons.
The furniture +as clean but +ell +orn# an% the linoleu" +as
beginning to be shabb. The slight +o"an turne% +ith a start
an% sai%# )Oh# A0" so sorr# " "in% +as +an%ering. A0"
Mrs. Har$e. Mrs. &llis tol% "e about ou. A <&S6&-AT&/3
nee% help!*
Mrs. -an gaDe% at her gra$el an% sai%# ),o"e into the
sitting.roo" +ith "e# Mrs. Har$e. /et us see +hat the
trouble is.* She le% the +a into a s"all# neat roo" facing
%o+n the street. Motioning to a chair she sai%# )7on0t ou sit
2ratefull the slight +o"an sank into the co"fortable
chair. )At0s about 1re%#* she crie%# )he %ie% fi$e +eeks ago an% A
"iss hi" so!* Me"or o$erca"e her an% she +ept +ith an
agon of e"otion. 1u"bling in her han%bag she +ith%re+ her
han%kerchief an% %abbe% ineffectuall at her strea"ing ees.
Mrs. -an patte% her on the shoul%er an% sai%# )No+# no+#
Cust sit there an% ha$e our cr outE A +ill "ake a cup of tea
an% then ou +ill feel better.* Hurring fro" the roo" she
entere% the kitchen fro" +hence soon ca"e the clatter of tea.
)A0$e ha% a T&--A'/& ti"e!* sai% Mrs. Har$e later as the
sat facing each other +ith the tea.tra bet+een the". )1re%4
" husban%4an% A +ere $er "uch in lo$e an% then fi$e
+eeks ago he +as kille% instantl in an e!plosion at the 7orks.
At +as HO--A'/&! An% e$er night A0$e ha% the strongest feel.
ing that he +as tring to get in touch +ith "e# to tell "e
so"ething.* She stoppe%# an% t+iste% her han%kerchief ner$.
ousl# biting her lo+er lip an% scuffling the +orn carpet on the
floor. Then )Mrs. &llis tol% "e that ou "ight be able to get
in touch +ith 1re%4A %on0t kno+ +hat ou charge4but A %o
so +ant to hear fro" hi"!*

)M %ear#* sai% the el%erl +o"an to the an!ious oung
+i%o+. )7e can onl tr an% trust in 2o%. So"eti"es A can
recei$e "essages fro" those +ho ha$e left this life# other ti"es
A cannot. Onl the highest A%epts can al+as be telepathic
an% clair$oant. Af A can help ou# then that is 2o%0s 7illE if A
cannot# then that is 2o%0s 7ill too. As for " charge*4she
+a$e% a han% roun% the roo"4)A %o not look as if A o$er.
charge% an% li$e% in lu!ur# %o AB* She sighe% an% a%%e%# )A
"achine coul% be constructe% +hereb this +orl% an% the
5nseen coul% co""unicate Cust as +e no+ telephone another
countr. 'ut An%ustr is not intereste% . . . tell "e about our
husban%# ha$e ou so"e personal article of his that A "a
atte"pt to contact hi"B*
Much# "uch later a s"iling an% greatl co"forte% Mrs.
Har$e stoo% up to lea$e# an% sai%# )A kno+ no+ that there are
"e%iu"s an% "e%iu"sE so"e are absolute s+in%lers as A ha$e
foun% to " cost. So"e raise hopes falsel an% +ithout ha$ing
an abilit +hate$er. 3ou4ou are V&-3 %ifferent. Thank
ou# thank ou so "uch# Mrs. -an!*
As she softl close% the %oor after the %eparting Mrs.
Har$e# the gaunt ol% "e%iu" "uttere%# )/or%! /or%! Af
onl +e coul% stop all the fakes an% ha$e real research# ho+
easil +e coul% then co""unicate.*
She turne% back into the sitting.roo" an% slo+l gathere%
up the tea.things# thinking of a seance +hich she ha% once
. . . . . . . .

The shops ha% close% earl# for it +as the "i%%le of the
+eek# +hen all the pa packets +ere e"pt# an% lar%ers too
+ere beco"ing bare in anticipation of the "orro+0s shopping
spree. The shops ha% close% earl# an% fro" the great cit ha%
flo+e% clerks an% accountants# tpists an% shop girls. 2reat
ri$ers of hu"anit ha% stor"e% the barriers at the Tube
stations an% rushe% like a roaring torrent %o+n the escalators#
s+eeping along the sub+as to stan% at last in a soli% "ass
along the station platfor"s. 1ro" the %eep tunnels ca"e the
re$erberating $roo".$roo" of the trains as the approache%.
At the first gli""er of train.light +a$ering in the %arkness an
uneas surge s+ept the +aiting "asses. Strong ones pushe%
for+ar%# +eak ones +ere roughl sho$e% asi%e. As the train
slo+e% into the station# to stop +ith a %ing sigh of airbrakes#

the cro+% rolle% for+ar% an% +ere engulfe% b the carriages.
A thu% as the rubber.line% %oors shut# an% the %ull throbbing
of the air co"pressors pu"ping pressure to keep the brakes
off# an% the train rolle% a+a# gathering spee%# as the ne!t
+a$e of +ork.lea$ing hu"ans poure% %o+n the sub+as to
stan% sheep.like on the so recentl $acate% platfor".
At last the pushing cro+%s thinne% an% %+in%le% to a
trickle. Soon the trains beca"e less fre(uent# for this +as the
ti"e of ho"e.returning for the +orkers. /ater the flo+ +oul%
be partl re$erse% as theatre.goers an% +in%o+.shoppers re.
turne% for their e$ening pleasures. Soon /a%ies of the Night
+oul% appear# to loiter in %arkene% %oor+as or flaunt the".
sel$es beneath the la"plights. Soon police"en +oul% saunter
through the shopping areas# leisurel tring pre"ises for un.
locke% %oors# peering into parke% cars# an% being unobtru.
si$el alert for the unusual an% illegal. 'ut not et# the
+orkers ha% but recentl left for ho"e.
1ar out in the suburbs people +ere getting up fro" their
e$ening "eal. So"e +ere %ressing for theatres# others +ere
+on%ering ho+ to spen% an i%le e$ening. Others +ere going to
Meetings . . . !
<o+n the roa%# in t+os an% threes ca"e a s"all group con.
$erging on a big ol% house that stoo% back so"e+hat fro" the
roa%# like so"e ol% person tring to keep aloof fro" the co".
"on her%. The bushes hi%ing the faca%e +ere unke"pt# un.
tri""e%# re"in%ing one of a "an +ith long# uncut hair on his
neck. Abo$e the portico a single unsha%e% bulb glo+e% %i"l
through the "ess left b singe% flies an% insects. 'riefl a face
appeare% at an upstairs +in%o+ an% peere% %o+n the roa%#
assessing the nu"ber of people approaching# an% then $anish.
ing in the t+itching of a (uickl %ra+n curtain.
Soon people +ere congregating at the portico# calling greet.
ings to frien%s# eeing ne+ faces +ith unfrien%l suspicion.
Soon the %oor +as opene%# an% a $er large# $er stout +o"an
be%ecke% +ith strings of i"itation pearls appeare%. 7ashing
her han%s +ith in$isible soap an% +ater# she bea"e% toothil
upon the group facing her. )7ell! 7ell!* she e!clai"e%
archl. )The Spirits tol% "e that +e shoul% ha$e a recor%
nu"ber tonight. No+# if ou +ill Cust co"e in . . .* She "o$e%
asi%e an% people file% into the gloo" hall+a. )/ea$e our
/o$e Offerings there#* sai% the stout +o"an as she pointe% to a
%eep plate stan%ing in an alco$e. A banknote# +eighte% %o+n

+ith four half.cro+ns# alrea% reste% in the capacious botto"#
gi$ing silent hints as to the a"ount of )/o$e Offering* e!.
5n%er the +atchful ees of the stout +o"an the congrega.
tion fu"ble% in pocket an% purse an% %roppe% their offerings
into the rapi%l filling plate. )That0s right!* sai% the +o"an.
)7e "ust not let our Spirit 1rien%s think their efforts are
unappreciate%# "ust +eB The "ore +e gi$e the "ore +e re.
cei$e#* she a%%e% s"ugl.
The little group of people "o$e% into a large roo" +ith
+hat appeare% to be a stage at one en%. Har% +oo%en chairs
+ere place% in irregular ranks an% these +ere rapi%l occupie%
b the cro+%# +ith ner$ous ne+co"ers being pushe% to the
back ro+s.
The stout +o"an "o$e% pon%erousl to the stage an% took
her place in the centre# plaing +ith her bracelets i"patientl.
A tall# thin +o"an appeare% an% sat %o+n before a half.
conceale% har"oniu" an% plae% the first bars of a h"n.
)Hust a fe+ h"ns first to get the at"osphere right#* sai% the
stout +o"an. )Then +e +ill get %o+n to business.* 1or so"e
"inutes the organ plae% an% the people sang# then the stout
+o"an +a$e% her han%s i"perati$el an% sai%# )STO6! STO6!
The Spirits are +aiting!* The last notes %ie% a+a fro" the
organ in a +ail of %i"inuen%o as the bello+s e"ptie% of air.
There +as a rustle an% creak of furniture as people sat an%
shuffle% to beco"e at ease. The lights %i""e%# +ent out#
an% +ere replace% b re% ones +hich she% an eerie glo+ o$er
5pon the platfor" the stout +o"an peere% an% prance%.
)Oh! 'os!* she e!clai"e% co(uettishl. )7ait4+ait4ou
"ust speak in turn! There are "an +aiting to speak tonight#*
she e!clai"e% to her au%ience in an asi%e# )an% the are $er
i"patient. Man of ou +ill ha$e "essages tonight#* she
1or so"e ti"e she +rithe% on the platfor"# giggling# an%
rubbing her hea%. )No+!* she e!clai"e% at last. )The ha$e
ha% their fun. So4to business.* /ooking about her# she su%.
%enl aske%# )Mar the na"e is Mar. Has anone here b
the na"e of Mar lost a <ear One recentlB*
<ubiousl a han% rose. )A lost " stepfather si! "onths
ago#* sai% a ner$ous oung +o"an. )He +as a great sufferer#
A0" sure it +as a relief +hen he +ent.*

The stout +o"an no%%e%# an% re"arke%# )7ell# he asks "e
to tell ou that he is happ no+ an% is sorr for all the +ork he
cause% ou.* The ner$ous oung +o"an no%%e% an% +hispere%
to her co"panion.
)S"ith!* calle% the stout +o"an. )A ha$e a "essage for
S"ith. A a" aske% to sa that ou are not to +orr# e$erthing
+ill be all right. 3ou un%erstan% +hat A "ean# %on0t ou4
A can har%l talk about it in a "eeting like this# but ou
un%erstan%!* Near the front a oung "an no%%e% his hea% in
)The 'os are in great for" tonight#* sai% the stout +o"an#
)the ha$e so MAN3 "essages for ou. A a" Cust like a tele.
phone# ou kno+# gi$ing the "essages fro" our <ear <e.
parte% +ho are et +ith us in the spirit! 7ait4+ait4+hat is
thatB OH! The sa that A shoul% ask for special contributions
so that A "a ha$e this roo" %ecorate%# the %on0t like to $isit
shabb roo"s. 7ill ou helpB 7ill ou contribute to+ar%s
this +orth causeB Miss Hones# +ill ou pass the plate roun%
pleaseB Thank ou!*
. . . . . . . . .

/et it be state% at the outset that it is (uite possible un%er
certain con%itions to recei$e "essages fro" those +ho ha$e
)passe% o$er*. At the sa"e ti"e it "ust be state% e(uall
%efinitel that people +ho ha$e left this +orl% ha$e a Cob to
%o# an% the %o not Cust sit aroun% in groups +aiting like a
gang of ouths on a street co"er to get a +or% in so"eho+.
Man of the "essages are fake "essages either fro" ele.
"entals or fro" ungenuine )"e%iu"s*.
1irst +e shoul% %eal +ith one or t+o of the $er real
%angers of occultis" an% "etaphsics# an% e$erthing else that
co"es +ithin that classification. Of course there is no %anger
+hate$er to the person practicing occultis" for a pure reasonE
A ha$e (uite a %ifferent thing in "in%.
One of the biggest %angers +hich +e face is that pose% b
cranks# crackpots# the "entall %elu%e%# an% those +ho think
the are ,leopatra or so"e such si"ilar reincarnation. The
nu"ber of ,leopatras +oul% probabl populate the +hole of
Ne+ 3ork an% lea$e an o$erflo+ for the rest of the 5nite%
At is a "ost unfortunate thing that the e"otionall unstable
flock to occultis" like flies to a Ca"pot# an% the bigger cranks

the are the "ore %anger the "ake for us +ho are tring to %o
a %ecent Cob.
/et "e "ake this (uite %efinitel clearE occultis" is a
natural thing# there is nothing "sterious about it# it is Cust the
use of po+ers +hich al"ost e$erone has# of +hich al"ost
e$erone has forgotten ho+ to use. 6ut it this +aF +e ha$e an
or%inar# a$erage person +ho shall be our gui%e.stick# or our
ar%stick. This or%inar# a$erage person is our in%icator. A
person +ith less intellect is belo+ a$erage# so a %eniDen of a
"ental ho"e can be $er "uch belo+ a$erage. The sub.
nor"als# those +ho are belo+ a$erage# %o not engage our
attention. 'ut those +ho are in possession of abilities +hich
our a$erage in%icator %oes not possess# then the are abo$e
nor"al# paranor"al. 6eople +ith occult abilities are para.
nor"al# the ha$e abilities +hich are not %e$elope% in the
a$erage person.
A sa$age has a $er keen sense of s"ell# an% often a $er
keen sense of sight also# he senses far abo$e anthing +hich the
so.calle% ci$iliDe% person %oes. A ci$iliDe% person has the sa"e
potentialities for increase% s"ell or sight# but con%itions of
allege% ci$iliDe% life "ake the e!ercise of s"ell# po+er# an%
sight keenness a positi$e %ra+back. Think of going to so"e of
those restaurants if one0s s"ell +as pheno"enall acute# the
stench +oul% knock one o$er back+ar%s.
The person +ith occult po+er# then# is not a "agician# not
anthing like that# he is Cust a person +ho has %e$elope% cer.
tain senses possesse% b e$erone else. An the sa"e +a +e all
ha$e "uscles# but the +eight.lifter has %e$elope% his "uscles
to a far greater e!tent than has the little ol% la% +ho sits in a
chair all %a long. An% the "an +ho engages in politics# he has
%e$elope% his $ocal chor%s far beon% that of the "an +ho
stas at ho"e all the ti"eE the both ha$e "uscles# the both
ha$e $ocal chor%s# but the stages of %e$elop"ent of those
organs are %ifferent.
One of the "ost i"portant of the occult la+s is that one
shoul% not in%ulge in e!hibitionis"# one shoul% not %rag %o+n
occult po+er b +hat beco"es a "ere circus turn. Ho+ often
%oes one hear a +o"an sa# )Oh# A "et a +on%erful "an to.
%a# he ca"e to " %oor# he0s a Spanish onion seller in the
"ornings# in the afternoons he sells la%ies +ear# an% in the
e$enings he gi$es occult %e"onstrations. He is so utterl
+on%erful# he can balance on one finger +hile %rinking a cup

of tea upsi%e %o+n.* Or ho+ often %o +e hear of so"e poor
little "an# so lonel# so forgotten b the +orl%# that he has to
sa# )Ah# A ha$e rea% a book about occultis". A +ill no+ set up
as a great Teacher an% a Master.* So he goes to +ork b %a#
perhaps can$assing fro" %oor to %oor# or perhaps being a
"eek little "an un%er a %o"ineering e"ploer# an% b night
he sets off to his back roo"# puts on a "sterious look# flaps
his eebro+s up an% %o+n# sights %o+n the si%e of his nose#
"akes +eir% sighs an% groans an% perhaps also %oes a stage
trick or t+o# sas ho+ +on%erfull he can %o astral tra$elling.
Actuall he has probabl ha% too "uch supper or ba% cheese#
or so"ething# an% he has ha% a night"are. 7ell# that little
"an is a real pest# he is a real %anger to occultis" an% to
hi"self. A a" going to tell ou that all these crackpots +ho put
on stage sho+s an% call it occultis" are going to ha$e to pa
ti"e after ti"e until the learn better# the are going to ha$e
to co"e back to this &arth# an% that shoul% be a threat enough
to put anone off.
An An%ia there is a sect of people calle% the 1akirs. The
pose as hol "en# the tra$el about An%ia an% no attracti$e
+o"an is safe fro" the"# but the put on stage sho+s# the
put on tricks. 7ell A for one# if A +ant to see a conCuring sho+#
A +oul% rather pa an% go to a goo% $ariet theatre. A %on0t
+ant to see a %irt little "an s(uatting on the groun% tring to
hpnotiDe a +hole group of people# that %oesn0t pro$e anthing
spiritual to "e. At pro$es# instea%# that the person has not e$en
the first conception of spiritualis". The An%ian rope trick is
Cust a si"ple "atter of hpnotis". A a" going to tell ou#
though# (uite %efinitel that the real Masters +ho ne$er pro$e
anthing to satisf the i%le curiosit seekers can actuall %o
the so.calle% An%ian rope trick b utiliDing natural po+ers# an%
that %oes not e"plo hpnotis". A +ill tell ou (uite truthfull
that A an% "an others ha$e seen le$itation. /e$itation is a
$er real thing in%ee%# an% it is not at all "sterious. At is a
"atter of re$ersing "agnetic currents. Af ou get hol% of t+o
"agnets# t+o bar "agnets for preference# if ou hol% the" one
in each han% an% bring the" together# the "a Cu"p together
+ith a lou% "etallic clang# often pinching a bit of flesh in.
bet+een! 'ut if ou re$erse the %irection of Cust one# that is if
ou take the one in our right han%# an% ou put the South
6ole +here the North 6ole +as before an% ou tr to bring
these t+o "agnets together# ou +ill fin% that the "ake (uite

strenuous efforts to e$a%e each other# the oppose each other#
the ha$e no "agnetic attraction to each other# the ha$e re.
pulsion instea%.
Another thingF One can ha$e a for" of in%uction coil con.
necte% to a batter or to the "ains# an% o$er a shaft +hich
proCects up+ar%s one can %rop an alu"inu" ring. Af the cur.
rent is s+itche% on# the ring apparentl %efies gra$it an%
floats in the air. Af anone %oubts the truth of this# +ell# the
shoul% consult so"e scientific "agaDine or +rite to the 5nite%
States for a %e"onstration kit. 'ut let us get back to +hat +e
are %iscussing seriousl.
/e$itation is a "etho% of altering our o+n "agnetic attrac.
tion so that +e %o not +eigh so "uch. An &nglan% about si!t
or so ears ago there +as a oung "an calle% Ho"eE he ga$e
an actual %e"onstration of le$itation in an &nglish countr
house. So"e of the +orl%0s fore"ost scientists +itnesse% the
%e"onstration# but because the %e"onstration %ispro$e% the
la+s +hich those scientists ha% for"ulate% the +oul% not gi$e
an unbiase% report. An Tibet an% ,hina4,hina before the
,o""unists "a%e a co""otion there# that is4an% Hapan# be.
fore the 5nite% States sol%iers "a%e a co""otion there as
+ell# one sa+ a lot of le$itation an% si"ilar things. 'ut these
things +ere ne$er %one as a circus turn# but onl for the
science of raising the Kun%alini in sincere an% genuine
/et us# then# be true occultists an% let us $er# $er seri.
ousl suspect anone +ho offers to gi$e a %e"onstration of
balancing on one finger or an of those reall crackpotte%
asininities +hich the person +ith no confi%ence in hi"self an%
no occult po+ers at all tries to %elu%e the un+ar +ith. The
true occultist ne$er# ne$er gi$es proof of his abilities unless
there is a co"pletel o$erri%ing goo% reason for it.
A shoul% also inclu%e in this people like <inah <rip%r# the
back.street clair$oant. This poor +o"an# perhaps for se$eral
hours a %a# scrubs floors carring aroun% a bucket an% a "op.
Then at the en% of her +ork she tru%ges off ho"e (there is
usuall a bus strike# an+a!)# she tru%ges off ho"e an% gets
herself %one up in so"e reall outlan%ish fashion.
She sticks a colourful thing aroun% herself# an% then she
+raps a sort of gau% han%kerchief aroun% her hea% +hich she
thinks looks like a turban. She has $er %i" lights in the roo"
so the clients +on0t see ho+ %irt it reall is# then she is rea%


to start business. 1re(uentl she has got hol% of so"e sort of
crstal fro" so"e+here# often it is kept as a sho+piece e!.
pose% to the sunlight so that people +ill see this thing an%
think +hat a +on%erful +o"an she is +hen she is not scrub.
bing floors. 7ell# there is nothing that ruins a crstal "ore
thoroughl than being e!pose% to sunlight# it kills the o%onetic
po+er of the crstal.
<inah <rip%r# then# has so"eho+ lure% a foolish client
into her roo". 5suall she sits %o+n opposite hi"# looks hi"
up an% %o+n an% gets hi" talking a bit. Most people are so
fon% of hearing their o+n $oice that the tell all an% a bit
"ore. So <inah <rip%r "erel has to look in her crstal#
seeing nothing but her o+n reflection# an% repeat back in
gloo" tones so"e of the things +hich her client has tol% her.
Then she gets a reputation for being a great seeress. The client
fre(uentl %oesn0t re"e"ber ha$ing tol% her anthing# an% he
parts +ith his "one +ithout a "ur"ur! <inah <rip%r can.
not be a clair$oant if she is %oing it for "one because that
loses her the po+er e$en if she ha% it in the first case.
No a$erage clair$oant is clair$oant all the ti"e through.
out the t+ent.four hours. A person "a be highl clair$oant
at a "ost incon$enient ti"e# but then +hen there is nee% for
clair$oance the person is not clair$oant# an% if ou are %oing
it for "one ou cannot sa# )Oh this is one of " off.%as# A
%on0t feel able to tell ou the truth to%a.* So people like
<inah <rip%r ha$e to "ake their "one# an% +hen the can.
not see anthing in the crstal4+hich is all the ti"e +ith
the"4then the ha$e to "ake things up.
3ou +ill ha$e e!periences of not being in top for" all the
ti"eF 3ou "a sa# )A %on0t kno+ +hat0s +rong +ith "e# A
can0t concentrate to%a.* 7ell# in the sa"e +a +ith clair$o.
anceE ou %on0t concentrate in clair$oance# ou %o Cust the
re$erse# so that if a person is tense% up or too e!cite% then that
person cannot rela!# an% for the ti"e being the clair$oant
abilit falls off. The secon% rule is# for the sake of our o+n
pocket book# ne$er# ne$er pa anthing +hate$er to ha$e our
fortune tol% b a crstal gaDer or a person like that# the can.
not %o it for "one an% if the tr to put it on a co""ercial
basis# then the Cust ha$e to )"ake up* fro" ti"e to ti"e# an%
the "ore a person "akes up things the "ore (uickl the lose
an clair$oant abilit +hich the "ight ha$e possesse% in the
first case.

Another thing +hich shoul% be "a%e clear no+ is that no
person can control the astral of another. 3ou so"eti"es get an
i%iotic sort of +o"an +ho %oes a cackle of laughter# like a hen
about to la a particularl large egg# an% sas# )Oh# A0$e got a
hol% on ou# A "et ou in the astral last night an% no+ A can
control our astral.* Af ou e$er "eet a person like that the best
thing is to call those +hite.coate% atten%ants +ho carr the
"entall afflicte% off to a co"fortabl pa%%e% cell.
No person can suffer an inCur +hen in the astral. No per.
son can be controlle% b another person +hile in the astral.
The onl thing to be afrai% of is of being afrai%. 1ear is like a
corrosi$e aci% on the "echanis" of a thing like a +atch. 1ear
corro%es# fear corrupts. So long as ou are not afrai%# nothing
at all ba% can happen to ou. So again# if an i%iotic crackpot
clai"s to be able to control ou# then ou0% better sen% the"
off to be e!a"ine% b a pschiatrist or call the police# it0s ti"e
the police %i% so"ething anho+!
At is not possible e!cept un%er certain con%itions an% cir.
cu"stances to hpnotiDe a person against that person0s +ill. Of
course those +ho ha$e been traine% in Tibet# an% onl in the
Te"ple of the Anner Msteries of Tibet# coul% %o such a thing
if the +ante% to for a goo% reason# but e$er person +ho has
been traine% in the Anner Te"ple of Msteries of Tibet has
hi"self been hpnoticall con%itione% so that he cannot %o
anthing of this tpe to har" anone else but onl to help
so"eone else# an% e$en then onl in $er unusual circu".
Af so"eone starts gaDing at ou an% tring to hpnotiDe ou#
then gaDe straight back at the bri%ge of his nose bet+een his
ees# gaDe straight back# an% if he %oesn0t kno+ enough he +ill
soon be hpnotiDe% instea% of ou. 3ou ha$e nothing to fear
+hate$er e!cept of being afrai%. Occultis" is an or%inar
thing Cust the sa"e as breathing# or lifting a book# or taking a
step. 3ou can +alk safel unless ou are clu"s an% careless#
an% then ou can slip on a banana skin. 7ell that is our fault#
not the fault of +alking. Occultis" is safer than +alking be.
cause there are no banana skins in occultis". The onl thing to
be afrai% of# A repeat# is of being afrai%.
Of course it0s (uite %ifficult tring to reason +ith people#
(uite %ifficult tring to e!plain a thing to a person# because
there is a %efinite la+ that in an battle bet+een the e"otion
an% reason# e"otion al+as +ins no "atter ho+ great one0s

intellect# no "atter ho+ great one0s reasoning po+er. Af one
gets reall e!cite% an% enrage% the e"otion o$erri%es the
A person li$es in a tall apart"ent buil%ing nine floors high#
if ou like. These buil%ings ha$e a fli"s iron railing at the
e%ge of their balconies# a goo% push +oul% probabl knock the
thing o$er# but e"otion tells us that it is (uite safe because
there is a railing there an% +e e!perience no fear at all. 'ut
supposing that railing +as re"o$e%# then +e shoul% ha$e
great fear of falling e$en if +e stoo% in precisel the sa"e
position as +e shoul% ha$e stoo% if the railing ha% been there.
At all ti"es# then# +e shoul% keep in "in% that in an battle
bet+een e"otion an% reason# e"otion al+as +ins# an% for
that reason +e shoul% not let oursel$es get un%ul e!cite%# in.
stea% +e shoul% tr to get a step nearer to Nir$ana +hich is
the controlling of e"otion so that no longer %oes it stop the
+orkings of reason.
7e "ust realiDe that so"e of these little back.street people
+ho ha$e rea% a book or perhaps ha$e Cust hear% of the title of
a book# are not necessaril the best teachers. The onl person
+ho is (ualifie% to teach anthing to %o +ith the occult is the
person +ho ob$iousl kno+s. A person +ho has been traine% at
a reputable place. A# for instance# can an% ha$e pro%uce%
papers sho+ing that A ha$e been traine% an% hol% "e%ical
%egrees of the 5ni$ersit of ,hungking# an% " papers %e.
scribe "e as a /a"a of the 6otala Monaster of /hasa. Natur.
all# one %oes not pro%uce such papers Cust for curiosit
seekers or to settle bets as A ha$e fre(uentl been aske%! 6ub.
lishers ha$e seen such papers an% the testif to that in their
1ore+or% to one or "ore of " books.
One +oul% not go to a (uack %octor# one +ho +oul% gi$e us
a )bonk* on the hea% +ith a "allet in or%er to "ake us uncon.
scious an% so obli$ious to pain# one +oul% onl go to a (uali.
fie% %octor. An the sa"e +a# one shoul% not go to a (uack +ho
has no real kno+le%ge of the occult e!cept so"e i"aginar
soun%s in the hea%E all too often# as ou kno+# $oices in the
hea% "a e$en be a s"pto" of "ental %erange"entF 3ou
shoul% choose our occultist as soun%l as ou choose our
phsical %octor.
7hen a person lea$es this &arth the "a be a%$ance%
people +ho ha$e gone on to higher planes. An that case onl a
"e%iu" +ith $er consi%erable po+er can "ake contact be.

cause in or%inar phsical concepts those +ho ha$e passe%
o$er ha$e gone to a %ifferent ti"e Done# an% if ou tr to
telephone Australia fro" &nglan%# then unless ou kno+ the
ti"e Done of our frien%# ou cannot get in touch# ou "a be
tring to call in the "i%%le of the night# for instance. 'ut in
our "e%iu" case +e are tring to call so"eone +ho is alrea%
a fe+ thousan% light ears into the future! Most ti"es a
"e%iu" +ho lacks e!perience +ill be %elu%e% b those plaus.
ible 'eings +ho are also kno+n as ele"entals. 6erhaps +e
shoul% %iscuss ele"entals so that +e "a kno+ so"ething
about the subCect.
6eople ha$e rather re"arkable i%eas about that or%er of
'eings +hich +e call ele"entals. 1re(uentl the are confuse%
+ith the souls of hu"ans# but the are nothing at all like that.
The "i"ic hu"ans Cust the sa"e as "onkes cop hu"ans#
an% the a$erage "e%iu" +ho cannot see into the astral +ill be
le% astra b ele"entals preten%ing to be hu"ans.
&le"entals are not e$il spirits either# the are "erel the
thought for"s +hich ha$e been generate% b constant repeti.
tion. 1or e!a"ple# if a person constantl gets %runk# then that
person +ill ha$e confuse% thoughts an% has e!cess energ# be.
ing no longer un%er control# +ill run +il% an% +ill perhaps
conCure up thoughts of pink elephants or spotte% liDar%s# or
so"ething like that. These things are ele"entals.
As +e ha$e sai%# each ccle of e$olution is constitute% b
those lea$ing a ccle an% those starting a ccle# so +e get +hat
is in effect a life.+a$e of li$ing souls or O$ersel$es# an% each
of these )+a$es* has its o+n contribution to e$olution# it lea$es
its o+n pattern Cust the sa"e as an O!for% "an lea$es a
%ifferent pattern on ci$iliDation to the 3ale "an# an% the
'orstal "an lea$es et a %ifferent pattern. So +hen this life.
+a$e goes on their "e"or re"ains as a static force# an% as
there ha$e been so "an people concerne%# the force is built
up into +hat is in the astral plane a soli% creature.
These creatures +hich ha$e been built up an% left behin% b
succee%ing +a$e.for"s or ccles of e$olution are soli% crea.
tures# but the lack )the %i$ine spark*# the lack intelligence#
an% instea% the are onl able to "i"ic or repro%uce things
+hich ha$e entere% into their consciousness at so"e ti"e. 3ou
can# if ou tr har% enough# teach a parrot to repeat a fe+
+or%sE it %oes not necessaril un%erstan% the +or%s but the
parrot is repeating a sonic pattern. An the sa"e +a# ele.

