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Rudd-Rockford-Marble Rock
Community Preschool
Program Policies and Procedures
Rudd-Rockford-Marble Rock Community School
1460 210
Rockford !o"a #046$
%641& '#6-(#0$
Preschool Policies and Procedures
Table of Contents
I !elcome to Rudd Rockford Marble Rock Community Preschool
II Mission" Philoso#hy" and $oals for Children and %amilies
III &nrollment
)*ual )ducational +,,ortunity
.eneral !nformation
I' ( Child)s *ay
/ho "orks in the ,reschool
0aily 1cti2ities
Curriculum and 1ssessment
Child .uidance and 0isci,line
/ater acti2ities
+utside Play and 5earning
6oilet 5earning
+b7ects 4rom -ome
Classroom Pets
' Communication +ith %amilies
+,en 0oor Policy
1rri2al and 0e,arture of Children
6rans,ortation and 4ield 6ri,s
)thics and Con9dentiality
Children:s Records
Preschool 1d2isory Committee
.rie2ance Policy
'I %amily In,ol,ement
-ome ;isits
4amily 6eacher Conferences
4amily <ight
Page 2 of 31
+ther +,,ortunities
'II -ealth and .afety
-ealth and !mmuni=ation Certi9cates
-ealth and Safety Records
.eneral .uidelines
!llness Policy
)>clusion of Sick Children
8iting Policy
Re,orting Communicable 0iseases
Medication Policies and Procedures
Cleaning and Sanitation
-and /ashing Practices
4irst 1id ?it
4ire Safety
Medical )mergencies and <oti9cation of 1ccidents or !ncidents
!nclement /eather
Protection from -a=ards and )n2ironmental -ealth
Smoke-free 4acility
Child Protection Policies
Substance 1buse
'III .ta/
.eneral !nformation
-ealth 1ssessment
4irst 1id3CPR certi9cation
Sta@ng ,atterns and schedule
StaA de2elo,ment acti2ities
)2aluation and Professional .ro"th Plan
Rudd-Rockford-Marble Rock Community Preschool
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Pro0ram Policies and Procedures
I !&1C2M& T2 R3**-R2C4%2R*-M(R51& R2C4 C2MM36IT7
RRMR Community School "as a"arded the State"ide ;oluntary Preschool Program
.rant in 2010 as a result of the Preschool 1d2isory Committee:s dedicated "orkB
6he ,rogram:s goal is to ,ro2ide a high *uality ,reschool ,rogram meeting each
child:s needs including children "ith disabilities and those from a di2erse
backgroundB 6he ,reschool ,ro2ides a rich learning en2ironment that encourages
children:s natural curiosity and su,,orts them to take risks that lead to ne" skill
de2elo,mentB !t is a setting "here children feel safe res,ected and cared forB 6his
is an o,,ortunity for all four-year-old children to take ,art in ,lanned acti2e learning
e>,eriences to build their readiness skillsB 6he ,reschool ,rogram has ado,ted and
meets the !o"a Cuality Preschool Program Standards administered by the !o"a
0e,artment of )ducationB 6he !o"a )arly 5earning Standards are used to guide
e>,ectations for the children and instructional ,racticesB
II MI..I26" P-I12.2P-7" (6* $2(1.
6he mission of RRMR Community School 0istrict in ,artnershi, "ith the community
is committed to ,ro2iding an en2ironment conduci2e to de2elo,ing lifelong learners
ca,able of being successful res,onsible contributing members of an e2er-changing
Grade School Philosophy of Education:
/e belie2eD
Student learning is the most im,ortant element of our societyB
Students learn best in a safe and caring en2ironmentB
!nno2ati2e learning acti2ities and 2arious teaching strategies enhance learningB
Res,ect for di2ersity de2elo,s tolerance "ithin the school and our societyB
)Aecti2e learning ,roduces life-long skillsB
5eaders ne2er lose sight of best ,racticeB
6eaching the im,ortance of citi=enshi, bene9ts the school and the communityB
Producti2e disci,line incor,orates control consistency and careB
Memorable and en7oyable acti2ities foster learningB
School home and community coo,eration facilitates and reinforces learningB
$oals for Children8
Children "ill sho" com,etency in social3emotional ,hysical cogniti2e and
language de2elo,ment skillsB
Children "ill be enthusiastic and curious learnersB
Children "ill be safe and healthyB
$oals for %amilies8
Page 4 of 31
4amilies "ill feel "elcome in the classroom and schoolB
4amilies "ill "ork "ith the school in a meaningful ,artnershi, to hel, their
children be better ,re,ared to learn to read and "riteB
4amilies "ill ad2ocate for their childrenB
III &6R211M&6T
&9ual &ducational 2##ortunity
!t is the ,olicy of the RRMR Community School 0istrict not to illegally discriminate
on the basis of race color national origin gender disability religion creed age %for
em,loyment& marital status %for ,rograms& se>ual orientation gender identity and
socioeconomic status %for ,rograms& in its educational ,rograms and its
em,loyment ,racticesB 6here is a grie2ance ,rocedure for ,rocessing com,laints of
discriminationB !f you ha2e *uestions or a grie2ance related to this ,olicy ,lease
contact the district:s )*uity Coordinator ?eith 6urner Secondary Princi,al 1460
Street Rockford !o"a #046$
641-'#6-($1( kturnerErockfordBk12BiaBus
Children must be four years of age ,rior to Se,tember 1#
of the current school
Pre-registration "ill begin in the s,ring of the year ,riorB Registration materials are
a2ailable from the elementary secretary or ,reschool teacherB 4inal registration "ill
occur in the fall after a birth certi9cate is submitted to ensure correct ageB
Morning classes meet for four hours each day 92e days ,er "eekB 1fternoon
classes meet for a,,ro>imately three hours ,er day four days ,er "eekB Children
attend on Monday 6uesday /ednesday and 6hursdayB Students do not attend on
4ridays in the afternoonB 6his allo"s for ,arent meetings and home 2isits ,lanning
time for the teaching staA and collaboration "ith community agenciesB 6he
,reschool follo"s the RRMR school calendar ho"e2er they "ill start one "eek after
the regular students begin school in the fallB
1M sessionD $D00-12D00 Monday 6uesday 6hursday 4riday
FD00-12D00 /ednesday
PM sessionD 12D(0-(D20 Monday 6uesday /ednesday 6hursday
$eneral Information
/ithin si> "eeks after a child begins the ,rogram health records that document the
dates of ser2ice shall be submitted that sho" the child is current for routine
screening tests and immuni=ations according to the schedule recommended and
,ublished by the 1merican 1cademy of PediatricsB
6he ma>imum class si=e is 20 children in each session based on s*uare footage of
the current locationB 1 teaching staA-child ratio of at least 1D10 "ill be maintained
at all times to encourage adult-child interactions and ,romote acti2ity among
childrenB 6he elementary ,rinci,al "ill maintain a current list of a2ailable
substitutes for both the teacher and teacher assistantB Should one of the teaching
staA need to tem,orarily lea2e the room the teacher "ill call the elementary o@ce
Page 5 of 31
and the ,rinci,al "ill arrange for co2erage of the classroom to maintain the staA-
child ratioB
6he ,reschool ,rogram ,ro2ides all children including those "ith disabilities and
uni*ue learning needsB Modi9cations are made in the en2ironment and sta@ng
,atterns in order to include children "ith s,ecial needsB StaA are a"are of the
identi9ed needs of indi2idual children and are trained to follo" through on s,eci9c
inter2ention ,lansB !t is our belief that inclusion in our ,rogram "ill enrich the
e>,erience for teachers students other children and their familiesB 6he ,reschool
facilities meet the 1mericans "ith 0isabilities 1ct accessibility re*uirementsB
I' ( C-I1*). *(7
!ho !orks In The Preschool
Program 1dministrator 6he elementary ,rinci,al is designated as the ,rogram
administrator su,er2ising the ,reschool ,rogramB 6he ,rinci,al meets all
*uali9cations described in the !o"a Cuality Preschool Program StandardsB
6eacher 1 full-time teacher licensed by the !o"a 8oard of )ducational )>aminers
and holding an early childhood endorsement is assigned to the ,reschool classroomB
6eacher 1ssistant
1 full time teacher assistant in the classroom carries out acti2ities under the
su,er2ision of the teacherB 6he teacher assistant "ill ha2e s,eciali=ed training in
early childhood educationB
School <urse
6he ,reschool "ill ha2e the assistance of the school nurseB 6he current nurse is
em,loyed ,art time is a certi9ed R< and is recerti9ed e2ery three yearsB She
maintains student health records by u,dating them *uarterly and attends to the
health needs of the students "hile they are at schoolB She is a2ailable for ,arent
consultation "hen necessaryB
Su,,ort StaA
1)1 26' su,,ort staA ,ro2ide resources and assistance to the teacher and
classroom u,on re*uest to hel, all children be successful in the ,reschool settingB
Such staA may includeD early childhood consultant s,eech and language
,athologist social "orker occu,ational thera,ist ,hysical thera,ist or othersB
*aily (cti,ities
1 consistent daily schedule is ,lanned to oAer a balance of learning acti2itiesB
5earning is both formal and informalB Play is ,lanned for e2ery dayB 5istening is
balanced "ith talking grou, acti2ities "ith solitary time indoors "ith outdoors
*uiet ,lay "ith noisy ,layB Gour child "ill ha2e the o,,ortunity for the follo"ing
ty,es of acti2ities e2ery dayD
5arge and Small .rou,
Self-directed Play Snack
Page 6 of 31
Learning Center ActivitiesD
1rt Science /riting 6able
.ames and Put together toys
8ook Center 8locks and
/heel 6oys Pretend Play
Story 6ime Com,uters
+utdoor 1cti2ities !ndi2idual
5esson ,lans for each "eek are a2ailable in the classroom sho"ing ho" these
acti2ities are incor,orated into the daily scheduleB /eekly notes "ill be sent home
to families in children:s back,acksB
Curriculum is a frame"ork for learning o,,ortunities and e>,eriencesB !t is a
,rocess by "hich learners obtain kno"ledge and understanding "hile de2elo,ing
life skillsB !t is continually re2ised and e2aluated to make learning fun and e>citingB
!t is the ,olicy of this district that the curriculum content and instructional materials
utili=ed reHect the cultural and racial di2ersity ,resent in the Inited States and the
2ariety of careers roles and life styles o,en to "omen as "ell as men in our
societyB +ne of the ob7ecti2es of the total curriculum and teaching strategies is to
reduce stereoty,ing and to eliminate bias on the basis of se> race ethnic origin
religion and ,hysical disabilityB 6he curriculum should foster res,ect and
a,,reciation for the cultural di2ersity found in our country and an a"areness of the
rights duties and res,onsibilities of each indi2idual as a member of a multicultural
nonse>ist societyB
6he ,reschool ,rogram uses Creative Curriculum a research and e2idence based
