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True-False Multiple Choice
1. T
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. T
6. T
7. F
8. F
9. F
10. F
11. d
12. a
13. d
14. d
15. a
16. c
17. b
18. d
19. b
20. a
Short Essay
21. In most states, B will be able to rescind een t!o"#! !e did not in$"ire abo"t t!e
$"alit% o& t!e water, een t!o"#! !is &ail"re to discoer t!e tr"e &acts mi#!t constit"te
ne#li#ence. 'ere t!e &acts were (nown to t!e seller, not (nown to t!e b"%er, and
wo"ld )res"mabl% be material to t!e transaction. *I& t!is &act were not material, t!en B
wo"ld not be able to establis! all t!e elements o& misre)resentation "nder breac! o&
d"t% to disclose.+
22. ,lic(willie-s ar#"ment is incorrect. .ama#es are aailable onl% &or &ra"d and not &or
misre)resentation. T!is was a case o& misre)resentation, in iew o& /in#-s #ood0&ait!
and reasonabl%0based belie& in t!e tr"t! o& w!at s!e said. ,lic(willie-s remed% wo"ld
t!ere&ore be rescission rat!er t!an dama#es. /in#-s ar#"ment is also incorrect. 'er
lac( o& scienter onl% means t!at s!e did not commit &ra"d and t!ere&ore cannot be !eld
liable &or dama#es. ,!e still committed misre)resentation. T!is means t!at ,lic(willie
is entitled to rescission, w!ic! clearl% is a &orm o& le#al relie&.
Answers to Student Study Guide and Workbook Questions 26
23. T!e doctrine o& mista(e is di&&erent &rom t!e doctrines o& misre)resentation, &ra"d,
d"ress, and "nd"e in&l"ence in t!at it is not )artic"larl% concerned wit! )olicin#
dis!onest or "nscr")"lo"s cond"ct. Instead, t!e doctrine o& mista(e is concerned wit!
ac!iein# 1"st res"lts b% releasin# )eo)le &rom contracts res"ltin# &rom a
mis"nderstandin# abo"t a &"ndamental ass"m)tion on w!ic! t!e contract is based.
Answers to Student Study Guide and Workbook Questions 27

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