"entals repeat a cbernetic pattern.
1or those +ho are reall intereste% in the subCect# ele.
"entals are %i$i%e% into "an %ifferent tpes in "uch the
sa"e +a as in hu"ans there are black people# bro+n peopleE
ello+ people# +hite people# etc. An the ele"ental groups there
are four "ain tpes attache% to the &arth astral plane# an% that
is ho+ +e get so"e of the )(ualities* of astrolog. The
astrologer +ill kno+ of the Spirits of Air# the Spirits of 1ire#
the Spirits of 7ater# an% the Spirits of &arth# for the are the
four "ain tpes of ele"entals.
The +itchcraft people# or the alche"ist# +oul% refer to
the" as gno"es for one group# slphs for the secon% group#
sala"an%ers for the thir% group# an% for the last group
Af ou +ant to take it a bit farther beon% the astrologer an%
beon% the +itches ou can go on to the stage of the che"ists#
because ou can sa that the &arth group represent a soli% in
+hich all "olecules a%here. After the soli% +e ha$e the li(ui%
(+ater) in +hich "olecules "o$e freel. Ne!t on our list is air#
+hich also inclu%es gases of $arious tpes# an% in air the
"olecules repel each other. 1inall# for our che"ical corre.
spon%ents# there is fire# an% in fire "olecules change or trans.
"ute into so"e other substance.
The ter" )ele"ental* is al"ost al+as reser$e% for those
'eings +ho occup a place in one of the groups Cust "en.
tione%# but there are other groups such as nature spirits.
Nature spirits control the gro+th of trees an% plants# an% the
help in the trans"utation of organic co"poun%s so that plants
"a be enriche% an% fertiliDe%. These groups all ha$e an
O$erself Hea%# or if ou prefer# an O$ersoulE the are
kno+n as the Manu. The hu"an tribe has a Manu# each
countr has a Manu# an% nature spirits ha$e a Manu# there is a
Manu +ho controls an% o$ersees the +ork of the tree spirits
Cust as there is a Manu +ho controls the +ork of the rock
spirits. An &gpt# "an# "an centuries ago# highl traine%
priests +ere able to get in contact +ith these Manus. 1or
e!a"ple# 'ubastes# the cat 2o%# the Manu of cats e$er+here.
7e "ust ha$e negati$e or +e cannot ha$e positi$e# so Cust
as there are goo% spirits so also are there e$il spirits# %e"ons if
ou like. The are e$il to us here# but on another plane of
e!istence the "a be goo%. Af ou are at all electricall in.
cline% this e!planation "ight appeal to ouE suppose ou ha$e

a t+el$e.$olt car batterE at the e!tre"e is the positi$e an% at
the other e!tre"e is the negati$e. 'ut no+ supposing that ou
connect another batter# si! or t+el$e $olt# in series on to this
first batter# then the negati$e of the original batter +ill be as
the positi$e of the secon% batter# an% the negati$e of the
secon% batter +ill be "ore negati$e than the negati$e of the
first batter! All this# state% si"pl# is that e$erthing is
relati$e an% to be co"pare% +ith each other. Thus +e ha$e
e$il here at present# but if +e can fin% a +orse +orl%# then our
e$il +oul% be as goo% on that +orl%# an% +hat is goo% on this
+orl% +oul% be not $er goo% at all on the higher +orl%!
A sai% that Man +as ha$ing %ifferent +a$es of e$olution.
7ell# that reall is so. 1or e!a"ple# there +as the /e"urian
-ace +hich "ainl operate% b instincts an% passions# an%
then e$ol$e% higher e"otions. After that there ca"e the
Atlantian -ace +hich starte% off +ith higher e"otions an%
then e$ol$e% a reasoning "in%. The Aran -ace ca"e ne!tE
this starte% off +ith the functioning "in% an% +ill e$entuall
obtain an abstract "in%. After the Aran +e co"e to the Si!th
-ace +hich starts +ith the abstract "in% an% e$entuall +ill
obtain spiritual perception. 7ith the Se$enth -ace# +hich +ill
start +ith spiritual perception# it +ill go on to achie$e cos"ic
1or those of ou +ho are intereste% in the theor of lan%
%rift# that is# that the +hole +orl% +as co$ere% +ith one conti.
nent at the start an% that it broke up un%er centrifugal rota.
tion# there is no+ $er consi%erable proof that this +hich +as
kno+n as 6angea first separate% into t+o super continents
kno+n as /aurasia +hich +as in the North# an% 2on%+ana.
lana in the South. These in ti"e broke up into separate lan%s
an% continents# ho+e$er that is taking us rather far fro" our
original the"e.
A "e%iu" is a person +ho through so"e %ifference in brain
structure is able to recei$e "essages fro" another plane of
e!istence in Cust the sa"e +a as a ra%io can recei$e "essages
+hich the unai%e% hu"an ear cannot.
A "e%iu" usuall goes into a for" of trance# either light or
hea$ %epen%ing upon the "e%iu"# an% %uring that trance the
consciousness of the "e%iu" is suppresse% so that another
entit can operate the )controls* an% gi$e utterance to certain
thoughts in the for" of +or%s.
Most "e%iu"s +ill ha$e a spirit control fro" a"ong those

+ho ha$e been kept upon the lo+er astral for so"e specific
purpose. The spirit control# or 2ui%e as "an call it# acts as a
police"an an% pre$ents4in so"e cases4"ischie$ous ele.
"entals fro" %oing har" to the "e%iu".
The O$erself of the "e%iu" has %eparte% so as to gi$e the
2ui%e free rein# but the "e%iu" +ho is sitting in a chair or
ling on a couch# +ill not be a+are of anthing at all. Af ou
see that the "e%iu" is looking about taking too "uch interest
in e$ents# then ou can be (uite reasonabl sure that ou %o
not ha$e a genuine "e%iu". The +hole point is that the
"e%iu" shoul% place his or her personalit co"pletel asi%e
an% function "erel as a telephone. After all# if ou are going
to get a "essage fro" the other si%e of %eath ou %o not +ant
the "e%iu"0s interpretation# ou +ant a clear unbiase% state.
"ent# an% the onl +a that one can obtain that clear unbiase%
state"ent is to let the spirit co""unicator co""unicate +ith.
out interference fro" the "e%iu".
Again ou shoul% re"e"ber that +hen one gets in contact
+ith +hat +e "ight ter" the spirits of the %eparte% so that
the "a tell us of their e!periences +e "erel listen to the
accounts of their %rea"s in the other +orl%# because the reall
e$ol$e% souls ha$e gone on to a %i"ension +hich the a$erage
"e%iu" cannot possibl reach. At is onl +hen one has a real
Master that one can reach for+ar% into ti"e an% call back a
"essage fro" one of those $er far.%eparte% souls# an% that is
+h it is so %ifficult to obtain reall +orth+hile state"ents
fro" those +ho ha$e passe% o$er.
Supposing +e tr to look into the "atter of the a$erage
"e%iu". /et us sa that the +o"an has so"e gifts in "e%iu".
istic +ork an% she can obtain rapport +ith people +ho ha$e
passe% o$er# but let us re"e"ber that these people +ho ha$e
Cust passe% o$er are still in the lo+er astral# the are in +hat
+e "ight ter" purgator# the are in the inter"e%iate stage#
the are in the +aiting.roo" +aiting for %irections as to +hat
to %o an% +here to go.
Suppose ou look upon these people as patients in a hos.
pital# because it is a fact that "an of these people %o ha$e to
un%ergo certain spirit therap to o$erco"e the shocks of their
&arth e!perience. So let us sa that +e are in contact +ith one
of these people +ho is as a patient in a hospitalE the patient is
in be% an% thus his onl kno+le%ge of his surroun%ings is that
li"ite% to the s"all area $isible fro" his be%# he cannot see the

+hole +ork of the hospital# an% if he can see other scener#
then possibl it is onl that +hich he can see fro" the +in%o+.
Supposing ou get a report fro" one of the 2ui%es or so"e
spirit +hose special task is to assist those +ho are about to pass
o$er or +ho ha$e actuall passe% o$er. Af the speak that is
"uch the sa"e as getting a report fro" so"e ine!perience%
little nurse or +ar%."ai% at the hospital# an% not e$en if ou
can go to a lecture of the hospital co""ittee can ou realiDe
the full scope of +hat is going on# ou can onl "ake an
e$aluation b lea$ing the hospital an% touring# as one "ight
sa# the to+n.
7hen one lea$es this +orl% +hich +e call &arth one goes to
the lo+er astral# +hich the 'ible ter"s purgator# an% that
"a# as +e ha$e state%# be regar%e% as a hospital for sick souls
+here the are cure% of "an of the shocks +hich the en.
%ure% or sustaine% upon this cru%e# cru%e &arth.
5nfortunatel the lo+er astral +oul% better be co"pare% to
a "ental ho"e# in +hich patients are recei$e% an% their cases
consi%ere%# Cust as a pschiatrist "a so"eti"es %iscuss things
+ith a patient so that he hi"self can state his faults an% ai8.
"ents# so in the lo+er astral can the ne+l arri$e% soul see
+hat he %i% +rong on the &arth an% see +hat he has to %o
about it to atone. Then for a short ti"e the soul rests an%
recuperates# an% perhaps +alks in pleasant parklan%# all the
ti"e recei$ing "e%ication an% treat"ent to assist hi" or her to
carr on +ith the ne!t phase of e!istence.
3ou +ill (uite appreciate that people in the astral +orl% are
absolutel soli% to each other. 3ou upon this +orl% can bu"p
into a +all# but a )ghost* +oul% +alk through that +all# et in
the astral an% other planes the +alls are (uite soli% to those
1ro" all this ou can see that if ou "ake a co""otion an%
go fro" "e%iu" to "e%iu" an% seance to seance tring to get
in touch +ith one +ho has passe% o$er# then ou are causing
consi%erable har" to that person. Think of it in this +aE a
lo$e% one has been taken ill an% has been taken to a "ental
ho"e or so"e other for" of hospital# suppose ou keep on
calling an% pestering that person# then ou i"pe%e that per.
son0s progress. The %octors cannot get his full attention be.
cause ou are "e%%ling in his affairs# ou are stopping treat.
"ent an% causing consi%erable %istress.
7hen ou tr to get in touch +ith an entit +ho has gone

beon% the lo+er astral# then ou are interfering +ith a person
+ho is tring to %o a particular task. 6eople +ho ha$e left this
+orl% %o not Cust sit about on clou%s stru""ing harps an%
singing h"ns# the ha$e "ore +ork to %o than the ha% upon
this &arth! An% if the are subCect to continual %istraction#
then the cannot get on +ith their +ork.
Suppose ou call a $er bus e!ecuti$e# or a research scien.
tist# or a surgeon +ho is %oing a %ifficult operation# suppose
ou keep Cerking at his coat.tails# then ou %istract hi" an% he
cannot gi$e attention to +hat he is %oing.
Me%iu"s shoul% ne$er# ne$er tr to get in touch +ith the
%eparte% unless un%er $er special con%itions an% +ith $er
special safeguar%s. 1ortunatel there is alrea% a built.in safe.
guar%E "an +orth "e%iu"s# belie$ing absolutel in their
o+n sincerit# "erel contact ele"entals +ho are ha$ing (uite
a bit of fun! That is all right if ou kno+ ou are contacting
ele"entals# but if ou kno+ that "uch +h pla +ith a gang of
half.+itte% "onkesB


,HA6T&- S&V&N

&N< O1 A ,HA6T&-

TH& %og +hine% %isconsolatel# ears %rooping "ournfull
%o+n to+ar%s the groun%. 7hine%# an% +hine% again# +ith his
tail hanging listlessl bet+een his legs. A su%%en shi$er of
apprehension t+itche% his bo% an% cause% hi" gloo"il to
gi$e utterance to a short# sharp bark. The lea$es of the trees
rustle% as if in s"path as the %og co+ere% at the %oor. 1or a
"o"ent he beca"e alert# $ibrant +ith suppresse% energ as he
listene% to so"e %istant soun%# then slu"pe% again in %is.
appointe% "iser. On an i"pulse he leape% up an% scrabble%
at the %oor# tearing great gouges in the +oo%+ork. Thro+ing
his hea% back he ga$e $oice to +olf.like shrieks an% ells.
Soft# pa%%ing footsteps soun%e% roun% the corner of the
house# an% an ol% $oice sai%# )'runo# 'runo! 'e (uiet# +ill
ouB 3ou cannot go in# the Master is $er ill.* Then# as an
after.thought# a%%ing# )Here4ou co"e +ith "e# A0ll tie ou
up in the 6otting She% +here ou +ill be out of the +a.* The
ol% gar%ener fu"ble% in his pockets an% pro%uce% a length of
bin%er.t+ine. 6assing one en% through the %og s collar# he le%
hi" off to a %istant clu"p of trees. <ispirite%l the %og fol.
lo+e%# hea% %o+n an% +hining.
)7hat0s +rong# 2eorgeB* aske% a fe"inine $oice fro" a
kitchen +in%o+.
)Ah! The %og kno+s +hat0s happening# that0s +hat0s
+rong!* replie% 2eorge# not pausing to sa "ore. The +o"an
turne% to so"e unseen co"panion an% "uttere%# )7ell# A
ne$er %i%# it Cust sho+s that %u"b ani"als kno+ +hat0s going
on# that0s +hat A saB* Sniffling she tune% her back to the
+in%o+ an% +ent on +ith her task.
An the big ol% house all +as (uiet. No clatter of crocker# no
soun%s of house+ork. Silence. Al"ost the silence of the gra$e.
/ike an e!plosion# a hi%%en telephone burre% an% burre% again
before it +as hastil seiDe%. The tinn rattle of the %istant
caller0s $oice# an% the repl in gra$e# "asculine tonesF )No
sir# A a" afrai% not. There is no hope. The <octor is +ith hi"
no+.* A pause +hile the tinn rattle soun%e% again# an% the

reCoiner# )3es# sir# A +ill gi$e her our s"path at the first
a$ailable "o"ent. 2oo%.be!*
1ro" a %istant %oor there ca"e a gentle tinkle# short# an%
un%erstan%ing. The )shush.shush* of hurring footsteps an%
the "erest +hisper of soun% as a %oor +as opene%. )Ah# es#
1ather!* an el%erl fe"ale $oice sai%. )The are e!pecting
ou# A +ill take ou up.* Puietl the ol% housekeeper an% the
6riest "a%e their +a along the carpete% corri%ors an% up the
+i%e staircase. The gentlest of taps on a be%roo" %oor# an% a
+hispere% +or% to the 6riest. The %oor +as opene% silentl#
an% a oung +o"an appeare%# ca"e on the lan%ing# an% close%
the %oor behin% her.
)He is failing fast#* she sai% to the 6riest# )an% he aske% to
speak to ou alone. The <octor +ill lea$e the roo" +hen ou
enter. 7ill ou co"e +ith "eB* She tune% an% le% the +a
into the be%roo".
The roo" +as large# $er large# an% +as in%ee% a relic of a
bgone era. Hea$# curtains +ere %ra+n across high +in%o+s#
shutting out both soun% an% light. Ol% paintings a%orne% the
+alls# portraits of al"ost forgotten ancestors. ' the si%e of
the $ast ol% be% a green.sha%e% la"p thre+ an uncertain light
aroun% the gloo" roo". A s"all# shrunken figure la "otion.
less on the +i%e %ouble.be%. A "an +ith skin like fa%e%
parch"ent# +iDene% an% feeble. ' his be%si%e sat a <octor
+ho rose to greet the 6riest. )He +ante% $er "uch to see
ou#* sai% the for"er. )A +ill lea$e the roo" an% +ait outsi%e.
He is $er +eak# so call "e if ou nee% "e.* No%%ing# he
+alke% roun% the be% an% acco"panie% the oung +o"an out
of the roo".
1or a "o"ent the 6riest looke% about hi"# then place% his
s"all case on a be%si%e table so that he coul% take out certain
ritual articles. )Ah! A %on0t nee% THAT* +hispere% a $oice as
%r as %ust. ),o"e an% talk to "e instea%# 1ather!*
The 6riest "o$e% roun% the be%# bent# an% claspe% the
han%s of the ol% %ing "an. )As our Soul prepare%# " sonB*
aske% the 6riest.
)That0s +hat A +ant to ask ou about#* +heeDe% the ancient
$oice. )7hat +ill happen to "e# +hat +ill A see on the Other
Si%eB As there a life after thisB*
Puietl the 6riest talke%# telling onl that +hich his religion
per"itte%# or kne+. The breath of the sufferer gre+ shallo+er
an% fainter. Puickl the 6riest hurrie% to the %oor an% beck.

one% to the <octor. )Shall A a%"inister the /ast -itesB* he
The <octor "o$e% to the be% an% lifte% a +aste% ar".
1eeling no pulse# he fitte% his stethoscope to his ears an%
soun%e% the sick "an0s heart. Shaking his hea% sa%l# he
pulle% the sheet o$er the %ea% "an0s face an% "uttere%# )A
+on%er# 1ather# A +on%er# +hat is the Other Si%e of /ifeB A
. . . . . . . . .

1or reasons of their o+n 7estern religions %o not tell "uch
about %eath# but# after all# %eath is a $er serious "atter for all
of us Cust as is birth# an% it see"s that %eath shoul% logicall
follo+ the chapter about "e%iu"s because if no one %ie%#
"e%iu"s coul% not tr to get in touch +ith the". So +e are
going to %iscuss %eath because# no "atter +ho +e are# %eath is
so"ething that co"es to all of us Cust as %oes birth. 'ut# ou
kno+# %eath is actuall birth! /et us see ho+ that co"es
A bab +ithin its "other %ies to that +ar"# co"fortable life
+ithin# an% reluctantl e"erges into the col%# har% +orl%
+ithout. 'irth pangs are %eath pangs# %eath to the ol%# birth
into a ne+ state. A person %ies upon &arth an% the pains of
%eath are the pains of birth into a %ifferent state of e!istence.
Most ti"es %eath4%eath itself4is a (uite painless process.
Actuall# as %eath approaches# Nature# in the shape of $arious
"etabolic changes# intro%uces a for" of anesthesia into the
bo% sste"# anesthesia +hich culls the actual perceptions
+hile allo+ing the bo% refle!es to "ake certain "o$e"ents
+hich people think of as %eath pains. 6eople actuall associate
pain an% %eath# or if ou prefer# %eath an% pain# because in the
"aCorit of cases people +ho are grie$ousl ill %ie apparentl
in pain# but that pain# re"e"ber# is not the pain of %eath but
the pain cause% b the illness itself. 6erhaps there is a cancer#
so"ething affecting bo% organs# grasping at ner$e en%ings or
eating the" a+a. 'ut let us re"e"ber that this pain is the
pain of the illness# the pain of the co"plaint# not %eath itself.
<eath# the actual state of transition fro" this +orl% to the
ne!t# the actual state of lea$ing this phsical bo%# is a pain.
less process because of the anesthetical properties +hich
co"e to "ost bo%ies at the "o"ent of %eath. So"e of us kno+
+hat it is to %ie an% to re"e"ber e$erthing# an% to co"e

back still re"e"bering. An the process of %ing +e ha$e a
bo% +hich is ailing# functions are failing. 'ut re"e"ber this#
the functions are failing# that "eans the abilit to percei$e or
appercei$e or to co"prehen% pain i"pulses is failing also. 7e
kno+ that people so"eti"es gi$e an i"pression of pain at
%ing# but this again is an illusion.
The %ing bo% is a bo% +hich has usuall (e!cept in the
case of acci%ent) reache% the en% of its en%urance# it can go no
"ore# the "echanis" is failing# there is no longer the abilit
for "etabolic processes to rene+ failing organis"s. &$entuall
the heart stops# the breathing stops. ,linicall a person is %ea%
+hen no breath con%enses on a "irror hel% before the lipsE
clinicall an% legall a person is %ea% +hen there is no longer a
pulse or a heart.beat.
6eople %o not %ie on the instant# ho+e$er. After the heart
has cease% to beat an% after the lungs ha$e cease% to pu"p# the
brain is the ne!t to %ie. The brain cannot li$e long +ithout its
precious suppl of o!gen# but e$en the brain %oes not %ie
instantl# it takes "inutes. There ha$e been absolutel
authenticate% cases +here people ha$e been behea%e%# an% the
hea%# se$ere% fro" the bo%# has been hel% up for public in.
spection. The lips ha$e continue% to "o$e an% a lip rea%er can
%istinguish the +or%s being for"e%. Ob$iousl onl a lip
rea%er can interpret +hat is being sai% because there can be no
speech +hen the neck has been cut an% the suppl of air fro"
the lungs ter"inate%. At is the air suppl going past the $ocal
chor%s +hich "akes the soun%.
After the brain has %ie%# after the brain is no longer capable
of functioning through this lack of o!gen# the rest of the bo%
%ies slo+l. Various organs %ie throughout a %a or so. At the
en% of three %as the bo% is Cust a lu"p of %eco"posing
protoplas"# but the bo% %oes not "atter# it is the i""ortal
soul that "atters4the O$erself. 'ut let us go back to the
instant of clinical %eath.
The bo% in this case is ling on a be%. The breathing has
stoppe%. A clair$oant +ho is present can see a clou% like a
faint "ist for"ing abo$e the bo%. At strea"s fro" the bo%#
usuall fro" the na$el# although $arious people ha$e $arious
outlets for the Sil$er ,or%.
2ra%uall this clou% coalesces an% beco"es %enser# its
"olecules are less %isperse%. 2ra%uall a sha%o+ shape for"s
abo$e the bo%E as the process of %eath a%$ances# the shape

beco"es "ore an% "ore that of the bo%. &$entuall as "ore
organs fail# the clou% gets thicker an% larger# taking at last the
e!act shape of the bo% abo$e +hich it floats.
The cor%# +hich +e call the Sil$er ,or%# connects the
phsical bo% an% the astral bo%# for the clou% is in fact the
astral bo%. 2ra%uall this cor% thins until at the en% it
+ithers# fa%es a+a# an% parts. Onl then is the bo% reall
%ea%# onl then has the real person flo+n off to another life# to
another stage of e$olution. Once that "ist figure has gone# it
%oes not "atter at all +hat happens to the flesh en$elope# it
can be cre"ate% or burie%# it %oes not "atter +hich.
At is perhaps opportune to %igress here for a "o"ent to
issue +hat "a be construe% as a +arning because so "an
people "ake it %ifficult in%ee% for the ne+l )%ea%* to continue
to li$e! 7hen a person has %ie% that person shoul% be left
untouche% for t+o or three %as if possible. At is %efinitel
har"ful to take that %ea% bo% an% prop it up in a casket in
so"e 1uneral Ho"e an% ha$e a lot of +ell."eaning people go
an% "utter all sorts of +on%erful tributes +hich "ost ti"es
the %on0t "ean.
5ntil the Sil$er ,or% be se$ere% an% the 2ol%en 'o+l be
shattere%# the astral for" floating can pick up the thoughts of
those +ho are "aking co""ents at its passing. 1urther# if a
bo% be cre"ate% in less than three %as there is often intense
pain cause% to the astral figure# an% the pain# curiousl
enough# is not the pain of hot fire but of intense col%. So if ou
$alue those +ho ha$e gone on before# an% if ou +ill %o as ou
+oul% be %one b# ou +ill +hene$er possible ensure that a
person +ho has %ie% has three clear %as in +hich to se$er an%
%isassociate co"pletel fro" the phsical bo%.
'ut +e ha$e got to the stage +here the spirit or astral for"
has left the bo%# the spirit has gone on +here it "eets other
spirits an%# of course# to each other the are (uite as soli% as
t+o people on the &arth. 3ou can onl see a so.calle% )ghost*
as a transparent or se"i.transparent person because that ghost
is at a higher $ibration than a hu"an in the fleshE but4an% A
a" not "aking a Coke of this4t+o ghosts are t+o soli% people
to each other Cust as are t+o or%inar hu"ans in the flesh.
Af one has a person of a %ifferent %i"ension# then the
"ight possibl see hu"ans in the flesh as ghosts# because think
of thisE a t+o.%i"ensional obCect casts a one.%i"ensional
sha%o+# a three.%i"ensional obCect casts a t+o.%i"ensional

sha%o+# but a four.%i"ensional obCect (the fourth %i"ension
again!) casts a three.%i"ensional sha%o+# an% ho+ %o ou
kno+ that ou# to a fourth %i"ensional person# are not Cust a
se"i.transparent sha%o+B
The spirit# then# has left the bo% an% gone on# an% if it is
an e$ol$e% spirit# that is if it is a+are of life after %eath# then
it can be assiste% in going to +hat is kno+n as the Hall of
Me"ories +here all the inci%ents of the past life are seen#
+here all "istakes are percei$e% an% appreciate%. This# of
course# accor%ing to so"e religions is the <a of Hu%ge"ent or
the Hu%ge"ent Hall# but accor%ing to our religion Man Cu%ges
hi"self# an% there is no sterner Cu%ge than Man Cu%ging hi".
5nfortunatel it fre(uentl happens that a person %ies an%
he %oes not belie$e in an after.life. An that case he %rifts about
for so"e ti"e as if in the %ark# as if in so"e stupen%ous clo.
ing black fog. He %rifts about feeling "ore an% "ore "iserable
until at last he realiDes that he is in so"e for" of e!istence
after allE then perhaps so"e earl teaching +ill co"e to his
ai%# he "a ha$e gone to Sun%a School# he "a be a ,hris.
tian# a Mosle"# it %oes not "atter +hat it is so long as he has
so"e basic training# so long as he has so"e preconcei$e% i%ea
about things# he can be helpe%.
Suppose a person +as brought up to so"e branch of the
,hristian faith# then he "a ha$e thought for"s of Hea$en
an% Angels an% all that sort of thing# but of course if he +as
brought up in certain parts of the &ast he +ill think of a
%ifferent tpe of Hea$en +here all the pleasures of the flesh
+hich he coul%n0t satisf +hile ali$e4or rather# coul%n0t
satisf +hile he +as in a flesh bo%4are his for the asking.
So our "an +ho Cust ha% a s"attering of religion goes on for
a ti"e in an i"aginar +orl% people% b thought for"s +hich
he hi"self has create%# thought for"s of angels or thought
for"s of beautiful "ai%ens# %epen%ing on +hich part of the
+orl% he ca"e fro". At goes on for an in%efinite ti"e until at
last he begins to percei$e $arious fallacies# $arious errors in the
surroun%ings. He "ight# for e!a"ple# fin% that the angels0
+ings are "olting# or if an &asterner he "a fin% that certain
of the beautiful "ai%ens are not so co"pletel beautiful as he
thought! The ,hristian "a co"e to the conclusion that this
is not "uch of a Hea$en +here people +ear brass halos# be.
cause people coul%n0t be sitting on a clou% plaing harps all

the ti"e %resse% in their best nightshirts. So %oubts creep in#
%oubt of the thought for"s# %oubt of the realit of that +hich
is being seen. 'ut let us take the other si%e.
The fello+ +asn0t a $er goo% "an# he thinks of Hell# he
gets all sorts of pains an% aches because he has an i"age of ol%
Satan pro%%ing hi" in $arious $ital spots. He has thoughts of
fire# bri"stone# sulfur# an% all those ingre%ients +hich +oul%
be of "ore use in a phar"aceutical laborator. Again %oubt
creeps in# +hat is the purpose of all this pain# ho+ can he be
pro%%e% so thoroughl +hen there is no bloo%# ho+ can he
ha$e his bones broken e$er fe+ "inutes or so!
2ra%uall the %oubts strengthen# gra%uall his spiritual
"in% beco"es accessible to +hat +e "ight ter" )social
+orkers* of the spirit +orl%. At last +hen he is a"enable to
assistance the take hi" in han%# the clear a+a all the
theatrical props +hich the "an0s i"agination has built# the
let hi" see the true realit# the let hi" see that the other si%e
of %eath is a far# far better place than is this si%e (the &arth
/et us %igress once "oreE this is beco"ing a habit# but4let
us %igress. /et us i"agine a "an in a ra%io stu%io facing a
"icrophone. He %oes so"e particular soun%4)Ah*. 7ell# that
)ah* lea$es hi"# enters the "icrophone as a $ibration# beco"es
translate% into an electrical current# an% tra$els along a $er
%e$ious path. &$entuall it goes through "uch apparatus an%
beco"es a $er "uch higher fre(uenc $ersion of )ah*. An the
sa"e +a# a bo% upon &arth is the lo+ $ibration of a $oice.
The Spirit# or Soul# or O$erself or At"an# or +hate$er ou
+ant to call it# can be represente% as being akin to the ra%io
fre(uenc of the )ah*.
<o ou follo+ +hat A a" talking aboutB At is a rather %iffi.
cult concept to put o$er +ithout using Sanskrit ter"s or going
into 'u%%hist philosoph# but +e %on0t +ant to %o anthing
like that et. /et us %eal +ith "atter of fact things in "atter
of fact ter"sF <eath is a $er "atter of fact affair# +e all go
through it ti"e after ti"e until at last +e are free of the pains
an% tribulations of being born an% %ing to &arth. 'ut re.
"e"ber# e$en +hen +e a%$ance to higher planes an% to
%ifferent for"s of e!istence +e still ha$e )birth* an% )%ing*
+ith +hich to conten%# but the higher +e go the "ore painless
an% the "ore pleasurable are these t+o stages in our e!istence.
7ell# let us get back to this poor fello+ +ho +e left in the

spirit +orl%# he is probabl tire% of +aiting for us# but the
spirit +orl%# re"e"ber# or rather the astral stage# is an inter.
"e%iate stage. So"e religions relate it to 6ara%iseE there is the
&arth plane# 6ara%ise# an% e$entuall Hea$en4pro$i%e% the
$icti" %oesn0t get sent to Hell first.
Our "an is in the spirit +orl% to see +hat sort of a "ess he
has "a%e of his life. <i% he lea$e un%one those things +hich
he shoul% ha$e %one# %i% he %o those things +hich he shoul%
not ha$e %oneB Af he is a nor"al hu"an the ans+er is )es* on
both counts. So he goes into the Hall of Me"ories to see +hat
he %i% in past li$es# ho+ %i% he fail to learn things +hich he
shoul% ha$e learne%B An% then +hen he sees his faults an%
also sees his successes he %iscusses +ith special gui%es4+ho
are not -e% An%ians# b the +a# or Ancient ,hinese +ith long
bear%s# but $er special gui%es of his o+n tpe of person# o+n
basic beliefs# etc.# people +ho kno+ the proble"s +ith +hich
he is confronte%# the kno+ +hat he has been through# the
kno+ ho+ the acte% in si"ilar circu"stances. The are a bit
"ore e$ol$e%# a bit "ore traine%# the can see +hat this "an
has to learn in "uch the sa"e +a as a ,areers 2ui%ance
,ounselor can tell a person ho+ to get a certain (ualification
so that he can later tr for a specific appoint"ent.
After this "eeting# con%itions an% circu"stances are picke%
so that the person can co"e back to &arth into the bo% of a
s"all bab# perhaps as a "ale# perhaps as a fe"ale. At "ight
%isconcert so"e of ou# but people co"e to this &arth as "ale
an% then as fe"ale# it all %epen%s on +hich is "ost applicable
to the tpe of lesson that has to be learne%. At %oesn0t "ean
that because ou are a $er "ale "ale no+# or an e!tre"el
fe"inine fe"ale# ou +ill be the sa"e in the ne!t life or the
life after# ou "ight +ant a change of attitu%e# ou "ight +ant
to see +hat the other person has ha% to put up +ith.
After a person has been born ti"e after ti"e the co"e to a
state +hen the ha$e to be born no "ore to this &arth plane#
but the person li$ing the last life on &arth al"ost +ithout
e!ception has a $er har% ti"e# a ti"e co"pose% of "iser#
suffering# po$ert# "isun%erstan%ing. An+a# "iser# "is.
un%erstan%ing# an% all kin%s of suffering are# as one "ight sa#
the lea$ening +hich e$entuall "akes a person rise up to be a
goo% spirit instea% of an in%ifferent hu"an.
A person li$ing his last life upon the &arth is often regar%e%
(on the &arth) as one of the unluckiest people e$er# instea% of

the luckiest in that the are li$ing their last life here. All their
har%ships are because the are clearing up# getting rea% to
"o$e out# paing %ebts# etc. The cannot learn through the
flesh in the ne!t life# so the ha$e a goo% %ose in this life. So
the %ie# an% "ost ti"es# if the e$er think about it# the are
Coll gla%.
Then back in the spirit +orl% the get a goo% rest# for cer.
tainl the ha$e earne% it# the get a rest +here the "a be
asleep for (uite a fe+ ears# (uite a fe+ ears b &arth ti"e#
that is. Then the get rehabilitate%# built up# an% all that#
recon%itione% one "ight sa. After this the start all o$er
again on the up+ar% path# up+ar%# e$er up+ar%. So the 2reat
6rophet in one life +ho has learne% all there is to kno+# or
thinks he has# goes on to another stage of e$olution +here there
are all sorts of %ifferent abilities# all sorts of $aring talents
+hich he has to "aster. At is like a bo +ho gets hol% of a
biccle4the bo learns to ri%e the +retche% thing# then +hen
he can "ore or less sta on +ithout falling off he tries a "otor.
ccleE this is a little "ore co"plicate% because he has other
controls to "anipulate. 1ro" the "otor.ccle to a car# fro"
the car to an aeroplane# fro" an or%inar aeroplane to an e$en
"ore %ifficult helicopter. All the ti"e one is learning "ore an%
"ore %ifficult things.
7hen +e go to sleep# all of us4+ell# let us be accurate an%
sa about @K per cent of us4%o astral tra$elling# +e go into
the spirit +orl%# into the astral +orl%. As ,hrist sai%# )An "
1ather0s House there are "an Mansions# A go to prepare a
7a for ou.* An the spirit +orl% there are "an planes of
e!istence# "an )Mansions*. The one closest to the &arth plane
is the astral plane# beon% that is +hat one "ight ter" the
spirit +orl%. 6eople +ho ha$e %ie% to &arth go to the spirit
+orl%# but if the +ant to the can co"e %o+n to the astral
+orl% to see those +ho are o$er at the en% of the &arth %a.
This is so"ething like $isiting people in a prison# but it "a
be a co"forting thought for ou because +hen ou are in the
spirit +orl% ou "a at ti"es +ant to "eet those +ith +ho"
ou +ere associate% upon the &arth.
2oing to a higher plane it +ill co"fort ou e$en "ore to
realiDe that +hen ou are in the spirit +orl% (not the astral)
ou can onl "eet those +ho are co"patible +ith ou# ou
cannot "eet those +ho" ou hate nor those +ho hate ou. 3ou
ha$e people aroun% ou +ho are attracte% to ou# ou can onl

"eet those for +ho" ou feel co"patibilit# kin%ness# con.
si%eration# or lo$e.
An the astral plane ou often "eet people +ho" ou %o not
particularl likeE ou "ight %islike a person intensel +hile on
&arth an% then +hen ou both lea$e our bo%ies at night ou
go to the astral plane an% ou "ight "eet to %iscuss in the
astral language# or in Spanish# &nglish# 2er"an# or so"e other
language# an% ou "ight %eci%e that ou +ill tr to patch up
the %ifferences bet+een ou# ou "ight feel that friction has
gone on long enough. So ou ha$e a %iscussion# ou an% our
a%$ersar# both in the astral plane# ou %eci%e +hat ou can %o
to patch up our %ifferences.
Also in the astral ou often %iscuss +hat ou are going to %o
in the phsical +orl% of the &arth. An the astral ou "ight
"eet Aunt 1ann +ho li$es in A%elai%e# or so"e other place
like that# an% she +ill sa# )Oh# Maria Matil%a (or so"e other
na"e)# A +rote ou a letter such.an%.such a ti"e ago# ou
shoul% be recei$ing it to"orro+ +hen ou get back to our
&arth bo%.* Then +hen ou +ake up in the "orning ou ha$e
a $ague i%ea about Aunt 1ann# or +hoe$er it is# an% ou half.
hearte%l keep an ee open for the "ail"an to co"e tru%ging
to our letter.bo!# an% then ou are not too surprise% that ou
ha$e a letter fro" Aunt 1ann in A%elai%e# or +hoe$er it +as
that ou +ere thinking about.
Again# +hen one is in the astral +orl% one can often "eet
people fro" the spirit +orl% +ho ha$e access to so"e kno+.
le%ge. The person +ill sa# )No+ that ou ha$e %one all ou
can %o+n there on &arth# ou are going to ha$e an argu"ent
+ith a bus ne!t +eek# or the +eek after# an% the bus is going to
+in# so ou0% better get our affairs in or%er# ou ha$e nearl
finishe% our task for this life.* The "an feels $er happ
+hile he is in the astral to think that his life on &arth is nearl
finishe%# but +hen he gets back to &arth he feels a bit gloo"
an% apprehensi$e# an% tells his +ife# if he has one# that he has
ha% such a %rea%ful night"are in +hich he coul% see that she
+oul% soon be a +i%o+. She# of course# conceals her pleasure
at this an% +hen he goes to the office or to the store# she
hurries to look in the strongbo! to see that that fat insurance
polic is perfectl all right# +ith all the pre"iu"s pai% up.
Another +a that the better.e$ol$e% person can kno+ about
the future is thisE he is able to tra$el beon% the astral plane
an% up into +hat# for +ant of a better ter"# +e "ight call the

pri"ar spirit +orl%. There he can consult the Akashic -ecor%
an% the -ecor% of 6robabilities because it is not at all %ifficult
to see +hat the probabilities of a person or of a nation are. One
cannot al+as sa precisel +hat is going to happen to an
in%i$i%ual to the actual "inute or e$en to the hour# but one
can "ost certainl sa +hat is going to happen to a countr or
to the +orl%.
7ell# +e certainl ha$e %ealt +ith %eath in this particular
chapter# an% so ou shoul% regar% this as a $er pleasant affair#
Cust as %o chil%ren +hen lea$ing %a co"es for the" to finish
+ith their school life. /et us consi%er for a "o"ent ho+ to
prepare for %eath# because Cust as one prepares for a +e%%ing#
one can ha$e a "uch better ti"e if one kno+s +hat is to be
An Tibet se$eral books are %e$ote% to such thingsE The
Tibetan 'ook of the <ea% is one of the greatest classics in the
&astern part of the +orl%# it tells in "inute %etail e$erthing
that can happen to a soul lea$ing the bo% an% going out on
the Courne to the ne!t life. An Tibet a la"a speciall clair.
$oant an% speciall traine% +ill sit b the si%e of a %ing
person an% b telepath +ill keep in touch +ith hi" so that
e$en after the astral has left the phsical# a con$ersation can be
carrie% on. /et "e state here "ost e"phaticall that no "atter
+hat the skeptical 7estern people sa# &astern people KNO7
that it is possible to get "essages fro" the so.calle% )%ea%*.
&$erthing has been tol% in %etail# precisel +hat happens#
precisel +hat it feels like.
The &gptians also ha% a 'ook of the <ea%# but in those
%as the priests +ante% to keep a lot of po+er for the"sel$es#
an% so the "a%e a lot of s"bolic things about the 2o%s
Horus an% Osirus# an% about +eighing the soul against a
feather. That is a $er prett stor# but it %oes not correspon%
to actual facts e!cept that the &gptians +ho +ere taught such
things +ent into %eath +ith "in%s stuffe% full of preconcei$e%
i%eas so actuall sa+ the 2o% Osirus# actuall sa+ the Hu%ge.
"ent ,ha"ber# actuall in the "in% li$e% through all those
curious things +here the soul +as seen to flutter like a bir% an%
+here the ,at 2o% 'ubastes an% others +ere percei$e%. 'ut
re"e"ber# this is Cust a prett picture +hich has to be shat.
tere% before anone can go on to the -ealit# it is like tring to
li$e in a 7alt <isne +orl% instea% of the true +orl%.
Man people ha$e preconcei$e% i%eas +hich perhaps ha$e

been fostere% b so"e particular belief or b the lack of an
belief at all# the %o not kno+ +hat to e!pect +hen the are
%ing an% so the are caught up in re"arkable fantasies of
their o+n creation# or e$en +orse caught in so"e blackness#
so"e blankness because of a lack of un%erstan%ing.
A +ill ask ou to consi%er this +ith an open "in%# it %oes not
"atter if ou belie$e or %isbelie$e# Cust keep an open "in% an%
think of +hat A a" going to sa to ou no+# it +ill help ou
2i$e an hour or t+o to "e%itation (see the chapter on
Me%itation later) upon the subCect of %eath# be prepare% to
accept the i%ea that +hen our ti"e co"es to lea$e this &arth
ou are going to force ourself painlessl out of this a+ful cla
bo% +hich is cooling an% feeling unco"fortable# an% then ou
are going to gather in a clou% abo$e the recu"bent bo%. Then
in that clou% ou +ill sen% out a "ental call for help fro"
lo$e% ones +ho ha$e prece%e% ou into the ne!t life. 3ou "a
not kno+ "uch about telepath# but that %oes not "atter#
+hen ou lea$e this life for the 2reater /ife ou +ill ha$e
telepathic abilities auto"aticall# but to help ou no+ let "e
sa thisE tr to re"e"ber +hen ou are %ing that ou $isual.
ise the person +ho" ou lo$e "ost ON TH& OTH&- SA<&. Tr
to actuall $isualiDe that person# tr to sen% out a thought that
ou +ant that person to co"e an% "eet ou an% help ou. An
"uch the sa"e +a# if ou are going on a Courne ou so"e.
ti"es sen% a telegra" saing# )Meet such.an%.such a train.*
Then let ourself rest in peace# ou +ill fin% a sensation of
lightness# a sensation that ou ha$e escape% fro" a tight co".
pressing cha"ber.
Keep an open "in%# %o not scoff# %o not belie$e blin%l but
reason it out# practice +hat ou are going to %o +hen ou are
%ing# practice forcing ourself out of the %ing bo% an% into
life. Think ho+ si"ilar it is to being born# think ho+ ou are
going to call on the person +ho" ou lo$e "ost for help# then
+hen the ti"e co"es ou +ill fin% that our passing +ill be
painless an% anthing that the flesh bo% is e!periencing +ill
not %isturb ou in the slightest.
3ou +ill fin% that as ou float there abo$e the bo% the
,or% anchoring ou to it +ill thin an% thin# an% %issipate like
s"oke in a breeDe. 3ou +ill %rift off up+ar%s into the ar"s of
our lo$e% ones +ho are there to "eet ou. The cannot %o
"uch for ou until the ,or% is broken# in "uch the sa"e +a

that ou cannot shake han%s +ith our frien%s +hile the train
is still "o$ing into the station.
One of the things +hich puDDles "an people about %eath is
thisF 7h is the fear of %eath uni$ersal +hen beon% %eath
lies onl peace an% greater e$olutionB The ans+er is $er
easE if people on &arth kne+ ho+ pleasant it +as upon lea$.
ing this +orl%# people +oul% not sta here# there +oul% be
suici%es an% that +oul% be a $er ba% thing in%ee% because
suici%e is +rong. So people co"e %o+n to this &arth +ith a
built.in fear of %eath. That is a pro$ision of Nature to pre$ent
people fro" co""itting suici%e or tring to gratif their o+n
)%eath +ish*.
As %eath actuall approaches# ho+e$er# all fear of that stage
%i"inishes. So4if ou are afrai% to %ie +hile ou are (uite
+ell that is a nor"al state of affairs because +e ha$e to be kept
here Cust as chil%ren ha$e to be kept in school# an% chil%ren
+ho e$a%e going to school are not popular +ith the truant
7hen our ti"e of %ing co"es# then# keep an open "in%#
keep before our consciousness the thought that there are those
$er +illing to help ou# re"e"ber there is no such thing as
Hell# there is no such thing as eternal %a"nation# there is no
such thing as a $engeful 2o% +ho %esires onl our %estruc.
tion. 7e %o not belie$e that one shoul% )fear 2o%*# +e belie$e
instea% that if 2o% is goo%# 2o% shoul% be lo$e% not feare%.
An%4%eath also is goo%# it shoul% be lo$e% an% +elco"e%
+ith open ar"s +hen that ti"e co"es# but until that ti"e
co"es li$e accor%ing to the rule# )<o as ou +oul% be %one
Af ou are +illing to %e$ote a bit of ti"e an% patience an% a
+hole lot of faith# then "ost certainl ou shoul% be able to
in$estigate the "atter of %eath as a seriousl intereste% on.
looker# but ou +ill fin% that such in$estigation +ill entail
so"e sacrifices. 1or e!a"ple# ou cannot go to parties# ou
cannot go to the pictures# ou cannot call in an% get a 0(uick
one0. Anstea%# ou ha$e to be as a her"it.
A a" a her"it# an% A prefer to be a her"it because A ha$e all
those po+ers about +hich A +rite# an% "an of +hich can be
ours if ou tr har% enough an% +ith enough faith. A can %o
astral tra$elling# A can see the Akashic -ecor%# an% later in this
particular chapter A a" going to %eal +ith prophec.
A great a"ount can be %one b "e%itation# an% b con.