com,rehensi2e curriculum designed for four-year-oldsB !t addresses all areas of
early learningD language and literacy math science ,hysical skills and social
skillsB !t is based on thematic units familiar and meaningful to young children such
as -omes and 4amilies 1nimals 4i2e Senses 6rans,ortation and the 4armB !t
,ro2ides children an o,,ortunity to learn in a 2ariety of "ays - through ,lay
,roblem sol2ing mo2ement art music dra"ing and "riting listening and
storytellingB Suggestions for modi9cations and ada,tations are an integral ,art of
the curriculumB /e also integrate -and"riting /ithout 6ears J -oughton MiKin
Reading as research based su,,lemental materialsB
Child (ssessment
Guiding principles:
!t is the school district:s belief that assessment of young children should be
,ur,oseful de2elo,mentally a,,ro,riate and take ,lace in the natural setting by
familiar adultsB 6he results "ill be used for ,lanning e>,eriences for the children
and to guide instructionB 1ssessment "ill ne2er be used to label children or to
include or e>clude them from a ,rogramB 1 family:s culture and a child:s
e>,eriences outside the school setting are recogni=ed as being an im,ortant ,iece
of the child:s gro"th and de2elo,mentB 1ll results "ill be ke,t con9dential ,laced
in each child:s 9le and stored in a secure 9ling cabinetB
Children are assessed in the follo"ing "aysD
Page 7 of 31
RRMR:s curriculum re,ort is modi9ed to align "ith the Creati2e Curriculum
materials and outcomesB !t records student ,rogress in all de2elo,mental
areas at the beginning middle and end of the yearB
+bser2ational data ,ro2ides an ongoing anecdotal record of each child:s
,rogress during daily acti2itiesB
Creati2e Curriculum .+50 assessment is used for each childB
Child ,ortfolios are organi=ed by the teaching staA and include the
assessments obser2ational data and child "ork sam,les collected on an on-
going basisB
4amilies are asked to contribute information about their child:s ,rogressB
Goung children often sho" diAerent skills in diAerent settingsB /orking
together the teaching staA and families can gather a com,lete ,icture of a
child:s gro"th and de2elo,mentB
6he information from the abo2e is used in the follo"ing "aysD
6o ,ro2ide information about children:s needs interests and abilities in order
to ,lan de2elo,mentally a,,ro,riate e>,eriences for themL
6o ,ro2ide information to ,arents about their children:s de2elo,mental
6o indicate ,ossible areas that re*uires additional assessmentB
1ssessment information "ill be shared formally "ith families during Parent 6eacher
Conferences in the fall and s,ringB !n addition the RRMR Preschool Progress Report
"ill be gi2en to ,arents as "ellB 6he ,reschool teacher "ill communicate "eekly
regarding children:s acti2ities and de2elo,mental milestonesB !nformal conferences
are al"ays "elcome and can be re*uested at any timeB
!f through obser2ation or information on the RRMR Preschool Progress Report or
the .+50 assessment the teacher feels that there is a ,ossible issue related to a
de2elo,mental delay or other s,ecial need she3he "ill communicate this to the
family during a conference sharing documentation of the concernB Suggestions for
ne>t ste,s may include the follo"ing "ith the kno"ledge and consent of the
6he teacher re*uests assistance from the 1)1 teacher of record as an early
inter2ention ,rocessB 6his team engages in ,roblem identi9cation ,lan
inter2entions ,ro2ide su,,ort and make outside resources a2ailable to those
indi2iduals re*uesting assistanceB
1 re*uest made to 1rea )ducation 1gency 26' for su,,ort and additional
ideas or more formali=ed testingB
6he ,reschool teacher "ould assist in arranging for de2elo,mental screening and
referral for diagnostic assessment "hen indicatedB
!f a child is determined to need s,ecial accommodations those accommodations
are included in the materials en2ironment and lesson ,lans for that childB
)>am,les include sign language and 2isuals for children "ith hearing im,airments
or language delays and beha2ior ,lans for children "hose beha2ior does not
res,ond to the ty,ical strategies used by teaching staA in the classroomB
Pro0ram (ssessment
Page 8 of 31
RRMR Community Preschool im,lements the !o"a Cuality Preschool Program
StandardsB /e did recei2e a 2eri9cation 2isit during the 201(-14 school year to
con9rm "e are meeting these standardsB 1dministrators families staA and other
routinely ,artici,ating adults "ill be in2ol2ed annually in a ,rogram e2aluation that
measures ,rogress to"ard the ,rogramMs goals and ob7ecti2esB 6he annual
e2aluation ,rocess includes gathering e2idence on all areas of ,rogram functioning
including ,olicies and ,rocedures ,rogram *uality childrenMs ,rogress and learning
family in2ol2ement and satisfaction and community a"areness and satisfactionB 1
re,ort of the annual e2aluation 9ndings is shared "ith families staA and
a,,ro,riate ad2isory and go2ernance boardsB 6he ,rogram uses this information to
,lan ,rofessional de2elo,ment and ,rogram *uality-im,ro2ement acti2ities as "ell
as to im,ro2e o,erations and ,oliciesB
.u#er,ision Policy
8efore children arri2e at school the ,reschool teacher "ill com,lete the follo"ing
daily safety checklist indoor and outdoorD
1ll safety ,lugs and electric outlets co2ered heat31C "ater tem,erature
and toilets etcB in "orking orderB
1ll cleaning su,,lies3,oisons out of children reach and stored ,ro,erlyB
Classroom and materials checked for cleanliness3broken ,arts etcB including
Su,,lies checked - 9rst aid kit late> glo2es soa, ,a,er to"els etcB
0aily monitoring of en2ironment - s,ills sand etcB +ther serious ,roblems
re,orted to head custodianB
I,on arri2al each child is obser2ed by the teacher for signs of illness or
in7ury that could aAect the child:s ability to ,artici,ate in the daily acti2itiesB
<o child "ill be left unsu,er2ised "hile attending ,reschoolB StaA "ill su,er2ise
,rimarily by sightB Su,er2ision for short inter2als by sound is ,ermissible as long as
teachers check e2ery t"o to three minutes on children "ho are out-of-sight %eBgB
those "ho can use the toilet inde,endently "ho are in the library area etcB&
Child $uidance and *isci#line
6eaching staA "ill e*uitably use ,ositi2e guidance redirection ,lanning ahead to
,re2ent ,roblemsB 6hey "ill encourage a,,ro,riate beha2ior through the use of
consistent clear rules and in2ol2ing children in ,roblem sol2ing to foster the child:s
o"n ability to become self disci,linedB /here the child understands "ords
disci,line "ill be e>,lained to the child before and at the time of any disci,linary
actionB 6eaching staA "ill encourage children to res,ect other ,eo,le to be fair
res,ect ,ro,erty and learn to be res,onsible for their actionsB 6eaching staA "ill
use disci,line that is consistent clear and understandable to the childB 6hey "ill
hel, children learn to ,ersist "hen frustrated ,lay coo,erati2ely "ith other
children use language to communicate needs and learn turn takingB
Challenging Behavior
6he teaching staA in the ,reschool is highly trained res,onsi2e res,ectful and
,ur,osefulB 6he teachers antici,ate and take ste,s to ,re2ent ,otential challenging
beha2iorsB 6hey e2aluate and change their res,onses based on indi2idual needsB
/hen children ha2e challenging beha2iors teachers ,romote ,ro-social beha2ior byD
Page 9 of 31
interacting in a res,ectful manner "ith all childrenB
modeling turn taking and sharing as "ell as caring beha2iors
hel,ing children negotiate their interactions "ith one another and "ith
shared materialsB
engaging children in the care of their classroom and ensuring that each
child has an o,,ortunity to contribute to the grou,B
encouraging children to listen to one another and hel,ing them to ,ro2ide
comfort "hen others are sad or distressed
6eaching staA "ill guide children to de2elo, self-control and orderly conduct in
relationshi, to ,eers and adultsB Children "ill be taught social communication and
emotional regulation skillsB !f a child dis,lays ,ersistent serious and challenging
beha2ior the teaching staA ,arents and 1)1 su,,ort staA "ill "ork as a team to
de2elo, and im,lement an indi2iduali=ed ,lan that su,,orts the child:s inclusion
and successB
1ggressi2e ,hysical beha2ior to"ard staA or children is unacce,tableB 6eaching
staA "ill inter2ene immediately "hen a child become ,hysically aggressi2e to
,rotect all of the children and encourage more acce,table beha2iorB
Permissible Methods of 0isci,lineD
For acts of aggression and fghting %biting scratching hitting& staA "ill set
a,,ro,riate e>,ectations for children and guide them in sol2ing ,roblemsB 6his
,ositi2e guidance "ill be the usual techni*ue for managing children "ith challenging
beha2iors rather than ,unishing them for ha2ing ,roblems they ha2e not yet
learned to sol2eB !n addition staA mayD %1& Se,arate the children in2ol2edL %2&
!mmediately comfort the indi2idual "ho "as in7uredL %(& Care for any in7ury suAered
by the 2ictim in2ol2ed in the incidentBL %4& <otify ,arents or legal guardians of
children in2ol2ed in the incidentL %#& Re2ie" the ade*uacy of the teaching staA
su,er2ision a,,ro,riateness of ,rogram acti2ities and administrati2e correcti2e
action is there is a recurrenceB
Prohibited Practices
6he ,rogram does not and "ill not em,loy any of the follo"ing disci,linary
1B harsh or abusi2e tone of 2oice "ith the children nor make threats or derogatory
2B ,hysical ,unishment including s,anking hitting shaking or grabbingB
(B any ,unishment that "ould humiliate frighten or sub7ect a child to neglectB
4B "ithhold nor threaten to "ithhold food as a form of disci,lineB
!ater acti,ities
/e ha2e a "ater table in the classroom for children to stand and ,lay "ith their
hands in the "aterB 0uring "ater ,lay children are in2ol2ed in acti2e e>,eriences
"ith science and math conce,tsB Children "ith sores on their hands are not allo"ed
to ,artici,ate "ith others in the "ater table to ensure that no infectious diseases
are s,readB Children are not allo"ed to drink the "ater during "ater ,lay acti2itiesB
/hen the acti2ity ,eriod is com,lete the "ater table is drained and re9lled "ith
fresh "ater before a ne" grou, of children comes to ,artici,ateB +utdoor "ater
,lay is limited to tubs and buckets or containers as "ell as the "ater tableB /e do
Page 10 of 31
not ,artici,ate in s"imming ,ool acti2itiesB StaA su,er2ise all children by sight and
sound in all areas "ith access to "ater in tubs buckets and "ater tablesB
.nacks;%oods and 6utrition