centration. 1or this# ob$iousl# one has to be a her"it.
Her"its# "onks# la"as# call the" +hat ou +ill# are solitar
people +ith%ra+n fro" the or%inar circle of social life# +ith.
%ra+n at their o+n choice so that the "a concentrate# "e%i.
tate# an% go forth in astral tra$el. This astral tra$el business is
$er# $er real# it is a fact# but it is as si"ple as breathing. The
trouble is that ou cannot take an luggage +ith ou# it is
useless to tra$el across the ocean to another countr an% think
that ou +ill sta for the +eek.en% +ith frien%s. The %ifficult
is that our frien%s# unless the are of the sa"e stage# "a not
be able to see ou# the trouble is that ou can neither take
anthing +ith ou nor can ou bring anthing back that is
"aterial or soli%.
One $er interesting thing is in the astral one can see the
Akashic -ecor% pro$i%e% one is of the fortunate fe+ +ho ha$e
+hat A "ight call special per"ission. /et "e sa here an% no+
that "an of those people +ho preten% to go into the astral
+orl% an% consult our Akashic -ecor% are fakes an%# in fact#
s+in%lers. The take our "one# usuall roun% about fift
%ollars# but the are (uite unable to %o +hat the clai" to %o.
So if anone tells ou that he is going to go into the astral
+orl% an% bring back our Akashic -ecor% for fift %ollars4
hang on to our fift %ollars!
At is a fortunate pro$ision that not e$erone can see the
Akashic -ecor% because think +hat a terrible +eapon it +oul%
be in the han%s of black"ailers or cri"inals. An%iscri"inate
use of the Akashic -ecor% +oul% cause untol% har". Thus# it
is that onl those +ho are of pure intention can gain access to
the Akashic -ecor%.
7hat is this Akashic -ecor%B At is like a cine"atograph
fil". 1or e!a"ple# ou ha$e so"e great epic of the sil$er
screen an% if ou kno+ ho+# ou can get to an particular part
of the fil"# an% ou can see an particular part at +ill. An
"uch the sa"e +a# e$erthing that has happene% in the past
is on recor%. /ook at it in this +a4let us assu"e so"ething
that is onl possible in the astral# assu"e that in the phsical
+e coul% tra$el instantaneousl to a far# far %istant planet
thousan%s of light ears a+a. Then supposing +e ha% an in.
stru"ent +hich +oul% enable ou to see +hat +as happening
on &arth4ou +oul% not# of course# see &arth as it is no+ but
ou +oul% see &arth as it +as ears ago# because light has a
spee%# e$erthing ou see is after the thing happene%. The

spee% of light is $er# $er fast# relati$el speaking.
'ut let us consi%er soun% instea%. 3ou see that "an %o+n
there half a "ile a+aB He has an a!e in his han%# he is
chopping +oo% +ith great energ. 3ou see the a!e hit the
+oo% an% then# an appreciable ti"e after# ou hear the soun%.
Again# a supersonic Cet plane screa"s across the sk# ou look
up to +here the soun% appears to be co"ing fro" but b that
ti"e the plane is about fi$e "iles or so ahea% of the soun% that
ou are hearing. The spee% of soun% is slo+ co"pare% to the
spee% of light# an% light# re"e"ber# is near enough sight.
Supposing ou ha$e the abilit to go instantl out into space
an% stop at an particular instant an% see clearl the light
picture +hich is arri$ing fro" &arth# go out a fe+ ears# a fe+
light ears that is# ou kno+# then ou +ill see4+hat shall +e
saB4+e "ight see Napoleon "arching a+a to Mosco+# or
+e "ight see 2eneral &isenho+er practicing his golf. 'ut go a
bit farther an% ou +oul% see "uch of the countr of the
5nite% States co$ere% +ith bushes# +ith +ig+a"s an% +ith
An%ians# an% perhaps here an% there a fe+ of the fa"e%
co$ere% +agons.
2o farther back# go back 8#KKK ears or so# 9#KKK ears# go
back into the pages of histor. 3ou +oul% fin% that histor is
$er %ifferent fro" that +hich is +ritten in the histor books.
Histor is +ritten to fit the politics of the ti"e# to fit the "oo%
of the countr an% the beliefs of the countr. A Courne into
the Akashic +oul% sho+ ou the truth. As an illustration let us
(uote 1rancis <rake# the great hero of &nglan%. 7hat is it to
beB Sir 1rancis <rake the great hero of &nglan%# or# as the
Spanish people $ie+ hi"# 1rancis <rake the pirate# the buc.
caneer# the "an +ho trie% to ruin the Spanish tra%eB
/ook at the Spanish An(uisition. 7hat +as the truth of itB
7ere the in(uisitors saints or +as it si"ilar to 'elsen an%
other concentration ca"ps in 2er"anB The Akashic -ecor%
+ill tell ou.
'ut the Akashic -ecor%# ou kno+# is not Cust +hat hap.
pene% in the past# ou can see also the great probabilities for
the future. Here in this particular ti"e +e are like a "an alone
on a +in%ing roa%# a roa% +ith "an obstacles beon% +hich
he cannot see# but put that "an up in a helicopter an% he can
see farther# he can see past the obstacles# he can see the roa%
ahea%. So it is +ith the Akashic -ecor%# ou can see the
probabilities +hich lie ahea%.

No+ this %oes not "ean that all the future is pre%estine%.
The "ain e$ents are# es. As an e!a"ple let "e sa ou kno+
that there +ill be a to"orro+ an% a %a after to"orro+ an% a
+eek after that# ou can safel forecast that# but ou cannot
safel forecast the "inor "inute %etails. 3ou can sa that a bus
+ill go fro" here to so"e %istant point# the ti"etable tells ou
that it +ill lea$e at such.an%.such a ti"e an% that it +ill arri$e
at inter"e%iate stations at such.an%.such a ti"e# an% e$entu.
all arri$e at the %estination at the prearrange% ti"e. 3ou ha$e
no fear that the bus or train +ill fail to arri$e# in other +or%s
ou are forecasting +hat +ill happen. 3ou are forecasting the
future of that bus.
There is a $er co"plicate% theor +hich is actuall a $er
true theor about parallel uni$erses# an% to the effect that
e$erthing has alrea% happene% an% that +e are li$ing in a
%ifferent ti"e continuu". Ho+e$er# +e %o not propose to go
into that here# instea% let it be state% that the Seers of ol%
coul% see into the future# the Seers of the present can %o so
also. No+ A a" going to gi$e ou an illustration of this. This is
so"ething +hich happene% to "e# +hich happene% un%er full
control. A +ent into a trance an% this is +hat A sa+F
A sa+ first a probabilit that a +ar +oul% be starting. No+#
looking back# A can sa that4es# that +as so# that +as the
+ar +hich starte% in Vietna" after the 1rench +ith%re+# after
the 1oreign /egion +as %isban%e%. 'ut that +as pro$e% to be
Other things areF An the future Atal +ill be con(uere% b
,o""unis". 1or the ti"e being the ,hristian religion +ill be
lost an% the Vatican +ill be close%# car%inals an% bishops +ill
be kille%# ,o""unis" +ill seep throughout &urope. At +ill
not be the ,o""unis" +hich +e kno+ at the present ti"e# it
+ill be "o%ifie% so"e+hat. The original ,o""unis" of
-ussia +as a "uch rougher# tougher affair than it is no+# "ore
like the ,hinese ,o""unis". &nglan% an% the 5nite% States
+ill e$entuall a"alga"ate for protection# an% &nglan% +ill
co"e un%er the %irection of the 5nite% States an% +ill# in fact#
ha$e an A"erican as its 2o$ernor# +hich is (uite an a"using
thought +hen one thinks that people +ent fro" &nglan% to
foun% A"erica# an% no+ the A"ericans are going to go back
an% re%isco$er &nglan%.
&$entuall the surface of the &arth +ill crack. Af ou ha$e
rea% the reports of the international 2eophsical 3ear ou

+ill kno+ that there are great areas of stress beneath the ocean#
areas +here alterations are taking place. Alrea% the sea.be%s
are rising. /ost continents +hich are no+ the sea.be% +ill rise
an% for" ne+ lan%s# present lan%s +ill sink an% the +orl% +ill
for a ti"e be in panic an% tur"oil. Ne+ 3ork +ill be le$ele%
to the groun% an% e$entuall shall sink beneath the +aters of
the Atlantic. /os Angeles an% San 1rancisco# Seattle an%
Vancou$er on the 6acific coast# +ill be le$ele% to the groun%
an% then shall sink beneath the rising 6acific. Most of the
coast.line +ill be inun%ate%# the +hole lan% +ill change. 1ro"
o$er Alaska +ill co"e rockets +ith bo"bs fro" ,o""unist
-ussia# great %e$astation +ill be cause% in the 5nite% States
an% ,ana%a. Of course# through retaliator "etho%s of these
countries# great %e$astation +ill also be cause% in -ussia# but
on the North A"erican continent a fe+ sur$i$ors +ill cluster
on top of the -ock Mountains# enough to repopulate the con.
tinent later.
An ,ana%a the 2reat /akes +hich are no+ fresh.+ater lakes
shall re$erse the %irection of their flo+ through the tipping of
the &arth0s a!is# so that the sea shall flo+ fro" Puebec to
Montreal# fro" Montreal to 'uffalo# 'uffalo to <etroit# an%
the +ater shall pile up at ,hicago an% floo% the cit an% floo%
the lan%# an% cut for itself a salt +ater+a into the Missis.
sippi. The rushing +aters# "a%e into a raging torrent b the
tipping of the +orl%0s a!is# +ill soon ero%e a+a a lot of the
lan% so that there a ne+ islan% is for"e%. All that +hich
is %i$i%e% b the +ater an% facing the sea shall be a ne+
An &urope the be% of the Me%iterranean shall rise an% be.
co"e high lan% an% there shall be opene% great to"bs# part of
sunken &gpt an% part of the lan% sunk ears before.
The +hole of the South A"erican continent shall be %is.
turbe% b earth(uakes. The 1alklan% Aslan%s shall be islan%s
no longer# but shall unite as high lan% +ith the lo+er thir% of
Argentina. At about the lo+er thir% of Argentina a great rift
shall appear so that there is access fro" the 6acific to the
Atlantic through a gap +hich shall be no +i%er than the gap
bet+een the Me%iterranean an% 2ibraltar. 5n%er the change
of +eight %istribution the &arth shall tilt e$en "ore an% the
seasons +ill change# the 6oles +ill "elt an% "uch lan% +ill
beco"e a$ailable in these areas# together +ith +on%rous ores
an% "an ne+ resources.

Hapan an% Korea an% part of the ,hinese coast +ill sink
beneath the +aters# but other lan%s shall e"erge fro" the seas.
The -ussians +ill ha$e "o$e% great satellites into space. Soon
the ,hinese +ill get into space also# for the +ill ha$e seiDe%
scientists fro" the 5nite% States +ho fle% fro" the floo%s an%
%estruction. The ear 9KKK +ill see great e$ents in space# not
al+as for peace# for there shall be great ri$alr bet+een the
branches of ,o""unis"# the -ussians an% the ,hinese. An the
ear 9KK; there +ill be a tre"en%ous +ar bet+een ,hina an%
-ussia in space. On &arth# people +ill hu%%le in %eep shelters
an% "an shall be sa$e%. More lan%s shall sink an% "ore shall
One part of this prophec ga$e "e so "uch cause for
thought A +on%ere% if A shoul% be %iscreetl silent an% not
"ention it# but +hat %oes it "atter# let us tell the truth# let us#
as +e ha$e gone so far# go a little farther.
An the ear 9KK? or so the -ussians an% the ,hinese +ill
settle their %ifferences un%er the sti"ulus of a "uch greater
thing. 1ro" far out in space# fro" beon% this +hole sste"#
+ill co"e people# hu"ans# +ho +ill co"e here an% +ant to
settle on this &arth. The hu"ans alrea% here +ill be fright.
full cross about it all# an% the +ill look upon their un+ante%
guests +ith a Caun%ice% ee. 1or a ti"e there +ill be a con.
si%erable co""otion# ho+e$er# e$entuall co""on sense an%
reason +ill pre$ail.
The people fro" outer space +ill %e"onstrate peaceful in.
tentions# an% that is a thing sa%l lacking on this &arth. An
ti"e the people fro" outer space shall settle %o+n +ith the
people +ho are nati$e to this &arth# the +ill inter"arr# all
races +ill inter"arr so that at last there shall be onl one race
an% it shall be kno+n as the -ace of Tan because the "i!ture
of all colours# +hite# black# ello+# an% bro+n# +ill result in a
$er pleasant tan sha%e.
At this stage in the e$olution of the &arth it shall be the
2ol%en Age# the age of peace# the age of tran(uillit an% of
high occult kno+le%ge. At shall be an age +hen Man# +hether
terrestrial Man or e!tra.terrestrial Man# shall get along har.
The future beon% thatB 3es# that is clear also# but let us be
content +ith this first episo%e because it is# in fact# a true
<o ou laugh# are ou cnical# skepticalB 7ell ou are en.



title% to our opinion as A a" entitle% to " kno+le%ge. Af ou
ha% " kno+le%ge ou +oul% not be listening to "e no+# an%
ou +oul% not be laughing.
A $er short ti"e ago it +as state% that Man +oul% ne$er
sen% a "essage across the Atlantic b ra%io. Then it +as sai%
that Man +oul% ne$er fl the Atlantic in an aeroplane. At +as
state% that no one coul% possibl go faster than the spee% of
soun% because people +oul% %ie# it +as also reporte% that Man
+oul% not be able to get into space because the heat generate%
b the spee% +oul% burn hi" up. Man has gone into space# an%
7o"an also. Things +hich are utterl i"possible to%a are
co""onplace to"orro+. No+ +e bounce tele$ision pro.
gra""es off an artificial satellite# no+ +e bounce ra%io "es.
sages off the Moon# Mars# Venus. Ho+ can ou sa that "
prophec is not trueB
At is a sa% thing that people con%e"n that +hich the %o not
un%erstan%. At is a sa% thing that if people cannot %o this or
that or so"ething else# then the are incline% to sa# )Oh# but
that is i"possible# (uite i"possible# such things are beon%
hu"an kno+le%ge.* This# of course# is nonsense# because +hen
one can see the Akashic -ecor% of e$erthing that has hap.
pene% one can also see the -ecor% of 6robabilities.
An% if ou +on%er +hat the -ecor% of 6robabilities is let
"e gi$e ou a si"ple illustration. 6robabilities are those things
+hich ou e!pect to happen# ou e!pect that to"orro+# the
%a after# an% for ears after# ships +ill stea" upon the seas#
planes +ill fl across the sk# an% cars +ill go spe+ing no!ious
fu"es throughout the countrsi%e. 3ou reall e!pect that +ill
happen because it is so probable. The future of a race or
countr can be forecast +ith the highest %egree of accurac#
an% the -ecor% of 6robabilities in%icates +hat all that +ill be.
Here ou ha$e ha% an insight into +hat +ill happen# but there
are other things# little inci%ents +hich point the +a. <o ou
+ant so"e "oreB
All right4in ears to co"e &nglan% +ill be a state of the
5nite% States in "uch the sa"e +a as Ha+aii an% Alaska are
states of the 5nite% States. &$entuall &nglan% +ill be con.
trolle% b an% fro" the 5nite% States# an% e$entuall &nglan%
+ill subscribe to the 1e%eral /a+s of the 5nite% States.
,ana%a +ill be one of the lea%ing countries of the +orl% in
centuries to co"e# ,ana%a an% 'raDil. 'raDil at present is in a
%ecline# but 'raDil shall rise an% shall be perhaps the secon%

greatest countr of the +orl%# it shall in fact beco"e )High*
'raDil once again.
1rance an% -ussia +ill unite in ears to co"e to reall
s(uash 2er"an. 1rance an% -ussia both feel "enace% b
2er"an# an% the +ill unite forces to en% that threat# an% the
2er"an race +ill be scattere% a"ong other nations in the sa"e
"anner as He+s are no+ scattere% a"ong other nations.
The 5nite% States an% -ussia +ill co"bine to %efeat ,hina#
the ne+ ,hina +hich poses a threat to ci$iliDation e$er+here#
an% so the 'ear an% the &agle shall unite to %efeat the <ragon#
an% not until the <ragon is %efeate% shall there be an en.
%uring peace.
Those of ou +ho are astrologicall incline% +ill re"e"ber
that on 1ebruar Gth# 8@=9# 8= %egrees co$ere% the Sun# the
Moon# Mercur# Venus# Mars# Hupiter# an% Saturn %uring an
eclipse at that ti"e. The ne!t ti"e that +ill happen +ill be on
Ma Gth of the ear 9KKK# an% shortl before that ti"e Hal.
le0s co"et +ill return in April 8@?=. All these configurations
+ill lea% to "o"entous occurrences throughout the +orl%. At
+ill be the opening of a Ne+ Age# the ti"e +hen hope flour.
ishes again like the gentle spring flo+ers +hich re$i$e an%
bloo" ane+ +hen the +inter sno+s gi$e +a to sunshine# an%
as the spring flo+ers are rene+e% b the seasons# an% the
renaissance +hich co"es about e$er ear# so shall Man#
Man0s hopes an% spiritual aspirations beco"e rene+e% after
the ear 9KKK.
At "ight be as +ell here to sa so"ething about the chang.
ing cli"ate of this +orl%# because al"ost e$erone in the +orl%
"ust ha$e notice% great changes. The cli"ate also is a +orth
subCect of pre%iction.
An the ears to co"e there +ill be "an earth(uakes# lan%
+ill rise an% lan% +ill fall# an% "uch lan% +ill beco"e +ater.
Out in the 6acific there is a great fault e!ten%ing thousan%s of
"iles. At is a crack in the &arth0s surface# an% if "an "ore
nations start letting off "an "ore ato" bo"bs or +orse# the
crack +ill open a little an% shift a lot# an% then there +ill be a
+hole series of earth(uakes an% floo%s.
1or hun%re%s of ears it has been possible to "ore or less
pre%ict the +eather. One coul% consult charts kept at "eteoro.
logical offices an% these charts +oul% in%icate that the te".
perature of# sa# ,ana%a nor"all +oul% fall bet+een such.
an%.such li"its at such.an%.such a ti"e# +hile# for e!a"ple#

in 'uenos Aires there +ere %ifferent li"its of rise an% fall. At
+as possible to pre%ict the +eather in Mosco+# or Ti"buktu#
or an+here# b consulting recor%s +hich in%icate% +hat the
a$erage te"perature shoul% be at other e(ui$alent ti"es for
"an# "an ears past. 7e ha$e kno+n +hat +oul% happen
%uring each season# +e ha$e kno+n if the su""er +as going to
be hotter than +inter an% +hat the li"its of col% +ere going to
be# an% +hat the li"its of heat +ere going to be# but all this is
changing# an% changing rapi%l# through a +hole conglo"era.
tion of causes# "ost of the" "an."a%e.
Ha$e ou notice% that (uite recentl there ha$e been in.
creasing reports of freak +eatherB An the 5nite% States there
ha$e been absolutel abnor"all col% +inters. An 2eorgia the
+eather has been (uite a lot belo+ Dero. AriDona# that too# has
ha% a great %eal of col%# at ti"es ;K %egrees belo+.
A ha$e ha% letters fro" frien%s in ,ana%a an% the 5nite%
States an% A get reports of freak +eather# stunning col%. Then
a +eek later# al"ost a heat+a$e. A ha% a report the other %a
fro" Niagara 1alls# ,ana%aE the +eather +as e!tre"el hot#
s+eltering hot# an% then it beca"e frightfull col%. An
<etroit# 5.S.A.# the +eather has been stunningl col%# then
su%%enl it turne% hot.
An the North an% &ast 5nite% States there has been %rness#
in fact April of this ear +as the %riest e$er recor%e% on the
5nite% States +eather stations. There +as no +ater for the
plants# no irrigation sste" +orke%. 6lants +ithere% in the
parche% groun%.
A %on0t kno+ ho+ "an of ou ha$e been to the 5nite%
States# but in Montana# not so far fro" the ,ana%ian bor%er#
there is a big National 6ark# an% in that 6ark there is a glacier#
in fact there are se$eral# but so"e ha$e co"pletel "elte% an%
others are greatl %i"inishe%.
,ertain areas of the 5nite% States an% ,ana%a %epen% (uite
a lot on ski progra"s# progra"s calling for sno+ an% ice.
7ell# there has been no sno+ or ice an% so these people %e.
pen%ing on such cli"atic con%itions ha$e been ruine%.
An the "i%.7est there ha$e been torna%os# tre"en%ous
torna%os. The nu"ber an% spee% an% ferocit of torna%os has
been increasing. Puite recentl there ha$e been "ore than ?KK
torna%os a ear in "i%.5nite% States.
'ut let us lea$e the 5nite% States. There are other parts of
the +orl%. A get "ail fro" all o$er the +orl%# an% it %oes not

nee% "ail but ne+spapers# to bring in infor"ation about the
+eather. An &nglan% there has been absolutel freak +eather#
the col%est on recor%# an% in &nglan% the ha$e ha% the +orst
bliDDar% e$er# traffic +as at a stan%still# people +ere short of
foo% an% +ere freeDing# cattle %ie% through e!posure an%
through star$ation.
An the Me%iterranean +eather has been co"pletel freak#
abnor"all col% for instance# an% about a "etre in %epth of
sno+ in Sicil +hich a%$ertises as Sunn Sicil. 7ell# the
"ight ha$e ha% sunshine but the ha$e certainl ha% searing
col% as +ell. At is all freak +eather# the cli"ate of the +orl% is
changing. An -o"e there +as ice# on the -i$er Tiber there +as
ice# ice for the first ti"e in GKK ears. One associates -o"e#
Atal# +ith +ar"th# +ith a kin% bene$olent cli"ate# not +ith
ice on the -i$er Tiber on +hich people coul% skate.
An% another part of the +orl%4Hapan. The ha$e ha% the
roughest +inter in li$ing histor. Stor"s# crop failures# the
ha$e ha% e$erthing ba%.
An -ussia# on the other han%# the cli"ate see"s to ha$e been
getting "il%er. Siberia is less frigi%# an% of course +ith all
these changes in cli"atic con%itions "ore changes are cause%#
for if +e heat an area of lan% the air abo$e it rises an% for"s
cu"ulus clou%s. At "a be that so "an ato" bo"bs ha$e
obscure% the %irect ra%iation of the Sun to the &arth an% back
into space# that that has altere% Dones of te"perature through.
out the +orl%. Thus it is# as has been pre%icte%# that in the not
too %istant future things are going to change on this &arth.
Ha$e ou e$er thought of thisB Af the ice at the North 6ole
an% South 6ole "elte% the +ater le$el all aroun% the +orl%
+oul% rise b at least =KK feetB Think# e$en if so"e of the ice
on the coast of -ussia +ere to "elt# the resulting floo% coul%
inun%ate Ne+ 3ork or Monte$i%eoE in fact# it +oul% not take
"an feet of +ater to co"pletel floo% 5rugua. 'ut in case
5ruguaans +ant to rush out an% get +ater.+ings an% bathing
suits# let "e sa thisE accor%ing to pre%ictions that part of the
+orl% +ill rise so that instea% of being floo%e% it +ill be (uite
a long +a abo$e +ater le$el. Ne+ 3ork +ill sink beneath the
+a$es# so it is pre%icte%# an% %o+n near the en% of Argentina a
rift +ill be cause% %i$i%ing the tail of Argentina fro" the
bo%# so there +ill be in effect an islan% there# an% a (uicker
passage through to the 6acific Ocean. That in itself +ill cause
a bit of co""otion# because the 6acific is saltier than is the

Atlantic# an% so +e ha$e "ore or less of a para%o!E the 6acific
+ater +ill be +ar"er but hea$ier# an% so it +ill sink in the
col%er +aters of the Atlantic because the Atlantic is not so
salt# an% is# therefore# lighter.
The -ussians are bus altering the +eather to their o+n
a%$antage b ta"pering +ith the 2ulf Strea"# +hich causes
+ar" +ater +hich nor"all shoul% go to &urope to flo+ along
the si%es of Siberia# so that Siberia is beco"ing tha+e% out
an% +ill beco"e the far lan% of -ussia. 'ut in the s+ing of the
balance &nglan% coul% ha$e another Ace Age# an% ice coul%
s+eep across (uite a lot of &urope.
Nor"all the &arth is surroun%e% b laers of air# so"e of
the" tra$elling as air currents in the sa"e +a as there are
+ater currents. Nor"all the a"ount of cos"ic ras entering
an% striking the &arth is fairl constant# but no+ because of
the "e%%ling +ith the upper at"osphere b rockets tra$ersing
an% bo"bs going off# the outer at"osphere0s Cet strea"s ha$e
been %isturbe% an% %i$erte%. Thus there are te"perature in.
$ersions so that hot air perhaps cannot rise an% +hole lan%s
beco"e parche% through lack of rain an% through e!cess of
heat. Te"perature Dones throughout the +orl% are changing#
"ainl for the +orse# an% unless "ankin% rises up to control
those +ho %esire +ar# then "ankin% is going to ha$e a prett
sorr ti"e before the ha$e a better ti"e. Ho+e$er# +e are
no+ in the Age of Kali# the Age of pain# suffering# an% %e.
apair. Soon +ill co"e the %a+n +hen Man can again hope an%
kno+ that he is progressing to+ar%s greater things# greater
happiness# greater spiritualit# an% greater faith in his fello+


,HA6T&- &A2HT


TH& great tree to+ere% hea$en+ar%s +ith branches groping
blin%l to+ar%s the 2i$er of /ight. 5pon the groun% its
sha%o+ stretche% black an% long# beco"ing longer an% et
longer as the Sun saile% across the latening sk on its eternal
Courne. The tree baske% an% thri$e% beneath the life.gi$ing
ras. An its branches# conceale% b a "ultitu%e of lea$es# bir%s
fluttere% an% calle% an% occasionall fle+ s+iftl to other trees
in pursuit of their business of li$ing. 1ro" so"e hi%%en recess
+ithin the tree0s foliage ca"e a su%%en sharp s(ua+k of an
outrage% bir% in protest against an in$a%ing "onke. The
s(ua+ks continue% an% rose in a crescen%o as a +hole troupe
of "onkes s+ung fro" branch to branch. Su%%enl# as though
at the turning of a s+itch# e!pectant silence fell upon the
people of the tree. H5MANS +ere approaching!
Along a faint path through the bushes a bent ol% "an
stu"ble% an% "a%e his +a. ,lutching a stur% sta$e in a
gnarle% han%# he plo%%e% gri"l for+ar%. 'ehin% hi" t+o
oung "en carrie% s"all bun%les. The ol% "an stoppe% an%
pointe% to the tree. )7e shall stop TH&-&!* he sai%. )7e shall
rest a+hile an% A shall "e%itate through the night.* Together
the "o$e% for+ar% into the little clearing +here the great
tree0s bulging roots "a%e %eep furro+s an% "oun%s. Together
the +alke% aroun% the "ight trunk# seeking the best posi.
tion. Soon the foun% a spot +here a large flat.toppe% boul%er
protru%e% fro" the groun% on the sun+ar% si%e of the bole. A
"onke +as spra+le% upon its top# leisurel scratching. At
sight of the approaching "en it screeche% in fright an% leape%
straight up to %isappear a"i% the concealing branches.
The ounger of the t+o Assistants carefull gathere% so"e
+ith branches fro" a nearb bush. 'in%ing the" tightl +ith
a length of pliant $ine# he soon ha% a ser$iceable brush +ith
+hich he attacke% the top of the rock# s+eeping it clean of
%ebris. 7ith lo$ing care the other Assistant took a sharp.
e%ge% stone an% +ent +ith it to a la+n.like stretch of brilliant
green "oss. Kneeling# he presse% %eep +ith the sharp stone

an% "o$e% along until he ha% cut a rough outline of the
boul%er0s top in the "oss. 2entl he peele% the laer of "oss
an% rolle% it back like a carpet. 7ith the ai% of the ounger
"an he carrie% it for+ar% an% sprea% it out upon the rock#
for"ing a thick cushion that age% bones "ight be protecte%
fro" the harsh stone. Tightening his tattere% robe# the ol%
"an cla"bere% +ith surprising agilit to the $er%ant surface.
The brilliant ras of the fast.setting Sun sent "ultitu%inous
colours across the +oo%e% countrsi%e# here gil%ing a tree top#
there shining bloo%.re% through the lo+er branches. Puickl
the el%er of the t+o Assistants prepare% their si"ple "eal# a
little parche% barle# a sprinkling of rice# a s"all ripe "ango
fruit# an% sparkling +ater fro" a nearb strea". Soon the
"eager repast +as finishe% an% the utensils cleane% an% put
a+a in the s"all bun%les.
)A +ill "e%itate#* sai% the ol% "an# settling hi"self cross.
legge% an% %ra+ing his robe about hi". )<o not %isturb "e# A
+ill sa +hen A a" rea%.*
The t+o Assistants no%%e% in respectful ackno+le%ge"ent.
Turning a+a# the retire% so"e "an feet fro" the rock#
rolle% the"sel$es "ore tightl in their robes an% co"pose%
the"sel$es for sleep. Su%%enl the Sun plunge% belo+ the ri"
of the &arth an% the soft# scente% purple iri%escence of an
An%ian night reigne% as the /or% of the Night a+akene% all the
s"all nocturnal creatures to set about their business. So"e.
+here a sleep bir% "uttere% a last 0churp.churp0 to his "ate
before settling %o+n to %rea"# "abe# of fat +or"s an% Cuic
Slo+l the purple of the night turne% to lustrous sil$er as
the 2o%%ess of /o$ers cli"be% into the sk an% sho+ere% her
/ight upon the sleeping +orl%. The gentle breeDes of the night
ca"e to s+eep a+a the o%ors of the %a# to fon%l ruffle the
s"all forest flo+ers no+ fol%e% in sleep# an% carr fresh scents
to those +ho %+elt b night. The hours crept slo+l on. The
Moon lo+ere% her light belo+ the %istant horiDon# an% light
fleec clou%s saile% serenel abo$e the &arth. The ol% "an sat
erect# un"o$ing# +ith%ra+n# "e%itating. /ittle creatures ca"e
forth fro" burro+s an% +arrens to peer +ith roun%# un+inking
ees# an% seeing no %anger to the"# +ent on +ith their la+ful
The ol% "an sat erect# un"o$ing# "e%itating# as the first

streaks +i%ene% an% turne% into the gre gloo" of earl %a+n.
So"e+here a sleeping "onke +as Costle% an% shrieke% an%
gibbere% in %ro+s fur. S+iftl the light gre+ brighter an% a
tinge of +ar"th s+ept across the night.chille% lan%. 1ro" the
trees ca"e the calls an% fluttering of ne+l a+akene% bir%s.
7ith a screa" of terror a s"all "onke4ine!perience% et4
lost his grip an% fell a %oDen feet before fear.paralDe% li"bs
coul% reach out# grasp a branch# an% s+ing to safet. The ol%
"an sat on# un"o$ing# as his Assistants cli"be% to their feet#
rubbing the sleep fro" their ees.
Much later in the %a# as the hot Sun poure% %o+n its
+a$es of heat# the ol% Monk en%e% his long "e%itation an%
partook of a frugal breakfast. Turning to the el%er of the
Assistants# he sai%# )At is ti"e ou learne% the art of "e%ita.
tion# " son# for A ha$e obser$e% ou +ell an% our ti"e of
instruction has co"e.*
)'ut is it so %ifficult to "e%itate# MasterB ,annot AN3ON&
%o itB* aske% the ounger.
)No# " son#* replie% the ol% "an. )So"e people ne$er
"e%itate because the are not +orth# an% so"e# +ho are
+orth# %o not "e%itate because the %o not kno+ ho+. Me%i.
tation is an art +hich "ust be i"parte%# it is an art +hich can
lift one0s ego to subli"e heights.* He pause% in thought for a
"o"ent# then sai% to the ounger# )To%a ou tra$el alone to
seek out foo%. A "ust instruct our senior. An ti"e# if ou are
+orth# our opportunit +ill co"e.*
. . . . . . . .

So "an people sa that the are )going to "e%itate*# but of
course "ost of these people ha$e not the faintest i%ea of +hat
real "e%itation "eans. The think that it is so"e "stical
thing +hereas# as in the case of "ost "etaphsical "atters#
"e%itation is si"ple an% is Cust a "eans to an en%# a "etho%
+hereb one can obtain certain results.
One of the great %ifficulties confronting the a$erage stu%ent
of "etaphsical "atters is that "ost of the original training
an% "ost of the original research +as %one in Tibet# an% in
An%ia# +here ci$iliDations flourishe% centuries before there
+ere an ci$iliDations at all in the 7estern +orl%.
Of course# there +as also the great ci$iliDation of Ancient
,hina# but although ,hina has been lau%e% as being of great
religious stature# actuall ,hina +as "ore intereste% in the

arts of +ar. The ci$iliDations of ,hina ga$e us such %ubious
assets as e!plosi$es# high.fling kites +hich %ischarge sho+ers
of poisone% arro+s# an%# surprisingl enough# the ,hinese of
centuries ago +ere the first to e"plo rocket +arfare. Their
)ato" bo"bs* +ere great "asses of fla"ing "aterial carrie% on
rocket.hea%sE these fla"ing "asses +ere fire% into the ene"
positions +here the set fire to "en an% "aterial in%iscri"in.
,hina also ga$e us arts an% crafts# +hich of course is to be
co""en%e%# but ,hina "ainl took the religions of An%ia an%
altere% the" to suit ,hinese i%eas.
Hapan can be %isregar%e% because until a fe+ ears ago
Hapan +as a seclu%e% islan% countr i"per$ious to the in.
fluences of other countries# an% as the real histor of Hapan
tells us# the "erel copie% their religions an% their culture
fro" the ,hinese. 7here the Hapanese foun% their cruelt as
sho+n in the Secon% 7orl% 7ar can onl be a "atter of con.
Cecture# but assure%l the lea% the +orl% in cru%e an% cruel
practices# an% it is so"e+hat of a surprise that these little
people are no+ tolerate% a"ong other nations. No %oubt this is
calle% co""erce instea% of frien%ship.
One of the great %ifficulties4to get back to our original
the"e4is that in translating Sanskrit an% other &astern lan.
gauges it is not al+as possible to con$e the e!act "eaning in
a 7estern language such as &nglish. The 7estern languages
%eal "ore +ith concrete "atters# +hereas the languages of the
1ar# 1ar &ast %eal +ith abstract concepts# an% thus it is that so
"an things +hich %epen% upon the precise use of an i%io"#
an% +hich are not parallele% in another language# lea% trans.
lators astra# an% cause gra$e "isun%erstan%ings. An illustra.
tion is in the case of Nir$ana# a ter" +hich +e reall shoul%
un%erstan% in the &astern "eaning an% +hich +ill# therefore#
shortl be referre% to before going on to "e%itation# +hat it is#
an% ho+ to %o it.
An%ia ha% a great ci$iliDation# a ci$iliDation +hich +as
highl spiritual in nature. An%ia# in fact# +as the cra%le of true
religion in this particular ccle of e$olution# an% "an nations
copie% an% altere% An%ian religions.
An so"e stages of the culture of Ancient ,hina# +hen
spiritualit an% $eneration of one0s ancestors +as of greater
i"portance than ,hair"an Mao or +ar# religions flourishe%#
but so"e of the ,hinese an% so"e of the An%ians# too# took

their religious beliefs too literall because religion shoul% be a
signpost# a gui%e# a "anual of beha$ior. The An%ians an% the
,hinese forgot that# an% it +as often the case that a ,hinese or
an An%ian +oul% spen% his life sitting beneath a tree in i%le
conte"plation thinking# )Oh# A +ill Cust take it eas %uring this
lifeti"e# A can "ake up for it +hen A co"e to this &arth again.*
That is not a figure of speech# that is not an e!aggeration# it is
a fact# an% until a $er short ti"e ago it +as perfectl possible
for a ,hina"an to incur a %ebt in this life on the un%erstan%.
ing that he +oul% pa it back +ith interest in the ne!t life. ,an
ou i"agine a 7estern "onelen%er4A see no+ the call
the"sel$es high.class finance co"panies4a%$ancing a su" of
"one to%a on the un%erstan%ing that it +oul% be pai% back
to hi" +hen he ca"e in his ne!t incarnationB ,ertainl it
+oul% lea% to so"e a"using book.keeping!
To repeat4&astern languages %eal "ainl +ith abstract
an% spiritual concepts# +hereas 7estern languages %eal +ith
ter"s %ealing +ith a$iation# "one (or the lack of it!)# an%
other "un%ane subCects. 3ou "a be intereste% to kno+ that a
fe+ ears ago the Hapanese ha% no i%eographs# no +ritten for"
of e!pression +hich +oul% %eal +ith technical ter"s in ra%io
or engineering# an% so to " o+n personal kno+le%ge Hapanese
technicians coul% onl %iscuss ra%io# engineering# an% other
scientific concepts b learning the appropriate ter"s in &ng.
lish. There is nothing particularl re"arkable about that be.
cause +e ha$e so"e+hat the sa"e state of affairs in 7estern
countries +here t+o %octors of %ifferent nationalities an% not
un%erstan%ing a +or% of each other0s language# coul% still
%iscuss "e%ical ter"s an% treat"ents b using the co""on
language of /atin.
-a%io operators# inclu%ing a"ateurs# can con$erse (uite
+ell b using abbre$iations an% highl stliDe% co%es so that
the can un%erstan% each other e$en though the language of
each is unkno+n to the other. 6ossibl ou ha$e hear% of
)P.-.M.* "eaning noise or static# or )P.-.T.* +hich asks a
person to be silent.
Nir$ana is a +or% or concept +hich is usuall (uite beon%
7estern co"prehension. 6robabl Nir$ana is the "ost "is.
un%erstoo% of &astern ter"s. 6eople in the 7est think that the
goo% &asterner Cust +ants to sit an% s"ell the flo+ers4in this
case the lotus4an% "ake hi"self into nothingness. At is often
thought that Nir$ana is total e!tinction of life lea%ing to a

state +here nothing e!ists# +here nothing is# +here there is no
"e"or# no action# nothing. Nir$ana is too fre(uentl re.
gar%e% b the 7esterners as an e!a"ple of the perfect
$acuu"# an% the shun &astern religions +hich the think# in
their ignorance# lea% to a state of co"plete an% utter nothing.
This is absolutel incorrect# Nir$ana %oes not "ean a
Hea$en or the opposite# it %oes not "ean a place +here there is
nothing +hate$er.not e$en a place! At is not possible to e!ist
in a state of nothingness# an% et again# the a$erage 7esterner
thinks that the A%ept# or Master# or 2uru# or &nlightene%
One# stri$es to attain to a state +here he forgets e$erthing
+hich he has stri$en to learn an% in +hich he no longer kno+s
anthing# no longer feels anthing# no longer e!ists. This is
ri%iculous! This is fantasticall absur%# an% one +oul% ha$e
thought that or%inar co""onsense +oul% ha$e in%icate%
that there is no possibilit of e!isting +here nothing can
The A%epts# the 2uru# the Master or &nlightene% One# or
+hate$er ou like to call hi"# seeks Nir$ana. Nir$ana is not
the negation of e$erthing as is usuall suppose%# it is instea%
the eli"ination of those %esires +hich are +rong# it is the
eli"ination of scan%al# the eli"ination of perCur# gree%# lust#
an% other faults. The &nlightene% Ones stri$e so that the are
e"pt of e$il e"otion# an% thus their soul can rise +ithin the"
an% lea$e the bo% at +ill.
'efore people can %o conscious astral tra$elling the ha$e to
purge their thoughts# the ha$e to be sure that the %o not
+ant to tra$el Cust for i%le curiosit or so that the can peer in
on the pri$ate affairs of another person. At is absolutel essen.
tial that before a person can astral tra$el consciousl an% un%er
full control# the "ust get ri% of gross lusts an% %esires.
An the 1ar &ast "an people can astral tra$el consciousl#
"an people +ho are on the spiritual 6ath# that is. 'ut in the
&ast the facts of life are treate% %ifferentl# an% +e "a ha$e
cause to %eal +ith that later. An the 7estern +orl% it is rare
in%ee% for a person to consciousl astral tra$el +hile the sins
of the flesh keep the souls enchaine%. One of the "ore usual
"etho%s of keeping the soul in bon%s is the +rong sort of se!
life. There shoul% be no se! life +hate$er unless the "an an%
+o"an are in lo$eE if these people are in lo$e# then a nor"al
se! life increases the strength of the auric current of each#

bringing luster an% clarit to the color of the aura as an
clair$oant can tell.
Af a "an an% +o"an engage in a se!ual life Cust for "ere
ani"al pleasure# then the %arken the colors of the aura an%
the +eaken the fluctuations of the current. Man of the
&astern schools of occult thought# +arn an% +arn again that the
+rong sort of se! shoul% not be in%ulge% in if one is tring to
progress. 5nfortunatel 7estern translations# or "istransla.
tions# state that the &asterner has no se! life at all in spiritual
planes. This again is +rong. Se! is all right if the t+o people
nee% it an% if the are trul in lo$e.
An the An%ian te"ples an% in the Tibetan te"ples# too# there
are pictures +hich 7estern people in their blin%ness ha$e
thought to be erotic# obscene# or pornographic. At is not so# an%
it %oes not in an +a upset the &asterner to gaDe upon these
pictures. The see the pictures for +hat the are# the see that
this is a re"in%er of +hat can be. The se!ual act is the genera.
tion of life# it is the generation of stronger auric currents# an%
the pictures +hich trul a%orn the +alls of te"ples in An%ia
an% Tibet sho+ the true se!ual life# an% also the +rong se!ual
life# so that the initiate "a co"pare the t+o because# after all#
ho+ can ou kno+ +hat is +rong unless so"eone sho+s ou#
an% ho+ can ou %o a thing correctl unless so"eone tells ou
that alsoB The +rong for" of se!ual life lea%s to unpleasant
"anifestations# frigi%it# ner$ous troubles# an% causes a sup.
pression of the better instincts of Man an% of 7o"an# +hile
the correct for" of se!ual life# for those +ho nee% it# lea%s to
an increase in the spiritual abilities of both.
After a ti"e as the initiate progresses an% beco"es the &n.
lightene% One he can %o +ithout the fello+ship of those
aroun% hi"# he can %o +ithout a se! life# an% contrar to +hat
certain people belie$e he %oes not lose anthing thereb. Se!
life on &arth is a $er phsical thing# but as one progresses
higher an% higher the e!periences are e$en stronger# e$en
better# an%# ou "a be surprise% to kno+# +hen one lea$es
this &arth for the ne!t life it is utterl necessar# a )"ust* in
fact# that one has a kno+le%ge of the opposite se! in or%er that
one can obtain balance!
This is a goo% point to sa that +e shoul% not be %elu%e% b
all those peculiar people +ho clai" that the are great e!perts#
great Masters# great kno+.all0s in fact# because the ha$e rea%
a fe+ booksE books %o not gi$e e!perience# one can rea% a book

an% be +ithout kno+le%ge after. At is fantastic for a "an or a
+o"an to proclai" fro" the housetops that he or she is a great
&nlightene% A%ept because he or she has rea% a book b such.
an%.such a person# an% that so often occurs. Puite recentl A
ha% a letter fro" an illiterate fello+ in Australia +ho clai"e%
to be a great Teacher an% a great Master. He assure% "e he
+as an A$atar# he kne+ he +as this because his +ife ha% tol%
hi" so an% because he ha% rea% a book or t+o an% talke% a
The real ar%stick is# +hat e!perience has a person ha%B
7oul% ou# for e!a"ple# trust our life to an airline pilot +ho
ha% onl rea% a book about flingB 7oul% ou sail fro" here
to another continent on a ship co""an%e% b a ,aptain an%
officers +ho ha% "erel taken a correspon%ence course on ship
"anage"ent an% na$igationB Ob$iousl not. 5sing the sa"e
reasoning ou shoul% not entrust our training to an person
+ho has Cust rea% a fe+ books or +ho has a correspon%ence
course +hich the +ant to sell ou for high pa"ents for the
rest of our life. 'efore ou stu% anthing ou shoul% be
ac(uainte% +ith the e!perience of the person +ho" ou are
going to trust to teach ou.
7ell# it is ti"e +e got back to "e%itation. So "an people
%o not kno+ +hat "e%itation is. 7hat is itB Me%itation is a
special for" of concentration or %irecte% thinking +hich %isci.
plines the "in%# an% +hich for"s a special attitu%e of "in%.
Me%itation is that for" of %irecte% thought +hich enables us
to percei$e through the subconscious an% other sste"s that
+hich +oul% not be possible for us to percei$e in an other
Me%itation is of e!tre"e i"portance as it a+akens the "in%
to higher consciousness# an% per"its the "in% to 0tap in0 "ore
freel to the subconscious# Cust as a person can ha$e a large
librar an% go to his books for special infor"ation. 5nless that
person kno+s +here to look he can ha$e his large librar# but
the +ill be Cust so "uch +aste paper.
The %iscipline of "e%itation is essential if one is to "ake
an real progress in spiritual attain"ent. Hust as an ar"
+oul% be useless +ithout %iscipline an% +ithout %rill# so the
hu"an psche beco"es as a "e"ber of a rabble +ithout the
%iscipline an% training of "e%itation correctl applie%.
At is useless to tr to practice "e%itation b rea%ing a book
+hich has been +ritten b a person +ho cannot hi"self "e%i.

tate. So "an occult books are Cust in%igestible conglo"era.
tions of "isun%erstoo% &astern parablesE books +hich are
+ritten b people +ho reall %o not kno+ the first thing about
"e%itation# for it is clear that unless one can "e%itate oneself
one cannot tell other people ho+ to "e%itate!
At shoul% be re"e"bere% that in "an countries of the
+orl%4non.,hristian countries# that is4atten%ants at a
te"ple +oul% "e%itate before entering the te"ple# the +oul%
"e%itate so that their "in% +as clear an% opene% rea% to
recei$e# +hat one "ight ter" in 7estern parlance# <i$ine
-e$elation an% Anstruction. At is (uite useless to pra# for
e!a"ple# if one is Cust gi$ing a babble of instruction to one0s
2o%. At is useless to pra that one shall +in the beaut contest#
or that one shall +in the Arish S+eepstake. The process of
praing shoul% al+as be co""ence% b a perio% of "e%ita.
tion +hich clears the "in% of the garbage of thought# an%
"akes one rea% to recei$e infor"ation fro" higher planes. To
repeat4too "an people flap %o+n on their knees an% start
or%ering their 2o% to )%eli$er the goo%s*# then the sa that
praer ne$er +orks. 7ell# let the" tr "e%itation first. Me%i.
tation actuall has four %ifferent partsF

l. The first part is that "e%itational practice +hich
assists in the %e$elop"ent of the true personalit of the
"e%itator# an% if one can "e%itate an% %e$elop one0s per.
sonalit then one obtains a happier an% "ore successful life.
One beco"es happier in the personal aspects of life an% one
beco"es "ore successful in association +ith one0s fello+s#
that is# in +ork. Successful "e%itation here also increases
the "ental capacit.
9. The secon% stage of "e%itation is that +hich al"ost
auto"aticall follo+s fro" successful co"pletion of the first
stage. The secon% stage of "e%itation is that +hich brings
the phsical bo% in rapport +ith the O$erself an% brings
the O$erself in rapport +ith the Manu of the nation. 'efore
one can "e%itate to this# an% higher stan%ar%s# it is essential
that one has a pure an% lust.free life.
>. The ne!t stage of "e%itation is that +hich gi$es one all
the benefits of stage 8 an% stage 9# but +hich enables one in
a%%ition to ha$e full occult un%erstan%ing. That is# +hen
one reaches the thir% stage of "e%itation one is able to co".
prehen% an% appercei$e.

Appercei$e# of course# is %ifferent fro" percei$e. Apper.
cei$e is the "in%0s perception of itself (all that +hich
enables the O$erself to i"pro$e its o+n spiritual con%ition).
;. /astl# there is the "stical "e%itation# so calle% be.
cause it is so far re"o$e% fro" earthl concepts that it is
rather beon% the un%erstan%ing of those +ho ha$e not suc.
cee%e% in reaching that stage. The fourth stage of "e%ita.
tion takes us b +a of the Sil$er ,or% up to our O$erself#
an% then b +a of the 2ol%en ,or% of our O$erself into
the presence of that 2reat &ntit +hich# for +ant of a better
ter" %o+n here# +e call )2o%*. 'ut the first t+o stages of
"e%itation are the essential steps an% ou shoul% concen.
trate on the" first.
'efore taking up "e%itation it is essential that there shall be
a <iscipline because if one is plaing +ith "e%itation# one is
plaing +ith fire. 3ou +oul% not allo+ a chil% to pla +ith a
barrel of gunpo+%er an% a bo! of "atches# at least ou +oul%
allo+ hi" to %o it onl once! An the sa"e +a# ou "ust
e!ercise great restraint in practicing the higher stages of "eta.
Af ou get a little +ee% of a "an +ho su%%enl %eci%es that
he +ants to gain the "uscles of Mr. Atlas# he has to un%ergo
certain e!ercises# the poor fello+ cannot su%%enl grab a bar.
bell# etc.# an% put in t+ent.four hours a %a at e!ercises# he
+oul% ha$e a break%o+n. An the sa"e +a it is (uite necessar
that "e%itation be regar%e% as the e!ercises of the soul# an% if
ou rush into the practice of "e%itation like an A"erican tour.
ist rushing through the Vatican Cust to sa that he has been
there# then ou +ill fin% that our enthusias" +ill +ane. 3ou
"ust practice accor%ing to a prearrange% plan +ith %iscipline
an% "uch prior preparation because our +ee% little "an4if
he practices too "uch an% lifts too "uch an% e!ercises too
"uch# he +ill fin% that he is so stiff in his "uscles that he can
har%l "o$e. 'ut ou# re"e"ber# +ith "e%itation# ou can
beco"e stiff in the "in% an% that is a horrible state of affairs.
So in spite of all this# ou +ant to "e%itateB 3ou +ant to
reall go in for this thingB 7ell# let0s see ho+ ou like the ne!t
bitE to "e%itate ou "ust ha$e an absolutel (uiet ti"e in
our %a# an% ou shoul% "ake that ti"e in the earl "orning.
This is one of the reasons +h priests# etc.# "e%itate before
the eat. 3ou shoul% ha$e no foo% before "e%itating# an% ou

shoul% not "e%itate in be%# if ou tr that ou +ill fall asleep.
So4"ake arrange"ents to a+aken a8i hour earlier than usual#
an% +hen our alar" goes off an% +akens ou# get out of be%#
+ash an% %ress# because the process of +ashing an% %ressing
+ill a+aken ou so "uch that ou +ill not be te"pte% to cra+l
back into be% an% sleep.
Af ou reall +ant to %o this thing seriousl ou +ill ha$e
one corner of a roo" as our o+n Anner Sanctuar. 3ou +ill
ha$e a little shrine +hich +ill enable ou to fi! our attention
on that +hich ou are tring to %o. So# for those +ho are trul
serious# here is ho+ to procee%F
Ha$e a roo"# e$en a bo!.roo" +ill %o# as a Sanctuar# an%
keep the %oor of that roo" locke% +hen ou are not in it. Ha$e
a little table in a corner co$ere% +ith a +hite cloth. 5pon the
+hite cloth ha$e an i"age of# for e!a"ple# a Ho Tai the s".
bol of 2oo% /i$ing (no# ou are not +orshipping gra$en
i"ages ! Ho Tai is "erel a s"bol). Ha$e an incense burner
an% a stick of thick incense +hich ou shoul% light an% then
blo+ it out so that it Cust s"ol%ers in pleasant s"oke. At +ill
help if ou ha$e pre$iousl ti"e% the burning of the incense
such as# for instance# to the half hour# so that +hen our in.
cense goes out ou cease our "e%itation.
The serious "e%itator +ill +ear a special "e%itation robe
because the +hole i%ea of the "e%itation robe is that ou are
shiel%ing ourself fro" outsi%e influences. The "e%itation
robe "ust be $er full# +ith long# loose slee$es# an% +ith a
co+l to pull o$er the hea%. 3ou can get these of thin black silk#
or if ou fin% that too e!pensi$e# thin black cotton. 7hen the
"e%itation robe is not in use it shoul% be put into a black silk
case +here it cannot be touche% b other clothing. 3ou "a
think all this is rather theatrical# but it is not ou kno+# it is
the best +a of getting the %esire% results# an% if ou +ant the
%esire% results ou ha$e to +ork accor%ing to the rules. So.
+ear our "e%itation robe +hen ou are going to "e%itate.
No+ that ou ha$e our roo"# our "e%itation robe# our
Ho Tai# an% our incense# go to that roo" an% sit %o+n
(uietl. At %oes not "atter ho+ ou sit# ou %o not ha$e to sit
cross.legge%. Sit in an +a +hich is co"fortable to ou an%
+hich pre$ents ou fro" getting cra"ps or t+inges because in
the earl stages ou cannot "e%itate if ou are in %isco"fort.
7hen ou ha$e sat for a fe+ "o"ents in (uiet ,ONT&M.
6/ATAON# ou shoul% repeat the praerF


/et "e this %a# li$ing " life %a b %a in the "anner
prescribe%# control an% %irect " i"agination.
/et "e this %a# li$ing " life %a b %a in the "anner
prescribe%# control " %esires an% " thoughts that A be
purifie% thereb.
/et "e this %a an% all %as# keep " i"agination an%
" thoughts %irecte% fir"l upon the task +hich has to be
acco"plishe% that success "a co"e thereb.
A +ill at all ti"es li$e " life %a b %a# controlling
i"agination an% thought.

3ou +ill ha$e seen that the roo" is not light# of course# but
$er +ell sha%e%# fairl %ark in fact so that e$erthing appears
gre rather than black. 3ou +ill soon fin% the a"ount of %ark.
ness +hich suits ou best.
Af ou take a glass of col% +ater an% hol% that glass bet+een
our t+o han%s so that our pal"s an% fingers are aroun% the
glass but not o$erlapping on to the top# ou +ill fin% that ou
+ill be in a suitable position for another e!ercise. No+ sli%e
the fingers of one han% so that the fit in bet+een the spaces of
the fingers of the other han%# so that ou ha$e as "uch of our
han%s an% fingers on the glass as ou can "anage.
Sit (uietl an% take a %eep breath. Tr those e!ercises
+hich are "entione% in Wisdom of the Ancients# but take a
%eep breath an% allo+ the air to be e!hale% +ith a long# long#
%ra+n.out soun%. The soun% is 0-rrrrrr Aaaaaaa0. 3ou "ust
%o it alou%# ou %o not ha$e to shout it# ou can %o it softl
although $er clearl# an% ou "ust treat it seriousl because
it is a serious practice. -epeat this three ti"es# then sit an%
+atch for se$eral "inutes as the o%onetic# or "agnetiDe%#
+ater focuses the etheric of the bo% into a clou% aroun% the
glass of +ater. At +ill con%ense (the etheric) so that ou shoul%
easil see the (uite hea$ haDe +hich +ill re"in% ou of blue
cigarette s"oke con%ense% into a clou%# or if ou prefer# re.
"in% ou of incense s"oke con%ense% into a clou%.
7hen ou ha$e %one this for a +eek or t+o# or perhaps a
"onth or t+o# %epen%ing upon our seriousness# ou +ill be
able to see so"e of our life.force in the +ater# an% +hen the
life.force gets into the +ater it charges the +ater Cust the sa"e
as so%a +ater sparkles# but the sparks an% sparkles that ou
+ill see fro" our o+n life.force +ill be flashes of light# lines#
an% s+irlings of $arious colors. <o not rush things because

ou ha$e plent of ti"eE after all# ou %o not gro+ an oak tree
o$ernight# an% the "ore serious ou are the "ore success ou
+ill ha$e an% the success e$entuall +ill turn that glass of
+ater into a "iniature uni$erse +ith sparkles of "ulti.hue%
fire %arting an% s+irling +ithin the confines of the glass.
3ou shoul% arrange our "e%itation into a %efinite pattern#
or ti"etable. At is a $er goo% i%ea to ha$e a rosar so that ou
can keep check on our stages of "e%itation. 3ou can obtain a
'u%%hist rosar# or ou can "ake our o+n rosar of %ifferent
siDes of bea%s# but no "atter +hat "etho% ou use ou shoul%
keep to a $er rigi% ti"etable. 3ou "ust "e%itate in the sa"e
roo" an% at the sa"e ti"e an% +earing the sa"e "e%itation
robe. Start b selecting one thought or one i%ea# an% sitting
(uietl before our little altar. Tr to eli"inate all outsi%e
thoughts# center our attention +ithin ourself# an% there
"e%itate upon that i%ea +hich ou ha$e %eci%e% upon. As ou
concentrate ou +ill fin% that a faint shaking starts +ithin ouE
that is nor"al# that faint $ibration sho+s that the "e%itation
sste" is +orking. SuggestionsF

8. Ha$e as a first "e%itation the "e%itation of lo$e. An this
ou think kin% thoughts to+ar%s all creatures +ho li$e. Af
enough people think kin% thoughts# then e$entuall so"e of it
+ill rub off on other people# an% if +e coul% get enough people
to think kin% thoughts instea% of $icious thoughts the +orl%
+oul% be a $er %ifferent place.
9. After the first "e%itation of lo$e# ou can concentrate on
the secon% "e%itation +hich causes ou to think of those in
%istress. As ou think of those in %istress ou reall )li$e* their
sorro+s an% their "iseries# an% out of our co"passion ou
sen% thoughts4ras4of un%erstan%ing an% s"path.
>. An the thir% "e%itation ou think of the happiness of
others# ou reCoice that at last the ha$e attaine% the pros.
perit an% all that for +hich the long. 3ou think of these
things# an% ou proCect to the outsi%e +orl% thoughts of Co.
;. The fourth "e%itation is the "e%itation of e$il. An this
ou allo+ our "in% to "e%itate upon sin an% illness. 3ou
think ho+ narro+ is the "argin bet+een sanit an% insanit#
health# an% sickness. 3ou think ho+ brief is the pleasure of the
"o"ent# an% ho+ all.enco"passing the e$il of gi$ing in to the
pleasure of the "o"ent. Then ou think of the sorro+ +hich
can be cause% b pan%ering to e$il.

G. The fifth "e%itation is that in +hich +e attain serenit
an% tran(uillit. An the "e%itation of serenit ou rise abo$e
the "un%ane plane# ou rise abo$e feelings of hate# ou soar
abo$e e$en feelings of earthl lo$e because earthl lo$e is a
$er poor substitute for the real thing. An the "e%itation of
serenit ou are no longer bothere% b oppression nor %o ou
fear# nor %o ou +ant +ealth for its o+n sake but onl for the
goo% +hich ou can bring to others +ith it. An the "e%itation
of serenit ou can regar% our o+n future +ith tran(uillit
kno+ing that ou at all ti"es are going to %o our best an% li$e
our life accor%ing to our o+n stage of e$olution. Those +ho
ha$e attaine% to such a state are +ell on the +a of e$olution#
an% those +ho are can place reliance upon their kno+le%ge an%
upon their inner kno+le%ge to free the" fro" the +heel of
birth an% %eath.

3ou "a +on%er +hat co"es after "e%itation. 7ell# trance
co"es after. 7e ha$e to use the +or% 0trance0 for +ant of a
better ter". Actuall trance is a state of "e%itation in +hich
the real )ou* goes out an% lea$es the bo% as one +oul% part
fro" an% lea$e a car.
No+# as +e all kno+ fre(uentl to our cost# if one has a
parke% car one so"eti"es gets that car stolen b car thie$es.
An the sa"e +a# if people "e%itate %eepl enough to enter
+hat +e "ust ter" the trance state +ithout clearing their
"in% of lusts# etc.# then the in$ite )stealing* b other entities.
The trance state is a highl %angerous state unless one first
practices un%er capable super$ision.
There are $arious for"s of ele"entals an% %iscarnate en.
tities +ho are al+as pro+ling about to see ho+ "uch "ischief
the can %o# an% if the can %o a lot of "ischief b taking o$er
a person0s bo%# then the are $er happ to ha$e so"e fun
Cust as teenagers +ill so"eti"es steal a car to go racing roun%
the roa%sE no %oubt the teenagers full inten% to return the car
unhar"e%# but fre(uentl the car is har"e%. An% so +hen a
bo% is taken o$er fre(uentl it is har"e%.
/et "e repeat that if our thoughts are pure# if our in.
tentions are pure# an% if ou are +ithout fear# then ou cannot
be in$a%e%# obsesse%# or taken o$er# there is nothing to fear
e!cept fear itself. /et "e repeat thatE if ou be not afrai% ou
ra%iate an aura +hich protects our bo% "uch the sa"e as a
burglar alar" can protect a house# an% if our thoughts are

pure an% ou ha$e no lusts# then +hen the lust of taking o$er a
bo% tingles our consciousness ou i""e%iatel look %o+n
the Sil$er ,or% an% see +hat it is# Cust the sa"e as a far"er
keeps a +atch on his orchar% to protect his apples! 3ou cannot
be obsesse% or taken o$er or in$a%e% unless ou are afrai%. 'ut
if ou are afrai% of such things4+ell# for our o+n peace of
"in% an% for our o+n peace of bo% %o not pla +ith the
%eep trance stage of "e%itation.
A a" greatl oppose% to hpnotis" e!cept +ith the $er
greatest of safeguar%s# for if ou are put into a hpnotic trance
b an ine!perience% person he can ha$e an a+ful lot of fears
+on%ering if ou +ill be all right# +on%ering if he can get ou
out of the trance# etc. The hpnotic trance is a passi$e trance#
it is a trance +hich is cause% b a series of po+erful sug.
estions strengthene% b a person0s belief that he or she can be
hpnotiDe%. Actuall# +hen a person is hpnotiDe% con%itions
are "uch the sa"e as +hen a person goes cross.ee% because
the etheric %ouble is thro+n slightl out of snchroniDation
+hich "eans that the phsical an% the etheric bo%ies are no
longer in co"plete coinci%ence +ith each other.
Af ou get a ba% hpnotist he can %o a tre"en%ous a"ount
of %a"age# he can har" ou for ears. After all# ou +oul% not
go to a surgeon +ho ha% Cust learne% his surgical techni(ue b
taking a correspon%ence course# ou +ant a person +ho can
operate surel an% co"petentl. So4for the sake of our
health an% our sanit# %o not allo+ a"ateurs to "e%%le about
+ith ou. Af ou +ant for so"e reason# or ou ha$e for so"e
reason# to be hpnotiDe%# then get in touch +ith so"e "e%ical
association in our o+n area an% the +ill be able to tell ou of
so"e ethical "e%ical hpnotist +ho has been traine% un%er
carefull super$ise% con%itions. 3ou "a think that A a" o$er.
stressing the %angers# but.oh! 3ou shoul% see so"e of the
letters that A recei$e about har" +hich has been cause% b
inept# cri"inall careless %abblers in hpnotis". -e"e"ber
that +hen ou are hpnotiDe% our soul is pushe% out of
coinci%ence +ith the centers of our consciousness.
An the case of "e%iu"s# the are often people +ho get into a
%rea" state of trance# a %rea" state of hpnosis# for con.
siousl or unconsciousl the lightl hpnotiDe the"sel$es so
that the are hper.suggestible# an% in such a case the can be
use% as a telephone b people on the other si%e of life. 'ut
re"e"ber +hat +e ha$e sai%# +hat +e ha$e learne% together

about %iscarnate entities. The reall goo% people +ho ha$e
passe% o$er are too bus to fool aroun% gi$ing "essages at
5n%er certain con%itions# of course# one can ha$e a $er
skille% an% conscientious person +ho can go into this trance in
the phsical an% still re"ain alert in the astral# an% so can in
effect super$ise the tpe of person +ho is gi$ing "essages to
the group of sitters belo+. This is a $er useful tool +hen one
is %oing %etaile% research# but it is utterl essential to "ake
sure that the seance be not interrupte% b noise or b the
une!pecte% entr of other people.
There is a $er special for" of occult trance# the A%ept calls
it 0te"ple sleep0# an% this is an absolutel %ifferent tpe of
trance fro" an of those pre$iousl "entione% because the
Anitiate +ho has stu%ie% all this un%er te"ple con%itions
kno+s +hat he is %oing# an% he can thro+ hi"self %eliberatel
into the trance state Cust the sa"e as a person can thro+ hi".
self into a car an% %ri$e off# he is un%er his o+n control an%
cannot be obsesse% b others. 'ut# of course# this %epen%s
upon ha$ing ears of practice# an% until a person has ha% the
necessar e!perience he shoul% al+as be un%er the "ost care.
ful super$ision of a person +ho has ha% such e!perience.
The a$erage person plaing about +ith trance states has a
$er useful protecti$e sste"E ou tr plaing about +ith a
trance# an% if ou are a nor"al %ecent person ou +ill fin% that
ou fall asleep! That pre$ents ou fro" being in$a%e% b
%iscarnate entities. 'ut e$en here there are t+o gra$e %anger
spots# for e!a"pleF 3ou are a+ake# e$en though in a trance
state# but then ou fall asleep. No+ at the instant +hen ou are
bet+een a+akeMasleep ou are $ulnerable to obsession Cust the
sa"e as ou are $ulnerable to obsession +hen (un%er these
con%itions) ou ha$e gone to sleep an% no+ a+aken. 6lease
note that this onl refers to +hen people are plaing about
+ith hpnotis" or trances# an% there is no %anger +hate$er in
the a+akeMasleep an% asleepMa+ake of or%inar %a an% night
At follo+s fro" all this that ou +oul% not be $er +ise to
"e%%le +ith trance states unless ou are carefull super$ise%#
%oesn0t it B
An certain te"ples the person being traine% is super$ise% b
t+o senior la"as +ho are able to keep contact +ith +hate$er
the acolte is thinking# an% b their gentle but fir" gui%ance

the acolte is pre$ente% fro" %oing an har" to hi"self or
ha$ing cause% an har" to anone else. 7hen the acolte can
pass certain tests# then he is per"itte% to go into %eep trances
b hi"self an% usuall one of the first things he +ill %o is to go
into a $er %eep trance# +hat +e ter" the 0trance of $ision0.
This is a %eep trance in%ee%# an% the Anitiate +ill be co".
pletel i""obile# he "ight appear to be utterl rigi%# e$en
+ith har% flesh. An this particular state he is still +ithin his
bo%# but is $er "uch like a "an on top of a high to+er +ho
has a high.po+ere% telescope +hich enables hi" to see $er
clearl an% greatl "agnifie%. The "an +ith the telescope can
turn in an %irection# an% can see +hat is going on +ith start.
ling clarit.
One %oes not get out of the bo% in the trance of $ision#
instea% ou ha$e to +ait an% practice the trance of proCection
before ou can get out# an% in this case the bo% is li"p an%
flacci%# an% is in a cataleptic con%ition +ith all consciousness
being +ith%ra+n an% the bo% re"aining# as it +ere# un%er the
super$ision of the caretaker. 'reathing goes on at a $er "uch
re%uce% rate# an% the heart.beat is re%uce% an% life Cust flo+s
$er leisurel in%ee%.
1irst of all# +hen ou get in these trances ou +ill +on%er if
+hat ou are seeing is i"agination# but +ith practice ou +ill
kno+# that +hich is real an% +ill easil %etect that +hich is
"erel a thought proCection fro" so"e other entit# +hether
incarnate or %iscarnate.
To gi$e ou an illustrationE ou are so"e+here# an+here
ou like# sitting at peace an% %oing %eep trance "e%itation. Af
ou let our consciousness +an%er +ill.nill +ithout ha$ing
"uch control of it ou "ight fin% ourself near a person +ho
has ha% too "uch to %rink# an% ou "a be horrifie% to see all
"anner of (ueer ani"als +riggling aroun% hi". 3es# those
stripe% elephants reall %o e!ist in thought for"! 7orse than
that# though# supposing ou allo+ ourself to Cust +an%er an%
ou fin% ourself near a $er# $er ba%.te"pere% "an +ith
"ur%er in his heartE if he is thinking of "ur%er# then ou# ou
poor sufferer# +ill see the actual scenes as if the +ere realit
instea% of Cust thought# an% ou "a co"e back to our bo%
+ith such a Cerk that ou +ill get a hea%ache for the ne!t
t+ent.four hours thinking that ou ha$e +itnesse% a "ur%er
or +orse!
The initiate% "etaphsician can easil recogniDe that +hich

is real an% that +hich is i"aginar# but it is again a%$ise% that
unless ou ha$e so"e real reason for %eep trance# ou lea$e it
Af ou +ill not hee% that a%$ice# +ell hee% thisE if in a %eep
trance or in the astral ou fin% horrible entities "aking faces at
ou or +orse# then ou "erel ha$e to think strong thoughts at
the" that ou are not afrai%# an% if ou %o that ou +ill fin%
that these people %isappear. The can onl fee% on fear# an% if
ou are not afrai% the are actuall repelle%.
An sincere frien%ship A a%$ise ou not to allo+ ourself to be
hpnotiDe% e!cept b a co"petent "e%ical person# an% A a%.
$ise ou not to un%ergo trance e!cept un%er (ualifie% super.
$ision. The or%inar "e%itation is perfectl safe# no har" at
all can co"e to ou because ou are in full possession of all
our faculties. So4"e%itate an% enCo it i""ensel. A$oi%
hpnotis" an% %eep trance because the +ill not further our
%e$elop"ent one iota.