1ttitudes about food de2elo, early in lifeB 6he food children eat aAects their "ell-
being their ,hysical gro"th their ability to learn and their o2erall beha2iorB /e
ha2e an o,,ortunity to hel, children learn about foods to en7oy a 2ariety of foods
from their o"n culture and others and to hel, them begin to a,,reciate that their
bodies need to be strong He>ible and healthyB )ating moderately eating a 2ariety
of foods and eating in a rela>ed atmos,here are healthy habits for young children
to formB
Children attending the 1M session "ill ha2e breakfast after class beginsB 5unch is
ser2ed t"o hours after breakfast has endedB Children attending the PM session are
ser2ed a snack at a regularly scheduled timeB 6"o food grou,s "ill be re,resented
at each snack time as outlined in IS01 guidelinesB 1 "ritten snack menu is ,osted
in the classroom and a2ailable to familiesB 1ll menus are ke,t on 9le for re2ie" by a
,rogram consultantB 6he ,reschool ser2es a "ide 2ariety of nutritional snacks and
encourages children to e>,and their tastes by at least trying a ,ortion of the food
1ll food is ,re,ared ser2ed and stored in accordance "ith the IBSB 0e,artment of
1griculture Child and 1dult Care 4ood Program %C1C4P& guidelinesB Clean sanitary
drinking "ater is made a2ailable to children throughout the dayB StaA discards any
foods "ith e>,ired datesB 4oods that are hotter than 110 degrees 4ahrenheit are
ke,t out of children:s reachB 4oods re*uiring refrigeration "ill be ke,t cold until
4or each child "ith s,ecial health care needs food allergies or s,ecial nutrition
needs the child:s health care ,ro2ider should ,ro2ide the ,rogram in indi2iduali=ed
care ,lan ,re,ared in consultation "ith family members and s,ecialist in2ol2ed in
the child:s careB Children "ith food allergies shall be ,rotected from contact "ith
the ,roblem foodB /ith family consent the ,rogram ,osts information about the
child:s allergies in the food ,re,aration area and in areas of the facility the child
uses to ser2e as a 2isual reminder to all adults "ho interact "ith the child during
the dayB Program staA "ill kee, a daily record documenting the ty,e and *uantity
of food a child consumes "hen any child "ith a disability has s,ecial feeding needs
and ,ro2ide ,arents "ith that informationB
-igh risk foods often in2ol2ed in choking incidents "ill not be ser2edB 4or children
younger than four years these include hotdogs "hole or sliced into roundsL "hole
gra,esL nutsL ,o,cornL ra" ,eas and hard ,ret=elsL s,oonfuls of ,eanut butterL or
chunks of ra" carrots or meat larger than can be s"allo"ed "holeB
6he school district does not use foods or be2erages as re"ards for academic
,erformance or good beha2ior and "ill not "ithhold food or be2erages as a
,unishment nor "ill teaching staA e2er threaten to "ithhold food as a form of
2utside Play and 1earnin0
Page 11 of 31
/e ha2e daily o,,ortunities for outdoor ,lay as the "eather ,ermits and ,ro2ided
the "eather air *uality and en2ironmental safety conditions do not ,ose a threatB
6his allo"s children the o,,ortunity to de2elo, their large muscle skills get
e>ercise and be acti2eB Sometimes "e s,end longer getting bundled u, than "e
s,end outsideB /e use the Child Care /eather /atch guidelines ,roduced by
-ealthy Child Care !o"a to determine if the /ind Chill 4actor or -eat !nde> is safe
for outdoor ,layB
!n cases "hen "e cannot go outside %due to "eather conditions& children are gi2en
the o,,ortunity to use indoor e*ui,ment for similar acti2ities inside and are
su,er2ised at the same le2el as outdoor e*ui,mentB 4or e>am,le tumbling mats
may be oAered for u,,er body acti2ities or rolling across the matB
!n order to make sure that your child can ,lay comfortably outside it is im,ortant to
dress him according to the "eatherB /hen it is cold outside he needs a "arm coat
mittens or glo2es and a hat %labeled "ith your child:s name&B 4or the "armer days
dressing your child lightly is 7ust as im,ortantB 4or those in-bet"een days dressing
your child in layers is a ,ractical ideaB
6here are areas on the ,layground for children to be in the shade and still be acti2eB
/e encourage you to bring a hat or other clothing for your child to "ear as another
,rotection from the sunB Sunscreen or sunblock "ith I;8 and I;1 ,rotection of SP4
1# or higher "ill be a,,lied to your child:s e>,osed skin %only "ith your "ritten
,arental ,ermission to do so&B /e "ill also use an insect re,ellent containing
0))6%only "ith your "ritten ,ermission& no more than once a day to ,rotect your
child from insect bites "hen the ,ublic health authorities recommend its useB
Program staA "ill com,lete the <ational Program for Playground Safety:s Suggested
.eneral Maintenance Checklist on a "eekly basisB
Gour child "ill be learning through creati2e acti2e ,lay that can sometimes be
messyB Gour child should "ear comfortable "ashable clothing as "ell as rubber-
soled and closed-toe shoes to schoolB /hile "e encourage the use of ,aint smocks
or shirts during art ,ro7ects "e can:t guarantee that s,ills or stains "ill not occurB
Clothing should be free of "ords gra,hics or ,ictures that are ,rofane immoral
illegal or disru,ti2e in natureB 1ll families are asked to ,ro2ide an e>tra set of
clothing for their child in case of an NaccidentO or messy ,layB Please clearly label
the clothing "ith your child:s name to reduce the ,ossibility of mistakesB
Toilet 1earnin0
6oilet learning is an im,ortant time in a child:s de2elo,mentB 4or children "ho are
unable to use the toilet consistently the follo"ing ,rocedures are in ,laceD
1B 0ia,ering "ill only be done in the designated dia,er area iBeB the bathroom
ad7acent to the classroom "ith a fold do"n changing tableB 4ood handling "ill
not be ,ermitted in this dia,ering areaB
2B StaA "ill follo" all dia,ering guidelines set forth in the !o"a Cuality Preschool
Programs StandardsD Standard # Criteria 'D
Page 12 of 31
Cloth dia,ers and clothing that are soiled by urine or feces are immediately
,laced in a ,lastic bag %"ithout rinsing or a2oidable handling& and sent home
that day for launderingB
StaA check children for signs that dia,ers or ,ull-u,s are "et or contain feces
at least e2ery 2 hoursB 0ia,ers are changed "hen "et or soiledB
StaA change children:s dia,ers or soiled under"ear in the designated
changing areas and not else"here in the facilityB
1t all times caregi2ers ha2e a hand on the child if being changed on an
ele2ated surfaceB
Surfaces used for changing and on "hich changing materials are ,laced are
not used for other ,ur,oses including tem,orary ,lacement of other ob7ects
and es,ecially not for any ob7ect in2ol2ed "ith food or feedingB
Containers that hold soiled dia,ers and dia,ering materials ha2e a lid that
o,ens and closes tightly using a hands-free de2ice %eBgB a ste, can&B
Containers are ke,t closed and are inaccessible to childrenB 6he container
"ill be clearly labeled to sho" its intended useB
0ia,ering and .lo2ing ,osters "ill be ,osted in the changing area sho"ing
,rocedures through the use of 2isuals and "ordsB 6hese ,rocedures are used
by the ,rogram administrator to e2aluate teaching staA that change dia,ersB
(B Potty chairs "ill not be used due to the risk of s,reading infectious diarrheaB
4B 1ll families are asked to ,ro2ide an e>tra set of clothing for their child in case of
an NaccidentO or messy ,layB Please clearly label the clothing "ith your child:s
name to reduce the ,ossibility of mistakesB
2b<ects %rom -ome
8ecause the ,reschool ,rogram ,ro2ides am,le toys and learning materials for your
child "e ask that you limit toys brought from homeB !f your child brings an
NattachmentO item from home "e ask that it is small enough to 9t inside his3her
back,ack or cubbyB Please do not allo" children to bring gum candy money or toy
guns to schoolB 6he ,rogram cannot be res,onsible for lost or broken toys brought
from homeB
!ea#on Policy
<o student shall carry ha2e in his or her ,ossession store kee, lea2e ,lace or ,ut
into the ,ossession of another student any real "ea,on or a look-alike "ea,on on
any school ,remises in any school 2ehicle or any 2ehicle used by the school or for
school ,ur,oses in any school building or other buildings or ,remises used for
school functions "hether or not any ,erson is endangered by such actionsB P5ook-
alike "ea,onP means any item that resembles or a,,ears to be a "ea,onB A ero
tolerance polic! on dangerous "eapons #real or to!$ is in e%ect& i'e'( gun( s)uirt
guns( "ater ri*es or pistols( slingshots( to! guns( to! grenades and other similar
items +nives( etc' ,iolation ma! result in a student suspension-e.pulsion'
Classroom (nimals and Pets
No live animals are to be inside the RRMR Preschool classroom at any
!f you as a ,arent or legal guardian "ant to bring your family ,et to share "ith
your child:s classroom you are "elcomeB -o"e2er all animals must remain outside
Page 13 of 31
the school buildings during the 2isitB 6he ,reschool teacher ensures that the animal
does not create an unsafe or unsanitary conditionB 6he animal "ould a,,ear to be
in good health and ha2e documentation from a 2eterinarian or an animal shelter to
sho" that the animal is fully immuni=ed %if the animal should be so ,rotected& and
suitable for contact "ith childrenB 6he teacher "ould ensure staA and children
,ractice good hygiene and hand "ashing "hen coming into contact "ith the animal
and after coming into contact "ith the animalB 6eaching staA su,er2ise all
interactions bet"een children and animals and instruct children on safe beha2ior
"hen in close ,ro>imity to animalsB
1ny children allergic to the ,et "ill not be e>,osed to the animalB Re,tiles are not
allo"ed because of the risk for salmonellaB 6he classroom teacher is res,onsible for
checking re*uirements ha2e been metB
8irthdays are an im,ortant and signi9cant e2ent in the life of a childB 6hey aAord
the o,,ortunity for children to be gi2en s,ecial recognitionB 1ccordingly students
"ho "ish to bring treats for the class on their birthday may do soB 4ood that comes
from home for sharing among the children must be either "hole fruits or
commercially ,re,ared ,ackaged foods in factory-sealed containersB 6he teacher
"ill ,ro2ide families a list of foods meeting the IS01:s Child and 1dult Care 4ood
Program guidelinesB 6hose "ho ha2e summer birthdays are "elcome to choose a
school day to celebrate "ith their classB !n2itations to ,arties outside of school that
do not include the entire class "ill not be distributed at schoolB
' C2MM36IC(TI26 !IT- %(MI1I&.