,HA6T&- NAN&
AS AST-A/ T-AV&/ 1O- 3O5B
TH& %ark "ists of night gra%uall turne% gre an% slo+l
retreate% fro" the rising sun. 1or so"e ti"e %ank ten%rils of
fog rose up fro" the long grass. Soon one coul% %iscern the ol%.
+orl% $illage of Much Nattering nestling %eep in the $alle
for"e% b the ,ots+ol% Hills. A forest sprea% %o+n the slopes
as if threatening to engulf the little $illage# through the centre
of the "ain street a s"all brooklet t+inkle% an% tinkle% along#
carring +ith it all the refuse of an ol%er ci$iliDation.
Much Nattering +as a tpical &nglish $illage +ith s"all
stone houses thatche% +ith ello+ rushes fro" the nearb
"arshes. At the far en% of the $illage +as the Village 2reen#
in the centre of it the %ucking pool +here the scol%s +ere
%ippe% in the chair at the en% of a long bea" proCecting far out
o$er the stagnant# sli"e.co$ere% +ater. 1arther along# nearer
the $illage si%e of the pon%# +as a s"all stone platfor"# prob.
abl the re"ains of an ol% basalt eruption fro" the "ountain.
si%e. Here it +as the custo" to take +itches an% thro+ the" in
the +ater to see if the sank or s+a". Af the sank an%
%ro+ne% the +ere innocentE if the s+a"# then it +as a%.
Cu%ge% that the <e$il +as supporting the" an% so the poor
+retch +oul% be thro+n back again until e$entuall )the
<e$il0s ar" got tire%* an% she %ro+ne%.
The "apole +as still %ecke% +ith its ribbons# for ester%a
ha% been a Hol <a an% the outh of the $illage ha% been
%ancing the "apole an% plighting their troth.
As the light increase% an% the %a a%$ance%# s"all trickles
of s"oke seepe% up fro" holes in "u% roofs# or fro" s"all
chi"nes in thatche% roofs# signs that the eo"en of &nglan%
ha% bestirre% the"sel$es to get their breakfasts before setting
out for their +ork. 'reakfast.ale to %rink an% %r rough
brea% to eat# for in those %as there +as no such thing as tea or
coffee# no cocoa# an% rarel4perhaps once a ear4%i% the
eat "eat of an kin%# onl the richer fa"ilies kne+ the taste of
an "eat# the rest4that +hich the coul% pro%uce in their
o+n localit.

There ca"e the soun%s of "uch bustle# the soun%s of "uch
"o$e"ent. Soon "en +ere pouring out of %oors going to
shippens or barns or going out into the fiel%s to catch an%
harness horses. The +o"enfolk +ere bus insi%e their houses#
clearing up# %usting# "aking# an% "en%ing# an% +on%ering
ho+ to "ake %o +ith the s"all a"ount of "one a$ailable# for
so "uch +as %one b barter# an% no+ e$erone in the $illage
kne+ +hat e$erone else ha%# an% it +as ti"e for so"e of the
Tra$elling Men to co"e an% bring ne+ ite"s.
The "orning +ore on# shining bright shafts of sunlight
along the $illage street reflecting brightl fro" the greenish
bull0s.ee glass in so"e of the +in%o+s. Soon there ca"e a
great co""otionE Mistress Helen High+ater pounce% out of a
house at the en% of a street an% poun%e% %o+n the cobble%
+a# her ol% elastic.si%e% boots peeping shl fro" beneath
her $olu"inous skirts as the s+irle% slightl +ith the spee% of
her passing. 'eneath the beribbone% poke.bonnet +hich she
+ore her face shone bright re% an% +as co$ere% +ith a thin
fil" of perspiration. On she s+ept like a full.rigge% schooner
racing before a +inter gale# )clack clack# clack clack# clack
clack*# tappe% her heels on the tops of the s"ooth cobbles.
&$er so often she turne% her hea% +ithout stopping her hea%.
long flight# turne% to peer o$er her shoul%er as if she thought
she "ight be pursue% b the <e$il. Hust a glance# then on she
+ent +ith rene+e% $igor# her breath co"ing in short puffs
an% pants. Soon# b the ti"e she reache% the en% of the street#
her breath +as co"ing in a series of staccato grunts.
At the en% of the cobble% street she turne% right to +here
the apothecar0s shop stoo% in solitar splen%or Cust apart
fro" the rest of the houses. 1or a "o"ent she pause% in her
hea%long flight an% looke% about her once again# then she
looke% up at the lea%e% +in%o+s abo$e her. 6eering aroun%
the si%e of the house she sa+ that the apothecar0s horse +as
not tethere%# so returning to the front again she %ashe% up the
three +orn stone steps an% pushe% open the soli% oaken %oor.
),lang clang# clang clang* +ent a little bell as she pushe% her
+a into a %ark an% gloo" roo".
O%ours assaile% her fro" e$er (uarter# "usk an% cinna.
"on# le"on# san%al+oo%# an% pine# an% other strange scents
+hich her nostrils coul% not i%entif. She stoo% there panting
an% puffing an% tring to get back her breath# +hen fro" a


roo" behin% the shop appeare% another +o"an# the apothe.
car0s +ife.
)Oh# A%a Shakes!* sai% Helen High+ater. )A sa+ it again last
night# there she +as up in the sk +ith the "oon as her back.
groun%# she +as nekki%# nekki% as a Cabir% an% ri%ing on a
big birch broo".* She shu%%ere% an% looke% as if she +as
about to faint# so A%a Shakes hurrie% for+ar% an% gui%e% her
to a chair b the si%e of the little counter.
)There# there#* she crie%# )Cust ou get ourself set %o+n an%
tell "e all about it. A +ill pour up a "easure of ale an% then
ou +ill feel better.*
Helen High+ater sighe% %ra"aticall an% allo+e% her ees
to roll hea$en+ar%s. )There A +as#* she sai%# )stan%ing in "
shift before the be%roo" +in%o+ looking out upon 2o%0s glor
of the "oon an% the night sk.* She pause% an% sighe% again.
)Su%%enl#* she continue%# )A looke% to+ar%s the right an% a
big ol% o+l fle+ across the +in%o+# an% as he fle+ across A sa+
that he +as fleeing fro" so"ething. A crane% " neck to the
right# an% there she +as soaring across the sk# +ith not a bit
of a shift upon her# an% A thought# IOh %ear "e# all those "en
+ho +ere out benights an% the gpsies %o+n b the co$ert#
+hate$er +oul% the think to see a Satan0s <aughter sailing
o$erhea% so!J *
A%a Shakes poure% out "ore ale an% the %rank together in
silence for a +hile. Then the apothecar0s +ife sai%# )/et us go
together an% tell this tale to our priest# the -e$eren% Mr.
<ogui%# he +ill kno+ +hat to %o +ith it. No+ ou Cust get
our breath back +hile A get " bonnet on an% +e +ill be out
together# A +ill ha$e the apprentice look after the shop.* 7ith
that she turne% on her heel an% hurrie% into the back roo"
+here Helen High+ater hear% her gi$ing or%ers in a short#
sharp tone of $oice.
Soon the t+o la%ies# chattering a+a like "agpies# +ere
hurring %o+n the si%e roa% to+ar%s the parsonage# an% to.
+ar%s a conference +ith the +orth pastor an% keeper of their
souls# the -e$eren% Mr. <ogui%.
Miles a+a in a s"all $illage far fro" /on%on# the fierce
,ar%inal 7olse turne% restlessl on his be%. He +as "aking
his plans to hunt +itches# "aking his plans to "ake an% un.
"ake kings an% bring austerit to princes as +ell as to paupers.
He ha% retire% to his countr "ansion at the Village of Ha"p.
ton# so"e "iles fro" /on%on To+n. &$en then he +as plan.

ning to rebuil% the "ansion an% "ake it into a $eritable ,ourt
to ri$a8 that of the King in /on%on. 'ut no+ the ,ar%inal#
+ho little kne+ that in future ears his na"e +oul% be a tra%e.
"ark for un%er+ear# tosse% restlessl# +hile throughout the
length an% brea%th of &nglan% his Special An$estigators
pro+le%# +atchful# hoping to be le% to +itches that the coul%
be torture% an% burne% at the stake to the glor of 2o% an% to
sa$e their souls.
The +orth ,ar%inal pon%ere% upon all these things# an% he
leane% back upon his soft cushions an% thought +ith s"ug
co"placenc ho+ he +oul% reorganiDe Hea$en +hen he
e$entuall got there# although he ha% no plans to lea$e the
&arth at the "o"ent as he +as enCoing "uch po+er.
'ack in the Village of Much Nattering# the t+o la%ies stoo%
up to take lea$e of the -e$eren% Mr. <ogui%. )7ell# then
la%ies#* he sai% so"berl# )+e +ill keep +atch on that +i%o+ of
+ho" ou spoke# an% +e +ill see +hat +e shall see# an% ha$.
ing seen +e shall act to the glor of 2o%.* He no%%e% gra$el
an% ushere% A%a Shakes an% Helen High+ater out of the
parsonage %oor.
1or the rest of the %a little groups of +o"en coul% be seen
furti$el +hispering to each other# an% peering up to+ar%s the
forest +hich loo"e% at the peri"eter of the $illage. There +as
"uch no%%ing of hea%s an% shaking of hea%s# "uch fol%ing of
han%s beneath aprons. The "en# ignorant of +hat +as going
on# looke% "stifie% at the strange %oings of their +o"enfolk#
as "en al+as %o anho+# an% Cust put it %o+n to a for" of
"oon."a%ness +hich ca"e upon +o"en e$er so often.
<o+n b the "apole a s"all group of bos an% girls
t+irle% an% t+iste% an% prance% aroun% as the practice% the
steps for a ne+ "apole %ance +hich the +ere shortl going
to perfor" before $isitors fro" another $illage.
Soon the sha%o+s of night gathere%# an% back fro" the
%arkening fiel%s ca"e the "en +ho ha% labore% long
throughout the %a# %rooping +ith +eariness the tru%ge%
along the cobble% streets an% lurche% into their ho"es. An the
sha%o+ of the parsonage four "en +aite% silentl# leaning up
against the +all# talking in the lo+est of lo+ +hispers. Then as
the %arkness beca"e "ore profoun% a figure appeare% fro"
the si%e %oor of the parsonageF it +as the -e$eren% Mr.
<ogui% hi"self. The four "en respectfull touche% a forelock
to the parson# he sai%# )1ollo+ "e to the +i%o+0s cottage# A

ha$e sent a "essenger to fetch the interrogators.* So saing# he
turne% an% stro%e off circu"na$igating the "ain part of the
$illage an% hea%ing to+ar%s the forest. 1or so"e t+ent
"inutes the +alke%# an% then the entere% the %ark sha%o+s
cast b the pine trees. Here progress +as (uite %ifficult# here
there +as onl the purple loo" fro" the night sk +hich
filtere% %o+n through bare branches# but through fa"iliarit
the coul% feel an% %etect their +a# so the presse% on# tring
to be as silent as the coul%. At last the approache% a clearing
an% passe% b a pile of haDel t+igs an% so"e re"nants of
charcoal. 6assing that the turne% to the left an% sa+ the %ark
outline of a rough hut ahea% of the". No+ their caution +as
e!tre"e# the "o$e% carefull +ith co"plete circu"spection#
softl the tiptoe% across the clearing to the hut.
An single file the approache% the +in%o+ +hich +as
roughl curtaine%# but the "erest chink of light shone out. The
priest "o$e% for+ar% an% put an ee to the chink# an% looke%
insi%e. Ansi%e he sa+ a sparse roo"# roughl furnishe% +ith
ho"e."a%e furniture cut fro" the trees the"sel$es. The light
he sa+ +as the light fro" a burning pine knot on +hich the
resin still %rippe% %o+n. As it flare% an% sputtere%# he coul%
see that in the center of the roo" +as an ol% +o"an sitting on
the floor. ' carefull listening he coul% %etect that she +as
"u"bling so"ething# but so"e "o"ents he stoo% there +atch.
ing an% listening. Then out of the %arkness s+oope% a bat# it
%i$e% %o+n an% clutche% the hair of one of the "enE +ith a
shriek of terror# he leapt to his feet an% then fell flat on his
face# petrifie% +ith fright.
As the priest an% the three other "en looke% in stupefie%
astonish"ent the %oor of the hut creake% open# an% in it stoo%
the ol% +o"an. The priest +as gal$aniDe% into life# %ra"atic.
all pointing a forefinger at her he shoute%# )<aughter of
Satan# +e ha$e co"e for ou!* The ol% +o"an# struck +ith
terror# an% +ell kno+ing the fate in store for her# fell to her
knees +ailing. At a sign fro" the priest# the three other "en#
no+ slo+l follo+e% b the fourth +ho sheepishl cli"be% to
his feet# +ent to the ol% +o"an# t+o hel% her ar"s roughl
behin% her an% t+o entere% the hut. The ru""age% aroun%#
an% not fin%ing an spells or signs of "agical instru"ents# the
o$erturne% the pine knot into a pile of pine nee%les so that the
hut flare%# an% as the "en retreate%# burne% to the groun%.
An the base"ent of the church the ol% +o"an knelt before

the priest. )A ha$e sent for the Anterrogators#* he thun%ere%.
)3ou are a <aughter of Satan# ou ha$e saile% across the sk
nake% in co"pan +ith Satan!*
The poor ol% +o"an shrieke% +ith terror# kno+ing that as
her house ha% been burne%# Cu%ge"ent ha% been passe% upon
her +ithout an trial. )3ou are going to be kept in a cell for the
night to a+ait the pleasure of His MaCest0s An$estigators#*
sai% the priest# an% turning to the four "en he instructe% the"
to take the ol% +o"an to the local prison an% keep her locke%
up until the ne!t "orning.
/ate the ne!t "orning there +as the thun%er of hoo$es
along the har%.packe% earth roa%# en%ing in a clatter as the
horse"en Coine% the cobble% "ain street an% reine%.in at the
parsonage. 1ro" the lea%ing horse %escen%e% His MaCest0s
Anterrogator of 7itches# a surl# bloate%.face% "an +ith nar.
ro+ pig.like ees. He +as follo+e% b his Assistant an% t+o
Torturers +ho lo$ingl re"o$e% the bags containing their in.
stru"ents of tra%e fro" the horses0 backs. Together the +ent
into the parsonage +here the priest +as e!pecting the". 1or
so"e ti"e there +as ani"ate% %iscussion# an% then the "en
left the parsonage an% "a%e their +a to the roo" +hich +as
use% as the local Cail. &ntering the seiDe% the ol% +o"an# +ho
+as no+ gibbering +ith terror# an% strippe% her of her cloth.
ing. &!a"ining her "inutel# inch b inch fro" hea% to foot#
the Cabbe% sharp pins into her to see if there +as an spot
+hich +as i""une to pain# one of the stan%ar% tests for
Soon also the put thu"b.scre+s upon her an% tightene%
the" until she screa"e% an% the scre+s ran re%.
Still ha$ing no confession fro" her# for in truth she ha%
nothing to confess# the seiDe% her b her hair an% %ragge% her
out at a run all the +a %o+n the cobble% $illage street to the
%ucking pon%# +here b no+ a cro+% of a$i%# eager spectators
ha% collecte% in the hope an% kno+le%ge of seeing a +itch
The ol% +o"an +as hel% upright nake% on the stone plat.
for" +hile "en +ent to each si%e of the pon%. Then the priest
stoo% in front of her an% sai%# )An the na"e of the 1ather# the
Son# an% the Hol 2host# A urge ou no+ to "ake our true
confession that accor%ing to 2o%0s "erc ou "a %ie kno+.
ing that our soul b sa$e%. ,onfess ere it be too late.* 7ith
that he "a%e the sign of the cross in the air an% stoo% asi%e.

The ol% +o"an +as speechless +ith terror.
1our "en grabbe% her b her ar"s an% legs# an% s+ung her
high into the air. 5p she +ent# an% turne% a so"ersault in the
air before falling hea% first into the scu""# stagnant pon%.
1or "o"ents there +ere Cust ripples on the surface# an% then
her strea"ing hair an% hea% appeare%. She threshe% +il%l at
the +ater an% see"e% to "ake so"e hea%+a at s+i""ing.
Then so"e spectator thre+ a hea$ rock +hich caught her on
the si%e of the hea%. Other rocks follo+e%. The poor ol%
+o"an ga$e a horri%# soul.+renching screa"# an% an eeball
+as seen %angling %o+n her cheek. 1urther rocks %islo%ge% it
an% the bo% sank beneath the +ater +hich +as staine% re%.
1or a "inute# perhaps "ore# there see"e% to be tur"oil be.
neath the +ater an% a +hole fountain of re%# bloo%.staine%
+ater spurte% up in a little "oun%.
One of the An$estigators turne% to another an% sai%# )So!
Satan %i% not sa$e herE perhaps# as she clai"e%# she +as inno.
cent after all.*
The "an to +ho" he spoke shrugge% an% turne% asi%e as he
sai%# )Oh +ell# +hat0s it "atterB 7e0$e all got to %ie so"e.
ti"e# +e put her out of her "iser!*
5nnotice%# isolate%# an% alone# an age% hunchback lurke% in
the sha%e of a little clu"p of trees. 1ro" his ees tears slo+l
ooDe% an% course% %o+n his sea"e% an% +iDene% cheeks. 1ro"
ti"e to ti"e he atte"pte% to +ipe the" a+a +ith the back of
a gnarle% han%. Antentl he peere% forth fro" beneath +hite#
shagg eebro+s. Spas"o%icall his left han% grippe% an% re.
grippe% the t+iste% ol% stick +hich he use% to assist hi" in his
painful "o$e"ents of +alking.
As the poor ol% +o"an sank beneath the +ater surface for
the last ti"e# to beco"e in her %eath agon entangle% in the
clinging +ee%s belo+# he "uttere%# )Sa%# sa%.*
A +o"an hurring along the path to tr to see so"ething
before it +as all o$er# spie% the t+iste% ol% "an an% stoppe%
besi%e hi". )7hat 0appene% to her# gran%ferB* she aske% in a
shrill $oice.
)Mur%ere%!* replie% the hunchback in surl tones. )Mur.
%ere% on the altar of ignorance an% superstition. She +as no
+itch# A +ent to school +ith her. She +as a pure soul +ho ha%
no e$il in her.*
The oung +o"an glo+ere% an% sai% "enacingl# )3ou0%
better be careful +hat ou0re saing# gran%fer# or ou0ll fin%

ourself in that pon% +ith her# there0s been so"e ugl ru"ors
about ou# ou kno+4if A +asn0t a goo% gran%%aughter A0%
tell on ou "self.* So saing she hurrie% off to peer +ith a$i%
fascination at the surface of the no+ still pon%# a surface
ruffle% onl occasionall b a bursting bubble plopping to the
The hunchback stare% to+ar%s her +ith broo%ing ees# an%
then "uttere% to hi"self# )Superstition# superstition# al+as
the ene" of progress. 7e +ho %o astral tra$el are the pre of
the +icke%# the ignorant# an% the Cealous# those +ho cannot %o
it the"sel$es an% +ho gi$e the +rong thoughts to +e +ho can.
A "ust be careful# A "ust be careful!* Sa%l he looke% again
to+ar%s the pon%# for no+ An$estigators ha% brought the ol%
+o"an0s clothing# +hich the %u"pe% upon the stone +here
she ha% stoo%. Sole"nl# +ith "an a religious incantation#
the applie% flint an% tin%er to the torn ol% +recks. 1anning
the first sparks into fla"e the ha% the clothing blaDing# an%
s"all particles of blackene% burnt "aterial s+ept up+ar%s on
$agrant +in%.
The ol% hunchback turne% a+a sa%l# shrugge% his shoul.
%ers# an% stu"ble% blin%l into the sheltering +oo%s.
3es# throughout the centuries those +ho coul% %o astral
tra$el ha$e been persecute% an% penaliDe% b the Cealous ones
+ho cannot %o astral tra$el# an% +ho resent the thought that
others can %o +hat the cannot. 3et al"ost anone can astral
tra$el if their "oti$es are right# if their thoughts are pure# an%
if the practice. /et us see +hat it takes to %o astral tra$el.
An the first place# one "ust ha$e absolutel pure thoughts
because +hen one can tra$el in the astral it is a si"ple "atter
in%ee% to go to a person0s house an% see the"# no "atter +here
the are in that house# no "atter +hat the are %oing. At is
possible to look o$er the shoul%er of a person +ho is +riting a
letter# an% rea% the letterE it is possible4but +rong# cri"in.
all +rong. The genuine person %oing astral tra$el +oul%
ne$er think of so intru%ing upon the pri$ac of another# an% if
one %i% intru%e b acci%ent# then one +oul% ne$er# ne$er talk
of +hat one ha% seen. So# unless ou are sure# co"pletel sure
beon% the slightest sha%o+ of a %oubt that ou %o not +ant to
intru%e upon the pri$ac of another# then ou +ill fin% that it
is $er %ifficult in%ee% to get into the astral consciousl.
Al"ost e$erone gets into the astral subconsciousl# that is#
+hen one is asleep# but consciousl4that is a %ifferent "atter.

A get a $ast nu"ber of letters asking "e to $isit such.an%.
such a person b astral tra$el to sa +hat is +rong +ith hi" or
her# but e$en if A +as prepare% to %o this there are still onl
t+ent.four hours in the %a an% it +oul% be an utter i"possi.
bilit to go to all the places because of the ti"e consu"e%. An
an case# it is "orall +rong to rush along to so"eone0s house
an% peer at the" in the be%roo" or else+here. Too often
people +ant an astral $isit because the are too laD to take the
necessar steps to cure the"sel$es# or Cust for i%le curiosit!
Another bar to astral tra$el in the a+ake state is i"pose% on
people +ho +ant to astral tra$el so that the can talk about it
an% sho+ ho+ cle$er the are. Af ou %o conscious astral tra$el
ou ne$er talk about it because it is a $er great pri$ilege to be
able to %o it# an% one onl talks about it +hen one is tring to
help others. So if ou think that astral tra$el +ill take the
place of a gui%e% tour or pro$i%e "ore entertain"ent than
our tele$ision4that +oul% be eas!4think no "ore about
astral tra$el# for if ou think thus it is not for ou.
A thir% bar is i"pose% upon those +ho +ant to astral tra$el
so that the "a control the affairs of others. There are "an
people +ho are )%o.goo%er0s*# the +ant to rush aroun% the
+orl% in the astral putting things right +ithout kno+ing +h
things are presu"abl +rong! At is $er +rong in%ee% to force
a person to ha$e help. After all# the person concerne% kno+s
his o+n affairs best# so if so"eone bu"bles along in the astral
an% tries to peer an% pr an% then tells the $icti" that this#
that# or so"ething else shoul% be %one# that is taking an un.
+arrante% libert.
3ou "a +on%er +hat can be %one b astral tra$el if there
are so "an li"itations. 7ell# all right# this is +hat can be
%one4ou can $isit an of the great libraries throughout the
+orl%# ou can $isit an part of the +orl%# ou can learn fro"
ancient "anuscripts# ou can (es# this is (uite true! ) $isit
other +orl%s +hen ou a%$ance sufficientl. 'ut if ou +ant to
tra$el an% ou succee% in astral tra$elling# an% then ou gi$e
+a to te"ptation an% ou Cust peer at so"eone in the pri$ac
of their o+n ho"e# then ou are %oing +rong an% possibl ou
"a not astral tra$el again.
One of " interests is to +atch people going off at night. A
like to sit b a +in%o+# preferabl fro" a high $antage point#
an% +atch o$er a sleeping cit. Shall A tell ou +hat i is likeB
Shall A tell ou ho+ A see thingsB

Night has fallen an% abo$e us the ageless stars t+inkle
sil$er# or blue# or re% light. The air is clear an% cal"#
street lights she% so"e slight ra%iance into the sk an% "ake it
appear that there are %ancing "otes bubbling abo$e the
1ro" the rooftops of the cit co"es the bluish +hite haDe as
if an i"palpable "ist is rising. The "ist rises perhaps >K feet#
perhaps 8KK feet# beco"ing bluer an% bluer. Then the surface
of the "ist bubbles like the bubbles on a pot of boiling tar.
The bubbles burst an% glea"ing strea"ers of pale blue.+hite
light e"erge an% streak up into the night sk# the threa%s of
light beco"e thinner an% thinner but the are al+as there#
the ra%iate in all %irections# to the North# to the South# to the
7est# an% to the &ast. So"e go straight up# straight up into
the infinit abo$e# an% et curiousl enough so"e go straight
%o+n as if searching for another for" of life in the core of this
earth of ours. The bo%ies of the people of this cit are asleep#
but their astral bo%ies are tra$elling# as proof +hereof their
Sil$er ,or%s are aglea" in the %arkness of the night. The
stretch up an% up# an% e$er an% anon a little thrill or ripple
co"es racing along the Sil$er ,or%# an% there is a Cerk an% a
t+itch an% the ,or% contracts# an% soon the astral bo% co"es
%o+n# %isappears into the blue "ists an% after+ar%s goes into
the bo% again. These are people +ho ha$e been %isturbe% b
perhaps the opening of a %oor or the tossing of a partner# these
are the people +ho a+aken in the "orning +ith a hea%ache
an% "e"ories of a horri% night"are. Hust about e$erone %oes
astral tra$el# but unfortunatel because of the teachings of the
7est "ost forget +hat the ha$e learne% an% +hat the ha$e
%one +hen the return to the bo%# an% if an astral is )reele%
in* su%%enl it gi$es rise to night"ares an% a co"plete shatter.
ing of all "e"ories of the actual e!perience.
Most people ha$e ha% the e!perience of a $iolent Cerk as
the +ere falling asleep# "ost people ha$e ha% an e!perience
of a rising an% falling# an% a sensation that the +ere falling
out of a tree or off a cliff. That +as $erging upon re"e"bering
astral tra$el# but again# re"e"ber that astral tra$el is a thing
+hich al"ost anone can %o consciousl if one re"e"bers the
pro$isos pre$iousl "entione% in this chapter.
So"e %istance a+a +ithin " line of sight there +as a
great buil%ing# a prison. Aroun% the +alls the lights burne%
throughout the night an% occasionall a bright spotlight +oul%

flicker along the +alls# but at this ti"e of the night "ost of the
cells +ere %ark4et not %ark because the lights of the Sil$er
,or% go up# the i"prisone% "en escape b night into the
astral# for trul it is sai% that iron bars %o not a prison "akeE
iron bars restrain the flesh# but the are no bar to the astral.
Thus it is that those a%Cu%ge% guilt# an% the innocent alike#
"ingle an% go up about their separate tra$els in the night.
All too fre(uentl fro" the pent.houses atop the high buil%.
ings one gets terrible sor%i% thoughts# an% e$en the Sil$er
,or%s +hich protru%e fro" such places are often %uller an%
tainte%. 1or those +ho pan%er to the lusts of the flesh %o not
tra$el to the highest planes# instea% the are confine% to the
lo+er astral +here the "eet %epra$e% an% une$ol$e% per.
sonalities to "atch their o+n.
Supposing ou ha$e gone through all this# an% ou ha$e
%eci%e% that ou ha$e no lusts# no %esire to peer at others in
the pri$ac of their o+n ho"es# suppose ou %eci%e that ou
are one +ho can tra$el consciousl# +ell# this is ho+ ou
shoul% go about itF
Make a %efinite e!peri"ent# "ake an arrange"ent +ith
so"e $er close frien% that ou +ill# +ith his or her per.
"ission# $isit the house that night. Ha$e our frien% agree to
put so"ething# perhaps so"e +ritten "essage on a table so
that ou can rea% the "essage put there for ou an% repeat it
back the ne!t %a to test our progress.
7hen ou go to be% "ake sure that it is at a reasonable
hour# that is# fairl earl. 3ou shoul% not ha$e a hea$ "eal
before going to be%# an% of course ou shoul% not %rink too
"uch before retiring other+ise our rest +ill ine$itabl be %is.
turbe%# an% getting up in the night "a cause ou to forget
our astral tra$elling e!periences.
7hen ou rest upon our be% "ake sure that ou are co".
pletel co"fortable# not too hot an% not too col%# an% it is
better if ou sleep alone +ith our %oor locke% because if ou
are sleeping +ith our partner an% there is restlessness %uring
the night ou +ill be brought back fro" our astral Courne
+ith (uite a shock# +hich +ill cause ou to forget anthing ou
ha$e e!perience%.
<eci%e +here ou are going to go. 3ou "a be going to
our frien%0s house# in +hich case ou +ill kno+ the +a# or
ou "a be going to a %ifferent countr. 'ut supposing ou are
going to one special house or one special person# then $isualiDe

the house# $isualiDe ho+ ou +oul% $isit that house if ou +ere
going b car or +alking. Sole"nl affir" before ou allo+
our bo% to sleep that our astral +ill go to the house an%
that +hen ou a+aken in the "orning ou +ill ha$e a co"plete
"e"or of all that happene%# ou shoul% affir" that this +ill
occur an% ou +ill re"e"ber. -epeat our affir"ation three
ti"es# an% then let ourself %rift off to sleep thinking of all
this as ou %o so. Af ou succee% this is +hat +ill happenE ou
+ill feel our bo% getting hea$# ou +ill feel our ees be.
co"ing tire%# an% ou +ill fall asleep in a perfectl or%in.
ar# nor"al "anner. 'ut then as ou fall asleep ou +ill ha$e
an e!perience si"ilar to going out of a %ark roo" into a bril.
liantl lighte% )out%oors*. At the ti"e of the passing# our
phsical bo% +ill Cerk slightl# an% if the Cerk %oes not a+aken
ou in the phsical bo%# our consciousness +ill e!pan% an%
beco"e clearer# ou +ill e!perience a trul +on%erful# a trul
Coous feeling of e!hilaration an% free%o" fro" boun%s.
3ou +ill feel as if ou are sparkling an% bubbling all o$er
+ith $italit. At +ill occur to ou after a ti"e to +on%er +hat
it is all about# an% then ou +ill look about an% ou +ill see
that ou are attache% to our phsical bo% b a glo+ing#
pulsating# blue.+hite cor%# like a chil% being attache% to its
"other b the u"bilical cor%.
7ith so"e horror an% %istaste ou +ill look at the lu"p of
cla +hich is our phsical bo% resting there# perhaps in a
contorte% bunch of t+iste% li"bs. 3ou +ill feel horror that
e$entuall ou ha$e to get back into that confining bo%. 'ut
the ti"e is not et. 3ou gaDe about ou# looking at things fro"
an unfa"iliar $ie+point. 3ou can rise up an% look closel at
the ceiling or the +alls# but then as ou +an%er about the roo"
ou fin% that it is boring to be confine% to such a s"all space#
an% ou think of ho+ to get out of the roo"4+ell# it0s no
sooner thought of than %one. 3ou fin% that ou are out pro.
Cecting beon% the roof +ith no "e"or of ho+ ou got through
perhaps other be%roo"s in our +a# no+ ou are out# floating
abo$e the rooftop at the en% of our blue.+hite cor%.
1or "o"ents ou float there gentl lifting as if on unseen
currents. 6erhaps ou look %o+n an% i%entif our house an%
frien%s0 houses# perhaps ou +atch so"e late car spee%ing
along the high+a. 3ou are seeing our to+n or our %istrict
as if fro" a balloon# but the i"pression gro+s upon ou that
this is Cust a +aste of ti"e# ou are %oing this for another

purpose# there is nothing to be gaine% b Cust ling looking
%o+n at a sleeping cit.
3ou think of the plans ou ha$e "a%e# ou think of the
places ou +oul% like to $isit4+here shall it be# 'ulgaria#
'uenos Aires# /on%on# 'erlinB An+here! 6erhaps ou +ill
be content to go Cust to a frien%0s house to rea% a carefull
prepare% "essage so that ou can repeat it back to hi" for his
confir"ation on the "orro+. A""e%iatel ou think +here ou
are going# an% ou think ho+ to get there. 6erhaps fro"
<ublin in Arelan% ou %eci%e ou +oul% like to $isit Ne+
3ork. As ou think of this our astral cor% e!ten%s an% e!.
ten%s# an% ou rise up an% up far higher than the astronauts# or
cos"onauts either# ha$e reache%. As ou rise up ou see the
&arth turning slo+l beneath ou# ou see the ocean +hich
fro" this height looks like a placi% $illage pon%# an% then as
ou peer %o+n ou see our %estination# Ne+ 3ork. Here the
ti"e is four hours earlier so people are not going to sleep
et# the ha$e their cit lights on an% it pro$i%es an e!cellent
beacon for ou. 3ou )set our sights* on Ne+ 3ork ,it# an%
ou fall %o+n to+ar%s Ne+ 3ork ,it al"ost +ith the spee%
of thought. As ou get closer an% closer# an% the cit beco"es
larger an% larger# ou can pick our actual %esire% %estination.
6erhaps it "a be Manhattan# perhaps ou +ant to look in on
the cro+%s s+ar"ing out of 'roa%+a theatres# perhaps ou
+ant to ha$e a look roun% -a%io ,it or float o$er the %ocks
an% see the great liners ling at their "oorings. As ou think
about it# so ou achie$e it.
An "an great blocks of buil%ings ou +ill see lights shining
out# "an of the" are office buil%ings. 7ell# ou can look
aroun%# see the cleaners at +ork an% perhaps so"e )high pres.
sure e!ecuti$e* at +ork too. 'ut "an of the lights +ill be
apart"ent buil%ings. A caution here4%o not intru%e# %o not
force our +a into the pri$ac of those apart"ents because
ou +oul% not like people sping on ou an% perhaps chuck.
ling a little "aliciousl at ou# +oul% ouB 7ell# respect the
pri$ac of these people# an% ou +ill be able to continue our
astral tra$els +ithout hin%rance.
Throughout the perio% of our tra$el keep in our con.
sciousness the thought that ou +ill re"e"ber# ou +ill re.
"e"ber# ou +ill re"e"ber. Ne$er lose sight of that thought#
keep it tucke% a+a so"e+here so that all the ti"e ou are
getting a Cog that ou "ust an% +ill re"e"ber. 7ith practice

ou +ill ha$e no %ifficult at all in re"e"bering. 1irst +hen
ou are back in the bo% ou +ill think that ou ha% a %rea"#
but if ou allo+ ourself to $isit the sa"e place the night after
ou +ill realiDe that it is not a %rea" but actualit. So +ith
confir"ation ou +ill fin% that it beco"es easier an% easier.
'ut ou are in the astral looking at Ne+ 3ork ,it fro" the
air. The night gro+s %arker# %o+n belo+ police"en in their
pro+l cars +an%er in an% out of back alles# the cit gro+s
(uieter# although Ne+ 3ork is ne$er (uiet. Soon ou fin% that
there is a strange i"pression of unease# an i"pression that ou
are +ante%. Soon ou fin% there is a tingling co"ing to ou
along the Sil$er ,or%. Af ou are +ise an% e!perience% ou
+ill i""e%iatel hea% ho"e# in this case ou left fro" <ublin#
re"e"ber. Af ou are not e!perience% ou +ill be reele% in
uncere"oniousl like a fish reele% in b an eager angler.
As ou# being one of the +iser ones# allo+ ourself to return#
ou hea% straight up into the sk again so that# looking %o+n
ou can see the %arkness %arker an% %arker o$er the 5nite%
States an% o$er &urope the light is beginning to co"e brighter.
3ou fin% that o$er <ublin ou ha$e the first faint streaks of
light co"ing o$er the e%ge of the +orl%# so ou allo+ ourself
to go %o+n an% %o+n# ou see the roof of our house approach.
ing an% the first ti"e or t+o ou instincti$el brace ourself
for a har% lan%ing# but4nothing happens# ou go %o+n
straight through the roof +ithout e$en being a+are of it# an%
then ou fin% ourself in our be%roo" again floating a fe+
feet abo$e our slu"bering phsical bo%. 3ou look %o+n at it
an% ou shu%%er once "ore at the thought of losing the free.
%o" of "o$ing +ith the spee% of thought. Ho+e$er# nature
+ill not be %enie% an% ou fin% that ou are settling# settling#
settling. Soon ou are al"ost in contact +ith the bo% +hich
see"s to be shi""ering an% $ibrating slo+l# an% then ou
beco"e a+are that ou are $ibrating "uch faster. 3ou ha$e
the task of snchroniDing our $ibrations to those of the phs.
ical bo%# but this is largel an auto"atic "atter# an% then ou
fin% ou are sinking back into the phsical bo%# ou +ill feel
as though ou are tightl encase% in a col%# %a"p# rigi% gar.
"ent. At is a thoroughl unpleasant feeling first because there
is an i"pression of being stifle% an% constricte%# an% it +ill
"ake ou shu%%er an% +on%er +h on earth people ha$e to
ha$e bo%ies. Then the ans+er +ill occur to ou4+ell# of
course# ou ha$e to be on &arth!

3ou +ill still be keeping before ou the thought that ou
ha$e to re"e"ber e$erthing# ou ha$e to re"e"ber e$er.
thing# an% ou lo+er our astral farther %o+n so that it fits
e!actl into that col%# cla"" bo% of ours. As it fits e!actl
there +ill be a su%%en )snap* an% a Cerk# an% an i"pression that
ou are sinking %o+n through %ark# +ooll %ust. 3ou "a
sleep for a fe+ "o"ents# in +hich case the ne!t thing ou +il8
kno+ is that %alight is upon ou an% ou are opening an%
rubbing our ees# an% perhaps a+ning as +ell.
Ver clear in our "in% is the kno+le%ge of all that ou %i%
in the night. No+ is the ti"e to +rite %o+n e$erthing ou
%i%4+rite it %o+n i""e%iatel# using paper an% pencil put at
our be%si%e for that purpose. <o not be )cle$er* an% feel that
ou can re"e"ber all because ou +ill not4not for the first
fe+ ti"es an+a. Anstea%# ou +ill forget e$erthing unless
ou take the ele"entar precaution of +riting it all %o+n be.
fore the returning %a causes ou to forget. So +rite it %o+n
an% rea% it# an% %o that for our first half %oDen astral trips
aroun% the +orl%.
All this so far has %ealt +ith astral tra$el on the "un%ane
plane# that is bu"bling aroun% the +orl%# seeing the great
libraries# the great art galleries# an% the great cities of the
+orl%. 7ell# perhaps ou +ant to $isit the astral +orl% beon%
this# +hat the ol% scribes calle% )6urgator* an% )6ara%ise*.
An that case re"e"ber that it is (uite eas# re"e"ber that
in the ancient Hin%u Scriptures are $er $i$i% %escriptions of
"en tra$elling to the Moon# to the Sun# an% to the stars# for
+hen ou are in the astral# %ifference in te"perature an% lack
of a breathable at"osphere "akes no %ifference to ou# it %oes
not incon$enience ou at all. 5nfortunatel people no+a%as
are Cust plaing +ith rockets an% a fe+ sill things like that#
forgetting that 8K#KKK ears ago the Hin%us +ere able to tra$el
in space b astral proCection. This is not fiction# this is fact#
an% if ou can get anone to translate Hin%u scriptures for
ou# ou +ill soon see that for ourself.
Af ou +ant to $isit frien%s in the astral ou +ill ha$e to be
speciall traine%# that is if our frien%s are highl e$ol$e%#
because in the astral# that is in the higher planes of conscious.
ness# an hour or t+o of &arth ti"e +ill be se$eral thousan%
ears of astral +orl% ti"e because it all %epen%s on the spee%
of thought# etc. At takes# as a cru%e illustration# a tenth of a
secon% for thought to tra$el fro" a "an0s brain to +iggle his

big toe or turn a +rist. 7ell# in the astral planes it "ight take
ten.thousan%ths of a secon%. There is a %ifferent ti"e sste"
altogether. 'ut ou4+hen ou %o astral tra$el %ail or
nightl# +ill fin% that ou are able to operate our "in% "ore
an% "ore in the lighter planes# an% thus ou +ill not be li"ite%
b phsical boun%aries.
To gi$e ou so"e i%ea of the %ifference in ti"e.ccles# let
"e sa that +e on this &arth are no+ li$ing in the Age of KaliE
the Age of Kali in celestial ears is e(ual to 8#9KK# but in
hu"an ears it is ;>9#KKK ears.
'ut beon% our &arth sste"# beon% our +hole sste" of
ti"e an% %i"ensions# there is the ),reator of the 5ni$erse*
sste" +hich is (uite a long ti"e# one# in fact# in +hich
;#>9K#KKK ! 8#KKK hu"an ears constitute Cust one %a of
)super* ti"e# so before ou can actuall locate an e$ol$e% en.
tit ou ha$e to be sure of his place in a certain ti"e se(uence.
All of +hich "akes it clear that the back.street "e%iu" reall
%oesn0t ha$e a chance!
'ut ou +ant to get out of this +orl% an% into the astral
+orl%4+ell# tell ourself +hat ou are going to %o an% +hen
ou go to be% %eter"ine that ou reall are going to lea$e this
+orl% an% go up an% up into the astral# picture ourself rising
up beon% the &arth an% into space# an% into another %i"en.
sion altogether.
1irst ou +ill get out of our bo% at the en% of our Sil$er
,or%# an% then ou +ill fin% all our colour $alues change.
3ou +ill be a+are of colours +hich pre$iousl ha% no place in
our kno+le%ge. 3ou +ill see that foliage is of "an %ifferent
hues# "ore colours than ou kne+ e!iste%. 'ut then ou "a
be horrifie% to see that there are (uite uni"aginable creatures
gibbering at ou# "aking obscene gestures# "aking obscene
in$itations. 'ut %o not be %isheartene% or frightene% because
here ou are passing through the garbage of ele"entals# etc.#
Cust as in "ost cases to enter a great cit b rail ou# for so"e
ine!plicable reason# see all the backs of the slu" houses first.
There is nothing at all to be afrai% of# no ele"ental or entit
can hurt ou in the slightest pro$i%e% that ou are not afrai%.
Af ou are afrai%# then ou "ore or less attract these people. So
the best thing is to carr on an% realiDe (uite full that no one
at all can hurt ou unless ou are afrai%.
<eci%e that ou are not going to linger in this area of ele.
"entals# but carr on4on4to the /an% of the 2ol%en /ight.

Here ou +il8 see such beautiful things that it is (uite i".
possible to %escribe the" in +or%s relating to a three.%i"en.
sional +orl%# our e!periences in the /an% of the 2ol%en
/ight ha$e to be e!perience% in person not through the
"e%iu" of the printe% or the spoken +or%.
As our proficienc increases +ith practice ou +ill be able
to go to other +orl%s an% to other planes# but re"e"ber ou
cannot intru%e upon the pri$ac of another# ou cannot har"
others through astral tra$el because that is the cri"e of cri"es.
Here is a happ thought for ou4in the /an% of the
2ol%en /ight ou can onl "eet those +ith +ho" ou are
co"patible# here in fact ou can "eet our )t+in soul*# for
there are such things as +e shall see in our ne!t chapter.


,HA6T&- T&N


TH& ol% &ngineer s"ile% fon%l %o+n at the s"all figure rest.
ing on the bench. Straightening# he place% his han%s to his
aching back an% rose stiffl to greet his $isitor. )Nice of ou to
co"e an% see "e#* sai% the &ngineer# affabl. )A certainl ha$e
a proble" here.* Taking the Visitor0s ar"# he le% hi" o$er to
the +orkbench. )There he is#* he sai%# like a prou% parent.
)The latest "o%el. &!peri"ental still# ou kno+# an% there are
so"e une!pecte% %ifficulties. A can0t sol$e the"# too close to
the subCect# A suppose.* 2entl he picke% up the little figure
an% reste% it on the pal" of one han%.
The Visitor glance% aroun%. )Puite a nice place ou0$e got
here#* he co""ente%. )3ou see" to ha$e so"e thri$ing
colonies e$en though this lot is %ifficult.*
)Not so thri$ing as ou think!* replie% the &ngineer gloo".
il. ),o"e an% look at these.* ,ra%ling the s"all figure in his
han%s he le% the +a to a s"all blue.green sphere. )There is a
$ie+er there# ha$e a look4tell "e +hat ou think!*
The Visitor place% his ees against the $ie+er an% t+iste%
so"e knobs. 1or long "o"ents he +atche%# an% then# +ith a
sigh# pushe% the $ie+er a+a. )Truculent lot# aren0t theB* he
aske%. )At see"s to "e that the are craD.*
1or long "o"ents the &ngineer stoo% in silence# i%l finger.
ing the little figure in his han%s. ),raDB* he "use%. ),raDB
7h# es# A suppose so. At see"s to "e that the ha$e a re"ote
control proble" or so"ething. The %o not respon% correctl
to trans"itte% signals# nor %o the return the correct infor"a.
tion. A %on0t kno+ +hat to %o about it!* Turning# he pace% up
an% %o+n# up an% %o+n# lost in %eep thought# hea% bent in
profoun% conte"plation of the figure in his han%s. At last he
abruptl halte% in front of his Visitor an% aske% brus(uel#
)7hat +oul% ou %o if ou +ere in " positionB The 'oar% is
"aking %ifficulties o$er all the %ela in getting the" right.
7hat +oul% ou %oB*
7ithout repling# the Visitor turne% to the $ie+er again#
an% peere% through it +ith intense concentration. ,arefull he

focuse% an% refocuse% until he +as (uite satisfie%# then for a
long ti"e he peere% through the instru"ent. At last he turne%
to the i"patientl +aiting &ngineer an% sai%# )3ou shoul%
sen% an Obser$er %o+n. Shoul%n0t be i"possible. At is the onl
+a to get the results# ou kno+. 7e are too far a+a here# +e
can onl guess an% so far +e ha$e guesse% +rongl. Nothing
else for it# but4on secon% thoughts4+h not call in a
Specialist &fficienc &!pertB*
The &ngineer shook his hea% %oubtfull. )No!* he replie%.
)The 'oar% +oul% ne$er stan% for it# A %on0t think the +oul%
e$en co.operate +ith an Outsi%e Specialist!*
Together# &ngineer an% Visitor strolle% o$er to the +ork.
bench an% sat %o+n. )Here#* sai% the &ngineer# picking a figure
fro" a bo!# )is the ne+est "o%el. Ho"o sapiens +e call the"#
but the see" to ha$e lost the IsapiensJ for the "o"ent.* The
Visitor took the figure an% e!a"ine% it carefull. )Here is
another#* a%%e% the &ngineer as he took another little figure
fro" a bo! on the other si%e of the bench. The Visitor
e!a"ine% the secon% figure an% co"pare% it +ith the first.
)Self.repro%ucing#* re"arke% the &ngineer. )7hen the reach
a certain age an% the get together the repro%uce. Actuall
each has Cust the sa"e e(uip"ent as the other# but in "ore or
less %egree. 7e call one I"aleJ an% the other Ife"aleJ. The
+ork b re"ote control# but Cust no+ the control is fault an%
+e %on0t kno+ +h.*
The Visitor pointe% to another bo!. )7hat are thoseB* he
The &ngineer "a%e a rueful face. )Oh! TH&3 are sub.
nor"al#* he sai%. )The %o not kno+ Truth fro" 5ntruthE +e
,all the" 6-&SSM&N!*
. . . . . . . . .

3es# hu"ans are a bit of a "ess# all right. Puite an intricate
"echanis" +hich at the present ti"e %oes not see" to be
functioning as +ell as it shoul%.
7e ha$e to re"e"ber that in our Solar sste" +e are co".
pose% of co"poun%s +hich are rather %ifferent fro" those
e!isting in other 5ni$erses# other 2ala!ies# etc. Here e$er.
thing4e$erthing that li$es on our &arth4is co"pose% of the
sa"e )bricks*. There are a$ailable in this Solar sste" h%ro.
gen# +ater# an% h%rates# a""onia# "ethane# an% $arious
other gases. 7e are reall co"pose% of )bricks* of carbon

"olecules an% a"ino.aci%s an% nucleoti%es. 1ro" these si"ple
co"poun%s are built all the species of ani"als# plants# an%
"inerals upon &arth.
7hen that is built into hu"an shape the resulting "echan.
is" is subCect to "agnetic i"pulses# +hich +e call astrological
i"pulses# an% $arious ras. 'ut let us go into the "atter a little
"ore %eepl an% see +hat +e can fin% out.
Af ou can get an illustration of a hu"an bo% an% ou can
see the spine an% spinal ner$es ou +ill be able to follo+ this
"ore accuratel. The hu"an "echanis"4the controller
"echanis"# that is4is actuall co"pose% of nine control
centres. The a$erage occultist "entions onl se$en because
there are se$en upon the "aterial# or "un%ane# plane.
The ol% ,hinese phsicians $isualiDe% all the organs of the
bo% as being controlle% an% super$ise% b little )"en*# an%
here in this chapter ou +ill see an illustration a%apte% fro"
one +hich +as originall %ra+n in ,hina about :#KKK ears
ago. 3ou can see the little "en helping the passage of foo%
%o+n the throat# blo+ing +in% into the lungs# stirring up all
the che"icals in the li$er# an% controlling $arious sphincters.
'ut this %ealt +ith "erel the )ani"al* part of the bo%# the
flesh an% organs. 7e +ant to go farther than that an% %eal
+ith the parts +hich bring "essages fro" the O$erself an%
control the functions of the bo%.
7e ha$e to re"e"ber that there is $er "uch "ore to the
hu"an bo% than "eets the casual ee. Af +e look at a pair of
+ires going# let us sa# past our +in%o+ on telegraph poles or
si"ilar# +e cannot tell b looking at those +ires if an current
is flo+ing# to us the are Cust copper +ires. 'ut +ith suitable
instru"ents one can %etect +hether there be or not current
flo+ing# an% +e can also %eter"ine +hich +a it is flo+ing.
An the sa"e +a +e can look at a bo% +ithout necessaril
being a+are of the $arious centres of that bo% +hich are con.
necte% to e(ui$alent portions of the O$erself. As alrea%
state%# there are se$en 0"un%ane0 centres +hich are calle%
)chakras*. At the top of the hea% there is the one fre(uentl
referre% to as )the Thousan% 6etalle% /otus*. The actual
Sanskrit na"e is Sahasrara ,hakra. This is the )rela*# or
centre# +hich is nearest to the spiritual an% thus the one +hich
is the "ore easil %erange%.
/o+er (+e are looking at a bo% fro" the back# an% +e see
the hea%# shoul%ers# an% spine# etc.) aroun% about the neck

area is the ACna ,hakra. This is the ne!t i"portant# an% +hich
is actuall in contact +ith the O$erself. This is the chakra of
the "in%# an% re"e"ber that the "in% is Cust as an electrical
function in "uch the sa"e +a as ou can recei$e a telephone
"essage# an% the earpiece is Cust a )function* of +hat is being
sai% at the other en% of the +ire.
1arther %o+n the spine +e ha$e the thir% chakraE this one is
kno+n as Visu%ha. This controls the action of the "outh# so if
one has %ifficult in speaking clearl it coul% be that this
chakra is un%iscipline% or %a"age%.
To %igress for a "o"ent4Cust i"agine that ou are +alk.
ing along a street an% ou see a telephone "an "essing about
in one of those "anholes. As ou stop to look# he gets hol% of a
great sheathe% cable an% tears the insulation off it. As the
insulation is re"o$e% ou see thousan%s of tin +ires# "ost of
the" colour coate%# but an+a there are thousan%s of +ires
an% ou +on%er ho+ on earth anone can sort such a "ess.
7ell# the ner$es insi%e our spine are like thatE certain ner$es
go %o+n insi%e the spine an% then branch a+a# so +hen ou
are thinking of chakras think of a telephone "an +ith all those
+ires# an% think also of little relas# or repeater stations +hich
take an inco"ing signal fro" a %istant station an% a"plif it
("ake it stronger) before sen%ing it on to the ne!t station in
the line.
Ne!t of our )relas* is the Anahata ,hakra +hich controls
feel an% all that +e touch. 'elo+ that there is the Manipura
,hakra. This one is kno+n as the )1ire 6rinciple* chakra# an%
there is no point in going "ore %eepl into this particular
chakra because it %oes not greatl concern us at this stage.
'elo+ that +e ha$e the si!th chakra# this ti"e the S+a%.
hishatana ,hakra. This one %eals +ith the 7ater 6rinciple.
1arther %o+n +e ha$e the se$enth# or &arth 6rinciple
chakra referre% to in Sanskrit as the Moola%hara. This one is
the ho"e of the Kun%alini# an% the Kun%alini is actuall the
controlling# or life# force of hu"ans. At is# let us sa# the
e(ui$alent of the fire in the furnace +hich heats the +ater to
raise the stea" +hich turns the turbines to generate the elec.
tricit +hich lights the la"ps# cools the refrigerator# etc.# in
ci$iliDation. Once the fire goes out the electricit %ies through
+ant of stea"# an% e$erthing co"es to a stan%still.
Man people +ho ha$e been "isinstructe%# or +orse# ha$e
been uninstructe%# tr to raise the Kun%alini force b artificial

"eans# because it is a fact that if one raises the Kun%alini
properl one can be $er "uch "ore a+are# $er "uch "ore
intelligent. 'ut to raise it in%iscri"inatel +ithout ha$ing
utter purit of thought is to %o i""ense har" to oneself# an%
fre(uentl to lea% to "a%nessE to raise the Kun%alini +ithout
thought of the conse(uences can lea% to a co"plete "ental an%
phsical break%o+n. So unless ou ha$e a Master +ho has
been through it all an% kno+s all about it# %o not tr to raise
our o+n Kun%alini. A Master +ill not raise the Kun%alini
unless he is (uite sure that it is for our goo%.
Here it "ight be as +ell to a%% that people +ho run ,orre.
spon%ence ,ourses# etc.# or offer to %o s"all ser$ices for ou
for a s"all su" of "one# %o not ha$e the po+er to safel
super$ise our %e$elop"ent an% raise our Kun%alini# the
can %o a lot of har" instea%.
'efore a phsical entit of the hu"an tpe# that is# a person
li$ing on this +orl%# can attain to cos"ic consciousness he or
she has to ha$e certain stirrings of the Kun%alini# )stirrings*
are so"e+hat %ifferent fro" actuall raising the Kun%alini! Af
one is se!uall o$er.e!cite% an%4let "e sa it4lustful# it can
be a ba% thing in%ee%# because if one has se! for the sake of
se! onl# se! +ithout true lo$e# that is# it can te"poraril or
per"anentl paralDe the correct flo+ing of the Kun%alini
force. ' )per"anentl* A "ean %uring this lifeti"e# as long as
the "alpractice in se! continues.
&ach part of the bo% +hile upon the &arth is strongl
associate% an% connecte% to its astral counterpart b +a of all
these chakras. No %oubt ou ha$e hear% of people +ho ha$e
ha% a leg a"putate%# an% +ho still apparentl feel pains in the
a"putate% leg# or rather in the space +hich the a"putate% leg
+oul% ha$e fille%. This is because the phsical leg +hich no+
has been re"o$e% still has certain effects upon the astral leg
+hich# of course# has not an% cannot be re"o$e%.
To refer again to astral tra$el# it is highl essential that +e
return to the phsical bo% so that e$er part of the astral
bo% fits into e$er part of the phsical bo%# an% so that
astral an% phsical organs are co"pletel co"patible each +ith
the other. The bo%ies "ust also be correctl snchroniDe%
accor%ing to the %irection of current flo+.
Hust as all current# all electricit# "ust be either positi$e or
negati$e4Cust as current can flo+ in one %irection an% return
in the opposite %irection# so %o hu"ans ha$e a flo+ of current.

The t+o )+ires* of hu"ans are kno+n as the A%a an% 6ingala.
Actuall# of course# the are not +ires but tubes in the hu"an
bo%. A%a is on the left si%e an% 6ingala is on the right si%e#
an% these t+o sources pro$i%e the energ necessar for the
passi$e functioning of the Kun%alini. 7e can look upon the"
as caretakers "aking sure that the Kun%alini is kept in goo%
con%ition# rea% for use in this life if +e %eser$e it# or if not
rea% for use in the ne!t life# because +hen the Kun%alini
starts to rise un%er correct treat"ent an% un%er correct con.
trol# A%a an% 6ingala are b.passe%. 'ut so long as Man (an%
7o"an!) are boun% b the operation of A%a an% 6ingala# that
"an or +o"an +ill be confine% to the &arth plane# an% to the
theor an% practice of birth# %eath# an% rebirth. At is onl +hen
Man is able to raise his Kun%alini an% b.pass the caretaking
energ sources of A%a an% 6ingala that he can progress an%
kno+ that his ti"e of release fro" the ccle of birth# %eath#
an% rebirth has co"e to an en%.
At is better to regar% these chakras as rela stations# or if ou
like# re"ote control spots. -e"e"ber# also# that there are other
i"portant parts of the bo% such as the cer$ical ganglion in the
neck# an% so"e+hat belo+ it the $agus ner$e. After that +e
ha$e the car%iac ple!us# the solar ple!us# an% the pel$ic
ple!us# but these are )sub.stations* an% shoul% not bother us
7e upon &arth are affecte% $er greatl b all sorts of out.
si%e influences. There are $arious ras +hich affect hu"ans#
an% let "e sa at the outset that astrolog is a $er# $er real
thing in%ee%# an% people shoul% not sneer at itE one shoul%
onl sneer at the practitioners +ho "isrepresent astrolog be.
cause to %o astrolog properl takes a long ti"e an% entails a
lot of +ork# so "uch ti"e an% so "uch +ork that it is not a
co""ercial proposition. ,ertainl ou cannot get anthing of
a +orth+hile rea%ing b looking at the colu"ns of the %ail
ne+spaper an% rea%ing our )horoscope*.
The )ras* are a for" of off.shoot of cos"ic ras# an%
accor%ing to the ti"e of the %a an% our o+n latitu%e an%
longitu%e ou are subCect to certain ras. Ho+ the ras affect
ou %epen%s upon our astrological "ake.up. There are# for
e!a"ple# the orange# the ello+# green# blue# in%igo# an%
others# but it +ill be far too "uch to go into the principle of
these ras in a book of this nature. /et us sa# though# that as
one gets to the re% en% of the spectru" one fin%s that one is

%ealing +ith the %e$elop"ent of in%i$i%ualit# an% the purple
is concerne% +ith a group "in%# +hile a green ra ten%s to
gi$e one an i"petus to learning. The ello+ ra itself is the
ra of +is%o".
One of the "ore interesting of the ras is the blue ra +hich
is suppose% to co"e un%er the %o"ination of Her"es. An
ancient &gpt# an% ,hal%ea# it +as kno+n as the Magicians0
Of "ore use to us at the "o"ent are the Lo%iac Signs.
A"agine that ou ha% a large ball.bearing on a s"ooth le$el
surface# then if ou arrange% "agnets all aroun%# ou coul%
hol% the ball.bearing in one position# an% b Cuggling +ith the
position of the "agnets ou coul% "ake the ball.bearing take
up an %esire% position. /ook upon the planets as the "agnets
an% ourself as the ball.bearing! Our first "agnet is the Sun#
but it "anifests in +hat +e call the se$enth plane of the Ab.
stract Spiritual ,onsciousness. The result of the Sun0s in.
fluence is to gi$e life an% to cause life to flourish.
Our ne!t "agnet shall be HupiterE Hupiter is )Co$ial*# bene$o.
lent# kin%. Here it refers to the si!th plane of Spiritual ,on.
sciousness. At is a beneficent planet an% gi$es goo% balance in
&$erone kno+s that )Co$ial* people are happ people an%
goo% to kno+.
Our ne!t "agnet is Mercur +hich has the fifth plane of
abstract "in%. At "akes people sharp.+itte% an% )Cu"p*. At
lea%s to astute business %eals. 6eople un%erstan% perfectl
+hat is "eant b a )"ercurial tpe*. Mercur# the 2o% +ho
%eli$ere% "essages# is suppose% to control this fifth plane
+hich also gi$es goo% "e"or.
Our fourth position is Saturn# this is co"ing %o+n to soli%
consciousness. Saturnine people %+ell upon things# an% it is
often the opposite to the Co$ial te"pera"ent. Saturn people
are li"ite%# restricte%# an% stern. 6eople +ho ha$e o$er.
abun%ance of this particular Sign ha$e to get patience an%
stabilit before the can progress farther.
No+ +e co"e to Venus4our )"agnet* occuping the thir%
plane of the abstract e"otions. &$erone kno+s that Venus is
the 2o%%ess of /o$eE it is also a "il%l bene$olent planet. At
"akes people ha$e higher i%eals an% e"otions# it causes people
to %e$elop their o+n personalities an% in%i$i%ualit. Venus

people can be beautiful people unless the are too closel
associate% +ith )"alefics*.
Our secon% plane is Mars# it is also our si!th )"agnet*.
Mars4"artial# +arlike4is kno+n as the energiDer. At can be a
"il%l ba%.effect planet if its po+ers are not correctl use%.
Mars %o"inates the phsical bo%# an% fre(uentl# se! %esires.
Af correctl use% Mars increases the consciousness# an% in.
creases courage# strength# an% en%urance.
/astl our se$enth influence is the Moon. 7ell# e$erone
kno+s +hat the Moon %oes# it has an e!tre"e effect on hu"an
life# it causes the ti%es to rise an% fall# not "erel at sea# but
also in the hu"an bo%. Think of the +o"an0s )ti%e* e$er
"onth# think of the +or% )lunatic* fro" )lunar*4the Moon.
The Moon has no light of her o+n# she reflects onl that +hich
is shone upon her# thus a person +ho has too "uch Moon
influence has no great personalit of his o+n# he "erel re.
flects the $ie+s an% opinions of those aroun% hi".
6robabl al"ost e$erone has hear% of )t+in souls*. There
are such things# ou kno+# but upon the &arth plane the "eet.
ing of t+in souls is a $er rare occurrence. 3ou see# if ou are
going to get %o+n to basics an% ou consi%er the +orl% of anti.
"atter# ou +ill appreciate that to be a co"plete batter
there "ust be a positi$e an% a negati$e. So if ou are going to
ha$e a t+in soul +hich for"s one co"plete entit# ou ha$e to
get a person in our sste" of the astral an% a person of the
correspon%ing sste" of the anti."atter astral# an% these
people ha$e to be co"pletel co"patible.
7hat usuall happens here# ho+e$er# is that in the astral
there are t+o O$ersel$es +ho are highl co"patible# an% the
sen% %o+n to &arth a puppet fro" each an% the puppet fro"
each is co"pletel co"patible +ith the other# the fit in# an% if
the co"e into close pro!i"it +ith each other there is an
i""e%iate feeling of rapport# of )belonging*. One +ill sa# )A
kno+ A ha$e "et that person before!* An such cases a $er true
frien%ship can %e$elop# but as alrea% state%# such instances
are rather rare upon the &arth. Anstea% there is often a $er
great %egree of co"patibilit bet+een t+o people# an% because
the are so co"patible# because the co"ple"ent each other#
the consi%er that the are t+in souls. The "a get each
other0s thoughts# the "a kno+ Cust +hat the other is going to
sa secon%s before it is sai%.
One gets "uch the sa"e sort of affair bet+een i%entical

t+ins# +hich of course is t+o people fro" the one egg. These
t+o +ill be $er "uch in s"path +ith each other# an% e$en
+hile "iles apart +ill e!perience the e"otions of the other#
an% the "a e$en get "arrie% at the sa"e ti"e.
A "an can be $er "uch in lo$e +ith a +o"anE the "a
fanc that the are t+in souls# but if the are t+in souls then
the +ill ha$e si"ilar interests. 1or e!a"ple# the "an coul%
not be# let us sa# a confir"e% atheist +hile the +o"an ha%
$er strong religious beliefs. The %issi"ilarit in their beliefs
+oul% cause so"e %issonance# so"e %ishar"on# so"e friction
bet+een the"# an% so instea% of %ra+ing closer together the
+oul% %rift farther apart.
The "ost that can be hope% for on this +orl% is that t+o
highl co"patible people can li$e together# an% b their purit
of thought an% b their actions# %ra+ each closer to the other.
'ut this is %ifficult of attain"ent at the present ti"e because it
re(uires such utter sacrifice an% selflessness. At is useless for a
"an to gi$e in an% gi$e all to the +o"an thinking that he is
%oing right# Cust as it is useless for the +o"an to gi$e all to the
"an an% think that she is %oing right. At is not enough that
each gi$e e$erthing to the other# instea% each "ust gi$e
e!actl +hat the other nee%s# other+ise the +ill %rift apart.
Man people think that the ha$e "et their t+in soul +hen
the "eet a person +ho astrologicall is co"patible an% +ho
li$es upon the sa"e )ra*. The can li$e in har"on# an% the
+ill li$e in har"on# but it still is not perfect har"on# it still
is not a fusion of t+o souls to "ake one entit. An fact# if
people +ere so perfect as that the coul% not sta upon this
i"perfect +orl% an "ore than a piece of ice can e!ist +hen
tosse% into the fla"es of a raging furnace. Thus# hu"ans4
Man an% 7o"an4"ust tr to li$e +ith each other e!ercising
tolerance# patience# an% selflessness.
Puite a nu"ber of people are brought together to +ork out
khar"ic links# an% the +orking out of these khar"ic ties "akes
it necessar that people shall co"e in close contact +ith each
other for goo% or for ba%. Af a "an an% a +o"an are brought
together through khar"ic ties an%# for e!a"ple# the "an falls
in lo$e +ith the +o"an an% the +o"an falls in lo$e +ith the
"an# then a $er great bon% of lo$e is for"e% +hich can ha$e
the effect of canceling out "an ba% khar"ic aspects# because
no "atter +hat +e think %o+n here# goo% +ill pre$ail in the

Af one person lo$es another# an% the other person hates the
for"er# then a khar"ic bon% +ill still be for"e%# but it +ill be
an unsatisfactor bon% an% the +ill ha$e to co"e together
until the hate is era%icate% an% lo$e for"s. At shoul% be un%er.
stoo% that onl co"plete an% utter in%ifference can possibl
pre$ent an khar"ic link being for"e%. Af ou like a person
ou for" a khar"ic tie# if ou %islike a person ou for" a
khar"ic tie# if ou coul%n0t care less about the person no link
is for"e%. So4an reaction to an other person starts the
chain +hich causes khar"a. 1or e!a"ple# there can be a re.
lationship bet+een a teacher an% a stu%ent# in that case a bon%
of so"e sort is for"e%. At coul% be a lasting bon%# or it "a be
Cust a te"porar bon% +hich is o$er al"ost in a flash an% can
then be attribute% to the burning out of so"e kharlnic link.
The +orst state is that in +hich great lo$e is se$ere% b
%eath. Af a +o"an loses her husban% +hile she is still in lo$e
+ith hi" she has no outlet for her lo$e# an% so that lo$e is
store% up until the co"e together again in so"e future in.
carnation an% the con%itions are right for the e!pression of
that lo$e. So if anone tells ou that he or she has "et their
t+in soul# s"ile un%erstan%ingl an% hol% our peace.
These +retche% ol% bo%ies of ours are subCect to all sorts of
+eir% ail"ents# Cust as an intricate piece of apparatus can be
Carre% out of a%Cust"ent# so can hu"an bo%ies be shaken
so"e+hat out of their best con%ition. So# as "an people %e.
sire to be healers# it "ight not be out of place to gi$e a little
about healing treat"ent here4after all# +e are %ealing +ith
the +orks of Man!
This is the negati$e +orl%# fro" +hich it follo+s that a
negati$e treat"ent is "ost suitable# that# then# is the actual
ter" +hich one uses in %escribing this particular treat"ent4
negati$e treat"ent.
1irst ou ha$e to get ri% of as "uch breath as ou can fro"
our lungs# reall e!hale# force the air out# an% sta like that
for as long as ou can +ithout too "uch %isco"fort. This
enables the bo% to attain +hat +e "ight call negati$e polarit
because it is no+ %eficient in prana# %eficient in air.
Then breathe lightl for Cust a fe+ "o"ents (to get our
breath back# so to speak!). Then repeat the +hole affair b
e!haling as thoroughl as possible an% getting the air out of
our lungs. Sta +ith e"pt lungs for as long as ou can
+ithout too "uch %isco"fort or killing ourself. Then breathe

again lightl# an% +hen ou ha$e got back so"e breath# %o this
sste" once again so that ou ha$e %one it in all three ti"es4
three ti"es ou ha$e e!hale% co"pletel an% let our bo%
beco"e negati$el polariDe%.
No+ ou kno+ +here ou are hurting# so place our han%
o$er the skin at the site to be treate%. Then +ith%ra+4the
han%# the pal"# so that onl the forefinger an% the thu"b are
presse% fir"l upon the skin. Hol% our finger an% thu"b
fir"l upon the area to be treate%# an% then again e!hale an%
stop breathing. 7hile ou are thus stoppe% breathing $i$i%l
i"agine the life.force flo+ing out of our left finger.tips into
the part that ou %esire to be treate%.
Soon ou +ill ha$e to breathe again# but breathe as shal.
lo+l as possible# taking in Cust enough air to sustain life# an%
then hol% the fingers still in contact +ith the area being
treate%. 3ou shoul% repeat this three ti"es# an% each ti"e ou
shoul% hol% our fingers in contact +ith the area for at least
t+o "inutes.
The best +a to treat ourself reall is to gi$e this treat.
"ent e$er hour until ou are $er "uch reco$ere%. These
treat"ents %o +ork because ou are calling in outsi%e forces.
Af ou are subCect to col%s an% ou get our hea% stuffe% up
ou can greatl relie$e the con%ition b gi$ing this negati$e
treat"ent. An this case ou +oul% place our finger an% thu"b
one on each si%e of the nose Cust belo+ the ees. Then# again#
ou +oul% hol% our breath after ou ha% e!pelle% as "uch as
possible. Again ou +oul% picture that life.force flo+ing into
ou# into our nose# an% killing off all the bugs +hich are
causing the trouble. Puite seriousl A sa to ou that if ou
tr this ou +ill $er shortl feel a crackling in the nose as
congestion %issipates. 3ou +ill fin% that ou +ill then be
able to breathe through our nostrils.
Asth"a is a co"plaint +hich is but little un%erstoo%. All
sorts of nostru"s are prescribe% for asth"a# but in "an "an
cases asth"a is cause% b so"e ner$ous con%ition# an% that
ner$ous con%ition +ill respon% to this for" of treat"ent. An
this case ou put the finger an% thu"b on either si%e of the
throat Cust abo$e the A%a"*s apple. That is for the or%inar
tpe of asth"a# but of course# if ou ha$e the tpe +hich
causes trul harsh an% painful breathing# then ou +ill ha$e to
put our finger an% thu"b so"e three inches apart# an% place
the" +here ou can feel the throat Coins the chest.