6he ,rogram "ill ,romote communication bet"een families and staA by using
"ritten notes as "ell as informal con2ersations or e-mailB 4amilies are encouraged
to send "ritten notes "ith im,ortant information so all the staA "ho "ork "ith the
child can share the ,arent:s communicationB 6eaching staA "ill "rite notes for
families no less than "eeklyB StaA "ill use these notes to inform families about the
child:s e>,eriences accom,lishments beha2ior and other issues that aAect the
child:s de2elo,ment and "ell-beingB Parents are encouraged to maintain regular
on-going t"o-"ay communication "ith the teaching staA in a manner that best
meets their needs - email in ,erson notes or ,hone callsB
2#en *oor Policy
Parents and legal guardians are al"ays "elcome to 2isit the ,reschool classroomB
1s a safety feature all ,arents and 2isitors "ill check in at the elementary school
o@ceB ;isitors are asked to ,lease use discretion "ith regard to bringing babies and
toddlers to school as young children may disru,t class sessionsB Photo identi9cation
"ill be re*uired for any unkno"n 2isitor to the classroomB
(rri,al and *e#arture of Children
Page 14 of 31
1ll motor 2ehicle trans,ortation ,ro2ided by ,arents legal guardians or others
designated by ,arents or legal guardians "ill include the use of age-a,,ro,riate
and si=e-a,,ro,riate seat restraintsB
/hen bringing your child to school "e ask that you ,ark your car in the ,arking lot
and turn oA the engine before entering the buildingB Please hold your child:s hand
as you enter the building to decrease the ,ossibility of an accidentB Parents or legal
guardians must either accom,any children to the classroom at the beginning of the
day or lea2e their child in the care of one of the teaching staAB <o child "ill be
,ermitted to lea2e the building "ithout an adultB
+ther than ,arents or legal guardian only ,ersons "ith ,rior "ritten authori=ation
%Parent Consent 4orm& "ill be allo"ed to ,ick u, a child from the schoolB 1nyone
"ho is unfamiliar to teaching staA including authori=ed indi2iduals "ill be asked to
,resent ,hoto identi9cation before a child is released to themB
!n the interest of students: safety ,arents3guardians3authori=ed indi2iduals are
re*uested to re,ort directly to the classroom through the front doors of the building
"hen ,icking u, their childB /hen ,icking u, your child from the school ,lease
come early enough to en7oy "atching "hat your child is doing during that time of
the dayB
!f your child rides the school bus to school students "ill enter the building "ith all
the other elementary studentsB 1t dismissal teaching staA "ill accom,any each
student to the bus and assist the student onto the bus at the beginning of the yearB
1fter a ,eriod of time "hen teachers feel comfortable letting students go to the
bus they may go on their o"n or from the assistance of an older student3siblingB
/hen all children ha2e arri2ed the ,reschool teacher "ill record attendance for the
dayB 6hroughout the day each time children transition from one location to another
iBeB classroom to outdoor the teacher "ill be res,onsible for counting the number of
children "hene2er lea2ing one area and "hen arri2ing at another to con9rm the
safe "hereabouts of e2ery child at all timesB
6he RRMR Community Schools "ill ,ro2ide school bus trans,ortation for
,reschoolers to day cares and -ead Start Students: homesB Parents or legal
guardians are asked to kee, their information current by re,orting changes to the
,reschool teacher or elementary school secretaryB 1ll information "ill be u,dated at
least *uarterly by teaching staAB

4or children "ho ha2e s,ecial needs for trans,ortation the facility "ill use a ,lan
based on a functional assessment of the child:s needs related to trans,ortation that
is 9lled out by the child:s ,hysician and may also be dictated by their !)PB 6his ,lan
"ill address s,ecial e*ui,ment sta@ng and care in the 2ehicle during trans,ortB
1ny accommodations indicated in the child:s !ndi2iduali=ed )ducational Program "ill
be im,lemented as describedB
%ield Tri#s
Page 15 of 31
1n im,ortant learning o,,ortunity can take ,lace in the form of a 9eld tri, that is
rele2ant and reinforces "hat has been taught in the classroomB 6he RRMR school
buses are used for these 9eld tri,sB Parents "ill be informed of each 9eld tri,
through a ne"sletter and signs ,osted in the classroom "ell in ad2anceB 1 ,arent
or legal guardian must sign an informed consent form for tri,s for each child before
each tri,B 1dult family members are asked to 2olunteer to go on these tri,s to
,ro2ide increased su,er2ision and adult3child ratiosB 1 notice ,osting the dates
time of de,arture time of return and the destination location "ill be ,osted
,rominently at least 4$ hours before the 9eld tri,B )ach child "ill be assigned to an
adult for e2ery ,art of the tri,B 8efore e2ery tri, the teaching staA "ill instruct
children and all adults using the bus about the 10-foot danger =one around the
2ehicle "here the dri2er cannot seeB
0uring the 9eld tri, all children "ill "ear identifying information that for children
gi2es the ,rogram name and ,hone numberB 1 9rst aid kit emergency contact
information and emergency trans,ort authori=ation information for the children in
the grou, "ill be taken on all tri,sB Children "ill be counted e2ery 1# minutes "hile
on a 9eld tri,B Children may only use a ,ublic restroom if they are accom,anied by
a staA memberB Children "ill ne2er be left alone in a 2ehicle or unsu,er2ised by an
Students "ho are enrolled for classes in the RRMR Schools are e>,ected to be in
school for the full session and are e>,ected to be ,unctual in their arri2al and
de,artureB Students are not e>,ected to be absent any more than is necessary for
health reasons or a,,ointmentsB !rregular attendance interferes "ith the ,rogress
of your child and others as teachers 9nd themsel2es taking class time to re,eat
information and make ad7ustments for those students "ho ha2e been absentB
Please call the elementary o@ce "ith the reason for an absence no later than $D(0
1BMB if your child for the morning session and by 12D(0 for the afternoon sessionB
4or safety:s sake if a student is absent "ithout noti9cation the school
secretary3teaching staA "ill attem,t to contact the family to 2erify the child:s
absence from schoolB
&thics and Con=dentiality
StaA follo" an im,ortant code of ethics to guide their in2ol2ement "ith children and
familiesB !t is essential to ,rotect the con9dentiality of all information concerning
children and their familiesB Maintaining a ,rofessional attitude includes being
res,onsi2e to the needs of children and their families "hile balancing the need for
con9dentialityB Children are ,eo,le "ho deser2e res,ectB +ne "ay "e demonstrate
this res,ect is to refrain from talking about the children in their ,resence unless the
child is ,art of the con2ersation and to refrain from labeling a child negati2ely or
,ositi2elyB <o information about any ,articular child shall be shared "ith another
child:s ,arentB /e continually stri2e to model such *ualities as ,atience tolerance
coo,eration acce,tance understanding of others and enthusiasm for children as
"ell as for other adultsB
1ll teaching staA "ill recei2e training on ethics and con9dentiality on the <ational
1ssociation for the )ducation of Goung Children:s Code of )thical Conduct as ,art of
their orientationB )ach staA ,erson "ill sign a Statement of Commitment to
Page 16 of 31
document their "illingness to hold close the 2alues and moral obligations of the
9eld of early childhood educationB
Children)s Records
Student records containing ,ersonally identi9able information e>ce,t for directory
information are con9dentialB +nly ,ersons including em,loyees "ho ha2e a
legitimate educational interest are allo"ed to access a studentMs records "ithout the
,arentMs ,ermissionB Parents may access re*uest amendments to and co,y their
childMs records during regular o@ce hoursB Parents may also 9le a com,laint "ith
the Inited States 0e,artment of )ducation if they feel their rights regarding their
childMs records ha2e been 2iolatedB 4or a com,lete co,y of the school districtMs
,olicy on student records or the ,rocedure for 9ling a com,laint contact the board
secretary in the high school administration o@ceB
Parents or guardians "ill be asked to sign a release of information form should they
or the school re*uest information be shared "ith another agency stating to "hom
the information is to be released the reason or ,ur,ose for the release of
information "hen it e>,ires and "ays the ,arents can "ithdra" ,ermission if they
choose to do soB
Preschool (d,isory Committee
6he RRMR Community Preschool has a ,reschool ad2isory committee com,osed of
,arents school staA and other community members interested in the ,reschool
,rogramB 6his grou, meets to ,ro2ide feedback on ser2ices that meet children and
family needsB 6hey also ser2e as a sounding board for ne" ideas and ser2icesB
Please let the ,reschool teacher kno" if you are interested in being ,art of the
Preschool 1d2isory CommitteeB
$rie,ance Policy
+,en and honest communication bet"een families and the ,reschool ,rogram is an
essential com,onent of a high *uality early childhood ,rogramB /e "ant you to be
con9dent that your child is being "ell cared for and is ha2ing a *uality e>,erienceB
!f there is e2er a time you ha2e a concern regarding your child "e "ant to
encourage you to address your concern to your child:s teacherB !f additional hel, is
needed either ,arty may ask for the assistance from the )lementary Princi,al MrsB
Qane SmithB
!f you ha2e a concern regarding some as,ect of the ,rogram or ,olicy ,lease