Naturall enough# if ou ha$e ha% asth"a for "an ears
ou cannot e!pect a cure in a fe+ secon%s. 3ou "ust ha$e
patience an% use co""on sense# but if ou +ill persist in this
treat"ent ou +ill (uite %efinitel fin% that the asth"a +ill
%isappear. At +ill %isappear a +hole lot faster if ou +ill %o a
little "e%itation an% introspection# an% reason out for ourself
+hat it is that causes our ner$ous %isturbance. Again# "an
"an cases of asth"a are cause% b ner$ous +orr# an% the
asth"a Cust acts like a safet $al$e an% gi$es ou an out.
/et "e repeat that ou "ust follo+ these instructions
e!actl# an% ou "ust al+as use our left han%. 3ou cannot
get a strong negati$e cure b using our right han%. -e"e"ber
then4get the air out of our lungs# +ait a little +ith e"pt
lungs# an% al+as use our left han%. 3ou +ill fin% that e$en a
se$ere burn +ill respon% to treat"ent of this natureE in that
case# of course# ou use a forefinger an% thu"b# an% place
the" upon the burn# an% procee% +ith the treat"ent. 3ou +ill
appreciate# of course# that if ou ha$e a $er se$ere burn# +ell#
the sooner ou get a %octor in# the better. 'ut ou can %o our
o+n treat"ent +hile +aiting for hi".
The Kun%alini# as alrea% state%# is the )furnace* of the
hu"an bo%# an% of course it an% the brain can be regar%e% as
the opposite poles of a "agnet if ou prefer the "agnet theor
instea% of that of the furnace. 'ut supposing ou are $er
clair$oant an% ou ha$e a nu%e bo% before ou +hich ou
can stu%4let us see ho+ it +oul% appear.
7e ha$e a +all co$ere% preferabl in black $el$etE the +all
is about fourteen feet s(uare# an% +e place a little platfor"
about four feet fro" the floor. 5pon that platfor" a nu%e
"o%el stan%s +ith back to the $el$et. As +e stan% facing the
"o%el an% obser$ing clair$oantl +e see a brilliant +hite
streak +hich is the coursing current bet+een brain an% Kun%a.
lini# +hich as alrea% state% is at the re"ote en% of the spine4
a bit lo+er than the spine actuall.
3ou ha$e seen these +hite strip lights in shops or b the si%e
of %ressing "irrorsB 7ell# supposing ou i"agine that the
clair$oant sight lets ou see the life.force as rese"bling a
strip of that light. 1irst ou ha$e that brilliant strip of light
e!ten%ing fro" the top of the brain of our subCect# an%
%escen%ing to a fe+ inches belo+ the ter"ination of the spine.
3ou look at that for so"e secon%s# obser$ing ho+ it fluctuates
an% pulsates# first being as a thin strip# an% then as so"e other

thought occurs to our subCect# e!pan%ing until it is (uite a
broa% ban%.
Af ou are e!perience% at this sort of thing ou +ill# after
seeing this# be able to see that the bo% is outline% +ith a
bluish light $er "uch like the bluish s"oke of a burning
cigarette. Af ou light a cigarette an% let it burn# it gi$es off a
bluish s"oke +hich is (uite %ifferent fro" the s"oke +hich is
e!hale% b a s"oker. This bluish light (it looks $er "uch like
lu"inous s"oke) e!ten%s fro" the surface of the bo%# an% is
of a unifor" thickness# the thickness %epen%ing upon the
health an% strength of the subCect. An an el%erl person it "a
be about half an inch in +i%th# in a reall $igorous person it
"a e!ten% t+o or three inches# or e$en four. That is the
etheric an% is Cust the )ani"al ra%iation*
of a bo%.
The aura is superi"pose% o$er all of it. The aura e!ten%s
up beon% the hea%# an% if ou are clair$oant enough ou +ill
see fro" the center of the hea% a pla of light +hich looks $er
"uch like a little fountain bubbling an% sparkling an% chang.
ing colours# it changes colours accor%ing to the thoughts of the
person. 7ell# aroun% the hea% ou +ill see the halo or ni"bus.
At looks like4+ell# e$erone kno+s +hat a halo looks like e$en
if the ha$en0t reall "uch hope of achie$ing one!4but per.
haps +e shoul% %escribe the haloE it looks like a gol%en %isc#
the %egree of gol%# or colour or sha%e of gol%# %epen%s upon
the spiritualit an% %egree of e$olution of the person con.
cerne%. Af the person is $er carnal# then the gol% +ill be a
$er re%%ish color. Af the person is spiritual an% learning to
be "ore spiritual# the gol% +ill ha$e a greenish patina. The
"ore spiritual the person the "ore %oes ello+ appear in the
About the bo% there are s+irls of colours# actuall there are
"ore colours than can be %escribe% in &arth ter"s because
these are colours# sha%es# hues# etc.# beon% the bo%.enco".
passe% range of +or%s. The s+irl about the hea%# the ees#
the nose# the "outh# an% the throat# the s+irl about the
breasts# the u"bilicus# an% the se! organs# an% then the s+irl.
ing beco"e less intense about the knees# although there is
consi%erable ra%iance fro" the backs of the knees. The colour
beco"es less an% "ore unifor" as the aura %escen%s to the
ankles an% to the feet.
Our "o%el is stan%ing four feet# +e sai%# fro" the floor# an%
so +ith the a$erage person the botto" part of the egg.shape%

co$ering of the aura +ill be Cust touching the floor four feet
belo+ the pe%al e!tre"ities of the "o%el. The sheath is egg.
shape% +ith the pointe% en% %o+n. Af ou e!ten% our ar"s at
full length# then nor"all ou +oul% be Cust touching the outer
li"its of the auric sheath.
The colours of the aura flo+ an% t+irl# an% intert+ine +ith
other colours# it is a constant shi""ering of other colours# an%
although it is a re"arkabl poor illustration A can onl sa that
as colours of spille% oil or petroleu" shi""er upon +ater# so
%o the colours of the aura shi""er upon a person# but "ore
&$er colour has "eaning# e$er striation has "eaning. Not
onl that# but the %irection of flo+ has "eaning too. A"agine
that ou ha$e an egg an% ou +rap aroun% that egg all "anner
of silks of %ifferent colours# ou +in% the" back+ar%s an%
forth# up an% %o+n# ne$er using the sa"e colour t+iceE that
+ill gi$e ou a cru%e# a $er cru%e i%ea# of +hat the aura looks
3ou see the aura# ou see the etheric# an% ou see +ithin the
sharp burning light +hich is the life.force itself. At is rather
%ifficult to e!plain# but ou can see all three +ithout one inter.
fering +ith the others. 6erhaps a goo% +a to illustrate it
+oul% be thisE ou are sitting out in the open# an% ou ha$e a
big lan%scape in front of ou. No+ to our sight ou ha$e
$ision fro" a fe+ inches fro" our face to li"itless "iles. Af
ou +ant to focus on our han% ou raise our han% in front of
our face an% ou can see the lines on our pal". As ou see
this ou can still be conscious of the $ie+ in the backgroun%#
but it %oes not intru%e on nor %istract our stu% of our
That represents# let us sa# ou looking at the aura an% the
auric sheath. No+ let us go a stage fartherE ten feet a+a fro"
ou there is a person sitting on a chair# ou can look at that
person an% see hi" or her clearl. 3ou can still be a+are of
our han% close to our face# an% still be a+are of the lan%.
scape in the %istance# an% neither the %istant lan%scape nor the
closeness of our han% i"pinges on our stu% of the person
sitting ten feet fro" ou. That is as looking at the etheric.
No+ to look at the life.force shining so brightl bet+een the
brain an% the Kun%alini# one can sa that +e raise our ees
a+a fro" the person sitting in the chair an% +e sur$e the
lan%scape# perhaps the setting Sun# or if ou prefer an% "ore


suitable to this illustration# the rising Sun! 3ou can be a+are
of the rising Sun an% ou can stu% that lan%scape +ithout
being affecte% b the person sitting in the chair ten feet a+a
fro" ou# or b our han% +hich is a fe+ inches fro" ou.
Thus it is clear that ou can see aura# etheric# an% Kun%alini
force %epen%ing on +hich +a ou shift or focus our clair.
$oant sight.
The purpose of the black $el$et backgroun% is that it a$oi%s
people beco"ing %istracte%. 1or e!a"ple# if ou ha$e a light.
s+itch on the +all# or a picture# or a "irror# then our sight
beco"es instincti$el attracte% b a reflection or a glittering
point of light# an% if our phsical sight beco"es so %istracte%
it can %istract our clair$oant sight. 1or best results one
shoul% ha$e a "att black backgroun%# one (uite +ithout pat.
tern# an% of course ou "ust ha$e a nu%e "o%el because if
our "o%el has clothes then our clair$oant sight is going to
be le% astra b colour.e"anations fro" the clothes. An Cust
the sa"e +a# if ou are looking at the Sun an% ou pull
curtains across the +in%o+# the light of the Sun un%ergoes an
apparent change %epen%ing upon the colour of the curtains.
Another +a to look at it is4ou ha$e an electric light
burning# it has no sha%e so ou see the colour actuall e"itte%
b the NAK&< bulb. No+# if ou are going to put a coloure%
sha%e o$er the bulb the apparent colour +ill be %istorte% b
the inter"ingling of the natural colour of the unsha%e% bulb
an% the colour of the "aterial of the sha%e# an% so ou +ill be
le% astra. 7e get a si"ilar thing in photograph +hen# if ou
+ant to take a photograph in colour using %alight fil" but
ou take a photograph b artificial light# +e get all our colour
ren%erings +rong. So4if ou are serious ou "ust ha$e a
nu%e "o%el# there is nothing +rong +ith the nu%e "o%el# re.
"e"ber# but onl b the thoughts of people +ho are le% astra
b so"ething +e shall %eal +ith in ,hapter &le$en in one of
the (uestions about se!!
The ol% ,hinese4later copie% b Hapanese4like% to think
that all the organs of the bo% ha% little "en looking after
the". 7ell# the +eren0t so far +rong# ou kno+# because all
the organs of the bo% are connecte% to the brain b $arious
ner$es# an% the brain is a+are of +hat is happening to e$er
part of e$er organ of the bo%. The functions of an organ
use% to be +ithin the conscious control of the hu"an# but no+#
because people neglecte% such things# control of the organs is

largel auto"atic. There are "an A%epts +ho can con.
ciousl control the functioning of their organs. An An%ia fakirs
+ho are usuall %ebase% A%epts gi$e %e"onstrations of such
control. The can stick a knife through the pal" of their han%#
an% on +ith%ra+ing the knife the can cause the +oun% to heal
+ithin "inutes. These things are $er real# but no+a%as con.
trol of the organs is largel lost.
The illustration +ith this chapter is +ell +orth stu%ing
because ou +ill see that the fanciful artist has cause% little
"onks an% acoltes un%er the super$ision of la"as to control
all the functions of the bo%. This is "uch the sa"e as the
"onitor sste" +hich +arns the brain +hen an %a"age or
"alfunction is about to occur. At is also +orth $isualiDing our
bo% as being controlle% b these little people# because then
+hen ou +ant to "e%itate %eepl# ou# b controlling these
little people# can obtain co"plete "e%itation. All ou ha$e to
%o is# as state% in $arious others of " books# "ake the little
people lea$e the bo% an% congregate outsi%e the bo% so that
our consciousness is +ith%ra+n. 3ou "ake the little people
"arch up our legs fro" our toes# an% then our toes an%
our legs beco"e rela!e% an% at peace. Make the little people
lea$e our ki%nes an% our bo+els an% our gall bla%%er# etc.#
an% ou +ill fin% that ou %o reall get co"plete an% utter
rela!ation# an% +hen ou ha$e such co"plete an% utter re.
la!ation ou are able to %o the %eepest of %eep "e%itations an%
obtain +hat are trul re$elations fro" another +orl%. Tr it#
but first of all rea% up about this sste" in others of " books.
A %o not +ant to go into it all here# or so"eone +ill sa that A
ha$e nothing else to +rite about an% A ha$e taken to repeating


,HA6T&- &/&V&N

3O5 7-AT& THAS!

1ro" Africa an% An%ia# fro" Australia an% A"erica# fro"
countries all o$er the +orl%.e$en fro" behin% the )Aron ,ur.
tain*4co"e letters. THO5SAN<S of the". Puestions4(ues.
tions4(uestions. Ho+ to beco"e a saint. Ho+ to use a "antra
an% +in the Arish S+eepstake# ho+ to ha$e babies# ho+ NOT to
ha$e babies. 1ro" Malasia an% Manchester# fro" 5rugua
an% Hugosla$ia the letters co"e. Puestions# an% MO-& (ues.
tions. The usuall fall into a certain pattern# so in this chap.
ter A a" going to repl to 3O5- "ore co""on (uestions. Keep
cal"# A a" "ost certainl not going to "ention anone b

P5&STAONF A ha$e rea% a lot of ne+spaper stories about
ou# an% before buing an of our books A thought A +oul%
+rite an% ask if our books are true.
ANS7&-F A gi$e a %efinite assurance that all " books are
true. All that of +hich A +rite is " o+n e!perience# an% A can
%o A// those things of +hich A +rite. Ha$ing gi$en that assur.
ance# let "e sa so"ething else! M books are true# es# but
surel )%oubters* cannot see the +oo% for the trees. 7hat %oes
it "atter 7HO A a"# it is +hat A 7-AT& that is i"portant.
Throughout the ears hor%es of )e!perts* ha$e trie% to pro$e
"e +rong. The ha$e faile%. Af A a" a fake# +here %o A get the
kno+le%ge +hich others are no+ copingB All " books con.
tain " o+n personal e!periences# nothing of it is the so.calle%
)auto"atic +riting* belo$e% of the 6ress. A a" neither pos.
sesse% nor obsesse%# A a" Cust a person tring to %o a $er $er
%ifficult task in the face of bigotr an% Cealous. There are
those in )High 6laces* in An%ia an% else+here +ho coul% help#
but +ho prostitute their religion to politics an% so# for political
reasons etc.# the %en the truth of +hat A +rite!
M books ha$e %one "uch to 0populariDe0 Tibet an% sho+
people that Tibet is goo% an% spiritual# et none of this is
taken into account. A stronger lea%ership "ight ha$e enable%
Tibet to a$oi% ,o""unist aggression# but no +ar +as e$er

+on b sitting on the fence an% +aiting to see )+hich +a the
cat Cu"ps!*
A recei$e thousan%s of letters fro" people +ho state that
the truth of " books is self.e$i%ent# an% A a" prou% in%ee% to
be able to sa that %uring the past ten ears A ha$e recei$e%
onl four unpleasant or abusi$e letters. To return to the first
paragraph of )Ans+er*# let "e a%% that it is "ost a"using to
+atch people s(uabbling o$er an Author0s i%entit an% "issing
the +hole point of his books. 6oor ols Shakespeare "ust think
that his 'acon is in the fire +hen he )tunes.in* to so"e of the
cle$er cle$er people +ho )kno+* that 'acon +rote Shake.
speare# an% that Shakespeare +as 'acon! 7ho +rote the
'ibleB The <isciplesB Their %escen%antsB A gang of "onks
"onkeing +ith the original ScriptsB 7hat %oes it "atterB
Onl the +ritten +or% "atters# not the na"e or i%entit of the
So to ans+er the (uestionF es# all " books are true!
P5&STAONF 7hat is Nir$anaB 7h %o An%ians Cust +ant to
sit %o+n an% %o nothing an% hope e$erthing +ill co"e right
for the" in the en%B
ANS7&-F The An%ians %o not think that at all. Nir$ana is
not the e!tinction of e$erthingE it is utterl i"possible to li$e
in a $oi%# in a state of $acuu". To li$e one has to progress an%
%e$elop. ,onsi%er# for instance# a car. 1irst of all a prototpe
is %e$elope% an% the car is trie% an% teste% on the +orks0
testing track an% then perhaps# if it is a goo% (ualit car# sent
to the "ountains of S+itDerlan% so that it "a be teste% both
in S+itDerlan% an% in# perhaps# South A"erican Cungles.
7hen the car is teste% certain faults %e$elop an% the can
be eli"inate%# the purpose of testing is to fin% out +hat is
+rong an% ho+ to put it right.
The sa"e applies to hu"ansE hu"ans ha$e to be teste% to
fin% their +eak points# an% +hen the +eak points are %is.
co$ere% the can be o$erco"e. That is being %one all the ti"e
in the or%inar stages of e$olution. 3ou +ill agree that "an
ne+ "o%els of ra%ios or cars# or anthing else4space rockets#
if ou like4ha$e faults# later "o%els are better because the
faults ha$e been eli"inate%.
Nir$ana is the stage in hu"ans +hen faults ha$e been
eli"inate%. So the An%ian an% the eru%ite &asterner tries to
o$erco"e his faults# he tries to eli"inate lusts an% other (uite
interesting but har"ful $ices. 3ou can sa that he tries to li$e

in a state of nothingness so far as $ice is concerne%# he +ants
nothing to %o +ith $ice# he is onl intereste% in perfection. So
instea% of seeking to obtain loa%s of nothing he tries to get ri%
of $ice to lea$e "ore roo" for goo%.
The ol% i%ea that Nir$ana is a state of nothingness +here a
person sits in "ental an% spiritual $acuit is false because
there +ere +rong translations. 7esterners think the kno+ so
"uch# the tr to put into concrete ter"s that +hich are "ere
abstract +hispers.
Nir$ana# then# is the state +herein there is no e$il# +herein
one is like the three +ise "onkes# +ho see no e$il# speak no
e$il# an% %o no e$il# an% +hen there is no e$il there is roo" for
"ore goo%. Asn0t that soB
P5&STAONF ,hurches# "issionaries# occultists# the are all
out for "one# the are all grabbers# e$erone +ants to take
fro" +e poor people +ho ha$e to +ork for an honest li$ing.
No+# ou tell "e# +h shoul% A gi$e# +h shoul% A bother +ith
this ol% sste" of tithesB 7hat0s it going to %o for "eB
ANS7&-F 7ell# of course# if that0s ho+ ou feel about it
there is little point in gi$ing# because to gi$e un%er con%itions
like this is "uch the sa"e as going along to the local <rink
Shop an% tring to bu a pint of beer. 3ou pa our "one
an% ou get a certain concrete obCect in return. 2i$ing fro"
the spiritual sense is utterl# utterl %ifferent fro" that# an%
ou Cust cannot "i! the t+o for"s of gi$ing an "ore than4it
is sai%4ou can "i! our %rinks. 'ut let us look at it a bit
"ore closel.
All ,hurches# all religions# realiDe the necessit of sacrifice#
an% in the $er earl %as of ,hristianit the ,hristian ,hurch
realiDe% that it +as utterl essential to )sacrifice* to gi$e. An the
earl %as of the ,hurch# an% e$en no+ in "ost parts of the
+orl%# the ,hristian ,hurch %e"an%s a tenth of one0s inco"e.
An &nglan% the call it )a tithe*# an% un%er ol% &nglish la+s.
ecclesiastical la+s# of course4the ,hurch +as entitle% to a
tenth of one0s possessions# an% one %i% not escape e$en if one
+as not a church.goer because in &nglan% ears ago one coul%
actuall be fine% for not atten%ing church. At +as cheaper to go
to church an% listen to )the +or%s of +is%o"* an% then put
so"e "one in the collecting bo!. Af ou e$a%e% 0the +or%s
of +is%o"0 ou ha% to pa "ore b +a of fine.
At +as necessar that people ga$e a tenth of their posses.
sins so that the ,hurch coul% be finance%. There +ere priests

of $arious kin%s +ho ha% to be able to li$e. So"eone ha% to
pa the"# so as the ,hurches +ere in po+er the sa+ that Mr.
an% Mrs. /a"an of the congregation %i% all the paing.
At is essential that a person shall gi$e before the can re.
cei$e. 2i$ing is like opening a %oor# if +e %o not open the %oor
+e cannot a%"it those goo% things +hich are rea% to co"e in
to us. Af +e are not prepare% to gi$e# then +e cannot put
oursel$es in a recepti$e fra"e of "in%. Actuall it is al"ost a
proble" in "echanics.
An ages far beon% the ,hristian teachings# right at the
%a+n of histor itself# the Ancients belie$e% in sacrifice be.
cause the %i% not go b the +or%s of so"e self.stle% 0scien.
tist0# the kne+ b actual e!perience that sacrifice +as essen.
tial# an% the sacrifice% that +hich +as of "ost $alue to the".
The sacrifice% a $aluable creature# a ra"# or in so"e in.
stances a son. This +as not %one +ith the thought of cruelt#
but +ith the thought of %oing that +hich the consi%ere%
+oul% be pleasing in the sight of 2o%. The thought that if
the ga$e that +hich +as of "ost $alue to the" it +oul% sho+
2o% the high $alue +hich the place% upon his pleasure.
An the 1ar &ast it is the custo" to gi$e $er freel to those
in nee%. The "onk +ith his bo+l is not Cust a beggar +ho is
"aking hi"self a nuisanceE the housekeeper# or the +o"an of
the house# looks for+ar% to gi$ing to the "onk +ho calls at her
%oor. She +ill reser$e choice pieces of foo% for hi". An "an
parts of An%ia +here there is e!tre"e po$ert people still keep
asi%e foo% for a "onk +ho calls an% this entails $er consi%er.
able sacrifice# an% it "eans that the people of the house are
al+as on the hunger.bor%erline. 3et the sacrifice is "a%e
+illingl# an% it is regar%e% as an honour if a "onk calls at the
%oor for foo%# the "onk ne$er has to ask# he Cust goes to the
%oor an% the +o"an of the house +ill see hi" there# +ill take
his bo+l# an% +ill fill it +ith foo%. Af she is $er# $er poor she
+ill put that +hich she has a$ailable in the bo+l# an% the "onk
+ill then go to perhaps three or four houses until he has
enough. 'ut those of the neighbors +ho are not calle% upon
on that %a +il8 look upon it as a sign of %isfa$or# because
the +ell kno+ the "erit to be %eri$e% fro" gi$ing# particu.
larl +hen gi$ing "eans sacrifice.
To %igress again (%igression is one of " $ices# perhaps A
shall get ri% of that in Nir$ana!) it is "ost regrettable that
"an people take fright at the "ention of "one although#

actuall# the lo$e the stuff %earl. 6eople e!pect to ha$e the
kno+le%ge of ages +ithout paing a penn for it# people e!pect
a "an to li$e throughout a $er long life an% to stu% all the
ti"e# an% then to gi$e a+a all that kno+le%ge# all that he has
gaine%# Cust for nothing# Cust so that he can get a goo% na"e A
suppose. 'ut +hat happens if ou +ant to train to be a %octor
or an un%ertaker (that +as unfortunate# +asn0t it!). 7ell#
supposing he +ants to train for anthing# a "an e!pects to
ha$e to pa for his kno+le%ge# but +hen it co"es to occult
kno+le%ge e$erone thinks the are going to be in on it )for
6eople forget that e$en those +ho ha$e occult kno+le%ge
ha$e to li$e# ha$e to eat# ha$e to ha$e clothing unless one is
+illing to be charge% +ith in%ecent e!posure# an% if one is so
bus learning an% so bus teaching that one cannot earn a
li$ing# ho+ is one to eat an% to clothe oneselfB Sackcloth an%
ashes ha$e gone out of fashion# an% there see"s to be a short.
age of fig lea$es.
An the &ast her"its %o not earn "one because there is not
"uch "one to be earne%. 6eople %o not pa "one for kno+.
le%ge because "ost ti"es there is no "one +ith +hich to pa#
the pa b ser$ice instea%. The stu%ent pro$i%es the foo% an%
the clothes# an% the teacher pro$i%es the teaching# so the get
on# each kno+ing an% sharing the %ifficulties of the other an%
each "aking allo+ances for the %ifficulties of the other. 'ut in
the 7estern +orl% +here co""erce reigns supre"e an% +here
the poun% sterling or the %ollar is al"ost as goo% as a 2o%#
"one is all that "atters. Af ou %o not ha$e "one# then ou
are a fake or a failure. A +ill tell ou that A ha$e ha% so"e
re"arkable e!periences in this connectionE ho+e$er# perhaps
that +ill co"e in another book +hen A +rite of " e!periences
+ith the 6ress an% a fe+ Cealous people in 2er"an an% else.
+here. 'ut no+ +e "ust get back to our gi$ing.
3ou "ust gi$e in or%er that ou "a recei$e. 6eople ask for
things# people pra for things# people pra for "one# for
health# it %oes not "atter +hat it is# people pra that the "a
be gi$en so"ething# the ne$er sa +hat the "a gi$e in.
stea%# an% it is a %efinite state"ent of fact that if one is al+as
asking for things one beco"es as ser$ile as a %og +hich "erel
asks for a pat fro" its "aster0s han%.
There is a %efinite occult la+ +hich sas that ou cannot
recei$e unless ou are first rea% to gi$e. A"agine that ou are

insi%e a roo" +ith the %oor an% the +in%o+s shut# not locke%#
"in%# Cust pushe% shut. Af ou +ish ou can ha$e the %oor
"a%e of thin paper# an% the +in%o+s also. Outsi%e# pile% in
heaps# +ith sacks all rea% so it "a be carrie% a+a# are
Ce+els# riches +orth a king0s ranso" or "ore. Outsi%e there are
all the things ou ha$e e$er %rea"e% of an% +ante%. 3et if ou
coul% not push outsi%e that paper %oor ou coul% not get at all
those Ce+els +hich +oul% be ours for the taking. Af ou +ill
not "ake the first si"ple "o$e such as the s"bolical pushing
through the paper %oor# then ou get nothing.
Of course this is s"bolicE the act of opening the %oor s".
boliDes the act of gi$ing# because unless an% until one is rea%
to gi$e# an% until one has actuall gi$en +ith a goo% grace# one
is shutting the %oor on an possibilit of obtaining that +hich
one +ants# not "erel shutting the %oor but locking it an%
barring it# an% pushing the furniture against it so that it cannot
be opene%. A person +ho is al+as asking for things an% ne$er
gi$ing is a %issatisfie% person# a frustrate% person# one +ho
%oes not kno+ his or her path in life# one +ho is searching# but
not too energeticall# for )so"ething*# one +ho is e!pecting
others to %o e$erthing for hi" or for her but +ho is not
+illing to gi$e e$en the slightest bit of energ in or%er that the
"atter "a be spee%e%.
1re(uentl a "an or a +o"an +ill go to a "etaphsician
seeking a cure for so"e illness# perhaps an illness cause% b an
o$er.e!cite% i"agination. 7ell#in that case the person seeking
ai% "ust be +illing to gi$e4gi$e of co.operation# for e!a"ple#
because a person cannot be cure% until he or she co.operates# a
person is +asting ti"e in going to a "etaphsician# or an
other kin% of phsician# unless he or she is +illing to co.oper.
ate. So "an people sa in effect# )7ell# if ou cure "e it +ill
be o$er " %ea% bo%#* or +or%s to that effect.
3ou "a sa as so "an %o# )7ell# +hat ha$e A to gi$eB A
a" not rich# ho+ can A gi$eB A +ork har% for all A get# A0" not
going to gi$e to so"ebo% +ho Cust sits %o+n an% "akes +ise
re"arks.* The ans+er is# unless ou are rea% to gi$e +ith
grace ou are on the +rong path# ou shoul% be going
back+ar%s instea% of for+ar%s. 1or others +ho are reall tr.
ing the ans+er is that if ou ha$e no "one ou can gi$e in
ser$ice# in lo$e an% care# to so"eone in nee%. Af a goo% %ee%
has been %one to ou +h not gi$e b %oing a goo% %ee% to
so"eone elseB 7e get nothing +ithout paing for it# an% +e

onl get that for +hich +e pa. 3ou +oul% not e!pect a
lu!urious "otor.car if ou +ere prepare% to onl pa the price
of a biccle.
There is such a lot of "isun%erstan%ing about )gi$e*. 6eople
think# )Oh# the are al+as begging# the al+as +ant this#
the al+as +ant that# the cannot be an goo% if the al+as
+ant "one.* At is too eas to sit back an% think# )No+# +hat
is there that A %on0t +ant# +hat is there that A a" tire% of#
+hat can A get ri% of to cut %o+n on the loa% of rubbishB A
kno+# A +ill gi$e a+a that ol% so.an%.so because then A shall
be Custifie% in buing a better one for "self.* That is useless#
that is a +aste of ti"e an% is a "ocker. At is +holl useless to
gi$e that +hich entails no sacrifice# that +hich occasions no
loss. So"e people are born to "one4then let the" gi$e
"one to a%$ance so"e goo% cause# for no "atter ho+ "uch
"one a "an "a accrue %uring his lifeti"e he cannot take a
single cent out of this +orl%. No person has e$er succee%e% in
taking a "aterial obCect beon% that +hich +e ter" the Veil of
<eath# but e$er one of us takes the learning +hich +e ha$e
gaine% through our e!periences on &arth# +e take a %istillate
of all that +hich +e ha$e absorbe%. The "ore +e learn# an%
the "ore +e learn of +hat is goo%# the richer +e are +hen
+e go to that +hich is trul the 2reater -ealit# +hereas
those +ho ha$e sought onl "one in this life for their
o+n glorification# are nothing +hen the ha$e no "one +ith
3ou "a ha$e po+er# then +ith our po+er help others# for
our po+er is onl lent to ou to see ho+ ou +ill use it or
abuse it. The "an of "illions# the lea%er of a countr4the
are not al+as goo% "en# the are "en +ho are gi$en certain
things in or%er that the "a learn. /et us re"e"ber also that
here +e are as actors on a stage taking the %ress +hich suits us
for the "o"ent# in Cust the sa"e +a as one takes theatrical
properties to enable us to li$e out the part +hich is our lot.
-e"e"ber# also# that the prince of to%a is the beggar of
to"orro+# an% the beggar of to%a is the prince of to"orro+.
No "atter ho+ rich# ho+ po+erful one has been in past li$es#
+hen one co"es to the last life in this roun% of e!istence one
co"es to trouble# to lack of co"fort# to har%ship an% "is.
un%erstan%ing. That is because one co"es to clear up the o%%
bits an% pieces# one co"es to pa all the %ebts that one o+es.
At is "uch the sa"e as a person going a+a to a fresh house#


but first ha$ing to clear up all the corners# all the cellars# an%
the garrets of an ol% house. 'ut let us %eal a bit "ore +ith
Abraha"# Moses# an% others# "illions an% "illions of
others# use% sacrifice. <o ou kno+ +hat sacrifice "eansB
Think of )sacra"ent*. 7ell# +hat %oes )sacra"ent* "eanB
Sacrifice# of courseE onl b sacrifice coul% one secure the help
of Higher 6o+ers# but to sacrifice ou "ust %o +ithout so"e.
thing ourself in or%er that so"eone else "a benefit# in or%er
that so"eone else "a be helpe%. Sacrifice "a call upon ou
to surren%er so"ething to +hich ou are attache%# but +hich
+oul% be a great blessing to a nu"ber of other people or to
help another person +ho has not ha% our o+n goo% fortune.
Are ou a ,hristianB Af so ou +ill re"e"ber that the 'ible
sas# )At is "ore blesse% to gi$e than to recei$e.* To gi$e opens
up the +ell springs of our potential for goo%# opens up the
gates +hereb +e "a obtain that +hich +e +ant to obtain. At
is useless to gi$e in or%er that ou "a be kno+n as a hol
person of goo% intentions. At is useless to ha$e our %onations
for charit printe% in the ne+spapers because that +oul% not
be gi$ing# that +oul% be buing# ou +oul% instea%# +ith our
%onations# be buing publicit for ourself.
/et us think# then# that until +e gi$e that +hich entails
so"e effort# so"e sacrifice# so"e loss# then +e cannot recei$e
anthing +hich is +orth ha$ing. So4isn0t it +orth gi$ingB
P5&STAONF 6eople are state% to ha$e $arious faults +hich
i"pe%e their progress on the 5p+ar% 6ath. 7hat are the "ain
faults stopping one0s progressB
ANS7&-F All right# let us ha$e a look at so"e of these
faults. 5n%oubte%l all of ou can look at faults in a spirit of
scientific %etach"ent# because all ou +ho are rea%ing this are
either on the +a to eli"inating those faults if ou ha$e not
alrea% %one so. 7e "ust take a look at faults as +ell as at
$irtues. After all# %octors look at %ea% bo%ies an% %issect the"
so that the "a be enlightene% an% e%ucate% b the faults an%
the corruptions +hich the fin% in those %ea% bo%ies.
One of the +orst faults is that of scan%al. Scan%al is the
sabotage of the soul# not the $icti"0s soul# "in%# but the one
+ho starts an% continues the scan%al. 6eople lo$e scan%al#
people Cust lo$e to sa things +hich +ill re%uce to ashes the
goo% character of another person# an% if there is no truth in it
then it "akes the" feel e$en better. )A0" as goo% as he is!

7h shoul% he get a+a +ith e$erthing# he "ust ha$e got
faults so"e+here!*
At is a case that in so"e countries one cannot be sue% for
libel or slan%er if one is telling lies but onl if one is repeating
the truth! So people like scan%al# the like# b +or%s to inCure
those +ho the ha$e not the courage to attack phsicall.
Scan%al# ling ru"our# is an insi%ious# e$il attack on one*s o+n
soul because in repeating tittle.tattle an% "aking up ru"ors
an% lies# the person perpetrating such things %efinitel inCures
his o+n electrical charges# +hich is the sa"e as taking a poison
+hich attacks one0s o+n soul.
6erCur is another $ice +hich inCures the perCurer e$en
far "ore than the one +ho is perCure%. 6eople hear a little bit
of ru"our# a little bit of scan%al# but it is not enough# it is not
%irt enough# so a little bit is a%%e% to "ake it +orse# then it is
passe% on as fact to so"e other person +ho a%%s a bit "ore.
That again inCures the utterer0s soul. 1re(uentl Cealous4
another great $ice4is the cause of ru"our. One "an si"pl
cannot bear the sight of another# one "an is absolutel Cealous
of the i"agine% successes of another# an% so he +orks to cut
that "an %o+n to siDe# he starts a +hispering ca"paign or he
%a"ns +ith faint praise. At is a fact# ou kno+# that one can
inCure a person terribl b saing# )7ell# A suppose he %i% his
best# after all# +e "ust gi$e hi" cre%it for that.* Then such a
person# to the superficial hearer# gets a reputation as being a
reasonable "an an% praising e$en un%er the "ost %ifficult
Another $ice is gree%E gree% is akin to Cealous. Mr.O is
terribl Cealous of the success of Mr.3. Mr.O is gree% for
"one# "one.hunger it is calle% in so"e countries# an% the
gree% fee%s the Cealous an% the "ore Cealous Mr. O beco"es#
the "ore gree% he beco"es. All this is %ea%l poison to the
soul# for the soul is a $er real thing# as ou shoul% kno+ b
no+. 7hen +e in%ulge in scan%al or perCur or gi$e +a to
gree% or Cealous +e are "aking opposition charges to our
soul# an% that reall can hurt us.
Nir$ana is the eli"ination of things like Cealous an% gree%#
scan%al# etc.# an% the best +a to progress is to re"e"ber# )<o
unto others as ou +oul% ha$e the" %o unto ou.*
P5&STAONF A un%erstan% that people can pick up a stone# a
cigarette case# or a han%kerchief# an% the can obtain i"pres.
sions about the o+ner of such things. Ho+ is this %oneB

ANS7&-F 3ou refer to pscho"etr +hich is recei$ing
tactile i"pressions +hich in an occult part of the brain are
transfor"e% into pictures or $isions. No+ ou "a +on%er
ho+ it is possible to pick up an i"pressions fro" an in.
ani"ate obCect# but let us "ake it clearer b gi$ing a si"ple
little illustration.
Supposing a person has been hol%ing a coin in his han%#
then the coin +ill gain +ar"th fro" the person0s han%# an% if
that coin be place% upon a table +ith other coins ou +oul%
ha$e no %ifficult at all in %etecting +hich of the coins ha%
been hel%. At +oul% be the one that ha% so"e +ar"th to it.
That is Cust a phsical thing# but it +ill sho+ ou that there
are i"pressions.
Af ou +ant to tr pscho"etr ou shoul% first of all retire
to our sanctu" or "e%itation roo". 3ou shoul% start off as if
ou +ere going to "e%itate# but then ou shoul% pick up the
obCect +hose histor ou %esire to kno+E pick it up in the left
han% an% let it rest lightl on the pal" of the left han%. Tr to
let our "in% beco"e blank or recepti$e# ou "a feel that
ou %on0t kno+ +hat ou are looking for# ou %o not kno+
+hat to e!pect# ou Cust %o not kno+ ho+ to procee%. 7ell# sit
there an% Cust %o nothing. A"agine that ou ha$e a big black
s(uare in front of ou an% ou are going to see pictures appear
on that big black s(uare.
1irst of all ou +ill recei$e i"pressions rather than pictures.
3ou "a recei$e an i"pression that a person is unhapp or
that the person is happ# ou "a get $ague gli"pses of so"e
particular surroun%ings +hich clearl are not our surroun%.
ings. 1irst of all ou +ill be incline% to %oubt that ou are
recei$ing anthing# but keep that article +rappe% up +hen ou
are not using it so that others cannot touch it# an% practice
+ith it. 3ou +ill ha$e to "ake repeate% atte"pts at that sa"e
article before ou can realiDe ho+ "uch is i"agination an%
ho+ "uch is pscho"etric po+er. <o this se$eral ti"es# %o it
e$er night for a +eek# an% ou +ill fin% at the en% of the +eekE
that ou ha$e certain %efinite conclusions about the article.
Af# after so"e "inutes# ou fail to get an i"pression at all
about the article# put it either to the left or right si%e of our
te"ple. Af that %oesn0t +ork# put it at the back of our hea%
Cust +here our hea% Coins our neck. At coul% easil be that
ou are b nature left.han%e%# an% in that case use our right
han% instea% of the left. 'ut the "ain thing is to e!peri"ent

+ith %ifferent positions4left han%# right han%# left te"ple
right te"ple# or back of the hea%. Then ou Cust let our "in%
go blank an% tr to %ra+ into our "in% the i"pressions +hich
are being trans"itte% b the obCect.
-e"e"ber that +hen ou see a stone in the roa% or a bir% in
the sk our ees are not reaching up to the bir% or reaching
%o+n to the stoneE +hat ou %o recei$e is an i"pression or
$ibration trans"itte% b the stone or the bir% in this par.
ticular case# though# ou get i"pressions +hich ou call )sight*.
An pscho"etr# +here ou also recei$e i"pressions# ou go
%eeper than the surface an% so ou get our $isual sensations
insi%e the occult part of the brain. At is (uite a si"ple "atter
+ith practice.
The best +a to practice is to get a person +ho" ou trul
like to pick up a stone fro" the beach# an% +ash it carefull
+ith running +ater. Then the person hol%s the stone to his or
her forehea% an% thinks strongl a "essage to ou# such as )A
picke% up this stone on Mon%a (or +hate$er the %a is)*
Then the person carefull +raps the stone in tissue paper an%
gi$es it to ou +ithout touching it an "ore. Af ou practice
things like that ou +ill soon see that pscho"etr +orks.
P5&STAONF 3ou are not a ,hristian# ou are not one
brought up to the 'ible# so +hat %o ou think of the 'ibleB
ANS7&-F 7ell# ou ha$e to re"e"ber# to start +ith# that
the 'ible +as +ritten "an "an ears after the actual e$ents
relate%. 1urther# the 'ible has been translate%# an% "istrans.
late%# an% retranslate% "an "an ti"es. The 2reat 6riest So.
an%.So %e"an%e% a ne+ translation# then so"eone else ca"e
along +ith a fresh translation# an% then King Ha"es A or so"e.
bo% %eci%e% that he +oul% ha$e an authoriDe% translation.
Through all this# though# there is a great strain of truth# be.
cause the real truths ne$er %ie# the can be conceale% to a
certain e!tent# but to the %iscerning the truths are al+as
there. An the "atter of the 'ible there are strange recor%s
+ritten in the "ster languages of prehistoric ages# but ou
cannot al+as take the 'ible at its actual face $alue. 3ou
+oul% not take the actual black an% +hite letters precisel as
the +ere +ritten# ou cannot interpret the" literall# ou
ha$e to use s"bolog.
The 'ible is an esoteric book# an% of course it is connecte%
+ith the An%ian# ,hal%ean# an% &gptian sste"s of s".
log. ,hrist +ent to Tibet an% after passing through An%ia

an% stu%ing An%ian religions# He actuall +ent an% stu%ie% in
Tibet an% ca"e back to the 7estern +orl% +ith a religion
basicall of the &ast# but +hich ha% been altere% to suit the
7est. Af ou %oubt this re"e"ber that if ou stu% the An%ian
sste"s ou +ill fin% that all the glphs an% nu"bers are to be
foun% in the An%ian sste"s# an% if onl these +retche% 0scien.
tists0 +oul% ha$e a correct rea%ing of the 'ible# bearing in
"in% anthropolog# ethnolog# chronolog# phsiolog# an% all
that# the +oul% ha$e a $er "uch greater un%erstan%ing of all
that there +as in histor# for the 'ible is a "ost in$aluable
ai%4if one can rea% it correctl4to +hat +ent on in bgone
ages. 'efore one can rea% the 'ible one has to kno+ all about
the ,hal%ean Hierophants# fro" +hich one gets the kno+le%ge
of the Puabalah.
Af ou +ill carefull stu% the first fi$e books of the Ol%
Testa"ent ou +ill fin% that the are actuall legen%s# an%
the are (uite a useful %issertation on philosophical phases of
+orl% cos"ogon.
&$erone kno+s the stor of Moses an% ho+ he +as foun%
in the bulrushes b the 6haraoh0s %aughter. 7ell# it "a in.
terest ou to kno+ that all this happene% about 8#KKK ears
before because there are certain tiles# kno+n as the 'ablonian
Tiles# +hich gi$e the stor of King Sargon. He li$e% a long
ti"e before Moses# a $er long ti"e before Moses# about 8#KKK
ears before actuall# an% this stor about a bab bo being
foun% in the bulrushes +as the stor of King Sargon. The book
of &!o%us +as not +ritten b Moses# as has been generall
belie$e%# but instea% +as )"a%e up* fro" $arious prior sources
b &Dra# an% in connection +ith this the 'ook of Hob is the
ol%est in the Hebre+ sste" an% certainl %ates long before
1urther"ore# an of the great 'ible stories such as
,reation# the 1all of Man# an% the 'la"ing of 7o"en# the
1loo% an% the To+er of 'abel# +ere all +ritten long before the
ti"e of Moses. These stories are actuall re+ritten $ersions of
+hat archaeologists kno+ as the ,hal%ean tablets.
The He+s obtaine% their first i%eas about creation fro"
Moses# an% Moses got his i%eas about creation fro" the
&gptians# an% the +hole affair# +hich +as taken fro" the
,hal%o.Arka%ian accounts# +as re+ritten b &Dra. 3ou +ill
fin% that the 2o% is the /ogos. 3ou +ill also fin% that the
'ible actuall starts +ith a "istranslation +here it sas# )An

the beginning 2o% create% the Hea$ens an% the &arth.* At +as
not the actual phsical &arth that +as referre% to but the
upper an% the lo+er# the $isible an% the in$isible.
There are a lot of %iscrepancies in the 'ibleE for e!a"ple
consi%er the first part of 2enesisF 2o% sai%# )/et there be
fir"a"ents#* an% a secon% 2o% obee% an% "a%e the fir"a.
"ents. The first 2o% sai%# )/et there be light#* an% the secon%
2o% "a%e so"e light. 1ro" +hich it is clear that 2o% co".
"an%s so"e other 2o% +ho "ust ha$e been a lesser 2o% be.
cause he %i% the bi%%ing of the first.
)/et there be light.* That %oes not "ean %alight# sunlight#
or artificial light# it "eans instea% spiritual light# it "eans lift
the soul of Man out of %arkness that he "a percei$e the
greatness of 2o%.
Again# A%a" +as not the first "an create%. The 'ible tells
us that because in 2enesis ;. 8=# 8: it is sai% that ,ain +ent
into the lan% of Moab +ith the intention of buing a +ife.
No+ if A%a" +as the first "an create%# +hat +as the point of
,ain going into Moab in search of a +ife# because there Cust
+oul%n*t be an! Actuall# A%a" is a co"posite of ten
Sephiroth# an% of course the 1ather# Son# an% Hol 2host is
the three of the upper tria% of the archetpe +orl%# +hile the
secon% A%a" is an esoteric co"position +ho represents the
se$en groups of "en4the se$en groups of "ankin%# an% +hich
thus for"e% the first hu"an root race.
There +ere the Atlanteans +ho "a%e a lot of researches#
an% if ou +ill rea% the 'ible properl# esotericall# that is#
ou +ill fin% that the se$en kes +hich open the "steries of
the se$en great root races can be trace% back to Atlantean
ti"es. So the &gptians obtaine% infor"ation fro" the
Atlanteans# the He+s obtaine% infor"ation fro" the &gptians
an% altere% it a bit# an% then the ,hristians ca"e along an%
the took all that infor"ation an% %istorte% it (uite consi%er.
abl# an% then the translators +ho put it into /atin softene% all
sorts of co""ents an% "a%e the" fit in +ith the ne+ ,hristian
i%eals an% i%eas# Cust as no+a%as politicians alter histor to
suit their o+n countr. A shall ha$e so"ething "ore to sa
about religion later in this chapter# but that is enough about
the 'ible for no+.
P5&STAONF <O ou belie$e in the stor of the 2ar%en of
&%enB 7rite to "e an% tell "e +hat ou think the 2ar%en of
&%en reall "eans.

ANS7&-F An the ans+er to the (uestion abo$e A blithel
state% that +e +ere finishe% +ith the 'ible for the ti"e being.
7ell# +e ha$e to open it again to ans+er this (uestion +hich
is# %o A belie$e the tale about the 2ar%en of &%en# %o A belie$e
about the 1all of A%a" an% &$e# an% that it +as cause% b
their ne+.foun% interest in the %ifference bet+een each other0s
bo%ies. An other +or%s# as A rea% the (uestion# %o A think that
se! has been the ruination of "ankin%. No# of course A %o not.
A think all that is rubbish. An the ti"e of 6ope 2regor# often
referre% to as 6ope 2regor the 2reat# the $ast 6alatine
/ibrar containing "an of the original "anuscripts +as %e.
stroe%. So"e of the "anuscripts +ere original papri# an%
the +ent back to al"ost the %ate of the start of ,hristianit.
The /ibrar +as %estroe%. The 6ope of those %as thought
that "en +ere learning too "uch# an% if "en learne% "ore
than the priests +ante% the" to kno+ the +oul% be a %anger
to the priests in that the +oul% be asking (uestions +hich the
priests foun% it %ifficult to ans+er.
6ope 2regor thought that "en shoul% start out again +ith.
out benefit of the +ritings of other people. He also ha% an i%ea
that the "o"ent +as opportune to re+rite the histor of
,hristianit an% e%it it in such a +a that the po+er of the
priests +as not %i"inishe%. So the /ibraries +ere burne%#
priceless "anuscripts +ere lost to the a$erage "an an%
+o"an. So"e of those "anuscripts in %uplicate for" ha% been
hi%%en in ca$es in other parts of the +orl%# but to those +ho
can rea% the Akashic -ecor% all "anuscripts# all kno+le%ge# is
al+as a$ailable.
An the case of A%a" an% &$e +e "ust re"e"ber that so.
calle% )original sin* +as not se!# it +as not anthing at all to %o
+ith the phsical bo% but +as an abstract thing. The original
sin +as pri%e# false pri%e# an inferior people setting up as the
e(ual of the 2o%s. Man an%# of course# 7o"an# thought that
the +ere the e(ual of the 2o%s an% so the rebelle% against
the 2o%s. The 2ar%en of &%en +as the oung &arth# the &arth
+hich +as onl then beco"ing fitte% to be the ho"e of a ne+
race# the race of Man. 3ou +ill appreciate that there ha$e been
"an races upon the &arth# "an for"s of life.
'efore Man as +e kno+ hi" no+ appeare% on this &arth
there +as another race si"ilar to Man# not shagg apes as has
been popularl suppose%# but a co"pletel %ifferent tpe of
person upon co"pletel %ifferent continents of the &arth# con.

tinents +hich ha$e long sunk beneath the surface of the ocean
so that other continents coul% rise# an% other nations rise +ith
These people +ere %ifferent. The ha% so"e+hat %ifferent
anato"ical features +hich +e nee% not go into on this occa.
sion. Their skin +as purple# an% the +ere rather larger an%
rather taller than hu"ans of the present %a. These people
+ere intelligent# too intelligent for their o+n goo%# perhaps#
an% the +ere the ones +ho li$e% in the so.calle% 2ar%en of
Accor%ing to ancient recor%s &arth is a colon# a colon
+hich +as populate% b people fro" far beon% this 5ni$erse.
At the ti"e of the 2ar%en of &%en so"e of the people4the
O$erseers4ca"e to this &arth to super$ise the ne+ race of
Man# the purple people# an% the O$erseers +ere giants accor%.
ing to Man0s perceptions. The +ere# in fact# half as big again
as the people of the &arth# an% so +e ha$e a racial "e"or of
the %as +hen 2o%s# giants# +alke% upon the &arth.
The O$erseers +ho# after all# +ere onl hu"ans of a %iffer.
ent kin%# fraterniDe% rather too freel +ith the purple people of
the &arth# the beca"e altogether too frien%l# an% the inferior
people of the &arth ha% inflate% i%eas of their o+n i"por.
tanceE the thought that if the 2o%s associate% +ith the" the
"ust be +on%erful. An% so the +ere i"presse% +ith the
strange# strange +eapons an% %e$ices of the 2o%s# the +ere
i"presse% +ith the bo!es +hich sho+e% pictures an% pro%uce%
$oices an% "usic out of the air# an% the plotte% an% sche"e%
+hereb the coul% o$erthro+ the 2o%s# the O$erseers# an%
obtain those %e$ices for the"sel$es.
Strange $ehicles kno+n as the ,hariots of the 2o%s fla"e%
across the sk b %a an% b night. The 2o%s +ere bus see.
ing about the ne+ &arth# seeing about the +elfare of the
people of the ne+ &arth# but the still ha% ti"e to fraterniDe
+ith the people.
A sche"e +as concocte% +hereb one oung la% +ho +as
particularl attracti$e to the O$erseers shoul% "ake herself
e$en "ore attracti$e to one particular O$erseer. An% the plan
+as that +hile the 2o%s +ere other+ise engage%# one "ight
sa# the "en +oul% kill the 2o%s.
The 2o%s beca"e a+are of the plot# the beca"e a+are that
"ankin% +as $er# $er fault# the beca"e a+are that "an.
kin% ha% treacherous thoughts# luste% after po+er# ha% pri%e#

false pri%e. An% so "ankin% +as %ri$en a+a fro" that par.
ucularl pleasant spotE in other +or%s# the +ere %ri$en out of
the 2ar%en of &%en b angels +ith fla"ing s+or%s. No+ Cust
think# supposing a sa$age +ho ha% ne$er seen a Cet plane sa+
one of these things going across the sk roaring like a blo+.
torch# +oul%n0t it be a ,hariot of the 2o%sB Supposing he sa+
a gun +hich +as being fire%# he sa+ s"oke an% perhaps a bit
of fla"e co"ing out of the barrel# coul%n0t that be a fla"ing
s+or%B He +oul% ha$e to call it so"ething# an% he +oul%n0t
kno+ about re$ol$ersE a fla"ing s+or% is goo% enough4it got
%o+n through the histor books# an% all that.
An the course of ti"e the natural e$olution of the &arth
cause% earth(uakes an% tre"ors# cause% continents to sink an%
continents to rise. Most of the people of the &arth +ere %e.
stroe% in $arious catastrophes an% cala"ities# but certain
people +ere refugees an% the escape% to high lan%. ,ertain of
the"# in fact# li$e on through their racial "e"ories. 1or in.
stance# ha$e ou e$er seen a nati$e of %arkest Africa +ho +as
not black but al"ost a purplish.blackB Think of that. 3ou +ill
agree that there are alrea% at least three races on this &arth#
the black people# the ello+ people# an% the +hite people.
The are three %ifferent races# an% there is (uite a lot of %is.
cor% a"ong the"# a racial %iscor%# as if each one thinks that
the other one is an intru%er.
So +e co"e back to the 2ar%en of &%en# an% +e fin% that
+hen the 2o%s +alke% upon the &arth the +ere kin% an%
consi%erate. The +ere not 2o%s# of course# but the O$erseers
fro" right out of this 5ni$erse. Hu"ans trie% to take a%.
$antage of the"# an% the original sin of hu"ans +as not se!#
+hich is a natural function of hu"ans# but pri%e an% rebellion.
Of course the ,hurch in the ti"e of 6ope 2regor an%# in
fact# "an ti"es in the ,hurch0s histor# ha% a great phobia
against se!. The ha% no phobia against pri%e. So because it
suite% their purpose# the sai% that the 1all of Man +as
through 7o"an# the 1all of Man +as because 7o"an
te"pte% hi" +ith se!# 7o"an +as the sinner# the te"ptress#
the offen%er e$er ti"e.
There is nothing in the 'ible# nor in true ,hristian belief#
+hich supports the state"ent that Man0s fall +as through se!.
,hrist hi"self +as ne$er oppose% to +o"en# He ne$er thought
that 7o"an +as an inferior creature to be treate% as a %og or
St. Augustine an% "an others took a%$antage of the re.
+riting of the 'ible to preach e$en "ore an% "ore $iolentl
against se!. Augustine +as one of those +ho +as terribl# ter.
ribl oppose% to se! e$en in "arriage. At is perhaps +orth a
thought here that there is no greater opponent of %rink than
the refor"e% %runkar%# there is no greater opponent of $ice# so.
calle%# than the person +ho has been refor"e% fro" $ice.


,HA6T&- T7&/V&

-&/A2AON AN< S,A&N,&
P5&STAONF 7hat %o ou think of religionB
ANS7&-F Oh goo% gracious! A thought A ha% close% the
'ible for the present# but of course A "ust sa that A a" )for*
religion. A short ti"e ago A ha% a letter fro" a stu%ent priest.
He took "e to task# he sai%# )An one of our books ou refer to
the ,on$ention of ,onstantinople in the 3ear =K. A cannot fin%
anthing about it in the 'ible.*
There +as a con$ention at ,onstantinople in the 3ear =K.
There is nothing in the present.%a 'ible about it because the
,hurch authorities ha$e re+ritten the 'ible (uite a nu"ber of
ti"es. &$en no+ there are fre(uent "eetings in -o"e to %e.
ci%e +hat shall be taught an% +hat shall be suppresse%# an%
+hat religious sect shall be recogniDe% or ostraciDe%. -eligion
is constantl in the "aking. At is clear that the teaching as it
+as 9#KKK ears ago +oul% not necessaril be the "ost suitable
no+# it has to be brought up to %ate to %eal +ith "o%ern
re(uire"ents. M stu%ent priest frien% +rote to "e in so"e
consternation# so"e anger e$en# saing that A ha% "isle% hi".
A ha$e ha% the pleasure of repling an% saing that it +as not
A# but his superiors +ho "isle% hi". He shoul% consult books
an% papri an% co"e to his o+n conclusion.
A a" not tring to change anone0s religion. A fir"l belie$e
in a 2o%# A "a call Hi" b a %ifferent na"e than that use%
b a ,hristian# or a He+# or a Moha""e%an# but A belie$e in a
2o% an% A a" sure that there "ust be religion. -eligion gi$es
"ental an% spiritual %iscipline. Af "ore religion +as taught
no+ there +oul% be less Cu$enile %elin(uenc.
A a" all for religion. A a" strongl in fa$or of priests
pro$i%e% the teach the truth# pro$i%e% that the recogniDe
that all "en ha$e a right to their o+n belief. So"e ti"e ago in
&urope A appeare% in 'u%%hist robes an% crosse% the street to
a ta!iE a priest of a certain sect sa+ "e an% nearl collapse% as
if he +as looking at the <e$il hi"self! He crosse% hi"self
se$eral ti"es# an% hurrie% a+a (uite rapi%l +ith co"plete
loss of %ignit. A looke% on in a"use"ent. A belie$e that the

greatest rule of all is4<o as ou +oul% be %one b. At %oesn0t
"atter to "e if a "an +ears a particular for" of %ress# it
%oesn0t "atter to "e if he is a ,hristian priest or a He+ish
rabbiE if he is a goo% "an A respect hi". Af he is a sha" in
so"e priestl $est"ent# then A %espise hi"# or sorro+ that he
has not the perceptions to kno+ the har" he is %oing. 1or the
priests of an sect at all ha$e a great# great responsibilit#
people look up to the" an% e!pect help an% truth.
Much of that +hich is taught in religion# an religion# not
Cust ,hristianit# an religion# or in histor# is altere% to suit
the political po+ers of the ti"e or the ti"e itself. ,onsi%er
again Sir 1rancis <rake4in &nglan% he is a great hero# in
Spain he is regar%e% as a (uite un"entionable pirate. 7hich is
To bring the "atter closer ho"e4ho+ about the 2raf
SpeeB The 2er"ans thought this +as a heroic ship "anne% b
a heroic cre+ but the 'ritish an% the A"ericans thought that
this +as a pirate ship preing upon peaceful "erchant"en. So
the 'ritish %estroe% the pri%e of 2er"an0s na$. 7hich %o
ou think +as rightB The 2er"an $ie+point# or the 'ritishB
An Hitler0s 2er"an histor +as %estroe% an% re+ritten.
An -ussia# if one +oul% belie$e the current histor books# "ost
of the great in$entions in the +orl% ca"e fro" -ussia. A
+on%er if Henr 1or% +oul% be calle% )1or%ski* in -ussiaB A
ha$e rea% that the -ussians clai" the ha$e in$ente% the aero.
plane# the telephone# the "otor.car# the see" to ha$e in.
$ente% the +or% )No*4niet. The also in$ente% the col% +ar.
Ho+e$er# +e are not %ealing +ith politics# but A +ill sa that
the %anger is not -ussia but ,hina.
So# %o not belie$e all that is in print# but think for ourself#
an% if ou +ant so"ething stronger than thought# if ou can.
not get to the great libraries of the +orl%# get bus +ith our
astral tra$elling. 7hen ou can %o astral tra$elling ou can
consult the Akashic -ecor%# an% the Akashic -ecor% cannot be
ta"pere% +ith# there is no +a of erasing the Akashic -ecor%#
no +a of concealing true kno+le%ge. At is a$ailable for those
+ho ha$e ees +ith +hich to see# an% for those +ho ha$e ears
+ith +hich to hear.
Puite a"using about religions reall4if one forgets that
religion is "erel a "ental an% spiritual %iscipline. So"e re.
ligions sa one "ust not eat pork# another sas ou "ust not
eat "eat on 1ri%a. One religion sas the bo% fro" the neck

%o+n "ust be co$ere% +hile the face is unco$ere%.
religion sas one can be as nake% as a boile% egg pro$i%e% the
face is co$ere%.
A sa4<o as ou +oul% be %one b4that is the best re.
ligion of all.
P5&STAONF 3ou sa so"e unkin% things about scientists#
but %on0t ou think that onl scientists can sa$e usB
ANS7&-F 7ell# it %epen%s on +hat ou "ean b scientists!
A belie$e that "an of the so.calle% scientists are Cust chair.
polishers. 6eople like -oce of -olls.-oce# &%ison# an% 1or%#
an% a fe+ like that# the +ere real scientists# the ha% not been
to schools +here their thought +as ce"ente% into rock.boun%
channelsE in other +or%s# the %i% not think that things +ere
i"possible# the ha% ne$er been con%itione% to think that a
thing +as i"possible# so the +ent out an% %i% the i"possible.
Man uni$ersities specialiDe in teaching their stu%ents that un.
less 6rofessor <ogsbo% or 6rofessor ,ats+hisker %oes it no
one can %o it. That is all nonsense. A think the )e%ucate%*
scientist is a "enace because he is )e%ucate%* to belie$e that
nothing can be %one unless he or his fello+s %o it.
So"e people think that in the "atter of parallel +orl%s A
shoul% ha$e (uote% &instein. 'ut +h shoul% A (uote &in.
steinB A can assure anone +ho is intereste% that there are
books about &instein an% his theories# an% so anone intereste%
is reco""en%e% to purchase suitable books so that the "a
stu% the theories of &instein.
&instein %ealt +ith theories. He theoriDe% accor%ing to the
facts a$ailable at the ti"e# but ou see# +e "ust not al+as be
le% astra b +hat appears to be the ob$ious# because the ob.
$ious is not al+as so ob$ious. 1or instance# a scientist +as
stu%ing the beha$ior of fleas# he thought he coul% correlate
the beha$ior of fleas0 pschoso"atic patterns +ith that of
hu"ans. After all# fleas thri$e e!cee%ingl +ell on hu"an
bloo%# so our scientist +ent in for the stu% of fleas# an itching
process# if A "a sa so.
7ith great care an% the e!pen%iture of "uch ti"e# he
traine% a "e%iu".siDe% flea to Cu"p o$er a "atchbo! e$er
ti"e he sai%# )2o.* Then +hen the flea ha% the i%ea# the scien.
tist pulle% off t+o of the flea0s si! legs. )2o#* he sai%. The flea
Cu"pe% again# an% +as able to repeat the perfor"ance
although not so successfull as before. The scientist grunte%#
+ith satisfaction# an% pulle% off t+o "ore of the si! legs. )2o#*

sai% the scientist. 1eebl the flea %i% so# an% the scientist
no%%e% his appro$al. -eaching for the flea he pulle% off the
poor creature0s last t+o legs. 5nfortunatel no+ that the flea
no longer ha% legs the scientist coul% shout )2o* en%lessl an%
the flea +oul% not "o$e. The scientist# after "an tries#
no%%e% his +ise ol% hea% an% +rote in his report# )A flea0s
hearing is in its legs. 7hen it loses t+o legs it cannot hear so
+ell an% so %oes not Cu"p too high. 7hen it loses all si! of its
legs it beco"es co"pletel %eaf!*
/et us not be in the position of the scientist +ho trie% to
stu% fleas# let us not blin% oursel$es to the ob$ious. Af &in.
stein is correct# then there can ne$er be an real space tra$el# it
+oul% take too long# because &instein postulate% the theor
that nothing coul% tra$el faster than the spee% of light# an% as
light fro" %istant planets "a take centuries an% centuries to
reach us fro" its source# an% if &instein is correct in his
theor# +e cannot hope to e$er "o$e to other planets.
1ortunatel &instein is not correct. 1ortunatel he is correct
onl on the infor"ation +hich he possesse% at the ti"e of his
,onsi%er the +orl% in 8?4Oh# +hat shall +e saB48?=>
instea% of 8@=>. 7e are back in the ear 8?=> then. Scientists
tell us that Man +ill ne$er tra$el at "ore than thirt "iles an
hour# for a "an to "o$e faster than that +oul% be to tear air
fro" his lungs# it +oul% not be possible for a "an to tra$el
faster. Thirt "iles an hour# then# is as fast as one can e$er
There can be no aircraft in the skies# there can onl be a fe+
hot.air balloons# an% for that presu"abl# there +ill ha$e to be
a lot of speakers an% lecturers an% those +ho criticiDe lecturers
because that +oul% be an ine!haustible source of hot air to
sen% balloons soaring aloft. 'ut +e are tol% in this ear 8?=>
that there +ill ne$er be aircraft.
As Man %e$elope% "ore lethal inclinations an% ne+ instru.
"ents of +ar# it +as %isco$ere% that Man coul% li$e beon%
the thirt "iles an hour li"it# he coul% e$en go as fast as si!t
"iles an hour# an% +hen the railroa%s +ere first lai% %o+n b
2eorge Ste$enson people thought that the absolute ulti"ate
ha% been reache% in spee%. An &nglan%# in fact# "otor.cars
+ere thought to be such %angerous $ehicles that the ha% to be
prece%e% b a "an on foot an% +a$ing a re% flag! 'ut A
belie$e the ha$e got beon% that stage in &nglan% no+ in

cars# an% the go a little faster# al"ost as fast# in fact# as the
%o in this part of the +orl%.
7e ca"e up +ith the theor not so long ago that the abso.
lute spee% li"it +as that i"pose% b soun%. 7e +ere tol% b
reputable scientists that no "an +oul% e$er tra$el faster than
the spee% of soun%# it +as i"possible. No+ there are passenger
aircraft being "anufacture% +hich can e!cee% the spee% of
soun%. 7ar.craft continuall tra$el faster than the spee% of
soun%# lea$ing in their +ake broken +in%o+s an% furious e!.
cla"ations fro" the o+ners of those broken +in%o+s. 1ortun.
atel the pilots are going beon% the spee% of soun% an% so
$ituperation %oes not reach the" until the alight at their air.
port an% fin% that their co""an%ing officer is %ancing +ith
rage at the "essages he has recei$e%.
7e ha$e %isco$ere%# then# that the spee% of soun% %oes not
li"it us# +e can tra$el faster. An% et not so long ago people
like &instein sai% Man +oul% ne$er tra$el faster than the
spee% of soun%. Af these "en ha$e been pro$e% to be incorrect
in their assu"ption# +h shoul% it not be that &instein also is
incorrect in his theor that light is the absolute li"it of spee%B
7hen people tra$el beon% the spee% of light the +ill be
able to see each other an% see +hat lies ahea% of the". The
onl %ifference is that the things that the +ill see +ill be of a
%ifferent colour# +hich +ill be (uite an interesting thing an%
+hich +ill be the sa"e# A suppose# as looking at +o"en0s arti.
ficial faces un%er fluorescent lighting or so%iu" la"ps. The
+hole point is that if one goes tra$elling in e!cess of the spee%
of light# then one +ill be approaching the clair$oant0s stage of
seeing# an% +ill see things in four %i"ensions instea% of three.
A +oul% like here to (uote +hat the great scientists ha$e sai%
about the &arth. Scientists sai% that the &arth +as flat.
Ancient "tholog states that the &arth +as flat an% strange
%e"ons lurke% o$er the e%ge of the flat &arth. M o+n e!.
perience is that "ost of the %e"ons li$e on this &arth. No one
+oul% seriousl belie$e no+ that the &arth is flat. At is a co".
"on belief that the &arth is a "ore or less roun% contraption
an% people ha$e e$en been out in little space craft to take a
goo% look. Thus# +e can sa that the scientists ha$e been
+rong in "ost of their science. 5nfortunatel certain religious
lea%ers "a%e it an offence punishable b %eath to sa that the
&arth +as roun%# an% not so "an ears ago people +ere
nicel toaste% at the stake for saing that the &arth +as roun%

an% not flat. Ho+e$er# A suppose +e all ha$e to %ie at so"e
ti"e# an% there is al+as the consolation that if one is thor.
oughl surroun%e% b fire one %ies of suffocation before the
fla"es reach one4not that that +oul% be "uch consolation to
the $icti" tie% at the stake.
Af +e are going to get so"e scientist0s technical theor as the
li"its of +hat +e "ight %o or sa or think# then +e are going
to put oursel$es in the position of a rail+a loco"oti$e +hich
is confine% to rails. 6eople on the train pulle% b that loco.
"oti$e can onl see a $er li"ite% a"ount +hich lies on either
si%e of the track the tra$erse# the are not able to %i$erge to
see b.+as off the "ain high+a.
6eople +ho tra$el b car# or e$en on foot# see "ore an%
learn "ore. 6eople +ho tra$el on foot are the slo+est# but the
learn "ore an% "ore in %etail an% are perhaps the best off in
the en%# +hile people +ho tra$el b air "a be going so fast
an% so high that the see nothing at all. So let us "ean%er
along# not %isporting oursel$es +ith the scientific theories of
great "en +hich "a be +on%erful in "athe"atical for"ula#
but +hich %o not necessaril correspon% to the real facts of life
an% the after.life.
7estern ci$iliDation occupies "uch less than a tenth of a
secon% of celestial ti"e. Af ou think of the age of the &arth
ou +ill fin% that Man in an of his for"s upon this &arth
%oes not e$en occup one "inute of the t+ent.four hours of
the &arth0s e!istence.
6eople +ho can %o astral tra$elling or +ho are clair$oant
or telepathic can get a "uch better i"pression of +hat is going
on# for those people kno+ that Man upon &arth is Cust one
"anifestation of a spirit.
There ha$e been other for"s of bo%# there ha$e been other
for"s of corporeal e!istence. The phsical bo% of "ankin%
on the &arth is Cust one of a long# long series of e!peri"ents to
see +hich for" +ill affor% a spirit bo% the best chance of
learning the "ost an% the easiest an% the (uickest.
Mankin% is not the ulti"ate# %o not belie$e that it is. No
+or%s of religion# no scientists0 theories can e$er con$ince the
celestial spirit that the little slug bo% it no+ occupies is
superior to the glittering butterfl that it can beco"e.
All this is an atte"pt to "ake ou think for oursel$es# an
atte"pt to "ake ou go into astral tra$elling an% clair$oance
seriousl. Af people are going to analDe e$erthing# an% tr to

fin% fault in e$erthing +ithout kno+ing better# then the are
going to stultif their o+n %e$elop"ent. 7e "ust keep an
open "in%# +e "ust be rea% to accept# +e "ust kno+ +hat
+e are talking about an% not sa# )Oh# that0s not right# that0s
not +hat &instein sai%.* &instein an% people like &instein sai%
that the &arth +as flatE &instein an% people like &instein sai%
Man +oul% ne$er tra$el faster than the spee% of soun%E +ell
+e %o# ou kno+# so"e of us# an% so"e of us tra$el faster than
the spee% of light. Astral tra$el is "uch "uch faster. An the
astral +orl% +hen +e "o$e about +e reall +hoop it up# but A
%o not nee% to tell ou all this. Af ou +ill keep an open "in%#
an% instea% of tring to criticiDe %estructi$el if ou +ill tr to
assi"ilate constructi$el for oursel$es# then ou +ill not fin%
too great %ifficult in %oing astral tra$el.
Keep in "in% also that appro!i"atel e$er 9#KKK ears or
so a ne+ Messiah# Sa$ior# or 7orl% /ea%er appears on &arth.
This is a ccle +hich continues through ccles4al+as.
So +e co"e to the en% of another book# the t+elfth chapter
+ritten in the t+elfth hour of the ccle of Kali. Ma it be that
so"ething that A ha$e +ritten +ill help ou on our +a# an%
ha$e faith in +hat A ha$e +ritten because all A ha$e +ritten in
all " books is true!


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