contact the )lementary Princi,al "ho is the ,rogram administrator for the
,reschoolB !f you remain dissatis9ed you may contact the Su,erintendent of RRMR
Community SchoolsB
1s ,art of our ,rogram assessment in the s,ring of each year "e also ,ro2ide you
"ith a family *uestionnaire to e2aluate our ,rogramB 6his information hel,s us to
assess ho" the ,rogram is meeting the needs of families and children as "ell as to
identify strengths and "eaknessesB
'I %(MI17 I6'21'&M&6T
Page 17 of 31
RRMR School encourages families to be 2ery in2ol2ed in their child:s education by
obser2ing their children during the day "hen ,ossible and meeting "ith staAB
4amily members are "elcome to 2isit at any time during class sessionsB
6eachers and administrators use a 2ariety of formal and informal "ays to become
ac*uainted "ith and learn from families about their family structure and their
,referred means of child-rearing ,ractices and communicationL and information
about their socioeconomic linguistic racial religious and cultural backgrounds as
they "ish to shareB 4amilies are sur2eyed in enrollment ,a,er"ork and through
other *uestionnaires during the year regarding their family beliefs and
,referencesB -ome 2isits are conducted at the beginning of the school yearB
Program staA communicate "ith families on at least a "eekly basis regarding
childrenMs acti2ities and de2elo,mental milestones shared care-gi2ing issues and
other information that aAects the "ell-being of their childrenB 4amily teacher
conferences are held in both the fall and s,ring semesters as "ell as "hen either
,arty re*uestsB 1t least one 4amily <ight is held during the yearB
RRMR Preschool 2alues the time s,ent talking and interacting "ith families and
de2elo,ing strong reci,rocal relationshi,sB 1s the teacher learns from the families:
e>,ertise regarding their child:s interests a,,roaches to learning and
de2elo,mental needs goals for your child:s gro"th and de2elo,ment can be
incor,orated into ongoing classroom ,lanningB 4amilies are encouraged to share
any concerns ,references or *uestions "ith the ,reschool teacher or administration
at any timeB
1lthough in-,erson daily contact cannot be re,laced ,reschool staA also rely on
notes home emails ,hone calls ne"sletters and bulletin boards as alternati2es
means to establish and maintain o,en t"o-"ay communicationB
RRMR Preschool in2ites you to become in2ol2ed in one or all of the follo"ing "ays
and "elcomes other ideas as "ellB
1B Su,,ort your child:s daily transition to school by sharing information about
your child:s interests and abilitiesB ?ee,ing the teacher informed of changes
and e2ents that might aAect your child allo"s the teacher to be more
res,onsi2e to your child:s needsB
2B 1ttend family meetingsB
(B Return all forms *uestionnaires and so on ,rom,tlyB
4B 1ttend 4amily36eacher conferences in the 4all and S,ring semestersB
#B 6ake time to read the family bulletin boardB
6B Check your child:s back,ack each dayB
'B Partici,ate in 9eld tri, acti2itiesB
$B Share some of your talents in your child:s class through acti2ities such asD
reading or storytelling cooking art music se"ing crafts hobbies your
,rofession or artifacts from tri,s you ha2e takenB
FB Share any of your families: cultural traditions celebrations or customsB
10B-el, ,re,are snack and en7oy it "ith your childB
11BRead all the material sent home "ith your childB
12BCome to ,layB
Page 18 of 31
1(B-el, "ith s,ecial e2entsB -el,ing takes many diAerent forms such as
,re,aration of materials at home making tele,hone calls ,re,aring or
,osting Hyers recruiting other 2olunteers collecting donations or ,ri=es run
errands ,hotogra,hy setu, before the e2ent or clean after"ardsB
14BSer2e on the Preschool 1d2isory CommitteeB
1#B1dd to the monthly ne"sletter or organi=e itB
!t is the ,olicy of the RRMR Community School 0istrict not to discriminate on the
basis of race national origin creed age marital status or ,hysical disability in its
education ,rograms acti2ities or em,loyment ,olicies as re*uired by 6itle ;! or ;!!!
of the 1F64 Ci2il Rights 1ct 6itle !R of the 1F'2 )ducation 1mendments and the
4ederal Rehabilitation 1ct of 1F'(B
6he school district "ill to the e>tent ,ossible ,ro2ide full o,,ortunities for
meaningful ,artici,ation of the families "ith children "ith limited )nglish
,ro9ciency families "ith children "ith disabilities including ,ro2iding information
and school re,orts in an understandable and uniform format and including
alternati2e formats on re*uest and to the e>tent ,ossible in a language families
6he school district belie2es that families should be su,,orted in making decisions
about ser2ices that their children may needB 6he teaching staA "ill ,ro2ide
information to families about a2ailable community resources and assist as
re*uested in hel,ing the family make connectionsB
-ome 'isits
-ome 2isits are made ,rior to the start of schoolB 6his is an o,,ortunity for the
,reschool teacher to get to kno" you your child and your family and for you to
begin to create a ,artnershi, bet"een home and school in order to best meet your
child:s needsB 6his is a great time for you to share "hat makes your family uni*ue
ho" you ,refer to communicate "ith the teacher and share your kno"ledge about
your child:s interests a,,roaches to learning and de2elo,mental needsB Gou can
hel, the teacher understand "hat your goals are for your child and "hether you
ha2e any concerns you:d like addressedB Parents are encouraged to share these
,references concerns and *uestions at any time "ith either the classroom teacher
or administratorB

%amily Teacher Conferences
6he ,reschool ,rogram "ill ha2e formal family teacher conferences at the same
time as the elementary school - fall and s,ringB 6he teacher "ill send home a sheet
before the conference asking you to consider "hat ne" skills you see your child
de2elo,ing at home or in the community to think about "hat you:d like more
information about the classroom and "hether you ha2e ne" or diAerent goals for
your childB 0uring the conference the teacher "ill share results of classroom
assessments and sam,les of your child:s "orkB 6ogether you can make a ,lan to
continue to encourage your child:s gro"th and de2elo,mentB
%amily 6i0ht
4amily night is an o,,ortunity for you and your family to come to school to
,artici,ate in fun as "ell as educational acti2itiesB 8ased on results from a family
Page 19 of 31
sur2ey the teaching staA "ill select a to,ic for the e2eningB /ith hel, from family
2olunteers the night "ill be ,lanned to meet the needs of the children and families
in the classroomB
-ome-school connections are crucial to the transition to kindergarten or any other
,rogram such as s,ecial educationB 6he child:s family ,ro2ides the consistency and
continuity necessary for a young child to be successfulB Making a change from one
,rogram to another can sometimes be di@cult for a young child "hether the
transition is "ithin the same building or in another locationB 6eaching staA "ill
,artner "ith the family to make the transition as smooth as ,ossible by connecting
family members "ith the ne>t ,rogram:s staAB Preschool staA "ill ,ro2ide
information about enrollment ,olicies and ,rocedures ,rogram o,tions and
arrange for a classroom 2isit "hene2er ,ossibleB
'II -&(1T- (6* .(%&T7
RRMR Community Preschool is committed to ,romoting "ellness and to safeguard
the health and safety of children and adults "ho ,artici,ate in our ,rogramB !n
order to ,ro2ide a safe and secure en2ironment for e2ery child and adult "e follo"
guidelines re*uired by the Cuality Preschool Program Standards regulatory
agencies and ,ediatric authorities in the 9eldB
-ealth and Immuni>ation Certi=cates
/ithin si> "eeks after a child begins the ,rogram health records that document the
dates of ser2ice shall be submitted that sho" the child is current for routine
screening tests and immuni=ations according to the schedule recommended and
,ublished by the 1merican 1cademy of PediatricsB
/hen a child is o2erdue for any routine health ser2ices ,arents legal guardians or
both ,ro2ide e2idence of an a,,ointment for those ser2ices before the child:s entry
into the ,rogram and as a condition of remaining enrolled in the ,rogram e>ce,t for
immuni=ation for "hich ,arents are using religious e>em,tionB
-ealth and .afety Records
-ealth and safety information collected from families "ill be maintained on 9le for
each child in the school nurse:s o@ceB 4iles are ke,t current by u,dating as needed
but at least *uarterlyB 6he content of the 9le is con9dential but is immediately
a2ailable to administrators or teaching staA "ho ha2e consent from a ,arent or
legal guardian for access to recordsL the child:s ,arent or legal guardianL and
regulatory authorities u,on re*uestB
Child -ealth and Safety Records "ill includeD
1B Current information about any health insurance co2erage re*uired for
treatment in an emergencyL
Page 20 of 31
2B Results of health e>amination sho"ing u,-to-date immuni=ations and
screening tests "ith an indication of normal or abnormal results and any
follo"-u, re*uired for abnormal resultsL
(B Current emergency contact information for each child that is ke,t u, to
date by a s,eci9ed method during the yearL
4B <ames of indi2iduals authori=ed by the family to ha2e access to health
information about the childL
#B !nstructions for any of the child:s s,ecial health needs such as allergies or
chronic illness %eBgB asthma hearing or 2ision im,airments feeding needs
neuromuscular conditions urinary or other ongoing health ,roblems
sei=ures diabetes&L
6B !ndi2idual emergency care ,lans for children "ith kno"n medical or
de2elo,mental ,roblems or other conditions that might re*uire s,ecial care
in an emergency %allergy asthma sei=ures ortho,edic or sensory ,roblems
and other chronic conditionsL conditions that re*uire regular medication or
technology su,,ortL and
'B Su,,orting e2idence for cases in "hich a child is under-immuni=ed because
of a medical condition %documented by a licensed health ,rofessional& or the
family:s beliefsB StaA im,lement a ,lan to e>clude the child ,rom,tly if a
2accine-,re2entable disease to "hich children are susce,tible occurs in the
$eneral -ealth and .afety $uidelines
1ll staA must be alert to the health of each child kno"n allergies or
s,ecial medical conditionsB
Inder the su,er2ision of the ,reschool teacher all stuA must be alert to
the "hereabouts of all childrenB Systems are in ,lace for accounting for
children at regular inter2als es,ecially during ,eriods of transitionB
1ll staA are to follo" ,ro,er ,rocedures for hand "ashing using
disinfectant and follo"ing uni2ersal ,recautions to ,re2ent infectionsB
1ll staA are familiar "ith e2acuation routes and ,roceduresB
1ll teaching staA com,lete N+ccu,ational )>,osure to 8loodborne
PathogensO annuallyB
1t least one staA member "ho has a certi9cate of satisfactory com,letion
of ,ediatric 9rst-aid training including managing a blocked air"ay and
,ro2iding rescue breathing for infants and children is al"ays ,resent "ith
each grou, of childrenB /hen a child in the grou, has a s,ecial health
condition that might re*uire CPR one staA ,erson "ho has successfully
com,leted training in CPR is ,resent in the ,rogram at all timesB
Illness Policy and &?clusion of .ick Children
4or the health and safety of all the children it is mandatory that sick children not be
brought to schoolB !f your child has any of the follo"ing sym,toms during the night
he or she "ill not be admitted the follo"ing morning for the safety of the other
fe2er greater than 100 degrees 4
Page 21 of 31
,ink eyes "ith drainage
cough "ith congestion and e>cessi2e nasal discharge
6he center:s established ,olicy for an ill child:s returnD
4e2er free for 24 hours
Chicken ,o>D one "eek after onset %or "hen lesions are crusted&
Stre,D 24 hours after initial medication
;omiting30iarrheaD 24 hours after last e,isode
Con7uncti2itisD 24 hours after initial medication or "hen "ithout drainage
I,on arri2al at school each child is obser2ed by teaching staA for signs of illness or
in7ury that could aAect the child:s ability to ,artici,ate comfortably in the daily
acti2itiesB Children "ill be e>cluded "hen a child is not able to ,artici,ate
comfortablyL if the illness re*uires more care than staA are able to ,ro2ide "ithout
com,romising the needs of the other children in the grou,L or if kee,ing the child at
school ,oses an increased risk to the child or to other children or adults "ith "hom
the child "ill come in contactB
/hen a child de2elo,s signs of an illness during their day at ,reschool ,arents
legal guardians or other ,erson authori=ed by the ,arent "ill be noti9ed
immediately to ,ick u, the childB 4or this reason ,lease be sure that "e ha2e
current accurate ,hone numbers for you your authori=ed emergency contact
,erson and your child:s ,ediatricianB !n the meantime "e "ill ,ro2ide the child a
,lace to rest until the ,arent legal guardian or designated ,erson arri2es under the
su,er2ision of someone familiar "ith the childB !f the child is sus,ected of ha2ing a
contagious disease then until she or he can be ,icked u, the child is located "here
ne" indi2iduals "ill not be e>,osedB
5itin0 Policy
+ur ,ers,ecti2eD 8iting is a 2ery common beha2ior among children birth to three
yearsB !t is im,ortant to think ,ositi2ely of children "ho biteB 8iting is a form of
communication as biting is almost al"ays a res,onse to the child:s needs not being
met or co,ing "ith a challenge or stressorB !f "e label children as Sbiters: "e "ill
harm children:s self-,erce,tions and intensify biting beha2iorsB
-o" the center "ill res,ondD !f a biting incident occurs in the classroom the
caregi2ers res,onse "ill include the follo"ingD caregi2ers "ill kee, their feelings in
check and not e>,ress frustration or anger to the child ensure all children are safe
"ill in a 9rm calm 2oice address the child that bit in a short sim,le and clear "ay
"ill shift their attention to the child "ho "as bitten and sho" concern and su,,ort
for that child go back and talk "ith the child %if the child is 2erbal and able to talk&
and the diAerent strategies sh3he can use ne>t time instead of biting and hel, the
children mo2e onB
-o" the center "ill assess the ade*uacy of caregi2er su,er2ision and the conte>t
and the en2ironment in "hich the biting occurredD the center "ill ask *uestions on
the *uality of relationshi,s bet"een the child and caregi2ers consider
en2ironmental inHuences on the child:s beha2ior and identify targeted social-
emotional su,,ortsB 6he center may conduct obser2ations "ith ,arent ,ermission
Page 22 of 31
use the data from obser2ations to 9nd ,atterns and ,otential solutions res,ond
immediately to any unsafe beha2iors and meet "ith family to collect information
about the child:s beha2ior at home share information and demonstrate a
commitment to "orking together to address the child:s needsB
6he center "ill res,ond to the indi2idual child or caregi2er "ho "as bitten byD
sho"ing immediate concern and su,,ort to the ,erson being bitten the child "ith
the challenging beha2ior should be taught in a caring and 9rm "ay that the
beha2ior is not acce,table as "ell as alternati2e beha2iorsL the center "ill also
e>amine the needs of the child including ,otential changes to the en2ironment and
routines to ,re2ent future incidents if a child is ,ro2ided de2elo,mentally
a,,ro,riate and indi2iduali=ed care in a ,ur,osefully ,lanned en2ironment
discharging a child is needed only in rare e>treme situationsB
6he noti9cation ,rocess to ,arents "ill includeD a con9dential re,ort to ,arents of
in2ol2ed children using the school:s incident re,ortB
6he center "ill document the incidentD a con9dential re,ort "ill be included in the
child:s 9leB
4irst aid ,rocedures "ill be used to address the a,,ro,riate care for in7uries and
human bitesB
*ental &?am
1ll students are encouraged to com,lete a dental e>am ,rior to enrollment in the
,reschool ,rogramB Gou "ill be asked to indicate the name address and tele,hone
number of your dentist in the e2ent your child is in7ured at ,reschool and "e can
not reach youB Students in the morning class are re*uired to ha2e a dental e>am
before enrollment for -ead StartB
Re#ortin0 Communicable *iseases
StaA and teachers ,ro2ide information to families 2erbally and in "riting about any
unusual le2el or ty,e of communicable disease to "hich their child "as e>,osed
signs and sym,toms of the disease mode of transmission ,eriod of
communicability and control measures that are being im,lemented at the ,rogram
and that the families should im,lement at homeB 6he ,rogram has documentation
that it has coo,erati2e arrangements "ith local health authorities and has at least
annually made contact "ith those authorities to kee, current on rele2ant health
information and to arrange for obtaining ad2ice "hen outbreaks of communicable
disease occurB
Medication Policies and Procedures
Policy: 6he school "ill administer medication to children "ith "ritten a,,ro2al of
the ,arent and an order from a health ,ro2ider for a s,eci9c childB 8ecause
administration of medication in the school is a safety ha=ard medication
administration "ill be limited to situations "here an agreement to gi2e medicine
outside ,reschool hours cannot be madeB /hene2er ,ossible the 9rst dose of
medication should be gi2en at home to see if the child has any ty,e of reactionB
Page 23 of 31
Procedure: 6he school nurse coordinates and3or administers medication during
school hours only if the ,arent or legal guardian has ,ro2ided "ritten consent and
the medication is a2ailable in an original labeled ,rescri,tion or manufacturer:s
container that is child-resistantB 1ny other ,erson "ho "ould administer medication
has s,eci9c training and a "ritten ,erformance e2aluation u,dated annually by a
health ,rofessional on the ,ractice of the 92e right ,ractices of medication
administrationD %1& 2erifying that the right child recei2es the %2& right medication %(&
in the right dose %4& at the right time %#& by the right method "ith documentation of
each right each time the medication is gi2enB Medication errors "ill be controlled by
checking and recording these 92e right ,ractices each time medication is gi2enB
Should a medication error occur the Regional Poison Control Center and the child:s
,arents "ill be contacted immediatelyB 6he incident "ill be documented in the
child:s record at the schoolB
4or ,rescri,tion medications ,arents or legal guardians "ill ,ro2ide the school "ith
the medication in the original child-resistant container that is labeled by a
,harmacist "ith the child:s name the name and strength of the medicationL the
date the ,rescri,tion "as 9lledL the name of the health care ,ro2ider "ho "rote the
,rescri,tionL the medication:s e>,iration dateL and administration storage and
dis,osal instructionsB
4or o2er-the-counter medications ,arents or legal guardians "ill ,ro2ide the
medication in a child-resistant containerB 6he medication "ill be labeled "ith the
child:s 9rst and last namesL s,eci9c legible instructions for administration and
storage su,,lied by the manufacturerL and the name of the health care ,ro2ider
"ho recommended the medication for the childB
!nstructions for the dose time method to be used and duration of administration
"ill be ,ro2ided to the teaching staA in "riting %by a signed note or a ,rescri,tion
label& or dictated o2er the tele,hone by a ,hysician or other ,erson legally
authori=ed to ,rescribe medicationB 6his re*uirement a,,lies both to ,rescri,tion
and o2er-the-counter medicationsB
Medications "ill be ke,t at the tem,erature recommended for that ty,e of
medication in a sturdy child-resistant container that is locked and ,re2ents
Medication "ill not be used beyond the date of e>,iration on the container or
beyond any e>,iration of the instructions ,ro2ided by the ,hysician or other ,erson
legally ,ermitted to ,rescribe medicationB !nstructions "hich state that the
medication may be used "hene2er needed "ill be rene"ed by the ,hysician at least
1 medication log "ill be maintained by the school staA to record the instructions for
gi2ing the medication consent obtained from the ,arent or legal guardian amount
the time of administration and the ,erson "ho administered each dose of
medicationB S,ills reactions and refusal to take medication "ill be noted on this
logB See sam,le form in 1,,endi>B
Cleanin0 and .aniti>ation
Page 24 of 31
6he facility "ill be maintained in a clean and sanitary conditionB /hen a s,ill
occurs the area "ill be made inaccessible to children and the area "ill be cleaned
6oys that ha2e been ,laced in a child:s mouth or that are other"ise contaminated
by body secretion or e>cretion "ill be remo2ed immediately and disinfected after
they are cleaned "ith soa, and "aterB 6his also a,,lies to other surfaces in the
classroomB 6oys and surfaces "ill be disinfected using a non-to>ic solution of one
tables,oon household bleach to one *uart of ta, "ater made fresh dailyB 6o
disinfect the surfaces "ill be s,rayed until glossyB 6he bleach solution "ill be left
on for at least 2 minutes before it is "i,ed oA "ith a clean ,a,er to"el or it may be
allo"ed to air dryB Machine "ashable cloth toys that ha2e been ,laced in a child:s
mouth or that are other"ise contaminated by body secretion or e>cretion must be
laundered before another child:s useB 6oys that cannot be cleaned and saniti=ed "ill
not be usedB

StaA "ill be trained in cleaning techni*ues ,ro,er use of ,rotecti2e barriers such as
glo2es ,ro,er handling and dis,osal of contaminated materials and information
re*uired by the IS +ccu,ational Safety and -ealth 1dministration about the use of
any chemical agentsB
Routine cleaning "ill be su,er2ised by the ,reschool teacher and "ill follo" the
Cleaning and Sanitation 4re*uency 6able in Section !!! ,age 4' of the CPPS manualB
1 checklist "ill be com,leted as indicated in the tableB
4acility cleaning re*uiring ,otentially ha=ardous chemicals "ill be scheduled "hen
children are not ,resent to minimi=e e>,osure of the childrenB 1ll cleaning ,roducts
"ill be used as directed by the manufacturer:s labelB <onto>ic substances "ill be
used "hene2er ,ossibleB
-and !ashin0 Practices
4re*uent hand "ashing is key to ,re2ent the s,read of infectious diseasesB
6eachers teach children ho" to "ash their hands eAecti2elyB Posters of children
using ,ro,er hand "ashing ,rocedures are ,laced by each sinkB 6he ,rogram
follo"s these ,ractices regarding hand "ashingD
StaA members and those children "ho are de2elo,mentally able to learn
,ersonal hygiene are taught hand-"ashing ,rocedures and are ,eriodically
-and "ashing is re*uired by all staA 2olunteers and children "hen hand
"ashing reduces the risk of transmission of infectious diseases to themsel2es
and to othersB
StaA assist children "ith hand "ashing as needed to successfully com,lete
the taskB
Children and adults "ash their handsD
u,on arri2al for the dayL
after dia,ering or using the toilet %use of "et "i,es is acce,table for infants&L
after handling body Huids %eBgB blo"ing or "i,ing a nose coughing on a
hand or any touching of mucus blood or 2omit&L
Page 25 of 31
before meals and snacks ,re,aring or ser2ing food or handling any ra" food
that re*uires cooking %eBgB meat eggs ,oultry&L
before and after ,laying in "ater that that is shared by t"o or more ,eo,leL
after handling ,ets and other animals or any materials such as sand dirt or
surfaces that might be contaminated by contact "ith animalsL and
1dults also "ash their hands
before and after feeding a childL
before and after administering medicationL
after assisting a child "ith toiletingL and
after handling garbage or cleaningB
Pro,er hand-"ashing ,rocedures are follo"ed by adults and children and include
!n situations "here sinks used for both food ,re,aration and other ,ur,oses staA
clean and saniti=e the sinks before using them to ,re,are foodB
%irst (id 4it
1 9rst aid kit is located in the ,reschool classroom ne>t to the doorB !t is
inaccessible to children but readily a2ailable for adult useB !t is fully e*ui,,ed
according to guidance from -ealthy Child Care !o"aB 4ollo"ing each use of the 4irst
1id kit the contents "ill be ins,ected and missing or used items re,laced
immediatelyB 6he 4irst 1id kit "ill be ins,ected monthlyB 6he 9rst aid kit is taken to
the outdoor ,lay areas as "ell as on 9eld tri,s and outings a"ay from the siteB
%ire .afety
1 9re e>tinguisher is installed in the ,reschool classroom "ith a tag indicating its
annual ser2ice dateB 6he 9re alarm system is ser2iced annuallyB Smoke detectors
9re alarms and carbon mono>ide detectors are tested monthlyB 1 "ritten log of
testing dates and battery changes is maintained and a2ailable u,on re*uestB 4ire
drills are conducted monthly and recorded on a logB
Medical &mer0encies and 6oti=cation of (ccidents or Incidents
6he RRMR Community School 0istrict has in ,lace a NSafety Procedures 8ookletO
that describes the follo"ing situations and ,rocedures to follo"D
using li*uid soa, and running "aterL
rubbing hands 2igorously for at least 10 seconds including back of hands
"rists bet"een 9ngers under and around any 7e"elry and under 9ngernailsL
rinsing "ellL drying hands "ith a ,a,er to"el or a dryerL and a2oiding
touching the faucet "ith 7ust-"ashed hands %eBgB by using a ,a,er to"el to
turn oA "ater&B
)>ce,t "hen handling blood or body Huids that might contain blood %"hen "earing
glo2es is re*uired& "earing glo2es is an o,tional su,,lement but not a substitute
for hand "ashing in any situation listed abo2eB
StaA must "ear glo2es "hen contamination "ith blood may occurB
StaA do not use hand-"ashing sinks for bathing children or remo2ing smeared
fecal materialB
Page 26 of 31
)mergency ,hone numbers
4ire ,rocedures
Itility 4ailures %electric ,o"er failure "ater line break gas line break&
Se2ere "eather
8omb threats
Physical 6hreats31rmed !ntruder
Crisis !nter2ention Plan Crisis !nter2ention Ste,s and Media Procedures
1ccidental !n7ury or !llness ,rocedures for life threatening and non-life
threatening situations
School crisis team members and a checklist to use
5ist of CPR34irst 1id e>,erienced ,ersons in each building
6his booklet "ill be ,osted by the tele,hone and included in the 9rst aid kitB 6he
booklet "ill be re2ie"ed by each staA member at the beginning of each school year
and "hen changes are made to itB
!n the e2ent that your child recei2es a minor non-life threatening in7ury during their
time at ,reschool our teacher "ill assess the situation and a,,ly 9rst aid as
neededB Minor cuts and scra,es "ill be treated "ith soa, and "ater and bum,s "ill
be treated by a,,lying ice to the in7ured areaB 1ny incident or in7uries "ill be
documented on an N!n7ury and !llnessO form and a co,y "ill be gi2en to the ,arent
"ithin 24 hours of the incidentB

1ll staA "ill ha2e immediate access to a de2ice that allo"s them to summon hel, in
an emergencyB 6he tele,hone numbers of the 4ire 0e,artment Police 0e,artment
-os,ital and Poison Control "ill be ,osted by each ,hone "ith an outside lineB
)mergency contact information for each child and staA member "ill be ke,t readily
a2ailableB 6he list of emergency tele,hone numbers and co,ies of emergency
contact information and authori=ation for emergency trans,ort "ill be taken along
anytime children lea2e the facility in the care of facility staAB
)mergency ,hone numbers "ill be u,dated at least *uarterlyB )mergency ,hone
numbers "ill be 2eri9ed by calling the numbers to make sure a res,onsi2e
designated ,erson is a2ailableB
Inclement !eather
/hen the ,rekindergarten ,rogram must be closed due to "eather or emergencies
the follo"ing ne"s media "ill be noti9edD
R(*I2 T&1&'I.I26
/-+--0es Moines ?!M6--Mason City
?C-1--Charles City
?.5+--Mason City
?R!8--Mason City
?5SS-Mason City
6he stations 2ary on ,rocedures for announcementsB Some are e2ery half-hour
some e2ery hour and some as calls come inB 8ecome familiar "ith your fa2orite
station ,olicyB
Page 27 of 31
RRMR also makes +ne-Call a2ailable to ,arents to recei2e ,hone messages to alert
them of closings and dismissalsB Please see the elementary secretary to make sure
your ,hone contacts are u, to dateB
Protection %rom -a>ards and &n,ironmental -ealth
Program staA ,rotect children and adults from ha=ards including electrical shock
burns or scalding sli,,ing tri,,ing or fallingB 4loor co2erings are secured to kee,
staA and children from tri,,ingB
6he ,reschool classroom building has been tested for lead radon radiation
asbestos 9berglass and other ha=ards that could im,act children:s health "ith
documentation on 9leB /ater is testedB Custodial staA maintain the building:s
heating cooling and 2entilation systems in com,liance "ith national standards for
facility use by childrenB
6he ,rogram maintains facilities so they are free from harmful animals insect ,ests
and ,oisonous ,lantsB Pesticides and herbicides if used are a,,lied according to
the manufacturer:s instructions "hen children are not at the facility and in a manner
that ,re2ents skin contact inhalation and other e>,osure to childrenB 6he ,rogram
uses the techni*ues kno"n as !ntegrated Pest Management %!PM& so that the least
ha=ardous means are used to control ,ests and un"anted 2egetationB
.moke %ree %acility
!n com,liance "ith the !o"a Smokefree 1ir 1ct of 200$ RRMR Community School
buildings and grounds are smoke freeB 1 N<o SmokingO sign meeting the la":s
re*uirements is ,osted at the entrance to the ,reschool classroom building to
inform ,eo,le that they are entering a non-smoking ,laceB <o smoking is allo"ed
on the school grounds or "ithin sight of any childrenB
Child Protection Policies
6he health and "ell being of e2ery child in our care is of the utmost im,ortance and
the ,rotection of children is our res,onsibilityB 1n a,,licant or 2olunteer for
tem,orary or ,ermanent em,loyment "ith the ,reschool ,rogram in2ol2es direct
interaction "ith or the o,,ortunity to interact and associate "ith children must
e>ecute and submit an a@da2it of clearance from any and all crimes against a child
or familiesB !n addition no ,erson "ith a substantiated re,ort of child abuse or
neglect "ill come in contact "ith children in the ,rogram or ha2e res,onsibility for
6he ,rogram has "ritten school board ,olicy for re,orting child abuse and neglect
as "ell as ,rocedures in ,lace that com,ly "ith a,,licable federal state and local
la"sB 6he ,olicy includes re*uirements for staA to re,ort all sus,ected incidents of
child abuse neglect or both by families staA 2olunteers or others to the
a,,ro,riate local agenciesB StaA "ho re,ort sus,icions of child abuse or neglect
"here they "ork are immune from discharge retaliation or other disci,linary action
for that reason alone unless it is ,ro2en that the re,ort is maliciousB 1ll teaching
staA com,lete NMandatory Re,orterD Child and 0e,endent 1dult 1buseO at least
e2ery 92e years and "ithin si> months of em,loymentB
Page 28 of 31
6he school district does not tolerate em,loyees ,hysically or se>ually abusing or
harassing studentsB Students "ho are ,hysically or se>ually abused or harassed by
an em,loyee should notify their ,arents legal guardians teacher ,rinci,al or
another em,loyeeB 6he !o"a 0e,artment of )ducation has established a t"o-ste,
,rocedure for in2estigating allegations of ,hysical or se>ual abuse of students by
em,loyeesB 6hat ,rocedure re*uires the school district to designate an inde,endent
in2estigator to look into the allegationsB 6he school district has designated %name
of ,erson& at %,hone number&B 6he alternate in2estigator is %name of ,erson& and
may be reached at %,hone number&B
.ubstance (buse
Persons under the inHuence of drugs or alcohol "ill not be ,ermitted on the
,remises of the RRMR Community SchoolB 1t no time "ill children be released to a
,erson under the inHuence of alcohol or drugsB
Parents friends grand,arents and other adults are encouraged to take an acti2e
,art in the educational ,rocess of the childrenB Please contact the teacher the
elementary ,rinci,al or our o@ce secretary if you "ould like to be a school
2olunteerB /e ha2e a 2olunteer 7ob descri,tion that de9nes the role and
res,onsibilities of a 2olunteerB 4or safety:s sake if a 2olunteer "ill be "orking "ith
children he3she "ill be e>,ected to e>ecute and submit an a@da2it of clearance
from any and all crimes against a child or familiesB !n addition no ,erson "ith a
substantiated re,ort of child abuse or neglect "ill come in contact "ith children in
the ,rogram or ha2e res,onsibility for childrenB !f a 2olunteer "orks more than 40
hours ,er month "ith children he3she "ill also need to ,ro2ide a current health
assessment not more than one year oldB
'III .ta/
$eneral Information
6he RRMR Community School district has "ritten ,ersonnel ,olicies that de9ne the
roles and res,onsibilities *uali9cations and s,eciali=ed training re*uired of staA
and 2olunteer ,ositionsB 6he ,olicies outline nondiscriminatory hiring ,rocedures
and ,olicies for staA e2aluationB Policies detail 7ob descri,tions for each ,osition
including re,orting relationshi,sL salary scales "ith increments based on
,rofessional *uali9cation length of em,loyment and ,erformance e2aluationL
bene9tsL and resignation termination and grie2ance ,roceduresB Personnel
,olicies ,ro2ide for incenti2es based on ,artici,ation in ,rofessional de2elo,ment
o,,ortunitiesB 6he ,olicies are ,ro2ided to each em,loyee u,on hiringB
-iring ,rocedures include com,letion of the follo"ing checksD criminal-record check
free from history of substantiated child abuse or neglect check education
credentials 2eri9cation of age com,letion of high school or .)0 ,ersonal
references and a current health assessmentB
-ealth (ssessment
6he ,reschool ,rogram maintains current health information from documented
health assessments for all ,aid ,reschool staA and for all 2olunteers "ho "ork more
than 40 hours ,er month and ha2e contact "ith childrenB 1 current health
assessment %not more than one-year-old& is recei2ed by the ,rogram before an
Page 29 of 31
em,loyee starts "ork or before a 2olunteer has contact "ith childrenB 6he health
assessment is u,dated e2ery t"o yearsB 0ocumented health assessments includeD
Ca,acities and limitations that may aAect 7ob ,erformance
0ocumentation by a licensed health ,rofessional of 68 skin testing using the
Mantou> method and sho"ing the em,loyee to be free from acti2e 68
diseaseB 4or those "ho ha2e a ,ositi2e 68 skin test and "ho de2elo, a
,ersistent cough or une>,ected fe2er immediate assessment by a licensed
,hysician is re*uiredB 4or those "ho ha2e increased risk of 68 according to
the Centers for 0isease Control %C0C& documentation is re*uired annually by
a licensed health ,rofessional sho"ing that the em,loyee is free from acti2e
68 diseaseB
Con9dential ,ersonnel 9les including a,,lications "ith record of e>,erience
transcri,ts of education health-assessment records documentation of ongoing
,rofessional de2elo,ment and results of ,erformance e2aluation are ke,t in a
locked 9ling cabinet in the Su,erintendent:s o@ceB
)m,loyees must kno" their role and dutiesB <e" ,reschool teaching staA "ill be
re*uired to ,artici,ate in an initial orientation ,rogram that introduces them to
fundamental as,ects of the ,rogram o,eration includingD
Program ,hiloso,hy mission and goalsL
)>,ectations for ethical conductL
!ndi2idual needs of children they "ill be teaching or caring forL
1cce,ted guidance and classroom management techni*uesL
0aily acti2ities and routines of the ,rogramL
Program curriculumL
Child abuse and re,orting ,roceduresL
Program ,olicies and ,roceduresL
!o"a Cuality Preschool Program Standards and CriteriaL
Regulatory re*uirementsB
4ollo"-u, training e>,ands on the initial orientationsB See StaA +rientation
6he em,loyee:s immediate su,er2isor should ,ro2ide the ne" em,loyee "ith a
re2ie" of the em,loyee:s res,onsibilities and dutiesB 6he su,erintendent or
designee "ill e>,lain ,ayroll ,rocedures em,loyee bene9t ,rograms and
accom,anying forms to the em,loyeeB Regular em,loyees ineligible for the school
district:s grou, health ,lan "ill be gi2en information regarding "here they can
obtain health care or health care insuranceB
.ta@n0 #atterns and schedule
6he ,reschool ,rogram is in com,liance "ith staA regulations and certi9cation
re*uirementsB +ur ,rogram follo"s re*uirements for sta@ng for !o"a:s Cuality
Preschool Program Standards of maintaining an adult3child ratio of at least 1D10 at
all timesB 6he ,rogram administrator "ill maintain lists of current substitutes for
both the ,reschool teacher and the ,reschool teaching assistant in case of absenceB
!f one of the teaching staA needs to tem,orarily lea2e the classroom the ,erson "ill
call the elementary o@ce to arrange for co2erage in order to maintain the
adult3child ratioB
Page 30 of 31
StaA are ,ro2ided s,ace and time a"ay from children during the dayB Should staA
"ork directly "ith children for more than four hours staA are ,ro2ided breaks of at
least 1# minutes in each four-hour ,eriodB !n addition staA may re*uest tem,orary
relief "hen they are unable to ,erform their dutiesB
.ta/ de,elo#ment acti,ities :PP.
Personnel ,olicies ,ro2ide for incenti2es based on ,artici,ation in ,rofessional
de2elo,ment o,,ortunitiesB 1ll teaching staA continuously strengthen their
leadershi, skills and relationshi,s "ith others and "ork to im,ro2e the conditions of
children and families "ithin their ,rograms the local community and beyondB
6eaching staA are encouraged to ,artici,ate in informal and formal "ays in local
state or regional ,ublic-a"areness acti2itiesB 6hey may 7oin an early childhood
grou, or organi=ation attend meetings or share information "ith others both at
and outside the ,rogramB
6eaching staA "ill be informed of ,rofessional de2elo,ment acti2ities ,ro2ided by
Child Care Resource and Referral the local )m,o"erment areas and the area
education agencyB StaA are e>,ected to attend all staA trainings and meetings
throughout the yearB 6rainings "ill focus on early childhood to,ics rele2ant to the
,rogram and communityB
&,aluation and Professional $ro+th Plan
1ll staA are e2aluated at least annually by an a,,ro,riate su,er2isor or in the case
of the ,rogram administrator by the su,erintendentB StaA also e2aluate and
im,ro2e their o"n ,erformance based on ongoing reHections and feedback from
su,er2isors ,eers and familiesB 4rom this they de2elo, an annual indi2iduali=ed
,rofessional de2elo,ment ,lan "ith their su,er2isor and use it to inform their
continuous ,rofessional de2elo,mentB
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